Wood's Shosphoding, Prantl, Saved adh 8 in ol ons Debility, Mental lt Brin pondency, iF cakuesss fom ET and Jiects of as ¢ wil oi pe re Rot by alk mailed in | am Modicine Co. icine Co nt. f w | } OYSTERS w----_. tandard, 60c. a Quart Select, 60c. a Quart DOMINION FISH COMPANY 63 BROCK ST. PHONE 520 ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES, ABBESTIO PLASTER: FOR j§ SALE, ALSO OOAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. S. Bennett & Co. vor, Bagot and Barrack Be. 'Phone 941. SLL0000000000000000000 » * At the "Phychological Mo- ment" when only EXPERT PLUMBERS Are what you want and want badly If the above is "exaggerat- ' ed ego," we can't help it, as ~--we mean eyery word of it! David Hall. 06 BROOK , STREET. 'Phone 336. Residence 'phone, 806. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NOMYEH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLK. bead of a family or any Wale aver 1 years old may homestead quarter svotion of avallable Dominion land in Bunions Saskatchewan or Alberta Phe a plfcant must appear in person ai "Bor Lhe dretrict Entry by Proxy Ihe or the dintric ntry ma 7 bo made at ny awencv, nw certain ri Fririhy hy fathsr. mother, son. Be ughter, heather A sister of Intend cmestead er. utibe--8ix months' residence upor and cultivation of the land In each of three years. A homesteador may Hve within nine miles of his ..omestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father mother, son, daughter, brother or ter, . Sat certain districts a homesteader I good standing may pre-empt a quarte! tion alongside his Romestend, Price 00 per acre. Dutles--Must reside u on tne homestead gr Te- ~aiaption 3 ix onths in each o Site of homestead entry X ncladIng the time ah to earn homestead patent) and enitivate fifty acres axtre A homesteader who has exhanste his homestead right and Saknut aptaty & pre-emption may enter for Jor chased homestead In certain alate fee, $3.00 per acre. Dut} ee ne o six months in of three years. cultivate fifty sores and erect & house worth §300.00. W. CORY, Deputy of Yihe Minister of th. Interior. publication of not be B.~Unauthorized a he advertisement for Fall Weddings RICH CUT GLASS. FINE CHINA. _ STERLING SILVER. ELECTRIC LAMPS, MANTLE CLOCKS. DIAMOND JEWELRY. BRACELET WATCHES. * WHATEVER | You a IVE ia § Surast Baugh. Ramedy Ever Used Even Wiheoping J Cough Quickly. A Supply for 60c. Money Re funded 1f It Fails, loss Family § J an cbstl- 1: someone in your fami A oping fs. igh JE | ols sent, buy a 50 ae bottio of os aad and weich that cough Yaaub #8 falls, moliey bas 5 8 » Ww mt el Fine, whe ined ith home Py IA "ora lamily sapply--of the most effec can buy, at relief and Ho tivo eotigh remedy that money ° raving of §2. Gi instans pi an asily irg or 3, minutes--directions in Dacizige. Pigex Cough Sy mp Las o pamnt tasto ~ciatidren tako 15 willk A It stimulates the a; to and is slightly laxative--both good features. PD ianiid f or group, Rested: |, heed, throas tickle, incipient lung Sublet, md a pt, 'euccossful remedy for ough. Hy 1 and kl Vins lo s pa cela! are Whice Dine branes. Simply mix is with syrul or Hind hobey, aa 3-03, bot pall is ready for use. U n more the 0. 5. 8. je Canada than any other wot often beep imitate op . i , for noth Frey sano Re he Five Soest ¢ to give absolute ol. Ceytitiavaa, a in each kage. Your druggist inex or will zee it for you. If to The Pinex Co; Toronto, Ont. idens, who have of write GREE] gloss Allorness, Murgaret Dunuets, Corseftiers, 'Phone 878. 0b Wellington St, Read the Bpirells a in Ladies' Home Joursad, Dulinestor, Destguor, Now ides and Vogue. ) ThE DAL BRITISH WING, THURSDAY, OCTOEER 20. 1911. TTHE WORLD'S EPISODES GIVEN 1x THE BRIEFEST POS SIBLY FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everybody Easily Read and He membered. It is understood Attorney-General Foy will accept a judgeship, A battalion of loyal troops in Mexi co were wiped out by half-breed rebels. At Pekin, the national assembly de- mands the dismissa' of high Manchu officers. It is thought all the Dominion eab inet ministers will be returned without opposition. Four new volcanoes are belching masses Of smoke on the Keni penisu- la, in Alaska, Officers of the cruiser Niobe are to be courtmartialed as a result of ihe boat's grounding. Ar Montreal the Duke of Connavght will present new colors to the Hth Royal Scots Regiment in the spring. Hopes for the recovery of Marie Booth Russell, wife of Robert Mantell, the actor, have been practically giv- en up. A sample case containing diamonds valued at $10,600, belonging to W, C. Barry, of Newark, N.J., was stolen from the lobby of a Chicago hotel, The three little girls born in the Maternity hospital, Montreal, are dead. It was the first time in the his- tory of the institution that triplets were horn alive, At Watertown, N.Y., Fredetick Lawyer, aged filty years, one of the best known cattle buyers of Northern New York, died, after an illness of nearly a year, At Wakefield, Mass., Dr. George F. Jelly, of Boston, one of the best known alienists in the United States, died, Wed ay, the result of a men tal breakdow Dr. Rivas Nraquos. who was a me - ber of the deposed Castro government, says that he has obtained $2, 000,000 in the United States for a revolution in Venezuela, One of the Zoologieal ( run and inflicted terrible 'wounds upon deer in the Hamilton iardens broke out from its |" James Beavis, a boy who attempted to play with it. At Los Angeles, Frank Hotalling, a magazine writer, of New York, was burned to death in a fire, sgprted by an electric heating device, which de- stroyed his rooming house. AT THE GRAND, ©0000 0O OO : v The old princes and mon- archs Europe sotne- times ruled not wisely but too much, but they all drank the best beer brewed -- when they could get it. To-night "The Girl From Rectoi's." Will be Seen. The Daily Tolegraph, St. John, N. B., says about "The Girl From Rector's," which comes to the Grand to-night : To the dashing brillianey with which Miss Raymore played the leading part a8 Loute Sedeins much of the sue cess of the play was due, but she was ably supported by th: other members of the company, Miss Ray- md¥e's gowns were superb, as were indeed all the costumes of the ladies, while the make-up was very near per- fection. BEER was by all odds the best brewed inn Europe for centur- ies and is the best to-day. The Reinhardts' secured the secret formula fof this famous brew and they slone have the sole right to make it on this side of the At- lantic, "Salvador" Beer is brewed scien tifically from choice Bavarian Hops, selected Barley Malt and pure ster- ilized spring water. Do you wonder that it has become Canada's most famous beverage ? ¢ » Brewed and Bottled by id YORONTO 2621 AX X E. BEAUPRE, KINGSTON. Telephone 313. DOCTORS Saturday Matinee and Night, Paul Gilmour appears here Satur- day evening, Uet. 28th, at the Grand in Clyde Fitch's latest comedy, ' The Bachelor." The play is under the di- rection of the Shuberts. Mr. Fitch has done many unique things, but his latest contribution to the stage is declared to be one of the neatest, daintiest works he ever accomplished. "The Bachelor" had considerable vo- gue in New York during its run last spring at the Maxine Elliott and later in the summer enjoved much prosperity at the Whitney in Chi- cago. For a matinee on Saturday afternoon Paul Gilmore appears in "Ihe. Mummy and the Humming Bird." "The White Squaw." There is probably no 'character history that has been more burlesqued and falsely the American Indian. wl for Della M. in abused, presented than It has remain. Clark in ber ro- manite American drama, "The White Squaw," to show the aborigine as he really was and is. Miss Clarke has\ not written an "Indian play," but 'a story for the stage as sweet and wholesome ns a clover field in bloom, and she has made the red. skin a part and parcel of it. '"The | White Squaw" will be seen at the HELP HER Grand on Thavksgiving Day, Monday, Jom 30th, matinee and night, by by Lydia E. Pinki ol Louis F. Werba's excellent company, Vegetable Compound bh ended hy Miss Clarke, Pa Lt "I am glad to 1 have Tic cured of i tena our had both Jot fourteen Siflorent 4 oetor & rent doctors, A Fine Publication. The Queen's Journal, issuel by the Alma Mater SBaeiety. of Queen's Uni- versity, has taken new form and is being issued from the Whig presses as a semi-weekly paper of four pages. The front page is free of advertise ments, the other pages well balanced 8 between reading matter and advertise tut Sadled to get any ments, The merchants of Kingston Lydia E. Pinkham's | have very libtrally patronized the pa- Vegetable Com. | per. It is well made up and gives the und and Blood mews of the day in connection with the Hifler 1 can say I prosperous university. One benefit, the am a well oman. i publishers sate, is that they can han- a 10 SEfress my thanks j dle copy to a very much later date t : th when they weré issuing the week- me. UE I tn magonion {ote The. Hublication The 2 Lydia E. Pinkham's ' ciety. hn is a credit to the Alma Mater So- A Handsome Souvenir. A handsome souvenir has been is- Sed by Queen street Methodist chureh 2 tha subscribers to the jubilee Sud purpose elearin t A debt and whi was sue 'cessfully accomplished and the mori EK burned a year ago. The hook: nd Be Fan ths ras The hamem of ie. Aubert ills; and an account of the interesting pro- ceedings at the burning and a sum- me of the receipts and expendi pa The handsome frontispiece in 3 rendered hand. ri - wn Wo have just received a few more a woman would ike 0 Be a Worth fountain pens. Wonderful 'valoe without going throngh the $1.23. Peas glue. Irom. $1 up. Wa: 8 hood's Drug Store. AMUSEMENTS Paul M., Potter's Greatest Comedy, WEBER'S MUSIC HALL, NEW YORK. Minute, Mutinee at 2.30, A Comedy Saturday Evening, Matinee, 25, 35, 50; Children, = (GRAND Y OPERA Y HOUSE) TO-NIGHT The GIRL FROM RECTORS DIRECT FROM A YEAR'S RIN AT Every FN | ATURDAY, OCT. 28 aul Gilmore and Company "The Mummy and the Humming Bird" FEE BAGHELSR" a Tay To. 81.00, THANKSGIVING DAY, Monday, Oct. 30th. Matinee, 3 p.m. Evening, 8.15 LOUIS 'F. WERBA PRESENTS VELLA CLARK'S CANADIAN-AM- ERICAN DRAMA, The - White Squaw PRICES : Jutinee 5 75, $1.00. Seats on Sale Friday, ------ CORRELL 4AM ALAR LEELEE The People's Forum OONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion le a word, Each con- secutive insertion thereafter haif cent a word, Minimum charge for one insertion 20e; three Imsertions, Bbc; six, $1; one month, $2. HELP--WANTED. MAID, Street. APPLY AT 58 CLERGY COMPETENT FIREMAN, at Randolph Hotel APPLY GOOD PLAIN COOK, APPLY TO Miss Hora, 45 King Street. PASTRY OR SECOND COOK. piy at Randolph Hotel. AP. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, Ply, 30 Colborne Street, AP BOY FOR MAILING DEPARTMENT steady position to a smart, bright lad. Apply, Business Office, the Whig, YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework; cone who can sleep at ha me Jrete rred. Apply to Mrs, B WW. Folger, 123 King Street. A YOUNG MAN AS DRIVER AND 1° Young man wih some knowledge of Hardware to assist in ware- house and office. Edwin Chown & son. RAND FOOTBALL MATCH QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS, Saturday, Oct. 28th AT 3 PM, (Queen's vs. Ottawa Admissdon, 2We. Bleachers, 3%. Grand Stand, S0v. Rencrved Seats, 73c. : Plan at Uglow's till 12 o'clock noon on day of game, FONG SING has removed to 2383 Princess next «to YMCA First-class aundry Work guasintend purchased the Wholesale Il Liquor Business lately car- ried on by HR. J. Lawler 1am now pre- pared to supply all the old customers and as many new ones as shall favor mie with their patronage wiin all the choicest Wines and Liquors Trade JOHN GORDON, PBrop, vutsiipding accounts must settled by Nov. 15th, otherwise shall be put in our solicitors for collection. THE EFFECTIVE LAXATIVE Tastes Like and is Eaten Like Candy. ( In our experience in the handling of rugs and medicines, we believe we Thave never had experience with any remedy that gave such great satis. faction to our customers as do Rex- all Orderlies. This remedy is not like any other laxative or cathartic, It contains all the good features of other laxatives, but none of their faults. Our own faith in Rexall Orderlies is so strong that we offer them to" you with our own positive personal guar- antee, that if they do not thorough- ly satisly you, you only need tell us and we will hand back --to you every penny. you paid us for them. There fore, in trying them upon our re commendation you take mo risk whatever, Rexall Orderlies taste like and are eaten like candy. They do not gripe, cause nausea, excessive looseness, any dther annoyance. 'Fhay fact easily that they may be taken at any time, day or might, 'They are . par- ticularly good for children, aged or delicate persons. They are put wp in convenient tablets in three sizes of packages. Prices, 10e, 2c. and Sle. Remember Rexall Remedies obtained in this community our store--The Rexall Store. Mahood, Kingston; Ont. Family specially solicited All be they hands or sO be at Ww. can only G. REPORTS FROM LANSDOWNE. The Visit of D. A. OC. Hughes--A Missionary Convention. Lansdowne, Oct. 25.--Last Monday, D. A. C. Hughes, Kingston, 'Was here, investigating some recent .occurren ces regarding the drill shed. 'Lhe fune ral of the late Bruce MeNeal was held Friday to the Methodist church, un- der the auspices of the EO.OF., of which. deceased was an old and valued member. A very large number gath- pred to pay their last respects to a good neighbor and a worthy citizen, The remams were placed in the vault. On Monday evening, Rev. Cooper Robinson gave an illustrated address no nouncement | INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers, No eanvassing. Send for particulars, Press Syndl- cate, 3,969 Lockport, AND QUARRY MEN; $1.35 to $1.50 per day and but steady men need Apply to Exploration ¢ ollins Bay, Ont appl Syndicate, IMMEDIATELY, vant; must be good cook: wages, $18 month:; no washing or iron Ing; references required Apply, In the evening, to Mrs Knight, Alice Etreet GENERAL SER- CAPABLE tics, Oet OLD COUNTRY DOMES. carefully selected, arriving 30th, Nov. 12th and 26th Ap now, The Guild, 71. Drummond Montreal, or 47 Pembroke orontu BOILER y AKERS, ONE ane good A accustomed Apply. building ( lingwood, GOOD HAND sheet. bron tO: marin. Collingwogd' Ship 'empany, | Limitedig Col. Ontario A LINE FOR RVERY HOME; WRITE us for our choice lst of agenis' supplies; we have the greatest agency proposition n Canada to- yA no outlay ngce i Apply, BCL Co, 228 Albert Street, Ot- tawa, A mR BOER ward Street We LOST. SOV ERENGN Fou between Lie residence of Nickle and the residence Nickie, Barl Street return to Whig office and Finder Red ase x waren of FOFIIGIIIIIIVIIIIIVINIIII IVI IV SV TIP PII IITIV III ITIVE ov vv FOR SALE, ONE LARGE waLNUT BOOKCASE . for Mbrary at Turk's. 'Phone Ted Finder A CORN CUTTE very cheap Clarence Stree THE wiLLow mile fram city drticulars, Richardson, % "Frontenac return to 104 Bagot 01 BRUNSWICK opposite ( from CP bar ME Gnrwwm AKO Princess S the best of Liquors and Cigars. Meal rates by stable acc reasonable » at @ ommodation Mulville walnut only buyer for payments Whig office ase. cam mar ing Suds, Fae canvas, hoods, Frank WwW nae, 22-240 Stocked witl Beers "choicest B ench, week, motor Yard & Diviseall to Emporium, Bank Accident, od; rates, BATEMAN & Lire, Acelder toms Broke Maney to io business Street, 4K, Bireet -- Fire Health i Employers a 3 Calgary, FINANCE AND INSURANCR. FUR INSU RANC E THAT INSURES V. H Godwin & aver, Brock Street GENERAL INSURANC and Healt first-class rompanies: J T. Wellington Sires nt r; ne solicited Kingston c ARROLL, HL Muose COMFORT A NL B ent to colleges, modern cor Insurance hern Crown or 'phone 421 San' 8 No SEVERAL fices and Stores King & Sm Kingston S---- LIFE, h Policies issu standar: Agent, 1 sToRAGr FoR dry, alry roe roast your 1 Boon, 5 oY a ARDINER--FIRY, Insurance ud Ca ten] ate and shinre »f 67 Clarenre "Phone 246, 'Phone 8260 4 MARKET fe, Aviles it and "a . and « Rol NDF 1OuR Wd parios and LE App fabitity Regina Jaw, i FARM, Hmity, appl eippiles, English raineconts, kit bagw, al Cooke, 'Phone 891 or 23. WELL-SITUATED Apply Untario Chambers, own roasts Clty Rtorage RY Tove 3 ne nts; Apply FLAT, R AND BLOWER, Apply to D J. Hay, ONE-HALF For fur her to Richard Victoria Street a LARGE | «© ABINET GRAND PIANO, rented will sell very cash Apply ix che ur to months ta quick manthly Box 454, ap on FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, cA fishing lunch everything lik eats, porey supplies, 25 Ontario Ne TO LET, Rooms, CONV EN it 144 B venliences CONYE ENE. Arric blreel; or. to Smythe, ru RNITU "m, LB . RAN, absolutely woth lock and 'key 29% Queen St, Victoria hot a 355 John. CONSISTING dining he VLhng wents Povey debent deposits lowed Director, ire Ins assets, which security city ur from "Phone PRONTEN AC reid ties LIVERPOOL, uran $61,137,216 the all the stock-hi property pessible 1 giving iunge INVEST. fred 184 1 ir Rik hard Cartwright led on city ant f municipal and county mortgages purchased ved and Interest al ©. MoeGill Managing Clarence Street LOAN AND estabill MEDICAL, M Ae pH SICIAN 3 a, MA, eon, 100 mr 16 to w to 8 pm F. SPARKS, and % Office bh ae and 7 8 M----viny DR, B.C, and Off lee and 7 LONDON, ce B. Mac( ALLUM, Surgeon, hour Hy to § pm, PHYSIC AN, etlingte 1g a.m. Tel phone 1093. AND GLon wi padi the unidoiited ers Faym insured at low Hiefo Are renewing businesy get Strange, Ag Hani y OCKAN STEAMSHIP AUENOY, tes, new TRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALL AN Kirkpairk k. Agent, Street, Kingston SS. 42 Phone ra & "nt & or \rendce Los MATRICULATION THE to the professions, minister, engineer electrical), ete. we prepare yo for this examination at home Write Canadian Correspondence College, Limited, Dept. 1, rot Canada DUORWAY doctor, lawyer (elvil or and all « work gi Driscoll, drop & ¢ PURNITTRE FINISE¥ R ANTIQUE FURNITURE. A SPECIA ebonizing and gilding, enamelil alors of misston work best attention Julin Street HAIR, MOLES, mr id bier ard ~~ 81 MILTON'S Halr it has po equal; lorative; ne tes DENTAL. DONT GIRLS WANTED} | highest wages: steady employment Apply immediately, D. 8 Per rin & Company, Lid London, Ontario. CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working men; good salary; per manent position; if you are work- ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day; you can double your wages and be your own boss, Apply, Box "E. B, C." Whig office. = REPRESENTATIVE WANTED, AT once for work In your locality; will guarantee $200 to $3.00 per day; opportunity to advance rapid ly; will pay liberally for spare time; werk not difficult; experi ence not required. International Bible Preas, Toronto. POSITION WANTED. YOUNG WOMAN RE. 8 i by the day, washing or cleaning Apply, Whig office LEGAL. BAKRIST- CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, 5 ers and Solicitors Law Office, Clarence Street, Kingston. BUSINESS CHANCES, CAN START at home. No own boss Tells how N.Y. ANTONE, ANYWHERE, a mall order business canvassing Be your Bend for free hooklet Heacock, 2,909, Lockport, Weicker, ist ist over A. E Dentist, Princess office THOSE hand fur furniture, date ing and 131 SPARKS _AND SPARKA, = teu Bireet, UR. ©. 0, NANK, DENTIST Phone 138 S.A. AYKROYD, D.D.S, Wellington KNAPP, Hring WAVING person else' 1 and have ship guaranteed to on ue shortest notice Brock St, REAL F Richardson gives when all other remedies f : y it; black or brown, G0c and $1.00, prepaid. MH, Carnochan, Ottawa, Ont DENTISTS Kingston y LDS, DDS, DENT. Princ ev Wireel. Telephone ARC HITEC TS. OR. c. MH HENRY », SMITH, AR ¢ et OF 'rincess Bt $ King sik assistant, 183 'Phon LD. %, DENT. Express Office Street. 'Phone ' 4 sy IN University Avenue, Telephone 1012 Dominion LDS, DDS, Street, nesr 2, Ground flcor war Ne WLANDS & ete, Offices, cox SON. ARCHI- BA, 268 Bagot St. Montre 65 19 "Phone Phone -- POWER 3 SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Building, corner Brock Wellington Streets and EVERY work: best ised; one trial will your repairs to Barrie Btreet, cor, of or clars Di- wiveow CLEANING, HOU SK do all oiling put up Wins treal Bt, SON ig Ix wh ow now FALL here waxing and i so clean and windows, Kingston dow Cleaning Co. 21 Mon Mceleod's Drug Stors we GOOD SECOND. Nee me « ny pay a large I kinds of Thompson, Niipre over Pandora and 33 Prin Bo } OSTEOPATHY. on Re PRI GN. RR, 6. glton ®t, chron'e opathia Vibration; ap pointe nt. 'hone Asheroft opposite digeasen methods treatments by 447 wits, Pr repairing done Thomas Galloway near Dibby's Livery, & . UPHOLSTERER. 1 FHOLVPERING, nE- carpet work, halr mat- Bg Drop & card or direst RENTS . J loan; Street soL Dy CoOL. office i" GAVING Wofiey to ATI Viet. oria as call 216 Bagot from here are attending the Sunday school convention in Brockville. Miss Blanche Cliffe returned on Fri day, to Watertown, N.Y. Miss 'n therine Fairlie trained nurse, of King ston, who has been .in attendance on Miss Mayme Donevan, for the past month, ix spending a few days with tn the town hal! on missionary work in Japan, und the anspives of the AY. PA, of Bt. John's church. Miss Pettigrew, Brockville, is visit- ing friends here. Mes. (Bev.) Kelly and son have returned from visiting her sister, Mrs. Drammond, -at Mit: chell. J. B. Limdon has returned from | Grierson, the Misses Heatty before returning home. In the Presbyterian church Friday evening, October 20th, a a missionary, lectured on "is, on "China." Death at Lapum's West. a two months' visit to his son, Nel son, in DPritish Columbia. Miss wilson, head milliner at H. CC. Mulvaugh's, was called home this week owing to her mother's illness. Miss Mildred Leacock is slowly recovering from an operation for abscess on her neck, Nis Hazel McNeil is home on the wet We ie. A migsionary convention will be held Bet here on Friday next in the Methodist | church. About seventy Helegates expected. A congrega be held in Chalmers' Presbyterian church, November 5th, when Rev.iY Prof. Dall, of Qaern's University, will {ton, teacher, was called to her her home, to-|from igess. Mrs, 3 eeane, toodiny 'mofning, cast over this pews was § had died. health not thought dangerously Wi {sank, re years of tional, rally wilh, fd Miss Bonnyeastle, junior ral, , Campheliford on secount St. Lake's church, aye William Monroe, a where service was conducted by Rev. therm, Sask., arrived - het. inther's Mn Speacer, after which the remains of fwerp interred in the Augloan cetne- tery, Cos. Lapum West, Oct. 25.-On Tharsda, Oet, 19th, a gloom was place wien the sad that Willard Hull ESTABLISHED 186s DRY CEDAR KINDLING Nothing kindles than Dry Cedar. We have a big stock at $2.50 per quicker half cord delivered and piled, Not Thrown He had been in failing but was ill until y, when preumonia had : after which he gradually Jacasand was past seventy-one age. He leaves one broth- Henry, of Lowville, N.Y., one ter, Mrs. William Lemmon, of two sons, William, of Find ton, and James, al home. Sal, tack place. op Saturday afternoon bis late revidense, thence to Camden East, for the past year in, of New and GREAT SALE Of Btoves ana Prices véry low, arge Stock Furniture Healers Beeond-hand MAAN AANA En -- COLD NIGHT --SPECIALS- Hot Bovril, Hot Chocolate, ; Oysters and Lunches § Pork and Beans, Geo. Masoud's ICE CREAM PARLOR. 404 PRINCESS STREEN, HH SUGARMA 242 ans Street,