Smart Shoes --FOR -- Young W Constant special care in se- lecting models for young people has produced some ex- § ceptionally excellent styles for § our displays this season. All accepted shapes, in all kinds of | leathers, offer a varied and shtisfactory assortment for § your selection. Tle Sawyer Shoe Store AGENTS. BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 Carriage Painting SOME CLASS TO OURS, This is the place to Lave your Auto DE Psired to stand all kinds of weathe ' E. J. DUNPHY : Cor. Montreal and Ordnance Sts. BETTER GET Your bins filled with Our Coal before the Fall rush poms on them around with you wherever "GOING AWAY" UMBRELLA, $5.000to $15.00. STERLING. SHLVER MESH BAG, $14.00 to $50.00. SOLID LEATHER DRESSING CASE, $12.00. TRAVELLING JEWEL CASE, $7.50. OPERA GLASSES, $3.50 TO $15.00, Tv WRITING PORTFOLIOS, $3.00 : to $10.00, YOU ARE INVITED TO RUPE IN AND LOOK AROUND. (eo NEVER WORRY i" WE g TO BUY, ® | Rodger & Wright ; a, 0) 0 3 7 iN KING. St) KINGSTON. | Marriage Licenses. OOOOIOO0 [WHY 1 LOST Reasons Why Thousands Like Me Cunnot Satisfy Their Employees. 1 believe my fate is not unlike that of thousands of other workers who daily lose their places for reasons they do not know, and probably would not believe, When their last say envelope comes along, it is usual a "Your services no longer requir ed." HH the truth were known, the reason for their unceremonious re- moval would probably be that their usefulness was destroyed because of some mental worry, bodily ailment or general judisposition. These thangs as we all know, are the most fruittul causes of failure in all walks of life. The battle of Waterloo was lost be canse of a heanache. In this quick age our minds must be clear, rapid, active and free from outside influence or worry, or else we go down to failure 'with the throng of "floaters" who go from ome place of employ- ment to another, giving no satisfac tion to others or to themselves, con- stantly growing older and less use ful, with no ambition, ne will power, and no hope. Z Every man requires from every other man the best that is in him. But no man can use or get the best that is in himself until ke is first free from all fretful indispositions and worries. 'That was my trouble. 1 was fall of troubles. That's why [ lost my job. My stomach in the first place was always out of order, and I was worrving about it and my mind grew cloudy, and slow. I made mistakes, and grew grouchy, That was the about with "'yuick lunch" faces, dys- peptic manners; and repulsive atmos- phéres.No employer wants such men's ser vices, Fake my advice, A healthy stomach is half the battle, for it keeps your mind clear, and your face rosy. 1 have a healthy stomach now aud hold a good position, and my employer is satisfied and sc am I. I startid to take Stuart's Dyspep- sin Tablets which I was told were good for the worst cases of indiges- tion and dyspepsia. The first two tablets made a wonderful difference in my condition. One ingredient of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tables digests 3,000 grains of food, The stomach doesn't have to work at all. The tablets do all the work, no matter how heavy your meal. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets brash, eructations, burning tions, bloat, irritations, loss of appe- tite, nausea, heartburn, lack of energy, loss of memory and dyépepsia and indigestion in their very worst forms. "No other lifile tablets in the world can do so much, You should carry you go and take them regularly alter meals. Then you will realize what it it is to be freed from stomach tor ment, and have a clear mind, a quick memory, a happy disposition, comfort and rest, Get Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab- lets at any drug store for 50c, a box. «Send us your name and address to- day and we will at once send you by mail a sample package, free, Address, F. A. Stuart Co, 159 Stuart Big. Marshall, Mich. Orvine for Drink Habit Any wife or mdther Who Waiits 14 save her husband or son from "Drink" will be glad to knew that she ean pur- chase RRINE. the standard liquor habit remedy that wé have sold for years, and If no benefit is obtained after A trial, the money will be res fun ORRIN is preépared in two forms No. 1, secret treatment, a powder, absolutely tasteless and odorless, iven secretly in Jood or drink, OR- INE No. 2, in pill Lyn, is for those who desire to také voluntary treat- ment. ORRINE costs only $1.00 a box. Come in and get a free booklet about ORRINE. Geo. W. Mahood, cor, Princess and Bagot Streets cure sensa- Carpet Cleaning. rh tug and Sewin Oiteloth laid yeles Repaired, Cleaned and stored RiSY winter 'Phone 1032" There are thousands like me, going | ba 15 PAYING A VISIT TO TOWN OF GANANOQUE. He Will Take George Taylor's Seat in Leeds--A Sunday School Gathering--Bible Society Officers Elected. Gananowue, Nov. 3.--~A number of the prominent conservatives of the town went down to Lansdowne, last evening, to hear Hon. W. T. White, finanee mioister in the Borden cabi- net, and prospective holder of the South Leeds seat in the dominion par- ligment. Mr. While is in town, to- day, making a visit to the local fic- tories. He will also address a mass meeting of the 'citizens in the opera house this evening, and to-morrow evening will be tendered a banquet at the Brophy house, non- political in nay ture; under the auspices of the local board of trade. Mr. White will re- main here over Sunday, guest of Mr. and Mrs, Ueofge Taylor, Sydenham street. A'targe gathering of the Sunday s¢hool teachers and. officers of Grace church, with the St. Andrew's teach- ers and officers as guests, as well as Sunday school workers of other de- nominations, met in the lecture room of Grgee church, last evening, to hear the report of Mrs: William ('arpenter, SHON. WHITE Who will take Geor e Taylor's seat in reds. who attended convention as the recent centenary delegate from Grace Sunday school, After the business of the séstion was over, refreshments wera served by the ladjes- By the promotion of H.W. Britton, accountant at the Merchants' Bank for several years past, to a similar position in the branch office of that institution in Galt, Norman Rattray gets a deserved promotion to Mr. Britton's place. 6. Spencer, of Lan- caster, will succeed Mr. Rattray as teller. - Messrs, Clifford Sine and Frederick McClemient represemted (race church at the district meeting in sngston, Jometay, Efforts are being made to ve Mr. Mctlement ordained special work at 'once. By request "All the Comforts Home," under direction of Peers and Miss Edith Osborhe, will Le again given " at the Opera House on Thursday evening, Nov. 9th. At the Bible society meeting Tuesday evening these officers elected : Hom, president, J. . Infer¢ president, Clifford Sine: presidents, Rev. Henry Gracey, ¥. J. McClement, Rev. J. R. Serson, Rev, W, A, Rev. J. A. Gilchrist and Capt. S.A; secretary-trea- surer; 2 Mabee, L.D.S.; deposi- tory, . Rogers: comunsttee, J. A. TA Taf Darling, Dr. C, H. Bird, 1. Cole and F. J; Lloyd. Miss Carrie . Briggs, with her paremis, Mr. abd Mrs. David Briggs, William street, has returned to resume her 'daties as teacher of the Ridge school, Wolfe Island. The Misses Magyie and Corrigan, of Kingstdn, were guests of their brother, Frank Corrigan, Pine street, for a short time thes week. George Hay, of the stafi of the Bank of Toronto, in Galt, and formerly of the local branch, spent a few days during the past week with friends in town. Miss Evelyn Lakramee, the guest of Mrs. Charles MeNah, at Madsey, for several weeks, has return: ed home, of Irving were nk vice- Rev. Cox, Davis, H. Scott's, Buckley's and Christy's World-famed hate at Campbell Bros, Queen City hot water bags. "Gib- son's." A' deposit of zine has been covered near Fdwards, N.Y, and a company is being organized to <fink # shalt and develop the mine. : dis- ECeC----Ie--N You Need 3 for N ong holidaying. here Annie] in 4 Aeis, By Lem B. Parker, Lewis Lytton us HHL Another "Old Homestead. TEN EFet Stidren, Be Adults, 25e. a ING, = 25, 35, Soe, , Nov. 6 » THE RUSSIAN COUNTESS, THE RUSSIAY CLASSIC DANCER, 1 Recently Premiere Danseuse at the Metropolitan Opera House, Now York. Her Own High Class Orchestra. Thursday, November 9th GRACE GEORGE (Conceded and Accepted as America's Foremost Comedienne) AND THE NEW YORK PLAYHOUSE COMPANY includ Famons English Acton, LYN WARDING, in 'Clcely Hamilton's "JUST TO GET MARRIED" Nights in Sents on Sale Tuesday, own, 00000000 COOORONS PERIENCE IN CLEANING Experience counts. We have over thirty years' experience in cleaning ¢lothing. Taken along with our most up-to-date equip- ment this makes our ability lo satisfy you a certainty. R. PARKER & CO. Dyers and Cleaw o® Princ St, Rly Ont. 0000000 OGOO 000000000000 S . 200 We Solicit your Orders for Potatoes The Finest Delawares Large White, Mealy J CRAWFORD OEE .. COME TRY THE New Restaurant ASTOR CAFE Everything up-te-date. Regular Dinner, 25c. Home made Pjes and, best Coffee in' the city. Open Day and Night. Berdos &, Pappas eesses: Proprietors eesse 167 PRINCESS ST. A BATTERY FOR SASKATOON. Drgangag REET OC00000 PE EEE yi Militia Department May One in the West, The militia department is consider ing the formation of a field batiéry in the west and will in all probability organize it in Saskatoon, it ng the most likely place for ome. Official ahn- nouncement of this move has iE heck tho early spring one ill be organized If this move on ah part, ah the mili- tia department goes through, an or ganiser will be sent from the battery ere to ip. thirgs into shape. .Dur., ing the last four years an organizes belonging to this battery fa ized forces' in 'Antigonish, N and Westmount, , 80 it to assume that the man for the ow job will be 'picked from here Big Values in Fine Furs. When we say our furs are not equalled in Kingston for quality or value, we don't ask vou to take our word for it but invite you to come in and: see for 'Fourseli: "Campbell Pros.', 'the makers of fine furs, ant wo the pur- The Sy cicuse men_ teachers schools will organise * fud* permanent assomation for ton. . The election for mayor of Walter town, N.Y, takes place next: Tuesday and Francis M. Hugo's return by' a Majority of eight hundred is predict * Bow an 1 Ee a0, 75, #1, s1.50, | a A-------------------- pose of binging whodt nity of ac-| one imsertiom 20e¢; three Insertions, B0c; six, $1; one mouth, $2. HELP--WANTED, A GOOD PLAIN COOK. . APPLY TO Miss Hora, 46 King Street, A DINING-ROOM GIRL. John Cousineau, Prop, Hotel APPLY TO Brunswick APPLY, Huse, GIRL GOOD John McKay, Brock Street. SEWERS, the Fur A GOOD GENERAL 22 to, Mrs. rrie Streei. SERVANT. AP Harry Movers, oN TWO GIRL Ss STEADY EMPLOYMENT, Apply, al Ice Cream Parlor, 184 Princess Street. A SMART YOUNG MAN OR SHIP- ping room. Apel. the W. J Crothers Co, 1a A FEW SMART GIRLS; STEADY " - ployment and good wa App y to the W. J. Crothers ( Fes aan de LOST, RT TrrreIs IITs Resse sara eT FOR SALE. THREE-STONE Finder please tice and rec DAMOXD retur ¢ive libera RNG Ng of- eward LADIES watch; ces ut OPENS ACR SILVER Broek, Barrie or Prin- Finder Kiudly leave on freefs Whig office HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, opposite CTR. station. ene block from CP.R; on Street var Hine; bar suppiied with best of wing and liquors. charges moderate; special rates by. the week, John Cousineau, Prop. i ii---- oe Harel, 342-344 Princess Street. Bar 2o0Ked with the best of al Beers, Vines Liguors and 'bheicest Brands of Cigars. Meals, ic each, or special rales by weok Yard and stable mmoedation Rates reasonable 1iville & Driscoll THRE GRIMASON es, BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business at home. N canvassing, Be your own boss Send for free baokijct. Tells how Heacock, 2,969 1 port, N.Y - FINANCE AND INSURANCE. BOY FOR MAILING DEPARTMENT steady position to a smart. lad. Apply, Busin Or Whig. P siness fice; Lhe ' IMMEDIATELY, GOOD Servant experienced preferred; good wages: no washing. A 3 to 170 Barrie Street + Ap GENERAL LAYER-OUT WANTED FOR LARGE boller shop in Toronto; state ex. perience and wages expected Ap- ply, Box 100, Whig office. ENT PD FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO to W. H.'"Godn in & Son's Insurance Emporium, over NortHern Crown Bank, Brock Street, or 'phone 421 GENERAL INSURANCE~FI Accident, and Wealth Policies ed; first-class companies. sta fates, . Boen, Agent « Wellington Street wArEway Life, toms Money business Street, T & GARMDINER FIRE, Accident Insurance and Cus- Broker: Real Estate and to Loan: a share of your solicited 67 Clarence Kingston. 'Phone 3)¢ a. rr FLANGER WANTED ON 10Co- motive work for large boiler shop in Toronto; state wages. Apply, Box 1031, Whig office LIVE AGENTS sexes, good HORAn, Toronto. WANTED, to canvas business houses; commission to hustlers. Room No. 2, 1 Grant Stree! BoTH INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers, No canvassing. Send for particulars, Press Synd cate, 3,909 Lockport, N.Y. AN CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. ties, carefully selected, arriving Oct. 30th, Nov. 12th and 26th. Ap- ply now, The Guild, 71 Drummond Street, Montreal, or 47 Pembroke Street, Toronto. EXPERIENCED GIRL machine; also table work: ON COVERING good new hands on steady work and good WaARes to experienced hands guaranteed Apply, Otawa Pape: x Co., 132 Queen Sireet, Ottawa AAA HAAR ANAK + WANTED, TEN FUR FINISHERS, APPLY at once tu George Mills Co. Furriers bd * i + * ALINE FOR EVERY HOME; WRITE us for our choice list of agents supplies; we have the greatest agency proposition in Canada to- fg no outls necessary. Apply, 3 x Co., Albert Street, Ot- Aw QAEPRESENTATIVE onte for work In your locality; will guarantee $2.00 to $3.00 per day; opportunity to advance rapid- ly: will 'pay liberally for spare time; work not difficult; experi- ence not required, International Bible Press, Toronto. WANTED, AT MATRICULATION to the professions, minister, engineer electrical), ete. we prepare you for this examination al home Write Canadian Correspondent ' College, Limited, Dept. PP, Toronto, Canada THE DOORWAY doctor, lawyer (elvil or CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working men; good salary per manent position; if you are work. ing for small salary behjud ihe counter, write to-day; you can double your wages and be own boss. Apply, Box "KE. Whig office. 1100 T GIRLS WANTERY highest wages; stends employment, Apply, immediately, D. 8, Per rin & Company, Ltd. London, Ontario. i made yet, but it is expectod that in| POSITION! WANTED, DESIRES or lady. Box 30 CAPABLE YOLNFG LADY position as housekeeper companion-help Apply, Whig office REV. T. W. NEAL ELECTED As Chairman of the Kingston Meth. odist District. At a meeting of the Kingston' Me Sydenham street church, Thursday aiterioon, Rev. Thomas W. Neal, pastor 'of Sydenham street , church, was elected, on the first ballof, chair wan of the Kingston district, to fili the vacancy 'caused by the demth of Rev, J. Talman Pitcher, Gananorjee. meeting was well atiended, both by ministerial and lay members. The chairman-elect's term will expire with ithe conference in June, 1912 Measures were taken 10 secure off dination for F. J. McClement, ap eluted By the president of the dow tor temporarily discharge the os of the late Mr, Piwher uf Jan Babe, Mr, McClement was for- & probationer in the Wesleyan Ireland, a par your d thodist district, held in the parlor of | Royal Yinolia™ preparations, sons' : Eda K. CARROLY, i - ARK | StreetFire, Life, Accident and Health Insurance, late Glass Employers' Liability and Mater Roat Jpsurance, Security Bonds Real Estate in Winnipeg, Regina Calgary. Moose Jaw, ele, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST ment Society: established 186}; president, Sir Richard Cortwright money issued on city and fax = properties, municipal and county debgntiures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al- lowed 8. C. McGill. Managing Director, §7 Clarence Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Avallable assets, «§61,187.215 In addition to whieh the policyholders have fr security tne unlimited liability of all the stock-holders Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates, Before renewing oll or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents, "Phone 325, A SPEC IALTY, enameiling all Put Call ANTIQUE FURNITURE A ebonizing and gliding, and all colors of mselon work work n hest attention Driscoll, 23 John Street drop a card. DENTAL. KS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, a 2 Princess Street, Kingston' "Phone 846. 8. HB, SIMPSON, LDA, D.D.S, DENT - 158 Princess reet. Telephone DR. oO, Bu, . ©. NASH, DENTE OR eta SFL En 0 Xsicken rag vatatang, i 8. A, AYKROYD, D.D.S, LDS, DENT. ist, over Dominion "Express Office, ist Wellington Street. 'Phone 10. NEW, ai fe I00-SOLID BRICK HOUSE, Cooper Stiect! nine rooins provements S-ROOMED Street: med very cot X F000 FRAME, Albert } ment MOT Ne, * improy $2400 -- FRAME, Beverley SBireet; large NINE ROOWS, improvem t tot 5 : $00~ THREE FINE BUILDING LOTS, oper Stre GEO. A RATEMAN, OL ARE NH ONE LARGE WAL Nor BO oKe Ann for Hbrary at Turks. Phone 7 CORN CUTTFR AND very cheap Apply Clarence Street A BLOW ER, to Pb 4 iay, FARM, limits 231 ¥ THE wiLLOow mile from city rarticulars, fchardson, doria Rirpet | FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANOES, mplng outrits, Sshing tackle, Sm sipplies, lunch ie, English raincoats, everyt » canvas, kit bags, slik tenis, spray hoods, wr oat o supplies, . Cooke, # Ontario Wt 'Phone 891 or 33. NTRY nr SIDENCE, BEAL TE. fully stunted on the lake shoe four miles from Klugst modious dwelling. water, outbuildings ele fruit farm apple orchard, suits garden or coun teaving the chiy 4 bargal: Cun Brock TO LET, CONTAINING and Rhody sistine, bo2 ¥ vi RAL WELL-SITU ATED or. fives and Stores pply to Smythe, King & Smythe, Ontarto Chambers, si ingston > dP KING sree " dwel 1 p od Nireet 252 EANT, (1-H STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms, absolutely moth roof; your own lock and Key rost's City Storage, ¥99 Queen Bt, 'Phone $36b, \ HOUSE, CORNF tena Streets Park: modern water heating. son Street SE ¥ KE Na ROOM St BROC K AND FRON. facing Victoria improvements; hot Apply to John No. 240 (OL per 1 HOUSE, 1 00 NIRTI NG anor ND FLOOR FLAT, « y patio bedroor oi twat er : 410 onlin Wh iDICAL, F. SPARKS, B.A, M, Do ray hn AN and Burgeon, {00 ell Office hours, 10 to bh an, and § pm A hone 356 DR. C.D, Mae, ALLY M, oh) sc FAN, Surgeon, 142 Wallington 8 hours, 10 to i : to 4 to 9 pm, Tolaphone « 1083 A RCHITEC HENRY P, SMITH, ARC HTP 13 ETC, 258 King Str 'Phone 3 ARTHIR FI . University 1013, WM. NEWLANDS & SON tects, etc Offices, 208 'Phone 608 J. tod a Offi and 7 ~ ARCHITECT, isi Avenue Te lephone ARCH. Bagot Bt, CTS, MER. corner POWER 8 son ARCHIT chants' 1k Buildi Brock and Welling! 21 RB A. BE KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, Dentiss, 19 Mo: treal Street, nesr Princess. 'Phone 652, Ground floor office. WINDOW CL JANING. HOUSE we do all and oiling THE SEASON OF FALL cleaning is now here; kinds, such as waxing floprs; we alsg ciean and put up storm window¥, Kingston Win dow Cleaning Co, 21 Montreal Bt. aver Mcleod's Drug Store REAL ESTATE, Ppp AND SOLD: oney Victoria RENTS to loan 'Btreer COL. office R Ile baRdaon. PERSONALS, WARTS, BIRTH- all growths and skin removed permanently years experi. r J. Lake, hroat and Bagot Street HOW, MOLES, marks and blemishes witheut "nee, Ear, Specialist, Kye, Skin OSTEOPATHY. TH WITHOUT DRUGS -R. 6G. DO. 138 Wellington Et opposite the Post Office: chron'c diseases treated by Osteopathic methods and Electrical Vibration treatments by appointment. Phone "ne Asheroft, Try OPHOLSTERER. and earpet vating Bagot work, halr mat. Drop & card or Btreets 2 44 LEGAL. pairing tress ron call 216 [CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, SAHINT. and Bolicit " i 11 ers « Hct ors kind BLY Clarence Street, | OCEAN NTEAMSHIP AGENCY. ™ ANSATL ANTIC LINES, AL yp MASH 8B. Kirkpatrick $ renee Btreet, Kingst tos on ¥ or " al WA NTED--GEN ERA Le | SHOE REPAIRING eription; first feather or ruffice Beott's, Clergy THOSE HAVING hand furniture sor person else: | will prides n Range s furniture cess Strest oF rye ny NnE- a bent sed Gre Bring 208 Barrie West AT SROCOND- hefore any GENTLEMEN TO Cloth and have It mw to-date Price and ship guaranteed 15 } ing and 4 shortes 31 Brock ING THY n } i bite Foils irk f Tatiowd SL., near Bibbyv's I vary ® The Weekly Wage We deliver in quantities to suit a man's pay. our Branch Yards for Coal and Wood. + The World's Most Famed. The products of the world's most Jansoue hat makers are in our stock, inclnding Scott, Christe, Buckler, | Haat, Tegal. te, 2, $150, 8,60 Campbell + Kingston's only ex: tae store Hts Hib SWIFT'S GAS FIRES, We have the imitation hardy and soft Coal Fires, just the thing for the parior or diatng room grate, wo ifrouble; no dus ne smoke: as cheap as coal io Let us give you a price piped and set complete Phone 515. Personal atlention, J. W. DLODWIN & Co,