Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Nov 1911, p. 8

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PAGE FEIGHY. Lstiess, Backvard Children Made Bright and Active yu. is dm bm ip. boy or girl is ser down a constity- tionally slow, stupid or lazy when it is really a question of inactive bowels, lazy lives or sluggish kidneys, The growing child, with a hearty appetite, certainly cannot long remain healthy and bright if the sewers of the . body, ther bowels and the kidneys, ~ are choked wp with impurities that oes Hise Sure should be thrown off promptly. The muddy complexion, dragging limbs and dislike for mental or physical effort show plainly that the child needs Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills to stir up the liver and kidneys and regulate the bowels, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pill: do this most effectively, cleansing the whole system , purifying the blood, siding the digestion and giving plenty of life and activity. As upon the education obtained may depend the success in life of your boy or girl --see to it that the general health of the child is such that study is pleasure and vot a hardship. Made from roots and herbs by W. H. Comstock Co., Ltd., at Brockville, and sold by. ll deers u 3c. abox, > .s "You'll find it's 0." Labatt's London Lager Now Perfected -- Best Bupab's TRY IT JOHN LABATT LIMITED 28 LONDON, ONTARIO TRAPPERS send us your FURS and we will pay you the Highest Prices REVLON FRERES 134-136 MebILL STREET MONTREAL, P.Q. We will send free to every trap- per who sends us furs, our book "The Trapper's Loyal Com- panien", ' A GREAT DIS COVERY That Really When Pro- legredients Girawth Certain Promote Mair perly Combined, most ellee discovered with germ 8 ol WETS Resorcin is one tive ger: no odestre by sci and in oo tion Beta MNapthol, wich is cidal and anticeptic, formed which destroys roh the hair of ii ment and also ercate contlitiog of the the development of pew germs Piloearpin, glthoneh not a coloring matter or dye, is a well-known ingre- dient for restoring the haic to its natwral calor, when the loss of hair has been caused by a disease of the scalp These ingredients in proper combin- tion n, with aleohol added as a sti mi aml for its well-defined nour. ishing properties, perfect perhaps the mart effective remedy that is known for scalp and hair troubles. Wo. have a vemedy which is chiefly composed of these ingredients, in com: bination with other extremely in valuable medicinal agents We guar: antee it Lo positively oure dandruff and to grow hair, evn though the scalp in spots is bare of hair, If there i any vitality | in the roots, it will: positively cube baliness, or we will refund your money. If the scalp has a glared, shiny appearance, it's an indication that baldness is per manent, but jn other instances we be lieve baldness is earable. Wes want every one conbled sealp disease or lows of hair to Rexgll "03" Hair Tome. H it does not eure dandruli and grow hair to the satisfaction of the user, we will withont question oF quibble return every cent paid ns for it. We print this guarautee on every hottie, it has effected x positive cure in ninety-three per dont. of cases where pul to a practieal tesi, Rexall "92" Hair Tonic is entirely unliks, and we think, in every part: cular, better than anvihing else we know of for the purpose which it i¢ proseribed. We urge vou to try thie probvarafion & our entire risk. Certainore Know of wo better guwe NUN 2 in hing oN Bore, ~The Rexall hott nh cofmanna the ¢ VRtars which nourish a clean, healthy ales, which prevents with try % NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG OORRESPONDENTS YELL US. fhe Tidings "rom Various Points in Eastern Outarfo--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Sharpton Items. Sharpton, Oct. 31.0. Maloney is threshing in this vieinity. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Ray, Centreville, at P. Mohan's; Mrs. J. Burnett, Have lock, at! E. Taylor's; Miss Hazel L. Pell, at Mrs. F. W. Bell's, recently. Miss Margaret Mooney, Westbrooke, spent a week with Miss Nora Mohan, recently, Bell Rock Budget. Pell Rock, Nov. 1.--Rev, Nr, missionary sermon in the church last Sunday. The the late Peter Tallon took place on October 21st. Mrs, George Moir ana her sister, Mrs. George Fraser, of Boston, took a trip to Norwood (bast week. Mrs. Harvey Allen, Torouto, is visiting friends here. A. Varker and his little daugh- ter! Jewel, left for their home at Mountain Grove on Monday. Recent vigitors : Mr, , and Mrs. Thomas Perey, Harrowsmith, at M. Percy's; Mrs. Harvey Allen, Toronto, at 1. Yorke's; Mrs. J. Medeof, Holleferd, at J. Pomeroy 's. Sellars pr rached a Met hodiai fureral of Hay Bay Notes. Hay Bay, Oct. 31.-- Charles Uarier has sold his house and lot to Charies Wanshury aud intends moving to Watertown, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. liram Sills left on Saturday to speed Thanksgiving week with friends at Belleville and Ameliasburg. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hawley and Mrs, W. .J. Black, of Napanee, spent fay Selwyn Dluek's. Miss FEieanor Puke accompanied by her father, Charles Parks, have gone to Cleveland, where Miss I'arks infends entering wn bospital to train as nurse. Mr. and Mes, |). Ssudwith entertained a few friends (0 dinner ou Thanksgiving. Lawrence, Wolfe Island. Wolfe Island, Nov. 1. and bride have At St. St. Lawrence, ~Allan Henderson returned from Montreal, where they spent the past weeh on a honevmoon trip, Me. Day, the popular cheese maker, the St. Lawrence factory, intends clbse a most successful season on November 4th. Mr. and Mrs. R. McFadden have spent a few days visiting in Kingston. A. Joslyn is building a large addition to his house, byron Irvine has arrived bome from SydenBag, waere he pur- hazed n fine young team of horses. tohn Flynn has harvested his corn ind reports a bumper crop. The farm re 4A this vicinity dre all ploughing and | + before many days are past Ler rep all threngh. at to News From Picton. Picton, Nov, Rev." Mr. Galt hae retuinad from Montreal. The latter wddresscd the unioy Flmksgiving ser- in th: Main street church. Mar- Spufiord, working "én "the county road, Amelinsburg, has réturned home, Walton Fox, Waldeek, Sask., who vis- ied in this vicinity over a year ago, a¢ hal a snccessful year in his farm- tions, having over 6,600 le of grain, over 5,000 of ic being with a shridide bill of over the apple pickers for the syn are very busy. IT, Stevens in ' drawing some of the apples to Pictot. "Me. gud «Meso. C. Wanna- naker and _on, Camnbell, were recent visitors for Thankegiving. Mrs. Blak, lev, delegate, has returned from th Sunday school cofivention, Brockville, Vive WE tid oar wis he heat Charleston Briefs, Charleston, Oct. 31.--Miss Gladys lohuston, attending normal school, at Ottawa, 'is home Tor Thanksgiving. Mrs. M. J. Kavanagh is spending =» few days in Brockville. Mrs. Charles E. Frye and don, Soperton, spent ths week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Johnston. Mr and Mrs. R. Foster recently visited friends at Meélcombe. George Godkin, is very ill at the residence of his nephew, C. 'W, Murphy, with whom he resides. On October 15th, Miss Cath- ovine FE. Purns, of Ogdensburg, was marvied, at St. Mary's eathedral, to Ethan® E. Ames, of Canton. The bride «ie a granddaughter of John Foster, of this place. Mrs. Perey Gil ford, Plum Hollow, is visiting at W, C. Taylor's. 3. Echoes From Elginburg. Flginbharg, Nov, 1.ZQuarterly ser vices will be held here next Sunday morning. Charles Irvine and wife are visiting Rev. J. M. Tredrea, af Lombardy. W. Lawson spent Su at T, Guess', Cataraqui. James S§i ver is the happy father of a baby boy. Miss L. Tolles has returned af ter spending the summer with her brother at Antrim. Miss Ina Irwin visited friends at Murvale last week, Mrs. CC. Fraser and lorena are spending a fow days with friends at Mountain Grove. M. W. Kiell has re- turned to Montreal after spending Thanksgiving, at home. PF. Tolle has rented James Lawson's farm. Vis itors : Mrs. Ross Davey and Melzer, Kingston, at Albert Stover's* Mrs. A. Lake, Kingston, at Miss Ash's; Miss W. Makins, Kingston, at F. Tolles'. Seeley's Bay News, Bay, Oct. 81.~C. Brady, T. MN. er . M. Ralph and H. Pea: hrooke Ipft, Tuesdas so mQrning. on deer hunting t Put. nam has recov ng i oo ace dent, caused by a kick{#om a horse. The engineers of the Kingston and Ottawa electric railroad are working here. At a meeting. Saturday even mg, {oe following egates were ap- pointe to attend the conservative convention at Delta, on November 3nd : Jarsh Piney William MePher- son, J, o BW Kenny, -- Ww. a oF. Satulord, W. F. Bracken. 0. Ge erected a windmill ddr 7G. last ea Hr erin quite ill the past: fon has taken a change for the beter. A and Mrs. Young spent Thankdgfiving with he at Forfar and wr and Py iand. MM Sharbot Lake, yumber of hunters has gome worth. Arthur Roberts spent Thanksgiving with his parents here. T. H. Allen, Havelock, spent Sunday with his par ents here. Miss Fmma Goodman, Perth, at Mre. J. Thomson's. Miss Jennie Allen, nurse in Kingston gen eral hospital, visited her parents here at Thanksgiving. Leach, Kinos- tom, at Mrs. Herbert Smith's. Mss Murray spent . Thanksgiviog at ber home in Smith's Falls. E. Legg.tt has moved into the English church parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Long have returned to Havelock, after spending the past few months here. B. Smith is offi on his holidays. Wesley Tomli- san, who has been on the sick list, is better, Little Morse Tomlison fell and broke his arm. Quite a few around here have had the measles. Steven Deyo amd family have moved to Ha eo lock. 2 id.x Long Point Locals. long ¥ iu, Nov. L.--Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Siagleton spent Wednesday at Michael Fodey and Miss visited at Arthur Sla John Desmond, of Can: tou, N.V., spent the past week at Charles O'Connor's. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Grillin ave isiting at Henry Bevins'. Miss Hazel Bracken spent the Thanksgiving holiday at her home in Ellisville. Mrs. John Sykes and ter lennis are visiting at Mrs, A lion's, Morton. Messrs. Thomas and Gus Slack visited at Trevelyan | week, Mex, J). Leeder has returned het, home at MaMorytown after spe: ing a few weeks with her daught-r, Mrs. I), Townsend. Miss Helena Singles toh and Miss lena Bryan spent Thanksgiving at their homes here. Mrs. W. Dool, Miss Eva Dormet; of HBerrytown, and Pr. Fee, of Kingston, visited: at Joseph SNingleton's on Monday. James Stevens, of Athens, visited at COC. O'Connor's the past week. Mr. and Mrs, W. Moorhead, of Sweet 8 Corners, spent Sunday nt John Moorhead's. Miss Zella Slac', of Samd Bay, visited at George Ree i's Inst week. George Stevens, Ather spent Sunday at Charles (O'Connor a. Lansdowne Rose Fodey on Sunday. Fire at Mountain Grove. Nov 1.--My children are at Hawley, for an Mountain Grove, Charles Tarner and her brother's, R. P. extended visit. Typhoid is very pie valent. Mrs. Alexander MacDonald is tr very low with it. Herald Somers is lin with it at home; Perey Barr at the Kingston general hospital; Mrs. Ri bern, at her father's, at Ivanhoe. Miss ! Marjory Black is better. The stork left Mr. and Mrs. A. CC. Abbott a wee girl on October 22nd. RB. PP. Hawley's house had a nan escape from being burned on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Hawley were av ov from home; mit the young people the flames extinguished before much damage was done. A small hole was burned: in the roof. The Sunday school held a pie social at the pir- sonage on Friday last: proceeds in aid of the missionary fund Among the Thanksgiving were S. Abbott, Peterboro, at his brother's, Thomas Abbott: Misses Maud Sanderson and Pearl Crozicr, Sydenhain; Miss Lena Crozier, Long | nke; Purvis Barr, Albert College, at their different homes; Miss Flo Me- Reiygd, with Miss Lina Clark; Mis. Saunderson, at her, mother's: Mr. Wriicht, St. George's: Lake, at J. I. Clark's: Mrs. Burt Fellows and Mrs. Baldwick, at D. McDonald's; Mr. and Mes. Butterill have retarned from their trip in the west. "dward Flynn has also returned from the west. . Died at Westbrook. Westhrook, Nov. l.--Another red dent passed to his eternal reward on Wednesday morning, in the person of John Adsit, in the sixty-ghi vears of his age, after suffering the past vear from paralysis. Mr. Adsit was much respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and bis demive is deeply lamented. The fun eral took place from his late residence Friday afternoon The vast number who paid a tribute of respect to "= memory speaks most eloquently of thy high esteem in which deceased was held. Service was held in the Meth odist church and conducted by Rev W. Cassidy. His six sons acted pall-bearers, viz. William, John, Herbert. Francis, and Perey Mrs. B. Rose and Bell Distress From Indigestion Ww cot visitors Rov Fdwin spent Tried fa Vain to Get a Cure--A\il Medicines Failed. Old Trouble Disappeared When the "Liver and Bowels Were Set Rigiit by DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS You cannot make a greater mistake than to think that indigestion i= con- fasd to the stomachs It is a disease of the liver and bowels, and it only by getiing these organs healthy and active that you can ever hope to cure chronic indigestion. Here are two eases reported hy Mr, Skinner, which tell of continued fail ure to cure indigestion by dosing the stomach. both were cured thoroughl. by i Pr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. A. C, Skinner, Atlantic street, Hard woodhill, Syduey, C.B., writes: "My. wife was troubled with indigestion, and tried all sorts of medicines in vain, Hearing about Dr. Chase's iidney-Liver Pills, 1 got her to try them, and te our greai delight she wan cured. We w not think of being 'without them in the house ior use when the liver and, bowels be came sluggish. "f told a friend abont them and gave me a box. He bad suffered from indigestion for vears and tried most everything he could get. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liber Pills were also successful in his case, and he ys they beat any medicine he ever came fr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, bbe pill 6 dose, 25. a Box, at all desiers, or MN Bates & Ca. ianited, Ea a ad tas} A -------------------------- ry Hun brown tone shadings tashional MOLESKIN WRAPS AKE skins and hours making of » wrap of this luvurions sort. in opposite directions produces the striped effect which makes the of the moleskin doubly This wrap has but at the shoulders the dreds of tiny in the stripes. le just now, BEAUTIFULLY STRIPFD, of patient work The arrangement th pelt soit into the 20 of lights and which ar hangs in hecause of the BATrOW lines soft moleskin beautiful the gracefn! folds below a deep collar of marten, Thanksgiving Lapum, at Mrs. ( smith and | Mr Mrs with I. apum W spent a few days recently with friends at wife lk. KF. Lorraine were Spre SN smith public school, ing at her old, Kingston. eph Howie sion in the ronio, will by PF. Har Long | ake, ter, Mrs. kin, ter's, Mre, w Wolfe [si spected resident of the eternal resi to her ternoon, in McDonald, Davis, Sr., burg towns vassing has gone tg tend "the fu Frederick L and Me, OF ing ducks, i turned home cessful sale John Mrs. sell has g friends ing in Wat weeks, Greeawood, Spoor's bu lot to the spent. a Son ing for the Carleton. teacher of Enterprise, for Mamilton, friends here for the past week, turned - home: Watts Miss has : Rev Mr. Cassidy an guests of Mr. and Mrs 3; ile, Sunday evening. Miss mith, principal of Harrow spent Fhanksgiv Miss Ha home nt here, and at her has and Al home here, i'. Harte % faem p spring. occupy the te. Mr. and are visicing Melville Smith nt eased Jo takes n Smith, posses lo vacated Drew, of daugh Bop dangh- farm My then Mrs is her 6. Hyland. olfe Island News, Novy 1.--A island Saturday and, most re passed on ol the person of Miss Christi at a ripe old Hair; hae rented a farm in Pitts hip. John Spoor is reeve. Mrsj y Watertown, ngral of her age ey James Davis N.Y, Mo ut brother-in-law, awyer. Vineet Mebonald tonnor, Waterfown, hunt pr the past week, have @.. Hiram Davis held a suc 'on Thursday afternoon. Parham, visiting hae re Card has rented Rus visit re Harry fifty pores. George Ofe Buffalo Crawford, the past home John Mrs. Richard on E. Briceland's C.M.B.A. hall. A. Raskin iple of days here canvass coming election. to to Janie fon visit ertowp two returned has removed ilding Joseph Laughlin speviga few davs in Kings ton visttang friends. visitihy - friends in retvrped fon, has hes jrone hunting triw, is visiting Ear Carrving vest lotnn given by t was a gre delivered b R. A, up from ceeds were of the par & Hamma vice-provest of Frinity Umversity, were ronto, Rev I. ude cert in Hillier there on Thanksgiving eromd was over pil, party Norman, to-night Miss Aggie forif Newark, Nd. William Horm Kingston on a Toro nto, hie nne. north of Brupo mother Spoor, lor a few ix rying Place Dudget. § tae, Oct. 31.--~The har winner in i. John's hall he Anglicans, of this p i6. Addresses Hepburn, M.P., W.IMP., who motored bicton for the event. Fro S104. IF. Gordon Osler, thers. of the fig of Osler wl, Toronto, and Pr. Lloyd lo ast Con M0 BLOC were v BR and one here on Saturday Wright attended a town hall by the people night. A large and proceeds wer Harris is giving ins boy friends i prifent Leadon ge for The apple érop is the largest in Prince Edward. in manager of the Dominion Canners Matthews at years, Gordon Trenton; motored over in his big Me Laughlin with a jolly party for dinner on Johnsog, of | Consecon, hroaght up number from Uonsecon in ear lor the Anghea: in his speech eulogized the rector. burn, 4 great county. consost dadled with stone for to, stryek working Reve in devetige was badly damaged, whiie The the Mrs, JJ. A a her tourmyg dmnper. Mr. fen, an Friday las ir said he was Prince Edward Friday night. neset i n The steamer John Holph and | Toron* the government dredge, the Murray canal. the harge sank ih the canal. Inspector Stewart, of Corawall, is on hand and efforts are clear being put forth to the chanel: By tl ibe Words Milli Charles Map brother, - epmes. into an annuity F1,000. On $600 comes to danghter, who M. J Connolly, epector, Brackvills, by the depactment <herion # will of the late Robert t of the Lake of the ny, Montreal, Perth, ig his death an annuity of Charles Meighen's dives with her father. focal fishery in has been notified of marine and Bix deriioes as inspector required. en, his Aamages LOW GANANOQUE, Tears" Talent--=Meetin Society. "The Tyranny of by Can of the Bible THRONE George 1 of this terday, » hn mitles taken ' and th Nov. | ganie « Gananoque, ner, ish and seer returned home n end of his dist ng back upwards of two ines and LOO hool the ( I 4h Island. CC, Haddon Chambers' famous fou "Ihe Tyranny of Tears,' the Misses Edith (borne Wright and Messrs, William Wing, William Ik Irving Dears, in the ca at the opera house, last under the auspices of Ganan No. M7; ADUW,, attendance. of the Gana Ottawa on, the easte ugnt ol weer FOSR-OV 0) foot eof Grenadis aet comedy, with Hazel Rattray, van and vas produced evening, jue lodge, frew a I'he annual que auxibary f the Binle race chur of good meeting the Soeioty last unter attractions dy attended D. ecretary, gave interest ' of branch evening, and account was an sireet, of 'in William Charles has been his fur resume Messrs, | turned from ing up the finé birds, Ihe big freighter Canadian lake yesterday, and signment of shovelg from Jones company, billad for and other far expects to make rip before We Allan, laid up on eve for recovered duties, and W a few river, accound es to the past as to be § duys' bringing Nev Line, western point anather compl the season George |} ( SK urned et from Suake lddand. The p g fifty-dour line Mrs N. Parke; ding birds, Bing fow weeks in of her son, returned per York (aty, guest 'arke, has Mra, ( I . been spending ; irtends' and dontreal, { 4 with Bis wile and ® fat unify, Toft day, to resume his dutie "tie having his household effects sh hipped 1 Montreal, and Mrs, Orser and famils will join him there early next week Douglas Peck, attendin "Varsity spent the holiday here with h rents, Mr and Mrs. W A Brock street. H. Ford Berry, U4 spent the past few days parents, Mr. and Mrs. Broek street. e with on oo Urse spend 1# Poe ween =, wit LL ts Hinchinbrook Council. . Piccadilly, Oet. 25. members all present. Moved, Clow Wagar, that the clerk notify Sheffield council! that $10 was lain out in 1910, also $12 in 1911, on boundary bet ween the townships of Hinehinbrooks and Sheffield, and' ask for cheek for $12, its 'portion of same. Carried, Moved, Clow-Wagar, that the treastirer he in- structed to place all township money over $400 in a chartered 'bank in Kingston, to the credit of the town ship, to be drawn upon check signed by the reeve and treasyrer. Carried Moved, Clow-Wagar, that the follow ing orders be drawn on treasurer © W C. Claw; 815; W. Hartwick, 3 I. Hamilton, $7.50; E. Cox, #5 Clow, 819. 6G. F. Howes, $i% Clarke, BI3.20; FE. Simpkins, Bb. MeUCloud, 82.75; T. Meumber, A. Wagar, $0.25 8S. Vindewnter, A, Smder, 83; RN. NeUnllough, #150 FT. €. Wagar, 818: 8 Cronk, 21805 P. Judge. $17.56: F. Ditfon. $15. 2. A Hamilton, RI110L56; P. Dwyer, £21.25: William Clarke, 22.50: L. Goodberry, damages to rig, 82; F. OC. Knapp, to horse, BIS. Carried Council adipurned fo meet ar Parbas: Lonneil met; i ol x) | "Hers el OF NIGHT LINES | AND HOOKS BI | Presente! i and | Norman | and | was held in| on | Mell | who | } i ! { w.| | | ki | un Satucdey, November tl, ONE OF THE HUNDREDS THAT LEAN UPON OTHERS, OR ARE YOU SUFFICIENT UNTO YOURSELF? It takes energy, brain-power, concen- tration to make a livelihood. Vitality--and the power to keep it, must be considered. To be a Tower of Strength, you must have staunch nerves, with brain and body working in harmony. Scott's Emulsion is the best nerve, brain and body - builder. It is pure, wholesome, invigorating. ALL DRUGGISTS The Famous KQ)/O Lamp The best part of the day is the evening, when the whole family is gathered together around the lamp. The old days of the smoky fireplace and flickering candle are gone forever. In their place have come the convenient oil stove and the indispensab le Rayo Lamp. There are to-day, in the United States alone, more than 3,000,000 of these Rayo lamps, giving their clear, white light to more than 3,000,000 homes. Other lamps™cost more, but you cannot get a better light than the low-priced Rayo gives. It has become so popular we may almost call #t "the official lamp of the American family." Lhe Rayo is made of solid brass, with handsome nickel finish ~an ornament anyw here, Ask your dealer lor a Rayo lamo ; or write for descriptive circular to any agency of The Queen City Oil Company, Lirited A-DRU-CO YSPEPSIA TABLETS correct sour stomach and heartbum--cure indigest- fon and Sypepiimt your storndch right again. 50 cents a box at all druggsts'. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited 83 Special Demonstration of the = Chancellor and others of the splendid line sf durable, economical, reliable and attractive Gurney-Oxford Stoves and Ranges a demonstratic Come and now on display at our store achievement in stove-making. i excellence The Oxford a marvellous device for the sontrol of the heat, It gives a saving of 20%, in fuel, besides econotuy of time and labor. A patent authorized only on this line. The Divided Oven Flue Strij, is a great economy of food. AN danger of failure in baking is minimized with this lever arrangement for even distribution of heat, There is no better test of practical stove work than this perfect oven control. Another advantage lies in the R Grate equipped with strong interlocking teeth that save waste, mazipum heat with less fuel. The Broiler Top--the strong oven door, are excellent features and these all combine with attractive designs in wide variety of size and price. You are earnestly invited to come and inspect the Gurney-Oxford Hnsetar the good of your purse, your health, and "all the ¢omforts home." Simmons Bros.

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