TH SATURDAY, OCTOHER 28. 1911.SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1911. TET The longest double track in the world uader one saBagement. only double track Montreal principal Canadian Cities "The (niernalional Limited' Leaves Kingston cally at 12.25 noon for Toronto, Hamilton; London, De troit, arriving In Chicago.s o'clock the following mornieg. Four Express Trains dally to To- ronto andl Montreal, HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS Yickets on sale daily until Nov, 11th. Good to return until Decem- her 14th, { J.P. HANLEY, Agent, # Corner johnson and Ontario Sts, KiNCsTONS PEMBROKE IVIL: N IN CONNECTION WITH Ganadian Pacific Railway HUNTERS' RETURN TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE, ' Oct. 9th to Nov. 11th to all stations, Petawawa to Port Arthur, Temiskaming Northern Mailway Stations, and . points In Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotla. Oct. 19th to Nov. 11th To stations, Sudbury to 8. 8. Marle, Havelock ta Sharbot Lake, Lindsay Branch, Severn to Novth Bay. Al tickets good to return 'until Dec. 14th, 1911 Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street, F., CONWAY, Gen. Pass, Ageat. ------------ BAY OF QUINTE RATLWAY. soln, Jeaves on " St tion, Ohtatl rest, m1. dal . for Tweed, Sydenham, - ont Bannockburn a points orth. To secure quick despatch te Sannockbuth Maynooth, and points on Sentral Ontario Route your shipments via tate Railway A A TY ar pa. A Fre Keene: a Welcn, Pass Agent. 'Phone No. 8 i. ANIC DOMINION, (91: [e] 43 rn Ll Ll MONTREAL AND UVEBEC TO LIVER EVERY SA DAY. 885, LAURENTICO, S85, MEGANTIC. Passengers in all Classes. . Elevators, Orchestra. of, $02.50 ge $53.78 First, 503 Seoupds up. NN TEUTOXIC, 8.8, CANADA, Only One Class Cabla (11) and Third Class, Mates: Teutonic, $68 up: Canada, $50 Third Class at low rates. Closed Rooms From Portland, Me. nud Halifax, N.S, CANADA, MEGANTIC, UTONI®, Dee, 2, 9, 14. our berths now. eal Agents, J. FP. Hanley and C, B. Kirkpatrick. Main Office, Mont- real baal se alm -- ---- -- » GRAND CRUISE TO THE ORIENT By the most palatial cruising steamer afloat S.S. "VICTORIA LUISE" Lf (18,500 Tons) Ballpg from New York JANUARY 30, 1012 Also Craacs to West Indies; Sout! "Around The World, Italy ing , ete. Send for Illustrated Booklet. © HANBURG-ANERICAN ' LINE! | 41-48 Bway, N. YX, or local agent. 5 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NuRiN. The, raflway Het wast) Toronto, Chicago fd ; last' Sunday evening to talk | woman asked - | Road, Si. Johan, upwards of ON CHARGE OF GIVING 'OLD LOVER POISON. Whe Once Sued the Man for Breach 'of Proniise, But Could Xot Collect the Damages. Pembroke, Nov. 2 -David Mordry, a sturdy young Westmeath farmer, is at death's door, amd Mrs. Julia i Buchanan, a comely widow, who once won a soit against Mordry for breach of promise to marry her, is held for his aftempted murder. . ieved to have been the victim of poisoning, having been stricken down on the road while on bis way home from a visit to Mrs. Buchanan, Mor- dey is in a serious condition, al though hopes are held oat for hig recovery, C According to the story told by Mbr- dry as a-result of which the Buchan an woman was placed under arrest, he was requested 10 go to her home over a business matter in connection with her farm, Mordry being one. of the executors of her late husband's will, He did not enter the house, and when the business atter was discussed the im if he would care to] have 'some light reireshments. He declined, but upon being pressed ate a piece of pie and a banana. Shortly afterwards, while driving én his re turn home, he fell suddenly ill. When arrested Mrs. Buchanan pro. tested vigorously, disclainfng any knowledge of the affair. Brought be fore Magistrate Stewart she was more culm but deathly pale. Mre. Buchanan's maiden name Major, a daughter of one of ' was borhood, © When at the age of she married the man whose name she prise felt throughout the little vil lage. He was an old man, many vears her semior, but a prosperous farmer. His land adjoined that of the Mordey's, which later passed to the ownership of the man in the pre sent case, David Mordry. Young Mordry was naturally, thrown much into the company of the Ba- cthanans and was often a visitor at their home. About six years ago the aged husband was taken ill and Mor dry went to live with the family as a boardér, A year later Mr. Buchan- on diced and Mordry was made one of the executors of the will, He con- sinved to live at the house, and even- tually a breach of promise suit and a elaim for damages was brought a- guinet him. Damages to the extent of $1,000 was awarded, but it was claimed that while the suit was pen- ding -Mordry had shrewdly disposed af his entire property, and it was fowd impossible to enforce the writ against-'him. Shortly ierwards he 1dt the village and returned only two y oP afro. : Since then Mrs, Buchanan has been living quietly at Foresters" Valls, ard the old trouble hat seemingly cod cut and Mrs, Boge or re brad ap. arent Jorgotien Le wrong. or ow MeCiarre, MPP, t well mown lawyer, of Renfrew, will net in the prisoner's defence, Morven Reports. Morven, Nov. 3.--Fall ploughing is nearly completed in this section but some will finish when the ground is frozen. There is quite a local trade here in hay and grain. FP. Lund has erected a new silo. C. Lake's new barn is going on to completion, Rev. Mr. Daniels and Rev. Mr. Loveless, of Albert College, Belleville, were here on Sabbath, Mrs, Funuell and daughter, of Toronto; spent Thanksgiving with ber daughter, Mrs, J. Clute. Master Fullerton, Kellar, who has been in the general hospital, Kingston, for nearly two weeks, is improving nicely. He was treated for appendicitis. Rev. Mr. loveless gave an excellent solo dn the White church on Sunday even- ing. Obliged to 0 it i - So Dreadful Was the Saffering From Itching Piles. After Twenty Years of Pile Tortare Relief and Cuce Came With Dr. Chases Ointment You take no risk and you make no le it when you use bir. Chase's Ulntinent for piles. Many doctors still cling to the idea that nothing but an operation will effect a cure. But operations are expensive and dan- gerous, and <iten iakl in their re sults. Some have been cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment after 'operations had fai . led. . De. Chase's Ointment truly has piled "and all ere is a cass wh oT Joha P. was riported re teen, a charming and dashing girl, [dually growin now bears, there was considerable sur- any 'man could be, ARE YOU WELL AS YEAR AGO. : ------ Dr. Williams' Pink Point the Way to Health and hh. Ask your sell the important sues tion whether you are as strong as YOu were a yest as bodily fit ae you should be. po a reader has "No." Some weakening during the pas: rear laid bold the system; uniting vou for the dules of life <nd serious ly clouding 'the! ontlook of the com- ing. days. It may be rhsamiting with its sharp iwitiges of pass, in digestion, headache, nervous devility, depression and lack' of energy, or the pains and silmentd® which oaiv com mon folk know. He is well 15 } now that all these weakening lisoiders alae rom an impoverished condivon of the blood. Renew and emiich v.un load and all your troybles will cease. This is a strong statement, but it ie made on the testimony of thousands wha once . suffered, but who have gained health and pirength by the aid of the new, wich blood supplied by Dr: Williame® Pink Pills. We can quote thousands of cases similac to the dollowing : Joseph Grandmaison is young man well known 'in the of Bt. Jerome, Que, He says: "For a 'of years 1 began to find my strength failing, but Jid not dream that the trouble was semous As 1 grew weaker [ began to doctor but it did not help me. The least exertion made 'my heart Ipitate violently, my stomach rr ul ordes and my whole system became 80 run down that | was finally for ced to quit work. 1 had now teen doetoring {or almost six months apd was very naturally growing discourag- ed. At this juncture | read of a case similar to mine, cured through the use to confess ailment has the (of Dr. Williams' Fink Pills, and de most respected families in the neigh- cided to try them. 1 took the Pill igh- [faithfully for about two months, gra- stronger and at the I was as well as 1 shall always aise the medicine that raised me rom despair to 'the blessing of good health." Sold by medicine dealers everywhere or sent by mail at O0c. a box or six boxes for $2.50 by the Dr.' Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. end of that t SCOT AND VISTER SCOT IN THE NEW WORLD. ------ US. Ambassador at Edinburgh Re- fers to Achievements of Race in America. Edhiburgh, Nov. 3.--Before a large and representative Scottish audience, with municipal councillors, university professors and Presbyterian ministers in prominent sents at the Synod hall, Whitelaw Reid, the United States am- bassador, delivéred the inaugural lect: ure of the . Philosophical Institution. He chose for his sibject the achieve ments of the Scot and the Ulster Scot in Ameria, and before he had finish- ed he had, succeeded in astonishing even Lord Rosebery and the learned professors with detailed evidence that those ubiquitous agemts of civiliza- tion were largely responsible for the war of independence, for the establish- ment of the constitution, for the crea- tion of a natural administration, for the leadership of the anti-slavery movement, for the conduct of the civil war, for the conquest' of the great west by energetic and indomitable pioneering and for the accomplishment of. many marvels of American pro- greis, material and intellectual. GIFT OF A HOUSE To Private Clifford, the King's Prize Winner. Toronto, Nov. 4.--Great enthusiasm was aroused at the armories last night when Private Clifforg was pre- sented with a discharge of the mort. gage of his recently acquired home at 121 Russett avenue. It was the occasion of the annual distribution of prizes which have been won by the Roya, Grenaders. in the various matches throughout the vear, and the presentation te Clifiord came as a complese surprise. Quite recently Private Clifford de- cided to purchase a house and lot for himself on Russctt avenue with the money. won by hin in the Bisley prize and the King's prize. A mortgage of $1,700 remained. The officers of the Royal Grenadiers, learning of this decided that hore was an opportunity for them to show their appreciation of the man who had brought such eredit to the regiment, and the pre sentation of the discharge of the mortgage made Thursday night was the result, SEASON'S KILI4 OF DEER DROPS RY HALF, Sportsmen Say Bayne Law is Re. sponsible for Small Bag in Adirondacks. Saranac Lake, N.Y, Nov. 3.-The open season in the Adirondacks for deer closed with a record « about fifty per cent. fewer killad than in apy year of the last decade. Sporfe- men say the Bayne law by the last legislature, prohibiting the sale of native venison, is chiefly re- sponsible for the small mumber of deer shot. Hundreds of wocdsmen, who former: ly added ir i i I, 14 Bornes) under the auspices AND FANCIES IN AUTO- MOBILE WEAR, Novelliés From the Designers Whe Add to Comfort and Beauty of Riders' Equipment. Une of the prettiest novelties of the season is the reversible fur coat for women. ln some models it has fur one side and velvet of the samé color on the other, and in other models it 1s fur on both sides The new broadcloth coats that are velvet lined are very smart, The deep cuff, and broad revers are to match the liging, and when the coat 1s thrown open it is very rich looking. it folds over and fastens on the Teft side with a velvet sunflower rosette. The plaid lined leather robes stitch ad at the edges to match the coloring of the car trimbungs are as popular « ever this scason. he fatest goggles are the L'Ofean Lunette. They are jomted in the mid- ile instead of each lens being one piece of glitss, so if they are broken they are nore easily repaited. The Rodes wollen caps for both men and women are warm and very com- fortable. 'they are worn in a number of new models this season. ; ; The fur hoods are very quaint in shape and promise to be very much worn this winter, and they come in all of the favorite furs, are satin-lined and have satin or chiffon ties. The new model London stitched hats for men appear in both the rough"and the smooth material, in plain and in mixed colors, aad ag Ie ich worn. 3 Mee Aelia A very attraetive Quskier | b gray soft felt is trimmed with owhid worsted flowers, and has a : mesh veil finished at the h porder of the worsted flowers... =, One of the zew Thermos cases Jeon tains spaces for two bottles, * one Phermos jar for ice cream, dor else something hot, a sa "hex and a pocket for napkin and paper lates. Nha There is a Thermos luncheoh" set that comes at very small expense!' It consists of ome full-sized bottle and one sandwich box, and it looks like a small dress suit case. There is a very handy case for com- fort, containing a medium-sized dowd' pillow in one pocket and a good-sized down puff in the other. Fach pocket has straps, and the case is earned by the two handles. The new soft Angora hats shaped like a sugar loaf and trimmed with a tord and tassel of the same material may be twisted into any shape, and they come in white and in colors. A combination knife, fork, spoon, cork screw, and can opener that folds like a jack-knife to carry in the poe- ket is very handy to have on the trip in case of emergency. One of the very new and smart fur coats for the season is of leopard skin, full length, and having a hadger collar, and cufis. It is lined With fan- brocaded satin. A natural hair seal coat is. another rather novel looking garment that re- semblés shaded plush at a distance with its coarse hair and heavy skim, but for automobile use it is quite good and . has au beaver collar and cufis, . Men's leather-lined ulsters are an- other innovation for this season. The lintag may be snapped in place or re: moved when not needed. Soft camel's hair hats are shown in a number of new and becoming shapes and popular colors, They are trim- med simply with velvet flowers or wool or Persian bands, and are worn with silk 'mesh veils to match. FALS TRAGEDY OF A FORTUNE. Disinherited Relative Shot by a ~ Young Bridegroom. Paris, Nov. 4.--About a year 'ago Pierre Vieillard, aged forty-six, a wealthy land-owner, was visiting Ms estate at Cherchilly, when he fell in love (with Helene Bavet, a pretty girl of. eighteen, the daughter of a farmer. But Helena was already engaged to a young man named krancois Di: vergey, and as M, Viellard found that he could not marry her himself he dedided to make her the heiress of his fortune after his death. He was present ai her wedding last June and shortly afterwards he drew up a new will in favor Helene, now Mme. Du vergey. But he had not reckoned with some distant refatives living in the trict, and when they heard that they had been deprived of his fortune they decided to take revenge on their . i: vals. A few nights age Francois was returning home late from his man named Fichot, one of the dis inherited cousins. Shots were ex changed, and Fichot received = tdller through his heart. Duvergey returned home unhurt, leaving his wife in ignorance of what had happened until next morniag. when he was arrested for murder. Hartington Tea Meeting. Hartington, r. oe wees night. "Taber were ead. in fans from 6.30 to Ee in a an excellent programme was given per ; Ht Sb fr Mesars ston,- and Miss Myrile Gallagher, of Harrowsmith. Mesirs. Mack and Am grove sev . | Veteran," by "Hargs® by William Mask a " Methodist church work when he was attacked by af. WP We own and offer @ Par and Interest $1,500,000 Locomotive Company LIMITED (OF KINGSTON, ONT.) Canadian FIRST MORTGAGE FORTY-YEAR SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS Dated July 1st, 1911 Interest payable 1st January and July Principal and Interest payable at the Bank of Montreal, Toronto, Montreal sand London, England Redeemable as a whole at 105 and accrued interest on or after July 1st, 1914, on prior notice, or annually for Sinking Fund "drawings, beginning July 1st, 1916 Denominations : $100, $500 and $1,000 with Sterling equivalents Bonds issued in coupon Sorm with privilege of registration of principal and in fully registered form. Coupon and registered bands are interchangeable, TRUSTEE - NATIONAL TRUST CO., LIMITED, TORONTO The legal opinion of Messrs. Blake, Lash, Anglin and Cassels, Toronto will be furnished. ' We emphasize the following sabént points of this issue: (1) Value of assets as of July 1st, 1911, $5,000,000 Consisting of Real Estate, Buildings, Plant and Goodwill, te, quick assets in excess of current liabilities, $1,162,088.06. Included in current assets is the sum of $734,909 invested in Muni cipal and other (2) Average annual net ) Average ain 3 times the interest on the present bonds. (3) An annual Sinking Fund beginning July 1st, 1916, sufficient to retire the present issue prior to maturity at a maximum price of 105 and interest. The Company has outstanding $1,500,000 7% Cumulative Pre- and $2,000,000 Common Stock, both of which are listed ohte and Montreal exchanges. ferred Stoc upon the The present capacity of the plant which may be said tc comprise everything required for the building of the most modern and up-to-date locomotives, provides for a yearly output of seventy five engines, but as each year many satisfactory orders have been declined owing to the inability of the Company to make the deliveries required, it has been decided to pro- ceed immediately i peck enlargement of the works as will increase their t least double their present capacity. Therefore, it may safely be assumed that a corresponding increase in the earnings of the future output to a Company will be assured. At the present time bave abundance of work unti ened the acquisition of Mr. ad q f HON. WM. HARTY, Kingston JOHN L. WHITING, K.C., Kingston EMILIUS JARVIS, Toronts JAS. REDMOND, Mentreal Copies of the Trust Deed and of the Certificates of the Canadian Appraisal Company, Limited, Torente, and Mesars. Price, Waterhouse & Company, covering the appraisal of the Company's plants and the audit of its bosks, may be seen at our offices. Interim Certificates will be issued pending the delivery of definitive bends. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR SENT ON REQUEST PRICE 100 AND INTEREST TO YIELD 6% ZMILIUS: JARVIS & COMPANY Jarvis Building AND DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED the Company has a sufficient number of orders on its books to keep it Fully employed for about a year, and if negotiations for additional contracts now J ding are successful, the Company will the early months of 1913. The excellent management of the Company has been further strength- ¢ heatley is one of the foremost locomotive manufacturers in America, having, previous to jorning this Company, been the General Manager of the American Locomotive Company's plant at Dunkirk, N.Y., the second largest locomotive works on this continent. DIRECTORS : 6 == Due July 1st, 19651 $3,837 911.94, and 'Net current for past four years (1907-1910) $291,719 WW. Wheatley as its General Manager. rent ® ROBERT HOBSON, Hamilton FRANK G. WALLACE, Pittsburg, Pa. WARREN Y. SOPER, Ottawa_ Toronto Montreal London, England Orange « Which contains most of wiih ix starch. ' valle by every known test. (ORANGE MEAT IS MADE FROM THE WHOLE WHEAT 3 the life buliding nitrogen combined Why not use the Cereal that gives the best Meat ad Mk is a Perect Food