EoONOC Is oly To fled 08 WHOLESOME CARTY: IN 3 PURE BAKING POWDER EASY TO DYE, It is easy to dye, put only 'experience and knowledge teach how to dye the way -satisfy particular people. We - clean or dye almost everything in wearing apparel. R. PARKER & C0, Dyers and Cleavers, , 88 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. dessestesens Sold caly by trained Covsetieres , -Spirella Corset to your convenience. Phone or 'send post card Margaret Dunnett, Corsettiere, "Phon e 878, 106. Wellington St. Raat the. Bobtells advertihasients In Fadive* Hows Journal, Delinestor, Designer, New Idea and Vogue. STOCK REDUCING SALE of FURNITURE To mak e room for Christmas Goods, 15 and even 20 per sent. off. DINING: ROOM SETTS In Golden Oak Mahogany. Early English Fumed Oak. BED ROOM SETTS In Golden Oak Mahogany. - Circassian Walnut 'BRASS BEDS All Sizes. Pete i a-- PARLOR FURNITURE including all odd upholstered 'prices. The Finest Flavored | Potatoe Grown is the I Jelaware ! ¢ IT 18 NONE, 100 EARLY TO (9 DROP "IN AND SER WHAT | WE HAVE. TO OFFER IN '® WATCHES, JEWELRY, SIL-{8 ) VER NOVELTIES. EBONY ® BRUSHES, BTC. YOR XMAS. fort: shoe. NO ONE YET CHOSEN TO OPPOSE 4. R. PARGAVEL LEEDS COUNTY, IN The Liberal May be W. 3. Wilson or Omar Brown--leath of Mrs. Samuari Anderson of Gananoque. Novy $.<The the constituency the legislative sembly, in opposition to 1. KR. Dar gavel, conservative, i being talael of some extent and the names of W. J. Wilson;who considerably lessened Mr, Bargavel's spniority-at the last provincial election, ~and also Umar Brown, of Delta, one of the stalwaris of this - riding, ; oth are strong and popular and it is he lieved could make the present holder of the seat go some to retain it. Mis. Samuel Anderson, an elderly and highly respected rexident of, the town, passed away at her residence on Garden street, Monday, after an ill ness of considerable duratios, Jolley: ing % stroke of paralysis, in the = ty-fourth year of her age. Jecoased resided here for many = years. Her husband died several vears ago. She leaves two danghters, Miss Emma, at home, and Mra, William Jolmston, and four sons, Richard, Samael, Albert and' Witham o--adl residents "of the town.. The funsral takes placed tg day to Gananovjue cemetery, . ihe local branth of the W.CT.U; Wet > Tuesday evening, at the home oF Mrs, Bethuel fle Wolfe, Sydenham street, The town murkM seems to- be im proving gradually. Yesterday it was fairly 'well patronized by farmers and citizens, It is reported that along many Hones the prices asked for pro- dugce were considerably higher than the prices nsked by the merchants of the town, This, with careful handling, may - possibly be overcome in the course of time, Hugh McFadden, who sufiered paralytic stroke several weeks has so far recovered as to be the streets - again. Miss Margaret Root, nurse-in-training at Brockville General Hospital, is spending a short here with her parents, Mr. furlough Re {3ilbert Root, Charles street, 1 i question of of as Haumnogue, whe will contést South Leeds for to are mentioned. a ago, about ss Lottie Laughton, trained nurse Few York city, spending some time here with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Laughtdn, Stone street, has returned to New York, Miss Mur jel Churchill, ot local postal stall, after spending two weeks' vacation in Gert city, "guest of her brother, .J. Burton Churchill, has resumed her duties, "THE MOTHER OF THE MAN." Hall Caine's Reply to "The. Female of the Species." London, Nov. 8.~Hall writtén a poem, entitled "The Mother of the Man," in answd to Rudyard Kipling's recent, "The Female of the Species," which was w- rhymed attack on woman suffrage. Hall Caine says: Caine has "When the Lord of the Creation gave the woman to the man, In that. blest but brief existence eré the rule of ill began, Then he knew; whate'er her conduct, Whether innocent or frail, That the female of the species would be seapegoat to the male, When he banished them from Eden for the sin that each had wrought, And the flaming sword of vengeance sealed the. fate. that both had sought, Then he knew throughout the ages, Long as man should tell the: tale, That the female of the species would be temptress to the male. "Since the Lord "created woman, She became a living soul. Her's has been the old earth's burth- en, age on age, pote to pole, "Her's the conflict, hrs "the conquest; Het's the flag of Jife unturld. Her's the sorrow, her's the:suffering: Her's the love that moves the world," : -------- i ho" MED AT SYDENHAM. Frank Filer 'beck, of Pleasant Valley. Was Stricken Down. Pleasatit Valley Nov, 8.--Frank El lerbecks died at 'the home of his sister, Mrs. XI, MeRory, Sydenham, on Tues. days November Tth, at £ pom. De cov sed left here on Thursday, Novem- {thor Ind, to attend the funeral af his late 'brother-in-law, J. 'W. While there he was stricken. A call was sent for a physician and RUS Hogart, of Kingston, was summoned. Mr. Eilerbeck was thought to be re covering; but, yesterday, he gradually became weaker and despite the care. ful attention of two nurses, he peace: fully passed away. 1 was one of the qost prominent. and. highly es teemed residents of thiz place a will be greatly missed. He leaves a moth er. one sister," Mrs. Hannah McRory, and six 'brothers, Richard, Noble and Frederick, of. this place; George, Hart ington; Henry, 'Pessior, Sask, and Charles, Qxbora, Sask: The remains were brought to his late residence, whence 'the funeral to Harrowsmith cemetery on'. Friday, 10 am. will be conducted. McRory. Ari. should see our fom- No more trou if these are worn. Dutton's,. 0 Prin den street. Rev. T. W. Neal is in Mostueal: » tending. committee meeting regu a. ae holding holding of the Montreal Weth- in Kivgston ' next J une, See our $1 motor veils, He. avia- inch tor aaps, from 50a. silk Every woman g GIFT. GIVING. WAYS A CPLEA- SHOW YOU OUR three ribbon, all wo i 10¢. Button' w 200 Princess street. 4 {wile enacting "a wall, » HE SAYS wh PAST SIXTY ARE NOT USELESS, Admits Many Should Retire at Three! Score, But Distinguished Physician " Makes Exception for Himself. London, Now. 8 "Many a dy jest is being passed round. the colleges at Oxford about - the appointment of Sir William Osler, regius professor of medigine, to the Sillimen leetareship t Yale for 1913. For :¢r William Osler has pronoun- ced in favor of cimpulsery reiirement for men--he excludes women. at the age of sixty. - Aod Sir William Osler himself is sixty-two, theugh neither his appearance mor his daily work suggests it, A correspondent called on him at hig house in Oxford. It id not at all the bouse of a man about to vefive. . The piles of books and papers on the wimerous desks sug: gost rather than the owner is 'a man sn the weight of a busy career: "The intment,'"" he explained, "does noth necessitate my 'leaving Ox- ford. It is a lectureship often held by people on this 'side of the water, i believe Prof. Thompson," of Cam- bridge. has it this year, 'Tt simply means that 1 shall over, probably cat. the ead of summer, 'snd deliver a course of lectures." bo And what, atoot retiring, Slit 7?" was asked, 'Is not this rather slrenuous for one who has passed the age when all men ought to re tire 7" Sir William Protest, go next six v Osler made a serious ly bringing up' my views on the retir- ng age, " he said, "entirely misquote me." He explained that the theory that a man was too old for work at forty and should be chloroformed at sity was never adopted by him. He con fossed, however, that he had propoun: ded the theory--that a man should retire from active work at sixty, "And wiser 'men than 1 shall ever hope to be have said 0," he declar- ed. 'You will find it all in Mon. taigue. It is enforced in the army and navy and civil service. "But even when I did say it wis really a joke at the expense of university proféssors in general, I Hinde a' specinlexesption of ys A-man-ean think out lots of gene ral rules that need not apply wolf." So it--and - F 1 Sir William Osler blushingly to return to where, most of all, the at sixty" tradition clings name, intends un- the land "chloroform to his THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. , aA Lot ot News of Interest to Livery body. Sweet cider. Crawford's. Batger's India toffee. "Gibson's." A cold snap is locked for in a cou- ple of days. The G.T.R. has increased the office stafl at the station in Brockville. Rubbers for all. Dutton's, 200 Prin- cess street: Mrs. A. Vears, 31st. Men's home-made mitts, extra 10¢. All wool sax, 2 pairs, 3c. ton's, 09 Princess street, Mist Rose (Sullivan and son, both of Belleville, in Rochester, N.Y., on Sale men's swecters, wool underwear, wool sox, street, Miss Katie Tobin, ing 'her sister, Mrs. the past month, ay. . "A few men's dancing less than cost. Dutton's, street, Miss Loretta Murphy and Miss Lena Joyoe have returned to Ganan- Oarue after spending a few days with thdr parents at Joyceville, Sweet cider. Crawford's. J. M: Theobald had a fine hound drowned in Mile Lake. It under jice while trying to hold whic! had plunged into lake. Sale men's uo-to-date boots, latest styles, 85; patent, 23.75 to Sia velour calf, $3. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. : The Toronte presbytery has agreed to accept 'the resignation of Rev. Binney SN. Black, Kew Beach congre- gation, to take effect November 19th. Preserving pears, Crawford's. Laura Irene' Buell, formerly of Mal- lorytown, and Arthur Anderson, for- merly of Prince Edward Island, were married in Vancouver, B.C, last week, Sale of flannellette night dresses from BH0e.; warm corset covers, 20c.; black tights, in all dies. Dutton's, 20% Princess street. Dr. EF. Emmons, formerly of Belleville, and a prominent dentist/of Winnipeg, died in Vancouver on Sun: day, wheré he had gofic in quest of health, Sweet cider. Crawford's. Sale men's extra heavy soled, leather lined boots, $2.75. Boys' heavy boots, #1 and up. Dutton's, M0 Princess street. - Princess street Methodist church still continues to grow. At the sac on Sunday evening Crouter, aged seventy-eight died, ian Picton, on October heave Phat - A. A. Wil wera married November 1st. She; men's all extra heavy 200 Princess J0¢.; 205¢. Dutton's, visit. McCue, for home on Westport, EJ. returned shoes Princess patent 200 deer Jot deer ramental service last eight mew members were received into the church,' Ducton's is the store for cheap and ¢ | eood wollen garments, sweaters, mitts, overstockings, | underwear wloves, overalls, etc. 209 Princess street. Me. and Mrs. F. F, T. Browne, and son, Hugh, Farnbam, Que., returned home on Friday, after a week's visit 'with Mrs. Browne's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Porter, Bagot street. ' SCRATCH CAUSED DEATH. ne. Ignored Slight Wound, Bat Blood] Poisoning Followed. arent. Noe, 3. Alt Prien, aged thi X, 8 conlructing stone mason, ; * yesterday, of blood. just a it was of such: 8 oe was able to go on work: for two dags more. He leaves a (GRAND JUST 'Half the. people who are continually tinuat to him-}|. 0 OSLER Low AMUSEMENTS. = X HOUSE) § ee wn Y OPERA TO-NIGHT GRACE GEORGE America's Foremost Comedienne AND THE NEW YORK PLAYHOUSE COMPANY In Cicely Hamilton's Comedy, TO GET Ran 300 Nights in Louden. bs dist mes] GRAND FOOTBALL - MATCH QWUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS, Saturday Nov. ith, at 245 pam. Queen's vs. McGill Admission, 25c: Bleachers, Gc; Grana Stand, 50¢ wile nh Beals Th Plan at Uglow's until RBatucday, neon Bleacher Tickets for Grand' Stand Tickeis eriis 25¢ if procured Office Your last chance match this season AUCTION SALE or Horse, ess and Buggy, Market Sate fay morning, 11 ¢'clock 1 ar RR AY. : n» Btudenis for Pink Colle to a foutbatl Don't miss i ara Stud. at Past -- TENDERS JALED TENDERS WILL cel Fea at the office of the mtil 12 dé'cloek hoon, ON MONDAY, NOV. furnishing material and labor of I Kinds necessary for ve-bullding the abutments and approaches of DOG LAKE BRIDGE, Battersea and Seeley's Township of Storringten tions and othert in obtained at the Bagineer, - Qonrt The Tikht is resefv. ur a bids and to MORELAND Township Clerk 1911. BE REF undersigne 27, Wn, Bay in las a JoFmation may be the County Kingston "ted: ots 4d r walve any Sunbury, Nev. th, FOR QUICK SALE. 'A most desirable Business Pro- 124-126 Clarence Stree:, now occupied D. J, Garage afia Can- adian Office. Wik be sold in either ome-parcel or perty, by Hay, Angrove's Freeman "two. Can be bought right and on easy terms. Furilver particulars' from A. " F. Bond, or D. J. eng 26 Frontenac Stregt, Hay, on premises. MARRIED] Lue toner % i The For Fo orum CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc a word, - Each eon secutive lusertion thereafter half eest 8 word, Misilmom charge for one insertion 2We; three Insertions, Soc; alx, $1; one month, 82. Inn - " HELP--WANTED. A GOOD PLAIN COOK, APPLY TO Miss Hora, 43 King Street, _ A GIRL AT ONCE. APPLY Grimm's i102 Princess Street TO AN ACTIVE BOY FOR THE HRO¢ ERy Business at A Maclea ) Omtaria Street BOY FOR ne DEPARTMENT; steady position to a smart brient iad Apply, Business Office, the Whig. . A CAPABLE MAID FOR GENERAL housework: no washing or fronihg references reauired. Apply to Mrs A. RB. Williamson, 255 Brook st z MAID FOR GENERAL HOU SEWORK: one who can do plain Dm BLL - ferredr---wRpply 0G" Si) Lockett, 24 Stuart Eg Just - Barrie Rodos mpm "INTEL LIGENT "PERSON » AY earn "$100 monthly co drresponding for newspapers, No ecapvassin Send for particulars, Poss Synal- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y CAPABLE tics, oLD carefiyliy COUNTRY selected, arriving Oct, 30th, Nov. 12th and 26th. Ap- ply now, The iid, 71 Dremmond Street Montreal, or 47 Pembroke Street, Toronto DOMES. A LINE FOR EVERY HOME; WiliTE us for our cholce list of agents supplies; we have the greatest agency 'proposition in Canada to- day; no outlay necessary. Apply, BCI Co, 228 Albert Street, Ot- tawa. AEPRESENTATIVE WANTED, once for work in your locality; will guarantee $200 to $3.00 per day; opportunity to advanee rapid: ; WHI pay liberally fer spare work not difficult; experi- ence no. required, ~aternaticnal Bible Press, Toronto. AT CLERKS TO SELL ARTIC] needed in every home, especially by working men; good salary; pef- manent position; if you #re work- ing for small salary behind. the counter, write to-day; Fou can double your wages a.d .be your own boss. Apply, Box "B. CL Whig office. ad 100 LES MUCH GIRLS WANTED; highest wages; steady employment. Apply, immediately, D, 8. Per- rin & Company, Ltd. London, Ontario NEW SCHOOL REGULATIONS. - Have Been Issued by the Education Depr rtment. Copies of the new regulations course of study for public and = high schobls have been distribwted by the educational department. An examina+ tion of these reveals a number of im- portant changes, Grammar is no longer on the course of study for the third classes of the publie school, and the course in this subject for fourth classes has = been considerably simplified, The course in geography for all classes in the public schools has con- siderably changed, physical, commer. cial and economic geography. ik to re- and been received in the past. Aun effort is to be made to the course of study the needs and special conditions . of the Joealityys In schopls with only one teacher vthe tridtees may shbeti- tute for art and nature study, one or more of the following Subjects: Do- mestic science, fmanual; traiging, ele mentary agriculture. Physical culture is obligatory in all classes of the public schools, and- a manual. will shortly be issued by the education de- PArtmant for the guidance of the teach « taking up the subject. A two-years' 'Course of study is out- lined for fifth classes. On completing the first year's course, a pupil ~ may take an examination which will entitle him fo a junior 'graduation diploma; both these 'examinations will be coun- ducted by 'the education department, and cither diploma will adwit the pupil to high school. . The character and scope of the en- trance examination is wmehungedl, but in future it. will be known #8 the junior high school eptrance ékxamina- tion. This examination loses muek of its importance from the. facet that there are three other ways of secur ing admission to a high school, viz, (1): by means of a junior 'graduation department, (2) by means of a senior graduation diploma, and 3) by pass ing the senior high _sehool entrance examanation. The latter examination admits the candidate to the middle school of the high school. With a view to securing moze favor- able weather rg ithe fore going examinations; and a'80 the ex- amination for ion to the fae ulty of eguealion) dhe 'nobmal schools are to be completed by the 30th of June. Under the new regulations, the gov- emment "grant. to 'the hi schools has heen reduced by 2 per cent. in respect of i i school 'secomo- dation and salaries, A Very Severe Test. When the constitution ie neglected, indigestion, sleeplessness aud nervous: ness will sirely follow. ~ & tomic is then needed, and the proper medicine | 204 to take.is Wede's [ron Toe Pills. They build up the 'system, "dniprove ite and §lrengthen the rie 3 aan the of hops Over-ex: adopt in each school to is the It" Eriuiph Hy that induces & widower 10 ceive much gréatér atténtioh than has|' BOARD adult central office WOR AN must he 117, Whig AND L ODGING family of three; ApPPlY 16 Box' SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY peription; first class work; leather only used; one trial suffice, Bring your rgpairs Scott's, 2040 Barrie Stre€t, cor, Clergy West. neE- best will THOSE HAVING GOOD SECOND- hand furniture see me before any person else; I will pay the highest prices; 1 have a large Pandora Range and all kinds of Stoves and furniture, J. Thompson, 333 Prin- cess Stredt. rT FOR 8 ONE LARGE w AL NOT for Hirary at Turk's. SALE, BoOKC RSH Phone T05. € NY AINING A PURSE, ABOLT he Me 'nsistir A CORN "very Clarence TITER AND Pp Apply to Street: nLOWER, BJ. Hay, THE willow mile trom city Hiiticulats, 81 rdsan v ARN, ONEMALE limits. For Tuy hep Apply Rickard nB1 Vietoria 'Bireet A FR ner, ed dr unr Fun A ron £ BE Kindly ¥ AS Ta FLAGS, AWNING NPS, camping Sut rom I An Baglin POPBULE, ISnch * canvas, ki t apis raed hoods, whiner. Je Fupplles, Phone "m ron aw Suatia 41 PARRA, nmi ¥ ONTC THR Pr IVY Kingsios, Owner «an Praner T ABBOTT, a tr (6 5 orNTRY fully four 2 "modi iwellin KiNG P 1 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTR sit BE DRX CE, Mo the REACT. lake » Kingston: oon KR, facl idings, boar ARIN 18H acres sultanie $ « YUKON Ktree William Se vite: 200 Ia = soli REST Al R AN, 343. oe £r meals : b ( rd nehes ser Lire BRUNSW en more, ONT Ane wT, opposite PL T.R. stat block <r Pp Rn "on street car Hne i with best 'of wines a Be Bl with / the woek, Jom Prop ne from . E3.000--N0 LID bar a0) Nt seen S200 FRA Ather Stree 3 nents; very eomior 1 2.400 FR Lue, NINE ROOMS, 342-344 : Femoenty Re won iin; a: FIVE nes: MNireet Hra ; 104 rR GEO. A BATEMAN, Yard and] Rare Drigenil BS ree HOUSE, TSpeciat rat Ae Cousineau, oy o HOTEL, Bar sid Ales, Bess ehalrast THE GRIMASON Princess Street the best of Liquors snd Cigars, Meals, 256¢ cash rates by thé week ELable aefommodation Teasonable Mulvitle & BUILDING 1 0s, er CLARENCE S71, ---- TO LEY BUSINESS CHANCES. SEVERAL WELL. SITUATED 5 and Stares ke Smythe, OF« Sma fo Chatibers, on ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN ST ALT a mail order Business at homd ) canvassing, Be your Jowh bogs Send: for free hgdilet TCHY how. Heacock, 2.969, Lotkport, N.Y a2 RiNg STREET iN hot w S EAST, 11-ROOW iter heating Ap MeCann, bi FRAME 8 condi lc in Street bet os Ana rth of | HOU SE, Eneiire FOR INSURANCE THAT ANSURES Go = 10 W. iH. Godwin & Son's Insurance (Emporium, over Northern (Crown Bank, Brack BUFEEL, or phos 421 ran sae FOX FURMITURR AN, Ary airy fooms; absolutely moth oraot: wour Own lock "End key Frogt's City Storage. 29 Erout's City ® # Queen Bt, GENERAL INSURANCE--FINE, Accident, and Health Poliples ed; first-class companies; rates T J Boon, Wellington Street I standard Agen 15 toria mash os p hot Apply 10-856 John mg Edun \ water heating FON Sireex BATEMAN & GARDINER FIR, Jfe, Accident Insurance and Cus toms Broker: Real Estate and{Grox ND- FLOOR Money to Loan: a share of your of | Partar: be busine Be solicited, 67 Clarence he hn v. hr p "Phone 206 and 2 AT, ¢ tONuITING ire K. CARROLL, Street Fire, Life, Health InsMranee, imployers' Liability and Moter Insurance, Security Bonds Estate 4 eg, Re Ca' dary, Wootd bE pla: oa, Raging rads FRONTENAC LOAN ment Boclety, established 1564; president; Sir. Richard Cortw right money - tested on city and farm properties, « munigipal and couny debentures f@nges purchased deposits @ and interest al lowed 80 McGill, Mans aging Director, 8% Clarence Sireet peepee A ete en i 14 MARKET Accident and Plate Olas ne Nhy 1, 258 King SMI oo, Ane mTrEcr, 'Phone 345 Si Bre, sRrinR nivers 1013 ELLIS, ity ARCHT 2) eT. Aventie AND INVEST. 151 elephone win Lal NEWT, ANDS & te 2b Ls, -oi¢ Offices, 608. AR Bagot ! st 'Phaqne POWER 8 SON, ARC HITE Ts, chants Bank Build Brock and Wellington MER. 1%," corner Streets ASH Grong any. Available addition to the poi halders have Tom the unlimited lability of all the stock bolders Farm and city properiy insured 'al lowest possible rates. Before renewing oll or giving: new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents, 'Phone 885 ' pEsaty, which security $91 1 187 UPHOLSTER ER. W. J. GAVING pairing nd tress reno call 214 UPHOL stERING, ni. carpet work, halr mat- iting Drop a eard or Bagot Btieet FURNITURE FINISHWR. UBNTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Into up. -date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway 131 Brock St. near 'Bibby's Livery, POSITION! WANTED. CAPABLE YOUNG LADY position as housekeeper companion-help Apply,' Whig' office DESIRES or lady. Box 210 MUSIC. SALSBUR)Y BROS, Cail us -49%8 or address Hreet when in need of chestra for dance, at home or rember the phone number 1079, ORCHESTRA. -- ' ORCHESTRA, VIOLIN, plano, larger if required, for engagements balls dafices, receptions, afternoon, teas "ie latest music trial soijcijed Appointments may be made at 28¢ Princess Street, ar 'phone 224 MeMAHON'S clarinet open c HAR, MOLES, WARTS, 'BIRTH. marks and all growths and wkin blemishes removed permanently without 27 years Zxperi- ence, Elmer J. Lake, Eve Ear, Nos hroat and Skin Specialist, "Sos got Street. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN Nomis. WEST LAND REGULATIONS. PERSON WHO 'IS THE 80! dead of Tamily or any mais bver i EL of av ie Domimion in cant rg , yr) Land 'for the district. may made st any itions, ter, by father, mother, son, brother or sister of intend. jp ie monthe residences 5. A AYKROYD, D.D.S, A WINDOW CLEANING, ANTIQUE FURNIPI URE A SPECIAL TY, sbonlzing and gliding, enamellir r and all «colors of m, pion work work pring est atrentian Driscoll," 23 John. Street drep a.card ow now FALL hers waxing SEASON House ng we do i frdd arict Kingston 21 Montreal Dug Store windows Cleani ng 'eo McLeod's DENTAL. dow aver SPARKS AND SPARKS, D RE AL ESTATE. 230 13 br Princess Btreet, TINTS agstor 'Phone SOLD; RENTS COL. Roo Bot GAT AND lected and 351 No 2 Richardson IGRey Victoria SE Street 8. H. SIMPSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENT Go! 15% Princess Sireet. Telephon: DR. ~ ok NAS DENT. DR. OC. 8B ele Cher, - tant, i Princess » Phos . LEGAL. CUNNINGHAY & MUDIE, BAKRIST- ers and Solicitors AW tiffiem, 11 rence Street, Kingston A "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS RR. OG. Asheraft, DO, 136 lington St. apposite the Post Office chronte diseases treatsd by Osteopativie methods and J Vibration: Fiecteical treatments by appointiiens, 'Phone 17 . LDS, DENT. over Dominion Bxpress Office. Wellington Street. "Phos ist, 187 $10. v OSTEOPATHY. A. E KNAPP Dentist, 19 Princess. affice BA, EDS, DDS, Oo. treal Street, nenp ne 652. Ground flcor 'MEDICAL. ; J. PF. SPARKS, As M.D, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, 100 Wellington st Office hours, 19 to 12 am. 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. "Phone § 586. OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. oR. Ey D. MacCALLU iM an urgeon, 142 eli ten ns Ottice hours, 10 to 12 ay 2 and 7 to § p.m, Telephone 1093" » PHYSICIAN, TRANSATY, ANTIC LINES, ALL CLASS. 8 Kirkpatrick Agent, 42 e Nardnoe; Blreet, Kingston, "Phone 56s The Fire ire Place If 'you burn wood we have it, all kinds. If it is coal, try our selec- ted Cannell or soft Lumps. ANY QUANTITY DELIVERED. > years, caltivate fifty acres "aud recy & house worth Ro CORY. Jury 3 4 ot "lhe Minister of the