you have determin- ed to try Red Rose Tea sometime; but have not remembered it when ordering because from force of habit you have thought of the old brand.* Next time, just Hunt Germs in Water, i, 0. Nov. 4.~The state hoard of health will eammence an Lake at Cleveland, next week, to gather data for a report on the sources of contamination 6f the water] ipply of hundreds of cities and 'wif fires of Northern Ohio. Samples of water will be tuken at various dis tan from the shore and baecterio lain tests will be made in each ine stance, The results will later be tabulated and comparisons made be tween water 'al and near the Cleve land harbor and intake and at other points along the lake, All of the cities of the great lakes, both in the United States and Can- nda, will take part in the pwme water | movement, it is believed, ( Jeveland | has gone a step further than most of | the lake cities as it has already gaged an expert. Frise survey eu How's This? We offer One Hundrel Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not. be cap by Hall's Catarrh Cure J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O We the undersigned have known F I, Cheney for the last 15 years; and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially »ofirry oft any obligations made ie firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wiiolesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Oatarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting" directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free. Price'75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Take Hall's Family Pitls for con stipation, GEO. MULLER -& SON Carpet st. Nauniux, Laying and Sewing. Oileloth inid Bicycles Repaired, Cleaned and stored for winter, 'Phone 1032. BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Margs Dunnett, Corsettiere, 'Phone 878. 105 Wellington St. Read the Sphrelle sdvertissments in J adios' Home Your bins filled with Our Coal before the Fall rush comes on P. WALSH : Barrack * St, "GOING AWAY" UMBRELLA, $5.00 to $15.00. SILVER MESH BAG, $14. 00 to $50.00, THER URRESSING : 2.00. ling | Polson. {to his home on Monday aiter spend- iba has been {Continued from page 2.) Mrs. D. FE. Mundell, Brock street, was hostess this aftermoon at a most enjoyable tea in boner of Mrs. Aus- tin Gillies, of Gillies Depot, and Miss Garland, of Toronto. The drawing room looked most attractive with yuantities of golden ehrysanthemums and yellow ecamdles. The same decora- tions combined to make a very of fective tea table, the centre piece be a handsome hand painted bowl full of the pretty vellow Howers. Mrs. Gardiner poured the tea, Mrs. A, Koss © poured coffee, and Mrs. Baliour Mudie served the ices. The girls sisting were Miss Edith Hague, Misg Maye Dawson, Miss Doris Kent, Miss Gladys Burton, Miss Helen Gordon, Miss May Rogers, Miss Gwen Merrick, Miss: Kathleen Ryan, Miss Flore Stewart. The guests included Miss Dorothy Goodwin, Miss Hdith Hague, Mise Madge Dawson, Miss Doris Kent, Misses Elsie . and Marjorie Pense, Miss Dorothy Mooper, Miss Claire * Robinson, Misses Leta and Vera Carson, Miss Blossom Vallead, Ottawa, Mies Florence Elliott, Miss Helen Gordon, Miss May Rogers, Miss Gladys Burton, © Miss Susan Anglis, Miss Kathleen Crisp, Miss Aileen Fol- ger, Miva Jean Young, Miss Elda McDowall, Miss Kathleen Ryan, Miss nor Miones, Miss Freda Burns, Miss) Annie Minnes, Miss: Mollie Saun- ders, Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Phylis Knight, Miss Millie Henderson, Miss Sylvia Cochrane, Miss Myra Dyde, Miss J, Betts, Misses Grace and Eva Martin, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Florence Williamson, Miss Pesuie Robertson, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Miss Edith Young, Miss Edith Fraser, Miss Marjorie Merrick, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Katie Workman, Miss Kate Craig, Miss Flora Stow: art, Harrowsmith, Miss W. Claxton, Miss Fva Richardson, Miss Fita Ward, Miss Muriel King and Miss Isabel HE held at A reception was Grant hail, on Wednesday evening, in honor the freshettes and freshmen of Queen's University. The guests were received at the entrance to the hall by Principal D. M. Gordon, the pre sident of the Y.W.C.A., the president of the Y.M.C.A., and the patronesses, Mrs. E. F. Scott, Mrs. W. T. Good: win, Mrs. J. Macgillivray, Mrs, Ma- theson, Mrs. J. C. Connell, Mrs. W, Mylks. A very large number of guests were present and most en- jovable time was spent. , igh of a » Mrs. W. J, C.. Allen, Aberdeen ave- nue, will receive for the first time since moving into her new home, on Tues day, November 7th, and afterwards on the first and third Wednesdays. . . - - Mrs. J. H. Seels will receive. on Tuesday, November 7th, for the first time in her new home, 243 Alfred street, and in future on the first and second Tuesdays. * » Mrs. Andrew Forman, Montreal, was hostess at a most enjoyable tea om Wednesday afternoon, in honor of her mother, Mrs. W. B, Dalton, who is at present visiting her. -. Miss Mantie Gartett, Johnson street, who has been visiting in Winnipeg and Toromto, for the Past six weeks, re- turned home. on Friday. * Miss laure Rishpratrick, Johnson street, left, on Friday, for Poronto: to spend the week-end. Dr. Hanna, of . Beantiord, returned ing the week-end with Mrs. U, ery, West street. r, Stanley Graham returned to Ottawa on Wednesday after spencing a few weeks with his mother, Mrs, Brock Grakam, Barrie street. Messrs. Gerald and Ralph West street, returned home to-day from Fairman's Point where they have spent yal duys shooting. Eamn- Einery, Mrs. T. Denson, King street, left on Friday for Tororito, to spexidd a few days. E - Miss Leta Carson, Romilly went to Toronto on Friday week-end, Met. R. C. Carter, West street, and her grandson, Mr. Paul Cunningham, retursed to town to-day from the west, Mrs. House, for the Birch, Bagot vieting Mrs. L. J). Henderson, in Montreal, is now the guest of Mrs, A. P, Christmas, West- mount, Samuel street, Sir Allen and Landy Aylesworth, are leaving shortly for Clifton Springs, where they will spend a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horsey and their daughter, who have been visit- ing indttawa for some tithe are sail- ing by the Empress of Britain to spend the winter abroad. Miss Mabel Miller, Alfred street, has gone to Chicago to spend several months, Mrs. Carleton Berkeley, St. Albans, Vi., left for home to-day, nccom- ane by her mother, Mrs. un, . je ey > Miss Louise Brough, Brookville, will on next week to visit Mrs. Henry Merrick w. . . , after spending; TRAVELLING JEWEL CASE, ch Ye, Chamberlain "ad ti Jo Spon dre vis- - Selly: Walsh, ie of Mi : Togmey, hai fe gv works, Br sisting rly t DEATH the family hard working Brown, and Mrs, fiome, Wethiesday, and was accompan- land, owned by Congressman F. Lowden, is in charge of the extensive improvements now being made on the estate, €s pleatant to k viwit |rom Tonic Pills, t blood Axtell, | OF JAMES LEDGER GANANOQUE. AT 4. R. Dargavel Was Chosen as the Conservative Candidate for Leeds in the Coming Provincial Elee- tions. Gananoque, Nev, 4---James [edge passed away, on Thursday night, at residence, Frock street, in the seventy-first vear of his age. De ceased suffered a puralytic stroke seve ral weeks ago. He had resided here for many vears and was known as a and industrious man, His wife, formerly a Miss Bishop, sur vives him. Out of a family of eigh- teen children, only four survive him, three sons, Ozie, of Gadanoque; Aleck, of Toronte; George, of Alexandria ilay, and one daughter, Mrs. Henry of PeterBore. "The funeral' took place this motsing to St. John's church, where requiem mass was sung by Rev. Father J. Pi Kehoe, and the remains were interred at the Roman Catholic' cemetery, The funeral of the late Enoch J. At- kinson, took place this afternoon from the home of his uncle, James Atkin- son, of Atkinsen, tery, and was quite largely attended. Beceased was forty years of age, and had been in faring health for several months. Quite a large delegation of local eonservatives went to Delta, yester: day, to attend the convention there for the selection of a candidate fon the legisiative assembly 4. R. Dare gavel was the choice of the conven- tion. x A mass meeting of the citizens of the town was held in the opera house last evening. Addresses were given hy Hon. W, T. White, George Taylor and others. 'The Citizens" band was in 'attendance. Grace Sunday school orchestra met at the home of Mrs. CC. H. Hud, King street, last evening and re-or ganized, William Kelly was again elected" as manager ahd Mrs, Hurd, leader and [ianist. Quite a number of Gananoqueans availed themselves of the cheap rute trip to Toronto, under the auspices of Queen's athletic committee, leaving here on 'the International Limited at noon and connecting with the exour- gion train at Kingston, "Hoa. W. I. White spent vesterday in town and was entertained at luncheon at "'Blinkbonnie,"" at 1 p.m. by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Macdonald. He will remain in town over Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Taylor, Sydenham street. Messrs, W. I". Belfie, Adam Brown, David Brown, Stanley Meggs, and Cedric Gibson, who have been spend- ing the past two weeks deer hunting in Pontiac county, Quebec, returned home, yesterday, bringing with them eight fine deer. Mrs. A. Amo, Oak street, is confin- ed to her home hy illness. Uedric duckson, St. Catharines, spending the holiday season with his parents, Mr. F. Jackson, returned NC George ied by his mother, who will spend a few weeks there. Miss Maud McLellan, First street, has returned from a visit with Mrs, (Dr.) Dedell, in Mer- vickville. : RIVER SWARMING WITH DUCKS. Shooting is the Best in Years, Hunt- ers Ste e. Watertown, N.Y., Nov. 4.~Reports reaching here from the St. Lawrence river state that the river is black with diieks and the shooting is at its best. One resident of Alexandria Bay bagged eighteen to-day in about thirty ssinutes, shooting over a blind near Eel Bay. The eanvas-backs have pot put in their appearance, but will arrive later. At; Fox Island, where many cians gather each summer for bass fishing, there .is probably the best duck shooting in Northern New York. The members Fox Island spend hundreds of dollars each year in scattering grain upon the waters and feeding the ducks. The birds flock to the vieinity by thon- sands, With xfavorable weather conditions next week there will be a large party of shooters at the island for a stay of several days. politi- Improvements at Wellesley Isle. Captain W, J. Vincent, who for the past eleven years has bad charge of the Pullman estate on Wellesley 1Is- 0. The goli grounds, which have been idle for the past six years, are to be put into shape for use for next sen- n. These grounds were built by Captain Vincent, and were the first on the river. 765 feet, by 135 feet, structed. A regulation tennis court, will also be con- B. Reid has the con- Contractor J. tract for building a sea wall around the bay, between Wildwood and Hope- well Hall. The bay will be dredged out sufliciently to permit yachts to land there, thus giving easy access to the golf grounds. It is understood that extensive im- provements will be made on the cas tle on Pullman Island. Bc ---------- Pleasant to Look Upon A smooth, rasy, healthy complexion upon. , and all skin di senses are réhioved by using Wade's Vv are great makers and "nerve strength obta drug 'Parson in Coffin Preaches. Seattle, Wash, Nov. 4 ~Rev, James Centralia, cansed a sensa- tion in that city when he was carried through the streets in a colin as if dead, was "resurtected" prominent preached a Hell" to a Joitetous. crowd. After hiz sermon he at the mosi corner in the vity and sermon on "A Voice From was halihentmd': back home in his coffin Seott Phuc Chrys Campbell o his home to Gananoque ceme-| of the club controllipg : TO-NIGHT 0... WEE OFFERS The IMastor Comedy Dima, "The Town Marshal" 'Je 4 Aeiw, by Leis BL Parker. "eo Gouls Lytton as Bil. Another ~0jd Homestead." al --_---- - PAGE TRARENR. 's Forum | ® | ---- First Insertion Te a word, Each con- c secutive Insertion (hereafter half [cent m word, Minimum charge for} one insertion 20e; three Insertions, 0c: six, $1; one month, $2. HELP---WANTED. 'Prices: 16¢.-26¢ -36c -50c. Monday, _ Nov. 6 AHE RUSSIAN COUNTESS, THAMARA DE SWIRSKY THE RUSSIAN CLASSIC DANCER, Recently Fremiere Dasisense at the Metropolitsn Opera vy New York, Her Own | High Class , Novi 8 Orchestra. ~ PRESENTS OSCAR nesday MLLE. FLORENCE WEBBER & 70 OTHERS For the first (ime in Ws Clty the Crowning «forts of his operatic career, 'Naughty Marietta' By a Cast and Chorus from ithe Man- hatian 'Opera House, New York a Tork (ier. | EEERNES THURSDAY, NOV. § RAGE GEORGE (Conceded and accepted as Ameriea's Foremost Coméedienas) AND THE NEW YORK PLAYHOUSE COMPANY Including the Famous English Actor, LYN HARDING, in Cicely Hamilton's Comedy, 'Just ToCet Married' What The comedy touches of There is aiways Grace George to art of which she ress. -~Telegram The best comedy in this city in years. firace George excellent an Seats now on Sale, 25 a8, 75, $1, $1.50, Seats on Sale Monds), A mented 23, 50. 75, $1, $1.16. Orehesirn, » the Toronto papers say abounds * ip human nature Star, quaint opportunity for display. the comedic i= 50 thoroughly mist that has heen seen Mail and Empire supported by a really company, the story is told in expre®siy and clever way. Globe, Presented with an aftention that was the highest compliment to her dra- magic genius World Ran 200 Seats on Sule Tuesday, -- Nights in 25, 56, 78, $1, $1.50, London, AUCTION SALE, Suckling & Co. We have received instructions from W. H. CRAIG. ASSIGNEE, Pabli¢ Auction at Ne n"Rtrest To offer for Sale by our Salesrooms West, Toronto, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER; 15th 2 o'clock pom., the Asset A the inmolvenl estate of PRINC ESS STRE ET, KINGSTON, As' followgos ip. Brick 21 ft w™ oo land, mort ed for fe - 5.06% Merchand fut Goods . $4.83 Ladies' and Gent's Underwear e... . Ready-to-Wear ing. Millinery Lace Cuptaing Furniture tures 68 on 8 be elongic ry LOT 2 266 899 1.882 Cloth- . o wre J 861 and Oilcjoth 429 e 30% LOT 1 A forty Mc Modg fim BE tags of 000, valued ait ' Gren * Hoslery 22 Staples Carpets Smallwares . and oN op A LE ® Ni LOT 3--Reok Debts < 41 Terms for Lot 2 cite HE oh (10 per cent. at thhe bf He BMlance at 2 and 4 months vied 3 terest and satisfactorily secured Terms for Lois | ang 2 at time of sale, The property. stock wt x may be inspected : Mennrs, raig Accountants, Kisgsto at our office, The premises will spection of stock on Friday Pe and Monday and Tuesday, Nov, and tdth, " USTEOPATHY. A GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO Miss Hora, 45 King Street. A A GOOD GENERAL APPLY TO BrunsWiek DINING-ROONM GIRL. John Cousinéan, Prop, Hotel, SERVAAT. |p AP. ply to Mrs. Harry Mooers, vs larrie Street A SMART YOUNG A FEW BOY FOR MAILING MAN FOR sur Apply. the W Lad. ping coum Crothers Co, SMART GIRLS: STEADY Fi ployment and good wages ppl to the W, J. Crothers Ceo. Led A DEPARTMENT: steady position to a smart bright Wie. Apply, Business Office, FLANGER AYER-OUT WANTED FOR LARGE boiler shop in Toronto; state perience and wages expected. ply, Box 100, Whig office. ex- Ap WANTED ON LOCO- motive in Toronto; jox 1031, state wages. Appty Whig office YOUNG be iE dle frei LIVE AN dd phd pede MAN WITH soMp in Bookkeeping te learn Apply, fax EXPERS- and general 441, Whig ence ERAL Hot ae WORK; * who can do plain cooking pri ferred SAPPY Mra. PF Taosekett, St Street, Rarrie to o art ust off HELP CLERK, some work: WANTED. YOUNG MAN, knowledge of must be good Iy 10 Drawing nadian Locemotivé pany. wiIiTH office penmay Office Com* og AGE NTS WANTED, Aexes, 10 canvas business nay good commission to hustlers #an, Room No. 2, 1 Graot Street rohto INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers, No canvassh . Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate; 3.969 Lookport, N.Y. C APABLE OLD COUNTRY NOMES- tics, earefully selected, arriving Oct. 80th, Nov. 12th and 26th Ap ply now, The Guild, 71 Drgmmond Street, "Montreal, or 47 Pembroke Street, Toronto + EXPERIENCED GIRL ON COVERING machine; also. goad mew hands al table work? steady work and good wages to experience® hands guaranteed Apply, Ottawa Paps Box Co. 132 Queen Sire et, Oftawn, = fo I ata 4 Sadho W WANTED, ' TEN FUR FINISHERS. APPLY at once George Milis Co Furriers A LINE FOR EVERY nour; WRITE us for our choice list supplies: we have the agency proposition' in day; no outlay BCI Co, 22 tawa. of agents' greates: Canada fo- hécessary. Apply, Albert Street, Ot- REPRESENTATIVE > MATRICULATION CLERKS To SELL rbd qi WANTED, your locality; AT once for work in will guarantee $200 to $3.00 per day: opportunity to advance rapid- pay liberally for 'spare work nut difficult, experl- ence not required, Internatidnal Bible Pres oronto. HELP WANTED. SMART. BOY TO LEARN THE furniture and carpet business Appix, at once, to T. F. Harrl. son Co bbb r¥ee THE to the professions, minister DOORWAY doctor, lawyer, engineer feivil or electrical), ete; we prepare you this examination at home Canadian Correspondence Limited, Dept, P., Toronto College. Canada. ARTICLES MUCH needed' in every home, especially by working men, good salary; per manent position; if yon are work- ing for "small salary behind the counter, write to-day; you can double your wages and be your own. boss. Apply, Box "E. B. C.," Whig office "HEALTH WITHOUT DRU GIRLS highest employment. immediately, D. 8 Per- rin® & Company. lad Londodi, Ontario WASTED wages: stead; Apply GSR. G. Asheroft, DO, 336 Wellington St, apposite the Post Sites: chron e diseases treatad by Ost hic methods and Electrical Vibration: {satments by appoipiment. 'Phone | QUEAN STAMSHIP AGENOY. Taga ES Aatgi Clarence Street, Kingston. AT CAPE VINO: VINCENT, NX, No-License Movement Meets With POSITION: WANTED, © HAIR, MOLES, AFPABLE YOU NPG LAY position as housekeeper companion-help Apply, Whig effice DESIRES or jad Bax PRRAONALS, WARTS, BIRTH. growths and. skin rmanent'y A marks and all biemishes without ence, rs Ear, Throat a ai 2% Bagot Cpe Vinstut, NY. Nov. 4A strong fight is on against the nodi- vense cause. ESort is being made to couple the naniey of Emerson and Purcell on the justiceship. Just how the plan will: sooeeed it is hard - FORTUNE TOLD. we PAST fature, love, marriage, business und all affairs of Ife carefully treated. sénd birthdate and in stampa. Prof Millet, Box 118, St dehin's, Newfopndiand, AND REAL ESTATE. a." So fa av other offers aoe con cerned, the. demasrate claim their ma- wilt be shout nor- ie BOUGHT AND SOLD; RENTS COL. jected, ana money to loan; offien, No a rao oris | Street. "RORY. {IANOND pimgse ret to 3 ind revolve STONE RING sder | LABIDS At tess Stress Whig A a AND-PAINT 1ursday streei oi ir LAP RA Go A HEAVY Rug, with iuitlajs BI Finder Kinaiy retur Hire HEUE LAP AC 1d entre the work for 'large boller shop STRAYED ar nue ne OXTO i vw A FLOCK Owher Peo Nn at expenses and paying BUTELS AND RESTAURANTS BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTIWIO wr, op posits GTR. station, one bl from C.P.R; on street cur bar Spi with best ® and liquars charges mode rate special rates by week John Cousineau, Prop. PHE GRIMASON HOTEL, Princess Street the vest of Liquors and Cigars. Meals, § ssssssssiiessseseReRsIeRrY. SHE FER IIIIN PIRI TIIISIIIIRIIIRY. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES FOR SALE. A many. APPLY TO" 246 ALBERT ONE LARGE WALNUT BOOKC Ase for library at Turk's. 'Phone 108 A CORN very rene CUTTER cheap. ¢ Stre AND OW ER, Apply to D J. Hay, EATRA coon thorough Apply ™HE WILLOW mile from ol particulars Richardse HORSE, You NG broker also has LAYING bred White 57 } Street or "n as Wya aR dottes FaRw, ONE- HALF is. For fur her to Richard oria Street AND sot an, WELL Buggy and Harness: further eed fa A. Win P63 ams NTS, CA ANONS, Nae iackle, h basket oly, everything Is Lents spray Poa s 1 3) Ontadid Bt A: camping out! ) marine supplies, ng! raincoats, kit bags, silk wher a DO 'Phone $91 or 2 athe SMASHED re Brit ind aur choles $18 monthia fing warm Nn. Big profits th Maps Waost 5 ni. Ualambia iahds $19 without jua cHmale Bo Healthy, in den: write photos. free Kootenay RECIPROCITY deper be rates the week stable accommodat lc reasonable Mualviile by & BUSINESS CHANCES. CAN ST any a mail order b isin home canvass Send for He acock, Furnished prises In ness, for sithstan attr add a Railroads, Tractions Electric Powers Irrigativ Mining, Agriculiugal a Bond, Debent at v nderwritten, BP d ire Properties exploitatior Financia! Undertakings : llaneous oommission ders of all ¢haract fcution In aay Karep Correspondence tails at rirsy writ! THE INTERNATIONAL | HANKERS 4 Hidamsbury ng land. Misce 14-16-18 Street, London, FINANCE AND IXSURAROR. yop ar RANG B® THAT INSU INSURES GO w Godwin & Son's Insurance ¥ EN Bank, Br aver N ¢k Street, « GENERAL IYSLBANCK--F ine, Accident, and Health Policies ed first-class companies; st andar rates T Boon, Agent 15 Wellington Street LIF "2, GARVDINE Insury & Accident Broker; Money to loan business sblicit Btreet, Kingstor EC ARROL St ire Health Timur: Employers' 1. Boal Insurance Real Estate Co'gary, Mo FRONTE NAC LOAN AND INVEST. mont Bociety established 1X6 Sir Richard Cortwrigh!t ed of city and ni'ipat and z mortgages received and 5 £2 toms 4 Mame I ent and x Win Jaw deposits Towed eetor POOL, LONDON, RNITURE Fl NISH Kit A SPECIAL TY, e t 1 ANTIQUE FURNTTORE: éboni xing a nd and wi Driscoll drop a « ard DENTAL. PARKS AND SPARKS. DENTISTS 330 1-2 Princess Ptrest, Kingston Phone 848. Lo tw SIMPSON, DDS, DENT. 268 Prince t #9 Blreet. Telephones OR. ©. ©, NASH, DENTIST Welcker, Sematant, 193 Phone 736 DR OC Rn rincess Bt LR AYKROYD, n.ns, 1.0%, DENT. int, over Dominion "Bipress pm 187 Wellington Street. blo. E KNAPP, BA, LDS, Dentist, 19 Mo: treal Pringess. 'Phone $52, Hffice Ground fleer MEDICAL. J. F. Spa 8 BA, MD, PHY SICIAN and Surgeon, 100 Wellington 8t Office hourn, 19 10 12 am, 2 to 4 and 7 to ¥ pm. "Phone 256 Di. FL C.D, MieCALLUM, PHYSMCIAN, and Supgeen, 142 Wellington Bt Ottiee hour, 10 10 12 am. to 4 = e TpaRny rept AD i, . Ma RE smRNC " inted i 1 from sy - BEAUTE on ke shore Tin : hoat i ety rudt 1 acres; le for lub he bo pi in i Brock Steel BEING Fownship in first class ™e FARM, Cou. ¢ PART of Kh state LOT Erion, 0 of eultiva. 109 Berek CAngesgion rT & ber rise Michael M. Powler, A with Apply th Whee SO J, mh JI K Hol sy, . ] men Be ri ec} Hn r wi, S-ROOMED HOU Sy, Stree } ery fiprave NEW, all im #2400 -- pe Chai INE HOO MS, t ' S1re improy nis; | soon oh Five RUILDING LOTS, | "Fr o. A WATS MAN, CLARENCE ST. TO LET. ------ emesis dls Bt "ne PROOYW AND SITTING-ROOM 1 tioor 18d. bedr: an Apply 44 Wit Brest ON oan new 1 Am we 1. L811 ATE Dn OF iad Store Apply to Smythe, & Smythe, Ontario ( hambers, Kingston SEVERAL eh KRING STRERY BAST, dwelling Y ot hong ply to RR McCann, 8) Bree 1i-Roowm Aj Brock STORAGE For FU RMITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms, absolutely moth proat our own lock and key frosts (iy Storage, 299 Queen Be, 'Phone 26h 6 . h CORNER NMOCK AND FRON« Streets, facing Victoria improvements hot Apply to 395 John« tena Park: m walter heat gon Ptreer tern 3 240 CO). month in vo] EvieN- ROOW HOUSE. Ne. ot, $8.00 per GROLAND-FLOOR FIAT, CONSISTING ' r bad ARC HITECTS, HENRY I", SMITH, ARS HITECTY, ETC, 158 King Hires "Phone ARTI n LIN, ARCHYIY . nt Avenue, Telephone & SON. ARCHI. Offices, 268 Bagot St, WH. NEWLANDS tects, etc "Phone 608. POWER 8 SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Bullding corner Brock and Wellington Streets, UPHOLSTER ER, W. J. GAVINE UPHOLSTE RING, ne. pairing ant carpet work, hair met-, tress renovatin Drop a card or call 216 Bagot Btreet WINDOW © LE. ANING. FALL here puch as waxing aud floors: we also clean ahd pat up storm windows Kingstoft Win- dow Cleaning Ca, 21 Monireal Ht, over McLeod's Drug Hou . do all oiling ™E SEASON cleaning is » kinds or VOW we Store WANTED-GENERAL. SHOKE REPAIRING SF. EVERY DE- crption lass work: best tes ather ' one trial will suffice your repairs. to Seott's Street, cor, of Clergy aed: Bring 206 Barrie West THOSE WAVING hand furniture GOOD SECOND. gee me before any parson else: I will pay the highest prices; 1 have a large Pandora Range and all kinds of Sta and furniture. J. Thompson, 333 Prin- cess Street GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR oth and have it made ap into up. to-date suits. Price sald workman ship guaranteed to please. Press, jong and repairing dofie on the shortest netics. Thamas Calloway, and 7 to § pm. Telephone 1083. 131 Brock St, near Bibby's Livery, ESTABLISHED 186s --- Try The Weekly Wage We deliver in quantities to suit a man's pay. our Branch Yards for Coal and Wood.