YEAR 78 -NO. BORDEN'S PLAN What He Would Do in Nay COMMERCIAL CRAFT WHICH COULD READILY RJ TURNED INTO CRUISERS, To Subsidize Companies--Govern: ment Thinks it Could Secure Ad. miralty Approval of Scheme-- Hazen May go to London, Ottawa, Nov, 2.-~Commercial craft which can serve as cruisers in time of trouble is likely to be the eventual naval policy of the Capadian govern ment. It is understood that the plan is now under serious considerstion, The government has for some time been looking for un way out of the uaval policy puzzle, and has heen wavering between a plebiscite nad carrying through the shipbuilding pr.- gramme of the Laurier government. The Canadian Pacific, the Grand Trunk, Mackenzie & Mann, and the Allans are now to be negotiated with to give the answer which will satisfy hoth pro navy champions and theses Canadians who are altogether averse to any navy for Canada or naval aid for Great Britain, Some years ago the British government made a bar: gain with the Cunard company, which resulted in the construction of the great express steamers, Lusitania and Mauretania, which eclipsed everything for speed, and at the same time were designed to accommodate guns of heavy cruiser calibre, The British government paid a heavy subsidy for the construction of those vesscs up. on plans approved by the admiralty. The big Cunarders have never = been called upon to perform war service and have heen running regularly be tween England and United States, but in time of trouble they could be con- verted in twenty-four hours into wide radius scouting eraft, which though unarmed would have guns mourted which would enable them to give a good account of themselves in time of tr . The big North German Lloyd boats have been similarly dealt with by the German government, It is under stood that the Hon. Douglas Hazen, minister of marine and navy, will leave for England as soon as he can JAonvenjmtly, away for the pure pose tie the British au' bori ties as to Canada's naval policy. The government has an ides that it Can secure admiralty approval of the pro posed plan of Fite Canadian fast passenger steamers designed to serve as armed cruisers in time of war. The government figures that it ean lave this done with all boats which & ian companies will hereafter build by giving a substatial subsidy to have the boats built to accommo- date guns just as the Cunard boats were. It is argued that this would wive Canada a faster passenger ser- vite moross the Atlantic, that it would provide useful war craft for aid ns suxiliaries to the British navy and as protectors for Canalian com- merical routes. MH a plebisvite is taken upon the navy and it now looks as though this were certain, one of the questions which will be asked the electors will he if they want the government to promote hy subsidy a fleet of cruisers which will serve coamnseree in time of peace and the: PBritish navy in time of war. FAVORS CHURCH UNION, Delegate to Conference Hopeful on Return, london, Nov, 2.--Rev, W. Brad field, of Halifax, chairman of the Eng- lish Wesleyans, who has returned from attending the big coiference in' Can- ada. says he believes it would be well to give a trial to the proposed union of Methodists with Presbyterians and other religious bodies, "He also says that the churches of both Canada and the United States seem determined to clear out saloons altogether; and" ap- pear to have a good chance ol swe ceeding, Writish Vanished aU Séa. town, Nov. 2.-When the White Star liner Dominion arrived here yesterday, her officers reported that a . J. BE. Warren, of London, bad disappeared when the vessel wag three days out of Phila delphia. Whether he fell bo lat Bo Winnipeg, a Nov. 2.--t A. Mi iking announces the for the west to be ft rates, three Hudson Bay rails ways, and enlarged boundaries. Fre: ogi elgg 1 t with disaster i were not carried out. Mr. Ree everything. 2 Sandringham 5 King Edward. One of these th! family attended. cents a quart, pitish Whig KINGSTON, O 'ARIO, "THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1911. MAYOR FEMININE i GAINING RESPECT. : HANKOW TAKEN : -------- | . Kansas City, Nov. 2.--The council-| . meti in Hunnewell, Kan., are a aoe | From Chinese Rebels by more polite now when they address | ; . . Mrs. Ella Wilson, the only wonan| Commander-in- Chief mayor in Kansas, according to the] . mayor and Mrs. Rose Hilton, her | ata-------- city clerk. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Hil- | ton came to Kansas City to costes REBELS ARE with Attorney-General Dawson. 1 "Things are a little better in Hun- | newell," Mrs. Wilson said. "The coun- | ---- cil is more polite, but that does nol | THAT THE mean that | am going to give up the | fight. | do not intend to drop the suits, nor do 1 intend to resign." | - "Now they say 'Mrs. Mayor, with |The Latter Are PDesirous 'of Peace, a falling inflection," Mrs. Hilton ex-| Bat Refuse to Disarm--They Mained. | : : ! Mrs. Hilton has not been econfirm-| wil Not Submit to be Helplessly ed as city elerk, but she has been do- | Murdered. in the work without pay. She is a} friend - and neighbor of Mrs, Wilson, | 8 here fran Hankow has received a "The councilmen told me that the wireless message from that place position of city clerk was no place which states that Yuau-Shik-Kai, com- for a woman when I appeared at the mander-in-chief of all the imperial council meeting," Mrs. Hilton said. *'T {forees, is in full possession of Han: told them I did not see why, and 1 kow, and that communication with have continued to serve. I intend to that city will soon be restored. serve as Jong as Mrs. Wilson does, and | The revolutronists occupied that is all there is to it." {Chang, eapital of the province Kiang-Si, early vesterday. The bels are also active in a number other directions. The soldiers «i the army are preparing to make an tempt to capture Nankin. The perial garrison of is waiting a signal to to rebels, Making Strong Fight and Determin-| ed to Hold Office. MANCHUS MAY TROY CANTON, DE- Shanghai, Nov. 2.-Au official who Nan- of Ye- of PREPARATION OF THE ESTIMATES New Government Has Given Order Length of Session Not Decided. Ottawa, Nov. 2.~The cabinet has dome practically nothing yet in the way of preparing for the work of the coming session, beyond instructing the departmental deputy heads to! have the current fiscal year and for 1912-13 ready for the consideration of council as speedily as possible. No definite announcement is expect. od for some time as to whether the coming session will be a short extra one to conclude before Christmas and to deal practically only with the pass- ing of supply up to March 31st next, or whether it will be resumed after a fairly long Christmas adjournment, when the estimates for the coming fiscal year will be put through. A number of the cabivet are in favor of the shorl extra session but the question has still to be definitely set- ted. revolutionary at im a tha Roo-Uhow go over Manchus May Destroy Canton. Hong Kong, Nov. 2.-The Canton situation ¢s a deadlock. 'The ardor of the vevolutionists is dampened through fear that the Manchus will destroy the whole city. A strong peace protection composed of influential business men, has beep Mprmed and is exerting its utmost @HGris" on both sides to prevent a calamily. There is a willingness to permit the Manchus to remain in Canton vnino- lested on condition of their giving up oitice and disarming, The Manwehus are desirous of peace, but are suspicious and refuse to dis- arm. They possess 2,000 modern 1i flees and have mounted on the in per city walls Keupp quick-firing guns. They declare they will make whole of Canton die with them: ther than be helplessly murdered. PITH _¥ THE NEWS The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World, Ex-leader MacKay will run in society, the ra BOTH SEEK A DIVORCE. A Nanghty and Wealthy Nineteen- year-old Wife. Carson, Nev., Nov. 2.«Divoree apers were served, vesterddy, on Gen 4 Onto al wy Helen Hilton Storey in the suit Nath irey for the Ontario legisla begua soveral 4% age wm New ae At Columbus, Ca., shock due to the by. Allen iuwrente | : suicide of John R. Rowe, a s : stock the complaint wet forth that, begin healer, caused the death of his wife APTER KEIR HARDIE, Liberal Leaders Will Oppose His Re-election, London, Eng., Nov. 2,-The liberals are out for Keir Hardie's scalp. The uscompromising socinlist has been go- ing' up and down the country com- demning the government particularly for its action im calling out the troops ai the time of the railway strike. Mr. Lloyd-George took the lead however, made the socialist leader bit- terer than ever and his attacks have been so severe that the labor leaders have repudiatadiithen. The liberal re- venge is to take he form of opposing the re-electioniof Mr. Hardie for Merthyr-Snivil. © Hardie is a Scots man, and has Sot been able to man- age the language of Wales. To most of hig constituents Welsh is their native tongue. The liberal campaign against Mr. Hardie is, therefore, to be carried on in Welsh, which the chancellor of the exchequer and most of the liberal leaders of Wales ean talk as well as they can English, and it generally car- ries a Welsh audience. Whether it will wean the Welsh miners from their soe- ial'stic member remains to be seen. ITALY'S FLEET TO ACT URKEY IN RCHNIPELAGO, ¥ -- Scheme for Union of RBalkans-- Turkey to Guarantee Not to Join AGAINST * A THE when he gave Mr. Hardie a dressing! down in the house of commons, which, | POINT AT ISSUE In a Case Against John " Mekelvy. WAS BY-LAW VIOLATED | WHEN HIS DRIVER REMOVED A BARRICADE And Drove on Unfinished Portion of Pavement on Brock Street--The Police Magistrate Says He Will Have to Look Into the Matter. Did John MeKelvey, hardware merchant, Brock street, violate one of the city by-laws, on Monday last, when he gave instructions to one of his drivers to remove one oi the bar- ricades on Brock street, so as he could proceed with his rig? This is a question now before the police court. Thursday morning Mr. McKelvey was accused of unlawfully removing a barricade, and driving on an unfinished portion of the new pave ment, after being warned not to do 80. McD. Mowat appeared on be half of the pavement company, and Mr. McKelvey conducted his own case. Mr. McKelvey pleaded not guilty to the charge, stating that he was not in Combination Hostile to Britain and Pussia. | Milan, Nov. 2.--~After numerous con- | ferences between Admiral Aubrey, | commander-in-chief of the Italian nav- | al forces, and the inisters of war, ! marine and foreign afiairs,- it is an- | nounced that arrangements have been ' made for the Italian fleet to take ac- tion against Turkey in the archipel- ago. It is reported that this action will begin just as soon as the minis- | tor of foreign affairs can come to an | agreement with the powers affected for such. demonstrations. It is expected that the coast of Albania will be spared, in order to avoid complica: tions in the Adriatic and the Balk- ans. i i Union of Balkans. London, Nov. 2.--~According to ram- | ors, a scheme has been evolved by the Russian ambassador at Constanti- nople for the union of the Balkan countries. The ambassador has sab- | mitfid his plan to Said Pasha, the Turkish grand. vizier, Under the proposal made by the Russian diplomat, Albania and Mace. donia are to obtain home rule, and, together with Turkey, are to join Bulgariz, Servia and Montenegro in a formal Balkan confederation, under the protectorate of Russia and England, the two powers named {(o guarantee ping in June of this year, the defen |"*% 0 A hii ; dant occupied a cottage at Navesink, | few hours In or. . : Bench, N.J., with Stanley H. Forde, a In Amoy, China, planters taking ad Now York astor : vantage of the revolutionary conius- s ? served, Mrs, [100 are rising an unprecedented crop After the papers were i ¥ ' « Storey went to Reno to consalt her {of opiom, in defiance of prohibitory | : laws, lawyer. She left New York on "eto- : her 12th for Carson City to sees af The company formed to divores. After her departure, Mr. learry on a steamship service between Storey began proceedings in the gu iLhristiang and New York will jloce preme court of New York before Jus contracts in England for two new tice McCall, ! Mra, Storey is the daughter of ( ol. | Pr, W. L. Pirt, Carman, Man., was Albert B. Hilton and the grand Hound dead beside his automobile, two langhter of Judge Henry Hilton, who {miles west of the town. 'The hind left her a large shure of his estate, jwheel of the machine was broKen and which was estimated at 310,000,000. (he ear was a wreck, She ia nineteen years old. At Philadelphia, Rudolph Sze, a When she was fifteen, in September, | soung (Chinese chess player, who is 1907, she ran away to Baltimore andi uected to win the inter-collegifite telegraphed to Mr. Storey, to whom |ohampionship this winter, is presidint she had been engaged from childho LL the University Chess club. He followed her and the wedding 100k | Nowe of a fatal sealing raid at the place there. A fight over the custody Copper Islands by Japanese sealers of their child, two years old, is pre-fp (Ty 0 received at Vietoria, B.C. London mers, dicted, One of the Russian patrol was killed, ¥ and several sealers wounded. Official New York chserves as a holiday in honor CHANCE FOR CANADA IF TARIFF LOWER Movement Started in France to Reduce Toll on Meat and Cattle. Mon real, Nov. 2.--That a movement has been started by butchers in France which will probably result in the low- ering of the tariff on foreign cattle, is the news conveyed to the Montreal board of trade by Mr. Philippe Roy, commissioner-general for Canada in Paris. This, it is believed, will lead to an important opening for breeders and ox tg in Cenada, agitation for a lower tariff on meat and cattle will likely be the sub- ject of a special debate in the Cham- bre des Deputes. The butchers' syndi- cate are demanding the repeal the Debussy act, and a return of the ous- toms tariff enacted in 1592; also the repeal of the prescriptions concerning the eavving of killed animals. Further reductions will be demanded if these do not relieve the high cost of living in Frapee. Memorials to King Edward. London, Nov. 2.--The bishop of Nor- wich, on Saturday, dedicated at church two memorials to was a day of warships, the largest assemolage © floating puns and armament ever at- tempted in the United States' navy. The proprietors of the Triangle {Waist company, New York, the firp in whose lofts on March 25th last resulted in the loss of 143 lives, will go to trial Friday under ht ments of manslaughter. SUFFRAGISTS NEW MOVE. Miss Pankhurst Wants a Clause in Home Rule Bill. London, Eng., Nov. 2.--Miss Chris- tabel Pankhurst has left her desk in London for a trip to Dublin in the interests of votes for women. Speaking to a representative of the Daily Sketch she confided to him ber intentions. "l mean," she Saclured, No fet a suffrage clause inserted in the home rule bill, 1 succeeded in getti a clause into the parliament bill. But Mr. Lloyd-George is such a tricky lit- tle man. Me has said that the concili- rotection granted in that parliament bill. lose the clause of t to fight him in order to get a similar clause into the home rule Lill. He is not keen on votes for wowien™ Thurs- i the the integrity of the Turkish empire in Europe and Asta, and the independ- ence of the Balkan confederation. Tur- key, on her part, is to give guaran- | ter hat she will never join in any | combination hostile to Russia and | England, Turks Claim Suecesses. | Constantinople, Nov. 2.--General | Caneva, commanding the Italian army, | in Tripoli, has been captured by Turks, according to a report given out at thé war ministry here. Considerable doubt is expressed in foreign diplo- watic circles as to the statement's ac- curacy. The war ministry, gives it, | however, as official" The capture was effected, it is ad- ded, during a desperate fight between | Turks and Arabs, on the one side, and | Italians on the other, in streets in the . outekirts of Tripoli. The official despatches ance, the war ministry announces that Turks are steadily pushing the : the Italians back towards the coast, and presence of a hundred United States | confidence is expressed that they will be forced either to surrender or take to their boats soon. The Italians are being reinforced daily the war minister says, but to offset this Arabs from the interior are flocking to the Turkish standard. ACCUSED OF POISONING. Invited Neighbor to Her Home and He Became III, Ottawa, Nov. 2.--Julia Buchanan, residing near Pembroke, has been lodged in jail there on a charge of attempting to murder a neighlsor, David Mondy, by administering stry- ¢ Mondy, it is ation bill will not be carried in 1912, and if this will be the case,we will sued Mondy for the support of a child amply protected by inundated mines. "So it is of imperative importance alleged, visited the woman's hours on Monday in response to her request, and while eating a {banana suddenly became ill. He drove quickly to the nearest physician, where such ja Stomach pump was used on him. He Stantinople without will recover. The only apparent motive for (alleged attempt is an old dispute tween the two. the be- The Buchanan wosmvan but lost the case. --1 In New Urleans an armed negro ran amuck and shot two policemen sand several citizens before he was 1 finally killed. silver altar reredos, a gift of an made public. King Geor, Queen | 9 Mary and other rs of the royal Milk Price Raised in Toronto. 'Toronto, Nov. 2-The retail price of milk ah Huront She tix months commencing y wi conte a quart. After December Ist milk will be sold in bottles at ten tish i Mr. McKelvey also give nssur- | aware that he had violated a eity by-law. It could not be ascertained if there was a city by-law covering the point, and on this account, the case was allowed to stand over for a day, The contract between the Com crete Construction company and the city was produced in court, and 'Mr. Mowat examined the assistant engi- neer, R. "J. McCelland, at present aect- ing engineer. During the proceedings Magistrate Farrell gave the pavement {company some severe criticism for be ing so slow with the work. Mr. MeCelland, questioned by Mr. Mowat, told of the street being clos- ed, and said he had given the com- pany no instructions to open the street up till Monday. A copy of the contract between the pavement company and the city was submitted to the court. Asked by Mr. McKelvey, Mr. McCel- land stated that there was no evi- dence of the pavement having been damaged as a result of the rig hav- ing gone over it on Monday. He could not say for sure if it had been | damaged. Mr. McKelvey also pointed out that the. company bad their own teams driving over the pavement on Thurs day last, and he could not see how his rig, driving over it on Monday, would do any damage. Mr. McKelvey asked the assistant engineer if he considered that the men doing the work were competent, and if he thought they were doing the work as fast ag they could Mr. McCelland was of the opinion that the men were able to do the work, but had nothing to ssf pbout the time on the joh \ A Mr. McKelvey pointed out that he had been put to a great deal of Aon venience by the fact that the work was proceeded with so slowly, where upon the magistrate said that he was wall aware of this, and remarked that it was scandalous the way the work had been allowed to go on stated that ho had been informed by the city solici- tor that there was no city by-law for. bidding the driving of vehicles over the pavement. | Lanmavon FLEET DECIMATED. Grenfell's Auxiliary Yacht and Other Vessels Were Wrecked. Boston, Mass.,, Nov. 2.--The severe October storm which swept northern waters badly damaged the fishing fleet, according to a letter from Dr. Wilfred P. Grenfell, the missionary physician, written at Red Bay, La- {brador. Dr. Grenfell writes that six vessels were totally wrecked, includ- ing his own costly auxiliary yacht, Andrew McCosh, which was given to {the Labrador mission by Princeton juniversity. The other vessels lost {were schooners, four of which founder- led at Lewis Bay. The crews of ali ithe vessels escaped. a ---------- i ITALIAN ADMIRAL READY {For More Aggressive Measures Agninst Turkey. | Rome, Nov. 2.--Rear Admiral Au- ibrey, in command of the Italian fleet offi A'ripoli, has informed his govern ment that the Italian army of oceu- pation, is now in such shape that. he could undertake more aggressive meas- ures in attacking Darddnelles or Con- imperilling the army. It is expected the biggest part of the fleet will soon steam to the Turkish coast, where there may be 'some real naval warfare, as, 'tis all i . Last of Historic Family. Toronto, Nov. 2.--~The death of Mrs, Robert Shanmon, of twelve Cumber- jand street, removes the last of a fam- ily of twelve children of John Cooper, 'who was born in the Orkney Islands in 1791, and came to Canada in 1811 {with Lord Sdkirk's first lot of weil lors. * | He married Neil MeKinnon's eldest 'daughter in 1813. Her mother was the {first white woman to place a foot in the northwest territory. They were the first white couple married in Fort {Garry, and their first child, Mary, was the first white girl born in Fort Garry. . .. Welland liberals nominated Carleton Monroe for the legislature, and South Huron liLerals ] Grenville ives" nominated Edmund choice WENT TO. CONFESS GUILT. Pays S25 Fine for Alleged Mail Fraud--Exonerates Girl. New York, Nov. 2.--Frederick Beal pleaded guilty yesterday in the crim: inal branch of "the United States dis trict court to an indickment charging use the mails to defraud. He was fined $25, which he paid. Beal, it was alleged, operated a mail jiacknge swindle through a post office etter box during the Christmas holi days a year ago. His scheme was, it was charged, to collect expressage on fictitious Christmas gifts from a broad. He fied, it is alleged, alter oom- plaints, kat was located in Canada, when he was engaged to be married, it is said, to a wealthy young wo man. He returned at his own expense plead to the indictment here and let of with a small fine. Beal exonerated a you woman stenographer whom he had employed while engaged in business here. to was w London Taxicab Strike. 2 = London, Nov. ~Scarcely a taxieab in this city to-day, drivers being on strike regarding questions of extra pay for extra runs. DIFFICULT TO STEM TIDE OF REBELLION Mutinous Regiments Demand a Re- public--There Will Be Wholesale Beheadings Pekin, Nov, 2.--~Tne new eoalition government of fmperialists and lead: ing revolutionists is having trouble steming the tide of rebellion in the southern provinces. Word comes early this morning that rebel troops continue to burn cities and rob A good many mutinous re in those parts will be with nothing less than a re public. It is expected there will be a wholesale beheadiog of men who will not sulgnit to the new rule. SEVEN DEATHS IN HOME, i sidences, giments tisfied sa Lands a Chicago Woman in Prison for Trial. Chicago, Nov, 2--Seven deaths persons who lived at the home Mrs. Louise Vermilya, No. 416 Twenty -Ninth street, or were in life of led to her arrest last night, following an investigation by Coroner lofi man, The latest of the deaths was that of Arthur FV. Bisonette, a probationary station. The seven deaths those of two hushands, a son, a step: | son, a step-daughter, a conductor who boarded with her, amd Bisonette KYRLE BELLEW DEAD, rr Actor Succumbed Pneumonia. Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. Kyrle Dellew, who has had the adventurons career on ocean, railroad and stage, aud was regarded as of the foremost of- English ors, died, this moming, of mona. OOOO OG OOO OVO The Great to most act- pueu- The deceased actor appeared Kingston on several occasions. great role of recent years was floes." His "Raf A Freak of Nature. Weller's Bay, Nov. 2.--An duck was shot off Bounter's Point on October 27th by. Dr. Fatncombe, of Trenton. This strange bird was identi- fied as a greater scaup duck, more commonly known as the large blue bill. Its plumage is pure white, its bill is pink instend of the distinguish- od pale blue, and its feet are yellow, the normal color being dark blue. It was flying with a small flock of red heads. Dr. Farncombe will have his rare prize mounted. FORWARD POLICY OF ONTARIO LIBERALS Leader N. W. Rowell Wil Enunciate the Policy in 'a Very Few Days. Toronto, Nov. 2.~Those who attend ed the annual meeting of the General Reform Association of Ontario this week reached the conclusion of theic labors yesterday. The committee of fifteen on resolutions met in eomsulta- tion with various members of ihe as sociation during the day. Many sug- gestions were received from men com- ery view affecting provincial polities was inquired into, Progressivensss was the dominant note throughout the entire discussion, and many resolutions were adopted from which a platform will be formu lated. The final pronouncement platform will be made by leader, N. W. Rowell, K.C. A small sub-committees was appointed to con npon a address in a few days enunciating the policy of the liberal party for the province of Ontario, A Brothers Sent For Trial, Quebec, Nov. 2.-The {lourde shot and killed a man named in the Temisconsta district, been sent for trian at Riviere Lotip, where the prelimiiary invesii- gation has been completed by fudge j hus gone to Pion, du there | ro | of | East | closely associated with Mrs. Vermilya, | woliceman, of the T'wenty-Second street | I ¥ included | one | THE | in Albino | ing from all parts of Ontario and ev-| fer with Mr. Rowell, who will issue an' brothefs, who are accused of - having! have | LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont.. Nov, Ind, 1¢ am --Ot- tawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrence North-west winds; some snow flurries, but mostly fair and Jecided!y cold tos day and on Friday OO0VVVO0N OOD OVO WHERE | QUALITY 1S KING you is of one quality only-- . the finest procurable. No cheap or tawdy goods will be found in our store. You will find only such articles here as are'found in the finest and most reputable dry goods stores. ODO OCO »OOO000 QUALITY and RELIABILITY IS OUR MOTTO ALWAYS an Or man We have no vague or doubt- ful price marks, Every articic is marked in plain figures. If you are interested in READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS You cannot afford to overlook the prices and styles we are now offering in COCOOCO0000000000000000 | 13 2 OOOO O000OOOO0O0OOCOL OOOO 0 ATVB BLBRVORNN BOTTA BVVLVVEBTROIN OC WINTER COATS ! ? For Ladies, Misses or Children. Evening Gowns, Street Drosses, Fancy Waists, Tallored Walsts, Petticoats, Knitted Goods, Dressing Gowns, Kinonos, ete. A will things are just right at STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. | call convince yon OO0000000000COCOOVOOTOC OOOO O0O0O0OTOO0000 OOOO 0000000000000 a ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 230 Princess Street ------------------------------ JAMES REID | The O14 Firm of Usndertak 1 284 256 FRINCESS STR e 147 for Ambulance. | | "Phone B77. an Pon | VOR STUDENTS. All kinds of Bookeases, Book. shelves, Wriling Desks, Study Tables and Easy Chairs, Bpecial prices at Turk's. "Phone 705 Goods New New Figs New Cider New Honey New Valencia Raisins Jas. Redden & Co. Hid Murdered Man in Barrel Rochester, N.Y., Nov. 2. Charged with murdering Francesco Manzello, | dismembering his body, and hiding it lin a barrel on the edge of Irondequoit Bay, two brothers, Joseph and Do- wmenico Galbo, twenty-eight and twen- ty-six years of sage, rn 4 u arrest. Vengeance in contection with an Italian murder lat February is sus- pected. Remember Nov. 3rd and 4th, Friday and Saturday thls week, (fresh chocolates, Bordeaux, maple, etc. Regular Be. a lb, a hald price while they last, 26c. Ma- hood's Drug Store. George Templeton, of Calgary, lor { merly of Perth, returned to his old | home on Monday, secompanied by his {brother, Robert, of Belleville: Mr. 11 mupileton meade a handsome fortune {in the west, and sold his residences {there for one hundred thousand dol Inrs, | The death occurred on Wednesday, {her thirty-Gest birthday, of Mey. | Andrew Stevenson, of Brockville, who ihad boen ill for some time. { Fireman Currio was Killed and others {