\ TAGE TEN. WASBALDSIX YEARS So Not MORTAL Thrge Months of the New Scientific | Treatment Toestored His Hair. Buldura © is whith is aused germ and it is hale will grow. agiin, if the follicle | hat not been totally destroved. Nels Peterson, of Lime Spur, Mont, save i "1 hand been bald #ix years, and hae tried all kinds of 'coaves," but wither any benefit whatever, until I. Herpieide. November Thth,- began using Herpivide, and js three! _ponths a fine growih of hair covered 'wy il completely." | Ask your drag gist for Herpicide, NWveryBody can: have laxuriant, glossy haw, ii Herpi- | cide is 'used thoroughly; Take no sub. 'geems to be the conclusion of stitute. x . majority scientints, based on the pd by lending Sroggias, rod {method of investigation, Their facts | NO ups, To aaiaple to Lo dor | reer to w arfant such a copelusion " but do they khow Jar bottles guaranteed. Jas, B. Me Sy i | oroihien ? y Jeod, special agent, Kingston. is rather Surprising, too, ah a dogmatie- stntement GAS FIRES. scientist (1 presume we pay «all this We ve the imitation hard --f (efman professor scientist) at titi | and soft , Coal Flrex, just the 'late date, after forty or filly years thing Yor the parlor or dining lof psychical research, and the op room grate; no trouble; no dust, i i . : bo SMOKe; an cheap ax coal to | posite conclusion reached hy ko | many men of science, both in Fg Let us give you a price I tope and America, it seems to me it piped and set complete. Phone 515. Personal attention, : . iwould be more seewmly for scientists {nowaday 8, who have not investigated ali WwW, OLDFIN & CO, this line of physical resedrch, Ordnnvee Stn. {to take the attifyde of the late Col, igen -------- MEDY.. THERAPION 1 F Ingersoll and say "1 don't know," 5 Os 3 » A with great. success. Cures biood wid to be © hamble in ther 'don't b sores, dischatgesiritherses weakness | know." As the late Principal Grant 8 vi A a Either Soda said a friend once, ¢ W hat wg we Y ork City, or Lyman Bros, Co. Lid. Torodto. | Want ac little more sanctified ag- ndoubt No required, vend wif ardressed envelope | nostician."' book to Dr. Lr Clare Med. Co. Haverstock Kd. The atest that H ad, London, Eng. Try newDragée( Tasteless) E Forms of Thorapion; cary to take DrAeuLT avtelen; long this dine on the the question is from Carriage Painting |i i500 "ie for Vayel ical i SOME CINSS TO OURS. that he has This is. the place "to Lave your |fonversations Auto repaired to stand all kinds of [late Professor weaLher, psychologist E J. DUMPHY talked with it Cor. Montreal anda Ordn LAN EX AMINATION OF | STATEMENT. : | A Professor Claims That. the Souls of Kill the | Men, Women and Children wre cortain that 5) enased by wv a almost dandy nlf, germ, rs. * Kingston, Nov. T.~(To the I notice! & despatch in hig that a certain Cerman' fessor, widressing. the medical al Pliladéphia, Pe. the soul of man is not When a mon divs "he 34 i" no" hereafter for him. 'the order = oi all organized fand man is bo exeeplion. Now, ¥di- the fo stu- f Liban) eninien hisynd Phi tife, this the ory ol to hem from nu @ Or. aleng to is has come to'me =n positive side of James. BR. Hys- American Society Research. He says recently held with the spirit Wiliam James, of Harvard, '1 have several times in the What the spirit said 1 on to divulge." . \ columns," said Prof. Hyslop, "to detail just how | communieated with the dead and to prove that I did so; yet the fact regaaing © that J have now proved that the souls of men and women, ot little children, in fact, who have gone In¥ore, are capable of communicating to us. In gréuter or less degree they are capable of making us know theic presence." He adds: "This is not spivitualism, but spiritism."' He is positive as to his facts and will make his - proofs public in a short time. "I required vears of research * for me to prove conclusively that the soul is niatetial," (will. the Lampman please note that) "and that it lives after the hody hang retusned to dast. That the soul has material wight, wv ever, as some Say: has no claim several of the the last year. not ready "It would require sesessecesssescsssrses TAKE IT AWAY : ¢ That what 2 ® uh on Served nger Ale .- Heep that a 3 Our bottled goods e Me have no superior ample it at any of the lead ® (ng hotels o rtelephone 304 for a : trial case. : Thompson Bottling Co. . a PRINCESS $7, KINGSTON, * aiiesseeianeesss ee Ordinary Catharties: and Pills and Harsh Physic Cause Distressing Complaints. You cannot be over-careful in the selection of medicing for children. Only, the very gentlest bowel medicine should ever ne ven, éxcept in emer gency cases. inary pills, cathartics antf a are apt to do move hati' than good, The way = cause gri nausea and other distressing af wots that are frequently health destroying. Wa personally recommend and antes Rexall Orderlies as the antl most dependable 'remedy, which we. know, for constipation and asso ciate bowel disorders. We have such un te faith in the virtues of = this vemedy- that we sell it on our guaran ted of money hack in every instance, where it fails to give entire satisfac: tion, and we urge all in need oi such w ine to try it at our risk, exall Orderlies are emten just dandy, are particularly prompt and ble in action, may be taken at ime, day or night; do not enuse didrrhoea, wausen, griping, oxcedsive foosonese, or other undesirable effects. 'hey have a very mild but positive notion upon the organs with = whieli they dome ig eontact, apparently acts ing As a regulative tonic upon the rebel muscular coat of the bowel, tha "gvercoming weakness and aiding to madtore the howels to more Vigor: ous and healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies commonly eomplote: Iv relieve constipation, except, © course, whe of a smrgical character. They also tend to overcome the ne censity of constantly taking laxatives 10 k the bowels iu normal condi tion. Free gives of packages, 10 cents, 25 cents and 30 cents. Remem- her, you can obtain Rexall Remedies TiN on only at our store] Rexall store, ti. W. Mahood. Jou sy Belfast English Ginger not bear our for tamily Sosncnsacanepeses to reason in other words, 1 presume, the soul might be material substance, not sub- ject to graviation as we know it at the surface of the earth anyway. professor snus the time by millions souls freed irom this S.P.P. earthly casing." SAYS HE Is A BONAPARTE. a Asserts He Is Grandson of Napoleon, Phy tadelphia, Pa. Nov. 1. death's door without: money or rela tives able to care for him, Andreas Johann Leib, seventy-nine vears old, deetired to-day he was a grandson of Nupoleon Bonaparte. He said the couple who took his father in charge when he was a baby had made an oath never to reveal the identity of the father. Mr. Leib gnid Dying Man guns safest Lying at like trina, and the son was named Johanh Daniel Bonaparte. Mr. Leib, who is a consumptive, had heen living alone in a dingy roomé in a rickety dwelling at No, 713: North Fourth street, whence he was taken to the Phitadelphin hospital. He said he was born in Wertheim, Germany, September 30th, 1832, and came © to America in 1861. He enlisted in the Union ranks in the 'civil war and served four years. His father, he said, was born in 1799 or 1800 and hidden away and later adopted by a family named Leib in Germany." Spending $175,000 for Water. Ogdemshprg, NY, Nov..9-The city's new filtration plant, being con- strugied at a cost. of §1TB.000, is rapidly nearing completion. Yester- day water. was ®t into several of the finished filter beds to test their con: struction. The plant is laid Quit of sisty-acre plot of land in the western part of the city. Four underground filter beds of con- crete ave capable of purifying 3.500 G0 gallons of 'water a day. The 'wa- ter is pumped from the St. Lawrence at a point above the city, free from the confamination of the city sewer- age. The purified water passes from the plant to the city waterworks, a distance of a quarter of a mile, where it is distributed through - the - city mains, . - mcr mel Red Stone of Fine, Texture, Clayton, N.X.; Nov. 9.---~Among the many industries of an granite cutting is quite prominent and is made ore #0 by the development at Picton Tsland, owned by CC. G. Emory, of the immense quantities of granite on the island. The demand for: ved granite bus steadily increwsed from year to year, until now where ave very Tew sections of the country where it {is not employed either as a monu- mental or 'building stone, "To Vote on Local Option. A "hesterville, {nt Nov, §.-X Trichy signed petition, asking - a vote on oval option jn this municipality was filed with the clerk on November 1st. The vote is now assured. vithin three ohnson, a negro rand at a arn, house and abn her r mother into in Capable of Communicating With | all the facts in the | the mother was: Maria Louisa of Aus i a duel J statements made | i Alexandre, iM | I | tune, } The milya, Teld in connection "We are surrounded all jdeath of and billions of YROm poison, {guage {your stomach, vou can make A ------ THEY VorauT A DUEL, and Malherbe Fach Other. Paris, Nov, 9.--Charles Lebargey, of the Comedic Francaise, former his: band of Mine, Simone, whe is | now playing in the United and M. Ma herbie, a oar ey, a duet Poth men were wounded. " Sone, the M. Tebar both of the the point fghking or statements witrilmited them by interviewers. A week court of hotor deciied that was Untecessal on the the reports. had inisrepresetitig bv the act sovpirel metres this morning, Malherbe, fought five hauts LL enarges wile Ie hand, Lebargey foight and M 1 onedie ago Fey citise, Were on ol io ago the! The when one of. with hat rey on the : BROKE FATHER'S § LE. Plwintit! Establishes Full Title to a Farm. 4 Albro The Picton, Nov N. Swague, | | Lampman® Fran- | duel |odist church, ground that {aot the passport to heaven.' the Jourpaiists, | Christian Tapers with { God," Malberbe was pricked three of the widow who gave Elijah Wig ser atched | 1; | woman who cast wana NO AY 10 HEAVEN [scram HY. THE WAY OF THE CROSS. Rev. F: G, Robinson Replies to "The on the Question "Faith sud Goed Works." SRingston, Nov. 8--(To the Editor) { About Lwo weeks ago I was reported to have said in Princess street Meth "That good works were lu my {discourse | was speaking "the | achievements of good men and wom- on," and said, 'thet even. the poorest couid do some work for and illustrated it by the Ste er the of handful of ete, "and mites nto io | treasury." Jesus said, "She had giv. len more thas all the rest," and then followed the words for which the dp {town preacher is called 10 'account, "1 should not like to give anyone to understand that good works will get meal, two 181 of Trenton, succeeded in breaking" the-them into the kingdom of Heaven, fot will of his father; the Sprague, in the case heard before Jus- tice lute. at the assizes' heve, Deceas- ed died in 1907, leaving his estate between his danghter, Mrs. Richard nike, of Toronto, sad. Ih Jumes Sprague, of Perth, Its value was SH NT5.93. Alo was Yillew the life} tenure of a farm on Big Isla 'worth F3,450, and $500, Athro suceesded' ing establishing that this faru had been | given him before his father's death. Py brinking the will Albro forfeited: $500 from the estate, but he fall titie to the farm. won a ARTHUR M "REAUPRE, 2 United States Minigter fo Cha. BELIEVES ». AL GHTE R INNOC ENT. Family Visit Woman Charged w ith Several Murders. Nov, 9--Mrs, New Louise Ver- with the Arthur Bissonetts has in her father, fJokin venrs old, her staunch defender. Fhe aged father, company 'with three davghters and a on; visited the bedside of the accus ed woman yesterday "Louise could not have dene a thing," he sobbed, he sisted from the room his children. The family giihering under the circumstances witnessed the meeting said nothing but cheerfulness time of depurture came. Mrs. Vermilya's sisters offered words of cheer and all asserted their belief ni her innocence of the charges against her Mr. Woll engaged Attorney "Joseph Barres to look af- ter the interests of bis daughter and is determined that she shall have every protection that the lag sill give lier Mr. Burres visited: Mrs Vermilya yesterday with Mr Woll and later made the statement that the deience would merely be the matter of defending an hnocent wo- mah. ( hicago, Policeman Wolf, seventy est in such AS other as by was was cheerful those sbo there as util the has "tongshorenran, who killed a wan in uo fist fight m Moot. real, wus allowed out on bail of $14 000 pending trial for manslaughter, A_new political party has heen or- ganized in Ottawa. Its motto is: "One King, Une School, Une Lan- Frederick Frost, James M. Collins, hisiness man, Canonhurg, Pa,, wax found dead at his desk: with a bullet in his brain. INDIGESTION WILL VANISH, Dyspepsia: Gas, Sourness and Other Stomach Misery Go in Five Min. utes. Take your sour, mach--or maybe out-of-order sto- you eall it indiges- tion, dyspepsia, gastritis or eatarrh of stomach; it doesn't matter--iake your primus trouble right with = you to your pharmacist' and ask him to open a "50-cent case of Pape's Dispep- sin apd let you eat ome twenivitwo grain trinngule and see if within five minutes there is efi any trace of your The correct name for vour trouble j& food fermentation- faod suing: the digestive organs become there is lack of gastric juice: your food is ouly hall-digested, and vou become' affected with loss of appetite, pressure and fullness after wating, vomiting, nausea, heartharn, in bowels, tenderness in the -- stomach, bad taste jo mouth, sonsti- pation, pain in hobs, sleeplessness, belehi of gas, biliousness, sick headache, netvousness, dizdiness, or many other similar symptoms. If your appetite is fickle and' noth: ing tempts you, or vou belch gas, or if you feel bloated after eat or your food lies like a lump of Tad on your mind that at the bottom of this there is but one cause~fermentation of fat our Fonlling, A Uhrist late Nostrand i the Bible distinetly teaches if we would enter there we' must accept Christ as {our personal Saviour, and reilounce sing," and then quoted the following, Eph. II, 8-9: "By grace are ve saved through faith, and that not it is the gift of God, lest any man should fe {of yourselves, {not of works; ! hoast." { At the same time theie is a ! connection between doing good, Igetting goed. The Bible teaches this jwhen it savs, "There is that scatier- {eth and yet incremseth, and there is | that witholdeth more than 'is meet, and it tendeth: to poverty." "Trust in the Lord and do good, se shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. ; The above is the substance of what I said about "good works and Heav but wish to add a little more as I have been, criticized, namely, "The Bible distinctly téaches "That good works will not pet anyone into the Kingdom of Heaven." Take for exam: ple the passage just quoted, Eph. %- 9 also Tim. I, 4 ver, "Who hath spved ud, and ealled us with a holy not according to our works, but according to his ¢ 'awn purpose and gr nce, Ww hie h nas given us in Jesus Dbefore the world began" (Phat ix a geod Presbyteriin pas sage). Also Pitus III, 5, "Not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but aceording to his nrercy he saved us, by the washing of regenera- tion, and renewing of the Holy Ghost" In Rev. VII, 14-15, we read, "Thess are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes and made them white in- the blood of the Lamb, therefore are they hefore--the tl#one, (not on account of their good works, bit account of having come out of a great tribula- tion, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb). See also Matt. XVHIL 3; Mark, X, 15; John III, Psalm, XXIV, 3- Rom. VI; 20:23, Heb. XII, 14. AR these passages teach. 'that we enter Heaven, not by our own good works, but by a living faith in the Son of God, and a change of heart." am not dnder-estimating. 'good works," but they are only secondary snd generally the fruits of the spirit, although an unconverted, man may perform deeds of charity, ete., for we fave rend of the roughest characters in mining canips, ete, helping their fellows in distress, and they may Jinve been influenced by some higher power, but we have no authority shying "those deeds will port to heaven," The same may. be said of "giving sims of money to charitable institutions, ete." How many instances' have we met "of men who would become very liberal when they wanted to got into some oflice or win poplar applause, and some hos pitdl or church may have been bene ded, but what authority have we for saying "that this gift will open the door of heaven, or that the spirit of God inflaenced their hearts to do it 7 The Apostle Peter in Acts viii, IR-23, said to an unregeuerate man, "I'hy money perish with thee, hecause thou hast thought that the gift of Gad may be purchased with jnonev, Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter for thy hewrt is not right with God, ste.." he velerence- of Lampman to peo- ple going to prayer meeting and mak- ip loud, naises and cheating, etc., is simply begging the question, for the writer .oontends such is not a Chris tian, although asx Lampman puts it this heart may be stirred to go to prayer meeting). the same is the man who gives to church funds, and neither of them may wnderstand what a change of heart means. The reference to the publican in the temple is an argument in favor of uptown preachers' contention "that good works ate net a ssport © to heaven." The pharasee one they were. He said, 1 thank thee, ete, 1 fast twice every week and give tithes of all that I possess to feed the poor." The publicak smote upon his breast and cried ""Giod be merciful to me a sinner," gud Jesus said, "This man went down to his house justified rather than ihe other, ete." The up-town preacher also contends "ihat the passport to heaven will sot be the answer to the guestion, Who is my neighbor * as the passages (uot- od prove, but the question, "Is thine heart right with God 2" I am conviieed that {5 heaven but by the w: vw of the Sosa, Jess said, "and 1 if lifted up from the earth will draw all nien unto we" et the people don verted, and good works will follow as a natural consequence, as the corres pondent of thet st sawed, "Make the tree good, and the fruit will good, 7 stead ing "Make fhe fruit. good, aad tree will be wood I admire the. Lampman says -- werk to week, ant 1 am glad 1 (say something in the pulpit that will ease men and hope that this litle cause close and on, on 3-5; Oy fon he a pass is no 'way good things of i ment. {a glancing bullet on a hunting 'expe: FOR OVERTHROW OF DYNASTY. {Continued from Page 1.) JUhuan, the goveraor nt Scachow, who | was the furst govertor to come over fo | the réforiners, has heen elécted gover fior of "the entire provinee of Niang Su. He said that Cheng Te-Chunn was a strong man and would be able | to control the revolutionists god guar {antes order and the safety of foreign: | ers. Ninety-nihe pers cent of the | population, he said, was supporting | the presént status. Dr. Wu continued "Personally | favored a limitell mon: | archy, retaining the emperor as a fig | urehead with a strong Chinese cabivet | and constitution, but the prevailing sentiment appears io favor a repub- HE, bres : In each province a governor will be selected, each city and town giv- ing its allegiance fo the new govern The whole people of China, north and south, are united against Manchu supremacy and the govern ment at Pekin, which is corrupt and prone to be oppressive. "1" admit that there are tremendous difficulties before us, but we must win. We guarantee an adherence to foreign treaties whether they were made up fairly fairly. We will pay our ob ligations to foreign nations and open up all 'the ports of China to forege trade. Thus will be guaranteed an enormous advantages to all foreigners as well as to China." Ir. Wu said that he fully under stood © that the reform movement might lead 'in any dorection, even ta | anarchy, but all the people of China | i | i or were now prepared to show the world | the real power of the Chinese for or derly conduct, self-restraint and loy- alts to a fair and honest government, JT believe that the "institution of a republie-4s feasible," be said. "UH 1 had been asked this question a manth ago 1 would have answered that such an outcome was impossible. Now 1 have been surprised, but I am eon vinced. Tf the young' emperor were al- { lowed to remain on the throne a short time perhaps it would be better, 1 but selection of a new dynastic head | and a new emperor would be certain | to "create jealousigs and produce a | reign of anarchy which would result | in the shedding of much blood. "The plans of thé reformers have heen considered for six vears. We eng: not hope to accomplish everything within a short time. I'rade "will be temporarily damaged and the people | inconvenienced and frightened. If the | merchants' are patient, and foreigners | repose confidence in the sincerity? of our desire to avoid bloodshed, rowdy- ism can he put down, and we gumran- and improved foreign. relations. We ang determined to establish a stabile government and hope to give China extra territorial ¥ights and complete autonomy." Both Dr. Wu Ting Fang and Wen Taung Yao stated that there would we Tio reason for foreign interference, the suggestion of which they deprecat ed as dangerous and unpalatable to | the people. They said the reformers | wished pecognition as belligerents wherever a responsible local govern ment had been set up, as at Shang hai, Wu-#sng and elsewhere. In conclusion, these men notable in affairs of-state_ who have cast their lot with thé revolutionists, Meciure that the tfend of the world was to-| wards _a republican form govern- | ment and that China now was only | anticipating the inevitable. of 1 Shot in Hunter's Eye. N.Y, Nov. 9--C. H 152 Park avenue, man- ager of . the Watertown News com- pany's store, has suffered a second | hemorrhage of his eye, which received | Watertown, tafiord, of No. has Gifford to remain in abso dition. The physician in charge ordered Mr. lute quiet. Fhe bullet struck one corner of the man's eve. He was hurvied here from Guffin's Bay, and aftér the shot: had been removed - Mr, Giffard was given but little trouble until the hemorrhage developed ; Notes From Plevana. Plevna, Nov: T.~The open season for game calls the sportsman from many places to Plevoa and vicinity, as game as Quite plentiful. The game in- spector paid a visit here, but had return home, owing to illness Fhe many friends of Rev. Mr. Lyon were pleased to see him im the pulpit of Holy Trinity church on Sunday even ing last, he and Rev, Mr. Lloyd hav- ing exchanged places for the day. To Apply Pumping Clause. Ottawa, Nov. 8. --The dumping clause of the tariff act of 1907 has been or dered 'to be applied to iron and steel tubing of frome four to eight inches in diameter when of a class made in Canada. There is now no duty upon | this tubing and complaints have been made that: American manufacturers are dumping tubing into Canada at the rate below that sharged in their home market. { to Prize for Physics. i Stockholm, Nov. 9.--The Nohel prize for physics has been awarded to Prof, | Wilhelm Wein, of Waerdbvwrg Univer | ended or, he! of Lamipman's yuck i to think ! sity. « ---- - > : Do you ever read a ood letter ¥ | Bo you realize thal letter-wriling is | practically a Jost art? The Smart Set, which has established a depart ment to revive this branch of literary publishes in its December | isage some haman documents of ex | traordinary interest | Prof. William Callahan Robinson. | aged seventy-seven, dean of the law | school of the Catholie University of | America, was siricken with apoplexy and died. at Washington. He formerly was dean of the law department of { 3 i be | Yale University. The Smart Set for December containg | he Hine of the most' genuinely humorous short stories that has in| 'many a moon. "The, Wooing of Win | 'wie Trimm," by Kate Sovdan, "in! every way unusual, x Thomas Lowe, M.P., commence the 'erection of an up-to- date flour and grist mill snd gr Jn elevator next spring at Aruprios. At Savarmsh, Ga. J. WH: Gpynor | wan shot to death in The street In Joseph Davis, a conviet guard, afer | A trival quarrel7in a saloon. . : Dr. A Cochrane Lambdin, edi- Aoninehisf « of the Phil Publie ied Suienty at 5 of Renfraw. will | i fee YOU CANNOT BUY BETTER ANYWHERE ° ~ Sold by the. Bes? Yaar - "HAPPY HOME" RANGE { The "Happy Home" Range is handsome in design, large ventilated oven, made of the best material, fully guaranteed to give entire satisfaction, and will cook more with less fuel than any cthier Range on the market. -- AT Elliott Bros., Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. E | | $990400000000004000000 000000000000 0000000000 The "Dainty Shrewsbury" is what our friends c all Crothers' Shrewsbury Tea Biscuit It will fill the final need for your afternoon tea. Insist upon having Shrewsbury " The W. J. Crothers Co., Ltd. KINGSTON ONTARIO | EE sesssssece sesssnsfifrscesssressssssseaneell LADIES FALL SHOES We have 2 very com- plete range of Ladies' Shoes in Button or Laced Blucher Tan, Gun Metal or Dongola Kid. All Suitable for Fall Weather. $3.00 and $3.50 H. Jennings, - King | | | Sovssssrassessssessascsesl Pree sesseasssscsssecsl mn -------- EN DrJ.Collis Browne's 7 Nx // 7 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. : The best known Remedy for CouGHS, CoLDs, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm | p 8 DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. ' Effectually cots short aN stacks of STASMS, Checks and arrests (hose too V ; often fatal disesses- FEVER, CROUP AGUL : The oaly palliative in 1A. GOUT, RHEUMATISN. is a liquid taken in ops. graduated wccording to the malady I imsariadly Tulueves, ino whatevdy kind: cregies a culm refreghing slew hp wilavs trviiation of ¥ rervous systems when all otier vomodien fail. ivaves - 8 | aid can bé taken when wo other welicine can be foigrated INSIST oN HAVING CONVINCING De 3 'cots BROWNC® MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE ha Rint pe S614 by gil Chemists Prices is Eagined WIL 2/9. 4/8 Bole Manslacturers 1. ¥. DAVENPORT Li. LOXJON,