# 7 "edintey's Bilas. bas * and _YRAR TS x0. 25 NOTHING 10 D0 But Pass ne of Supply ear. For amin CABINET "WILL, MEET -- . EVERY DAY UNTIL THE HOUSE CONVENES, is Simply will When The New Government Marking Time---There - Little Basiness Ready Parlisment Assembles, According to pre a LOk eight days be Outawa, Nov. 7.x ssent. indications, ethene. will | meet parliament hence, with practically no business ready for consideration, dxeept the estimaten for the balance of the eur rent. fiscal year. Since the cabinet as sumed offise there have been not more than i dozen meetings, and practically only routine depar®intid! business has been considered, The ministers have spent about pli 'heir time away from A capita?, and thery hardly any attention devoted thei business of getting ready to meet pa lament or the consideration matters of legislative policy Premier Borden's holiday and this week's Hatifiix trip of the majority ot the eahinet, too, have meant praeti- cally a hiatus of two weeks in regard 1a getting things in shape for (he opeming of parliament. Starting on Monday, daily cabinet meetings be held until the hou e assembles on November 15th, but the time left toa short. to cafeh up with the lary aceumnlation of department al business now awniting cabinet action and al low also of any serious or thorough discuskion of the sessional programme, | Outside of Private Billi to eo sidered, it now looks ax if the mem- bers would have nothing to do until the Christmas the halance of the supply for cal year as left over by the government, and amended by government, Sa far the administration of the aX to' all intents and purposes been going along on the momentum given by the old govern ment, and apparently this will tinue to be practically the situation until Premier Borden and his lenges get theie bearings and meet parlinment again mext February. to ' ot to the fis con col EDWIN ELLIOTT 18 » TO TACKLE LAWSON. The Two Each Other Next Saturday. Bpecial 1p the Whig. Ottawa, Nov, 6.--It is expected that 5,000 will see the Argonaut:Ottawa game here on Saturday, and to-day the Citizen says: "Smirle" Lawson is ubtedly a wonderful half back,but in the Ottawa camp there is little or no fear of the big fellow. Edwin Ell. jott used to smother the big fellow when both played in the inter-colleg- | inate, and both Eliott and Ryan will be requested to pay him every atten- tion in Satorday's match. It will be Lawson vy. Elliott, and evéry man on the Ottawa team is prepared to bet that the Kingstonian will get the bet- ter of it. Elliott maintains that the anly way to stop Lawson is to get | him low, and has been giving the Ot- tawa man tips o on. the trick." RUSSIA M M AK HREAT Men WHI be up Against To Ocenpy Two Proyinces on Caspian Sea, Persia, Nov. 7.-The Rus- sian minister today presented an ul- timatum to the Persian government, setting forth that unless the Veryian minister of foreign affairs apologizes for the alleged insult to the Russian vice-consul on the occasion of the seiz- ure of the property of Shua-Es-Sal- taneh, removes the treasury gendarme, and reinstates the = Persian cosspcks formerly there. Russia will occupy the provinces of Ghilan and Mazanderan "in the north of Persian, bordering on the Caspian sea. The government has decided not to comply with the Rus: sian demands. SUFFRAGE1TES Teheran, SC ARE CUPID, Officials See Cause of Lackiof Mars riages. Ventura, Cal. Nov. ported inactive in 'this country -in the county, and the elorks there should have been at former ¥* years. Sheridan of the clerk's office, § si to sulfrageties flocking to the | to register and searing | Boston, Nov. 7.e-A large black Fast t fashion," that can eat, drink, "in gost cot of hind 'German stelfiship Adams AE - here on cigars and has been | will | adjournment but pass | Laurie | the new 1 hel T.~Cupid is re since the state went for suffrage. There has { heen but five marringe licenses issued sa Last tionty "to have kept up with the record of hase and oven talk i" trip argund the world as mas. A Nap an insatiable Suite | Boxes STRANGE RACE FOUND. f Unusual Size Shape. , Kas., Nov. 7 lones of a hitherto un- in stature, have on the farm of John Noland, this ety. The bones were taken from a eésirn about thirty | feet in diameter and five feet high Evidently they had been buried ori inallyg in» rough stone acched tonh: Several distinetly Indian in with thigh {tha average while minke Noland ter fi the an the Hones sall whee by: the s {were found, , {stremsh m the ture those of lof the skulls dently with a 1 The walls of thick and I'he | Skulls Are and | is Tuneticy City believed Lo be those known race, gigantie Iwen unearthed near size and ' of an together thon wus to that walled-in | of unusual the crampum were found much - longer femure, ¥._ the wheat the removed from had supported] in, filling the with sail were found pear the Abe hud. been, protectids Ned Indian hich "is 'believed theory that the an unknown race, Une had plerced, evi strange the tomb made of great unhewn arched roof did not fet height. A passage wide frail te in the outside shylls unlike shape bones 2 it enirn human fevelling ¥ way lor sowing Cite He had the all He arch which interion Hn dirt it caved found had ol tomb only weapons to ITE been weapon were. tes j feet slones weed three foot to the FIELDING MAY ENTER BRITISH PARLIAMENT 'He is Going to England and May| Decide to Take a Seat | Satoh aa iS in London. '| Halifax, Nov. 1.~Hon. W. : Field- Ling is going to England, Wit a 1 he is going there reside perman {ently, only for friends (da not state : XN Trivnd 61 Tho wrafiwien--meminer; {has expressed the opinion that Mr, {Fielding is likely to enter the imper- inl parliament for one of the London | ridings. This, he said, depends upon | Mr. Fielding fédels when has | {been on the other side a while, and has sized up the situation. The ex-finance minister, he further said, had about abandoned hope of securing a seat at Ottawa, recognizing that for some time at least hd will | be the target of the wrath ofa great | section of the liberal party, on "ac- cougl of his persistency in going to the country. on the question of reei proeity. ie our mn whe lead roont from | | | to or a rest, his how he CARRIED HIVE IN POCKET, Transports Several Hundred Portable Contrivance. Kansas City, Nov. 7.--FE. Crathorne, of Kauopolis, Kaun., is the first man in months to come through the local station earrying a whole hive of real live bees. In addition to the several hundred bees in a portable hive, Mr. Crathorne carried an extra queen bee in. his pocket, inclosed in a contri vane of wiré and wood, that contain- ed also a piece of candy and two or- dinary working bees. The working bees were there to feed the candy to the queen. Mr: Crathorne said he had no difliculty handling the bees with: out gloves or netting, and that the temall swelling ynder his right eye rep- frosented the only "sting he received Jast night, while sorting out three hives at twilight, the time when bees. | are most irrit > | REALLY. GAVE UP | FORTUNE FOR LOVE A Winsome Girl Who Met Him | on Her Way From New York, Nov. T.--Isabella. Koe nig, a winsome girl of twenty years;| 'gave up a fortune estimated at about Ab for the love of a young man she met white on ner way from ther home in Germany to join an sunt | who had seleted her as heir. Ike aunt, Mrs. George Elsbery, is a wealthy aunt without children, resid) ing near Frelevicksbarg, Tex., and owns several farms and landed inter fests. She is seventy years old . and has selected her favorite niece, the youngest daughter of her sister, living] 1 Hanover, Germany; the heir to her estate, and arrangements werp made for the girl to come over and minke her home with her wealthy Iatives and become acquainted the estate of which she would come owner upon the death aunt. | At Bremen the young and fell in love with Wendon Vhil lips, whose home is in Los Angeles and who sis employed in the real es. tate office of his futher. Phillips was vetufning Troma vaestion trip and had ewgaged passage in the steams ship Hanover, hound for Galveston, It appears to have been love at first wight Lor both the lovers, Upon: reaching here jt wae that the dams | the wi anise. ance visited the. -- long interview, but she lwould disown the girl and cut her off without # cent in her 'will if she mar- five years, wo the heiress nile th es the sacrifice and the ceremuay RE with be- of her heiress met + fotind niger and her fi indy and had-a she declared she but the anat id not the for Cotformis without receiv- | storia Bacters, § i C8 = e's Th re he cons Bee iufants, while. Yhoir parity attend service. oH) rr "her Blossing. : Talbot street Baptist church, Len: don, will have a nursery to ware for Snmdnrd-wrys-despatrhes rassived ii hones | jal, attacks on oli despatches from artillery Constantinople the défending forge ors, wy division, 15 {by frequent telegrams announcing that iwad consecreated as first bishop ty | {the Venezulean coast aunt shy objected to Kay, the KIN GSTON, _oxmARio, vw ESDAY, N ------ | dingry _cnse of bigamy was described Situation at Tripoli sora 5 on a ear = ung For Italians. he prisone:, John veson, of Birken head. TURKEY RECAPTURES that were not | legally: married and to look ont for ALLT HE FORTS IT LOST AROU ND, TRIPOLI. oth TWO jo Iv Is IN ONE HOME. | One Remains to Sew "See Other Comfort- ably Settled. London, Fng., Nov. T~An extraor they dvisedd woman bm an woman he stpcked a Birkenhead, with them Jor a keeper, being called Miss Atkinson. Then she.disappeared, fhe prisoner "sani his first wife L ould not stop With him. judge © She © stayed you married ¥ tO see were somiorishle met at ox ynlée and his He married =a Ma rnchester . She | tioner' at | first wife remaiy month as hou shop lhe 'a month after oR Italy is Sending = Anethey Military | Livision the War--1 urkisii | Troops Moving to. Bulgarian Fron-! to we tier. London, Nov. ~The Evening the Italians have | reverse Tripoli. have made another sefies the Malians and have the forts around Trip- | (avona's, troops have back into town. Official Tripoli say that an | duel has been raging between | and Turks Satur | agency despatch from that it was offic | islly announced at the Turkish capi- | tal that the Turks had recaptured Perna in Tripoli, and that 500 Ital inns were killed, and the remainder of | ' were taken prison that another London, show with Turks met mn hw all General driven recapt ured been Italians since A the day news Situation Serious, Malta, Nov. 7.- has arrived..here say in a serious predicament. They hold | , {only one-fifth of the oasis. at Tr oli, | { OTe dy white thie Turks and Arabs tiokd Cn -- Bp ae a fifths, which latter is full "of fit, M AH a Ab a xe PASHA, | gardens and date palms, sustenance | va Lh Minister: of ar. for both Turks Arabs, K ile i by SI Shock. A correspondent who | the Italians are and NOV EMBER 7. THE PLATFORM {great {fest practical sympathy 1911. Of Ontario Liberal Leader is Progressive. ATTITUDE OF PARTY ON MATTERS OF VITAL. TEREST TO PEOPLE IN. Is Clearly Defined--Educational and Liquor License Question--Di- velopment of New Ontario is Nm. phadized. Toronto, Nev: 7. C., recently -N. :W. Rowell, K chosén as the leadwr of the liberal party in Ontario, has put forth the following platform, after consultation with the comnuttee ap- pointed at the wecent meeting of the Qutatio Reform association : I'o the Electors of Ontario By! slative assembly has been dissolved of the legislative termi, and the elec tors are called Gpon to bear the trouble and expense of an unnecessary general election during an inclement season «f the year. Nominationstuke place December 4th, the un Dec. 11th, the government of Sir ney has disappointed forces in our province to grasp 4he urgency of the settlement and development of New Ontario, by its failure to devise an adequate policy to promote th agricultural interests of . the proviiee, and by its failure fo manic with pro social and mow the action of the government the of this before the province expiry lect i election James Whit- the progressiv, by its failure and importance gressive measures al reform. liberal parti cbfisides TH fe of Patilehen; du, Nov. THis beach Aunihr Halian Division. jawed out of place when Ke fell sixty Nov. -Another * military Naples, feet at aclute quaery in Harper, O00 15 20,000 strong is be- Alfred Spaedi, aged thirteen, was in- ing collected, together with artillery stantly Killed, on Monday, The boy quick-firing guns, -and seroplanes, The nded on "i« feet and not a bone in| embarked and escorted to | his "body vioken. The shock ai: Tripoli with the usual secrecy. [used hig' heart, doctors say. IMFERIAL PALACE STRONGLY GUARDED s-- * General Wu, Governor of Shan Si, Was Assassinated in His vent. Pekin, Nov. 7.~The imperial palace | is guarded by a division of ten thou- | sand, all faithful Manchus. | General Wu, of the most brilli- At} ant of the young military leaders, re- cently appointed governor of Shan Si, assassinated in his tent, this morning.at 'Shikg Chuang. He was on his way to. persuade the rebels to ac the iat the terms of the government; but Manchus suspected he was at the head of the revolutionists and away with him. There is little change in the general situation. The Tmperialists Tre losing {one day and gaiming ihe next. There was great excitement through out this eity, this morning, when smoke issued from a building in the! the centre of the supposed to be {occupied by & revolutionary "junta. It | was rumored: that 'thus was the signal { for a general: uprising within the : feity, and there was p papic which of sulted in the crushing to death of four the new Diocese of Regina, | persons and the injury, of twenty oth Cranberries have been cornerad i was eventually: restored by | in fare. Order Let ago. They sell at §10.50 a) bar- | the appearance of imperial and foreign rel, double of last year's prices. '| | . {troops in Lhe streéts Charles Cole, president of the|Nia-| in addision to the gara Falls conservative association, | General Wu, word comes, will be a eandidate for the mayoral fing, of the killing } {other "oflicers. It seems | regiments sre alternately | then revolutionary, then returning and | the imperialists, slaughtering their { officers af™ewery turn of opinion. will be wis To Bulgarian Frontier. Constantinople, Nov. 7.--<Tirkey cof tinues to send troops and cannon from Constantinople to Adrianople and the Bulgarian frontjer. Troops are also being sent to the Mityléne Archipelugo, as precautions against an attack of the Italian fleet; a great sensation having been caused 1 the Italian fleet had left Tripoli to ef- feet a diversion in the Acgan Sea. PITH OF THE NEWS, ------ one The Very Latest Called Over the World, Sir John don, Ont, Hon, Fra ' Sifton cabine. in Alberta. bre. F. A. Cook has sailed for York, abandoning his European ure tour. : A fuel famine katchewan. shortage. Twenty gasoline launches and sev- eral buildings were burned at Lachine, Que. Loss, ¥15,000, Two prisoners in Sault Ste, jail are afflicted with smallpox place is quarantined. At Quéige, Myx From wus Carling is dead at Lon- Oliver may enter New | lect- so made Sas- tons is expected in There 200,000 is city Marie | The | Mathieu, C.M.G. re- wssassination of this" morn + number of that some imperialist ol An_islared suddenly rose from tha sea on Sunday last, in the Serpent's Mouth strait, between Trinidad Tattersall Castle in Lincoli shire has been purchased by Lord Curion fo | prevent its suggested demolition apd | removal to America, Nanking Viceroy Suicided. Nanking, China, Nev, 7.-The Vice roy of Nanking has committed suicide George Wilson, of Weston, Siln- land the situation is serious. Troops day, put serychnine on a banana and {nre shooting each other down "in the ate it. The coroner decided that an | open streets, and there is. nobody in inquest wis unnecessary. | '1 authority to direct operations. Fore A carelessly-thrown match -ignitid | igners this morning fled to the open onkumy on the floor of the Standatd country. Printing Co., 'Halifax, N.8_, on' Mog day, and the building was completely deatraged, \ w Moore, who murdered Mrs. | King, oo Petrolea, in July last, and i in jail"awaiting trial, has ecomd such a physical wreck that his tris) may never come off. [ 'The King Fdward Memorial . mittee have received a cheque Hor $2.500 from Lord Strathcona, ho warmly endorses the proposal to efect a statve in Montreal. } Sir William Treloar, London, making aun' appeal to eitizens of the empire Tor £20,000 required as a de posit for the purchase of the Crystal Palace. Twelve thousand has already been subisoribed. It is likely that N. W. Rowell, the new liberal "leader, will find a safe! seat in Nerth Oxford, where Dr. Mac present member, is said to be willing to drop out of politics. His majority in 1408 was 432. At: Colchester, Eng., the authorities have i to erect two large wmir- rors, at two street junctions, at such an shgle that motorists and others ¥ coming on Frank ElMarbeek, who underwent a seriovs operation: atl Syhenhasy lost Friday, while not tut of dauger, is a little better. 3 His the three messages to the city council last | evening, and the aldermen have since heen curious to know what they 'real ly mean. The bridge scheme is important, it is not new, and Mr. not give Any information with re gard to it. day 'the scheme will reach maturity, and meanwhile every ove. who - can should push it along. But what new light has the mayor to shed upon jt ? =e The finance depart hized a few years ago, does not need re-organizating uo, \ notwith- standing that the mayor has had a | serious tila with ome of its officials and had threatened to suspend him because he has obeyed the by-law of worship mayor addressed in but Graham does Some was organ to | 3 messages --and velopment of New Ontario ome ol the siprame' opportunities and most urgent obligations of the: rovernment requiring the whole time and thought {of a responsible minister of the jorown; amd it belioves that its sue {cessful development means increased | prosperity, to every citizen of Outar 110. - We recoguize that agriculture is |the basic industry of this pr vince, and that an intelligent and farsisht ed policy demands a great advance om all progressive lines, Even more import@#t than cessful material development of - the province is the promotion of social, moral' and industrial wellare of the people, and. the development among us of the highest type of citizenship. The rapid growth of industrial 'cen tres has created new and important problems with which our provincia government should deal. It is the duty of the government by wisn measures {0 contribute to social, edu cational and moral reform. Holding ¢his liberal faith, as leader tol the liberal party of this provine I beg to submit the following {ment of policy and to appeal {electors, "irrespective of party, tg rally Ita ats support the sue state to al New Ontario Pevelopment. In order that the government ma, {enter seriously upon the problem {the. settlement and development 0 | Now Ontario, we propose the creation of a department if immigration colonization, to be presided over a minister of the crown, wha devote his- whole time and. energies t this important work, among othe matters; building of insuring {other necessary transportation fa jcikities; providing drainage require | ments; assisting proneer settiors 5 bsveure loans to a limited extent . o {the security of the lands oecupie {by them, repayable over a term years: giving special assistance pioneer schools, t i Our further polioy the mainten- ance of the colonization characker o the Temiskaming and Northern On tario railway; the protection of ship {pers and sotthers rates by subjecting the railway te regulatdon by the Dominion Railway t omymission and the genergl railway plaw: removing just grounds of com Ppluint by permitting actions. at laa lagainst the railway without the ne leessity of first obtaining permissior (from the attornev-Feneral: placing th railway on the same position as © Ahen {railways in the matter of pay ment of municipal tases; the extension of the railway with all practicable sped to a suitable outlet to Hudson Bay an br shall roads te in from inequitable THE MAYOR'S MESSAGES. and capable commit not for a moment be of an energetic tee, and it must supposed that it has been negleetiul of the city's interest. Offers of power it has had, but if it had acted hastily --and especially if it had turned down the offer the Hydro -Flestric Com- mission--it might have been accused of ative Hu i does not entertain Bo thar (ble object of the mayor's messages cannot be imagined. It is ine forred that. he vontemplates a Sepond térm, and is preparing for an election. This may not be a correct. assump tion, and the mayor may blame hia self for a procecdute/ which is uncom: mon and surprising to say the least of it. ois well that a special commities bas been appointed to lodk isto sli the facts--ta consider these special itn report, hder the and branches as required for the de velopment of the country, The encouragement of mining by = recluctéon. of the fees for 'prospecting and recording, by insuring reasonable transportation facilities, and by giv- ing increased stability to mining ti tles. The securing for underground miners an eight-hour day The boundary - between Manitoba shquld be so delimited ta give Umtario a suitable port Hudson's "Hay gomg sels and ans on Ontario for ocean ves Agriculture. We believe that the tario view with grave concern seriots decline in the tion i this province, the recent and we propose the unmediate appointment of 8 royal commission to inquire into the causes thereof, and to suggest . measures which in the opinion of the commis isn should be tuken to prevent any Be decline and promote the gen eral agricultural interests of the pro- vince, The commission should be spe cially instructed "to consider Te pont, upon adequate technical instrue tion in farming in our rural schools, amd special technical education fruit-growing districts In the meantime ° adopt measures To bring about the active tion into this province of suitable people for settlement and employment upon our farm lauds; 10 induce land sepking farmers to remain in the pro vince "by loeating in New Ontario in of emigrating 16 Western Can people of On the rural popula- as disclosed by census, and in we propo stead ada. To roads an issne other therahy ing que produnts To extend in every feasible way pub lie light, power and telephone services to the farms of the To provide for the Te thahment of suitable demonstration farms through out Ontario; to promoigUntaria's ap. q fier raf i . wy establishing demonstration orchards, and to advertise widely the important and growing apple industry bv holding an annual provincial ap ple show. ~* To sgooure the building of a system throughout of provincial bonds or Asst ante on good by by Ontario an adequate scale, traffic and of farm and garden facilitating ck delivery insu province a sufficient number of provincial inspectors , with authority stamp ont the evils arising from noxious weeds, insect peste and dis eases of orchard trees, To Cruelph legte useful by enlarging sphere of experimental work, ly in stock-breeding. Taxation. appoint to make more ins especial Social justice demands the removal of exigiing ineqgualitios in taxation, and we propose the amendment of the assessment n¢f to permit munieipali- ties to exempt improvements from tax ation either in whole or in part. To provide that the proporty of rail w and other public utility corpora tions shall contribute to the révenues of municipalities and of the province on a busis of assessment and taxation in every réspect equal to the nent and taxation of "the property of private citizens. © Social Betterment. The betterment of the social and in dustrial condition of the masses of the people shall be one of our supreme concerns. The evils of intemperance constitute | a grave social perial. During the one suing parliamentary term we will con sider the best form of legislation to deal effectively with these evils, and the electors will have an opportunity of passing upon our proposals at the following genergl election. We will. immediately abolish three-fifths vote in local option tests and substitute a simple major iy. During the continuance of the Ii cense system we will secure' the remov- al of its administration from political influence. We promise the passage of a mbas- ure to provide for compensation of workmen injured in our industsies, and to their dependents, where such injurs jes result in death; modelled after the recent legislatton iu Great Britainsud to_insure in all cases the payment of of such compensation. Special investigetion and supervises ion by the province of matters affect ing the health and well-being of in dustrial workers and communities, en- couragement of town» planning and the prevention of the growth of con gested areas; the suppression of teber culosis and the avoidance of occupa tional diseases, : AKHERN the con- Edueation. receive an education to fit them 'for citizenship, a more progressiv: adequate educational policy is urgent- ly needed. We propose:-- To promote a more co-operative re lation between the primary schools, the high schools and thé npiversities; |) more liberal grants in aid of primary education; - the promotion of indus trial training. and technical instruction in urbal and rural communities; the restoration of model schools, with a view to increase the supply and effic- ieney of teachers, To provide through adequate train- ing schools a sufficient supply of com- petent teachers, and thas insure un- iy every school in the provites shall receive a thorough Fnghih education. Public Ownership: We belive in and will sup- port the public ownership and opera- tions of public utilition and especially the utilization of waterpowers throughout the provinee for the gen eration and distribution of electricity; slso the aequisition and operation of telephone lines. (A scientific poliey of forestry, in 4 {Continued on Page 2.) Agricultural Col . u i pou 7 from Quebec on .Wednese If the vouth of this province die to] m Wednesday, and | der proper regulations that the pupils | LAST EDITION - vi WEATHER Taronto, PROBABILITIES, Nov, 7th, 18 am.- tawa Valley and Upper Bt. Eawren: Soulh-west and West gatos; show ary Wednesday S north-west winds and be. coming colder On Ot « 2000 O00 0O0O0VCOIOOTOOD ; CLEVER CLOTHES : SMART DRESSERS ~~ thetic dish hot . The wonllefful growth of this business as a store selling only high-grade clothes is phenomenal, ahd 1s "only due Quality, Style and Value People appreciate © It, avant it, and like it, You will see $i viug examples in our + Great Display of Smart Garments FOR WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. Everything that is new for Ladies' Wear is hore WINTER COATS, SEPARATE SKIRTS, PETTICOATS, SWEATER COATS CLOTH DRESSES, AFTERNOON GOW NS, EVENING GOWNS, DRESSING GOWNS, ETC, QO0O00OTOLC FOO O00 VOC OVPUOOOOO0V00 OOOO 00000 DOCOOCOCOOOCOOTO CHOOT OT000 OOOO OOOO K IMONOS, LD seg i Stylish Garments for Misses, COATS, SWEATERS, DRESSES, KNITTED COATS, Ete, HOD OOOO I COTBOT00 HPO COCOOCOVOOO O00 0000¢ a UE FOR THE LITTLE TOTS, Pretty Little Coats of Velvot Corduroy, Silk Velvet, Bear- / skin and Woolen Fabrics. SWEATER COATS, SWEAT. ERS, KNITTED HATS, TOQUES, MITTS, ETC. See our Window Displays, They might help you to decide. * 19 £ OOOO 0C0O0 ---- STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. y 00000000 OOOO OCOOVOTO0C OC COOOO0VOI000OVVOONVOVOOV ROBERT 3. REI The Leadiug Undertaker. {Phone n77. 280 Princess Bree: JAMES REID noes BRE buinnce, 1 The Od Firm 24 sd 206 Vane in for A ¥ oR STUDENTS, kinds of Rookeases A: Writing Desks, Bludy Tab Chairs, ecial rices "Phone 708, 5p Lj All shelves and Fusy Turk's Rowntree's Chocolates New Fall Importation has just: arrived. Jas. Redden 8: Co ~ P.8.~ New Table Raisins. Mgr. Stagui Preparing. A despatch from Ottawa says: Mgr, Stagni, apostolic delegate, gets back when ar« irangements will be made for his and Youths ecclesinst icy gong te Kingaton , to eonfiecrate Rev, Father Spratt, as archbishop : op ------_ "At Pembroke, Ont., Mrs. Sarah Bu. chanan was committed. for trial, charged with "dttempting ta poison David Mordey by doserting strychnine in a Banana which she gale him when he visited héir house on ler invitation on Oct. 20th, 1 Despatches from lakes Huron, Fiie land Ontario ports tell of terrific wind storms on Monday night and Tues day morning, making havoe smong shipping. I{ is sot thought that aby oraft went down in the open lakes. Prominent Toronto liberals think ithe liberal platform should have con- { tained reference to the bi-lingual ques- { tion, and -a more definite pronounce «4 ament on temperance legislation looks ing to the abolition of the bar. | Me. Cole 'will not use lnsitern slides at his evangelistic sseviees at !'nion street Baptist church as was slated lin yesterday's paragraph. On Sane {days evening the chureh was crowded, ivery night the attendance is good, g Hon. Clifford Siftou, is proposed for tthe sepate to succeed the late Hom, John 'Carling :