mp ---- WHY | LOST MY JOB Reasons Why Thousands Like Me Cannot Satisfy Their Kmployoes. 1 believe my fate is not unlike that of thousands of other workers who daily lose their places for reasons they do mot know, and probably cwpuld mot believe. When their Jast pay envelope comes along, it 8 ustial- "Your services no longer requir ol "" HUH the truth were known, the | reason for their unceremonious re moval would probably be thai their usefulndgs was destroyer] because of some mental worry, bodily ailment or general indisposiyion. These things, ! ax we all know, are the most [ruirul causes of ye, in all walks of life. The battle of TW ethno was. lost be cause of a heassché, Jn this quick age our minds must by te war; rapid, i free from Youtside intluence dls we go down to with the theong of "floatées" who gh from ofic* place of employ: o another, giving' no satisfac tion to others or. to themselves, con- stantly growing oldér and less use ful, with no ambition, no will power, and 'no hope. Every man. requires from every other ivan the best that i= in him, Bat no man ¢an use or gel the hest 'hae is | in himself until be is first ico. ..icom- all frotful indispositions and worries, That was my trouble. | was full of troubles. That's why 1 lost my job. My stomach 4n the first place wad wAlways out of order, and | was worrying about it and mye mind grew ay, and slow. a1 mado mistakes, and grew grouchy, That was the end. : There are thousgnds like me, going shout with "quick lunch' faces, dys peptic manvers, and repulsive atmos pheres.No employer wants such men's pL vices, A healthy stomach is half the battle, for it keeps your mind clear, and your face rosy. 1 have a healthy stomach now and hold a good position, and my employer is! satisfied and so am I, I started to take Stuart's Dyspep- sia Tablets which 1 was told were good for the worst cases of indiges- tion and_AVspepsin. The first .two tablets made a wonderful difference in my condition. (ne ingredient of Stuart' 's. Dygpopsia' Fables gents 3,000 grains of food, The stomach doesn't. have to werk at all. The tablets do all the work, no matter how heavy your meal. Stuart's Dyspepsis Tablets brash, eructations, burning sensa- tions, bloat, irritations, loss of appe- tite, mausea, heartburn, lack of energy, loss of memory wund dyspepsia and indigestion in their very worst forms. « No other little tablets in the can do so much, Yon should them around with you wherever go and take them = regularly after meals. Then you will realize what it it is to be freed from stomach tor ment, and have & clear mind, a quick memory, a happy dis ipoKitio in, comfort 'and rest. Get Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets at any drug store for bbe. a box. Bend 4s your name and address to: day and we will at once send you hy mail a sample package, free. Address, Take my advice. cure world carry y ou T0 BULD LIGHTHOUSE ON OAK POINT, . SIX MILES EAST OF KINGSTON. Owner of Point Intends Removing Clump of Oaks Which Have Serve ofl as Murihers' Guide for Years. A this Wolfe be erected Oak Point, fuiles down the A, Fortey, of is herg from locality. For lighthotse may coming winter at Island, about = six riveg, from Kingston. the marine department, {many vears a clamp of oak trees Martin was in charge of the steamer, 4} from Fis discharging . A. Stuart Co, 159 Stuart Bhig., Marshall, Mich, ~ Ss00000000000000000000 *ASY RESTS self- KING HAT "King" touches the head. Ask the shan who wears one, HUNTS, 53 Brock St Ottawa looking over the at the above named point have, served as a guide to matiners, both by day and night. Now the owner of the point intentls to have the oaks cut pdown and this would remove the mariners' guide Hence the necessity of erecting a lighthouse at the spots Mr. Fortey on Monday paid a visit to Suake Island to look over the erubwork of the lighthouse as it requires: repairs: which will be made during the winter, "Movements of Vessels. The schooner Abbie L. Aadrews, cleared today for Oswego. The schooner Maize, from Charlotte, is wuloading coal at Sowarids. | The schooner Acacia, from Oswego, is unloading coal at Wolfe Island. The steamer Sowards, arrived from Hhusiotia, with coal for R; Craw- he schrodner St. Louis, from Fair- haven, is uploading eoal at the King- ston and Pembroke railway wharf, The government survey 'boat, Bay- field, at the Kingston dry dock wha. She will be laid up at Pres cott. On mat ne in was stated in the Captain "Charles it that Saturday, notes; Toiler, in mistake for Captain James Martin. The Hemans, arrived with the barge with brick, and the cotton mil tug Captain Seeley"s Bay loaded at Lackawana, wharf, The local finished in this district. Rideau King, made her last Rideau points on Saturday now go into winter quarters. At Swift's wharf--Steamer passed up Sunday, and freight; steamer Belleville also went up; steamer H. M. Pellatt stopped | Monday morning and look on a cargo of apples for she west. Captain Malette, of the barge Win- nipeg, has left for hig home in Corn- wall. The Winnipeg js still in the dry dock The schooner * Ford River, ar- rived from Charlotte, unload- ing coal at the M. T. Co's. wharf, M. T. Co's: elevatob--The steamér Glenmount, from Fort William, is due to arrive from Montreal with four | light bgrges, real, with the steamer pas énger "boat service is The steamer, trip to and will Dundutn discharged four grain-laden barges; Fairmount, from Fort William, discharged 65,000 bushels wheat, and cleared for Fort win, with the barge, Quebec, in tow or Lake Erie, to load coal; the steamer Advance from Fort William, lighter- ed 11,000 bushels of wheat, and clear ed for Montreal, Cheese 3 15-16¢,; Perth, tawa, 13. 13-16e.; Iie; Picton, 138 sales ©: Cornwall, 13%e, 13fe. to 13%c; On: Napanee, 134e. to 14 1-l6c.; Iroguois, te THE HEAD THAT ® WEARS A Stiffs are [flexible and conforming just whore the hat All the popular shapes, $2. that the Feratitats The ®ompany upen the splen- and cleared for Mont- "Ttuke in the hotel represents the value TORONTO TO TRENTON. Canadian - Northern Entertaills a Large Party. On November lst, a party of = 15 municipal * representatives were enter- tained by the Canadian Northern rail way, travelling from Toronto and in- tervening points to Trenton and re turn, The trip was given, by . the Canadian Northetii in return for the kindness, whith the Hunicipalities had shown in eonhisetion with the bumding of the line through their territory. At Trenton the party assembled at the town hall, where the following re solution was unanimously adopted : "R. R. Mowbray, reeve of Pickering; seconded by William Purvis, clerk of Whitby, moves that this cdmpény of representatives of the municipatific. iying between. Toronto and Lretitgn and ladies, heartily thank the Cana' dian Northern Railway Company for the delightiul trip which™ are now enjoying from Toronto ey inter- mediate points to Trenton and return, company be congratulated upon the splendid section of their railway line from Toronto to Ottawa ROW con ol to this point Toronto to. Trenton; upon the smoothness of the road, the splendid and comfort- able coaches and other equipment, and upon the very efficient, obliging and kind officials in charge of the service; that we fully recognize and arg aware of the fact that the Canadian North- ern Railway company do not do things by halves; ut always in first- class styla and well, and that we gon: did commencement which it has wade in the construction and equipment of | this important line; and that a vote of thanks be tendered Ivor G. Reece, travelling = passenger agent of the company, who has charge of this ex- cursion, for his kindness and atten: A tion to all, adding very materially to the pleasure and enjoyment of this trip.' : New Advertising Ages ney. Fhe Horn-Baker-Smith Advertising Co., Ltd., has opened new offices at 23 Bank of Toronto Chamhers, Main street, Winnipeg. The business will be under thé management of Charles 0, Smith, who, for four years, has had charge of some of the most important advertising campaigns in Western Canada. Mr. Smith's entire business experience has been along advertising lines, both --in Western and Eastern Canada, and he is qualified to give expert assistance in planning and placing advertising that will bring Iuginess; E. 8. Horn has beon--in-ad-- 'Vertising agency work - for twelve years, and 18 a former vie oO president of 'the National Association of Ad: vertising Clubs: "The new company will devote its entire attention to ad- vertising in all its phases. The Real Facts, been asked if it 850.000 the citizens We have that the is Lrue are to of the lot on which the hotel is to bo built. = The hy-law answers © the question. "The land is sold at £30,000 and, "with £20,000 additional sub- scribed, 850,000 of preference stock is. given, a happy way to get King ston capital invested. 'lhe Carruth by the (tizens intevesved. If other ditizens want to share in stock they can be accommodated. The citizens for thar investment have only a second mortgage, the city com- ing first. any the rast on Teachers' Institute Officers. The teachers' institute elected these oflicers : President, Inspector J. R. Stewart' vice-prosidont; Miss Hentig: | assistant secretary, Miss Hipson; am- ditors, Miss Cunningham and Miss Ryder; = executive. = committee, Miss Crawford, Miss (Shea, Miss Evans; Miss Hopping and J. EF. McDonald; delegates to the Omtario edueation convention, Miss I. Wilder, Miss Crow: ley and Miss A. Kelly, Miss Minnie Davis was made an honorary member of the association, Bieut.-Col. A. P. Cunningham, 14th Regiment, P.W.0. Rifles," 'has been "awarded the colonial auxiliary forces officers' decoration. y POOOPOLBIVOOOBIDD NGS tomers who buy this week at cue ru: The "Tokyo" GIVEN AWAY Ten costly priges to those cus- SALE -- over one dollar Geods in 2 174 ART DEALERS, ellington Street. Fire * oman nonin MWS Ne. par 15 Be Blake. Thompson, _ MARKET BQUARA KINGSTON, ONT. a Fresh Arrival of ---- $ 'MOIR'S CHOCOLATES - Assortment : & Health Restored Gained 29 Pounds Years an InvalideUntoll Agony From Headaches, Mas 5 Dizziness, Sinking Spells and Exces- + sive Weakvess Disappear t 2 With Use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Focd Nearly every woman will read with interest the loiter of Mre. George Bradshaw, quoted below. It tells of years of great suffering from Nevaus headache and other symptoms ing from weak, watery i ai starved and exhausted condition ri the nervous system. Mrs. G Bradshaw, Hong hooks Harlowe, OUnt., writes am glad to state that [ received i i fram Dr. Chase's Nerve Food which I fail ed to get any place else. 1 was trou lod Tor many years, in fact from my early womanhood, with weak, watery blood, and given to dropsy. * I sufier- ed 'vntold agonies from nervous sick ew' lot has been held for eight VOATS | | the whistle blew. i headaches, dizziness, and « "sinking many Years. | tried many of Shi. Sit SREY ee doetor that ¢ along, but Tatled to ctor vol me od ou bly «their friends to Mr, and Myre. AN EASY SOCCER WIN: FOR QUEEN'S. OVER THE "VARSITY TEAM ON SATU RDAY The Score Was 4 to 1 in a Poor Game---R.CHA. and CLC. Play. ed a Tie Exhibition Gane. Queen' 8 soccer team had no difficul- t¥ in scoring. a victory over the re presentatives of Toronto University at Queen's lower campus, Saturday = af: ternoon, the score being 4 to 1,7in a farce exhibition of "the oki country game. It was not. the equal of the 1-0 game here two weeks ago, whem McGill faced Queen's, fur the kicking was decididly poor most of the time, The condition of the field may have had something to do with it, for the layers slipped 8 great deal. ! Queen's suceeeded in getting two goals in the first half, while their op- potients failed to get the ball through the posts, 'thanks to the great work of Fisher, who gutted the posts for the tri-color men, ped one al most impossible a - saved one score. Shortly after play started in the second half, the Torontoians got one past Queen's Sonikeerer. but the proteges of 'Pete' Pilkey held them for the remainder of the contest, meanwhile getting two additional ones. The last goal was scored just as the whistle was blown, It was a +ehanee-thnt -Quoen's got The Fost goal, | jor the shot kicked by Whitehead was going by Varsity's goal posts, when a neat flying kick from Masters sent the sphere through the opening, jusitias Me: Ball, Queen's--Goal, Fishgg: backs, Cardel and MéKengio: halves, Longmore and MeDonald; centre, Fos- ter; left forwards, Bissonnette and Masters; right halves, Whitehead and McKenzie. ' Varsity--Goal, Stock: and Pue; halves, Sil, Wylie Cook: centre, MeLennahan; left wards, Hart and Kynoch; right, win and Daly. Reférce---Prof, McDonald, backs, White, ond for- God- Queen's. ROCHA. and CLC, Tied. Teams from the C.L.C. and R.U. ILA, played an exhibition soccer frame at the cricket field, Saturday after: noon, and the final soaring made it a tie, the. score being. 3 to 3, the sol- diers making a magnificent rally in the last half of the game. The half Lime. score. was 2 to 0. in favor of the. husky engine builders, but the soldiers managed to pull up three goals in the final stage. The game was watched by a large number of the followers * of both teams, "and - in the last half, which was very exciting, the cheéring was loud abd prolonged. The teams : R.C.H.A.--Goal, Francis; backs, Hlos- kins, Smith; halves, Carey, Sawyer, Shaw; right wing, Donaghue, Sparks; centre, Obrey;( left wing, Laffety, C hapman: } C.L.C.~Goal, Carey backs, Stinson, Smith; halves, Brown, Fair, Anderson; right wing, Peters, Appleby; centre, Heap; left wing, Anderson, Karshaw. REPL ih TO "THE LAMPMAN)" ev, ¥. G. Tiobinson Relterated Statement Made Two Weeks Ago. At the beginning of his sermon- in Princess street Methodist church Sun- day evening, the pastor, Rev. ¥. G. Robinson referred to 'the remarks which had been passed by ."The Lamp- man," a week ago, with reference to a statement he had made from the pulpit, to the effect that '"'good works would not get a person into the king: dom of Heaven." The speaker said he would repeat the words said at that time, which "The Lampman" had tak- en objection to, and challenged that worthy writer to find a passage any- where in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, where it is said that good works would get a person into heav- en. He referred to the passage which said that a person must be born agein hefore he could jnherit: life eternal. Mr. Robinson thanked the person, whoever it was, who bad tak- en up cudgels in his behalf. He said that persons often gave large sums of money to charitable institutions in order to get the good-will of people to put him into some office, FAVORS ROYAL COMMISSION. To Settle the Bi-lingual Question in Ontario. Prof. J. M. Lanos, of the. Royal Military College, holds that the only satisfactory way of settling the bi- lingual school question -is by the ap- pointment of a royal commission to enquire fully into the conditions in the province. Prof. Lanos regards the matter purely from _ the educational standpoint. He fears dive consequen- ces if French is boldly thrust out. The elimination must 'he done slowly. Theres would be little trouble in the cities, where foreigners come in dakly contact with English boys and girls, but in the rural distriets, where there are French communities, it is differ ent. The same contact of English and French does not prevail, pe if French teaching is not to be it- ted, much diffienlty will be experienced in educating these French-Canadian children, unless very experienced bi: lingual teachers are employed. ------------iiiy Death of an Infant. Much sympathy is Ding extended by James Doran, 55 Arch street, invthe death of their infant. daughter, Mary Agnes, months, Monday i The funeral will Tucadny away on take to the spells, in Fact was a somi-invalid for | ee of the Sacred Heart, Wolle In land, torent to be made .on Wolfe patent" medicines, and got wo helps) Island The flour mill, evanorstor and bar- vel I; of J. R. French, at Mel county, were by fire on Thursday 4 stantly worse, ho pased | fle ™me DAILY RRITIN WHIG, Moxviy, XOVEMBED 6 111. ------ CRN LW ew Sretssnse reer i 2a Warm Lined FANCY RED, BLUE, PURPLE, GREEN, BROWN AND BLACK --ALS0 PLAIDS. See Our $1.00 and $1.25 Specials 'Better Grades $1.50 For Men and Women, $44000ssntenssnsnnatatasasassnsntnnensaitsisssasassssaneinessnes WARM SLIPPERS Warm Arctic Slippers Slippers. : i gant md? 00000000 CQKOONOEROOOOOS) ABERNETHY"S $50044444044404484 $00000000009000000006000000000000000000000s POOP OOIPOIP INI LoTR OEP I I BODO OOONONBEPIOREROIRSIS. FIVE MILE ROA 'RACE " In 31.3%---Adams, of the '¥istcA. Was a Close Second--Watts' Re- cord of 31.90 Was Almost Reach- ed, The five-mile road race for the Nash trophy was run Saturday afternoon. At 230 o'clock a start was 'made from the Y.M.C.A. building, the course being up Princess street to Albert, turn to YMCA, down Ring, out King, to Prifen Road, along. Urison Road to Bath Road, down Bath Roud to Princess street, and down Princess to Y.M.C.A. build ing. Nine runners started, fecen's and two. deom Queen's. had the "only tehm™ entered; the team consisting of five men. FEn- tries for teams were expected from RC.HA., RMC, and the Y.M.CLA, The winner was J. P. Harvey (Queen's), in time of © 31.83, with "Joe" Adams (Y.M.C.A.) second, in 31.48, and J. W. Farrell (Queen's) third, in 31.53, The local five-mile .re- cord is held by €. M. Watts, of Je » With time of 31.20. - PP. Harvey is to be congratulated, | as this is his first five-mile race "Joe Adams and J. ran well. The will likely get out af ter the record. ?The day, while Sud was a little muddy, was ideal. R.: Thurloe wus starter, and Frank Kin WAL was timekeoper. WAS WON BY J, P HARVEY, OUEEN'S | res seven from YMCA we Here 1s a Pointer, Have you cold hands and feet, chills pain in the back ? If so your hood impoverished and _ your 'run down. Wade's Iron Tonie Pill will positively restore perfect health. As a blood maker and nerve strength- ener they are unequalled, Price, at J. B. McLeod's drug stores. The Feed at Halifax. Ottawa Free Press According to newsphper despatches, fifty chickens and 1.000 dozen oysiers were provided for the 800 persons who sat down to the Borden banquet at Halifax last night. Fifteen . oysters and a chicken apiece is going some. If the rest of the menu was the same broad scale none of the diners should be hungry. No wonder it was found necessary to call upon the Halifax garrison and H.M.€.S. Nigbe to pro: vide soldiers and sailors to pass round the victuals, But we haven't yet noticed anything in the conserva- tive press denouncing this as a hor rible prostitution of the public service to party ends. Still there's time yet. become What has Canadian Club ? ol Kingston's THE TEA PENALTY. A Strong Man's Experience. Writing from a busy sHiread own the wife: of an employee of the great roads, says : "My husbund is a railrdad man who bas been so much benefited by the use of Postum that he wishes we to ex: press his thanks to you for tie good it has done him. His waki g hours are taken up with his Wok, abd he has no time to write himself "He has been a great tog: driiker all his life and has always liked it strong, "ign has, of Inte Veal aéfed" 'on him like morphine does upon most people. At first it soothed him, but only for an hour or so, then it began to afiect his nerves to such an extent 'hat he could not sleep at night, and he would go to his work in the morn. ing wretched and miserable from the loss of rest. This eondition grew eon- until, his friends per- sugded him to quit tea and use Pos- tum. "At first he used Postum only for breakfast, b tf as he liked the taste of it, and it somehow seemed to do him , he added it to his evening meal. » 8% he grew better, he began to from | drink it for his woon meal, and now he will drink nothng else at table, "His tondition is so wonderfully im proved that he could not be hired to ve up Postum and go back to tea, is nerves have become steady and Freliable once more, and bs sleep is easy, natural and vefreshing. e owes all this to Potsum for he has taken no medicine and made no other change m his diet. d "His brother who was very mervous from coffee drinking, was persuaded by us to give up the coffe and ude Pos tum: and he also has Yecovered his health and strength." Name given by "snadian Postum Co. Wi W. Farrell er. | Barrie to | | formerly | i {stage oul had her. foot somewhat hurt » vond. getting shaken up the rest constitution | . i fence before jt! Bey stage at the | pletely over wn learning that 1 LIPTON'S TEA OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY ""INDUBITABLY - general machinay is Beari Write for prices. 'the best Babbitt Metal for all ngs Harris Heavy Pressure The Canada Metal Co, Ltd. Fraser Avenue Toronto Ct ---------------- STAGE HORSES. HAN AWAY. Qccupants Were Thrown Out, Dut Not Hurt Much. Wilton stage, the city, The into as it was_coming on Saturday, net the with a mishap by the horses rumming away and throwing gut on the road. 'Ihe traces broke and threw the eight people in the on the road, Une lady but be- of the passengers were unhurt. The dri ver had to drive the horses into the they sould be stopped, A do wile of ladics who teach school in +t Vicinity happéned to be in the time and ware coming in to the city to spend Sunday. "Cost of Militarism. Zoronto Weekly Sun In the fiscal year ending with March last the Dominion government spent : On militia, 36,564,000, Un 'naval service, $2,256,000. On North-West police (a body), £713,000, Here was a total of close 000,000, 'or at the rate of per family. When the cost militia department itscl, and the ex penditure oi Ariiiouries is added on, items which are not included in the above figures, it will be found that the total is over $6 per family the occupants military £10 Ti, on nil of the ne Theodore Martin Ded. Theodore Martin, years, son of C. H. Martiii, of this city, 'and brother of Ként Martin, died, or Saturday, at Si. John, New Brunswick. . Mrs. Martin, mother of deceased, passed away at the gener bo#pital in this city ia July last and the father and brother whe survive have the sympathy of a large viele of friends. Theodore Martin! resyled in Kingston with his paresis wptil about nine ngo when the Jam ily- moved to Dorciester, Noi, uhere Mr. Martin was appointed bivens the penitentiar aged twenty4wo yenis in Fook Chargr. The Sunday afternoon service at the Sydenham street. Bible sehool was taken in charge of . hy the Wesleyan club. Members of the club supplied the music, and interesting talks were giv. en by a number of them. Sunday was the monthly missiogary day in the school, and the talks were appropri- ate for thé dav. The superinteéident was RV. Allen. Those "who spoke were {, Hollis and Mr. Henry of the Collegiate Institute. The music was fuenighed hy Mr. Gaorge Johnson. The club still grows." Ou Sunday there were about Silty present, Osteopath h Not Leaving Kingston, Pr. Asheroft, osteopath, at 136 Wellington strpet, wishés to correct the impression that he i= giving up his. Kingston practice. Anvhody de siting {reatment by osteopathic © me thods can make appointments by telephon'ng 447. Wesleyan 1 wh Watch 'Em Flop. Taranty, Sra It i all Sony Journal, Ofwdwa Citizen, -Hamilton Speetifor, Toronto' news awd other conservative newwpapess, to talk the ngvy question, but when the time comes" journals will fall into line withput a murmur, just as most of them, after welcoming reciprocity as a fine thing for Canada, com their Past had - made arrangements to op IE rT tow girl for Alacaight, say gus. well for the Ottawa | me | lion dollar addition vo the Lhatest COMBINATION BOOKCASE WRITING DESKS, Most complete and fiseful and takes up little flopr space. SECTIONAL BOOKCASES, Globe Waricke ot Macey make. Any section fan be had. In Our reputation pt 50 years Is our guarantee \ \ Reld Quality Low } High Prices and J Ap THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, » DEATH 1 MOTREAL Joseph. Ouleige -------- of R, A Kingston. Word wus reodivesd in the city on Saturday afternoon of the death in Montreal, of th tmlctte, formerly of this city. Th deseaded had been in the city up A nade months ago. He, for. some Fekept a tailoring shop on Pringesst street, after the death of the Uvongreran, received the of maker {tailor of the HULH-A., which he held (for some time. [About three months ne bought Ms discharge. aml. loft for Montrexi.. Ho dropped dead the atreet there op Saturday wn arning The decensed why well-known in the city, having bed n member of St, Maury' s choir during the time he was here. He former iy came from Anne de Beaupre, where his Inther now sides. He was thirty years age. late | ticarge sppfiintment » he shoul < kal ---- i Military Danes, mflitary Cort Earl talle place to-morrow iy Apheum hall, "| pom, The splendid The daues of Hoberia nigh i mencing will tone at the dance music, || i he campaign of} the Pembroke MUA 10 raise $1, % for institutional and wellare work among the boyu snd young men of Pembroke has cominenoed, John Gordon, Udbder, wat eommit- charge of havieg ted for trial ono j committed a etinfnnl fence on & sixtewn years - of Cobder. girl | uniler Canadian "wifl begin age a new ail i the VC thw buildin *acific | shortly ge of | Frontenac, iJueber. AND Reid's - he on - YY orchestra of the Wi HAL will render,