sm---- me------ 'YEAR 78 NO. 250 PEACE SCHEME Of the Powers Has Been Announced. FORM. FEDERATION BALKAN STATES, The Sultan's Caliphats to be Main. tained and Integrity of Turkish Empire Guaranteed--Turkish Dis- order Tending Against Peace. London, Oct. 26.- The Daily Chron icle Constantinople correspondent wires as follows: "1 learn [rom Shust worthy es of a joint proposal which has n ie by Has Britain, Russia, and France,in full agreement with regard both to the war with Italy and the Balkans. Following are the terms of this joint proposal: "Tripoli to be annexed by Ialy, but with the Sultan's Caliphats meintais- ed the integrity of the Turkish en pire to be guaranteed; a federation of all the Balkan states.tobe formed, put- ting a stor to their plans for ara ing inst each other; a loan of $250,000,000 to be raised for public works in Turkey. Disorder Tends Against Peace. Constantinople, Oct. 26.- Owing 0 the extraordinary state of affairs hero, the conclusion of peace between AND oF sources Turkey and Italy seems adjourned to) - the Greek Kalends. The very weakness of those who at present govern Ture key is the main obstacle to peace. The governing committee is lasing its prestige and its courage and coul uot, oven if it wished to do so, take on. its shoulders the responsibiuty of making peace. It therefore sits tight and does nothing, that is to say, it allows the state of war to continue, Turks Lost Hundreds, Tripoli, Oct. 26.--A combined aty tack of Arabian horsemen and Turk. ish cavalry against the ltalian lines on Sundiay morning was Jltiutesqus and fierce, 'The main attacking force was assisted by Turkish infantry dnd small guerilla bands of Arabs, wha directed w galling five from the shel "ter of trees. The = Kalish repulsed the enemy eventually su and capturing govern] hundred. The enemy lost weve ral hundred dead and many wounded. The Italian loss was not serious. Messahes from the intevior say that the reports of "fMytng Italians with destructive mackines" are everywhere causing consternation and terror. Advices from Benghazi say that the Arabian and Turkish loses in the en- agement which followed the Italian K iombaxkation at that place are es cmnted at! 400 dead and from 800 to 1,200 wounded. HOW THE GIANTS WON The Ganie With Philadelphia on Wednesday in New York. New York, Oct. 25.--When Oldring, of Philadelphia, made his home run in the third innings of the world's cham- pionship baseball gurie here this after noon, scoring three runs, people thought that the Athletics had the ame snd the championship cinched, or this win would have ended the ser: ies, giving Philadelphia four wine and New York only one. But a baseball game is never won until it is over, and the victory of the Giants in the tenth innings began in the fourth when Marguard was taken from the box and Ames substituted. The lat fer shut out the Athletics for the other seven inniogs. In the seventh innings, ('combe, the Athletics' pitcher, was wild, and the rosult was that the Giants scored a run. With the score three to one, the Giants went to bat in the ninth and evened the tally, scoring twosruns on hits by Fletcher, Crandall and Devore. In tebith the Athletics wore retir- ed without a run. In the last part of the innibgs, Plank took the box for the Athletics, but Doyle, the first Giant % hit for two bases and scor- ed on Merkle's fly to right field, end- ing the game. Now another game has to be played this afternoon in. Philadelphia, and the Giants have hopes of aking it, ticing the series, and playing the de ciding seventh game on New York grounds to-morrow. 'Persian Lamb Coats, ' We defy competition in the - manu- facture of ladiew' fine Persian lamb coats. © Our facilities for turning ont fivst-cluss garments are unexcelled in Now is the time to order at Camptell Bros, the makers of fine A' petition Robert F. Miller, the defeated liberal candidate in Haldi- mand, has been filed at Osgoode Hall against election of Francis R. So: fue 47,000,000 hushels of wieat as been in the North-West. . Royal Vinolia tooth paste. Gib. son §. $ % DAILY MEMORANDA. Stillen tors ts Tor all, I's the nobbiest of them all "fil From Rectors" Grand House, 5.15 nm, shle Felday vieht and FIR Brock Mara "The Opera Hato Py 19 5 KINGSTON, i . i tpi i NATIVE WINE POTENT. "DEVIL ANSE'S" SONS CONVERTED AT BIER Eleven Brothers of Slain Men Yield to Feud Leader's Pleadings al Pols. Huntington, W Va., Oct Standing over the bier of their two brothers, Elias and Troy, shot and killed. by an Ttalian in Fayette coun- ty, a few days ago, eleven stalwart sons of "Devil Anse" Hatfield, noted iond leader, who had professed relig- | ion, responded to the pleading of their aged parent, embraced religion, and pledged themselves to lead better lives, of Yo To the Rebels in Chinese . America, committed suicide, vosterday : for the last two vears, but had bee SECEDED, for lite in ( olombia, Pekin, Uel. 26. The city of Sian, tion village of Carp te the provimcial | The swession of this historie | ; : Amerie: 4 Der 3 vincial Inspector 'W. E.. Noprison pre American consnl gencral Greene, at Kwang-Si, aod Sukow have also gona of the Tartar gencral at Canton. | | i 6, --~ Hankow. Fears are entertained for rr -------- : ENGLISH LANGUAGE ! DRIVES HER TO DEATH. A Girl From Colombia, Unable to Conyerse, Inhales Gas In New : New York, Oct. 26. Disappointed by | her inabifity to master ithe Fogileh| language and louging for her! Revolution friends, Miss Isabelln Aughach, nine | . teen years old, of Colombia, South! aa by inhaling illuminating gas in the! home of her brother, Joba Aurbach, i of No. 1,756 East Thirty-third street] i Flatbush, with whom she lived. i 1 The wirl had lived in this country | x " Hd OF THE IMPERIAL COURT HAs unable to learn English. Not © bed wl able to speak the language, she made S50 ends and kept: i Ei ire- | no friends and kept in anelusion. tur) The Govermmeat's Nerve Shattered spite her isolation she was * cheerful | it RR until receniiy, when she began to long) --"1t 8 Reported That 10,000 dapanese Troops Have Arrived at Mukden, Samples at Carp Above Local Option | regarded 28 one of the government's surest strongholds, has pone over to Standard. she: rebel h : snp = i ihe rebels without a blow having Ottawa, Ont, Oct. 26 -Samples of] hoa struck. Pelograpliec commum- native wine sent from the local op-l. tion with the place has been sever analyst proved to contain more aleo-! . frwin and Ira Craig, proprietors of ent : gC govern- the Brown and Dooley hotels, were to-|" 0" oi : : day fined $100 cach and costs. Pro the fall of Sian, first announced by : | Hankow, was by for the most = im- po > rge in the county police . 3 ' m forced the Shatge in 3 uty vos portant development of the revolt . yesterday. Nan-C hang, eapital of the province of Kiang-S1, Kweiclin, eapital over to the rebels The last-uamed is strongly fortified and commands the entrance to Po-Niang Lake. Serious disturbances are reported to have necompaniod the assassination It is officially announced that no | news has been received from the tenth | division which left Chinwangtao, Chi- Li, hy steamer ou October 17th, fon the loyalty cf the garrison at Kiang Yin, a strong fort on the ' lower Yang-Tse. There is no information here. as to the whereabouts of Ad miral Sah's gunboat. Streets Red With Blood, It is stated that the entire citizens ; 4 = a. chip of Chentu is The bodies of Troy and Elias Hat- land the streets are red with blood field wore taken back to their old [of these who refused to denouneo home in Logan county for burial. {the Manch¥ dynasty. "This is ihe "Uncle" Dyke Garrett, the v ¢ conduet the double funeral. [though the robe! leaders took the same _ When they saw their brothers cold course as in other centres, all in death and heard the final bene |wignces diction pronounced over them. the brothers went forward and made a public confession of faith in the God of their mother, and, more recently, of their father as well. AGAINST CHURCH ¥NION. Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec State Views, Montreal, Oct. 26.--When the sub- ject of church union was discussed in would be amply protected. ettiperor and his family ave preparing to flee to Manchuria, where they would be protected by the Japanese, or to America. Startling News. Toronto, Oct. 26.--From the Cana dian =tandpoint the most startling mews from China this morming . in that the Pekin newspapers, in extra additions published to-day, say that the Baptist convention of Ontario imperial troops at Chenty, capital of and Quebec the entire expression -of{tian province, where one hundrad | opinion was against considering any and fifty Canadian Methodist mission. amalgamation with sister churches, |avies are stationed, bave mittinied the general trend of argument being (and Killed their commander, General that 'union would mean complete sur-|Cbao ¥rh Fang, nnd all officers who render of the tenets and principles for [refused to swear allegiance to the which the chwich has stood in thélrevolutionary party. four centuries of its existence, ! LE DEVOIR MOUTHPIECE Japanese at Mukden. Shanghai, Oct, 26.--A report that 10,000 Japanese' troops have arrived at Mukden, Manchuria, is causing un- eapiness among the supporters' of the revolation, who believe that Japan is about to aid the Manchu govern ment. The Japanese authorities here are silent on the question and will neither coufirm nor deny the report It is almost impossible that peace eat ever be made, unless one of two evtraon¥nary things happen--either the coercion of Italy by a combina. tion of her allies and friends or a roversion to the sultan of the reins of government of Turkey, since there i8 no other authority capible of as suming the grave responsibility of concluding a peace based on the loss of the last African possession of the Ottoman empire, Montreal, Oct. 26--Le Devoir is ap parently the chief French mouthpiece of the Borden ministry, and the paper evidently wants the prime minister well thought of by the Quebec elector: ate. The Nationalist paper savs that R. I. Borden did the correct thing in appointing Senator Lariviere when there was a ramor that an English: mann was after the position. Le De: voir also announces that the appoint ment of Senator Landry as president of the senate is an excellont one, so it does not Jopk as if there was any danger of backsliding amongst the so- onlled Nationalist membrers-eloct, ONE WIFE'S WOES. Has Been Dismissed, Pekin, Oct. 26.--An imperial edict, to-day, cashiers and dismisses Cheng Hsuan Huai, for whose dismissal the national assembly put in a démand yesterday. The edict says = Cheng failed fo earry out the railroad scheme to benefit the people. This is the man whom the fordigners thought was the strongest in = the government. SUNDAY SCHOOL GROWTH. Told of Assault and Provocation Suffered. Montreal, Oct. 26. While listening to the torrent of charges. against him, made by his wile, Patrick Ferrier swooned and fell in the prisoner's dovk, and his trial had to be posts His wile tlaiow that in four years of married life all he has ever given her was $1.50, He had beaten her, and Figures Presented Annual Reports of Association. Brockville, Oct. 28. --There ave 300 delegates attending the convention of the Ontario Sunday school associa: tion, being held in the First resby- which a hundred years Another child had died of privation. He had become a cocaine fiend and when she remonsirated he beat her, She wanted him sent to jail for a long time, so that He would not both- "Hii Beef 8 ii ¥ i $58 ; i s21i8 operate #ix mi ric railway, } the. initial cost' heing S100,000, | " coy | Baths. 23¢, Tip Ton. he Aq. iP Noles wit vorntian 1a X pm. © ri mh ag G0 OVER now revolutionary}: : Veteran. first word from Chentu for teh davei. mountain preacher, who led "Devil" and again $heve is great anxiely fori. Anse to the altar, was summoned to !Canadians and other foreigners 'there, | fore} It is alwo stated that in Pekin the! - BREATH MUST NOT Else Grand Trunk and Canadian ol cowardice shown gninst the rocks. ALTHOUGH IANTS WERE HOPE: FUL OF WINNING. in r-- UI A -- EMPEROR'S NEPHEW MARRIES. e } : Archduke Ferdinand Charles Re ¥ Vienna, Oet, 26.--Archduke ri] ---- nand Charles, nephew of Emperor nw id" tiounced his rank apd all prvileges I'S! a i I as a member of the lmperial family, has marved in Switzerland the daugh-} cugineering. The archduke wished to rencunce his rank in 193 to marry 0DDsS "ON ATHLETICS refused his permission. 'The mar: riage however, is now with his ma- | his nephew an annibly of 40,000 evowns. The archduke has axeumed | the surname of Burg, and will reside AN HONORARY DEGREE. York 'and Bender for Philadelphia aiid «Win for the Athletics Means To be Houvored by Western Medical End of Series. London, Unt., Oct. 26.--1t is said weather and a great crowd was pro the Westérn University will prob. mised, this mormng, for the game, ably bestow the honorary degree of this afternoon, between the Giants appointed secretary of state. | { practising bright and early. = The br. Roche is the first graduate of odds are strong in favor of the local the Western Medical College, Ile went team winning today's game and wuecessiul He entered parliament! New York--Devore, LI; Doyle, 2b.; some years ago, #nd when the Bor- Snodgrass, cf; Murray, rf; sa@kle, den government was returned, he was 1b. Hersog, 3b.; Fletcher, s.5.; Mey Philadelphia--Lord, Lf: OMring, e.f.; { Colling, 2b; Baker, 3b.; Murphy, r.f; 8.8.; Thomas, ¢.; ONTARIO, rHURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1911. nounced Rank--Weds Commoner. . . Francis Joseph, © who recently yo- - ter of Hofrat Cruber, a professor of wn. -- : this voung woman, but the emperor jesty's eomsent, and he has granted Switzerland, {Ames Was in the Box for New College. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 26.--Fair AL. on Hon. Dr. Roche, the newly, and the Athletics. Both teams were west after gradation; and was very series. The probable lineup is: made secretary of state. "Hh ¢.; Crandall, p. i Davis, Lf; Barry, A Canadian Journalist to Attend the lank, p. Durear. At the Inst minute the batteries were announced as Ames and Meyers for New York, and Bender and Thomas for Philadelphic. Bender won his 'game on 'Tuesday, and Connie Mack placed confidence in him to repeat to- day. New York started off well, Doyle scoring in the first inbings on Mur { phy's fumble. In the third, the Athletics scored a run, and 'things began to get more interesting. Then came the fourth inn- ings, when the Giants were held score- {loss, while four Philadelphia players {crossed the plate. making the score { five to one, 'and the Athletic support- {ers fairly mad. In the fifth imnings Ames for New York. All pitchers seem to look alike to the Athletics, who added another run in the sixth, making the score 0 to kL Wiltee replaced PHILADELPHIA VICTORS. The score by innings :-- RHE Giants cee y iI-- 2 43 Athletics .. . 0014D0170x~13 18 5 PITH OF THE XEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Al Over the World. The 'Methodist laymen of Toronto, alin to raise $150,000. J The next Sunday school convention will be held in Hamilton, Waterloo "ratepayers voted $4,000 to- wards the evection of a new hospital, The Duke of Sutherland left Toron- to for Niagara Falls, and from there will go to Svotland. The Duke of Connanght will spend a couple of duys in Montreal, about the middle 'of December. Northern Employees Will Be Sir Wilkin Fagier has decided to Instantly Dismissed. resign the Quel east seal, and rep- resent Soulanges, in the commons. Foronto, Oct, 26.--The Grand Trunk| Thomas Cooper wns found guilty of and Canadian Northern railways will personation in the recent Dominion henceforth rigidly enforce the rule election at Chatham, and remanded concerning the use of liquor on their for sentence. vonds. Yesterday and on Sawrday Dr. Alexander Pringle died suddenly three conductors were "pulled off "| 4¢ the home of his sister, Mrs. G. UC, their run on seconnt of using lquer.| (Carman, Cornwall. Dr. Pringle had An order has gone forth that env {just returndd from a trip of several ployees on whom the smell of liquor | months' duration to Europe. is detected will be dismissed without | Wednesday's nominations for the leg- any explanation. 'islature include: W. S. Ferguson, lib- leral for East Kent; Hon. Dr. Reaume, | conservative for North Essex; W, H. on | McFarlane, conservative for Centre Ida Lewis! Bruce, and Samuel Nesbitt, M. I'. I, (Mra, Ww. H. Wilson), keeper of Lime [,. East Northumberland. Rock Light for more than half a1 Nps Barbara B. Hollenbeck, wife of century, heroine of wumerous thrilling p Hollenbeck, died in Clayton, N. rescues, aml frequently altuded to 88 yon Monday, after an illness of the "tirnce: Darling of Auterica, {several months. Mrs. Holleubeck was Mrs. Wilson: geunrplly Knows by hey {nearly sixty-three years of age. maiden name, Ila Lewis, was the | , hostina lm daughter of a lighthouse Keeper, and | wip MAY LEASE was born. at Hewpost, H-L, fyi] THE INTERCOLONIAL. At great" tisk she saved many sip a -- wrecked porsons from drowning, and | . . 5 sition had received medals for heroism from Prepared - Sulit evga: A the Umited . States government, the New. (davernment, Humane Societv of. Massachusetts and | Ottawa, Oct. 26. It is stated in rail- the Life Saving Benevolent Society' of , way circles here: that the Canadian New York. {Northern railway is likely to submit a meee. {proposition to the * new government, Judge Exouerates Burnham, {having referouce to the Intércolonial Buffalo, §.¥;, Oct. ' 26.--Frederick K, 'Failway: system," The Canndian_ North Burnham, of New York, was exongrs. 9f% railway' ig gradually kinking wp aatics 'T ' K ils transcontinental! line, which will be ted by Justice Tome of Kenmore, who or 1018 wi Jast week found Mr. Burnham guilt jrompletes m 1913 to Qu . on- and erfiminnl er mt nection between Quebec and the At of 'antic seaboard has yet 10 be deter: 1v. mivied, and the idea prevails that, in os T. H. PRESTON. Brautiord, tmt., Oct. 26.--It was amounced by T. H. Preston, here, to- day, that he would Jénve next week to represent the Canadian Press at the hoyal Durbar, Delhi, SMELL OF LIQUOR "Grace Darliag of America." Newpart, RL, Uet. 26.--Death Puesday night, claimed to in counettion with the Wreking the famous racing bost, Dixie A Li here on Septembor 16th, when d spec: lied. of constructing an b tator rad injured. I. was tine, or at Jedst before deciding upon that at 'the tune that Dixie it, the Muckentie and Mann interests was wrecked Mr, Burnham was still will efideavor 10 lease' the Intercolon- sticking to his post at the wheel ial Otherwise there may be four lines atid was throws over the stern by three of them through lines, parallel. the force of the boat's impact « ing each other, .in 'practically = the (same tertitory. As vet, however, no proposition has been submitted for the Bullets Followed Cheese. { government's consideration. North Bay, Ont, Oet. 26.--Samuel | Burned Herself and Six Children. i Italian st er, ! Veraldi, an Italian storekoey ab Braddock, N.D., Oct. 96.----Mra: Axel tmed #100 avd costs in police cous! ) , as the resulf of an Altercation over |Jobnson and six ehildred were ere. ™ males a small purchase by a Swede laborer, (mated in a farm house, sight named a Veraldi threw a north-east of here. While Mr. Johnson fiftesn pound cheess at Anderson, who, Was at work in the field, the mother returned. the missile, smashing a show | barricaded the dours and windows. so case. Verskdi then chased Anderson to the children could not escape, seater the street with a revolver, firing thres red oil sowked rags through the hose shots 'at hm. Ope lodged in Td and deliberately set five to the build: of a clothing merhant, Max Clavier, ing. who was sitting in front of his own | store, and the other bullets went wild. | © S120,000 From Carnegie. HEROIC RESCUES. One Man Blown From Bed Through Roof. New York, Oct. 206.-Two fatally hurt, including one man blown through the roof,, and twenty-one more or less hurt, and others r through the heroic efforts of the fire men and others, were the results of a fire in an antiquated four-storey tene- ment, iu Brooklyn, early this morn. ing. Gas is supposed to have filtered through from a leak in the cellar, causing an explosion and instant con- flagration when it touched the light. One man, blown from his bed through the roof, was picked up dead. Many heroic rescues were made by the in- mates, citizens and firemen. Fifty. eight people were in the building. TRIVIAL. OBJECTIONS To Cause Delay in Getting Down to © Trial. Los Angeles, Cal, Oct. 26. <Attor neys in the McNamara case continue to make the most of all kinds of tri vial objections (0 jurors and at the present rate of going it will take for ty-two weeks to secure enough men to try the case. Justice Bordwell, this morning, delivered a sharp vebuke to both sides for delay in getting to trial. NOTHING CAN AVERT GREAT RAILWAY STRIKE Calamitous Industrial Warfare, Tha! Will Affect the Whele United Kingdom is Feared. London, Oct. 26.-1t is believed now that nothing can avert another great railway strike, a prolonged fight to a finish, between the companies and men, which would inflict incalculable damage on the industries of the na (lon. The men are entirely dissatisfied with the report of the railway oom mission, and at a meeting of the executives of the four unions on Mon- day next a resolution will be propos od refusing to accept the fimdiogs. A national railway strike in Britain would directly involve 360,000 em ployees, but a vastly greater number would soon be affected by the em forced curtailment or closing down of other imdustries, In fact, judging from the briel strike some weeks ago the whole nation would soon be in a state of industrial paralysis, I'he last strike was terminated on August 2let by the government's in tervention. The men and the railway: then agreed to allow the government appoint a special commission to in vestigate conditions, and the mae agers gave the assurance that the re commendations of the special commis fon would be loyally uceepted, eves if adverse to the contention of the companies on any question of repre sentation, which presumably meant that if the commission decided thn the principle of "recoguition of trade unions should be incorporated in the conciliation board agreement, the ratiway companies would aceept that decision. As a matter of fact, the commission reported that it was im: possible that the companies should let their employees interfore with mat. ters of discipline. TWO-YEAR SENTENCE FOR KILLING A MAK For Living With His Wife While He Was Away--What the Woodstock, N. B., Oct. 26. William Bragdon, convicted of man-slaughter, for killing Woodman MeCluskey, a well-to-do merchant, who lived with Bragdon's © wife while the latter was away, was sentenced today by Just ice White to two years and one month in Dorchester penitentiary. In pronouncing sonlente, the judge anid McCluskey did Bragdon the greatest provocative wrong one man could do another, WAS NOT POSITIVE THAT McRAE KNELT When He Shot at William Shaw The Crown Concludes its Case. Comwall, Of 26 The feature of the tein), ths morning of the aged Fargubar. McRae," charged with killing Wilkam Shaw, was. the evidence of bowser, hired man of 11 OC. Mela, who at' the iwpuest, stated positively that he saw Fampthar Mellue kneeling apparently taking aim, but today, undor cross-examinalion, wks not quite sure McRae was koweling at all, Roeser swore he did not hear Farqu har Melias make use of words, "Danined Protestant bound." The crown concluded ils ease this morning and the first' witness for the defence was John White, a peighbot's boy, Grand Trunk Appointments. Montreal, Oct. 26.~These Grand Trunk appointments were announced | this: morning: --Frank CC. Watson, as sistant general freight agent, Mont real; 1, T, Pettigrew, divieion freight agent, Montreal; R. 8B. 5. Weather: ston, division. freight agent, Sirat- ford, Jamis Waugh, commercial agent, Omaha, » vice Wallace, re Evenings of Fun! Enjoy vour 'evenings with u Kodak Take fAasbelight pieturss of your par ties and social gatherings, Bring your Sint 1 ua anc > 1 sve You ihe trouble developing priati thent. Mabood's Drag Store. ng LAST EDITION -- WEATHER PRORABILITIES, Toronto, Ont, Oct, 27th, 10 am. Ottawa Valley and Upper St, Lawrence--Westerly winds; fine and cooler to-day. Friday night, frost. oot EAT CLEARING SALE DRESS GOODS TO-MORROW Fabrics from 50c. to $2 SALE 25¢. PRICE In the Lot are TWEEDS PLAIN VOILES NOVELTY VOILES BRITISH MOHAIRS MISTRAL CLOTH ENGLISH WORSTEDS HOMESPUNS FRENCH FLANNELS TARTAN PLAIDS CHECK WORSTEDS FANCY FABRICS Ete. VO0O00000VOVVOTOOOTOVO0 STV TOIT IFOIO OOOO MOO OO OOOO OO0C oO Your choice at 25¢. Cash sales. No approval Sale starts at 8.30 o'clock. ' STEACY'S VOOCOOVVCOVO0OOOCOO0T SOOT OOOO0O0DO0 OOOO OOOO BORN. FAYLOR On Oct. 18th, 1811, a daugh- ter to Mr. and Mra. J. A M. Taylor, she Eelby Street, westmouns, real, Que, -in_K CHYNOWETH --~ Nae. by {maton , ¥v. on October 25th, 1 W. Neal, Sara Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jas ¥ Knapp, 10 HH W. Chynoweth, president of ths National nk of Commerce, Pas. adena, Calif. ROBERT J. REID, Undertaker. Princess Breed The "Phone B77. JAMES REID The Old Firm wi and 309 CES "Plone 147 for Ambulance. FOR STUDENTS, kinds of Bookonses, Book. shelves, Writing Desks, Study Tables, and Easy Chaire. Special prices New ' Goods: New Figs New Cider New Honey New Valencia Raisins Jas. Redden & Co. Here Is a Pointer. Have you eold hands aml feet, chills, in in the hack * If so your is impoverished und your constitution mu down. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills will positively restore perfect health. Ax a blood tmuker and nerve of ener they arr unequalled. Price, at J. B. Meleod's drug stores. All A New Hat for the Holiday. All the pew bat store styles here, derbies and Alpines, 2.50, 83, 81. Uampbell Bros. wton'y only exclusive hat store.