"BACK TO THE FARM" SEEMS T0 MAKE BAD BOYS G0OD New York, Oct. 20. One hears a lot of balk nowadays of the value of "'get- ting back to the farm," but nowhere in there to he seen a more interesting demonstration of the practical applica: tion of the theory than down st the Parental School in Queen's lorough, midway between Jamaica and Flush- ing, where 200 small boys sent there by reason of their badness and gener. al incorvigibility, are being made over into good citizens by the agricultural route. Here more thai Fixiy five acres are nader cultivation by the boys and made to yield worth of garden truck, enough not only to supply the parents! school it well with all the fruit and vegetables it uses, but sufficient for the Manhat- tan Parental school, and to a large extent the Brooklyn Truant also. Bt while the saving of dollars and cents is fot to be despised, it is the ethical side of the question that occupying the minds of educators largely, and it is interesting to note Superintendent Tod's experiment, for it is his pet theory that the regenera- tion of the wayward youngsters is to come largely through the tilling of the soil. In truth the effect' of farm life on the bad boy is almost bewildering, for #0 quickly does Mother Nature's rem- edy take effect that hetween seed time and harvest a change is noted, and the juvenile offenders, many of them well started on the path that leads to crime and anarchy, begin to lose the unmistakable earmarks of degener- acy and soon develop into keen, al ert, self-respecting lads. In short, the active physical effort put into plough- ing and hosing and digging, makes for good health, and goed health means a higher degree of mentality and better morals. No one can deny it serves to make good farmers of the boys, as the tru- lv surprising harvest just reaped teosti- fies. For the barns fairly grown be- neath their londs of graid and farm produce, while the overflow, represent. ed in a huge pile of big vellow pamp- kins and winter syuashes in a nearby ¥ ---------- field, is only rivalled in gorgeous col oring by the tints that Jack Frost thas bestowed on the foliage in the lo- cality. In fact, so far bas the fame of the farm spread that Supt. Tod is be Inieged with invitations to enter his | vegetables at the various fairs being held down Long Island way just now. jOnte such invitation which is deemed 8 high henor, #ince it came from ar or ganization composed of up-to-date farmers, was accopted; and the pro dud of the School Farm received spee- ial commendation. Those who attend thousands of dollars' | the Budget Exhibition this month will also have an opportunity of seeing j whit these boys ean do It is as good as a fair to visit the farm and see for one's well what the boys have to show for their summer's School work. Think of sheaves of corn, nine- {toen feet hich, ears "inches of eorn fourteén long, muskmelons ten and twelve inches in diameter, and pump- is kins and squashes--well, it isn't safe to any how large, for people simply wouldn't believe it! But, as boys say, "seeing is believing," go down yoursell and sce what the German ardener, who knows the business Py A to 7, tells in round figures about the harvest. The harvest is by no means over vet, and Supt. Tod is glad to escort his visitors over the place at any time, for it ix a great pet of his, and his eves brighten as he gazes over the splendidly cultivated rows of late fall vegetables and notes his squads of boys in farm regalia assidiously weeding them, As a rule, the squads, are in charge of a caretaker, and sometimes it is one of their own num- ber who oversees them, for there is no desire to run away "Did vou ever see anything prettier than that?" asked Supt. Tod, as, he pointed enthusiastically to a pateh of eartots, the foliage of which, despite light frosts, is still fresh and green. "As a matter of fact," he went om, his eyes brightening, 'we have never in the history of the schoo! had such a harvest and don't the boys look i?' 80 And they certainly did look as fat ACT 1. FROM "THE WHITE SQUAW, AT THE GRAND ON THA NKS- GIVING DAY, MATINEE AND NIGHT, : as torn-fed porkers. Their faces were int, cheeks rosy, amd eyes bright, asd all suggestion of the hangdog look, peculiar to the boy criminal was miss- ing. "1 only wish it were practical to tun ali the boys loose on the farm, but it is not feasible. But in winter, when the farm work is over, 1 still keep them out of doors as much as possible. On Sundays they take long tramps with me, and all through the week study wooderalt as a side issue, getting the practical knowledge by a near acquaintance with the wooddpile. You sce, there gre some thousand chestnut tr ay the place ' affficted with bligh) which must be destroved, and 500 of thetn have already been cut into eordivood. This will be used hy the board of edueavon in supply ing schools that use wood to start their fires - The farm life is only one phase the school's activities, though it is considered such an important one. During the period the boys are sent to the school--gsix months is the limit ~they are taught as much of several trades as it is possible for them to learn in that time. This is in addi tion to the regular schooling they receive. For example, the youngsters make their own clothing, and milltary uniforms, for these is a military as pect to the life, though it is only subsidiary, the permission to wear the uniform being given as a reward of merit. ; In other words, Superintendent Tod makes it a point to work on the re verse principle in applying suggestion. If military training were made a part of the discipline whe bovs would hate it. As it is they love it, and-it is the height' of their ambition to be elected to the military squad. In the basement of the building the principles of several trades are taught, and, though it is not pow- sible in the brief time the boys spend there to give them complete technical trafming, they obtain sufficient knowl- edge to mould their tastes. Another evidence of the very prae- tical sort of work which the Parental School is doing is to be seen in the printing shop, where nearly all the printing for the board of education is dove by the lade who are supposed by some to be incorrigible and good for nothing. To give some idea of the magnitude of the work, it can be said that since the school opened in Sep- tember, more than 400,000 separate pieces of printing have been done. of One job alone included 100,000 admis- sion cards for the evening high schools. Last year the printing shop saved the city $2,000 for worl. »f this Kind. In addition to this there is the bake shop, where not infrequently 7, 000 loaves of bread are Baked weekly, and this item alone resulted in a sav- ing last vear of $9,000, while an equal amount was saved from the laundry, $£3.500 from the farm, $1,000 from the tailor shop and $300 from the carpenter shop. "So you see," resumed the superin- tendent, after the visit to the school ended, "the boys have very few idle moments, but that is the one thing I am to bring about. We want to hold these lathe by larger interests than they have ever had before in their lives. We want them to be able to do good constructive work and to love it. "Work and the 'square deal' . are the two important things to be con- sidered, and so they are given a twelveshour day, and from six o'clock in the motwing until six at night they are at work. Now, vou know, boys wan't go through that sort of thing for six months at without getling some good from it. Get This Clear way to prove whether nervousness, heart or stomach tron 8tc , are caused by tea ploaving off the tea well-made and coffee, is to stop of value. coffee will work wonders. insomnia, liver them eo days or two | It is much easier if TU clear, nerves become a on steady, and' the Suman machine Ee woe vor 8 hurt in some way by a streteh | BRITISH wmo, SE RIDAY, DOTOBER 27, 1011. Sl Hat trimmings at the back are helmets which are so the crown a hand of black and white right loops arranged like stiff wings ribbon or of the ribbed Ottoman silk considered smarter than bows made A NEW VELOUR HAT TRIMMED WITH WHITE. now {he (nd and many of the yolowr for wear om huge bows of silk ribbon at the back.. and a bow of six up. Hat bows of taffeta a at the now so fashionable in of ribbon. : It may not be apparent now, but it is bound to tefl in the long run." BUILDINGS TOO ORIGINAL. Contractors Balk at Erecting Radium and Chemistry Palaces, New York Times An unusual strike is vow om in Paris, aud the scheme of tne state and the univessity of Paris, working jointly, of building twe magnificent palaces, one for the Radium Insti jtute and the cther for the Institute lof Chemistry, bids fair to remain un- realized for a long time. They were to be built on cach side of the edi |fice erected by the Prinee of Monaco as the Oceanographital Justitute. and were designed to be the most up tosdate buildings in the world for these branches of research. The trouble is due to the great ori- ginality of these projects. The con: to whom the work was al lotted struck because, they 'say, they never beard of such . "mon strous" methods of building, and re fuse to carry out the plans. The Na- dium Palace, for instance," was to have the whole of the interior lined with a thick layer of ead, as it has been found that this material is least affected by radiocactivity. Simi. tractors THE VILLAGE OF VERONA, A Raffle and Dance--Rail Layers Are Busy. Verona, Oct. 26. --The Kingston sud Pembroke steel layers are quartered here and make quite an addition to the village. The pew rails have been laid up nearly to Godfrey. Ih. Genge is enhancing the appearance of hi# beautiful residence by the addition of a large verandah and portico over- head. C. A. Moore, Hartington, is the architect. Mrs. Nellie KE MoCar- ter, nurse-instraining at Torohto gen- eral hospital, has returned to'that in- stitution, alter spending her %ameation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Asselstine, "Union House" Miss Ethel MeMullen entertained a number of her intimate friends ong evening last week. * Messrs. J. Heaton and B. Lancaster, Cataraqui, and Herbert Djek and brother, Kingston, have been' quarter: ed lately at Michael Kenyon's, enjoy- ing hunting and fishing on the lake nearby. A successiul raflle and dance was held At the residence of Secord Storms, en Weduesday night. The af- fair was well attended. Supper was served at midnight. Joseph Storms is flow occupying his new house, which isup-to-date in every way. Myre. Wes lar novelties were to be introduced into the Palace of Chemistry, while the exterior of both buildings was to present an appecrance of extreme kghiness and grave, resembling an English summer. villa. The foundations were laid, (when it came to raising the: super: structure the Philistine contractors threw up the work, preferring to pay {a heavy fine. A recent invitation construct ihe work has met with no response, and the state and the uni versity of Paris are in a guandary as {to what to do. Another invitation fog i tenders, on very favorable couditious, {has just been issued, and the Frenéh scientists are oarnestly hoping that la firm will be discovered willing te {complete the two new homes of scien but for tenders to ice. Alleged to Have Kept legal Ewtab- lishment in Ottawa. Ottawa, Oct. 27.-Two Ottawa de f teotiv os have gone to Cayament Lake, in' the Gatineau district, north of here, to bring back De. J A. Ouimet, 'of Hull, on a charge of conducting an "establishment for the performance of criminal operations in Ottawa. Dr. Ouimet is awav on a deer hunt. He is jthe physician who a few months ago was tried and aoguitted on a charge of | killing Mrs. Frank Spain, of Ottawa, {by performing an illegal operation. {The proprietress of the alleged resort {in Ottawa is under atrest, and two women, said to be patients of Ouimet have been removed to the hospital, The police have been working up the case for some weeks, but Have only secured sufficient evidence to act. BLECTIONS IN GERMANY. S---------- Polling for Membership in Reichstag ob January 12. Berlin, Oct. 27.--It was officially an- nouheced todny that the elections for members of the reithstag wollc Fe on January 12. present ses- sion would probably close at the end of November or early in Décember. Meantime, the reichstag hopes to dis: pose of the labor exchange measure, the new workmen's insura:e bill, ani code. Chancellor | fine line or ley Burleigh, this place, and Mre Charles Stover, Odessa, went to Wa. tertown, N.Y., last weok on 'an visit. Lewis Vaness is metal-clading his new building. Mrs, A. A. Ludbrook has a perfectly developed citron that grew in her garden on a pumpkin vine. Edward Jofirey, ill of Ite ot his son's, 'on Bellrock Road, is re- ported somewhat better. BURNED TO DEATH. She Gave Her Life for Her Mother at Albany, N.Y. Albany, N.X., Oct, 27.--Miss Carolyn Lime, died of suffocation and the body of her mother, Mrs. Andrew B. Tine, was' maimed and burned to a eri®p in ai explosion and fire in their rooming house at 37 Beaver street, last mght. Miss Uline might have saved herself, hut she probably perish- od in an effort to save her mother. The fire, it is bolieved, was dus to the explosion of a gilding fluid econ taining banana oil. The women were in the front room the com floor, when. the explosion oecar- red. The mamper of it is not known, but its force must have been very great, for the bones in the body ~ of the elder woman were found to be snapped and shatiered. on se LORD DUDLEY'S SPEECHES. Australians Offended by Ex-Gov- ernor<General's Criticism. Melbourne, Oct. 27.--Pr@pier Fisher, in appealing for more ir ut imper- ial conferences, said they offered the only reasonable opening for imperial development. The speeches of Lord Dudley, ax- governor-general, are creating much irritation here. Lord Dudley's refer ences to the payment of members and other subjects are considered to. be quite uncalled for. There is no doubt that the ex-governor-general means well fowards Australia, but it is felt that no good: can be done by his making speeches which constitute at. tacks on institutions which are estab- lished here. . NEED ANOTHER. $10,000. Campaign for Tuberculosis Hospital at Brantford. Brantford, Ont., Oct. 27.-#Announce- ment is made that $10,000 additional will have to be secured if the project for 8 modern tuberculosis ital io this city is to be successfully com pleted. L. Cockshutt and the direc: tors of the Anti-Tuberculosis Hospital Association have commenced 8 cam- to raise the required amount i among citizens, Like Roadbed of 6.T.P. The following letter has been her coived at Grand Trank nariers from a prominent land and ancial oT pi tals the "1 must tulste you wpom Iiirnad which Jour com is building. road ween inmi (rand an ex- iy "8ne - rond : "the # wy 1X0 IN CUBES An OXO Cube, in a glass of hot milk, increases the food value of milk enor- mously--and greatly assists the bread and butter Ts OXO Cubes are foods in foods by helping digestion, 10 fok 25c. 4 for I0c. serves the ing shade or chi Reading Lamp Opticians agree that the light from a easier on the eyes than any other artificial : The Rayo Lamp is the best oil lamp made. hg strong, yet soft, white light; and it flickers. It ven Svs 2c sok wii [ght and # fever fichers Hi pes. You can pay $5, $10, or $20 for other lamps, but you cannot get better light than the low-priced Rayo gives. Made of solid brass, nickel-plated. Easily lighted, without remov- chimney. Easy to clean and Dealers everywhere: or wiite for descriptive circular direct 10 any agency of d ol lap i Nt - rewick. is the finest blend of the two best wheats Canada produces ~Manitoba Spring wheat and and Ontario Fall wheat. One provides the rich gluten that makes bone and muscle, the other gives lightness and whiteness to the bread and pastry. Beaver Flour makes more loaves to the barrel than any other flour on the market ~Iloaves that are sweet, nutri. tious and light, and it also makes delicious biscuits, cakes and pies. Tryit, and show your friends the excellence of your baking. DEALERS--Writd for prices on Fred, Conree Grains and Cereals. nr The T. H. TAYLOR CO, Limited, Chatham, Ont. ARE MICROBES IN YOUR SCALP ft Has Been Proved That Microbes Cause Baldwvess, Professor Unna, «f Hamburg, many, and Dr. Sshourand, the load ing French dermatologist, discovered that a microbe causes baldness. 7 heir theory has time and again been wmply verified through research experiments carcied on upder the observation of aminent scientists, his wierobe lodges in the Sebwm, which is the natural hair oi, and when permitted to flourish it destroys the hair folli- cles and in time the pores entirely close, and the sealp gradually takes on a sitny appearance. When this happens 'there is ne 'hope of the groe- th of hair being revived. We have a romedy which will. we honestly believe, remove dandrufl, ex terminate the mirobe, promote good ciroglation in the scalp and around the "hair roots, tighten' amd revitalize the 'hair rdots, and overcome baldness #0 long as there js any; life lofi in the hair rots, We back wp this statement with ous own personal guarantee that his remedy called Rexall "93" Hair To nic mill be supplied free of alt cost to the user if it fails 0 do as we state. If «31 feequently gray and faded hair to fs original color, providing loss of color has bein caused by disense; vet it ¥ in no sess a dye. Rexall "98" Hair Tomie mecomplishes these results by siding in making every hair roof, follicle, ach pi t gland st and active, stimulating » ne- tutal fow of coloring pigment throughout the hair cells. We exact no obligations or promises --We simply yout to give Rexall "93" Hair Tome a thorough tual antl i not satisfied tell we and we will refund the mowey you paid ux fur it. Two fides, pricks fe. aml £1. Remember you cap 'oBtain it in himpston only at our stere~Th> Rex all store. 6. W, Mahood. Ger help to restore bn, -- - OUR CRYSTAL BRAND rd Geaauisted Sugar Has been tr and found excellent for preserving and table use, Price In ways ight. ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. Sresece Smart Shoes --FOR-- Young Wome : # i Constant special care in ge ! } lecting models for young people has produced some ex- ceptionally excellent styles for oar displays this season. All accepted shapes, in all kinds of leathers, offer a varied satisfactory assortment your selection The Sawyer Shoo Store