The Daily YEAR 78 -NO, 253 A ROW CERTAIN In House of Commons Over 'Ne Temere. A"SPUT IN CABINET] TO FOLLOW ATTEMPT TO LEGISLATE. BOUND An Ontario Member Determined to Introduce Legislation at an Early Date--What Will the Govern ment Do? Ottawa, Oct. 31,-- There seems tu be every likelihood of trouble, ahead when the new House of Commons meets to do business. While imperial- ists and anti-imperialists are bother ing their heads over the future rela- tions of Canada' with the empire, a large number of members are more exorcised over rumors of trouble aris ing from religious questions. The « ition to the application in Canada of the Ne Temere decree rais- ed an opposition which is too well known and clearly defined to need further mention. The application of | that opposition to practical politics will come when legislation dealing with the decree is introduced on the floor of the house. Such legislation is pening. An Ontario member who would not allow: his name to be used said, yesterday, that it was his firm | intention to iutroduce a hill, the pur port of which would be to make criminal offence to interfere in way with the marriage laws of ada. "The hornet's nest that would be stirred up By such action on the part of any member of the house, irrespec tive of politics, would surpass nny- thing that has occurred for somé years. (Of course it is impossible to say what the vesult would be, but it is altogether probable that in a ques- | tiom of this character party barriers would be swept away and cach mem ber be eo lel 16 act as his con stitueney demanded. Every pressure possible would he hroughi yo bear on the author of such n to. compel him to withdraw it, but the mau in question declared that ho will refuse to listen to any opposi- tion. It would put the government in an awkward position were the bill to be quietly pigeon-holel as many bills are. The great Wasa, of people who favor Miah a hill would | nek em- tions, On the or hand decixive by the -- would mean stirring up of violent opposition, ~ no matter what that aetion should be. With the stromg nationalist element in the cabinet it is unconceivable that any such Hl should receive govern: ment approval without a cabinet row of the first magnitude. The only me thod of avoiding trouble will be to secure delay, and delay is the one thing to which » large section of On- tario at least will not listen, DISSOLUTION IMPOSSIBLE, any | Can action the it al INCREASED CONSU MPTION. Of Liguor and | Tobacco in Canada! Last Year. (Htaws, Oct. 3D. --Figures just given out indicate that Camda' sumption of Tega w and tobacco show od #8 marked merease during the fast! year. Gf spirits pei capita, the eon sumplion was |.N# cations against | S156 gallons last year. Of beer rl capita 5.1431 gallons agaiast 5; gallons last year. lhe total amount of tobaero consumed was nineteen mil lion pounds against eighteen wiflitn oa last vesr. Cigarettes totalle 556 million against 151 million, fa cigars 227 million against 206 million. | MUST LIVE TOGETHER. Pope Oilers That Secular Clery | Must Not Live in Seclusion. i Home, Oct. 31.---The pope has is-| sued a motu proprip condemning thi | moder oustom of the secular clergy | of living in private isolation as con i trary to the interests of clerical mor- ality. Herealter priests engaged in pastoral work in big and little towns | will be required to live together in| community life, fs Loses Position, Rochester, N.Y, over the loss of his ley 1. Howard, fifty book-keeper, drove from their house with a revolver and a few minutes later shot himself through the head, dying instantly. DEATH OF PULITZER | { Climbed the Ladder From Young! Reporter to Millionaire Owner of | New York Daily--Blind foe! Twenty-four Years. i New York, Oct. 31. Joseph Pulitzer, | proprietor of the New York World, | died, Sunday afterngon, on board his | yacht ®ff Charleston, 2.0 i Joseph Pulitzer, the blind owder of | the New York World, had a remark- ahle carcer. He landed in the United | States in 1864, with only a twenty: frane picee in his pocket. His fortune at the present time is estimated be tween twenty-five and thirty millions. | For Twenty- four vears he was blind, yet he continued his work with undi- minished vigor. He: was horn nes Budapest, Hungary, on April 10th, 1847, and was ealled upon to make a living for himself at the age of four teen. He drifted to Paris, to Loodon, and then to America, where he went | nto the army and served during the | civil war in a northern eavalry rege ment to the final mustering out at Washington. | He had saved nothing. le wander. Kills Self. Oct. 31.--~Worried | position, Janne years okd, k is wife i } | THE PROPRIETOR OF THE NEW YORK WORLD. | i | | fe { | i | ed the streets of New York for while, sleeping in the public Perks, and then drifted] to Missouri. He en tered his life work as reporter on the St. Louis Westliche Post and worked up to managing editor and part own- er, taking a keen interest in polities | and making addresses in English and in German, In May, I8S3, Nr the New York World Mulit zer bought | i and proeseded | Identity of Nearly All Original} Plans Completely Effaced. Vittsburgh, Uet. 31.--The Industrial' World, considered loeully to be the mouthpiece of the Carnegie company, ': says : "The dissolution «f the steel cor | Jutation will be a physical impossi- bility. The plants bave been aband- ouned and consolidated; inter-company | excnanges of plants effected; entire new plants have been built in which | equipment from old plants is utilized and entire new subsidiaries have been created, The identity of nearly all the origi nal plants have been completely of faced. So thoroughly had this as similation progressed that any res toration of the plants to ther ori gival aspect is beyond the bounds of reason.' ---- ADOPT THE ENGLISH PLAN Of Taking the TConsus-~Prevent Method Not Satisfactory. Ottawa, Oct. 31. The next census ol Canaan mas be taken on the knyg- system, tis, a count of actual inhabitants over might. 'Lhe system, since the re silts were published a fow days ago, has the subject of a stoma of from every part of and dt the west are flooding the cen ibs. are almost in ther complaint. = -------- pn OXRIANGUAGE, | SAYS PYNE, Province Whether or Separate. ; Oot. J-At the conver East COusOrv tives | fan Saturday, tw the bi- un Hon. Tanguage bp separate, in | jac, report Of the commis "isting bi-lingual upon w RK for Westport hm at 6 a.m; for , every Thursday. Jas. ine hin es Every [ter on the trip. to work twenty hours a day. His nn tiring energy met its reward, Slowly | but surely the luck of the paper turn- el, and after its turn progress was rapid, Just before the collapse of his sight in IS87 he was elected to congress from New York city, but could not en dure the additional strain, resigning before his fime was out. He endowed with $1,000,000, the Columbia College School of Journalism, with an agree ment to give an additional 21,000,060 when the school should be in success: ful operation, i i Will Reccive Gift of $10,000, Watertown, N.Y., Oct. 31. Mr, and Mrs. George (. Sherman will give the! City hospital the sum of $10,000 for! the purpose of endowing twe beds, | one to be known as the Carol Sher: ! man bed and the other as the visiting | nurses' bed, The former bed is in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman's daughter, whi died several vears ago, and Abe other in memory of Mrs. Charles A. Sher man. The money will be turned over to the trustees about February lst. RAN NIAGARA RAPIDS IN A FIFTEEN-FOOT LAUNCH Neh sit Niagara Falls, bot. 31. Capt. Klaus Larsen, who last year navigated the Rapids in the motor boat Ferro, repeated the feat Sunday after noon, when he sovered the seven miles between the Falls and Lewiston in thirty-one minutes in the Niagara, a fifteenfoot motor t. The entire trip was made without a hitch, the ten horsepower gasoline engine forcing the Nittls craft theough the rapids at sixty miles ai howe af times. On his frst trip 8 year ago, Lar engine gave out, and he was to abandon his craft before rs Hl RE niton. Sunday he sav inch of the distance from the Mist dock to Pite's dock al Lewiston under power. The Niagara shipped fully six inches of wa- To Cure a e a Cold In One Day. 4 nike ood, Jone, but it >. uN el ing's Qual Tots. factored Ly the Maple Bake Tasative Bromo Quinine Tab- Draggists refund money if it fails to cre. EB. W. Grove's signature is on 'gach bot, Me. Le spe pt How, of. the. Mantioal SENT ENCE A SURPRISE ato jamong iva contending (right tacked clare that Melle lihe world after revelations in the evi: fthess, has set the countryside {with its element ] ¢ rip of Capt. Larsen Through KINGSTON, -T0 END DAYS "Within the Prison Walls of Portsmouth. | : | {AS A VERY LIGHT ONE WAS EX-| PEC Tin, i i { Possible That a New Trial May be Asked For----The Country Heaves| a Sigh of Relief Over Ending of | Vexed Ouestion, Cornwall, Oct. 30.-Farqubar Me Rae, .recve of Lancaster township, | will, ff the sentence of the court bel {carried out, end his days within | prison w alls. { The sisty-five-year-old prisoner goes | captivity because twelve of his! {fellow countrymen believe that, lalpr {ing under the exciteroent of provoeca-| tion, he shot death 'the voung {Scotch chemist who was assisting his | a ifriend, Dr. Magee, to recover his lehild. . There | ! { tor : diffcrences, | brought | i | | were no religious the twelve men who | tholie mew, SUMIMETS, { legislature { ! | i EARL MINTO, University on Saturday ari Minto as lord reet in vhe verdiet, though at of the jury were Roman Cathelics. The dedence counsel were taken ab] togeiher by surprise by the sentence, us ac seibonee of Jess than sit months {had been expected. It is possible that a vew trial ibe applied fer on the ground { the Jury werg allowed {paper reports of ths which are alloyed to flammatory, By reason of Farquhar MeRae (he of Lancastor vacant, election will be held immediately. With the finding of the jury that | McRae was guilty of manslaug ghter, ithe sure winding country heaved a tegh of sowelbing dike relief; for a vexed question had been settled, and it realized that the outcome per {haps as Satisfactory, and much in | nccord with the val trend of pub. | {lie opitkon, as © pa have been de sired), Thete are still, of course, some whe claim that MePae she wuld | bey allowed to go "scotfres, that he bad a periect to use the rifle, and that if he shot anyone in the party which al hig brother's house, it was what they deserved, There are otfiors, exaetly the opposite i acted ciudted. by religions fanaticism, {these would have had the jury bring-| in a verdict of murder, and the privon-| explate with Wis life the crime] which he committed. 3 One of the immediate results itrinl as alieeting as least one of principals--{r. Charlee Magee will be the unpleasavtiness «f having to face Edinbur chose | least t wilh} that | to reud news | some of | been im case, have i of | reeve | convictions ollice of and a the 18 naw R as gene i i i i + i } { who take view, and de | deliberately a and | again, or : i «f the the | } dence which have painted him in an exceedingly = disagreeable light. The story of his wife, in all its harroving | details, a8 Ms. Bluckstock described | ago of scandal. What was whispered before has been blaz- oned forth into the limelight of publi- city, and the inner secvels of the up fortunate family life of br. Magee and Lia wife are public property. The fnestion of the custody of the child still remains to be dediged. Some of the far sighted gossips are al ready wondering if this will be de cided quietly, or be the subject of an other controversy, for the delecta- tian of the scandsl-lo\ing public. McRae i¢ still in the Cornwall jail, and hits not the same freedom that he had since the lst of July. Now that he is & semtevced or, 0 has to submit to full prisdn discipline, 'he i on Wednesday. * Seeking Divorces, Watertown, N.Y. Oct. 31.- When Justice Henry Purcell opens a special term of @ court, here, Wednes- day; November Sth, be will hear an unusually large number. of tales of lm : woe. Un the calendar are many actions for divoree, separation and annulment. the 'thirty-five cases listed on the made dé sp this afternoon at the count office, there were fourteen ash three ra- tions and one for nalnnt + for trial iv ably on Mexanie Cava Port Hope: ihe U Over the Wi l, The Manchu dynast has made | te viplete surre onder. the aggregate at | Massey {the | George { | i | i j i Edward, { 1 | Sunta Fe { conducted | mission fan to ms ake {19 out will be removed to penitentiary prob- K i a ONTARIO, PITH OF ThE NEWS NEWS. The Very Latest Culled . From Al Premier Whitney promises 10 create a putttulio of power, At Tripoli the Mahan troops slough tered many Arabs and women. | Joel Chapman, Toronto, was sfruck' iby a car and bad his Skull fractured.' Alexander Strath, a pioseer farper of Simcoe county, died on Saturday. Five persons were injured by auto- mobiles in Toronto, ong isting dyi ! Ernest Keeler, of Port H fell of | a train near Brockville id of his injuries. Provincial nominations fixed for! December 4th, and the elections on' December ith. Abram Abramson, 8 four-year-old! | Windsor boy, was rik over by an ice waggon and killed, {hie MeGil was first; "Varsity, second; Wueen's, third, and RNY, fourth, in the intercollegiate East York conservatives Alexander McCowan biter he had given a pledge on bilingualism and the rail way board. The eutting out of the Stars and | Stripes from 'moving pictare films at Toronto has been referved to the Uni tee] States secretary of state. Wild rumors ave afloat in Pekin as to the flight of the or and. the | suicide of Prince U A panic has seized the people of capital. great gathering of representative Pt of Canadg will be held in Hall, Toronto, ja January, to tormally wage war on the Ne Temere marriage decree of the Roman Ua- church. the aye of sighty-one, and for fifth time in his life, Jacob So- Sault Ste. Marie, Unk, bas en- into the bonds of matrimony, the n of his heart is Mrs. ( lady of swenty-three i | | At tered and woma James Cole, a candidates for the nominated on Satur rals Severin rucharme, Consmrentivet William North ontworth; South Wentworth; Neely, MPP, East Mid- Norman, ET The foldowg were i jday : i Eages. North Lawson, J.T. H W R arden, run wi A. dlesex, Offer Kisses for Aa tutiom, Guthrie, Okla, Oct. Ta CO. W. Kouns, gencral re - the eant- orn lines of the Atchison, Topeka and sven, kisses from twenty of fernick's prettiest girls were offer- ed in exchange for a new station. My. | Kouns refused to enter into the trade, [hat it is understood that word has gone to headquarters recommending x mew station, Naval Cadet Examinations. Hitawa, Oct. 3i.---An examination of candidates for naval cadetships of paval academy, Halifax, will be by the vcivil service com at the usual places throngh- | out the commtry, commencing Novem hor Hith. By aw order-in-council pub {lished in the Uanadian fazette the ge limit for eandidates is raised so ehgible all under s of age Jununry tae seven | Leone years on Ist. {General "HOW COUNTRY VOTED 4 IN THE GENERAL Wl ECTIONS IN SEPTEMBER. fr-- {If Majority in Toronto Was Klim- Liberals Would Probably Lend in Whole Do inated Have Slight minion. 31 constituencies for the show an aggregate conservative vote of 569.670, and an ngereghtie loeral vote of 531,896, giv-| ing a nominal popular majority. for | the new government on the returns so far in of This, howev will probably he cou siderably veduced when all the re turns from Alberta and Saskatchewan are in. Of the missing constituencies hiteen went liberal, and tm gave con servative majorities. In addiion to this it is important to note that there were three itherals elected by accla mation. | If the nel conservative majority in Toronto, totathng some 25,000, were eliminated, it is probable that the re-| turns from the rest of the country] when finally conipleted will show popular majority in favor of the libe- | rals. Aggregate return by provinces, | with missing constituencies indiented, | are as follows : Nova, Seotia--Uovernment, opposttion, 52,234. Missing tuency, Cope Breton, South. New Brunswick--Govermment, 34, 134; oppositiod, 35,6, Missing cos stitnencies, Northumberland, Queen's, Sunbury. Prince bdward Island--Government, 14,688; opposition, 13,008, \wiebee Government, 149.305, oppo- wition, 160, 343. Missing constituencies, Montcalm, Nicolet, Joliet and Yamas- a. Ountario--Goverrment, 245,142; oppo- sition, 190,288, Wissing vonstituencids, Dufferin, Glengarry, West Middlesex, South York aml East Simcoe. Manitoha-_tiovarningst, RTS: op | position, 20.5 Missing constituen- it Naocdonakl, "Provencher and Win- EN atchowith--;ovarmint.. 2,653; opposition, 38,043. Missing oconstituen- aes, Battleford, Mackenzie and Sas katoon. Alberta---Government, 1.575; opposi- tion, 6.340. Missi constituencies, all ne Hat Tn Ta on ition, 14, issing con Comox-Athin, 509,670; opposi- the ising conti vancies Bison ng hiawa, Oct, of 221 recent clection 3,700 er, 3 a : 50,303; | consi | bosons pate secwtary . 'In eddition, there were acclamation, all FUESDAY, | OCTOBER a1, 19 Untario | eloquent Official returns for! iN i most Leral ! spoken of at ISarah B, fen werd eonserva- | three | 1911. HE DROPS OUT Hon. A. 6. Mackay Wil No Longer L Lead LIBERAL OPPOSITION His, RESIGNATION WAS ACCEPT. ED RELUCTANTLY. { Action Against Him is Pure Black. mail--He Assures His Friends That Investigation Will Prove Toronto, Oct. 31.--Previous to the ing of the Outaric Re g, the liberal the provincial house and the prospective candidates. held a eaucus at the Privee George hotel, at which Hon. A. G. Mackay tendered his resignation as leader of the party in Ontario. The caucus at first od « wnapimous resolution, declining t6 accept the resignation, but after pressure by Mr. Machay. finally aqerpted it, on a resolution HON. A.)G. MACKAY. proposed by J. C. Elio conded by Col. Atkinson. The resolution of acceptance ox: the opinion that the stincks i the conrts and ou the street foundation and cowl a statement, Mr. Mae the action recently Isunched against him in the Ontario ich court was absolute blackmail. He all his friends that investiga tion will prove this. President 11 NM practically proposing the first liberal all barrcom licenses in the after 1913, ol discussion Reform from and se ¥ mide. wore without lv, ln making Any said that assured Mowat's address, the adoption the abolition of province of was the great at the Ontario \stociation to-day parts of the expressed a variety of ideas wibject. Some thought it was other expressed the be lief that th» traditions of the liberal [party demanded such a poliey Arthur Henderson, Sarnia, Ontario be under prohibition ahd the liberal party temperance lifeboat to plank, paint De legates various province on the too drastic; of said would in ten Yenrs should row shore Hugh Guthrie, Guelph, speech, ndvising an immedi te platform of total prohibition. This wemed to meet the general opinion of the meeting, although definite action was left to the parliamentary candi dates Kemi there reewhed that this should he vative government As to the leadership, W. Rowell, K.U Toronto, the likely. A committee of the gen association and parliamentary candidates is conferring, this after- about Mr. Muchay's the meeting of the Gen Reform Association of Ontario, was an effort on the past of members to about it LOST LIVE. the also made an the bi-lingual question to be a general opinion left to the conser: to worry oul it 1s thought i noon, When resignation was eral there some COMET; Miss Pitkin, Aged 70, of Rochester, Fell Downstairs. Flmirad N.Y. Oct. 3l,--Her desire to see the comet cost the life of Miss Pitkin, of Pochester. Wiss was visiting at the Frimity here. She rose early to Oihier gaesis later found her dead at the foot of the stairs, with her neck broken. She evidently had lost hey footing in the dark. Miss Pitkin was the daughter of for- x Mayor Pitkin, of Rochester. SAW Pitkin church rectory see the comet. Build Smallest Theatre. Poston, Mass, Oct. 31: Built to peat only a hundred and thirty per sons and with the idea of presenting plays tabooed on the 'public stage; 'a pow theatre being erected at the wisi Fad will be the smallest and the niost exclisive plavhoose in the eoun- trv. It will cater nly fo the wesithy and cultured. Some of the best known members of Boston sociely are intersted. Richeson Was Remanded. Boston, Mass, Oct. 31.--Rev. Clar ence V. T. Richeson, charged with the murder of Miss Avis Linoudl, appeared formally before the grand jury to-day, and 'was remanded wil November Tth. He appeared pale gud wane after his teonfinement Free demoustration of Kodak ond OUEEN'S WAS THIRD In the Intercollegiate Track Events at. Montreal. Meliill athletes wore handy winners in the intercollegiate track meet, om Monday afternoon, on the M.AAA. grounds, Moutreal, in co ition with the track teams representing Te ronto University, Quian's University, and Royal Mibtary College. Jue Montreal collegians bad a wianer in eight of fourteen events on the pro- gramme, and scored in every one, ag- gregating sixty-eight points, to 'Var sity's forty, Queen's twelve, Royal Military College's two. The following Queen's men scored in various events : Seott, third, in guar ter mile race; H. Meninnon, third, in throwing hammer; J. McKinnon, third in shot- put, and second in throwing ercheron, third in throwing discus; Harvey, third, in three mile run. Royal Military College winners were: Aittermester, third in 2.20 yard race; Cronyn, third in running high jump. Ironmongers Won, By a score of 14 to 1 the Tron mongers from the dry dock wiped the aricket field with ~"Mugsy" Staps- of [bury's giants, known as the ry Bones of Skelton Park, in an exhib: tion rugby game, X Monday The reason the bry Bones sooring more I wd ol out as due Ww the fact that dwing the whole game not more than three or four of the skull and cross bones team handled the ball. FIERCE ONSLAUGHT ON ITALIAN TROOPS By Tuks and Arabs at Tripoli Constantinople, Oct. 31.--Despatches here indicate that the Turkish troops with their allies, the Arabs, made several fierce onslanghts on the Hal ian outposts on Monday, driving sev eral regiments of these troops to tne inner fortifications «ff Tripoli The attacks' took place outside the range of guns of the warships in the hay bor, and on equal terms, without na- val assistance, the Turks provel toemselves »killul and most courage ous fighters. it is swich no quarter was given on cither side, the Arabs being highly in- consol over the Tenling indignities to native women amd children. Alter ine flicting severe punishment on the Halians the Turks rode away. HIS HAND BLOWY OFF. Pulock at Accident to fake Opinicon. named Thorstonaiek, ak a word of Eoglish, Inst, Awlul un able had the misfortune on Saturday Lo have his right hand © osmpletely blown off by an accidental explosion = of | dynamite. He was working at Lake | Opinicon, in the employment of the C.} He was driven forty miles, ae companied by his brother, and an other to the Hotel Dieu, where Dr. MeUarthy amputated the fore arm sbove the wrist, The patient is reported to be resting easy A Palock man, A Thanksgiving Wedding. Folin of Barrieficld, Miss Agnes Keyes, Rideau street, united mm marriage at Ja chapel, Monday morning, at oval | o'clock, by Rev. Father Hanis he | voung couple were attended by Miss | Minnie heyes and Michael Keyes, | brother and sister of the bride | and were | Stanton, St DISCOVERS CURE FOR ~~ SPINAL MENINGITIS Director of Rockefelier Institute An- nounces Epidemic Can Be Controlled. York, Oct. 31.---Dr Simo Flexner, director ,of the Rockef iter Institute, for Medical Research, an nounced today to the annual confer ence of sanitary officers of the tale in Carnegie Lyceum that epidemic | spinal meningitis could now be ab- | solutely controlled ? Dr. Flexner said the cure perfected through the discovery method of using the serum now injected into the cerebral i membrane instead of into the blood "iufluenza meningitis in the child, said the dootor, "will, with the ap plcition of this new method of treat ment, he not one-tenth as dangerous as it has formetly been. "4t has taken a large sum of money and" a long time to perfect this cure. This i= the jirsi time | have asnoune- of it, as only very recently have 1 demonstrated to my own satisfaction that the serum will do what | claim it will" Pr. 8. Magill, of the state hygisnic laboratory expressed his dis- approval of the way in which many physicians were using diphtheria anti toxin. "hxery time we send to a doctor any anti-toxin for diphtheria there is; a sheet of instructions melosed,"" © he | said, "but out of 10 eases | fouad | only one had tried to follow direc; tions. Of the 100 cases I looked into! ail of the patients died and in every instance antitoxim had not been ned correctly. % "The mortality per 100.600 in] France from diphtheria is three to four. In this country it is) sixteen to | seventeen. Why ? The ease 1 have just cited about the deuse of anti | toxin is & good ressopn, 1 think." ---------- Hou. RL. Borden and Mrs. Borden have returned vo Ottawa from At natie City. ei ovember 3th is fixed for Thauks giving Soy in the United States. 1 New had been of a It is spinal new : POCOTOPITTOOQ OOOO OOOTTTOOVTOCC HOC COOOT OO TOO CODD OOOO " - | "Phone 577. LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toroate, Ont. Oct. 3st, 18 am -Ot- tawa Valley and U pper . lawrence North-east winds. WH rain or 'snow. Ww ay, colder, with silght snow falls, Boooposoo0a00aaRpa0RTe £2 gli FV O0O0000OCO 0000000000000 0000000000000 V0000 The merchandiser we offer you Is of one quality only the finest procurable. No cheap or tawdy goods will be found in our store. You will find only such wsrticles here as are found in the finest and most reputable dry goods stores, 1 : IS GUR MOTTO ALWAYS We have no vague or doubt- ful price marks. Every artic js marked in pinin figures. if you are interested in READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS You cannot afford to overlook the prices and styles we are pow offering in WINTER GOATS For Ladies, Misses or Children. Evening Gowns, Street Dresses, Fancy Waists, Tallored Walsts, Fetticonts, Knitted Goody, Dressing Gowns, Kinonos, etc, A will things are just right at STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. OOOH ~ oO ii OFO0OV00 COOITVVCOCOVIVTHOO0O0 a convince you call OOK OOOQO0VO00 QOOOO0OA © 00 0000000000000 BORN. Portsmouth, Ont 1811. to Mr, and Mrs Ps re. a son BEST---In Kingston Tuesday and Mrs ¥ NOLAN-~In Kingston Street, on Oct. 20th and Mrs. James Nolan, WEBSTER In Kingston, Street, on Oct. 28th, and Mrs. Charies R son Dit P BEAUPRE At at Hotel Dieu dist, 1811. to Hest, a son 407 isi a on Mrs Ot LT Barrie to Mr son at 65 Union wit to Mr Webster at a DIED. Kingston Edward on O« Tomkinn $915 agod In JE NEINS John I's at 2.39 residence Tuesday, vVelock late 63 York {In 31m Kingston, Ontario 1811, Orfilia Tyo John P, Anderso from her Iate re Ptreet, Thurs- 30 o'clock. / In Kingston, dn October Edward Leste, aged on be 3int, i LEBILIKE mn years Funeral mother's residence, No Thursday morn from his 7 River Street, in 10 © k ROBERT J. RT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 230 Princess Street. JAMES REID The OM Firm of Ly le bulnnes, at clot 254 sad 356 PRINCES 'Pinos 147 for Am FOR STUDENTS. All kinds of Bookcases, Book. shelves, Writing Desks, Study Tables, and Easy Chairs, pecial prices w Turk's. Ph one 706 New New Figs New Cider New Honey New Valencia Raisins Jas. Redden & Co. The faneral of the late John Jen ikins took' place from his residence, York street, Tuesday afternoon, Rev, Mary Mammering (Mrs. Frederick Wadsworth), of Detroit, will leave the stage and go into model house pmild- ing g with her husband, i Samuel Shibley officiating,