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RB. #pecial agent, Ki of to sachieve | will not a canker help a cating out before ths of fall 'the sug Herpicide _daatroya ;hair is the the indi¥dual must move with it A Floor For oymg Hard, Smooth, Hand- some: and Durable. » 'We have this floorin in MAPLE, BIRC " ; and OAK, end matched, § bored, bundled and polished. Cor. Ba & Wellin n. Phone 86. gts noth Counts in all life's affairs. Strength comes of purée blood;--good blood comes . when stomach, liver, kidneys ani bowels are kept in proper condition by a little care and 'BEECHAM'S PILLS In boxes 28¢, G60. MULLER & SON t Cleaptni, Laying and Sewing olicloth Bicycles Repaire): Cleaned and i ered for winter, "uw 'Phone 1032. BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 GREAT SALE Large -Stock of New and Secoial-hand nit ure. Prices very low J mn SUGARMAN, 242 Outarie Street. FONG SING . Taundry hds removed A 383 Princess Tireet, nest to First-cl nary Work guaranteed uss stylish, 4the Niagara power, thanks ![servative. press. | mentary pointer to our people to get busy. 16-2 the commission wor have to do THE WHIG, SEVENTYEIGHTH YEAR | DAILY BRITISH WHIG, publighed at 306-310 King Street. Kings ton. tario, ®t $6.per year. Edi bat 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. 'EEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 1 pages, published in parts on Mon- day and Thursday morning at $1 ayer. To United Stated Eharge for postage had: to be added, making pice of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1. 50° per year. "Attached 1s one of" the best Job Printing Offices In Catala; rapid, and cheap 'work: nine improved presses. THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING C0, LIMITED J. G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Quéen City Chambers, 32 Church ' Street, - Toronto, H. B. Smaliplece, J.P., representat ve. TALK ABOUT THE NAVY. at the ex- without any rost to Canada outside of the original investment, The maintenance of the navy, or khat pfri of it built by Canada, on its would be an item of expense which Canada has no right 'to transfer to the mother coun- try. ) The Monten Stay Mr he broke away Mr. Borden was significently silent Halifax, when among kis friends, and with regard to the navy. the" feature of the election, the that had most to do with the result in Quebec, and because Mr. in his second manifesto, indication that wards tha 1 views, " But Nr." Borden was silent--and hé may have desired an opportunity for a further consideration of the cass with his government--the papers 'that supported him the been quite discursive. lish money, in FEngland, at and pense of Canada, It was issue Borden, order, gave some he was leaning nationalists tor and their the Borden projected when from the plan of And agreed upon, th commons. - It, Ihe Journal ad- navy, " deheme is one which a Canadian navy, unsnimousiy, by is election have The Montreal Star revives the iden of giving; the admiralty a = prekent of Preadnoughts or two a year at ten millions each--and of borrowing the money in in not. ms scheme now. vorates a Canadian Canada, with built in Canadian money, which will be available when the heavy penditures on the Grand Pa 'maintained ex- One Trunk cific are at an end, and to be by Canada. This is practically the the Fogland and havi ing the ships built there. I'he this proposal, scheme of Journal disapproves of It does sense in building Sarat Miawa Laurier and the scheme which appeals to the patriot- ism of the government, pol sée any with Ene | average Canadian. ME ROWELL AND REFORM SR Sa ~~ x ror i Mr. Rowell, the leader of the op- |The tonne laws are susceptible The three-fifth clause must | Whitney says no, but he shall discover, sooner or Inter, of! position in Ontario, has issued an ad- | revision, of the { 39- Sir Pay progressive dress. which" embodies most James for which the liberal stands. It is a distinctly potiey; and tts meaning will te made | the more apparent as he is able elucidate it from time to time. What i# more, it will be added to as camstances demand. The policy of no man and no party can he fixel. 'The world moves, things ion upon this point. are gradually disappearing; but they | would go the faster if the majority tuled in this as in other matters, The public ownership of telephones is demanded, and the people will ap prove of this. There inde- | pendentlines in Ontario. They mean a great convenience to the people. Whi should the System it as the times rejuire ? Manitoba, Alberta . and Saskatchewan have their telephone lines, under provincial jurisdiction, Why should Oatario lag * behind this ¥espect ? Still more, why should the power question be one for the municipalitics to push and: develop ? Why should a great prov inte, possessing miny. valuable wat ers, some of them under jp al control, be handicapped by the inertia of any municipality ? I'he long * since undertook to give the people power as "cheap as air," and he would not have given them power at any price if left to himself. Mr. Bock has heen bringing: eredit to the government through a commission, and some conservative Papers fear that there will be a change for the worse if ihe commission be abolished and its business transferred over to a power department. What the province wants, what jt must have, and what it will 2ét from [| the liberals, under' Mr. Rowell, is a conservation of the natural resources, cheap power in évery direction, way expansion 'in New Ontario, roads, eoduca¥on, agricultural and technical, for the benefit of the boys on the farm and in the shop, better laws and a better enforegment of them, a civil service that will be ellicient and ree from political erup- tions, and mining laws that the puhy- lic can Gnderstand and respect: Some of the confervative papers say that Mr. Rowell simply endorses vome things that Sir James, Whitney mises. And a great deal more. Rowell advocates some things Sir James Whitney refuses the peo. ple. Our leader is willing to. take advanced ground and give the peo- ple, at any time and 'in any way, the legislation which they demand, and sooner 'or later be will be in a DORi- tion to fully. gratify them. to are many and The Whitney government has done some good things, MH has improvel the liquor license law, it' has entered | upon and made some progress in pri | son reform, it has ended the book monopoly ™ and given the ~ people cheaper school books, it has developed to the energy and persuasion : Hon. 'A. Beek, and it has extended the railway which the Ross govern nent §ommenced, against strong op Position, and so opened up part of New Ontario, the richest part of this rich province. But thére are many things the Whii- ney government has not. done, for some of its! neglect it is sirarply called to account the province now and extend own persistent af and premier aid Iveing by the con Now Ontario must be further de veloped. Its splendid clay lands mus be accessible to settlers. Its mining, [interests must be protected. which cannot The peo © le, in many ways, he detailed lere, demand an attention the have not received, and an atten tion of which tijire is very little hope from the government. half -- there * has been practically In six and un rail ncthingl done for New Ontario, and it is proposed now that a commission shall. be appointed to investiggte and report. A po¥ey of Re delay, of inaction. Mr. Rowell promises that: the party that he leads will change ait-this; and he is a man whe ean be trusted. What else does he propose ? He will amend the assessment law, and give the 'municipalities which desire it the opportunity to tax land and not the improvements upon it." Sir James {| Whitney "has denied them this. Mi Bowell will revive and reform the education department, "which is now in the hands of an incompetent minis ter. How the premier ean tolerate the Pyne role, ~ which is not satisfying to any one, is hard to conceive. The de partrunt dearly wants a shaking up. A good pro- Mr, that EDITO! Match Sic James Whitney and see if he does nt iwsue a setond or supple address before the election. Things have been moving rapidly since 'Mr. Rowell became. the leader of the lilmeal_party in Ontario. Lindsay has an -industrial count, | NOTES. who were telling us that the founders of the republic had, by thet handi- work, been doing wonders 'for the 'world. The conservatives of Ottawa arel lle: Hermined to farce Sir James Whit ithe hospital ward in detained. = that was nol ordered by tor. that he does-as 1 "Fxpress-public opm | The liquor evilgl i in} must be disappointed, especially those | TRAVERS NOT LIVING Lix ANY LU XURY RY IN TORONTO. © Governor Fw Says Gets No Whiskey That Was Not! Ordered by the Jafi Doctor. Toronto, Nov. 8.-"W. Travets is a dominion government prisumis, 'and his detention at Toronto jail R R. Jat the request of the #oronto defee- | itive denartment and in the ---- of | justice," He will be (criminal assizes, when the { Bank cases come to trial there sh : Jy. There is just enough truth in t {story to make the newspaperman with | the needed outlook relish it. Thus spoke Rev.' Dr. A. B, 8, governor of Torouto jail, iferring : to. an wrticle int a 'paper, stating * that W gets special favors, Fat at Toronto jail. news to the general publie that Travers it at Toronto jail. was generally' thought that he was at! the provincial penitentiary. According to a discharged prisoner, when Travers gets up in the morn ing be can look out of either of five windows which he has in his cell, "while other prisoners are glad to a. glimpse of the sun through one small window. All other prisoners must make their own beds and clean gut their cells. Not so with His "servant," us he calls him, maké Teavers' bed, make him Oe aifartable, while Travers smokes a good cigar and jokes about hs imprisonment Then he has drink of whiskey. 1 apy other pris oner in any whiskey he would be and the man who would be taken into custody Governor Chambers denied extrava gance and distribution of tips prisoner spoken of, according to t hambers, wa# snnply R. it will be to must punished severely gave it to in charge of which Travers is got no the jail does Travers THE WHIG' P'S PUZZLE. Can You Guess Wik hat the Repr esents? What kind of jelly? The answer to Monday's was Gertrude. PUBLIC OPINION Another Warning. Peterboro Examiner . A man in San Francisco has died from excessive smoking at the age of 100 years, Please -write plainly. puzzle Railway Travelling in India. Toronto Globe Three miles for a cent is about the rate of fare on a government railway in India. Still ther? is a large propor- tion forced to walk on account of the cost of riding. ) i The Ideal Referendum. Toronto Telegram The sort 'of referendum that Canad- ians expect at the hands of Hon. R. I. Borden, is a chance to vote for the abolition of Bourassa, Monk & as well as the demolition of the new Canadian navy. ' Ministry No Attraction. Montreal Herald Bishop Farthing suggests that Can- adian fathers should encourage their cation. Excellent advice; but at father should make qiite sure first that he is never likely to be depend- old age. Mr.. White e Too Fist. Montreal Gazette Mr. White, the new minister of fin- ance, 48 quoted as saying that he fav- ors government ownership. le may study closely the record of the thter- colonial, on which more has to be spent every year than it earns, or of the Prince Edward Island railway, which eats up £1.25 in running' ex- peuses to meet $1.00 in revéhue. can be ventfired thai with his train- ing this is not the kind of thing he | likes, BR. SOPER and an industrial commission has been appointed. 'Cheap power has been secured, and large sums have been sub: scribed 16 develop a boom. Another nev's hand on tax reform. Roth can: didates. of the party are pledged to it, and must vote for tax retorm sent to the legislature. Will Premier surrender ? Some people do not ike the ea of electing judges. 'They represent the political parties. Yes. But do. not Judiges; when appointed by the , gov. ernment, represent political portion Are not the men elevated to the bench usually the most active solitie ian 24 Sg: "that after all thers is difference "between the i Kasadinn ometicnn;. Fhe Toronto World wants the Hy dro-Eleettic . Commission retained un- der Hon. Mr. Beck, while he may be rade minister of power. But there is to be a power department, and would EWA he aime Slings ? So the Rritish sowetitution is la be ot him | Dy. | Picture | {'o.,' sons to look to the ministry Jas a vo! the | present scale of clerical salaries, .the ax THE Jam! Travers! a withess in the | Farmers' Cham- | re- | Hamilton | Travers! and was living in| kvow ! Jt! get | ravers. | | clean his cell and | | al | nil wore found dh nking! | i | The | i | whis key | | | t ent on his son for his support in his | rar pany whe, _wEDYESHAY. urns 1011. Fine Shoes For Men $4.00, and $5.00 BIBBYS"™* = Fine Shoes For. Men # 00 and $s. 00 HEAR-TO-TOE OU TFITTE BS FOR MEN AND BOYS. | | i | | -~ Bibby' s $15 Suits are Dandies. The Suits are Tailored perfectly from Choice Fabrics Durable Linings and other trimming. All the late Models, all the correct fabrics, all the points of good tailoring embodied in our splendid FIFTEEN DOLLAR SUITS. New Tweeds New Fancy Worsteds It would be difficult for an our Fifteen Dollar Suits A THE BEST $15. 00 SUITS' OVERCOATS Ever offered at the Price New Serges man, not an expert, to distinguish Yom their $18 and $20 associates. Bib AE . TA TL the ¢ Sassy fabrics THE SENATOR, Scotch Cheviots, %15.00, In conser CHAMBERLAIN, Rlack 1813.00, All our Outfittin buy here. THE Blue and Beaver, worked to the limit. hy's $15 Qvercoats : ree Men's Smart Overcoats, showing the snappy kinks in tailoring. and g has a pedigree and there's not a clothes risk when you A young man that wants "shoe smartness" can satisfy all his whims here. We're showing the swell things-- See Our Special $4.00, 20th Century Shoes. wi a Resmi --g- THE: BALMORA) Herring Bone Pat In Seotech Tweods, £13.00, THE GORDON. New Fancy Tweed Effects, £13.00, MEN'S OVERCOATS, dignified garments ern vative of ¢lij THE CHESTERFIELD, Black and Grey Cheviots, £135.00, ° styles, aractei THE Dark Dark Grey ARLINGTON, Wales Cord and Black Vicunas, ae ey Grey B13 Shoes with all the new Fall Style Kinks Agents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men Agents for Penman's Undowear and SweaterCoats BIBBYS Le 78 80-82 PRINCESS. Subscriptions For Canadian Locomotive Co., 1: 6 Per Cent. Bonds In Denominations of $100. $300, $1000. Price --Par and Interest Apply To J. 0. HUTTON, It | | patriotic and imperial sentiment Herc in naval respects, a greater disposi- | "ed because ihe restanrant had po ice 18 Market8t., Kingston. Putting Some Direct Questions. {Ottawa Jgurnal A Canadian navy means Canadian {money spent in Canada. Is the Mont- real Star opposed to that? A Canadian navy means the estab j lishment of ship-building works and {docks in Canadian cities. Is the Moni- real Siar opposed to. that? i A Canadian navy means a great ad dition of skilled workmen to the Can- adian people. Does the Montreal Star dislike that much? A Canadian navy means an addi- ition to and development of the na tional education of this country. Is the Montreal Star against that? A Canadian navy mesns a stronger { i tion on the part of Canpdians to en ter maval service, whether as officers OF as seamen. Sink that deplorable? On a bel, Lagi Longons, of Spring "held, Mass, ate WN doughnuts and drank fourteen, cups "of coffee. He "came back' the next night, eating twenty egy sandwiches, and complain- cream. i At roy. XY. {thing™ Neleon, former { champion of the world, and Frank f Laughrer. of Philadelphia, fought ten Mondity night, "Bat- Does the Moniveal Star | Hghtweaight | i slaslling rounds to a draw. The two Shown rs Aad toe 10 toe and exchanged, growed, fivither giving LEOOIS THERE'S A LOT OF GOOD SOUND REASONS Why You Should Come Here For Your Shoes. Our prices are excen- tionally low. Our siyles exemplify the very latest Style tendencies. eS anen). oY Le oe : J 2 PILAR RR SIPEG SOE reve LOO " OE Our qualities are thoro: ! ughly dependable that good service and satisfuc- tion are assured. We know positively what should be in a shoe ~at a given price and insist 'on having it. We can't afford to fool you, for when we do so, we fool ourselves. © Gur Shoe Propasition is Well Worth Looking Into Now. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" : eee 00 3:, Ee ws Lee o@ Eee. vee Sa wl SECRET USE. RAWF ORDS i SW el iden