THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1011. THAIN OF DEATHS DEMISES CONSTITUTE REMARK- ABLE SERIES OF COINCIDENCES, May be Modern Borgia--Relatives Suddenly Called Exhibiting Sym- toms of Poisoning. : Chicago, Nov. 3.--Chicago police to day pursued their investigation into the deaths of a number of relatives and acquaintances of Mrs. Louise Ver- milya to make certain whether the similar demises constituted only a remarkable series of coincidences as Mrs. Vermilya's name has been con- nected, including two husbands, two stepchildren, three children, and two roomers, at boarding houses she wept. No positive evidence of crime has been uncovered, ae following k n today: : That, while Mrs. Vermilya has said one of the death roster, Richard T. Smith, a conductor, was only a board- er at her home, a former roomer as- serts that the two claimed previously to have been married, and that they lived together as man and wile, That, while the woman told the pol jee she had assisted an undertaker at Crystal Lake, a former home, in em- balmihg the bodies, the undertaker there denies she ever had any such ex- perience. She gave this as a reason why she could discuss the deaths with composure, That K. N. Bruington, a photo grapher, of Peoria, and brother-in-law of the conductor, Smith, had made love to the widow following Smith's death, to investigmie suspicions he then had about the reason for his re lative's demise; that the widow had told him part of her matrimonial hist- ory, which he desires to give to the foroner. That Smith died during convulsions und alter drinking some substance, but that the doctors give the cause of death from descriptions of sympt- oms given by the widow, as acute gastritis, .That Bissonette was really engaged -'to be married to Miss Lydia Rivard, of Kankakee, was shown hy the filing of the policemar's will, ls ich Miss Rivard was named as § Nancee. Mrs. Vermilya was a witness to the will, and the police will endeavor to ascertain whether the widow had shown jealousy of the policeman, A new coincidence developed to-day, following the sudden illness of Mrs. Vermilyn herseli, when a sister living in the house adjoining, Mrs. Mary Buchholz, suddenly became ill. Mrs. Vermilya told enquirers to-day she had never studied medicine, nor sought to become a nurse, as had been reported, but that she had some little knowledge of medicines that she had acquired to enable her to aid neigh bors and relatives. She insisted she was innocent, The deaths being looked low. : 5 Frederick Brinkamp, frst husband of Mrs. Vermilya. died ona farm near new [acts became into fol Wy. v Barrington, LIL, after brief illness. Charles Vermilya, second husband, died after six days' illness of "gas tritis"' at Maplewood, 111. Florence Hrinkamp, four-year-old daughter, died at Barrington. Cora Brinkamp, eight-year-old danghter, died at rrington. Harry 6. Vermilya, stepron, thirty- five years old, Lillian Briokamp, stepdaughter, | twenty-six years old, ; Frank Brinkamp, 'son, died of pneu- monia in Chiongo, T. Smith, reported to be the ghird husband, Arthur BidRpnette, policeman, room- er, to whom she was engaged, died of "gastritis" last Thursday. t was the suddenness of ette's death, coupled with th Tow's statement that he was ad "to drink, whereas members of 1 = police force had known him as an abstainer, that prompted the. investigation and a determination to have the police man's viscera examined. Prof. Walter Haines, poison expert, expects to re port by Friday. Kidunapper Sentenced. New York, Nov. 3.~Kidnapper Vito Micelli, who stole Michaele =cimeca, the nine-year-old son of Dr, Mariano Scimeca, in July, 1910, keeping him ; fifty~soven days and turnibg Mm loose | on the East Side in an emaciated condition, was sentenced to an inde- terminate sentence of twenty-four isson ZAM-BUK CURED HIS SORES. Cures Also Chapped Hands and AC Chilblains, * Charles Hardy, of 55% Home street, Winnipeg, says: "My eidest son has proved the value of Zam-Buk and we would 'not be without a supply in the house. He had both ears so badly frozen--that we same slarmed for fear they ti a. to amputa- ted. His ears were swe Lo seve tal times their usual size, and were very much discolored. Large blisters formed apd then these Lurst and pain ful sores on both ears resulted. Fhe sores mattered, scales formed and the boy suffered terribly. "The preparations which we at frst used were found next to useless, in fact the wounds grew steadily worse, so we then tried Zam Buk and found a great improvement in one or two applications. "We continued with this herbal balm until the seales and foul matter were cleared awiy- t and healing began. In a wee first using this excellent balm the lads ears were almost well agai In three 'weens vou would never have known bis ears had been frozen, so well had Zam-Buk brought about healing." Here is but one illustration out of scores how superior Zam-Buk is to other salves, It also cures chapped hands, chilblaing, piles, inflamed sores, eczema, ringworm, scalp sores, ulcers, abscesses, blood-poison, cuts, barns, scalds, and all skin injuries and diseases. Un account of its purity and its herbal composition it is the ideal balm for babies and young ehil- dren. All druggists and stores at S0e. or post free from Zam-Buk Co, ronto, upon receipt of price. Try Zam-Buk Soap, r. per tablet. en box To- also JUAN CARDO Tenor in Oscar Hammerstein's comic opera Naughty Marrietia, the Grand on Wednesday, Nov. Sth WOMEN WAITERS ROBBED OF TIPS. Passed Plates Among the Guests at Taft Banquet, Milwaukee, Nov, 3.--It bas develop od that the women waiters at the ban- quet given to President Taft last Fri- day, collected 365 in tips by passing plates among the guests, but before they had distributed the money, a man demanded that it be turned "over to him, to be evenly disbursed among all those employed at the dinner, The man, who disappeared with the money, was one of the waiters, the women say, bat they do not know who he is, and the police are trying to lo- cate him. The caterer heard that the woman were passing plates for tips just be- fore the theft, and asked detectives to prevent the assessment, hut without result. NEW YORK ELECTIONS, Democrats Will Win Decided Vier ory, Says Governor. Albany, N.Y., Nov, 3.---Predicting that the democrats will win a de cided victory at the polls next Tues- day, Governor Dix, in a statement, appeals to democrats to support all the democratic nominees, as he says "Democratic success now means tinued progress, efficiency and esty in the administration fairs of the state of New severely condemns those who are working for the success of the fusion ticket in New York city and county. York." He , Millionaire's Father-in-Law, years and eleven montas and thirty days, a minimam, and fifty days as a, maximum, term of imprisonment. George Dixon, who lost his foot by | being run over by a G.T.R. #ngine, bas a cousin living on Thvigion street. His mother lives in Boston, dnd has been written: about her son's misfor-} tune. : AWAY G0 PINPLES, BLOTCHES, SORES, Durham, N.C, Nov. 3.--Leander 8. Rochetle, fatheringyw of Millionaire Brodie 1. Duke, th®Pobacco magnate, was sentenced to six months in the county jail for illicit liquor selling The supreme court imposed the sen- tence, vefusing to set aside the decis- jon of Judge Sykes, of the . local police court, on the occasion of Rochelle's arrest some time ago. ULCERS AND ALL BLOOD DISORDERS. Pimples, eruptions, blotches, scales, ulcers, sores. eczema and chronic swellings are caused by bad blood, but don't become discouarg-- ed--no other trouble is so easily overcome. workers in the cure of any disease caused by bad or They e'iminate all build up to make new, healthy tissue. : Pure will give you health and a pure, hiork aig To try i® to like been J 18 perfect and as harmless n-blood purifier, as Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Be sure to take Cas- are wonder- impure blood. and enrich the blood, enabling it Cascarets blood means perfect health. and if you will use Cascarets they clean skin, free from pimples and them, for never before has there liver and carets and you will surely have good, pure healthy, blood and no more eruptions or dis- rements. A 10-cent box of Casearets will cuit, to include THREE KINGSTON PLAYERS ON OTTAWA RUGBY TEAM. and 'the They are Williams, Elliott Robertson----Comments by Papers on Rugby Events, New York Americans are making strenuous efforts to get ty Cobb, of Detroit. Owen Moran and "Jim" will meet at Birmingham, Dec, 2nd. fe The New York week for Cuba baseball tour, The Ottawa hockey club is opposed to the raduction of the teams from seven to mix men. The O.H.A. anoual meeting will he held at ths Temple building, To- ronto, on Nov, Sth, i Varsity will be without the services of Taylor and Grass in the game with Queen's on Saturday. The clergymen in Australia have be gun a crusade to stop the boxing game in that country, Now it is Honus Wagner, of the Pirates, that is mentioned as the next manager of the Cincinnati Reds. The Australian rugby team, which is touring England, has had Ktule trouble in disposing of the English r ughyise 8. "ather Stanton is confident of beat- Heo aut Driscoll Eng., on Giants leave next on a two months' ing Varsity on their own field. will depend wpon Cornellier to punt Maynard, . Smirle Lawson, with Mallett, Binkley or Murphy will be the Argos' back division at Hamilton next Sa- turday if Gall does not tum out. "Chief" Bender has held his op- ponents wo thirteen runs in the seven world's baseball series games which be has pitched, less than two to a game. Harvard and Yale have not crossed each other's goal line since Yale turned the trick in 1907. There should be something doing in the 1911 game. Hero life in Philadelphia soom be came tiresome to John Franklyn Ba ker. The world's series' homerun idol beat a hasty retreat for his home in Maryland. "Ed". Elliott, the Kingston player, has been dubbed "the white hope" of the Ottawa team. He was formerly heavyweight champion of the intercol legiate union. Matt Wells, the lightweight cham- fon of Englland, will sail for the other side on Friday. This puts as oud to the possibility of his meeting "Packey" McFarland. The natkongl Imscbnill will meet in Cincinnati on to begin an investigation into al loged ticket scalping in connection with the recent world's series. Chicago .and 1€ttsburg were the only teams in the National baseball league and Detroit and Washington the only teams in she American league, to play the full schedule of 154 games. The Western Canada professional hookey league will be a six-cluby cir Calgary, | Edmonton, Brandon, Winnipeg, Vancouver and Victoria. The intention, is to play. a double schedule. The tallest man onthe Carlisle In. dians is Lohg Roach, a tackle, who stands six fect four and a half in ches, and the shortest player is Jack- coanmission Nov. 4th {the son, a hall-back, who is only five feet one inch high. F "Jack" Coombs; the iron man of Philadelphia! world's baseball champions, is still laid up as the result of straining himself in the world's series. The injury may se riously affect his future work. Toronto Globe: Varsity do not make the mistake of underrating their opponents, and, although Queen's have not won a game og season, the Blue and White will take no chances. The Presbyterians always put up a good game here, and Sg turday's contest should be no excep- tion, Toronto Mail and Fmpire : easy victory over the R.M.C. Queen's team con- [Queen's could never have beaten hon- | Varsit of the ai- M.C, {of the garnet and grey because {could not put a strong emowgh team on the holiday makes things look bright for Varsity II for the inter- mediate! Intercollegiate championship. t y Il so bad as they did the R. Ottawa The Ottawa Citizen : Cols democeats lege team is now the sensation of the think wers resignation it Intercollegiate Union. And to that this time last year they talking of asking for the in the field. Ottawa Free Press : ston boys, "Jack" Williams, "Ed." Elliott and - Stuart Robertéon were seen with their heads together this morning and it is believed they have a plot on foot to make a killing when Queen's play Varsity in Toronto next Saturday. For Ottawa next Saturday '"Jack™ Williams will play centre half, Gerard moving to left-half, nh McCann go- ing up to Gaisford's position on the line. Coach Walsh is mapping out « number of new attacks, and, as in the Hamilton match, the Ottawas trick Three King. { Vinol, our delicious cod liver «nd iron | tion, M JUVENILE CLOTHES _---- has been raised from the other clubs that he doesn't qualify under the re gidence rule, which is a joke ie worked here since last March, while Fi liot only went to Ottawa from Ning- ston a month before the rugby sca- son epened, and no kick is being re gistered about him -------- TO KEEP UP COTTON PRICE. Resolutions Presented to Governors' 4 Conference. New Orleans, La., Nov. 2.--Resolu- tions favoring the immediate periec- tionns of plans to secure pledges for a reduction of the cotton acreage next season, and dppealing to the farmers throughout the south to hold every bale remaining on hand of the pre sent season's erop, were presented to the governors' cotton conference at the afternoon session. These were decided to be the most necessary steps to take for the immed- inté relief of the farmer and the re storation of cotton to a normal price level. . No upset price for the staple is stip- ulated in the resolutions, but the farmers are assured that if they hold the cotton they now have on hand, in- dications favor an early increase of at least two or three cents per pound. No boys under eighteen years of age can frequent the pool- rooms in Watertown, according to a recent action hy of public safety. A list names of all youths under eighteen years of age has been posted in every saloon and; poolroom in that city. } saloons N.Y. the board ol rr THE fact that a boy is for the most part "boy," and is a "terror on clothes," need not prevent him from looking well-dressed so long as there are SANFORD JUVENILE CLOTHES The ybungsters in the illustration are all wearing Sanford Juvenile Suits and Overcoats. Your boy would look just as well in one. When you've found the store in your town where Sanford Juvenile Clothes are sold, clothes selection for your boy will, thercafter, be a matter of pleasure instead of a troublesome task. W. E. SANFORD MANUFACTURING CO., Limited HAMILTON AN RE RON «BEAVER FLOUR" is the unfailing friend of the housewife. It saves her the trouble of keeping two kinds of flour--one for bread and another for pastry. Being a perfect blend of Manitoba Spring wheat and Ontario F all wheat, it gives to bread the rich, nutritious properties of the former and the lighter qualities of the latter, making a large white loaf of delicate texture and exquisite flavor. Pastry, biscuits and cakes, made with BEAVER FLOUR cannot be excelleds Ask your Grocer for it today. sar DEALERS--Write for prices on Feed, Coarse Gras and Cereals. The T. H. TAYLOR CO. Limited, Chatham, Ont. Sale of boys' sweaters, cardinal or navy, 50c.; men's sweater coats, Sbe. Dutton's, 209 Princess sirdet. Astronomers tell usg there now are #ix comets cavorting about the skies, four of them strangers and unknown But, says the Cape Vincent Eagle, gince the fake show Halley's comet gave, it would be diflieult do get most people up in the night to look at one of them. LUCKY OLD PEOPLE Have Seen Wonderful Progress From Ox.Carts to Aeroplanes. What wonderful progress the old people of to-day have lived to see. In their young days the railroad was as much of a novelty as the aeroplane is now, and nearly everything else has progressed as much. Another modern idea is that people may be active and vigorous at se venty-five or eighty years if they will be careful to keep up their strength. John N. Kelly, agéd seventy-five, who lives at Lake Charles, La., says he was badly run down from over- work, and took two or three bottles of Vinol by advice of his druggist. ile is now better than for the past ten years and actually feels fifteen years younger, There is certainly nothing like preparation, to build up and keep up all weaken ed, Tua down etuca. It is Pp ly good for ol e, too, because it is very pleasant to take and agrees with the stomach. There is no cod liver oil in Visol. We guar- antee it to give vou pecfect satisfac hors drag store, King- be CRANBERRIES The Finest CapeCod Cranberries. 2 Quarts for 25c¢. SWEET POTATOES 6 1bs. for 25c¢. ~A. J. REES, 166 PRINCESS ST. Phone 58 LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW For Sale or to Rent. Sales Negotiated Rents Collected Fire Insurance Conveyancing and Real Estate E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, "Phone 2886. KINGSTON, ONT. ston, Ont. I ny aE rare Ne PEIERER Ege a Fresh Arrival of =e MOIR'S CHOCOLATES Large Assortment at 40c. and 50¢. per Ib. ~-- TRY -- % Moir's Cupid Cocoanut Caramels Something Delicious. : 80c. Per 1b. Phone 141 R, H. TOYE, %2 KING ST. (8.0) ,: ® o EERE EEIE fe SC OCO000) se f | RE -- TRAVELLING, . 'e RAILWAY AAAS GRAND TRUN longest double track in the under one management. The enly track railway between Montreal Toronto, Chicago and principal Canadian Cities. "The International Limited' Leaves Kingston ually at 12.25 neon Toronto, Hamilton, London, De- troit, arriving \in Chicago 8 o'clock the following morning. Four Express Trains dally to To- ronto and Montreal, HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS Tickets on sale daily until Nov, 11th. Good to return until Decom- , ber 14th # \ The world double for J. PL. HANLEY, Agent, Corner sohnson and Ontario Sts. | RAILWAY! IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway HUNTERS' TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE, Oct. 9th to Nov. 11th to all stations, Petawawa to Port Arthur, Temiskaming Northern Railway Stations, and points In Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Oct. 19th to Nov. 11th To stations, Sudbury to 5. 8. Marie, Havelock to SBharbot Lake, Lindsay Branch, Bevern to North Bay. All tickets good to return until Dac, i4th, 1511 AS "ull particulars at K. and Pand C.P.R, Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass RETURN Agent BAY OF QUINEE RAILWAY. Train leaves Unlon Btation, Ontario Street, 4 p.m. daily (Sundey excepted), for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- omto, Bannockburn &n all points aorth To secure quick despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and points en Central Ontario Route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Rallway For fur- ther particulars, pr R H Ward Fre. Agent: J. BH. Weich, Pass Agent 'Phone No. 3 AKE IT AWAY +. That's what our patrons 'ssy «Wh served with Belfast ® Ginger Ale or English Ginger ® Beer that do pot ® label. @ Our bottled goods for family @ Use have no superior, Sampis it al any of the lead. ® jug hotels o rtelephone 304 for = al case. : Thompson Bottling Co. ® 292 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON. ~ FLOOR Of. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. W.F. KELLY.