PAGE SIN. : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1931. SUMMER IN ROCKIES Ss tes tastes citosss FIND AX ENGLISH BAYONET. ARE 8,000 WORKERS Fine Scenery Along Route of the i The Man | Sueveyors Cnearth Weapon on ; Hin GLE RR. Oregon Farm. OVER 4,000 EACH OF PROTEST-| A 0. Whieler, FR U.S. director of | & On Welch. oi rbany, 00; Nov. 4.--White veip- ® ing to.survey a line in dividing pait ANT AND ROMAN CATHOLIC [the Alpine Club of Canadas, has just] e returned to. Vancouver from a sum- goecscces 5008000000088 i jie Marshall estate, cight miles! hi . 2 | mer spent in the Canadian Roekies in east of here, recent! i NM. Pow In ae, Yinsionsesitold Mueh the hry of the Yellowhead Pass There is u tendevey, the Lamgrmnan on di ats post by Ha it > One of Largest So : th yg for people to: griticise the police leg bo 2, Tostimaster of ens Property-- and is greatly impresdedowith his trip, | Says. or : oF p 4 -. picked up a peculiar bayonet, Jt was eleties is Thar of Methodists of | |, interview with Mr. Wheeler, he gonstaliles for arvesting en men, fouhd covered with ditt mar an oM Canada. stated: "It hns been the general im- Wh oy sama Hom Sen on hey, wil 4. ring in some dense woods, and "a 8 8 Avrers t i 1of- : i ask. ie Lawmpman oy : ia appearinee and wirroupd: . Boston, Nov. 4.---In view of the pos. | gression that the Jracky Mountpins of fensive drunken tow nse should be . Sy : sible danger threatening the forego | Canada attain their greatest average hen Hate. it they Rave a home, But {INES had evidently lain there mwuy missionaries and missionary property (height, not very far north of the Salen he foi ha Ww drunks YOuL¥. in Chitia, ss a result of the recent up- | boundary line. Uf late years much has ai Propet at A wi i na > od 1} ore the bavonet is almost too aml one From the Tra er ri the Americas board of com | won beard of Mount Robson, - whieh | ** the police ce ., lef). Places'. JhRre, [alt feet long, much longer than those! Pp isstoners for foreign missions, | dominates the region of Yellowhead they will mot ahuse their putents. or now in use in the Udiied States | Di t ' < their wives and childron, snd they / : rec to YOU through the foreign secretary, James] "nes, but the popular potion was il be ene fr Foiuty oF "adeident 1. Barton, of Boston, hax issued the | that there was nothing else in the' ne a li in wk nois oh following statement' of statisties re | wighborhood worth seving, and that site iis by a des unis axle nibh garding the missiongries and missions | the Grand Trunk Pacilic would pass 3 ee rid L : ; aks e ithe National Gugrd, has looked up | situated in China hrongh & region of little interest mes, he SREY an, " lauthorities on bavanets and has | v High "Within the hounds of the Uhinese | from the point oi view of the tourist Hoorav: for licensd reductions: ths ound that this ope is of a ype] ou buy direct from the im empire there are, according to the lat | or mountaineer Eq sabe of Close oe all he used by the English army almost al ease aaa Fastory It isti i » \ aAmpman shouts One ail the i : a] ext collected statistics, 4,600 Protes "There was nd mistake abont Mount Fy. where there is mish jor, he jeeutary ago Such a bayonet was | makes } fiffierence what fant missionaries, with their aves | Robson. It is, without doubt, as was doce' Twenty bars are quite sufficient | ? 3 sion oak ; : : and 4,501 Roman Catholic mission | gate! by one of the most travelied for Kingston's 'needs Jor years: tos A mystery how it resched this | I on pay, on get Aries, making a total of over RH ni skilled mountaineers of the law, | come There will be fio loss of reve [place for, as far as kpown, no Eng} : MIRSIONATICS within the pre ir. Norman Collie, one of the most |, ue for the conse fee can be increas Hish soldisys ever pussad through this given amount than you can possibly vinees of China. The Catholic om wgnificent mountains in the world, | oj fifty of a hundred per cont {part of the state The theory is ad- got ouivide of Canadn's Crtpet Pur slonaries are almost, if not sotly vhether seen from the south, the view . -- {vanced that the bayonet may have Kurs Ee re forty-one Aocrienn an hat is mod fsiiar, or from beau-| The Lampm in favors the hotel guar [been given to an Indian. by traders of Canndian foreign 'missianary cagietie Si r a at sands sw. | ants | hcl Site. . 16 Ringatoun, -- ing and finishing these sking right earryin on 'workin (Ting. veprewent- joe, n the hundre f-rile eireuit of | he Baye, take this chance to have Notes Frm Selby. a n g n ght ol in That .eountry ar: thes prosent the great massif, on all. sides were | more life instilled into iteelf. There : > halk 3 hepe in our own Factory in Quebec pig 7 rir found mighty snowselad peaks, wide- | are some people, he declares, who will Selby, Nov. 3 puifhe concert al in i the centre of the Great Carselian Fir ' spread snow-lields, haus ice-falls, rush- | vote against the measure Ho the {the hall Monday ni eh, Tender the aus: | Industry--furnishes the reason fr en , ing torrents, waterfalls, .Hower-clad | ground that the town ie taking = apices of the Epworth: League, wa a | os Bio ne rotdstantmimionatios areury meadows and vast stretches of dark chance. Yet these same People will {Fuconsi J. Gollingher sold his house miksia dey occupy 252 places. in MY forest, Many of the peaks were invest their money in all kinds of big | on Church street to the Drangomen, i Add to this YOUR advantage hidiig (be principal arent: cities. of named by the surveyors, hut they are [percentage schemes, and oft times deap and they are having it made! over | Bow late Bho - : China, like Hankow, Shanghai, Uekin, Hegion, and' it will be many years be- their hard a Bn : tere is an a hall. Rev. Messrs. *Cannichael an g¢ 2 IS direct. from Tien Nein, Pao Ting Fu, Changsha, Hate) home a" w Sich it is Sunpraaeiisi Meloughlin took sharge. in the gervite Canton, x 0 1086, e man 0 MN } alent fin. the ethodist jurch on Sun ext. Fur Faetor the "In BL AmoY. ste, M2 contre proper: In speaking of the Robson glacier in the earth was put where there Wak fast, Mrs. G. Valleau spent a coup ke | tory in. America where 8 hap been: nequired, and in some which ligs on the east side of the | gnashing of teeth, and " 3 i Hime {of weeks with friends at Sudbury and | ine and Biishing ard ii SDeraric. ven farge and sxtensive institutions [MOBStrous mountain, MY. Wheeler said: | it is well to remember that the Iwo Kingston. RB. Paul made a flying trip | "ge A E ATC an operation un the form of churches, schools, col- "It strack us dumb with amazement | OD who invested their talents wisely {i pofloviile gn business, A number of der the one roof and vou have the in degen and hospitals have been erected, that anything so stupendous, so su- to Swit eolesinble proof that PAQUET FUR: Over 1900 other pluces are occupied perh, so wndreamod of 'should exist. with buildings or more or less import At 'our feet flowed the great river of ance. 'Phert is no redord of the total [190 every orevasse, every moraine, oe I>. Mather at B. Martin's; Mr.' and | atnount. of fimdy invested in these in [every ieefall, clearly portrayed. Direct In the opimon: of tim i : Mrs. Laveock at KE, T. Anderson's stitutions, but it nmounts 16 many | IV Opposite rose the massif, it's ont. [Market days a week would he enough by.oo Arntrong at Mrs. A. Wood's; 8 of dollars." line 'clear from base to summit for | for Kingston For yenrs al Shh Messrs Bowers and Rose at 1. Fiz Amotig the largest societies named fully 8,000 feet. From the beautiful | here have heen three he po ™ Ipatrick's: Mr. and Mes. A. Dension | ne carrying on work in Ching is the [meadows at the head of Resplendent that the uesdny Ph rata ut at H. Martin's: Rev. Messrs. Carmich nary Society of the Methodist | Valley,, twentydive peaks were count- kets are yoda od 1s "AME nichael and McLoughlin at Rev tr Fhuareh, Canada, with headquarters in ml, all unkivowas and unnamed. All Rout nike ou ph atarday otonto, with a total of vinety- three lakes, which perhaps lend the most s regu arket days missionaries in the field characteristic = charm to Canadian ' . The Lampman does not pretend to baste dal Wve a he. 1 mountim scenery, were eve where Wn ry hove. 1. a Hite roader." althtugh the story One of the most serious problems of army. It has a brass handle band is made of fine material. ] Mr. Powell, who is' a lieutenant in i Res nol pay more (lo weay Quality Furs, i never used bv American soldiers. It! . Rt i 8 will better quality in PAQUET FIRS for amy Factory. Buving raw skins direct the Hudson Bay co from the trappers, and deessing, dye Paquet Value-Supremacy fore they are familiarly known as in- the Trapper, through dividual mountaing.'" : and made a hundred per cont. « n thelr §ihe voung folks intend going i, NY ¢ we F arvVantis wi gi 1 : r investment weri the Serva 0 Ye Lorville on Friday might to take part annot be matehed, quality for gual ceived the praise and honor hi a concert. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. : i i ' gJmpman, two i Down's, Save the Child. 5 ---- ni-------------- : "At the summit of the Yellowhead |; i of the good hook and also the short the times js wht to do with tierce: | y i + Wolfe Islacd Notes, Pass, "Mr: Wheel ase, Aeeler's party éiwcted al hid 4 %: . t er catechism weve drilled into him losin diildien. There. are those, indeed, y ¥. 3 Cleirae Re ) » oi . { g ¢ y Tiny Island, Nov. 2. George Rai- {monument defining the bound: ary heel i he was a youth." However, he ji y By Shey x 3 { 4 in moving ¥ into Mrs. James | tween Alberta did British Cohimbia, | joes not thick i requires mmeh learn with whom for. ceasons. yery. near to bes. : Fogle' houge. William Laughlin has [at the intersection of the Great Div- in - be able 10 realy to the or them, all other problems pale before | « : us, Han some ersian am ac et woved to his villnge régidence, having lide. On the huge post set up, which |... A hi faith - anid goo) works this . one, How moms Btugus 18 the XQ retired fro farmin Joh It ers given han on igith aig WOTKS Loroblem of the neglected tuberculosis | Fy g mm ning. hin van, Lis surrounded with a hig stone mound, |} slergy he hnzards the identi=¥ irl 4 ay aon 4 . Ba . a Rosi N.Y... spent fow days « x by a clergyman the hazards Ree child may be appreciated by the sta y 7 . \ 223 wiv's Hi Por n | Lamb ducket, ere, N.Y. spent a ays on fare earved the words, "British "Colum. ty of the writer) in the Whig of the | (istics supplisd to the public some 1 : ' : { the island lass week. Mr. and Mes. J. [bia on the west face: Alberta on the nt His a i Shinn adler hot % bpl a o he. ublie. tom x fossy curl, eollar anil revers of Uenuine . . a , . ' 3 ie ago ¥ e nstruc © g . ¥ dd {le Harpell, Marvale: Mr. and Mrs. J. least face; and on the south 3797 16. Tove one's neighbor, one must JOVE] Murase Aesocin ton. xT Bolinore. tio nk. silk girdle an O'Brien, Railton; Mr. and Mrs. Boyle, | feet, being the altitude of fi . , | at nA « attitude of the ra God; and to love God, one must be- [it had on i(k visiting list sixteen lining, pecial £150 _ Gananoyue, and New Frank O' Rielly, | at the paint where (he post is" set." lieve in the divine. Good works, be] hundred aud 'sixty bland: | Thi B tif | t | on, spent i vs giving at RE ---- maintaing, are surely the passport to | patients, of which "one hundred andi IS gall U d a ogue - a # and Mrs. Patrick O'Rielly's. Nr. | 4 ther's I" N ' . ge ; | \ i : other's Praise of 'Baby's Own | heaven, and so he continues to dis- | gixty-five, or ten per cent. of the to i 3 nd Mrs. James MoDonagh, Perth, y ¥ ; pe 1 ; _ spent Thanksgiving holidays with the : Tablets. agree with the uptown preacher who peal, were children of and under school | (Contains latter's mother, Mrs. T. , Murphy. Mrs. Mrs. B. S. Baker, Eas Marzaret- | °P° ned the Sh enmion. WATCHIN. age. And i was estimated that Ww i illustrations of Furs and Fur Gm Laalie, Kin tom, Thanksgivin itle, N.S, writes : bo: Lacthér ~ To AT association was only visiting a third niente. with writes" will be sent FRE h her mot ge he: ay g : heise of the constmptives of Paltimore: | nents, With prices, wy: he seni | tnkuels, t quality . "0 pages of fine balftone upon request. Write us a posteard to day=don't put at off and forget it. PA >. write NOW! ' QUEBEC. CANADY. "Robert Bu'lid, | ould poco mend for her Deby ny 7 : Ry Linather: FAWAS A Tes Foicige. of whi h the was not abso Twin Gods of War and Melody. Boiden as. "Trast-Booster Sent visitor to the island. Miss Joyee, ely sure. waby's life is too pres) Lofiden Chironiéle Peierh ore Bhd srhoro » Apert Thanksgiving holidave ious. A mother is always pleassd to How do *statesmen get themselves into the frame of mind to declare | . , an re | A J coville. Mis Joh Ryan and [*eCommend to olher mothers smo When the electors of Canada re Mes. N war ¥ Aetording to a popular Ger. {sponded to the appeal to defeat reci 'NX. are visit ing that has bees, valuable in . H ¥ fap i C tr he | k a Begley, tench: toring 'the health of her own Hd. man story the method in Bismarck's [procity, and save avada from the | a in Lindsay. hat is why 1 ecanchighly = sessmm. ad | ©4se, in 1866, was one that would | United" States'. trusts, they did not | ------------------ aby's Own Tablets. They cured my hardly be suspected. His subordinate, {think they were uniting to put them- Morocco Has Women Judges. aby who was suffering from consii- Kendal; twas an expe Pianist, aud, selves Mnfer_ the thumi of She: Covad: J . ation and 1 feel that I cannot praise | #8 Sir Mountstuart Grant Duff puts Lian trusts we ontis ofthe objection Paris; Nov, 1.--France's exmpnign in ¥ ¥ it, "nsed, jt is said, to fulfil toward Jof the good Tories of Tegonto agains em enough, 1 would advise all ----- - 4 de Just: A others with sickly babies to. give | bin the function which David falfilled {Mr. Borden's (mance minister, Mi EE 4 reveia shoe ri m hom a trial, swell "knowing what the toward Saul, On one evening His- White, is that he is a topresentative | *® Ww OUR CRYSTAL BRAND exists there in an | ced B®. 1 sult. will be." The Tablets: are wid marck was Unusually moody and Ken fof the trusts. The people 'were warned | i « Moroceo has women judges for wom- dell surpassed himself at the piano ; OO Ir 1 Standard Granulated Sugs ban and no male is allowell to pass) ¥ medicipe dealers or by mail ot "hank vor Your Kondill. iy | ngninst Me. Taft, but he is now ap- fas been tried and found excellent for * ho male as P bax, fram the dir. Williams Medicine LHRnR you, my year Asn SAIC | pearing in the role o rust-buster preserving and table use, Price Is judgment on a female. However, the Bismarck, finally, "vou have soothed : : i uways sight judge' o ust he sub- | 7 Brockville, (nt. nie and done me sa much good: mv while our own Mr. Borden is, accord | 3 oman | 8 decision his ho ET mind 1# made a . we shall dedlare ing to Toronto tories, coming out an ure ou ANDREW MACLEAN, 4 Py 8 : rong in the role of a trust hoogter Oataria Street. mitted to the regular Kadi for ad : . : trong ir ; wr strong in Archbishop Spratt was 'given war agamst Austrin.'" oo csr and sides. trom dh Total 4 ivang boots and rabbers| Pxoneraiea From Gomseaice. '| To That End I Am Giving Away $10,000 | . | HAS IT EVER Sale of boys' sweaters, cardinal or Abstinence Socisty, of St. Michael's, Children's strong boots and rubbers navy, BO. men's sweater coats, 85¢. Belleville. cheap at Dutton's, 209 Princess street. | F. K. Burnha®®, one of the owners . (4 al ) . . . * Dutton's. 200 Pmncess street. John T. Wait, A rnprior, whgs recent - A canning factory is likely to be {of the § i 1V, who was Worth of Medicine Ch'ef Moffat has commenced his lv died, left; among his other assets, opened at Deseronto, charged with cowardice and criminal duties as chief of police in Trenton. seventy houses in that town Kodak agency, Mahood" s drag store. [negligence when the Dixie was wrecked famous Dixie Ocenrred youu that a firm who ------ ci m---- 0 the rocks of - Ningara "river, Sept. | th : pries to show beyond all dou ; ' : 1 16th, when one of the spectators wi as | Bb it will a a Seinion abit medicine J advertised a. cor an subject or 'ma. fatally injured, has been exonerated | a 1 will this' Diaddey " terial, and then advertised again, It was shown that' Mr. Burnham stuck k| thousand dollars' worth of this fo and continued to keep on advertis- and anyone suffering from these | : / : 5 Se HIS ave § pretty RIrOong rei to the wheel of the boat until she | 3 gases can get a box of it absolutely free. hit the rocks, when he was thrown All that is necessary is to send 'me your ae | £ 4 ri 8 4 Perl ovér the steri. Mr. Burnham was well 1 3d - on ! Ba v rel Toh known to Clayton racing enthusiasts, | i ns fetn th at you dte to.u art of w a ally strong remson for y b 4 ne MVE any attention to our ap- as the owner of the Divies, and he was at : x of . B ? D weal, but don't blame' us for being a familiar figure on the St. Lawrence, a i ofesharee, 3 gi oy g : Gr 4 sg t i yffer of the 3 : foal i 4 piloting these speedy boats in many | show v and how they may be cure 2 ] ten We khow we have the races, : 1 £ pect { aymient for this free me jd + § i ne, sor would pt it now or later if 890 % Just a question of bring- : ¢ - ing them to your notice, This is our ---- n= ------ {you sent it. 11 is free in the real meaning of | i = : : a us, § 2a Bat f F ! : HARD TO LEARN. Mrs. Wavback--."'Ve iia ' i = twenty-five years--a quarter of a cen-! pi ology for Saying: 'ood morning. : y p reakfast Cooked by ain't a' racing gi I have heen trymg to convince the pu | y : your . Many tea sud coffee drinkers don' 't 81 spect that hE man, are thelr grea iness, irritability. sleaplessnes, ete, is Takes Hard Experience to Teach Ser boarder--* 'No madam pat an others have for t stab. | DR. T. FRAN K LYNOTT Gas?" : p Why?" he 4 ot i F riuring kid. | Whe is giving away $10,0 900 worth of medicine. nce. | Cheap, Clean, and Convenient People Some Truths " y i , for anne ying calls to urinate. eiused by caffeine, the drug in tea and coffee. Maiiy. people Jerr a3" the: iden thas Mrs. Wayback--' Because if ve was hard to convince peuple--they try a 1 ean say fu tea and coffee cause the aches and ails yd have to look for rooms som'ers sc refute og tesstuily eed, bh hh hope | svery ; mn il 4 they sulle fram amd often such people else. Last sport we had stoppin' here | Jlappily, I am in a position now to demon. | S4P fheu j ota ho : i ( Nature's protest - '» hd iften : ; : that 1 [ache it will gi . : t Thase little aches and ills are Na } will go ou for years sticking stendfast- went an' swiped the best part of my | l ee hte Maas kN = sun ov that 1 heal the and hes, | ' ed : J t . " y + ede tires the et a SOOLRE amd strengli Iv to tea snl coffee and suffering newest crazy quilt for a vest." --Puck. | I don't ask them to spend any me etl 0 nd You wil be beiger. i every way for haying CO. FOLGER, Gen. Mgr. month in aod mouth out but main . a out; 1 don't ask them to Lielieve me, nor even | [2:°8 it. There js not an ingredient that te he the word of reliable people, but all I jy: not one but will benef it nr ei taining "Ton dul coffee don't hurt Serious Results Follow, ask is that they allow me to send them the Is that y urseli may he per d faterfered with, tommoan scnse would suggesta Cold, clammy hands apd feet, and| medicine at my own cost. That is surely fair, | 3 " 3 To this end T have set aside ten thousand Ting ars : \ hat 1 have something gen , thing Only an actual test will open their ins in the be > y i pe « I £ ek yesult from impov- | diflacs, which will be. aed 0 Soper ay have 4 te eyes to what they throw away when erished blood. Serious consequences i. Much of it is ready now 1 be | ; r -. up to date an they cast aside the richvess and pow-+ follow neglect. Wade's Tran Tonic ac of it fresh and standard. There | symptoms, car er of health for a cup of tea or coffes Pills make new, rich blood, tone up i Y gh for all sufferers, though there i adier ard th be thous i of them. Pad aurone who igo. the free now and then, A lady says: the system, add vitality, to wasting! 'needs it can ger some of it free, B } » | - " art in ad in th nad I did not learn the real truth until tissues and strengthen weak nerves, | order ¢ 1 shall know that you have a dis o this onan 4 instal medical I made the change, but I ean now posi- I'vien, 2e. Sold by James I. Mcleod, | So ah tus medicine is Intended, land general diribation. pe Jour BEL I you need medicine such as 1 Rave if tively state that the headaches I had druggist. Prmptoms. 1f you Rave any of the symptoms | vo are anxious to he cared ' for: about seventeen vedrs were criised i ---- in fas Yt printed bere you need my medicine h oF Ral lh to. be cured nd don't t want # ' . : and i you will write me 1 will + Sor cures, bY drinking coffee, for when | changed Nr. and Mrs John Denison, Napa-| youa Box of it free with full h Sadly for | rite me rad the sympioms over snd tet and pase up coffe and used Postum nee, entertained their immediate rola- | your use. Look the symptoms over, see | hear from you day. in its place T experie entire rel tives at a re-uni i ~{ Wich symptoms you bave. then write me P pe ied. a union dinner on Thanks about as fodows: "Dear Dr. 1 notice symp | T have not been tronb¥ed with hieid- giving day. In the afternoon, Rov. J touts nusaber'<her i da; sw Rov. J i$ here put d be nt J ache since | began Postum. P. Wilson administered the rite of give hn Bey ful add erly oy dh wae | These Are the Symptoms: "This, in brief, ha¥ been my experi- baptism' to John Cecil Fisher, infant | 3 aiid Tui Moe Tonmts ank hyoott, 97 | Pain in fw beck pi the coffee question. Among ° hot of Mr. and Mre. Burnell Denison. | The ten thousand dotiars 1 am sphudior foc | | pn bes sete, my friends I have seeu many other oh Denison is 'aged eighty five | the compounding of my medicine is paly 4 . of sorences th the bladder wonderful instances of the power of years, hav. part of fhe menev 1 sw devoling 16 this romani froutle. hich this food-drink when used. in place of | On. Saturday a number of relatives} wif be te Fol of A Vie 4 =. : EE EE Mesiness 'the drug-drink coffee. . Among my ' [And intimate feiebds wet ai the home | ny swndpoiat yoo it, friends thers are those who tell me of {Of Mr. and Nes, NK. Benedict, Ath-| S200 °F hiigation, Just tl "relief from kidney tropble, neut algis ous, to attend the eighty third anwi- meicine het cored ou and gezema by leaving off coffee and versary of his birth, Mr. Benedict ix! ' 1a JN ; Everything else in the illuminati using Postum, and I have even known enjoying rather good health, oir? orl of roth o's " rr : miners, ii ' Bk po mating Ji to eave rheumatic pains in limbs. Because her. hushond, Clarence 1a sites me 3 i ho this Sere yh | 1 hd - aw. \ RE ECes 1n 0 the dark backeround us 1 readily believe these statement, [vey, Kissed another woman using his directions free of sharge, aaa 1 wil do that. | oom 4%. the Tuugsten Lamp is*$firo- # for since I cut ont poffee atid nsed Pos- {vaudeville act, Is bride of few duced, They all pall into insignifi- tum Ruweee soem to have an ache op [weeks tried Yg Kill herself in "hs cance, Tongsten pain and | would not Jare go back to [delphia, She suid dhe wanted all his The Steamer Durango, London to} Dogs are 1al6ng fhe place of child: | ness Vike dag ' il gris coffee again. Not only myself but my hisses. Halifax, was' stopped in giid-ocean for 'ren in the arms of mothers o ild- {ress Vike daghight and will give the family use Postam exclusively The services of © F. P. MeCufires Souerat hours before it. was discovered eausing APE. bomen moot are greatest sutisfastion---at the snaflest Westport, one of Uke Dominion St 3 Fish had been sucked into ths the Rev. Charles L. Pate, a promin- 070 0 every home. We also install for ; ; Lamps make dack- pipe. pesentuy the pumps from 'ent clergyman of Washington, these Lamps in wiores, offices and fac- io has purchased the old |tories ¥: al pro-{ Whitton property; adjoining the offi + sate oe Dee vem Compe ei | HW. Newman Eleelric Co : A is to «| 79 Princess Street