BAKING POWDER MADE IN CANADA CONTAINS NO ALUM CONFORMS TO THE HIGH STANDARD OF LS COODS. . A Model Coat we make, because built to comform figure artistically and true. We are expert fitters, too, and our repvation comes from the satisfaction of our patrons with our workmanship. Ve can make you a Suit or an Overcoat for a very reasonable price. And you will get the besi of quality THOMAS LAMBERT MERCHANT TAILOR, - 157 Princess St. is every coat that each . is specially to the wearer's I TE TRE SN LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW For Sale or to Rent. Sales Negotiated Rents Collected Fire Insurance Conveyancing and Real Estate E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHEUN CROWN BANK MARKET SQUARR, 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT. The Old Folks find advancing years bring an increasing tendency to constipation. The corrective they need Is *NA-DRU-C0O" Laxatives Entirely different from common laxatives. Pleasant to take, mild and painless. A tablet (or less) at bed-time regulates the bowels perfectly. Increasing doses never needed. Compounded, like all the 125 NA-DRU-CO pre- parations, by expert chemists. Money back if not satisfactory. 25c. a box, If your druggist has not yet stocked them, : send 28¢. and we will mail them. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL. GIVEN AWAY Ten costly to tomers who buy this week at our SALE one prizes those cus- Geods over dollar in value, The "Tokyo" JAPANESE ART DEALERS. 174 Wellington Street. EE HSasasesss sans asssesliisssssess ssssssesenseesl The Fall Millinery Season Now in Full Swing NAP A AANA AN PN NNSA PM NN AEN PANNING tN, A AA AA A AANA AA AN A NNN Anything new and fashionable Hats to select from. detail of Trimmed Stock compl te in every will be found here. Hundreds and po two alike in the lot HATS FOR LADIES, HATS FOR GIRLS. HATS FOR CHILDREN. A CALL SOLICITED WHETHER YOU WISH TO PURCHASE OR NOT. D. M. SPENCE, J lest 119 Princess Street. Avs Jessatussssssrseaseanl - I ------ THE PARLY BRITISH WHiG, LLL TA OCTOBER 26, BIG RUSH OF GRAIN. MANY VESSELS AT THE CO's. ELEVATOR. MF. Severul Have Discharged and Num. ber Lightered--Vessels Tied ap by Storm Get Away on Thursday ~--Marine Notes of Interest. There is always the ¢ after the storm. 'The calm came on Thursday morning, and as a result the large fleet of vessels tied up in port, for several days on account of the rough weather, was able to get away. Ma- riners were happy as a result, as during the past few days, they have had their own troubles. During Wednesday and Thursday, the Montreal Transportation com pany's elevator was very busy, hand- ling one of the bigyest rushes grain in some weeks. Several vessels discharged and quite a number light- ered their cargo, before going on to Montreal. The vessels which lightered | the Rosedale, Nevada, tlummer, Ara- pian, Waheondah, Vickerd ke. The Glenmount is discharging 72.000 bush- els of wheat, and Turret Chief dis- charged 66,000 bushels of wheat. The! tug Emerson ariived from Montreal with three light barges; amid cleared, to-day for Montreal, with three grain barges; the tug Mary P. Hall will clear to-morrow with ope grain and one coal barge for Montreal. The schooner Maize cleared wego. Ihe steamer Buena Vista cleared last night for Chaffey's lLoeks. : The sloop Hay Boy came over from Wolfe Island, to-day, with another cargo of prebsed hay for shipment. the steamer Charley Marshall arriv- ed in port, on her way from Quebec to Thorold with a eargo of pulp- wood. for Os. On Company's Request. The case 'of Anglo-Am- erican Hire Insurance company was ad- journed on request «f the company. They asked leave to amend thei statement of defence by setting up further defence that insured had not Stoness Vs. were | SAD CASE OF FAMILY. After Aid Society. I. €, diect'onachie, agent for Children's, Aid from spending a few ogue. While there be investigated action in a very sad case. It with a fammly of eight children. ihe mother is at present ill in the genera! hospital, in Kingston, and the father ix 1a an hospital at Brockville, The eldest of the family of eight is a girl sixteen vears of age and the youngest, two years old, One of the girls was in wie general hos pital a few weeks ago, having had part of her feet taken off, as a re sult of having it. caught in some machinery on 8 boat, The children are being placed in homes, as the parents are without means, and Mr, McC onachie has been looking after them. The baby was placed in the infants' Home here, and another ehild in the Urphans' Home. Looked the days at Ganan- and took had te TRAINING OF OFFICERS. i Department Issues 'an Im- portant Order, The militia department has issued an immortant order respecting train-| ing. Henceforth the training cers will be carried out on a basis of | Militia of oui the convenience of persons de- | siring to qualify. The courses however, begin dates. 'the training periods at the | schools will be January and February, | March and April, and October and | November. lield oflicers' courses will{ begin on January 22nd, and February | 19th next; captams' courses on Janu- | sth and Febraury Oth next; lieu courses, portion A. on Janu- lieutenants' courve, portion | 2nd, lieutenants' | on February 5th sult on ary tenants' ary Stn; B. on January course, portion C., and February [Yth. ATE A AT ST. PAUL'S | ! i By the Ladies' Guild on Wednesday | Evening. | The tea given by the uild | of St. Paul's church ! Ladies' Wednesday Nothing | on made full disclosure in regard to the property insured, that : hud been brought before the sixty days from the time of Golivery of proofs of that the insured! was not an unconditional owner, and that no award had been made by arbitrator. on expiry loss, an | } Serious Resalts Follow. Cold, clammy hands and feet, and pains in the back result from impov- erished blood. Serious consequences follow neglect. Wade's Iron Pills make new, rich blood, tone up | the system, add vitality to wasting tissues and strengthen weak nerves, Prige, 25¢. Sold by James B. Meleod, druggist. Tonie | Preacher at St. Andrew's, Montreal. Rev. John Dall, B.D., Queen's, will hiciate next Sundav at hoth services in St. Andrew's church of Scotland, montreal. « Cider! Cider! Cider! cider, pure juice of Me. gal. Jas. Crawford, Finest the ppples, Gibson's. Henry Drew, Long Lake, will arrived, Friday, to spend Thanksgiving day with her daughter, Mrs, Melville Smith, Westbrooke. Double strength horehound. Gibpon's. Mrs. J. W. Muirhead and son, Ger- ald, of Kingston, are the guests of Muirhead, Brockville. Quick Home Cure for Piles Trial Package Absolutely Free--Will You Spend a Post-Card for It? If you are a sufferer from piles, in- stant relief is yours for the asking, and a speedy permanent cure will fol- low. The Pyramid Drug Co., 390 Pyra- mid Bldg., Marshall, Mich., will send you free, in a plain wrapper, a trial package of Pyramid Pile Cure, the wonderful sure and certain cure for the tortures of this dread disease. Thousands have already taken advan- tage of this offer, thousands know for the first time in years what it to be free from the pains, the itching, the awful agony of piles, Pyramid Pile Cure relieves the pain and itching immediately. The inflam- mation goes down, the swellings re duced and soon the disease is gone ab- solutely. No matter how desperate vou think vour case is, write in to-day for the free trial treatment. Then, when you have used it in the privacy of your own home and found ont br yourself how efficacious it is, you can get the full-size package at any drug store for 0c. Every day you suffer after reading this notice you suffer needless- ly. Simply fll out free coupom and mail to-day. Kodak supplies, Mr. and Mrs. is "Dainty Shrewsbury" is what our. friends call Cr others' Shrewsbury Tea Biscuit It will fill the final need for your 'afternoon tea. Insist upon having "Shrewsbury " ie af mEe a el W. J. Crothers | Co, Ltd. The FREE PACKAGE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, 39 § Pyramid Bldg. Marshall, Mi. :h. Bi Kinaty send me a sample 6f Pyra- Cure. at once by mail, FRE E, tn plain wrapper. . Nam~.. Street |. Selected from the Celebrated Richmbnd No. 4 and Ontario No. Mines, the Dest Anthracite Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your pext order with THE IAS. SOWARDS SOAL CO. too good jgreat {tables | Lhe Se jo clock one worked The contractors from derbies, elusive hat and fur store. | Hros.* , the makers evening was a grand success can be said for the of the church for the exellent {per they provided. The crowd was that tables had to be three and four times, Three stretched the of the room and were beautifully decoratea. lot of people sat down at and more kept coming seven. Much credit W. FP. FitzGerald the church for the the was managed, Fee to make the thing | ladies | sup- | "0 gel tong | whole all "1 he six | until} due | the | were length school first is and way about to Rev. ladies of whole thing BUCCESS. Bethel Church 'Growth, A social for members and friends of Bethel church on Tuesday evening, opened the special propositions to be embraced in the winter's work. A nice programme of music and recitation was wrranged by the Women's Aid and Missionary Society, and bountiful re- freshments were furnished. The pastor mealioned that it was ten months sinc his election,' and everything -he had anticipated at the beginning of the year had been ac complished \by the people without any strain or special collections. A campailn of evangelism was pro posed for March next, led by an ap proved evangelist. This Friday might the C. KE. whil hold a great social. Paving Nearing a Finish. If the weather holds good the pav- ing of Wellington street, from Broek Princess streets, will be comple in about eight or nine days. say it is impossible to do good work if it rushed through. Time is required lor pro per setting of the blocks. to ted is Get Ready for the Holiday. selecting your assortment hat of and 3 ex- It's a pleasure our unrivailed hat store styles. Soft hats $1.50, $2, §2.50, 3¥3, Campbell Bros', Kingston's only new Will Entertain Him. being made C.E., the Arrangements are to entertain R. E. Leonard, newly-appointed ' chairman of the i ranscontinental rauway COMMIssIon, hy the Ex-Cadet Club, of Montreal. | Mn Leonard is graduate of the Roval Military Kingston. a College, Event, Bath Masonic On Monday the new Masonic village will be formally R. W. Neshitt, D.D.G.M., Masonic district. A number mipent Kingston Masons will atter Rath that evening next at lodge room of opened by of the 'ith af pro- wl. Taken to Newburgh. The remains of the late William Simpson were taken to his home in Newburgh, Ont., on Wednesday after- noon for interment there. George Waiman, brother-in-law of the deceas- od, accompanied the remains. i i Fur Neck Pieces and Muffs. Come in and see the new stvles; ex- amine and compare, at Campbell of fine furs Eastman Kodak supplies. Velox and solio papers. Velox developers and fixers. - Flash sheets for indoor pictures. Calenders, 1912 with space mount. Brownie enlarging cameras. Developing and printing done promptly. All Eastman's supplies at Mabood's Store. bo market on Thursday morning was very small. There were only a few islanders over. The prices were about the same as on Tuesday. Mrs. John Redmond, Carleton Place, died in Kingstown, exactly one month after her husband's decease. She was aged eighty years. Lasaie Broce: Qhnine Lastive Bromo for by Agent Children's! Society, has returned] portions of two weeks, so as wo cons } | tary {seen certain things to {was not a political one, and had nev er employment {taken up until in | there | amount 2s Jo 1 | For a Real Good Leather | qT p wr ~ SCE RNS STs te Ieee soto raoed seve PRISON REFORM WORK HON. ALUM | DISCUSSED BY HANNA BEFORE Told How the Prison Farm Guelph Had Been Estanjishe How the Men Were Trust to Work. Hon. W. J. Hanna, provincial secre- of Ontario, was the speaker at the Wednesday evening session of the alumni conference at Queen's Univer- sity. His talk concerning what was being done for the prisoners of the province was intecesting, and his re marks were punctuated by witticism. In introducing the speaker, Rev. Dr. | Strachan, of Toronto, said Mr. Hanna something' more than a mere politician. He had the posi- tion he holds simply because he had do and had done them in the face sometimes of the greatest odds. Hon, Mr. Hanna, at his remarks, said the was received the outset ol prison question for Boys, THE INVICTUS SHOE Shoe - smo forMen, - - - $5 and $5.50 for Women, : , $4.50, $5 $4 and $4.50 ABERNETHY'S | will, G0000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000 0000000 csseveouny A certam specitied | A Smart Shoe - Built of Solid Made by Highest Class Workmen the Invictns is the Popular Shoe. FAGE FIVE. 00s 0A SEIEUECLAEEELI00CLASREItS0IEETEETIUSEICEESTERRIETSERSES THE BESY - GOOD shoe = Ne - # THE BEST GOOD SHOE Ihe thought the scheme was past the experimental stage and was now a concluded success. He was glad to say that all the prisoners who had been on this farm not one had Jiven the authorities any trouble or worry During the winter two classes were | formed and a very painstaking (each er was put in charge. The change wrought in the intellectual attain ments of the men was amawn< they took classes At the professors speaker as to employed in ments. On several of the method address. questions the the close of his asked different different depart co a Rev. A Que., gave Questa confer relation Testa at the af evening, Prof "Heredi Ihursday morning, Mackinnon, of Lachute, paper on 'The Dr. James Third ence at the noon hour of medicine to the church. ment themes were discussed ternoon session. This A. P. Knight will. speak on ty." Synoptic addressed the on the New COLD IN THE CHEST? Rub Well With Zam-Buk! been. Poth parties had given their on chest, rule the sympathy. and supporyg The prison | question had been a burning one ever since the Central prison had been es tablished. One of the chief things in connection with -it was as to how the prisoner should be employed. It knowledged the world over that should be employed at work, although a few years ago it had been thought that keeping him em ployed was the only factor. Now, his was turned to account ago at the instigation of T. H. Preston, of Brantford, a eommit- tee was formed visit all institu tions and bring back a report as te how prison' was used. That committee did' excellent work, and took their time about it. From the time they started out, a continu ous series of surprises was in store for them. After visiting these various tions, they decided to form tution<where the labor of the could be turned to account. After a great deal consideration a little over eight hundred acres of land were purchased just outside of the city of Guelph. Owing to the hampered cir cumstances grave fears were entertain ed as to whéther the scheme would be a success or not At the is ac they productive A few years to labor being institu insti- prisoners an of start twelve men were taken from among the four hundred, and were told that trust was reposed in them. They were treated like men, were not required to wear the striped suits nor have their hair cropped They were told that thera would be plenty of chances of their getting away, and it was also impressed on them that it was sneakish to do it. A few another batch was the fall of 1910; I1S0 men on the y weeks later were about farm. of Tn amount result 3,500 bushels raised and over rain. Fhis raised the the land early in spring. The prisoners took a great deal of interest in the taske they were assigned, and manifested a certain of pride in the equipment eptrusted to them. A bridge built over the Speed river 160 feet over all, and was erected by the pri- soners with material produced on the arm. An idea of the interest displaed may be gained from the fact at before Tne bridge was completed the weather got very cold. In order to have the bridge completed before the frost came they worked from seven o'clock in the morning until six in the evening. 'They went back after supper and worked until tem o'clock at night sod had the satisfaction of completing the work in the required time. Here the prisoners Last vear potatoes 'were 000 bushels of stufil was getting on over as of was why to the speaker explained did not attempt get away. The men go to the field at seven o'clock in the morning. A few minutes after going to the field they could leave their horses and have five hours start before being missed. When asked for the reason they all said that if they had to work all day with the dread of hav. ing to go behind steel bdrs at seven o'clock mm the ewening they would not stay for five minutes, but when they knew they were as free when the day's work is done as they are in the day time they are content to work and jive up to the trust reposed in them. Ome prisoner on leaving was asked what he considered the strong point of the far He said it was in the fact that when one was discharged from it he was in fine physical con Igition and could get a job any where, whereas when be was = dis chatged from the Central ison he was in a BA Jaetial state of venkness box, from « 386 110 cooctuding Wr. Hansa said that vailing. the _ bad colds the and between the with Zam-Buk at night, If you suffer from catarth or in the head just insert a little Zam Buk at the base of the nostril, and as the balm becomes warm, inhale the healing essences which vaporize. Sores in the nostril, which sometimes set up bv catarrh, vield to: Zam-Buk treatment Mrs. N: Babcock, of Matawat- chan, Ont., says "For a long time I had a very disagreeable sbre on the inside of the nostrils, which gave me great pain and caused much an- I feared it would turn to and all 1 tried proved una I was ordered to try Zam Buk, and I am glad to say that the sore that defied all other reme- dies was overcome by one box of Zam-Buk, and now quite healed." Zam-Buk will alse be found a sure cure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bites, ulcers, eczema, blood poison, piles, cuts and skin injuries generally. All druggists and stores 50c. box, or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, Try Zam-Buk Soap, 25e. tablet. For chest shoulders well cold are will S. noyance. cancer, is | nnd § a great interest In thir | HALL FURNITURE UMBRELLA STANDS. Very Useful. For Halls. In Polished Oak or Artis- 5 tic Crockery. The first used in war aled the position of the Turks near Iripohi yesterday Hall Seats and Hall Miarows also Combination Hall Racks . Sixty Years' Reputation i: Our Guarantee, For Reid Low Prices and Reid High Quality JAMES REID'S 'Phone 147, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. monoplane reve WILL REMAIN IN OTTAWA, R. B. Nelles Declined Call to the West. formerly secretary of the YYM.C.A., in Kingston, and sec retary of the association, in Ottawa, has just declined a call from the Y. M.C.A. at lethbridge, Alta, E. M. Thomasson, general secretary of the Lethbridge association, is leaving to take charge of the Y. M, C. A, at Vancouver, 1.( and he asked Mr. Nelles to take his place in Lethbridge. Mr. Nelles has wired Lethbridge, de R. B. Nelles, All hot bags guaranteed Gibson's. he November eighty-third number special from its widely varied things. Henry T. Finck, on food and cookery, has three important and cles on "'Ungastronomie Royal Vinolia soaps Now that the Sunday to play without city on their teams, it is up to Se nian, some other wdianellimas J waler Century begin volume and s interest, give even list of an anthorid the of | suggestive arti America Gibson's hirst schools have leag ie players! them to Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching Scalp and Dandruff Hair Becomes Soft, Fluffy, Lus- trous and Abundant After a Danderine Hair Cleanse Danderine is to the Meir: what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimula ting and life-producing properties cause the tair to grow abundantly long, strong beautiful. It at once imparts Spar 1 brilliancy and velvety softness to the hai iv, and a few weeks' use will cause new hair to sprout all over the scalp. Use it every day for a short time, after which twp or thuee times a week: will be gafficient 10 complete whatever growth you desire. Immediately after applying a little Dan- detine all dandruff will disappear, all itching of the scalp will cease and there will be no more loose or falling hair, H you wish to double the beauty of your hair in ten minutes surely try this-mouten a cloth with a litle Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few moments your hair will be wavy; # abvndant and possess an ncamipa ness, lustre and juxurasce, tie beauty shimmer of true hair health. 1 vou care for beautiful, soft hair and of it surely get a 25 ceat bottle of Keoni- ton's Dunderine from avy dig xoe of toilet counter ~A. real surprise angits yoo. ) is clining the call. He appreciates | the prospects presented to him in this I, $1,000 salary, a fine build- free from debt, and a town with that stand by the Ottawa the with leaps more future, but he beheves 1. and In thead be ova Miavia association vasociat ion going d bounds, under his able guidance Guaranteed hot water bags. Gib son's "The Westerr His Instructors, tearns Da Minnesota, veriber's ( Seen by Witham of student as Prof University in 03 of the vis, of is ar acticle No iury. 0 or Danderine Makes your hair grow long, heavy and luxuriant and we can prove it