---- te YEAR 78 NO. "A STORM MAY BE DEVELOPED Over the . Bi- Lingual School Question in the Province of Ontario. ~The Toronto Telegram Says That the Rejection of Three - Former Tory Members is Significant of Feeling in- Constituencies---Roman Catholic Super- ceded in East Lambton. A Toronte,- Nov. 9. The (conservative) says: 'Lhere than passing significance tion of eonventions jecting John SB. Gallagher nac and Amos A. Richardson in East Hastings, and the move of the party mamagers in North Middlesex in bringing forward Duncan MeArthu ns candidate to replace James Doyle, the former member. These indicative to the Whitney govern mont of a wind that is blowing that may develop into a storm the bi-lingual "school question, three men who were dropped out the Funbing were represgvtatives lowing in the house have in caucus before he g thing. In" West York Dr. Forbes Godhrey, who bis represented the rididg sie the deith of the late Hon. J. W. Si Johd, "will have to figat at ivemtion for the nomination. Orange riding has been waiung 'an . outspoken deliverance on question frum its representative, and instead has been treated to enlogies| of Henri Bourassa. Dr, on servalive organization Ml tive following have broken of bellion, and Ald. .W. A. ol the movement to ghoose a new sth te riding in the last legrslature, |didate At the convention on and were thought to be strong in |18th it looks as if the alderman, their party. But the Li-lingual school | is president of the West York question 8 a live one in Ontario, servative" awwocintion, may be and English-speaking Protestant com: candidate himrelf. Etobicoke friends munities are taking resolute action of Dr. Gedirey 'are busy circulating within their party organimtion to is mare new any in the ac conservative re in Fronte wit aws nye Nov, who con- the story 'that if he does nol get thy support only men whose sterfl on the convention he will run ae an indepety iyviotion is satisfactory. Iu Fast? dent. Supporters of 'Ald. Baird would | Lambton the. Izish Koman Catholic | Jike nothing better than te eandidate was superceded: hy . pie! ut as it 18 the eustom to who is more acceplable to the my | that all delegates and candidates sup jority of the torate. | port the choice of the | convention, Sir James Whitney's silmee on this | such action 'on the past-of Ir, God: question in his manifesto may man frey is bardly likely. ALBERTA WAS SWEPT BY BIG SNOWSTORM And as Result Threshing Operations Wit a 2 9.--~The snow the north which strnck, Calgary. I anh Santiniad yesterday, wi have a damagimg el fect on the wheat crap of the pro vince. Grain men say the fall was general and quite heavy. A considerable qeantity und oats is in-the stook and this grain will deteriorate. Threshing op- erations will be delayed as week or ten days. The fact that the provines grein men say the! fall outlook for farmers is gloomy. BAN ON COLORING Will Delay Orange Shipments From Southern California. i Los Angeles, . Cal, Nov. $9. the artificial coloring of oranges is no longer permitted, by order of the bur- epu of food and drug inspection, Fastern tables this Thanksgiving wit be without oranges from Southern Cal fornia. 'Aecording to prominent orange shippers, this year's crop will be from two to four weeks' late bhecajise of the order, Hetetofore, becanse color: ing was used; the first shipments of the season usually have been in New York and intermediate points in time for the annual feast day. This vear it. Calgary, Alta., Nov. storm from of wheat ped early in December. SEN. ATORIAL VACANCIES, George Taylor Mentioned as Suc- cessor to Sir John Carling. Ottawa, Nov. %.--The death of Sir John Carling leaves now three senn torial vacancies. There is one in Nova Scotia, cuansed by the death of Senator Cameron, and: another in the eastern tdwaships, caused by the death of Senator Baker. There are several names mantioned as Nenator Baker's successor. A delegation interviewed the prime ministef advocating claims of Dr. Pickel, who was the de-| feted candidate in Misrisjuoi, Rufus | v'ope, ex M.T., has also been after the | position. the . nawes of Maj. and George Taylor are mentioned likely + MVORCED, GET A FARTHING, nn Small Award for Slander Awarded in London Case. London, Nov. 9.-<Mrs. Mabel isa Atherton, divoreed wife of Col Thomas James Atherton, yesierd., alter atrial lasting two days, got an award of one farthing damages for slander. "The defendants were her brother and hor sisterin-law, Sir Aubrey and Lady Dean Paul. The slander consisted of the state ment by Lady. Paul that Mrs, At: hertou was turned out of a Udira hotel. Mrs. Atherton alsa complained thai her sister-in-law said she was no bet ter than a street woman, but ihe 7 jury found "that this statement was Hot made. Lou- THE HEIGHT To FLY. "Where Currents Searce. 4 Washington, D.C, Nov, 9. Willis | Moore, chief of the weather thinks an aviator might cross the At luntie oeeun i he .couldstake his air ship up Six miles and remain at that level at 'least . two days. At that height there is said to be a other level, free from the conflicting | storms and currents which swirl low. Chiol Moore has expressed that op- inion to Melvin Vaniman, the aviator, who has been planning a trans-Atlan- tie flight from Atlantic City. STATE TERMIN AL ELEY Six Mies tp are | i i " { i A GOOD SURPLUS, London, Nov. 9. -The col onial troops entertainment committee in connection with the coronation, which, only received - £1,000 officially from the colonial office, has _ to its credit a balance of over £5,000 after paying: all" the expenses of ehtertaining the overseas military and naval visitors, which reached £12.- ooo TORS. j Government Will Discuss Demands : of West. » Ottawa, Nov, -9.-The government will shortly take into consideration the demand of the west . for State ownership of the terminal elevators atl the head of the "lakes. The cost of taking over the elevators is va viously estimated - at irom ght to fourteen millions, = Watertown, N. Xe Couneil. Waterton, x ¥. mon council w at man venport, y plarali ity of 283. There wi three ts in the mous Frederick in the enth i id bowin in the Ninth ward, Gibbs in the Tenth ward. The cialista, who hoped to seat at ope of their candidates, failes! = The city will be agri eg the » board of Sigets wR at t x democrats fo ; Seven, Tor hast oie Sixth. og Coyle and Marshall were tied, cach receiving 113 votes. P2994 928 900008 EE Ee BE ---- SAD FATALITY. Accidentally 'Shot Giving Over Wire Pemboke, Ont., Nov. 9A vary sad fatality ovewrted at: Sunke River, in Westmeath township, on Wednosdhyy. Charles Costello, jr, a young Varmes of that place, being the victim. The man, noticing a skank in the gent to the house for his in getting through a wie he loaded Swe_pon it way least | 9.--The Ex plosives wl Btu four Keouch | board Pg aT hn aust So id of an abundant generos- To each of the bereaved wives vey hive given $1,500. republicans, were clocted assembiymen bn the first and second districts Jefferson sounty respectively. « Guatanteed hot water bags and Gibson's Tu seeins: ligely that Leader 'Rirwell will rup uk North Oxi - ing pears, © rawlord's.' LG Kelly, Foran, to bea dg. This ! ! { | { | is expected the first car will be ship. | HE. Machold and John Gi. doves, of, MESSENGER BOY TO MAYOR. [ November © Will Advance Men Who Began Lip Humbly. London, Eug., Nov. %.-Today jwitness the advancement of at hres men WEO began We 1 a huni wi Ni to tbe highest position of honor wn eau confer ou them. snayor-elect of Godalming, will least * The Sur hd is Alderman Ernest Bridger,' who { I {agp concluded Lemploy 'Western A tee darn that he is wailing to see haw His fol. | will ~~ be | | i his eon! i Godfrey's con- | and conserva. | the | | | 1 ee. this. i tema | | dhiX én | | | Wonud Contracted | } { | | [now in Victoria hospital, | SCO vears. i the | ten days after his incarceration, Yor attic] as? beating his wi He with a rod, successors to Sie John Carling. | f | | bureau, | | American { placid 5 ' RL provimes i t Lrerenies to Lhe movement designed buby cough syrup. oin-| j ured his The wound Because | caster, who treated the patient and is rted life as a messenger boy in the {loo al post otlice thomas Hill, wio {will be the new mayor of Mansfield, Notts, is still working as a check- {wel thor at a neighboring colliery, Yirkenhoud's Hew mavor--is to | be Goorge Prowdham, who eight years forty-five vears in the London and North- Railway campany, Viderman Fairles Humphreys will enter upon his thirteenth tern of of Mayor of MW. mtgotaery, ul the a% Into are Saird Jeadst can: | of as Tester fF Th servatives, mm DICTION | PROV E L TRU EK. 10 Years Causes Complic "ations, Londen. Osit.. Nov. 9. Forty years ago Frederick (dell, of Nilestown, foot badly: with an healed up, but Dr. Ago in- axe Lan- told Odell that if he old man the injury trouble, Odell . is as he 8 un- had long since dead, lived to be un would cause him though the wound him: for pearly two Fhe surgeons of the hos- pital staff ave deeply interested in the ouse, owing to the old-time doctor's prediction 'and ity fulfilment. LASH-FOR-MAN WHO ABUSES HIS WIFE able to. walk, not bothered | Cornwall Judge Gives a Brutal Hos- band a Dose of His Own 4 Medicine. Cornwall, Nov. 9. Francis Lalonde, of Martintown,. a giant ii" stature, who was arrested last week for eruel trentment of his wife, was sentenced by Police Magistrate Danis, vester day, to two vears in penitentiary and te receive five lashes, --two to he given and the balance three months before brelease. : alonde iy six a hall in height. feet four inches and | He tiemg {hands and feet and pracusing 'eruel ties whilst she was hound ; kicking her. Mas ade wath his treatment for | mally had him arvested * Balonde is fifty vears of age und im the father of several childron pat {1me, up some but about fo: FIGHT \ WHEAT PEST. Parasites May Save African Crops. washington, Nov. %--T. J. Ander son, goverpment. entomologist for the British department of agrienlture Last Afrien, has tor gel parasites East in come to Washington to fight an' insect pest. which © attacks wheat in East Africa, mud. which hag no natural enemy in that seotion. This country has the desired par a sthos nid Mr. Anderson has arranged witht the burean, of emtomalogy to have a, ynentity of them shipped abroad ' South LATEST [TIDINGS Despatches From Near Distant it Places THE WORLD'S EPISODES GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST.. POS-| . SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Kverybody-- Notes From Al Everybody Fasily Read and Re- membered. Phere is a serious malk shortage in Winnipeg. : : t.x-Leader MacKay nominated Notth Grey by the liberals. Nanking 1s hard pressed and its cap- ture hy the rebels is iminent Hon. Walter Long is talked of leader of the British conservatives, the Canaujan Club, London, is gin ing a Farptiet in honor of Earl on Dec. 6th. th Hon. Frank Cochrane, minister of railways and-canuls, was elected acclamation for Nipissing county. I'he Ontario government will estab lish a farm in conuection with the sospitat -- tor the feeble-minded naan As a result of the opposition of the | parliaments ary group in tart ugul, headed by Promior Chagas, resigned yesterday it is understood that Premier yuith, of kugland, has agreed to vide the Ugited States in 1913, and deliver | a series of lectures at the Columbia | % Tete e 1 University adi Latehiord gram jury Because sn a true bill iy {ie periucy: Fainst ex-Récve Hicks. Making good their threat against | women gamblers, the raiaing squad of Chicago police arrested forty men at a progressive euchre. dismissed "als it refused to Hrity | iThe Duke and Duchess of Connaught | visited the experimental farm, Qita- | wa. and Jere shown through it. an elm tree, At the Chequers lun at Belvedere, "Kent, tugland, a 'spaniel, a wire-hair- ed terrier, a black eat, a pigeon, hantam cockerel,. and a tortoise sleep in the same kennel. Fifty-five of his seventy-three vears wil have been spent iy jail if Andrew Lee, of Washington, serves out his sentence of twenty years imposed on him Mor burglary... He says be - is a kleptomanie. Laughingly snapping a about her neck; Mabel Norwaly, Conn., preparing for her nuptials, had to be rushed [our miles to a locksmith to have the col: lar removed before she could wed. Met, loved, parted, sued, made and wed, all in four months is record of Bella Discamet and John Krinski, of New York, married Tues- day. A breach of promise suit follow: ed their separation a week ago. The = | ment of a Chicago hotel all | dog eeilar Stevenson, of up the was puzzledi to account for daily losses of bile from the cash diaves until! it was discovered that a mouse was the thiel. Twenty-five Jotlage was recovered from the rodent's nest | acknowledged since April! last ¢ her | cessful novels, ¢ well as A J being in William Clark Russell, London, also his [Snow n tinder the pen name of Clark Russell, -died as he slept on 'Wednes {day morning, He bad been bedridden He wrote many sue the greater number of {them bfng stories of the sea. Rev. Dr. T. Albert' Moore, general secretary of the Methodist department | of Temperance and Moral = Reform, | was honored: at the he recently attended at tthio, by being elected one © prosidents of the ration ; the vice Worlds Purity fede Murray, of. home . Canon in favor rile for Ireland, says that his residence in Canada has the opening convinced him "that the only way to | make people loyal is to make them contented, and the most trustworthy | bond of the empire is the freedom of its component pacts." Mrs. Emmaline Pankhurst, English | suffragette; is to lecture in Minneapo- lis, Minn, on Saturday. Phere not Minneapolis a Union Jaek, F equal in size to the American - flag which is to be draped acgoss peg, for the largest British flag to be Sound there: FOR OVERTHROW OF THE DYNASTY Former Minister to Washington, Now a Leader of the Shanghai, Nov. 9-Dr. Wu TingW who has been chosen director of ae wflafrs in the reform govern by the revolutionists of Kiang-Su, gave a {long statément to the Associaved Press, in which he announced his sl to establish a ean form of gov- ernment in i Dr. Wu Ting Fang was first "ent to Washington as Chinese minister in 1807, remaining there until 1902, when he was - recalled. Ie feturned to the same post in 1997 and was again re called in 1909. In Augus:, 1910, he was made councillor to the Chines foreign office. His adv sdvanoed i have not always barisonized wit he imps | provisional 1 'hen the revolutionists proclaimed a government at" Shanghai he was made. head of the foreign burean, but the appointment was not | taken seriously, and ss late as vester- day he declined 'to acknowledge any b participation in the revolutionary ad- ministration. His attitude as formal ly svmounced to-day is expected to have a int-reaching influence. Hy his handsome. Re foreign setthment Of S vy u outhoed' the plans and he of the reformers in Chita. Wen Tas Yao, formerly imperial resident ai Ihasa, Thibet, who has been appoint ed assistant director of foreign affairs within TE IT TTT -- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 0, Over-- Little ot} in Grey Tal by | As I: LE wo- | The | dike piented an oak and the ddehpss convention which | Columbus, | of Winnipeg, who is] stage, | a rush order has been sent to Winmi- A EE ---- i911. POSTAL RATE REDUCED, | Parcels Less Between Canada and : Newfoundland. "Ottawa, Nov: 9.--~The post office de | partment announces that the rate off' | posta ge on ' parcels passing between {Canada "and Newfoundland in both | dictions wh was formerly" fifteen tts for each pound or fraction of a | poynd, "frie reduced to twelve | cents for ea pound or fraction of a | posnd. : r Mud Volcano Going Back. Port of Spain, Nov. 9~The mud volcano wich rose unexpectedly with | an outburst of fire and smoke hetween | the Island of Trinidad and Venezuela, { appears on close jnvestigation to have {two craters, which have been quite active. Yesterday, it was reported that the formation seemed to be sink- ing and because of the soft nature of the clay in the sea bed it is thought {tha new island may not prove pers manent. tarpon tt mnie E . & bsbessssssassanasissesessses f | NOBEL CHEMISTRY PRIZE. Stockholm, Nov. 9.--It is announced that the Nobel prize for chemistry has been awarded to Mme. Marie {% Sklodowska Curie, the « University of Paris. Mme {1% Currie is_the chief professor | | i of |#* of sciences in the University of Paris. She was the co- {% discoverer with her husband, | Prif. Pierre Curie, of radium, and in 1908 shared with him + balf "of the Nobel prize for i% 'physics, the other half being [+ awarded to Prof. Antoine Henri Beequersl Each of the five Nobel prizes, award- [% ed annually, am. 'nts to $40, + 000, 8.4 Recent announcement was 1%. made of the success of Mme. "Currie in producing polonium Lepper al et. pougaydls & radlo-ac oly superior to radium.' 1 {4 » 00000 Suicided by Telephone. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 9,~Apparent- tly timing his suicide with that of his wife by use of the telephone,' H. 1. Westerman, of Marietta, ended his life «tl poon, yesterday, in a room at the | Hawley house by swallowing cyanide = yof potagsinm. Mrs. Westerman died %lof the same poison several blocks away, at the hennard house: | i Strange Coincidence. |" Louisville, Ky; Nov. 9.--Almast at tho instant nine men were injured; three fatally, by a falling scaffold, at the 'Majestic theatre annex. Mra. Ad: die Kalius Davie died. She had lived for years on the site of the annex, and vacated with great reluctance. TO MEET ON MONDAY T0 CHOOSE A LEADER It Is Pretty Certain That Balfour Will Not Consent to Remain, Nov. 9~Unionists a London, the in {on Monday next (o determine the [ leadership. It is knows that a pro posal will be made that Mr. Balfow retain the leadership and take a long |-rest, but it is also pretty well sana the will not do this. | Sir Edward Carson, the nominee ot ithe lords veto "'die Hard$;" in spoken fof, this morning, as a close second to {Austin Chamberlain in the running for ithe leadership NO MORE TICH KETS tsxued the Opening of Parliament. Nov. 9.-So many peo ole {have Already applied for tickets for of the twelfth parliament {of Canada next Thursday, that it is | officially announced that no mors tie- | kets will be issued. the advent of the | royal" governor makes the event a bi [ ane, as a soclety affair, and all Ot | tawa, together\ with hundreds - from other parts of Canadn, gathered for | the festivities, is agog + with excite ment over the grand function, He Must Decide. (Mtawa, Nov. 9. -Rudolphe Forget, 'Montreal broker, was elected for Char. levoix and Montworemey, is oredited with "the staement that he will ol fon to both seats and that there: no law which can compel him to a sign Kiher seat. The fact is thas the law was amended in 1909 and a momber who is returned for two seats must make his seloction within iwen- ty days after the assembiling of par- liament, il be for § | Ottawa, Lord Mayor of London. London, Bng., Nov. 9--With tradi tional glitier and show, Sir Thomas) Boor Crosby, M.D. was, to-day, -in- augurated as the seven hagrad ao and twenty-third lord mayor eof He in eighty-one, the 'oldest over in the chair, and is also the first medical {wan to occupy the coveted position. i Steamship Afire. Hav Nov. 9.~The French ling Louisiane, from New Or leans, or 4th, for Havre, t in here, vesterdsy, with a fire in cargo of cotta. The fire started when two and » hall days out, sad the captain of the steamer -hended - for f Havana, the nearest port, for Aunis- tance. a 'Boston. Nov. IRAP FOR JURY. regard, rightly or wrongly, in the cie- House of Commons will hold a caucus | Fressitmen IN CASE AT COBOURG BECAUSE IT REFUSED TO FIND A TRUE BILL 'Against Ex-Reeve Hicks for Perjury It Rests With the Attorney-Gene- ral as to What Steps Shall he Taken. Cobourg, Nov. 9.--In the fewest pos sible words : HT Latchford, presid ing at the assizes; yesterday, dismiss ed the grand jury, and intimated grave dissatisfaction with its mem- bers. His lordship's action followed the grand jury's report in the charges of perjury against Henry Hicks. "Lhe report was that the grand jury exam ived nineteen . witnesses whose names were upon the indictment Through their foreman, Charles Munson, M. .. the grand jury reported 'no bill upon each of the three indiétments against Hicks." His lordship said : word to say to vou, gentlemen. Or dinarily it is a source of satisfaction to one to find one's opinion ustiie)] by what ultimately occurs. In this case, however, it is a matter of regret to mo that the expectalions which 1 formed when 1 learned of the re markable, and in my experience, un: precedented action of your foreman, have been fully realized. Conducted as "I have only a | Judge Latehford Refused Its ¢ 1 J) ET LAST. EDITION -------------- WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronto, Ont, New: "ik. 18 am Ot. tawa Val'.y and Upper Eawrence-- Winds shifting to eastent Tair weday, hecoming showery um Friday. GREAT CLEARING SALE RIBBON S TO-MORROW FRIDAY Sale Starts at 8.30 a.m. The greatest-ribbon values ever offered gS in Kingston. PLAIN g ¢ Satin and Silk RIBBONS In Nr a was then indicated. your inquisition gould have no pasule othge, shoo at which you have arrived, "Taking the view 1 do of what I shed cumstances of {his case.as an impro- priety, I must out of regard for my- self decline to.receive any presentment from you and' relieve you drom- further | attendance at this. court." This concluded the business of the eayrt. Mr. Hicks, who is un exseeve of Colborne, returned to his home in thal village vesterday. He is in his seventy-seventh . year, and his health is not good. His friends gathered around him to congrafulate him upon the outcome of the affair, a large wimber' of Colborne and FEakeport Citizens being hors, It rests with the attaorney-goneral to say what furthef steps should be tak- en in the case. The charge agninst Hicks arose. out of the Brimacombe mugder trial and had Snuaid almost as much excitement in Cobourg and vi cinity as the murder trial itself. Grand Jury Has Rights, » redns. Blues. Rroumig. Yellow, Gold "Fel los eds, Garnet, Crenté d 'White. 31-2 to 6 in. wide THE ACTUAL PRICES 20¢. to 35¢. the yd. YOUR CHOICE TO-MORROW 10c¢c. No Telephone Orders $ Accepted. Cash Sales, 0000000A rOsoQ : ; Foromto, Nov. .. m=Justice 1 teh: | ford's action, 'in denungifiting and dis massing the grand jury at Cobourg, | because hey declined to have the as sistance of the prosecuting atime over the province, this morning, and the rights and privileges of the grand jury may be enquired into by the stlorney-general's department, i - P0000 e0 > "NO VOTE, NO TAX." ¥ T > 1 Chicago, Nov, 9.--"No. | vole, no tax" is to be the o! slogan this year of hundreds 4 of women taxpayers in + Chicago unless they are al- % lowed to vote. At a meeting 4 of the "No vote, no 'tax' # League it was decided ta be-# gin the work at once to urge * one."thousand women ' pro + perty owners to refuse to pay their taxes. Members of the & Teague were urged 10 pay (he $1 membership fee into the @ league in lleu of paying their + taxes. ° * Thr IVLPr OTR PEriTeTe + i MASKED BURGLARS HELD UP CLERK They Got Al the Monsy in the Safe-- Dung Rob- Ogdensburg, - NY, Nov. 8-The most daring robbery and hold-up ever pulled off in Northern New York oo surred here on Thursday morning. Three masked men entered ibe office of the Ogdensburg Cogl and Towing o pany, and levelling revolvers at t two clerks, demanded the money in the safe. John Hannan, dr, son of John Hannap, president of the company, nie plunged through the window and i¥ causing" considerable comment i STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. 00000000 DIED. PGAN--In Kingston vetunber 1311 Lower Hagot ral pri=ale n Lhe 9th of Nao. Daniel Egan, 132 Flreet Requiem mass in 81. Mary's Cathedral, Sat: urdey meérn- ing, at 9.30 o'clock. Friends are Kindly Yequested atten the maser. | DIINNAN----At. bis residence. Andy Farm, Wawota, Bask, Oct ath 1811, Wm. C. Drinasn, father of Rev. R. Drinsan, Sunbury, Ont. aged 54 years. 2? ROBERT J, REID, The Léading Undertaker, Phone 577. £30 Princess Street. JAMES REID eT SE Hn hone 147 tor. Ambulance. FoR e Boovessan ves "Wefung' Dens B05 y pebies Chairs Turk's. "Phone "708 to Rowntree's Chocolates New Fall Importation "has just arrived. Jas. Redden & Co the) alarm. Gi Northrup, the oth er_clerk, handed over the money, $200. | The robbers then ran out and separ ate. police later eppluzed ane of the | robbers near the Bt Lawrence river! Je gave his name as Harold | Reynolds, aged eighte oof Syracuse, lars a revolver | and a mask were found on his pers! son. A Kelly on Jy Beach. Toronto, Nov. a ¥ tay RC. this i : mor thai he ing the late Justice Mackabon ur Kelly is a Roman Catholic and - partner of Hom B. general of Ontario, . een Quebee City, Nov. 9. ~The headpiac- ters of the he Glow pion Penk of Canada ary fo be rmmoved to Winnipeg on ae he Stamendous mestorn bin Hof he nk, is Avidends from mix per cent, rama pourt judgeship of i § J. Poy, sd t P.8.- New Table Raisins. EIGHT PER CENT. DIVIDEND. | Has Been Declared by the R. & 0, Navigation Oe. Nov. "9.--AL a meeting of thé directors of the Richelieu and Of- {tario Navigation company, this 'Wotping, it was 16 incresss to . per cent. payabls om the fires oh tn jis [The - Windicr hotel \ compsny, this ight rnin, declared a half yearly divi idend of five per cont. ep p-------- Killed at Cobourg. « Belleville, Ont... Nov. | Ray, a GT. home. is in this city, wes: pe at Cobourg, his body being terribly mu- [Lilgted, as a number of ears od an engine passed over him. He was thir ty-five rly poi 4 'Montreal, og