RM.C. JUNIORS ~~ DEFEATED QUEEN'S 111. BY 20 TO 6. In the First Game of the Junior Tntercollegiate Round ----- The Cadets in Fine Shape and Display Good Tactics. : The cadets now look as if they are going to clear everyining up in the city with regard to intermediate and nior rugby. The jumiot team de feated (teen's 11 at the athletic grounds on Wednesday afternoon by MH to 6. The cadets scored . four points before the Queen's boys got a cuance at all. Queen's then started in and made things lively for a time, booting the ball sor some four points atid evesring up things. With the score & tie, Cadets took possession of the all, apd rap down the fehl!) scoring touch and copverting the try. It was ore of the Hackiest plays seen in ou Jong | while, Queen's played great ball, but they did not have the con dition to stand the pace set. Before hall time, Cadets seored a rouge, mak i the seore 11 fo 1 3 the third quarter Cadets scored two more points, making the weore 13 to 4. ln the last quarter, it was . difficult to foliow the bal, ax it was getting dark, Cadets scored a touch and two rouges, while Queen's added two single points, With such a lead, the round is pretty safs with the va deta, Cadets have a play where they pass the bail from one man to the other and it worked very effectively on their opponents. The seniors have the same play and it is a dandy. The eriss-cross was also worked and proved good, RM.C. 1 ~Fell-back, Barwis; halves Ross, Sutherland, Galt; quarter, Hut- chinson: scrimmage, Morphy, White- head, Dennistoun; wings, Fry, Gen- dron, Latimer, Green, Patterson, Fish- er. en's IIL--Full-back, Hagvard; halves, Pirkett, Clark (eaptain), Don- nivan; quarter, Menzies; scrimmage, Catarrh Torture ~ Cured Trial Package Mailed Free . to Convince You. Head Fuels Like Some Great Pressure ) Bearing You Down. Pain in ehend. Nase und Throat Raw, Severe Headaches, Hawking, Spitting and Bad Breath, ¢ These are only a few of the many ay oma. that warn yon of the deadly work vatarrh is gradually aceomplish- ing. Your whole system is being po od by the deadly catarrh germ, whlch sooner or later will cause the _omplete aecay of both tissue and ne, ; © IC Causes loss of thinking Power, leers, Irritation of the glands of the hroat, causing earache and finally jentness. The continued dropping of hese germs down through the throu usually results In Indigestion, dys. Pepi. catarrh of the stoinach, bowels and. other vital prgans, causing cone SumbHon and floslly death. . SOB. Gauss, 1480 Main Street, Mar- shall, Mich has at last discovered a remedy thst quickly and permanently Sheen 411 torms of eatarrh, it goes Feet tH the seat of trouble and cor- reg the cause. n order to convince any person suf- fering from this dreadful. disease, onc lalge sized trial package will be sent absdotaly free, postage nald, in a plain wrapper. All thar ix required is to fill out the a'tached Coupon and mail ft tosday. When yeu are cured tell your friends about this medicine, wenderia : ; FREE. y This Soutien is good for one trial = £2 of Gauss' mbined Ca- L milled free in plain Jackure. mply fil] in fous name 'ond address on dotted lines below andl ioe PY TE GAUSS, 1450 Minin Sgreet,. satle, Laing, McLaughlin, Harkness, | hs, Lomb, Releree, Fb. Doliw activegor, Matthews, Raitt; wings, | O, Rliter; nmpire, G. Rj Ottawa College Cocky. A despatéh from Ottawa says: It is practically eertain that the same teams which started out against To onto Vatsity fourteen lagt Saturday, will represent College in the game against Queen's in Kingston on Sat- urday. No settlement as to officials has yet beod made and the college authorities have asked President Griffiths, of Tor- onto, to make the appointments. The college supporters are confident that the wearers of the garnet and grey ean seore another victory over Queen's and will go wp to the limestone city, 100 strong, armed to the teeth. Inter-Faculty Race To-day. Fhe interfaculty race at Queen's, scheduled to vome off at five o'clock Thursday afternoon, promises to be a good thing, and the students are look. ig forward to ax much fun this vear 1s they had laet. fifty were in wie ree laste vear, and it is expected that fully that somber will be in again this year. Kerr, the fleet-footed arts man," won thé raee and arte scored the most points last year. A great many will be in costume to-day Over Inter-Collegiate Track Team. will represent the intereollegi- Montreal, on The following 'men Jueen's University at ate track meet, in Thanksgiving day, at the MA AA grounds : Garvoek, J. amd H, Méhin non, Trefrex, Wright, diarvey, Trues dell, Watts, Shaw, Farrell, Harty, Neott, Foster, Coulter; Whitehead and Bertram. Although there are good men on the team, it is not expected that Queen's will be able to do much toward bringing championship honors hack to the Limestone city. Rooters' Club Busy. Ottawa i going to bring a rooters' club to Kingston for the game Satur day here. They have been thinking all slong that they had the rooting business cornered they haven't Queen's has organized a bunch of root ers, which will make the Ottawa buneh look Kke thirty conts. Reinforced by the band, the old Gaelic war ery will he shouted before, and if ueer's does not win Saturday it will be because of the rooters. With shouting for their re teams, those who attend. the College-Queen's game, Satur should get their mon but a8 never not rival faetions peelive Mtawa lay afternoon, ey's worth, load Race Postponed. Y. MCA, fivemile road race will to be postponed to some late: than Saturday, on account of the fact that a number of Queen's men, who intending to enter will have to go to Montreal. A defin ite date has not been decided for the event, The have date were No Double Header Saturday. It was announced that there would be a double header rugby game at the university athletic field Saturday al ternoon. This is not 'the case, how ever, ns since that the RM.C. auth- grities have decided that they would like to haye a dotible header at the Military College campus. Accordingly the R.M.C. teams will play McGill II and Queen's TI teams for the first positions in the junior and intermedi ate Intércollegiate groups of this sec tion. Another Work.out Wednesday. A number of members of Queen's | rugby team wore out lower campus Wednesday afternoon. The whole team was not out, however, as the too strenuous practice of Tuesday afternoon forced some of them to take a rest. They should be in good shape for the game Saturday. on the Officials Not Named Yet. The names of the officials for Satur day's rugby game here have not been announged as yet. It is quite evident that what suits one manager does not suit apother, Manager Marshall sent a list of Kingston officials mostly to the manager of the Ottawa College team, and he sent backs a list of Ot tawn and Montreal officials. Will Need Two Suits, The Frontense hockey team this winter will need to have two uniforms while on the road. On secount of the new Arena artificial ice gink in Torom- to being heated, the boys will have to doffl their heavy sweaters and padded pants and put on light jerseys and wear no underwear. Notes on Sports, Manager Frapk Chance, of the Chi- cago Cubs, snnovmeed that he pro poses to Yeswme bis old position at fist base when the séason of 1912 opens, Among the season's rugby finds, Comellier, of Ottawa College, Dil lingion, of * MeGill, and MeKelvey, of Hamilton, stand out as the most prominent, There will bé no fight between Ad Wolgast, lightweight champion, and Matt Wells, English title, holder. Wol gast, tired of the way the club to wanage the light was bickering, has ealled the match off. A party of French boxers will seek international = honors in the United States this winter. 'They will be brought fo New York by Richard Vennett, the Kaglish "I cannot see anything a threecornered tie," said "Murty" Walsh, of Ottawa, alter the Argo . "We have beaten both Tigers and Argonauts hands down in a and should have little difli- bisod [team and - Smokeless Oil Heater. Victor-Victrola IX, $65 Mahogany or Oak Three new styles Victor-Victrola XIV, $200 Mahogany or Oak Victor-Victrola X, $100 Mahogany or Oak SWEET POTATOES 166 PRINCESS ST. ictor-Victrola (Hornless Gram-o-phone) The instrument that reproduces the voices of the Worlds Greatest Singers with such absolute fidelity that people often think the living artist is actually singing in person. By meansof thetone regulating doors you can have either a loud or soft effect. Hear it to-day at the nearest Victor-Berliner Dealer's. VICTROLAS $65 upwards Regular Gram-o-phones $30 upwards (EASY PAYMENTS (F DESIRED) BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO., LIMITED MONTREAL When drinking of XMAS Gifts remember the VICTROLA. ® 7 2 CRANBERRIES The Finest Cape Cod Cranberries 2 Quarts for 25c¢. 6 lbs. for 25¢c. A. J. REES, Phone 53 You wapf the best when starting in the new home. Above all, you want that home to be snug and warm and camfortible. You are sure bf warmth and comfort with a Perfection .- The Perfection is the best and most reliable heater made. It is a sort of portable fireflil. It is ready night and day. Just str: match and light the wick. 'The Perfection is all aglow $4" minute. The Perfection Oil Heater does nof 'smell nor smoke--a patent automatic device prevents that, It can be carried easily from room to room and is equally' suitable for any room in the house. Handsomely finished, with nickel trimmings; drums of either turquoise-blue enamel or plain steel. ERFECTIO SMOKELESS Ask your dealer to show you a Perfection # Smokeless Oil Heater, ar write for descriptive i circular direct to say agency of The Queen City Ol Company, Limited in the a. Tinsmithing, Gas~Fitting, Telephone 35. ; 00000000000 0060000000000 00090000¢ ATTENTIO ans WHEN YOU REQUIRE ANY Plumbing or Hot Water Heating Done CALL UP Elliott Bros., 77 Princess Street. mn a re a ae All orders promptly attended to, 0000000000000 000000000000000000000 QUALITY IN SUGARS EEE 1810) 8! All Sugars do not look alike, if placed alongside each @®) other, Every Grocer knows this. We want the Consumer to know it, Insist on having PREECE a 2 Y jjesasdejss sees ss essis@nesnsne 4 How About Some New ; Shoes for Thanksgiving: EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR You will not only have a good Sugar, but the best on the market. The clear white color proves the superior- ity of "Redpath" Sugar, . When buying Loaf sugar ask for REDPATH PARIS LUMPS in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co, MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited Established in 1854 by Joha Redpath eulty in trinvmi Montreal on their own from me, won't los¢ another game tuis The staki ! of the world's series are richest over by two baseball teams, The vers' ith Tuesday' Re Ther ill split wil "gare, w $127,910.61, of which six or $76,746.96 will go to the forty 164.21, is team, take it} DR: were We are showing the finest line of Footwear in the City. The hes values and the most attractive styles Every pair the utmost value for the money Our's the kind of w 2 * 3 * that make permanent OOOOGOHOCE NOOO out of every purchaser. ®E) We know our Shoes are right and ~ VAL our srices right. We want you to know it The only sure way will find out is to wear » OEE fou i pair THANKSGIVING BPAY, MON- PAY, OCT. 30TH. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. "THE HOME OF 00D SHOES" oN - - - - @ecsesssrsasssasssracel ' {BETTER GET A AN Your bins filled with Our Coal before the Fall rush comes on A P. WALSH Barrack St. ' : ) ' PHVB RORRNS | | | | | @vessassssssssassasssssesl } | DRAACALAEIAAER0EAL00E t The American Cafe 185Wellington St The and Eating appartments. and lighted. Try our Full Course Dinner, 26e. THOMAS GUY, Prop. nA EIEIO CII IIE Up-to-date Restaurant House. Beparate Well furnished PICO CCITIIIITe TAKE IT AWAY «That's what «when served Ginger Ale or Beer that do not label Our bottled goods use have no superior, Bample It at any of the lead. Ing hotels o rtelephone 504 for a trial case. hompson Bottling Co. 292 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON, Yur patrons ssy with Belfast English Glnger bear our for family 0000000000000 00 *ssssessssessessessessesal I. COHEN British-American igh-Class Ladies' Tulloring. Has removed from 231 to Princess Street We are with all the Fall Beason miss coming 1 wes "WwW ftyles ' ock elsewhere Lowest pussible prices Fit and style gvaranteed 'Phone $51, Srettastrsrnsasensesel Sweet Cider New Figs Choice Apples Coast Sealed Oysters D. COUPER, Phone 76. 841-3 Princess Street, 267 ready for husiness latest styles for the TTB VVVVEVVOTCT BRR ® TVR VLVVOILV VOUS The kind yon are looking for is the kind we sell Scranten Coal % good con! and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. Presssssssassssssesss