i 5 % a---------- ®alts, Calomel and Cathartic Pills 'Are Violent--They Act on Bowels as Pepper Acts in Nostrils. Take a Cascaret to-night and thor oughly cleanse your Liver, Stygmach and Dowels and you will surely feel great by morning. You men and wo: mean who have headache, ted tonghie, can't sleep, aré bilious, ~ ner vous and upset, bothered with = sick, gassy, disordered stomach, of have backache and feel all worn out. Are you keeping clesn inside with Casearets--or merely forcing a pass ageway after few days with salts, eathartic oils or eastor oil 7° This is A etn immediately cldanig and te the stomach, remove the sour, od and fermenting food = and foul ; take the excess bile from the liver and earry off the decomposed waste matter and poison from the iu. testines and bowels, Remember a, Cascaret to-night will hten you out by 'morning. Alen 10e. from your «druggist means a elear head and Tl for months, Don't forget ghe children. . A Neat Financial Scheme. Hamilton Times, Tat i pow said that parliament will be convened on November 15th, for an extra session, the' _ principal business of which will be the voting of sup ies. Prorogation will be reached be re the end of the year, and another session will be summoned early in the spring. The principal object to be served by this multiplication of ses- sions will be the giving of an extra $2,000 each to the members in in demnitios. It is said that there is a great hunger for indemnities. - 0000000000000 000000000 o Handsome Plumes and Feathers The only way to keep your handsome plumes and feath- ers looking well is to have them clean and curled oOc- 'casionally. ofk of this kind dont at these works satisfies particular people. R. PARKER & 00. and | ; i $i: £ . 8 elesccscencsece $0000000000000000000¢ SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NOR. WEST LAND REGULATIONS. P WHO I8 THE SOL' nad oe 3 fam ly or any male over 1 ead a quarter fon land in berta. foun, by adi" ter, hor or furaol: onthe' residen u Ian ha Fa ni Beat ther, certain ---- n standin, ro om t & quart n alonghle : 8 homes . oad Price, fit oe in Fall Dometiead sary' (including ibe he : rn ottent) and oy tvate, Ly. ares utes @ nie: a right and oaanot ob Rags lon may enter for a pure th certain districts. ~ Deputy of ty thor oi erect of the uSORY, eg io nie 142; Corpl. imental and wasd gi cup ad ANNUAL PRIZE SHOOT| OF THE t4TH REGIMENT, P.W.0. RIFLES. On Monday at the Barriefield Ranges--The Markmanship Was Good Considering the Cool Weather. The annual prize shoot of the 14th Regiment, P.W.0. Rifles, tok place, on Monday, at the ranges at Barri with a good attendance. The weather way dear and cold, which was detri- , the wind changing particu arly at yards. The results of the different matches was ; Regimental Match, 200 and B00 yards, seven shots each; possible score, 70 : . 1st, $8--Color-Sergt. 8. Fraser, 56. 2nd, $2 Color-Sergt. C. Hall, 54. 3rd, 82 Pte. F. Edwards, 53. 4th, $2-Corpl. W. Hamilton, 53. $1.50 ench--Pte, W. Parkes, B33; Pte. H. Carey, 52 Pte. Al McC im, 51; Lieut. J. dEaterre, 50. Pte Tay- lor, 50; Sergt. G. Williamson, ox Pte. F. G. Daley, 48; Lieut. J. McL. Steph- 46, $1 anch--Sergt. (i. Long, 46; Corpl. B. am, 43; S.3. G. Pratchett, Ww. Salshury, 42; Capt. F, Pte. W. Clifford, 40; Pte. 40; Pte. G. Taylor, 35; ancis, 12; Pre. K. Cur i » at » Sahoad. 41; Aveling.. ia. r ragh, Power Cup Match. Open to teams of three men from each eampany, 200 and 500 vards, sev- en shots at euch; possible points, 70: 1st tesm, BE. company, cup and $36-- Color-Sergt. Fraser, 43; Corpl. Bir mingh~m, 46; Pte. W. Parkes, 47; to- tal, 136. 2nd team, H. company, $3--Corpl. Hooper, 31; Pte. J. Taylor, 19; Pte. J. €, Stewart, 45; total, 125. Next in order--(, company team, points; B. company team, 94. name. 22 Open Match. Open to all riflemen of district; ranges, 200, 500 and 600 yards; sev- - Shots each; possible score, 105 : , $4-Mr. Dalzeil, Queen's Rifle A jon, 93. : 2nd, 83-8, 8. Rifles, 92. Bed, $3-Capt. G. T. 82 each--Lieut. W. E. Swaine, 14th, Barrett, K.R.A., 90; Capt. . Campbell, 14th a Prof. Lindsay Malcolm, Q.R.A $1.50 each--Lieut. J. fier, 14th, 84: Mr. Lawson, Q.R.A:, 88; Major H. J. Dawson, Mth, 88;' 'Corpl: George Hooper, 14th, 86; Pte. H. 8. Morgan, ¢ AL, 86; 8.8. D. T. MeMunus, CM. 86; Lieut. A. H. Mectireds, 14th, 5; 'W. Ruttan, K.R.A., $1 each~R. A. Baillie, 'k. RA, Color-Sergt. C'. Hall, 14th, 81; Pte. : H. Richards, 14th, SI; Capt. E. C. Barrett, 4th Hussars, #0 J. Hi Bac rett, K.R.A, 79; 41. H. Birketi, K.R. ad Colo -Setgt. S. Fraser, lith, 78: Pte. J. C. Stuart, 14th, 78; Mr. Shirley, Q.R.A., 75; Prof. D, Ellis, QRA., 72. 70, 'onchPis. ¥. G. Daley, lth, 7%: Pre. J. Taylor, 14th, 72; Sergt. A. Long, 14th, 69; Corpl. Pirming- ham, 4th, 67; Corpl. W. Hamilton, Ith, 64; Sergt. G. Williamson, 14th, 62; Pte. L. McCallum, dts, 61; Pte. Aveling, 14th, 57; Capt. F. Ma- hood, 14th, 57; Corpl. W. Salsbury, 14th, 56; Stafi-Sergt. G. Pratchett? 14th, 53; Mr. Fairburn, Q.R.A., 20 Open Team Match, Open to teams of five previously named men from any association in the district, scores in open team match to count: 1st team--14th P.W.0. Rifles, Capt. P. G. €. Campbell, 90; Capt. Birch, 92; Lieut. Swaine, 92; S. S. Skinner, 92: Corpl. Hooper, 86; total, 452. nd team--K.R.A., 8. 8. McManus, 85: R.A. Baillie, 81; J. J. Barrett, 90; J. H. Barrett, 79; H. 8, Morgans, 86; total, 421. » Skinner, 14th P.W.0. Birch, 14th, 92. Kirkpatrick Cup Match, Regimental aggregate of scoves in the matches : ~Lieut. W. Swaine, of| Oud, $1.50-Capt. G. T. 'Birch, 157. Egy Maryel of Healing ree | Salt Rheum of Ten Year's Standing Healed as if by Magic. Hands Cracked, so Could Not Work «Cures Effected by | DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT It does not take long for br, Chase's Ulntment to prove its' magie healing power. * A single night is often sufficient to produce the most start- § { ling results, Taternal treatment for SE mental to good shooting or high seor- |. | Liatoe, THE DAILY BRITISE WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1. . OLELtettestetstetsestettnsans cosspsessass seesrerrsenssrentsareng R. Skinner, 155; Major Ni: Corpl. (i. Hooper, %. Pte. A. H. Wichards, 141; Lieut. H. McGreer, 1 he. euch Lieut. J) d'Esterre, 139; LColor-Mergt. C- 135; Color- Nergt. 8. Fraser, Pte. J. C. Stuart, 129; Pre. J. Tay 122: Pte. F. G. Daly, 120; Corpl. W. Hamilton, 117; Sergt. A. Long, 115; Pte. L. Mer Callum, 12; Bug. G. G. Williamson, Extra Series--200 Yards, Entries unlimited and best score to count; possible score, 25 points : 1st, $2.75 Lieut. W. Swaine, 24. 2ud, 81. 60-Capt. G. T. Birch, 23 Ord, $1.60--Capt. P. G. C. Campbell, "41 each--8 J Dawson, TH. 4th, $1.60--Prof. A, 23. 0c. each--S. 8. Skioner, 23; Lieut. A. H. Mclreer, 23, Capt. C. Bar- rett, 23: Pte. H. 8S. Morgans, 23; J. J. Barrett, KRA., 22: Major H. J. Dawson, 22. 300 Yards--Extra Series. First three men tied for place : $1.75 each=Lieut. W. Swaine, full score; Pte. A. H. Richards, Capt. E, C. Barrett, 25. 4th, 75¢.--Pte. H. 8. Morgans, 24. A. each, 8. S. Skinner, 24; Major Dawson, 24: Lieut. J. d' Estereey Dalzeil, GR. A, Hu. Compl, 23. Capt, G. T. Birch, 23 600 Yards Series. lat, $1.25-Lieut. W, Swaine, 23. $18, 8. Skinner, 22. T0e. ench--Pte. A. H. Richards, Capt. T. Birch, 21. 35e. bP H. S. Morgans, 21; . 8. McManus, 21; Major I. J. Daw- By 20: Capt. P. G. C. Campbell, 20 J. J. Barrett, K.R.A., 20; Lieut. J. d'Esterre, 20, Malcolm, QR. 25, 25; H. 2; 7 r. oopet, a9 Series Aggregate. Aggregate of scores, 200, 500 ani 600 yard series; possible score, 5 points : ist, $1.25. $1.75--Lieut. W, Swaine, 72. 8. Skipuer, 69. $1-Pte. A. H. Richards, 69. $1--Pte. H. 8, Morgans, 68, . Be. each--Capt. G. T. Birch, -67 Major H. J. Dawson, 66; Capt. P. ( Camphelf, 695; 8S. 8S. McManus, 61; J, Barrett, K.R.A., 64; Prof. L. Mal ity Q.R.A,, 62. The prizes will be paid at the Ar- mouries ion Friday evening, at eight o'clock. THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S ARTS SOCIETY WANTS WILFRID LAURIER THE SIR To Speak at. its Dinner in January ---The Sunday Services to Begin on the Gth--~The Medical Dance. As will be noted, several strong the eakers and preachers are included in e catalogue for Sunday afternoon sermons at Queen's University during the fall session. The lst js: November 5th, Principal November 12th, Prof. Jordan, D.D., Queen's; November 19th, Rev.. Hugh Pedley, Emmanuel. church, Montreal; November 26th, Rev. Donald Maegil- liveay, Shanghai, China: December 3rd, Rev. J. Patterson, Smythe, D.D., St. George's church, Montreal: Decem- ber 10th, Rev. 8. Harper Gray, B.A. old St, Andrew's church, Toronto: De- cember 17th, Prof. Dall, B.D., Queen's. The Arts Society is making a deter mined effort to bring Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Kingston for their annual dioper, which will take place soon aiter the advent of the New Year, Gordon; The medical dance will be given in Grant hall on the evening 3 Friday, November 17th. A most enjoyable time is assured as the varions com- mittees are making extensive prepara- tions, It is understood that Donald Madgillivray, of Shanghai, China, who is to preach at Queen's this fall, will, in addition, deliver a series of lectures on missions to the theological students, Rew, Dr. Prominent Merchant Summoned. A prominent merchant. has been summoned to the police court, to an- swer to a charge of violating one of the: city by-laws. It is alleged that he gave his driver orders to tear down the bars placed on Brock street, where the new pavement js being put down, and drove over the forlwdden portion of the roadway. The case will heard on Thursday morning. Partridge Arve Plentiful. Huuters who have spent several days in the woods in search of game say that partridge are very plentiful thig season. It has been said that they are so thick along the K. & P. railway that one could almost knock then over with a stone. One party got ninety in a few days. Belleville sold" $5000 worth of dohool debentures at $121. The de- Dentures bear 1} per cent. interest and fun for thirty yeard. They were bought by Wood, Gundy & Co., of Toronto. Charles Babeock, of Rossmore, died {Su ly an Sunday morning. He was well and about on Saturday, and the By [news of his death was' a great shock to _his many friends. Midis of the Maden stage will be interested in : olan lench's de jor presenting London this winter, hic Age for November ith reprints from, Chambers' Journal, "Mr, and Mrs. John Linton and Miss 3 Ei 7 Se Fi and Mrs, ai Halos, of the civil svi s {though A AMUSEMENTS | 1911. (GRAND Y OPERA HOUSE) TO-NIGHT RH. A. JOHNSON PRESENTS Sanford Dodge in his New Play, THE RIGHT OF WAY Sir Gilbert Parker's Wonderful Story, Dramatized by Eugene Preshrey. Sents Bow on Sale, 23, 58, 25 20 15 200 a Saturday, | ay, Nov. 4th Bargain Matineks 220 Evening, 8.15, BE. WEE OFFERS The Sartore: Comedy Drama, "The Town Marshal" In 4 Vein, by Lem B. Parker. Louls Lytton as BOL ther ~Old Homestend." EEC hijdren, 15; Adults, 25¢, PVENING, 13, 25, 35, Soe, Semis on Sale Thursday. GED. MULLER & SON Carpet Cleaning, Laying and Sewing. Ofatoth lald. Bicycles Repaire Cleaned and stored for winter. 1 Scenery And Effects "Phone 1032, IN SPORTING CIRCLES OTTAWA COMMENTS ON THE OUEEN'S GAME, SOME "Chaucer" Elliott Signs a New Pitcher for st. Thomas--Notes on Rugby and Other Sports. Ottawa Free Press: bunch of players whom it would be a credit to liek at anv time, The back division are all big fellows who run like streaks of Yghtaing, and al- not sure with thew hands, are good kickers, Leckie, of course, carried off much of the ul though Hazlett played an egally good game. Hazleit is some kicker, and did most of Queen's punting in the first half, Je did not have as much steam later in the game, and gave way to Leckie, whose punting and running marked him as mighty dan gerous to the visitors, With Macdon- nell and lick they compose a dan. gerous bunch of backs, and it seems strange that they should be so Var down the ladder. The line is a cork- er, and held like a wall at mes. They bucked for vards on downs four or five times. 'The attack had the avoirdupois, but not the speed. Their tackling on the whole was anything but good. Herbert Smith, the Ot taws boy, at outside wing, was the star. He tackled wonderfully, and was right under every kick. He re covered loose balls five or six times and made Queen's touch hy getting up fast and dropping on a ball which Sheehy fumbled behind the line. Ottawa Journal | Those threats of retaliation for supposed injuries to the Queen's team to be made on the Ottawa College players when they visited Kingston did not materialize. When the Queen's feam went and took a week to think over they evidently decided that not so badly used as they at first, : Ottawa Citizen : Rankin insisted that touch line judges men. At first Coach ton objected, but ad the the power it was no use apd RM.C cadets held the watches and handled the touch lines. To the visitors this looked tke a put up job to euchre them out of the match owhen +: the youngsters trotted on the field "they expected to have do play the Eials too. However, all of these oint- ments were periegidy square Gt is quite likely thal-College weuld® willing . to accept the. same wen handle games in the capital. Queen's have a glory, home things they were thought Messrs, the should Dixon and timers and be RM.C. Father Sian: officials had ap) be to "Chaucer's" New Although the baseball 1912 is far off "Chavecer" manager of the St. Thomas Canas dian lengue team, is scouting, On recommendation of his snoristop, . Gil- bert Forgue, who! 15, at his home in Rhode Island, "Chaucer" "has signed up a southpaw named Yous Jocke, who has beds pitching 1 Sm in Lymansville, Rhode allt said that he can deliver the and when the sod begins 19 _ show next spring Chaucer" will work him Pitcher, season for Elliott, the A Basketball Player. "Doug" Pound, of the Wholesalers baskelball team, has signed wp a pew man named Potter,' who it is said will be a valuable atkition to the team. He plays baseball, also, and will' be given a workout with the Vies next season. © Attwood, who plaved right field for the Vies part of last season, will not be hete next, year, Inter alleglate S nu Match... "Varsity Soccer team come dow to the Limestone > next wath oo hy i {members donned their overcoats on the after- , PAGE YHRER. @ | The People's Forum OONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion le a word, Each coa- secutive Insertipn thereafter hall cent a word, Mial for one insertion 25¢) three | Insertions, B0e; six, $1; one month, $2. HELP--WANTED. AT ONCE, TWO DINING-ROOM GIRLS, Apply to Manager, King's Cafe A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, ply, 580 Colborne Street, AP. A GOOD PLAIN COOK, APPL Y TO Miss Hora, 46 King Street. LOST. YYGIIFICPIIIII IP III II III ver SFEIIIIIIIIIIIRIIT IIS sv IIRIR errr FOR SaLE. OPEN 382.805 GENTLEMAN'S GOLD hy ATOH, or Xo arn to Whig office ot tor ONE Sto MLL and one Ph or 14 fre Hotel Pew, Re ward to Whig office HUTELS AND RESTAURANTS Nd STAXDARD BANK 3 ili in Hickey's taere (© Wi returmed BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, Opposite GTR. station, one block from P.R.. on street car lina bar supnited with best of wine and liquors; charges vroderate: special rates by the week, John Cousineau, Prop. ERAL SERV ANT, FAMUAD Apply to 232 Sydenhban 243 Street. MEN'S + CLOTHING Wanted. Apply, Limited. SALESMAN by letter, Bibby's A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT: N( washing. Apply, in the evening at Mre. A. MacLean's, 58 King St. BOY FOR MAILING DEPARTMENT: steady position to a smart, bright lad. Apply, Business Office, the Whig. IMMEDIATELY, Goob Servant: experienced good wages; to 170 GENERAL preferred; no washing. Apply Barrie Street. LAYER-OUT WANTED FOR LARGE boiter shop In Toronto; state rx. perience and wages expected. Ap: ply, Box 100, Whig office FLANGER WANTED ON LOCO- motive work for large boller shop in Terento: state wages Apply, Box 1031, Whig office LIVE AGENTS WANTED, sexes, to canvas business houses; good commission to hustlers Logan, Room Ne. 2, 1 Grant Street Toronto BOTH INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers, No canvassing. Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3,869 Lockport, N.Y. 5 OLD , carefully 30th, Nov. 12th and ply new, The Gulld, Street, Montreal, Street, Toronto. A LINE FoR BEVERY HOME; WRITE us for our cholee list of agents' supplies: we have the greatest agency proposition In Canada to- day: no outlay necessary. Apply, BCL Co, 228 Albert Street, Ot- tawa. AN DOMES. arriving 26th. Ap- 71 Drummond or 47 Pembroke COUNTRY selected, AEPRESENTATIVE once far work In will guarantee $2.00 to $3.00 per day; opportunity to advance rapid. 1y; will pay liberally for spare time; work not difficult; expari- ence pol required, International Bible Press, Toronto, WANTED, AT your locality; MATRMVULATION TARE DOORWAY to the professions, doctor, lawyer, minister, engineer (etvil or electrical) ele we prepares you for this examination at home Write Canadian Correspondence College, Limited, Dept. PP, Toronto Canada OOO0000 OCO0O00000000C WANTED, BOYS AND GIR TO LEARN cigar makir Apply at Oherndorffer's r Factory, Ontario Street. 8 COO00O0000V0000OO0000000000 CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working men; good salary; per manent position: If you are work- ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day: you can double your wages and be your own boss. Apply, Box "KE. B, C.," Whig office. 100 UOKAN sTEAMSHLP AGENUY. GIRLS WANTED highest wages; steady employment. Apply immediately, D. 8 Per. rin & Company, Lid. London, Ontario. TRANS ATLANTIC LINES, ALL CLASS. es >. B. Kirkpatric Agent, 42 Clarence Street, Kingston. 'Phone TEACHER WANTED. MME DI ATELY, NILA AL hy ED TEACH. ennebee, for the be score only one not he lv game may be expected. In game last Saturday in Toronto, tween MeGill and "Varsity, the was a tie ome all, and MoGill beat Queen's here a week ago by point, the score heing 1-0, It is expected that the score here large. will which was runniag rife in the Sunday + hoa] basketball series about the law restraining aty league players oy participating in the contests, is dying down, al though it will be brought wp at ihe meeting of the executive, Thursduy evening. The new league which some of the players talked of forming has Wot materialized as vet. The excitement Bowling on the Holiday. Although the weather was some what cool for the sport some of the ol the lawn bowling clab noon of the holiday and played practice match ai Queen's greens. The dollowers like the game so well thai they hate to give it up for the win ter. However the most of the bowl ers are also curlers so that they viii soon be right in line again. 3 Colds Cause Headaclie, Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world wide cold grip remedy, removes cause. Call for hull name. signature E. W, Grove, 25¢., a» the THE GRIMASON Princess Strect the best of Liquors and Cigars. Meals, rates by the aud stable accommedation Rates reasonable. Muiville & Drvisco BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN ST RT a mall order business at home. Na canvassing, Be your own boss Bend for free boaklot. Tolls how Heacock, 2,888, Lockport, N.Y FINANCE AND INSURANOR. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO to W. H. Godwin & Son's Insurance Emporium, ever Northern Crown Bank, Brock Street 'phone 421 HOTEL, M234 Bay stocked wiih "eh or GENERAL INSURANC F--FIRE, L IE, Accident, und Health Policies iss. ed; first companies; su indaro rates, Boon, Agen: 15 Wellington Street, BATEMAN & Life, Accident toms Eroker; Money to Loan: business solicited Street, Kingston Re 3 A share 67 'Phane MARKEY rofdent ans 14 Stree 8, Health 1 Employer Boat Ir Beal | Calgar AND INVE established Richard FRONTENAC ment B presiden money Purchase @ interest MeGill, Manag Clarence Street deposits lowed ¢ Director, LONDON, AND «aL oi ance Company I LAVERPOO Fir ® Ix which' the security the unlimited all the stock holders Farm an eity property Insured at lowes possible rates, Before renewing o or giving new busines get ral from Strange & Strange, Agenis 'Phone 325. NUNNITY ry Nl In Hability ANT at E FUR ebonizing and Zid work giver } te Driscoll, 23 John Street wagzon, dered. drop a card DENTAL. ARKS 230 1-2 Princess Bireet, Kingston 'Phone 346. " AND SPARKS, DENTISTS ONE LARGE waLNuT BOOKC ASE tor Hbrary at Turks. "I'hone 7 A CORN CiTIFR very cheap Clarence AND Apply to Blreet BLOWER, D J. Hay, 2 "inst or, As to - LL Hhode Isiaud Wed, Whi dotie and B ty mouth k M 1 » : : ONE-HALWY ie from eily limits. For fur her arti alars, apply to Richa Richardsgn, 251 Victoria Street panm, FLAGS, AWNINGS, ENTS, CANORS, camping outfits, fishing iyo marine supplies, Junch badke English raincoats, everything canvas, kit bags, slik TA spray pooda, wor supplies, Fran Cooks, ne Ontario Bt. 'Fhone $91 or 23, " GREED JERSEY BULL, lative of famous Ni and Si Pogex, sired by ners Hen Laws Barrietield record <M In RE pier t Mui; He re Fu performan Anderson, ila TO LET. ROOMS, (ONVENT. , #&t 144 Barrie Street; mudaorn Sfunvetiences tux NING " x ARGH AT ONCE, A "Goon T= ROOM HOU RE, with ' barn, at $7.00 pe WH » KR. Chas 138 1 th SEVERAL we LL-SITL ATED fices and Stores Apply to King & Smythe, Ontario « Kingston or. ny i hambers, STORAGE ron Fu KNIT ne, dry. alry roofs, absolutely muoih proof; your own lock and ke krosis Clty Btorage, 289 Queen ". 'Phone §28d RG ~ AND ¥ RON. n hat ne Chita N, ' iin 'ments walter he miing. Apply to 295 J« son Street MEDIC ICAL. ARKS, n. A M.D, Surgeon, 190 Wel Office hours 19 t 3 and 7 to § p PHY Si IAN ington r St Mae ALLUM, PHYSICIAN, Weil mw Bi 4 D, ATE 10 to 12 ay 9 p.m, Telephone ' to to 1083 USTREOPATH Y. treatments by appointment. "Phone 447 Anonrt TECTS, Ale He eT, t Pp one 34 HENRY SMITH, 8 King Stree ETC, is phone ARTHUR ELLIS, ARC Hyrecr, J Avenue Tel niversity SON 258 WM. NEWLANDS & ARCHIE ist, 3s. 261 Princess Bireet. x HPs0 LL.D, D.D.5, ur - "Bn Bone tects, otc Offices, 'Phone 608 Bagot St, POWER 8 SON, ARCIITECTS, MER. Pe ©. NASR, DENTIST Yi slcker, a assistant, 163 Phone Princess ®t . LDS, 8S. A AYKROY n, U iu over Dominion 1 Wellington Street. sin E KNAPP, RBA, Dentist; 19 Mo. t Princess. 'Phone office WINDOW CLEANING, L.D.S,, nD, B.S, Street, 1 3 SEASON OF W¥WALL cleaning Is now here: kinds such ar waxing floors: we also clea gtorm windows ston Win- dow Cleaning Co. onireal St over McLeod's Drug Store we do and oil and put REAL ESTATE. BO ote AND lecte od ane' No 51 Ric hardson SOLD; NENTS wioney to loay Vittoria 1 OL. PERSONALS BIRTH. and oki n permanent! ars dimer 1. Lake, Throat + The We iS, WARTS all growt removed 27 ye "We Guarantee Every Load." SWI Klearing of right-of-way on the un completed gap of the Grand Truak Pacific railway from Tete Jaune Cache westward (o Aldermere, in Bulile, Valley, wae started 2 flow weeks ago by the contracters, Messrs. Foley, Welch & Stewart. Operations thus fur are restricted to the route along the south fork of the Fraser, between the Cache sud Fort George. E. J. MelUiymont, of (he railway lauds branch, of the department of the interior, Oitawa, and © e Clymont, of the Ottpws Jaurnsl, are at the bedoide of their mother, who it seriously' ill jn the general hospi- tal John Anderson, of Wellandport, died while driving home in 3 neighbor's and an inquest bes beem or Jd, Mel), Mowat ix a member of the exeentive committe of the Ontario DENT. Express Office, 'Phone near Ground fic or HOUSE chants' Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington Streets, WA NTED---GEN BRAL. EVRY DE v bet HAL ING THOSE /oon SECOND. } rit sre e me bef f will have--a | kinds f Si Thompson TO BRING THEIR shortest 131 Bro UPHOLSTER wR. Ww. J. GA VIN 1 PHOS STE RING, pairing ar i Wor f het we Street "Bagot LEGAL. I---- ------ gt CUNNINGHAM & MUIDIE, RAKRIST. ers and Bolicitors Law Office, 71 Clarence Bit Weekly Wage deliver in quantities to suit a man's pay. Try our Branch Yards for Coal and Wood. 1 | GATES, FPEXCING, BTC, Manufactured by PARTRIDGE & SONS