~ PAGE POUR. Rheumatis and all rheumatic affections can be driven frons your system by taking Warner's Safe Rbeuma- tie Cure. - Each for a purpose: I==Kidney and Liver Cure. Z2Rheumatie Cure. 3---Diabetes Cure, 4~--Asthma Cure, S-Nervige. sail onstipation 6--Pills (30 ousnees ASK YOUR DRUGGIST. = Oupon § Warner's Safe Cure Co. 293 Toronto, Ont. Send me free of charge a sample of your Remedy Np. Name .... .. Address .. === of the -- Finer Woods -- includes -- i Select. Quality Mahogany Quartered Oak : Cypress and B. C, Cedar Think of this when buying. S. ANGLIN AND Co. BEPIEIRIEE PERE) Removal Notice! W. C. Bennett, Tinsmith and Plumber, has Removed his place of business from 373 King St. to 191 Princess Street, vext d0or to the late 8. J. Horsey's Hardware Store, where. he will be pleased to meet all his old customers and as many new ones as require firs: class Tinsmithing aud Plumbing done; also agent for the Souvenir ge. Phone 1033 New Raisins and Currants New Figs and Peels New Sweet Cider. - New Nuts. AT PICKERING'S 490 PRINCESS ST. ' Phone 530 Te Boys' Clothing Store Bults, Overcoats, Underwear, Hats and Caps, Sweaters, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Mits, Gloves, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, ete, Everything for the Young man and grawiig boy. Strongest of material o combined with latest styles and mode- rate prices CALL AND . (®) . 9, INSPECT OUR STOUK. ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET, NEW BIG SALE Working Men's and 'Boys' Boots; also Fine Shoe Repair- ing done while you wait. ' 0000000000000 0000 ------ THE WHIG, SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street. Kings ton. Ontario, at $6 per WEEKLY B RITISH WHIG, 16 pages, | & year. United pice of Dally-$3 and of Weekly $1.50 best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, nine improved presses THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED day and Thursday postage had to be year. Attached Is one of the stylish, and cheap work; morning at $1 ea aie plece, J.P., representa year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. ed In parts on Mon- Jtates. charge for To J. G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. a. 2onoxo Aft. t Sufte 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church Street, Toronto, A E Small dy Two questions have heen put, ir connection with the new hotel schem, and they can be easily answered. The first is, Why should the voting upon the scheme not be deferred unti, the municipal elections ? For the very good reason that the men who are interested in the scheme, who purpose to put their eapital into the enter prise, want to 'begin operations in the fall, and as soon as possible. They can make excavations, get out their materials and supplies, do econ. ter, and get ready for building early in the spring. They would like to get at their plans apd preparations before the date set for the voting, but they have to abide certain legal 'and other formalities. : Then why should the sity guaranten the bonds ? 'That is easy. The lot, the building and the equipment will cost, it is estimated, over $200,000. The city is not asked for any money. It is asked to give itd eredit to the siderable shop work during the win. QUESTIONS EASILY ANSWERED. extent 'of $100,000. This means that the company can borrow money for tour and one-half or five per cent., and this is much lower rate than any private corporation can expect to provide a loan for. The city is pro tected by a firet lien on the property and this lien will remain until the liability of the city has been com pletely liquidated. The bonds will be issued only as the work proceeds, and in certificates from some one who will be acting independently and in behalf of the eity. The new hotel may be the beginning of a new civic era. An imposing hostelry--one meeting every require ment and taste of the people--will be the means of advertising the city, and very much to its advantage. The sue- cess of the venture depends upon how 2,600 of the property owners regard it. If the majority of them will voto for it the new edifice may adorn the only vacant spa opposite to tho park on King street in the spring of Wi2, The Ottawa Citizen warns the Cang- dian protectionists to be satisfied with what they got, in a moderate tariff, rather than agitate for higher duties, and eventually bring about a reac tion such as now prevails in the Um. ited States, The wool business is cited. It is es timated that, with the protection they have, the American woollen manufacturers last year collected a toll from the poeple of $104,000,000 above a decent profit. This is the re sult of a tariff that means 78 per cent, above the import price. Nor does the country get much out of this--not more than $15,000,000. The balance 79,000,000, goes into the pockets of the manufacturers, and represents, we are told, "the added price placed on home grown and manufactured wool- lens in order that they shall sell at the price of the foreign ones after the seveniy-eight per cent. duly is added to their selling price." The Citizen then gives the Canadian manufacturers some serious talk, It is to be content with what they have, a tariff against which there is no pro- There is one thing about the license reduction: which should be guarded against. It is the unréason able demand favour. They want a sweeping change and "sweeping" properly describes the suggestion that ten licenses be cut off The temperance reformers may be anxious to reach certain concesssion: quickly, Lut this is a movement which cannot be rushed. Certain things must be pxamined, and in an honest and candid way First, the license reduction involves financial loss which cannot be over looked. From each' license fee th city is entitled a specified amount, and the revenue from this sum in the pas bas been considerable. The council has to make up by direct taxation for th wants of the city, over and above the sum which is derived from all othe: sources, and the hotel and saloon nien have paid their due proportion to the cost of municipal government. The rate of taxation has been ad- vancing slowly but surely. The Whig remembers when it was seventeen mills on the dollar, for general pur surely which some person: VERY SERIOUS WARNING test. There is no lower tariff senti- ment, even among the farmers. The lesson is obvious. To let well enough alone. Otherwise there will be in Canada what there is in the United States, the demand for a change, and it ecan- not be resisted. The democrats are in power across thes way, and there is going to be something doing when congress agein meets. The woollen manufacturers will have to be com tog. with less than 78 per. cent. pro- tection, and with considerably less than $104,000,000 of an annual tax, The Canadian manufacturers may be impressed with this warning, and they may not. At the recent conven tion in Toronto there was great re- joicing. The Anti-Reciprocity League had triumphed in the election-their barrel helped in influencing publiéf opinion--and its work is dome for the present. But an increase in the British preference was not desired, nor clower communion with the farmers, while the tariff revision committee was revived. All this means that the CMA. will be getting busy and it will want to do something. The Giti- zen warns them lest they forget, MAKE A REASONABLE DEMAND. poses, It is pow twenty-three mills on the dollar, and it has taken years to make the increase from one figure to the other. It is still below the rate of other ecitios in Ontario, but they are cities that have more to show in paved streets and other improvements than Kingston. There js quite a margin before the limit has been reached in "high taxation," but itis not desirable that the limit should be reached at a bound, and there would be an approach to this experience if ten licenses were cut off at once. Then there are the "vested rights" of the hotel or saloon men, These cannot be ignored. It may be said that they are in a bad business, and that the seoner it is discontinued the better. But the proposal that ten men be deprived of the chance to realize upon their investment or gradually dispose of their Property, will not ap- peal to most people. It will be sui- ficient to cut off three licenses at a time. It invelves enough loss and gn. ough, disturbance to the business ip- teréaly of the city, and if the demand sustained at the polls. is for larger things it will hardly pe | 2%8 AT GANANOQUE TO HON. W. T. WHITE. The Nomination to Fill Vacancy by Resignation of George Taylor Will Take Place on Monday Nov. 6th, Gananoyue, Oct. 27.--The political conditions in South Leeds have taken on recently a decidedly interesting as- pect. George Taylor, by the resigna- tion of his seat, bas made a way of escape open to Premier R. L. Borden and his finance minister, W. T. White, of Toronto, Mr. White is to speak in Lansdowne on Thursday next, and at the opera house, liangnoque, on Fri- day evening, and will be nominated as a idate for this riding at Delta on Monday, November 6th. George Morris, of Delta, has been appomted returning officer. It is generally eonceded that Mr. White will be returned without opposition. Along legislative assembly lines, 'tho conservatives of this municipality will hold a meeting in Turner's hall on Wednesday evening next, for the ap- point of delegates to attend the convention at Delta on Friday next, November 3rd. Among those aspiring for the position at present held by 4. R. Dargavel are mentioned : R. GG. Harvey, of Lyndhurst; Dr. Berzy, of Westport, and also Dr. Elliott, of Seeley's Bay, while Mr. Dargavel also desires to retain his seat. The board of trade will hold a spe cial session this evening to discuss the matter of tendering a banquet to Hon. W. T. White, on Saturday even- ing, November ith. The annual meeting of the Ganan- oque Water Power Co.,Ltd, is being held here to-day. St. Andrew's churen has cancelled its morning service on Sunday next, Oct. 20th, to permit their ocongrega- tion to attend the memorial service of Rev. J. T: Pitcher, in Grace church, which is to be conducted by Rev. Dr Ryckman, of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Robeson, who have spent the past six months at Reston, Man., have returned to town. Mrs. William Pratt, King street, left during the week to join her husband, who has located in Brockville. Ro- bert Sheppard is spending a (ew days this week with relatives &n Brockville. Messrs. A. W, Taylor, R." Tullock, W. Stairs and C, C. Skinner are en- joying a week duck hunting at Snake Island. Miss Pearl Latimer, spend- ing the past five months with, her sister, Mrs. J. W. Beattie, Vancouver, B.C., has returned home. PUBLIC OPINION. We Understand, Montreal Herald. Sir Mackenzie Bowel! was not among those who called to compli- ment Mr. Foster on being acting prem- ier of Canada, Hamlet Without Hamlet. Ottawa Citizen. The Canadian House ¢° Con.mons without Sir Wilfrid Laurier would be almost like the play of Hamlet with the' melancholy Dane under eclipse. 1 An Unkind Cat. Logdon Advertiser, The unkindest cut of all is the con- servative Montreal Star's assertion that in Mr. Bordem's eabinet, 'the ministers with clean records are cas ily in a majority, Allan's Only Opponent, Hamilton 'Herald. Allan Studholme is in the field, and as he surveys his surroundings he ean see only one possible opponent, and that Yne has only one leg over the fence. Taft After Cochrane. Toronto Telegram And Hon. Frank Cochrane did no more to open up the © Temiskaming country" in 'the last . six-and-n-half yoars than the untutored aborigine did in the previous six-and-a-half cens turies, A Conundrum. Toronto News he whole system of patronage giv- ing is a Babel of rottenness. Once a cabinet minister permits his vourse to be dictated; or even affected by pat- ronage considerations, he has opened the r to a host of evils. The Rottenness of Patronage. Teronto Star, he Borden government begins its career with a Fielding surplus of $30 - 000,000. 1f it took Mr. Fielding fifteen years to develop Foster deficits into a thirty-million surplus, < how long would it take' the Borden governavent fo get back to the deficit again, if left in power by the people of Canada? Best Obtainable. There is no surer remexd for Eczema (Salt Rheum) and all dis- arising from an impure condi ood, than Wade's Iron sys the up the econsiitu- Eine Shoes For Men $4.00 and $5.00 HEAD-TO-TOE OUTFITTERS FOR"MEN AND BOYS. Le, POINTE winter Outfitting. Suits $15.00 New - »Overcoats - $15.00 The New Balmoral; sizes 34 (0 44. luxury, The Attorney. fabrics; new models; perféct fitting; sizes Overcoats of beauty and Special valug at $15.00, 34 to 14 Special value at §15.00 Overcoats $15.00 The Chesterfield, Overcoats $10.00 The College. New two-style collar. Fabrics ~ Fine imported Cheviot, Black are English and Domestic Tweeds. oF Grey. New shades. New patterns. The Fine Windsor Cords, light and this flere offered at Dark Grey. best. coats ever price, BIBBY'S SPECIAL $10 00. Scotch Tweeds, rich Browns 8S SPECIAL, 00, and Greys. Medium weight for spring and Fall wear, A beauty for £13.00, Gloves $1.00 Fowne's English Walking Gloves, in Tan. Special value, $1.00, SEE OUR JOHN BULL, $5.00, SEE OUR LITTLE JIM, £3.00, . Extra good values. GLOVES, $1.35. A fine Grey Suede Glove. Something special, . Thanksgiving is the day for appearing in your best We've outfitting you may be thankful to wear. - Bibby Offerings for Friday and Saturday. i 'The Castle, ever graced a manly form. Greys. Men's Fine Shoes Made by Canada's best shoemaker. All New Goods. No ON Stock Overcoats $18.00 Fabrics are Scoteh and Eng lish Kersey Cloths. New Colorings of Grey and Brown. No. better BIBBY'S SPECIAL, $18.00, Hats $1.50 Nobby Fall style, in Tweed and Felt Fedoras, Green, Browns and A dandy for $1.50 DELRBY HATS, 82.00. New York models. Oval crown Wide brim Extra value £2.00, SEE OUR NORWOOD, $1.00, SEE OUR PARAMOUNT, $1.00, Agents for Fowne's and Dent's" Gloves for Men 78 80-82 PRINCESS. BIBBYS Lz Agents for | Penman's | Unde:woar | and SweaterCoats \ WANT THE PAY, Senator Had $30,000,000, so Should Pay Up. Milwaukee, Oct. 27. Because tor lsaae Stephenson was reputed to be worth $30,000,000, some of his political workers, thought they ought to be paid for their time and that was the reason it cost the senator so much to secure®the nomination at the primaries in 1909, according to testi mony before the senatorial investiga- ting conunittes, to-day. R. Koell, of Milwaukee county, testiied that as Stephenson's eam paign manager in the county, he ex pended 811,500, "Why did you have to spend much money in one county," Senator Heyburn, the chairman. "Because the other candidates were spending a lot. We felt we had ( to meet them. If Senator Stephenson had been 5 poor man, his workers might have campaigned for him for nothing, but as he was said to be worth $30,000,000, it was thought only right that those who worked for him should be paid." Robert J. Shields, of Superior, who Needed No Divorce. San Franciséo, Cal, Oct. 27.--Sam- uel and Miss Lena Alby, dye house employee, ob- tained a marriage framed it artistically, and gave it the place of honor in their room collection of gems from the Sunday papers. For five years they lived blissfully, belies ing the license them man and wife. Then a quarrel came and she sued for a divorce, A judge almost had to draw a diagram to couvinee her that she did not require legal action to make her mistress of herself. She Pedro, oyster opener, Heéense, Sena- sitting made Only One "Bromo Quinine." i That is Laxative Bromo Quinine Look for signature of FE. Ww Grove. Used the world over to cure a cold in one day. 5c, 80 asked wie sand Trunk earnings for the third week in Uetober show n fair increase, as follows : 1911, 81,023,802. 1910, $963,374; increase, 260.518, The Chinese government is acceding to many demands of the rebels The Italians lost 406 men in a vere reverse at Tripoli Pe INTERNATION AL SECURITIES COM. PANY, LTD, Authorized and usive Agent of GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC for sale of Its Townsite Lots fa Div sional Points of Meivitie, Waitrous, Biggar, Walnwright and Juneiional Point of Tefield, gs well\as Town of Seot ail located on Miatn Tine of Gra Trunk Pacific. Hattway be 1 Winnipeg and Kdm non International Beruritiey * Lhe owner or manager fur er Important Townsites or . Visions to Cities or Bx Towns, as REGINA, Sask, MOOSE JAW, SASK. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA, LETHERIDGE, NORTH BAT YORKTON, SASK. SWIFT CURRENT, SASK, Inquirie® are « ed [roy part a 50 t : of these places ings for business and pr men Full Information wil furnished, and booklets, mailed free i request Exclusive esentutl named In Kingston J.0.HUTTON, 18 Market St. had been said by witnesses to have worked as an employee of Edward Hives, the Iuinberman, in Stephen son's behalf, on the stand denied hav- ing taken any part corruptly in th distribution of 'money to legislators While our large seem to predominate Pearsail's Millinery Pleture Hats are good styie, the small dressy Hats They represent the newest and most approved GOODS SOLD. ON. THE FRENCH AND NEW YORK MODELS. But it is net for beauty or correctness in design alone are our Hats so Interesting---it is the combination of BEAUTY, STYLE AND PRICES. See them and you will appreciate their distinctive style, Pearsall's Milliner For sale by J. B. EDITORIAL NOTES. ~All kinds of Dry Men's § -- - Boys' andl Ladies' Suits, Boots and Faney Sir Mackenzie Bowell's feel: llery, House Furnishings « Sold on easy payment plan, [ings when he reads that Mr. Foster, sea OU" goods terms. of the aforelime nest of traitors, is Woman Tied up by Burglars. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 27.--Upon the return at midnight of Mr. and Mrs, Henry W. 228 PRIN CESS STREET. | i NOTE. --Onr Hais are sold By Mrs Walker, Yarker; Wagerville; Thos. Lee, Lavant. 8. Epes : uk