PAGES 9 TO 10, ¢ flail uy British Wh a p---- Zh YEAR 78-NO 257. I -------- Ap ---- - A Frank Statement Parvena is the Best Medicine in the Worid, 1 RECOMMEND pravens SECOND PART GSTON ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1911, IY AnD OOD OOR PIORINNESS 7° [ITTLE PEOPLE | It's Baker's and t's Delicious - ---- -- - EE coat just referred to is made of white velvet and is trimmed with the red fox fur which Poiret has made .o fash- iongble all" of a sudden. This fur, rather trying to most women is de Lightful on children, but a very little of it goes a long wav, for the eolor is brilliant and vivid. A young gir! of fifteen or sixteen--one of the mun- nequins at an important New York costume exhibition this month, wore a huge neckpiece, matched by a wufi, of this red fox fur, and over the fur her hair hung in two tawny red-gold braids that almost exactly matched the fox pelt in shade. The contrast of the red-gold hair and red-gold fur with the white cloth tailored suit and white hat worn by this young girl were in- fengely .triking and: caused many ex- clam= ons of delight, The little maid wear © the white velvet coat pictured bad roddish gold curls, and big warm bro un eves, and this coloring, in com binations with the tawny shade of the fur, was very beautiful, as may be imagined. Another cot, less conspicuous in ef- fect but exquisitely refined and grace- ful, ia the model of navy blue cordu- roy with trimmings of black Bengal- jine silk. This coat opens low at the left side, the silk revers being part of a sailor collar whieh falls: over the shoulders at the back. There is a black tassel on the point of the collar and handsome black cord ornaments {fasten the coat in front. Within the Made by a perfect mechanical process from high grade cocoa beans, scientifically blended, itis of the finest quality, full strength and absolutely pure and healthful Sold In 1/50, 1415, 1221, and 1 Ib. cans, aet weight Booklet cf Choice Recipes Sent Free Walter Baker & Co. Limited Established 1780 Montreal, Can, Dorchester, Mas: $3.50 Recipe Free For Weak Men Send Name and Address Today You Can Have It Free and Be Sirong and Vigorous. fn my possession a prescription for debili'y, Iack of vigor, weakened faliine memory snd lame hack, on by excesses, unnalural dealos, or lies of youth, that bas cred so many wora and nervous men right in their own homer--~without any additional help or medi- ine--~tast 1 think every man who wishes to regain hiv manly power and Yirhtg, quickly so? onictly, should have a copy. 1 bave ietermined to send a 0opy of the jrescription { ree of charge, in a Jian ordinary sealed cus { velnpe 10 any man who wilt write mo for it. Thin prescription comes from a phywician who hes made a special study of men and | am conviaced it is the surest-acting combi oabon for tie eure of deficient manhood shd vigor failur: ver put together, think | owe it to my fellow man to sends wm 8 copy fn "onfidence so that any man tavwhore who is weak and discouraged with peated failures may stop drugmng himself { with harmful patent medicines, secire what | : { I beddeve is the guickest-acting rcsiorstive, collar opening is a shield of the blue | upbuiiding, SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever corduroy, which fits smoothly up | devised, and so cure himself at bome quistly u eck. 'With } 4 ana quickly. Jost drop me a line like this: 16 neck, With this coat 1s) p. A. BE. Robinson, 353% L ack Building, attractive bonnet of Detroit, Mich., and I will send you & copy of buff colored felt trimmed with cream | (Bi* fPieadid recipe in a plain ordinary em faille ribbon. Inside the boonet brim velope free of chase. A great many ¢ . would eharge $3.00 1, N00 for merely writin is a facing of warm shrimp pink silk, which gives just the right color con- out a» prescription like this but I send satiec ¥ free trast with the dark blue of the cordu- | roy coat. Still another corduray coat, very at tractive in design, was shown in {Fifth avenwe window last week. Thi { coat of golden brown and was lined thesuaghout with gold colored satin, There were deep, ed back cufis and a quaint cape with a point at the center of the back and points falling over each sleeve. The cuffs and cape were outlined. with heavy brown silk eord, as thick as one's thumb and at eash point of the oape loops of the cord and a tassel depended. In front the cape was tied with more loops and tassels, and the soft brown felt hat was trimmed with a festoon of the same cord and tas gels. To match this coat there were brown corduroy leggins which buttbn ed up above the knees, Dainty frocks . for young girls in their teens are being shown in light | wool fabries like cashmere and hen- | rietta, and in mohair and sicilieune weaves. A charming frock of white mo- hair trimmed with red taffeta stitched in white is illustrated. This pretty frock would be just the thing for | Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day or (#ome other informal home eelebration where an elaborate party dress is not necessary, vet something a bit gayer than the school frock is in order. i The young girl's hat, trimmed with | a fan pleating of velvet, is especially | smart, and is both graceful snd re fined in type, The hat is a blue fol turban model, and the velvet trim. | ming is a shade darker in tone. Paved With Silver, Pelerbore Examiner : Ontario's highways have been paved | with silver. Over nineteen millione of | dollars in money have been spent on | the township highways of this pro- vines, besides over twenty million days of labor. But in most cases, go re ol ----r MR. EMILE MARO!S. R. EMILE MAROIS, 1579 Ontarle strect, Montreal, Canada, writes: "After taking nine bottlos of Peruna, I find that T am cured. "I atill take it ceensionally, For me it Is the best medicine in the world, "1 have recommended it (os nomber of persons." Mr. J. O. Hervus Pelictier, Dept. de VAgriculture, Ottaws, Ontario, writes: "The Peruna {3 particularly effica efous 8 the cure of cutarehal affections | controlled of the lungs and bronchial tubes. Hu It enay "Six bottles cured mo this winter of |picturesquely, but pe bronchitis, I wm completely restored |0t the first requirement of the juven- snd T owe thanks to the Peruna, ile wardiobe, The French child he "I have recommended this remedy to most picturesquely \ ar ryed youngster a large number of my friends afticted in the world, but to English and Am- with fie same tronble, and they have |¢¥ican eves some of the Parisian {ots, verified my good opinion of this vas |Poreding the Bois beside their mam sable remedy.' é hor 0 PLEATED RIBBON £== a PLEASING TRIMMING FOR YOUTHFUL HaTs THE, THREE -CORNERED REVER, AA FEATURE OF | CHILDRENS MODES votingster whose It mother has lortunate the artistic sense happily by a sensu of diserimina- 80 to dress children (ER on is picturesqueness is 8 mas or? nurses, are pitiful and gro- tesque little objects, with their ab- breviated petticoats and overloaded bonnets. The first suggestion in a little ladiie's clothes should be sturdiness and manliness. The first suggestion in his small sister's should be daintiness] and a veriain spirituelle grace-that exquisite which nobody on earth save a little girl possesses. The simplest lines and finest, most beaut ful materials brieg out this charm of little girlhood, while the coquettish finery of the dressed up little French to make a puppet of OYSTERS Standard, 50c. a Quart Select, 60c. a Quart grace en 3 FL Ads a gy ~ DOMINION FISH COMPAN §3 BROCK ST. PhONE 520 A OMART SUNDAY SCHOOL COAT OF BLUE CORDUROY doll serves only her prettiness. he shortened HA own so long in women's garb thal it inevitable that children's wear should follow suit. The little French child's clothes are a miniature copy of her mamma's and this year the toddlers have had a hard time of waistline has held around worn an was almost SOME SMALL BOYS ARE AT pale THEIR BEIT IR VELVET The Associated Board OF THE i A DamTy FROCK FoR, THE YouNns M133 it with their narrow | skirted frocks Royal Academy of Music and Royal Collegeof Music ind counts which prevented veal enjoy ment in a romp. London - England quatintness about the short-waisted em For Locsl Examinations ia Music in the pire frocks which Jnakes them charin BRITISH EMPIRE : (Shpiren, by ! - o mothers prefer the longer waisted ef- Patron. HIS MAJESTY THE KING. fects with a straight panel down the The Annual Beamivations in Pract. front loase belt talling over the few) Music and Theory will be held throughout Canmda 11 May and June, hips. A white linen frock of this sort, wi. i b brought from Paris last month, | oie Exhivition value about $500 is has been given to a seamstress here te Syllabus, Music for the Rxamin. duplicate in =ix models for a certain | ations, and all particuiars may be ob little New York girl of five years, Two | tained ou application to of these dresses: nee 10. he of white lin M. WARING DAVIS, en; vbw of pink, one of pale bufi, one | 87 Shuter Sweet, Montreal. wl resedn green and one of Dutch blue (Resident Secretary for Canada.) Thete is a perfectly plain kimona | f Mini waist, loose over the shoulders, which Open to pupils af all Teachers o us o waistline | is joined below the natural _ by a short skirt laid in shallow pleats | . Itching and Burning on Face and Throat rather wide apart. The waist buttons | directly down the front with two rows of small round pearl buttons wet - Sores Disfigured So He Dreaded to in Public, No Rest Night or - Day. Guticura Ointment Cured, close together, the line of buttons end- wig at the belt. This front fastening is now considered much smarter than the fastening over at gme side in the | Hi § \ = Russinn style so long in vogue, At d , the neck there is a parrow turnover ® i - om / | gollar of Irish lace, with turned back "Six months ago my face and throat lait broke out and turoed into a rionihg sore, 1 did not bother aboui ib at first, but in one week's time the discase had spread so rapidly over my fsce and ihroat and the ing itehing sores became so painful th 10 peek relief in different medicin: good There is al i ng on some many | was cordur turn or a aver he gon 4 bandon Di wil wt dows, fold tn some. turn 1) head, shut iw vee wed dveen Boyt. 81 ' THE MARCEL SLLING CO, Toraate. Ome Good Digestion 3 a man er woman good for ™m sething~good work or pleasant ws. Whoever has distress after cuffs to mateh on the sleeves. But the feature of the frock is the belt, which is made of black velvet, with un Hat "pump" bow at back and front, Also buttoned down the front is a new frock for the little lad, searcely hig enough to be graduated into bona fide trousers. This frock, made of lin- en in the instance noted, had a box pleated tunic which all but covered the fall bloomers falling just to the kuee. There were two wide box pleats in front on this tanig, on this side of the fastening, and ut the back there ware five of the pleats. The tunie fnstehied straight down the front with small smoked pearl buttons and vis ible battonholes aod the stitched belt, passing through straps of the mater ling, sick headaches, naugsea, bad taste, 'pleasant breath, cans not find good i anything, or be of uch use in the world. Bot these symptoms are only signe that the stomach needs g litle csre end attention and the aid that : B® TED ROMPERS FOR ] FITE rock wii OUT OF ROOR WINTER FUN, « SILK TRIMMING For HOUSE WEAR i { £ i is perfectly run and quite as m as though he (or she, for of codree small maids may wear the rompers also) were clad in 8 more cumbersome overcoat and leather log- gins, The rompers pictured are of nate ural gray angora and combine two garments, a sweater coat fastenidg at the shoulder and knitted trousers i o romp and simplicity, ent with a generous allow- | children's box parties at the theater, ance of good muterial and not - made [wenr short socks sli winter tong, but absurd oc feminine, with lwee collars, the long silk hose are quite as elegunt knotted sashes or any such offenses to | in appearance and teem better adapted miaseuline dignity. for wear witifrostumes of velvet or A eotreet and attractive suit fof a | worsted, little boy of seven is pict This | For school and play wear the smail suit is made of black velveteen and is [boy has a suit of some attractive, yet ' £ 3 g £603 fsmall son, for there are sturdy, ial, alsp buttoned with a larger smok- od pearl button. Stitched bands Gn ished the neck and sleeves. This model, in old blue linen, might be duplicated in palates, pique, or a fice chevigt or wis little lads are adorable in vel: vet, nit much as the mother may ad- mire the Little Lord Fauntleroy style of suit. she should use discretion in the selection of velvet for her ows romping little bors who look absolutely foolish in a velver costume that would be ideally graceful on a more slender, delicate The wml] with cut on severe tailored lines, the ndyes of the eufis, pocket flapa and other details being finished with bisck silk braid. The collar and shield are of 's 'wear. Little i wear white suits lide the Velveteen model pictured, made of "serge or mohair, ith trisuning of white braid and shields of wh 3 t Hto look like a little old man. ed or Ab sel : in taste for t lads not conspiencusly patterned worsted misture, with fresh linen collars and shields to wear 10 alteration with the collar and shield provided with the suit. The little boy dots not wear a derby hat until bis teens have been nless hie mother desired him His ,- after the Scotch Glengarry and Tam 'o'Shanter age, is a soft, round hat of tweed or velowrs which may be drsgeed down ov one side and rolled up on the other in' the approv: ed jaunty manner. r | coats illustrated shows the use ] three : . Exaggerated revers are Bre of women's outer wear this children' ar which oxtend well down over the leg. There is a cap with a tassel to match the rompers. Two representative types of conte suitable for the little girl's Sunda or teremonious wear are illgetrated. These conte, of course, are muck more elaborate than the r and ready veofer or ulster designed for wehoo! bug pay wear, © Vel ment flaring only slightly bottom, fo accommodate sle petticoats beneath, ' fit One of the of cornered revers 8 Ht -- marks the Globe, you eminot see any many hundreds Inrs have been spent of the of Peterboro, and, with the same - re- sult~mud, Women Jurots Seared Him, ward F, learned that two women were to serve on the jury empanelled to hear the tharge of battery against him, he im- mediately pleaded guilty and "peid a fine imposed by Justice of the Peace, F. B. Brown. declared that be would 'rather plead guilty thas stand ------ 's conte, of | br magnster ru results except mud. The cily engineer | might compile statisties to show Bow! of thousands of dol | #lreets | Sante Cruz, Cal, Nov. 4. ~When Ed- | Piercy, wealthy hoy dealer, | | | sapport. ean give. Safe, reliable, thoroughly tried, this family remedy has won- derful reviving power, They tone the stomach, liver and bowels--<all organs of digestion. With these organs fa good order, the whole system Is better and stronger. . Try a few doses and see for yourself what a splendid bodily condition Beecham's Pills Can Create Bot In buses 39% Ever notice how easy it is for a 10 get murried who isn't able to 8 with | ; '