-- TERRIBLE HEADACHES | Trenton Morehant Driven To Despair By The Pz, "FRUAT-ATIVES" CURED HIM Trzrvton, Ont, Jaw. sgth, 1909. "1 was a dresaiul enlferer for many "| years from Btowiach and Liver Troable ~but my grealest suffering was from - violent headaches, They were so dis- tressing that I slmost had to give up my business, I weut to Toronto, consulted specialists and wore glasses, but nothing did we any good and the - headaches became intolerable, 1 was then induced to. try *"Pruit.a- tives" snd from the beginning, I was 1 better; and in a short time I was quite well agnin--n0 more headaches--and threw niy glasses away. "Fruita-tives' not only cured my headaches, but completely cured me of all ifidigestion, aml restored me to perfect health again." W. J. MeCOMB, "Fruit-a-tives" jis the greatest cure : for headaches ip the world and is the ied, ly medicine made of fruit juices. . "'Pruita-tives" will always cure Head- aches, Indigestion and all Stomach and sree Powel Tronbles. soc. box, 6 for $2.50, © + of trial size, 25c. At all dealers or from Fruoit-a-li PERFECTION COCOA Is good for Growing Girls and Boys--and they like it. It nourishes their® lide bodies and makes them heakhy and strong Cowan's Coco, as you get {rom your grocer, is absolutely pure. lis delicious favor is obtained by the use of the bighest @ade of 'Cocon beans, skilfully blended. Nothing is added to impair the health. building properties of the Cocoa. Do You Use SCALES OF THE sv HERRING BONE BRICKWORK, Ihe Seales Tell the Age of the Eel How the Scales Are Formed. In thé ordinary' acpeptation of the ferm the eel is a sealeless fish. Bot | it is due to the fact that its scales are very minute and imbedded in the skin. They form, as polated out by a cor its age. On each may be observed at intervals scveral more or less clearly Marked lines parallel to the margin. These mark lunes of growth, one for each year of the life of the-fish, Three yeirss-nowever, must be allowed for the innermost ring, as the eel has no scales until the third year. The sciles do not overlap to $0y extent and are arranged in series of small groups at right angles to each other, so as to resemble what is known as herring bone brickwork. Conger eels, how- ever, are said to have no seales'~Lon- don Fleld \ BALKED THE BURGLAR. It May or May Not Have Been a Lew Down Game, but It Won. The man with his coat collar turned Op and his derby pitched down over his eyes who was slouching along in the shadow of the building suddenly beckoned to the man on the other side of the street. "Here's an easy one, Pete," he growled hoarsely. "Where's an easy one?" snarled Pete, "This here house. It's Hke taking gum from a stenographer that's fixin' her hair. . Some chump has gone away ° an' left his latch key in this door" Pete ook a swift look at the house and began to back up. "You can go to it," he said. "I don't want to butt in on 1" "Are youse nutty 7" i "Naw, I ain't nutty. But de' feller Wok lives dere is a Tow down sneak widGut no feelin' fer nobody, an' L don't want nothin' ter do with 'im. No, I don't know blm, but I'm next ter his game. lv sticks that key in dere to ketch suckers like yon. Dére's & wire on dat key an' a million volt battery attached to dat wire. 1 wouldn't touch It if yer'd gimme de First National bank. But go abead-Pll be acrost de Street watchin'. wot - happens." puting happened.--Cleveland: Plain Ancient Inkstands. An fnkstand that was probably in use 3.400 years ago Is exhibited in a Berlin museum. It is of Egyptian make and is to belong to the eighteenth or dynasty, or somewhere about 1800 B. C., although its real age can be judged proximately. It is made of and one for red ink, and a lower one | for holding reed pens. The black and | red tok are certainties, for some still | reinains, in a dry condition, within the receptacles. . 'Another ancient Inkstand Is supposed 'to have been intended for '| the use of u_ schoolboy. It would cer. tainly hold ink enough for a sehool- boy's needs, for it has no fewer than' four ink holes. Both fulksfands were found at Whebes.~London Globe. Eased His Conscience, ' Dean Buckland when at Westmin- ster used to vell & curious story of a brown paper parcel which he. re- ceived one day by post. mony wrappings had been unfolded he found a small black splinter of oak abowt an inch and a half long. The writer of the unsigned note accompanying the parcel nald that when he was a boy, many years before, hie bad chipped the splinter off the coronation: chair. 'As age advanced VERY MINUTE AND RESEMBLE| 1 Sick Headaches are not caused by anything wrong in the head, but by constipation, bilious- ness and indigestion. Headache 'powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cue them. Dr. Morse's Indian Haat Pills do cure sick head- ache in the sensible way by removin, the constipation or sic oy = which taused them. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are purely. vege- table, free from asy harmful drug, - safe and sure. When you feel the headache coming take Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills DISTRICT DASHES. * r-- News Clipped From Our Many Ix- changes. John J. MeMahon! of Repfrew, while feeding his pigs, 'on Thursday. mory ing, had one of his fingers bitten of . 'he death occurred, on Monda, morning, at Oak Leal, of Geoigy God kin, ove of the oldest and best known farmers of that district. Mr. Godkin spent his whole life there. J. Rtott, of Renfrew, received » dispatch from Reno, Nevada, last week, savicg that his son, Charles had met wish a serious accident there, having becu van over by a train, both of his legs being ampdtated be low the. knees, -Rohert of Yonge, has disposell of his heauti ful river point to William Gilbert; « large manufacturer, of Cincinnati, Ohio, the consideration. being $1,000, This is one of the beauty spots ol the St. Lawrence, /and is situated within four miles of Mallorvtown, Mr. Gilbert is a Leeds county boy who has made good in the United States. H was born at Seeliy's Bay. "Dr. Miles' Nervine Completely : Cured Our Little Boy of Fits." A family can suffer no greater afiliction than to have a child sub: ject to fits or epilepsy. Many a father or mother would give their "all to restore such a child to health. "1 am heartily glad.te tell you of our little boy who was completely sud of fits. He commenced h ing them at 10 years of age and had them or four years. 1 tried three doctors and one specialist but al} of them said he could not be cured, but Dr. Miles' Restorative Neryine and Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills made a comptete cure. He is now hale, bearty and gay. It has been {hree years singe he had the just spell. 1 shall give Dr. Miles' medicines aise wherever [ go. You age at Nberty tos ise this letter as Jopdce . fit avons writing to me I will ladly fwet if they enclose stamp or reply." ' fF WW BOGUE, Windfall, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine is just' what if is represented to be, a medicine compounded especially for nervous diseases, such as fits, spasms, St. Vitus' dance, convul- sions and epilepsy. These diseases frequently lead to insanity or cause weak ninds,, Dr. Miles' Neryine has proven nrost éffoctive in reliev- ing these dreaded maladies, =. Sold hyatt'd aX bottle brid fl any oh i MILES MEDICAL 00. Torofo. Son. © abs VL 3 | i Sat rr ee # iF " Carriage Painting s SOME CLASS TO OURS, This. is the place to Lave your ® J * % i, weat ler, EJ. DUMPHY lo tnt Montrénl ana Ordnance Sts. <r smb ation Dr. dé Van's Female Pilk eng Sulators aster lafle, 1 hea Be ave y iors of the : Fras > female system. Kelus all cheap imitations J le 3 's are meld at wel Boll Druk Co. Bt, Catharine ont For salé at Muhood's Drug Store. Insist on Keating's I nist ori' getting the enuine "Keating's Sold by all. e-" 'Adivies. \ "Now that you've heard my dangh- lox sini, what Would you advise me to, ¥ TEEIT, in tins only: 10¢., 18¢., 20c., ¢ ! factorily Benefit You. Pp ing nS a" adamising physicians: making a 12 fi Hed 28 Brown, Riverside, townshij | "ialatire, Auto repaired to stand all kinds oi!) I here ." Madé in Eng. 3 and known around the world as the only sta nd otherwise harmless ax. C0 Nain 2 that kill LTA , Reve hal iis & oy deadly druggists., | an 28. This Medicine" Does Nop Satis. NEWBURGH Are Looking Out for Suitable Head- ers. - Nov. 6----The cng work gang is pow within the village jand Faldwin street is under excava: ition. 'Many of the houses thereon are 'being removed. W., B. Denn has the {cellar and wall prepared 'for the re- move! of the Sagar building. Tne | Thanksgiving comeert, under the aus- | pices of the Fpweorth League, proved ia decided sunecess, the proceeds | amounting' to nearly $75. Communion wad dispensed. at the morning service in the Methodist church on Sunday last, : 'The report that the Boy Scouts were sleeping has evidently awakened them and they have at last gotten down to real business. They can now boast of three patrols, and expect to be in setive serviée by Saturday next. They are un the lookout for suitable headquarters and any donations to- wards ils equipment would 'be most graciously received. This seems to be the moving time. Any day might be seen the "house up- side down" passing through the vil- » Newburgh, age. 2 | W. B. Forbes, science teacher of the {high schol staff, left, on November Ist, to enter into similar duties in Oakville. Wi¥ vacancy has been ably filled by Miss F. OG. McReracher, of i Dutton, Ont, 1 | Perry Wood and wife spent a Week with his mother und have returned to Buffalo. Mies 1. Husband spent Thanksgiving at Bath. Mrs. Kelly and" son, San es, spent their holiday at Tamworth. Miss Forsythe, of Wil | ton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. finndier. Mrs. Haines is spending a short time in Kingston. Mrs. Con way spent a few days at Point Anne Hast week, , i f © PITH OF THE NEWS. peti X [The Very Latest Called From Al | Over the World I The. Ontario government's delay is | appointing 'a board of examingrs may Linterrupt sembalmers' business. I is charged that the White Pass | nnd Yukon raileonl has been main | thining gu secrel rebate hand | Legisiation will be passed ineorpor- {ating the courmtry known as Temiska- {ming inlo a new judicial district. | The National Labor Unions of Can- tada, ailiated to the Canadinn Feder ation of Labor, are in session in Que- bee. [ un Monday Prescott liberals nom Finated Gustav Evanturel for the Jeg 1 Conservative © nominations were: J. W. Johnson, M.P.P., for | West Hastings, and Duncan McArthur, i V.8., for North Middlesex. | Attended by many Protestant clergy, the remaing' of the late Madame Chini- (quy, widow of the late Father Chini- quy, were inverted! in Mount Royal cemetery, Montreal, on Saturday af- | lernoon. A "4 'At Salt Lake City, John Smith; for {thirty yearn presidmg patriarch of the i Mormon church, and nephew of the Hounder, died of pneumonia on Tues: day morting in his eightieth year. Ie lenves seven widows, I Charles. Shale, of Chieago, on Sun- day night "made & boast that he would not be afraid to "tackle aw armed robber." He had barély spoken the words when two armed thugs en- tered the saloon where Shultz was, he sprang 'upon one of thém "and was shot twice. LEAVE SCHOOL TOO SOON. Half 'of Juveniles Tlo Not Get Enongh + Hdoation. Washington, : Nov. 7.5""One-half of the children ,of the nation are out of school,"" said PB: "P. Elaxton, United States commissioner of education, to- dny. "Oné of the great problems of the age ix tof yet" the boys and girls ii the schools aod keep them there un til they-secure h fair education: "More than four, millions and a quarter children have guit school after | finishing their 'elementary education i who ought to be in the high, school { The pupils in hi .schools represent | less than a fourth of the children who ought to be there. "Another problem we face is the bet- Our high solicol eoursss, most of ali, need revolutionizing." Produce Growers Combine. Bloomfield, Nov. 7.--Miss Mary Jfubbs,--of ueen's ston, spent Thanksgiving at hone. John Rundle, of Toronto, spent a few days here. Webster Taleott and wife spent 'a few days in Toronto last week, William Johnson has seld his re- |sidence to Dr, Cahoon. Mr. Johnson disposed of some of his housebold of fects by public auction, wand is in Tor: onto looking ior a home, where "he and his family 'will soon move. Ben- jamin Leavens is moving to his farm here. RR. CU. Gorsline will move into Dr, Cahoon's residence. H. last week; price 88 cents pér bushel. A great dial of freight is being mov- ed from here. -A widely. circulated petition among urowers of factory produce, binding them not to contract for the season of 1912, under 35 cents for tomatoes g + 810 for sweet corn A ton, Two. Andi, Nov. 7.---Willi J. ty Tiare J . + 70. WILLIAM STREET. ' "Phone 1065. 8 THAT TOBACOO -" pa With the "Rooster" om 4 Crawing stout man--shim! Tiger Brand Usderweat is made in sizes lo fit cvery one of you. Hard though it was to get your size before, Tiger Brand makes it easy for you Touder goes ali en po } ts he pnd Far chew AT A, MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. BOYAL ICE (CREAN PARLOR AND QEICK LUNCH ROOM, All kinds of Lunches: gnd Hot Drinks. " Ice Cream' and all Kinds of Wr and Candies . M, PAFPAS & CO, Ind Princeds Street. ter training of teachers for their work, |. university, King- | Exchange Your Raking Worries for a . Happy Thought" ) It isn't good policy and it's mighty pior economy to struggle alone with an unsatisfactory range, working yourself to death, and w sting good food and high priced fuel, when vou can obtain a ; Pogsess a range that will alwayd give vou ion lis efficiency is based on a stove 4 century Ita 'improvements are glly tested and found io be of real complete « experience of over these that have been tho "1H a range ¥ wade of to tl 8 sud tion 10 lve up to phat ¢ that every tarn «4 out of thei It is always good policy to be thoroughly arth le before buying. = wh nang 5h stoves dn the WOES With you -< We will Le pleased to explaii the app then when you pave ex ied the « we will be ready to do 0 You ana ket mar Mone than a quarter of a milion "Happy daily nse in Canada. Thoughts" are In WINGSTON AGENTS: MCKELVEY & BIRCH ° Fe The wn liam "nek 69-71 BROCK- ST Stove Co. Brantford. Ont. Fihiged, y ia 'Wet Weather Footwear Strong Waterproof Boots is what vou want now, and just what we have to supply your needs. net Sh cut th ts en DIRE NA i eR ir Boots for Men, Women and Children. Coms and let us get a pair on you. You will recognize their value and comfort, EID & CHARLES ad ~"Phone ns for your Lihhers. rs ; 8. Miller | shipped a catload of malting barley GATES, FENCING, ETC, , Manufactured by PARTRIDGE & SONS fron Werks, ans ERODE 380 Crescent Wire an Aine Eiletro Pisting. PELE LLERL LILA EESE $ The American Cafe 185Wellington St Ihe Up-to-date ind ®atlng Fouse. © Separate Pp Appartments Well tornlshed % and Hehted » t3 Try our Full Course Dinner, 'ep 26 ie Restaurant % 3 THOMAS GUY, Prop. : PIPE VIITIIE VIII GV EYEE ADVERTISING Has been knamp to bring people a fot o/ iaitial or Tirst urders for BOM | very inferio and right at this noint is whey I many mant- facturers-or themsel Jou An product goods lealers fool manufacturing which does not ossess sufficient { merit to do at: le half the pulling | for re-ovders i ad of relying up jon the advert do Ht all are | mi good man io 10 goods for na we might modestly. point, * "atways a | Cook With Gas. 'Chezp, Clean, ari Convenient Light, Heat and Power Co. (LQ FOLGER. Gen. Mar { cssesssssaassasasssssssl --------------------------------------------. mart Shoes FOR S Young Women ® ¢ ? ¢ ¢ ' ! ' / ¢ : ' ' : | ' ' t : ! ¢ : 7 Constant, special eare models in ae lecting for Young people hae vrodueed some ox- ceplionally. excollont styles for our displays this season All accepted shapes, In all kind¥ of leathers, offer satisfactory 4 varied and assortment for your selection. The Sawyer Shoe Store AGENTS, ABV LTT AVE TETAS ATT Aes TEEAR BR TEITTBETTRS TUBB TVVACT LTC RRC BREE ECR # PEF : ow a | . Because of the special flue con- struction and betause oven is: wilt of nickel steel, the heat is distributed evenly throughout the Pandora ventilated oven. Just look at a batch of bread baked in your neighbor's Pan- dora. .See how uniformly alike i8 the crust on each 4nd every loaf. Pandora oven is .certainly the or find PET ATLA TASSTTTANB ABER - 4 ' ' ' ' ' ¢ ! ¢ ' ' ¢ ' ' ' ' 4 ' ' » i Dro, Pandora is simple in éonstrue- tion--eagsily f can be made (0 burn np quickly che cked , respond immediately. checked down to hold fire for 24 to 36 hours. is tested for accuracy before range leaves factory, it ible guide to baking success. regulated Fire drafis Can be eanidly - Thermometer Y oull an nfally 13