R lunch, dinner, or WEAR THE KILT WATCH HOME LONG ABSENCE. BLACK AFTER Vamous tegiment Spent Seven Years on Doty in Ireland--They Were Given Fine Reception, Edishurgl, Oat, 30. % welcome ol the fired Battalion, the Black Watch {Vartv-Secord Raval Highlanders) on their retidn to Kdinburgh the. . other day, af 0 mbsence of govern SER, flo take rv garrison duty st the cas {the in roar of the Royal Sets, rhe Svs to greet Colonel Hugh Rode wha i= in command of the battalion, or John Wael yp wy-Wikhnms and Colonel Geainslord, The represemtative Pluck Walch assaeintion r hearty weleome and Howson alse expressed hie grest- Meanwhile the men lined up in were fof the ! | pevichedd ville ox- Coon ig en' those occasions when good fellows - get he WHITE ALE It has character, uni- Jom, purity, and an un- deliciousness to its flavor. ORDER FROM RIGNEY and HICKEY, 3 136 and 138 Princess St. -------------- BREWEI® BY DOMINION BREWERY 00. 1d § : Toronto ' l : wif | ---- There is 10 need for you to suffer * day: with the awful itch from Mokena, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, or iy other skin disease. D.D.D, Pres ation for; Eczema stops the itch Beantiv. Yes, the instant the first afer apiditd to the Burning ih in wiotuedenot in ball 2, Bd bol munsles, but in Ma Boovndls, on can have vo den of the wore effect of PLD. until your suis is instantly relioved hy this nl gemedy, and when ued with Bop it keep the hin in per nition, arg confident thet DDD. ® any case of Foun i of any other kind to from the NH 1g pt. K.W., 49 Calis rie yy, on eal and we v W. Mahood, will skin ft a triad oratories, mbit, whenit oF To- it Ar Wo msi itm jas very Hy greeting {Watch association jako. to see years ago. companies on the platform. They «ere Teremd in the Ril with khaki tunie, und feather bonnet or- famous red heok- ih preset a splen teil appearines, the joer being as a i of fine physkone, The battal- a datal strength of 664 tw niv-two officers, tug watrant of fieers, and 038 other ranks. { Drawn up in the Crown Square, jwitian the précinets of the castle, were wel re of the Black Waich associa- tion, including sixty veterans whb wore medals of the Urimean, Ashanteo Fgyptian and South African WArs W. Mitchell, president of the Black [Witch association, was also present, On his srrival Cel, Rose went along the veteran line abd shook hands with ereh iwdividuel., The regiment stood at ease while Mitchell offered weleome. In the course wi his tose said their pleastive in returning tha most eordinl character was given to the beantiful capital of Scotland mich enhanced by the Kind- by the Black their arrival They wore very pleased indeed to seo such a splendid turnout of their old 'on wu hose breasts they saw many a hard-fought them great pleasure, who were present when the regiment was there seven 3 During their stay in Ire land ihe regiment's. reputation had boon enhanced by their work in that country." They ware all vary pleased fndleed over to Scotls +d the handsome with the The regimen sarment od frul NE Mr. reply. Col, given them on vetrrans, medals won on field. It gave many to eome A= tenin, and he was sure their link with | would he strengthen the association I ' " their residence in ed in the future by Edinburgh. Neforve leaning had a favewell Carter, commanding , try brigade, who congratulated Col. Rose on the excellent example his battalion had always shown to the other battalions of the brigade. After thirty-three years' service. he could could say he hat never seen ao more efficient battalion amd he convidlered i to be the finest in the service, Ireland the battalion speech from General Fifteenth Infan- v ORGAN WARNS LEADERS. ieatisfaction fn Ranks With Whit. ney and Borden. The Toronto World, (conservative), after referring to differences in the lib- eral party over the provincial leader ship, has the following: ; "In the conservative party there is also feeling of unrest, and it was void! by Dr. Sheard at the meeting of the first ward conservatives on Thursday night. There was dissatisfac- tion expressed at the appointment ol W. 1. White, as minister of finance, amd this dissatisfaetion was. based largely on the fact that Mr, White had bees wc liberal, And what was the toice of ward one, is the voice of Household Pest practically the whole organization in Probably not | so apuch Man termi com. MToranto, . f Sxighininator Me. White, as the lack of re s used against bed s have a pungent odor and their use is objectionable. Keating's Powder is odorless, stdin.' : Jess and harmless ex : "i dnaect fife yet it is| hly ient and never-failing. huge, drives them away and pre. their coming. Sold by all drug! Ld dn tins only: 10c., 16¢., 20c., 26¢. NOT HEREDITARY. Due fo» Living Minute Germ. peopl, even wnto the pre of grace consider baldneys itary influciee, is fucker from the trathe I is caused by the onslavgdht & minute organism which secretes beneath the sealp and attacks 8 of the hair-capsing it to lite: and fall out. SEE Famnot be got rid of i the free persevering matter haw Boi the seulp | how the scalp Va the dandrali y disappear v is vestornd when Her- he wavs, vou remove the v against cognition by Mr. Borden of the pro- fore gressive elements of the conservative party 'in Ontario, to whose efforts the win in Ontario was largely dae. Talk as you will, the win in the recent el vetion was effécted by the very same progressive clements who are now, more or less, expressing their dissatis- faction at the turn things are taking. 1 "There 18 also dissatisfaction am- ong conservatives in this provinee,and the plain speaking of Dr. Kaiser at ario is quite symptomatic. Sic James Whitney is asked to be still more pro- grossive, and he #8 asked to recognise, in a mofe profound way, the men who are advocating progressive mens ures. It would not hurt the Ontario cabinet if it had a shake-up at the present moment, and, more of the younger men given office, cspecially if they are in sympathy with progressive ideas. : "These are new days in which we aro living. Things move faster, and better methods Lave to be adopted, quicker action has to be taken, and above all things, evervone must keep in step with the times il they wish to hold their place. . "In a word, ii the two old parties do not waken up, there will bo a new progressive, party that will waken them both up to their great surprise." St A The plant of the Thomas Pink com- pany, limited, Pembroke, was almost ekiraly destroyed, by firs on Thurs day. The loss will 'he in the neigh- borhaod of 835,000, and is fully cover ed by insurdnce. This firm manufac tures lumber tools. 2 On Thursday last Jonathan Talcott i in West Lake, Sanght am Unwed oF sion at twenty- nite man. is an expert fisher i the nomination mecting in South Ont-- al NO WEDDING IN THREE YEARS, Has Built Home For First Beide. lveston, Tex., Nov. img town of nearly 4,000 souls, has not had a marriage for three years, - Attention having been directed to the unusual record, the townspeople bought a plot of ground upon which will be érveted a modern home, to cost not less than $3,000, and completely furnished. This will be presented to the first bride. 2 Sacul, Tex. 4 --Sacul, a IN OF PEACE, To Visit Asia in Intersst of Carnegie Endowment. a : DR. CHARLES W." ELIOT New York, Nov. _#.---President But- ler, of Columbia university, wha is acting as the direstor of intercourse and education of the Carnegie Fn- dowment for International Peace, has announced that-dy. Charles W. Jliot. of Cambridge, Mass, president emer itus of Harvard university, would leave Nov. Tth for a visit to India, China and Japan in the interest of the work of the endowment. he ex- ecutive committee the trustees of the endowment have requested Dr. Eliot to make this jonrney with the purpose of explaitvne the organiza tion and aims of the endowment in the various Asiatic countries, of studying the public opinion of those Countries partieularly relates to matters of international concern, of procuring material for report upon what aetivities may wisely and helpfully ke planned by the Carnegie Endowment for the several Asiatic nations with a view to promoting the eause of peace and international good will, of us and n Pity the Poor Farmer, Kansas City Times A Missouri farmer complains that among other serfous handicaps to the farm life, "is the fact that farimors have nothing to ent hat eggs and chisken. Imagine the sympathy that com plaint will aronee in the city for the poor agriowlturists | Just think of « condition that forces the farmers fo un diet of egus for breakfast and fried young chicken for dinwer ! To those who live in town and regard egps ws a luxwey, and where chicken has be come purely a "company dish," this picture of the conditions on the farm 13 most distressing, Of course, the average farmer's wile will Jind an occasional variation from the above-mentioned menu. When the family revolts against and good old country smoked ham in the "smokehouse," and there are potatoes stored in the "cave," and there will be plenty of winter dpples, and there! will be jelly and jam and preserves and all the "trimmings" for a dinner that would make the city man shout for joy But snucks ! What that the farmer who has been used to the diet all his life ? to is The Popular Vote. Hamilton Hersid Of the 221 Canadian constituencies oflicial returns of the voting in the re cent general eléctions have been re- ceived from 194. These returns show the total comservalive vote to have been 569,670 and the total libwral vote CE TEE | THE ONE BEST UNDERCLOTHING It's true "GEETEE" is more expensive to buy--but then look at the solid comfort and better wearing quali- |, ties it brings you--which make it cheaper in the end. That's why the best people are buying it--they know. Every garment of "' $EETEE" underclothing is fashioned, in the actual process of knitting, to fit the forr. It is all made with selvedge cdges--the edges are al' knitted (not sewn) together, Only the very finesi of Australian Merino Wool is uced in the making, It is so =2it and clean that a baby could wear it wi'hout injury to its tender skin. Worn by the Best People --Sold by the Best Dealers. Made in all sizes and weights for Ladics, Gentlemen and Ch tldren. We guarantee every * GEETEE" garment to be absolutely unshrinkable. Always ask for "CEETEE™ The. C. Turnbull Co. of Galt, | u ! " , GALT, ONTARIO foe A ER TEETER "|i \ ho) Ltd. ow That Splitting Headache will vanish if you take "NA-DRU-CO" Headache Walers Give quick, sure relief, and we puirantes they contain nothing + harmful to the heart or nervous system. 25c. a box, atm druggist, National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Montreal. INDUBITABLY the best Babbit Metal for all general machin ry is Bearings Harris Heavy Pressure Write for prices. The Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Fraser Avenue Toronto THIS MAGNIFICENT DOLL'S HOUSE sr-- F REE AND HANDSOME IMPORTED DOLL GEESE E44 S5000040000004 also TWO complete sets of beautiful furniture for the house and this 3 | "HAPPY HOME" RANGE lovely gold-finished jewelled ring GIRLS, THIS IS A CMANCE OF A LIFETIME. . DON'T MISS IT, This mag nifiesii! dott house is ma perfect 4 little paises, EB CTLY LIKE THE DRAWING IN EVERY OETAIL, With its gudink pothio roof with twoehinmasy, Oa orel, lovely verandah and broad handsome ont elings. The gutkide of house is fAnished th ped b Yam fn The "Happy Home" Range is handsome in design, large ventilated oven, made of the best material, fully guaranteed to give entire satisfaction, and will cook more with less fuel than any cther Range on the market. er AT Elliott Bros. Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. ¥ Ad throughout, and every windos have laos AT IS FURNISHED COMPLETE with tie ioviiest furniture you have everson tal ) comm lote fing sofas, chairs, a bif. Btrsnus, Desh Stans, «ic THE HANDSOME DOLL WE GIVE FOU WITH THE HOUSE wa little hoauty. ¥ ointed 20 that ghe ron gf tock. e @ sears ABSOLUTELY Iy dotl, the f you want ts Girte jt FREE this i sews doll how ta ret sof For and the beariti fl jowelled ving send wa sour nama and addr agree to ¢ deliciony p tie. euch = packase we ne. do boantitul pic = ferry to ri to your ensi amers. t i sell lio bh es. Whea sold, return us tb . % only $2.50, and we will pro ¥ send yoa an some prosan t carefully proked.cxactly as represented Wo arrange to stand payment of all charges right to your door with free gooda covering seine. DON'Y AY, write us to day. and in & few dags you can have the magnificent house and il the benuliful presents. Addeoss~ NATIONAL SALES CO. Ltd Dept. B15, TORONTO ONT ® | : | ; 531,896. Probably the returns from the remain constituencies will not | Alter the relative propoftions' of the! conservative and liberal vote, f The figures serve to show the un-| fairness of the present system of re | presentation. Out of 1,101,566 votes the comservative . candidates received 37,774 more than the liberal candi dates. That is to say, the conserva. tive candidates received 51.7 per cent. of the popular vote, and ihe liberals 48.3 per cent. Hut the ropresesitation of re tWD parties in parliament will be far different. The conservative par ty will have (1.3 of the representa- won, and the liberals 38.7. In Tory Toronto, Toronto World Thomas R. Whitesichs, M.IxA., ottected to W. T. White getting rifolio of finance, when A. emp "might have been given some thihg: better than he "obtained." Thomas must feel deeply at last to have become articulate. But Jot us da Mr. Whitesides justice. He once presented i petition in the legisla' ture, - has the E F. B. Carman, the well-know:t drug- gist, of Morrisburg, dropped = dead, Tuesday night," at his howe, from hewrt failure, aged sevepty-five veds. Two sons and a daughter survive, oronto Star has presented the Aor the ®t small athed black bass 1 during the mason of WH to Horace King, of : a pioneer busi a eek . on th, a age P. Aylesworth For : imag Chews the Way to Health What are you doing to give your children sound and healthy teeth? Out of 11,374 children inspected by the Medical Inspector in the schools of Toronto nearly 3,000 cases of physical defects were found. Of these 2,027 were credit- ed to decayed and imperfectly formed teeth. Sound teeth and good bones come from thoroughly chewing a food that is rich in the phos- phates. You can't build them with mushy porridges, soggy pastries or sweetmeats. Shredded Whole Wheat contains all the necessary phosphates in a digestible form. You HAVE to chew ™ SHREDDED WHEAT The crispness of the shreds compels thorough chewing and a thorough mixing with saliva, which is the first process in digestion. 4 TE rien : Shredded Wheat Biscuit every morning for ast, served with milk or cream, will puild sturdy, robust youngsters and is a preventive of stomach and bowel disorders so cominon to children. Being ready-cooked and ready-to-serve it is so easy to prepare a .. 'nourishing meal with it in combination with fresh or preserved fruits--a meal that is deliciously satisfying to grown-ups as well as youngsters, Your grocer sells it. 4 "THE ONLY CEREAL BREAKFAST FOOD MADE IN BISCUIT FORM Made by = Shredded Wheat Co. Ninaara Falls, Out, t=, i 3 pd Ss hn si a "h