= he Only Thing That Will Relieve | : { - he piercing pains of Neuralgia, 'whith often follows a bad cold or (frippe, are frequently almost un- beangble' and few' medicines afford any felief to the sufferer. = am a rural mail carrier and ~havelbeen a user of the Dr. Miles medidines for years, les' Anti-Pain Pills ibe beaten. They: are the hing I have found that will my neuralgia and I have trie. ything, besides medicine e doctor, did for me." ARLES HILDERBRANDT, Box doy Woodvill, Ohio 4, like Mr. Hilderbrande, . ied most everything" in vain, why not do as he did, fight les' Aati-Pain Pills heir record, which is a extending back a » | al panperisns. to. which I am willing to - one what the Anti-Pain good understanding. day and Thursday mornin & at $1 Dosage bad to be added, making Der year Attached fs one of the best Job H. E. Smaliplece, J.P., representat - oF standing with regard to the coopera | tion of the charitable societies and in: the "use of a central council or society for advisory pur- poses, But is not correct to say or suppose that another society is being formed. It is a connecting fink be tween the societies now existing, and for the purpose of bringing about a stitutions in This new body will not expend any money in charity. That is not its de sign and purpose. It will, however, keep records, as it did some years ago and have them" acoessible to all the yocieties' that are acting in concert, fo that confidentially one will know what the othér ie doing in certain cases. There, will then be a protec tion against _gverlapping in work and duplieating in aid and the profession indiscriminate giving usually leads. . What i best about the movement-- which ts mot new, having been tried here and proven a success--is the de- THE WHIG, SEVENTI.E! DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street. Kings | a hy Didoe of wylish, and cheap work; Milne improved THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING Co, LIMITED Sulte 19 aud 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Charch Street, Toronto 4s MON] pr a ¥ 1 > GHTH YEAR 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. , published in parts om Mon- To aiid States; charge for Dally §8 and of Weekly $1.50 Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, WHEELS, . MADLY WHIRLING, GRIND THROUGH RAILS." Two Hundred Lives in Peril as Erie Express Train Races Uncontrolled = --Stopped by aw Brakes, | New Yoik, Oct. This lives of tw hundred passengers seated in the cat of the Mindietown. express on the Erie Riilroad, were imperiled, and a disaster narrowly averted, when, as the train entered Paterson, N. J., the throttle controlling thé pow'riul iovo- motive, snapped" indide the boiler and the train faced on for a quarter of 'a mile beyoud the control of John | tadeliffe, the engine, driver in charge ; the danger V. G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. ve. DISTRESS. lille gave of jt. ett 4 | Heng : le gave There should not be any misunder- sire. to. provide: work for the unem- up his efiort to bring "the heavy or €we ynder control and clamped down ployed, to the end that no man bral The cars rock- family shall*be foseey to scompt. char: |q: an swayed, But the 'spend of the iy when it. cari 'be avoided. Even-!irain was ouly slightly reduced until tually; 'ds the world moves and social Radcliffe applied the full powte of the conditions improve, there will be no compressed aii os on a ie rm Se i 0 Sie of. Meanwhile there should be a8 ore thine hundred feet beyond the ditfle_as possible while work is' ar A at the Market street cross (ainable. i ; | ing. | 3 4 : . : 3 Miss Chown, writing on the subject,| As | the frightenell _ passengers to the Toronto Star, puts the issue sctambled and fought with one an- ino these'o words: "The poor 'person utber jn their frantic efforts to get t tips jout the cars, the stalled engine PRling-Jov. relict is no longer an | suddenly burst inte action again, the ul } - un pil to be pitied, and driving rods were propelled with "the do hit, and then the appli- utmost force of which the locomotive org! till necessity of = mis- [was capable, aud the wheels 'whirled fortune throws him once more in the | With such ripidity that the rails were ff the® Heving officer "but a so- ground away, * the wheels burrowing Puts 'of the relieving o through the wooden ties and digging cially sick person whom the effects of |} hole two feet deep in the ground bad, conditions, social or industrial, | beneath thew, : and perhaps the weakness of his own | During all of this" time the passen- character, has sent to the head = of gers wéte dismountivg and, under pe. the charitable society. His case needs | ders from the @ugine driver, being led eC .. laway from the vicinity of the groan- careful, sympathetié study, a wise |, logomotive, which was swaying diagnosis, and wu prescription that will | and kicking about. The dead weight relate the man to all the forces that make for well-being." (of the cars and the great power eof the air and emergency brakes, held it fast, however, Hon. W."F"White; in Leed®, ind in conferring with his const:tuents--the men who could reject him if they chose, though Mr. Taylor undertook to give him. a seat and a certificate of character--was evidently - embiar- rassed. He had to account for his prisence in the conservative party and gave explanations. In ove place he said he followed the advice or invitation of the late Sir John Macdonald, and entered hy the open door. The chieftain, ho. under- stood, was always looking for eon- vert liberal party, and made i4he . transition' easy by 'calling his the liboral-copservative party. But did he offer tHese eonvests tha choice » A : . : HON. MR. 'WHITE'S CONVERSION. cannot be. beral insu and their may be. This is likely. them, and in effect said that Within a few moments after {he train stopped a --erowd of "approxi mately one thousand persons had gathered, but they fled at the shout of Radclifie that the water in the en- gine's boiler was so low that an ex- plosion was likely to odeur. When they were. out of danger, Radcliffe, disre- garding the possibility of being kill: ed, threw open the emergency steam valves, and at the same time poured several pails of water on the fire to prevent the generation of steam at a rate faster than it could be blown off through the opened valves. years, amd did not get recognition of any kind, It is this fact that galling, Then Mer. ~White.says thut when he made . his. speech against reciprocity'; | in the Massey Hall, Toronto, burned the bridgss behind him. That is, he cut his connettion with the liberal party and wanted to have nothing 'more to do with it, The Mon- treal Gazette says he represents the liberals in the goveriiment, but that He may represent tho Ii. rgents, the famous eighteen,' part in the election. This is he been deadened the exhaust valves had discharged so much steam that the working 'of the locomotive ceased. wrecking 'crew was called "and the stalled engine uncoupled from the rest of the train and hagited to a repair yard. Another engine was supplied, but it required several minutes of persuasion before the passengers were induced. to re-ontef the cars and con- tinue their journex to Middletown. \ One knows Mr. what to expect White, from to the contrary he had sev. RUNS WILD| In fiffeén minutes after the fire had | Nb | ! i Pine Shoes For Men $400 and $5.00 i x - Fine Shoes For Men $4.00 and $5.00 BBYS™ HEAD-T0-TOE OUTFITTERS FOR MEN AND BOYS. * ~ SPECIALS IN BOYS' SUITS OVERCOATS Boys' Suits Same style 4s' cut, $5.00 - Blue Serge Fancy Worsteds, English Tweeds and Cheviots. All Sizes 28 to 33. Regular $6, : $6.50, $7, $7.50 Qualities." Bibby's Special $5.00 eo BOYS SUITS $3.50 Fine Domestic Tweeds, neat pat- \ BOYS' SUITS $7.50 See our new Collegiate Suit terns, smart styles. Size 26 to 32. for Boys, 12 to 16 years. Beauti- fully tailored garments. Bibby's Special - ~~ $7.50 | Same style as cut, would be good value at $4.50 and $5 TR Bibby's Special $3.50 Children'sOvercoats $3.50 At this price we show a range of Boys' Overcoats "$4.75 For Boys. 10 yrs. to 1b yrs. Fine Boys' Overcoats that are being sold sents among the high and mighty Oh, no, and Mr. White and the con servative party know this, Mr, White «td five weeks' service for the party, and is rewarded with a plaee in the government. Some one; quite ae able, served the party for fifteen No explanation of the accident could be given hy the railroad offic inls, who declared they could not un- derstand the breaking of the throttle inside the boiler, PUBLIC OPINION. Can't be Understood. Peterbora Review, "The. appointments being 'made Mr. Borden are puzzle to Canadians." ered his relations with the financial men with whom he was formerly 'as- sociated. He loft his position in the rust company, but he did not turn his back on the hig men who are ngrossed in' the banking business of the country. English Tweeds. Same style asmen's ates elsewhere at $4.50 and $5.00. For Boys 21-2,3,31-2,4t08 years. BIBBYS wu 78 80-82 PRINCESS. new _coat. Agents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men 7 = Agents' for Penman's Underraa- and SweaterCoats TT re NEED OF A CHANGE. The case in Peterboro, tried befor Chief Justice Mulock, has exemplified most clearly the necessity. for # rehange in the Workingman's = Com. pension Act. ~ A young woman, an ployed sby the Canadian Chicle com- pany, and at a machine, stuffered the mutilation of one. of her hands, "Ih company paid her wages for a time, and medical expenses, but offered no sum in compensation of the perman ent injury she had received. . So she sought damages, and with the result that she was non-suited. The chief justice, touched by the appearance of the young woman, snd her helplessness under the law, ad dressed her a few words of sympathy, Then turning: to the manager of {le company and its solicitor he appealed to them to do, voluntarily, what they could not be compelled to do, jaune Iy, recommend that the disabled em- --_--- Se-------- lvoe D6 handsomely endowsd asd a MePariand; 33841 he a matter of righteousness. It is ; : not the first time that Jusuies = Mu- loc" has passed, in the discharge of Irs judipial functions, to perform a sbrvice/ that his humanity Las sag gested. What he said in Paterboro, in rolation to a ease that fied un der the - law, aficcted every one in court, and the defendant compary is likely to do for the young indy as il would not have done under the ver by a many rly and comprehensive amendment of the. Workman's Compensation Aet. | is significant that R. R. Hall, ex- M.P., has co-operated with the work- ingmen, and for the purpose of nuk: Bg an insistant demand for telorn: In Mr. Mall's opinion ¢ nough is spent in law suits and pre. aims to private companies to puo- cide a fund which, with an annunl wmbsidy from the government, wanld 6 suflicient «to meet all the claims for compensation under a provineial accident insurance scheme, and thers ire many who will agree with him. * The Liability Insurance Association, "at their recent ineeting in New York, emphasized the idea that the state could pot efliciently and economically mhandge' a 'dompensation for scheme, * but the speakers ut meeting admitted that there Healthy Suggestion, Peterboro Examiner f successi®n duties are increased, the funds should be applied to the help of, the consumptive poor, Not Begging for Money. Toronto. Globe. : e News must not hold "the bat tered liberal forcés in this provinces" too hghtly. - Liberalism is very far rom extinct, and it is certainly not yet begming for mercy on the door stop of the News. & SOOO OTOONE A Pair of Velvet Boots: Only a pair of litile velvet boots So trim, so neat, To be wora ret upon the hands, But upon the feet Only a fair and beateous little miss No more, no less; But when she saw those velvel boots I must confess: She sald: "Oh they are just too Cute, A perfect mateh for my new suit; I'll have those boots without delay. In fact, I'l have those boots to-day. I AS () Subscriptions For Canadian Locomotive Co., vu 6 Per Cent. Bonds 'In Denominations of -- $100, leas - made right : Tue True FLAVOR AND Pugs. TRY ITI __ LABATTS - INDJA PALE ALE x0 Stour . Made tured in fork. sevemaces Note the Difference, Montreal Herald. What in Mackénzie King was rank socialism, when he tried to settle o coal strike, in , Robert Rogers is pure patriotism if he can do 'the trick. Mr. King was always accused of interfer ence; Mr. rs 'only tries to "ar range." This pair of little velvet boots Were just a fit, J They did not hurt or cramp her fee!, No. not a bit; She did not ask what was the price; She did not care; She only said: They're awfully nice, ' Send home the pair, My name; Oh' yes, my name is Brown, 1 think you'd better write it down: Please send 'those boots without delay, I want to wear"them right away - . ' + * injury the was ound for interference by the gov vernménty at the states, and they ex. rected thi interference to take eficet pretty soem: That thede is big money in ithe business his" been shown claarly by John Mitchell, the. labour leader, who has contended that between 1894 and 1805, eleven years, 'a hundred million of dollars were paid in premiums to the liability companies, and not) more than forty-five millions went in "vompensation for injuries. Of the Price --Par and Interest s Apply To J. 6. HUTTON, 18 Market3t, King Thomas Copley PHONE 987. d to 19 Pine Street sm waning as) hing done in the Car to ter line. Ewiimates given on all i v of repajrs | and new wor ne, Hardwood Floors of all kinds, aul wrders will receive prompt attention. Shop #0 Q Street. Receiving the Converts. Toronto Star. picturesjue touch is given fo the aprech of the new minister of fimance by his deelaration 'that "he entered hy. the door opened by Sir Jobhh Mae. donald , when adopted the name of libernl-coflsemyutive for his party. Substantially, however, thistis of no importance. Sir John A. Macdonald merely stated in his usual picturespe way his willingness to receive con verts. But what lender is not willing to receive converts 7 The whole art of politics 'consists in keeping vour old friends andimaking new ones. EREERIRd DO000C 4 GAS FIRES, ; - x e have the Imitation hard PR Counl Fires, Just the thing for the parlor or dining room ©; no troubie; no dust; ¥ os as coal 1» Let us give you a price and set Brown suit, brown' hat, brown plu the And now brown velvet boots are hers Which, only goes to prove to you How popular is the velvet shoe. ¥, brown furs, NY we CEE OOOO SE We are showing a nice range of "lack: Velvei Pumps" apd @ Ankle Straps, and Black and Brown Velvet Buttoned il The new kidict of a jury. Here, however, is another case which balance forty millions went for law expenses, and fifteen millions for @ smart shapes; also Pat. Ublr Buttoned With Bladk Velvet, Tops JT is i ' a sn | management. How is this for waete 2 THECLUB HOTEL § demonstrates the necessity for an : ee PR EDITORIAL NOTES. Tax reform is coming. That is cer Commission was an imitation of the tain. Sir James Whitoey may aay 10, | Federal Railway Commission which but the people say yes, and the Peo- [has mwde a great record for itself. ut THT ©. |Buy the Ontario vommission has been [1 a. great failure. Why? It has not © | man wants i» be another Judge bee, without his ability. - 52 II ey v : J. H. Sutherland & Bro. , ' rEg HOME OF GOOD SHOES" Rees RAW FORD'S CRORTT 57S