Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Nov 1911, p. 5

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WE T ple of giving our tion with good, by any NECessary suit or 'eustomers sati amount, of assure a perfoct overcoat. We want fi you to present that we can Nobody our meh you in the scientiously look for it. ever protest agninst "THOMAS LAMBERT MERCHANT TAILOR, - "OUR STAND, Upon the broad and liberal priuei- their - clothes or making alterations |. ture trade, and it is ously by pleasing More Citizens in Favor 157 Princess St. ™E DAILY BRrTiSn WHIG, SFHURSDAY, NOVEMBER hi WE WA {18 WELL WORTH GUARANTE BING, hoTEL BONUS, 1 i i isfae- tting | r of the faw--The Guardntee is a Sale Proposition--Kingston is Going to' be Alive. iy. con- | will | er are Among thé large number of rate payers interviewed by the Whig with reference to the proposed hotel by- jaw, few are more enthusiastic than Pr. A. P. Chown. Brought up in the GIVEN AWAY Ten costly prizes tomers who buy this week at our SALE over = Geods one dollar value, JAPANESE ART DEALERS, 174 Wellington Street. to those cus- The "Tokyo" city, he has bad a-chance to pote its many needs foi vears back, and per- haps. hotel accommodation. is m prominent. He is among «the numer- ous supporters of the by-law. 4 Oue Princess street merchant says: "If $100,000 will get us out of the rut we are 'in, for goodness' sake guar- antee the hotel bonds. To be able to] be chedp at twice the price." W. I'. Peters, flour and feed merch abt, heartily favors the hotel by-law. | For tourist accommodation the pro- posed site is ideal, and the city cer tainly is not sinking capital in some doubtful wining company, he says "Kingston ja ideal s but' it's too bad it has no hotel," is an oft-repeated sentence among Louk: ists. And we have to acknowledge it. The voting onyNovember 1hth will FE $O00000000800050000 i Ssesesnssesscecessssssoe eo000000 -Overcoating Season is Here~ Come and Talk the ° Matter Over with Us gC -- A CRAWF ORD. & « WALSH Leading Tailors, Priucess and Bagot Sts. 900000000000 change this state of affairs. Another merchant who holds wp oth! hands in favor of the hotel preposi- tion is T. McKean Robertson. He de- 'claves he sees no way in which the! (city could lose, We have everything! [to gain. The lack 'of hotel accom: {modation is unlestionable, and Ischeme is the best solution of matter; he says. John J. Crawford, of the firm of Crawford & Walsh, says he will vote | and do all in his power to assist the passing of the by-law. Mr. Craw ford believes we have come to the parting of the ways, and the rat pavers' decision, _this time," means whether Kingston is to remain in the | trut 'it unfortunately has been in, or {to become the attractive place it should he, Our progressive spirit will | exhibit itsell on November 16th. i CRAND OPERA HOUS the "Naughty Marietta" on Wednesday Evening. The "Naughty Marietta" { headed by dainty little Mle: Sesssssssssssssssssscrorsrsssassssasssrssscsd Winter Millinery Now The Go Black, White and Colored Beaver Hats. § Velows Hatters Plush, Velvet and Felt Hats. an rm a New Velvet and Chenille Flowers Willow Tips, Feathers, and Mounts. I HAN EN You Will Always Get The Latest At ot pg D. M. SPENCE, 119 Princess Street, The Leading BessasssveassssassasistesseliPrccscane Rg hh Rh In the New Home You want the best when starting in the new home. Above all, you want that home to be snug and warm and camfortable., You are sure bf warmth Smokeless Oil Heater, "The Perfection is the best and most rcliable heater made. It is a sort of portable It is seady the wick. The Perfection is all aglow in a minute. The Perfection Ol Heater does not smell nos croke--a automatic device prevents that, li can be carried easly room and is suitable for zny room in the house. - Handsomely pickel Yimin: drums cf cither turquoise<blee enamel your dealer 13 thaw ok SOI Sra Si Seoutat diet 10 cay spewey f Ministers' Sgiaries, * Puterhore Review. : Te is stated that ode minister in the Toronto Methodist confevence, hing re- + coived $HL fran his congregation for | are conférenén year, that is, the present thm May. Is. And Shs. ifaw rich De was compelled to bofrow sn to pay back, 'And "yet we have oe she question. t young men going' inte ministey 7° Why is there s¢ m difference. to. this vocation New York fires . Reform. fur § also in the siors bust distenders, gions waists, home after a pleasant visit at Torom- | A ste, 200 Princess. street, 1@9T eset et esesisesssnessntiossesessetsetTL. et a gt st y Millinery Store. and Sarsion with a Perfection night and day. - Just strike a match 'ind fight : patent room to email sum of woney, which the $32 was not Ld ® » . * ® Ld * ° ° ° ww ° * * ® ® * ® o ® ° ° * ® ® 1 # * ® ° | Webber, delighted a targe audience at the Grand last evening... "Naughty Mariotta'" is called a comic opera, 0 it 15 but jt musical comedy ined. When it is by vietor ment i was one of that could be imag necessary. "the very ever witnessed Webber is a © with, a real op delli, alto, Juan Edouard eck, baritone, are pleasing singers. Sid Braham Silas Slick," and Blanche Latell "Lizetti,"' while they were on the stage. The producti ion was most beautifully stag. ed. "The costumes and seenery representative of the year 1780 New Orleans. best of itd Kine here. Mlle. Florenee tie voice, Carp Cran t'ardo, tenor, most "Just-'o Get Married." American aetress ever achigved praise than has been -weeorded No more cers in UDivorcons." This was her first. pronounced suco however, but it served - to establish her as a |forentost comedienne, an opinion thor: {oughly shared in by the London as well as the American public. | George's new play, "Just to Get Mar- vied," which comes to the Grand to- night, is an Faglish comedy by Cecily Hamilton, and - ran for over three hundred nights at the Little Theatre {in London, The play. gives Miss George ample opportunity to display [Ree taleuts as a comedienne, and to thow the dainty grace and chamingly feminine attractiveness with which she surrounds a character. The New York Playhouse company that will support Miss George is one of distinction, and includes Lyne Harding, one of the best known actors in London and"cn the continent. 8, CEREBRAL TVVVVET BED EBA TATRA ERAS SA. -3 Joke on Chinaman, Some person played a little joke on a Queen street Chinaman. The was around collecting - his laundry, and left his bag in a hallway King strect, while he was looking af- ter some other business. In his ab. sonce the joker got in his work, and purloined his laundry. The Celestial reported the matter to the police, antl od onstable Armstrony, who made . an investigation, soon loeated the miss ing taundfy in another store. Thrown From His Horse. A batteryman Lad a narrow escape this morning from receiving broken bones. About two dorm of the horses were being exercised, and as they came into Princess sfreet, off Difision, a sireel car was passing, The foremost horse, a spirited ani mal, _bocamg [cightened and pranced jaround, 'The der, though an ex | perienead horseman, was thrown, but clung to the reins and remounted he- fore the animal got away. on Mar Ficil at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. 8S, Wartman, Colébrooke, Unt., announce the mar viage of their daughter, Helen A. Wartman, to, Dr. Charles ¥. Smith, ot Saskatoon, - on Wodnéaday, November Sth, at elevin o'clock, in the Metro. Jlotitan church, Toronto, after which unch was served in the private dining broom at Prince George hotel. Pr. and Hen, Smith will leave for their homo Saskatoor next A Neat Neat Compliment, One of the peatest compliments, says the Braitford Expositor, that ean ba. paid to the Lawier government. is that it was deleted by ghod {emes, causing, 'of course, lack of desire for any fiscal liey change. That sx ¥ri- bute and 1 tally a rcanse which aré pot contaifed in the history 'of all regimes, x aN Mrs. A ol Why the! iw oe 'Porter and daughter, street, have returned 'to and Brantiond, | 4 FOXES AND HEAVY SNOWS. feel that Kingston ie alive it would | { 1 in the suvyner, | this | im} Was Produced company, i Florence and is the closest thing to is said that the music Herbert, no further com- The production apfivating comedienne, | and as as created continual "laughter, were in Grace George, especially since her sue- | not ! Miss latter | * VINED BY ( MAGISTRATE. Young Man only Offender at Police Court, Charles Conway, a young mam, was the only offehder belgre the police magistrate, on Thursday morning. 'Drank and disorderly" was the vharge against him. "Lonway was in a laneway off Mon- treal street last night and be" dared any member of the. Kingston police force to place him under arrest. ' (He went so lar as to say that there was not one corsiable in the city who could arrest him. But he guessed wrong. The very first policeman to come 'along was Constable Arnicl, and it was a very easy matter for him' to do the trick. Strong drink was 'making Conway do all the talk- eng. 'The magistrate imposed a fine of £5 an! costs, with the option oi a month in Jail, Are Responsible for Loss of Part- ridgds in Winter, The great number of partridges which bound in the woods this fall TODS SHOES Swell Buttons In Tans Patedts and Gun Metals $4.00 $4.50 Swell Bluchers In Tans, Calf Patents and Kids $4.00 $4.50 = $5.00 We also sell the best $3.50 Shoe for men. $5.00 $6.00 has ledomany a follower. of this sport {to remark that it was a good thing (for the. government to iprotect them or a period of three" years by closing | the shooting season. An old hunter, {in discussing this point, remarked {that there are as many partridge kill- ¢ } every winter by heavy snows. and foxes ag by cuns! very night the, | bircn_ burrow in the snow to go to {at once. Thousands perish this way | EVERYONE LOOKING FOR - every winter, ha said. (sleep When a rain falls and forms a crust, the partidge smother and the | . DETS TO WIN BOTH GAMES TTHIEY G AGAIN. wily foxes, always on the alert for 'anything of this kind, siateh them] CA- | PET1Y | i 3 . And Aunex Two Championships on sSaturday--Ouneen's Defeated KH. CO. During Wednesday Night. | aturday--~Queen's Defeated RH I. H. A. in Exhibition Soccer Match | Still more petty thieving Yhe : 1 Jeity. Charles Chambers, well by 1 to 0. known carter, who lives at the corner if the '¢f Rideau and Ordnance streets. "i intermediate imourning the loss of a large quantify !ships this full, it will be no more jof rope, which was taken out: of Its | they deserve, and there a yard some time during Wednesday Pon in the erty who would not night. | toxcboth teams for all their might The rope Chamiters ' would help them. The RM... team lin his business and it means quite have Not attained their ability by the a loss to kim. Sneak thioves have aid of "euch renowned coaches as been causing a great deal of trouble | Father Stanton and Henry Grifliths, and it is a pity that some -of the | but the secret of their strength seems offenders could not be caught in the: to-lie in the Yaet that, théy are undér act, | training all the time. They live the sithplest kind of lives over at | the i military college. The téams aré not whipped together ina couple or three weeks, like most f the university teams, but undergo a system of training which makes theta hard as nails all the time Many, people have wondered how the 'adets dan put such fine teams \in the rdw and junior series wher they have only ut 100 men to pick from. This is reason. 'They aw training all time and tha eo their spare time to trick plays tactics fhe training which tucen's men do out on the field is part of the Undets' daily work, so timo is lost in teaching them the game. 3 AH Kingston, as well as the homes where the soldiers come from will be the qui vive for the result of the two contests "yn which they are pre- paring for Saturday, and on which two championships lie. 'They have far shown that the training which they: have sgone through under the grrlance of Lien Carson has not anc fans. are looking for them to uphold the standard of sport 'at the college by winning both games, Safurday. Although it has not ' heen decided definitely yét, it is quite likely that the junior game will be played in the and the intermediate one in The officials for the been decided yet [ Maude ort' With a Quantity of Roje in thx Jun and champion than per root both intercollegiate Cadets win not was used by Mr. % Will Not Increase Licenses, At the W.C.T.U- meeting on Tues 'day #fternoon, some of the members iimated thay they could not" sup port the hotel by-law if it meant that the erection of another hostelry would result in an sauilonal license being granted. The W,C. need have no such fear. No matter il Ha dozen hotels were built here in the sy pext few years no additional licenses could be given, In January the people will "decide on the number of licenses to be granted next vear. If they vote to cut off ten, theh, hear after, it will be possible to issue only fifteen tavern licenses in Kingston. Huo abe the the liquor in devote and other it] i no y arkling Eye. i A listicas, dull, heavy eye denotes a weakened constitution and poveri 1- ed nerves. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills beautify the complexion, make. the eve sparkle, and put snap and Xiva- ciousness into_the system by adding new, rich blood, #hd invigorating the nerves. Price, 25 cents. For sale hy Jas. B. Mcleod, druggist. on 80 o been im vain, Rolling Sydenham Street. I'he steam-crusher was put to work on the road way in front of the Ho- tel Dieu, on Wednesday. The road has been in very bad shape Yor the past few months, and it cannot be put in good. shape any too #oon for those : games who travel over it each day of the ® week. s A morning afternoon 'have not the Queen's Won Soccer Match. of soccer the R.( Wednesday be- H.A. of oi Left for Napanee. The special car, which has bee n. the siding at the Kingston & broke ratlway the past two days, taken to Napanee, last night. exhibit was viewed by quite number of people and many comments wore made about exhibit, In an exhibition tween the Queen's it the lower ternoon; Ito 4. exeiting game and campus on on Pem- was The large warm the fine Queen's won hy a score The game was very close and from: "th Queen's. got its only score at the first of the game and tried hard to another, but without avail. The artillerymen put up @& grand fight. fpe-of-the most conspicious men dn team was Donnohtie. Ha and saved the Foster The it a start. got Jean Val Jean, Celehguted lecture by Rev, 8. Cleav- or, sa Toronto, .in Sydenham Street Mothodist church, Monday eviming | next, eight o'clock. Admission, 2 Bix Rocket. have been booked the session of the divi Tuesday next, at which will preside. Thii® i= t dockets of the sen the soldiers' fine plays number of cases score for Queen's. sometvhat soggy and men to slide MeNab, Mehenzie, Coulter, Ball, McDonald, Foster, Bisonnette, Masters. LO HA Smith Hart, Shaw, \ , Sparks, hué, Obey, Faf ¥s Clspman, Releree- Baker; (Jueen' made some teant in made ground caused) n the was the 25¢. somewhat McArdle, Cueen' . Whitehead, Fifty-three cases for hearing at sion court, on Judge Madden one of the bigge SOI, ) Hoskins, Donnd 8 Robb, daviehter, Madeline Harry, of Barrie street, from visiting her Yansen, Manyaw. Mrs. "EB. and Master have returned ter, Mra. JJ. H. Piles Quickly Cured At Home "~= "=~. | Cochrane? the husky "mager, ia still nble to be around with the aid of a cane, but it will be sometinie before he will be all right again. He received two nasty eracks on the knee in the exhibition game R.M.C., Thanksgiving day. Erskine Will Play. Frskine's bad knee has so far recov- ered that he will be able to play the éntire game on Saturday against Me Gill here, provided he is no injured in practices during Ake week, Queen's missed his weight and skill on the line in the last half in Toronto Sat- urday, and the fans here will he 'glad to- see him in hatness. S18 -- Queen's serim- Instant Relief, Permanent Cure Trial Package Mailed Free to All In Plain Wrapper, Meny cases of Piles have bean Jured by Asal package of Pyramiq "ith le Remedy without further treat- 4 Ek i ment. When if proves its * value tn Will Start Basketball Soon. . you, get more from your druggist at ~ As soon as: the rugby season is 30c a boxy and be sure you get the over, the authorities at Queen's will kind you ask for: Simply fill out free turn their 'aitention to basketball coupon below and mail to-dey. Sive Practieally all of last year's team are yourself from the surgeon's kni'c back this year. and its torture, the doc.or and his . Wormed a 1 a Team. bilis. The members of the workirfy staff of Kingston dry dock company, have Joraied mn soccer 'teum, and will enter in the city league. Last yéar a sen was formed, but it did not do anything, from lack of someone to manage it. i i FREE PACKAGE COUPON . Pyramid Prog Company, A060 po amid 7 Bldg.,"" Marshall, Mich. Kindly send .me a 'sample of Px "Yamid File Remedy at once by mail FREE, in plain wrapper, the s Boxing and ¥ Feueing Clab, At. the. sweting of. the Boxing, Vrestling and Fencing Club of (Queenie University. othe following officers were oh | president, Prof, Matheson: president. J. Moxley: seaprerident, PD. E; Foner 'orasorer; CREAM PUFFS. ¥resh on Saturda y. Phone 141 R. H. TOYE, 302 KING ST. Fi frst of Sesion CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS ' CHARLOTTE RUSSE. DOERR E ee 'eaioee e DOC OON I. I. Mackay secretary, committee, BR. M. Smith, and A. Meclntosh There *was a large © numberof stu dents interested, present and the out ook is for even a better season than last, Queen's took ali the events the intercolfginte meet, champions in this line of sport from the different will meet of events. michael; Garvock in aml are A colleges to draw last committee the union ip a schedule in soon Busy Y.M. Gymnasium, the Y. MCX cupied every the evenibg H there floor there is teams of <undayv School League practising Yedyeaday the captains representatives of each team represent the league meet, in the building with Ms. Bews for an to practice. The games from next Tuesday, and to get a lot of prac There are a teams in the league Sto dohn's, Cooke's; It is gyvmna of floor" iu Now of Lhe sium how 1 the week in 7 one the On or a class on the basketball wot WF the evening ed in and arranged hour a weok start a wook the teams have tice in before that time. number of new Among them dre St. James' and Queen street pected that the will be ranged hit on an diate game will day evemmmg, he junior also be played that to have three it is likely they ox games nr seulor or interme be played wach be I ues will there one play ramnes HN games in he ever time evening ed. is will The Senior Rugby Game, team will have the enior rughy workout of {hursday afternoon, with game, prepaimiory to the test in the Intereollegiate Uni fall, which takes plac vturdn f t on, At athletic field i team will pres the 8 14 the last gam Jdthough there will + few changes {he back be Filia wall sarimmage, the line. Erskine customary positior Full-back, + Leckie 1nek Hazlett immage, Mellqu arker: and Dunlop it sick Smith amd Hatch mieded le Rodden 1 Erskine inside Yo Lumb Jucem's the last SOA NOL, the secotyl nal vm on m : CLI division di pe | while dite will o of he same the off his will Macdonuell, McNeil; out ill wack line-up in be rafves; yd quarter, ham, De 8 mg and Ufticials officials the Game. the (ouwen's-MeGill | here have t for for . I'he ugk game not been se tied yet, but McGill Jueen's that they would "Chaucer" Elliowt for one, Mebonald has been ch sther.. These itl lik ly 73 has notified like and to have Prof. as the nen be men. Soccer Team for Mentreal. Friday | it will round o soccer team leaves Montreal, tha second {he following will Ligeup . Fisher, MeCar del, B. amd F. DD. Mackenzie, White head, Foster, Masters, Bissonnette, Macbonaltl and three others be chosen this ueen' s dlernoon. for play- Mctiill in schedule. the where the soccer egmpose afternoon, Harriers go to Teronto. Queen's four-man barrier for Yoronto, Friday to compete in the intercolleg to be held there, Saturday Considering the fact 'that one team won the five mile race here Saturday, sud all four men were the race also Y id team will afternoon iate meet aftegnoon of the ade ave ween' s shoul showing thers all righ. Farrell, and Bus men to represent ihe iJacen Uily, roy, Notes on Sport. South Africa, fastest sprint Donaldson, of considered the world. Father Sianiom d Taine uses illegal rugby $Tet om an upderstandy firials belore going ranto on Saturdsy. been unable th agree on' off The Intereqllpsiate rughs plone to date hs been : 1800, Var city: 100, User's: 1991, Narsity; 1902, Mel ae, Narsity: j961, Quwen's 1505, "Varsity: 1906, Motil: 1997.7 th tawa College: 1905-00-10, Varsity in the that Varsity wnucl ai on mm To : have cham- re be | i | spoke the | who will Brass Bedsteads Denote Refinement a ¢ Just arrived, a of Brass Bedsteads, or Bright. big in consignment Brush Brass Some artistic patterns only $15.00. In all sizes. Our reputation of 60 years ls our guarantee PRICES, JAMES REID'S LE - a v bie TAKER, Dr Martel' s Female Pills | giuTEEN YEARS THC STANDARD | Preseribed and recommended for women's ail J. ascientifically prepared remedy of proves The result from th ure is quick and Permanent. a as By mln x ' REID'S HIGH QUALITY REID'S Low THE « brutal { terre | | io | | the Tiger Montéenl game as exhibition," Monday Figer- Argonast game on being the-"most inspir he had ever witnessed, with te exception. of the turning on of the Hydro-Flectric current at Te fronton," Hamilton n on of the { Saturday a {ing spectacle Figers are trying to Wg but be has had enough game, aml Wile [ has he does not ¢ 8 over jis thought © that with "Ben" in the | gnime; the voung plavers the back {division would be much more effective, for they nel a veteran to steady them joann. Fommy"' Auckland, Burns meet Johnson preferably in with clean breaks thy aceept got om' of the refused, the idea. It Simpeon out that i ¥ ben' an, feels not on ha arrived at interview anxious to the world, in a contest 8 he 1s will any terms, and only wants a chance to enper the ring with hig black, vith the stigila no elipehes be allows News ; J. T, Sutherland, ne agrees with Russell Brit. Queen's coach, that Varsity beat Ottawa College om Satar- He tha Presbyterians have won in" the Limestone Ottawa and that but for in the back division, the would hot been clone team Las a barrel of tricks. he save, but he is of the ofin- jon that the speed of the ¢*.ampions will take the easternara off their feet, and that Varsity will win by a good margin " Burns NSW. In that ia anywhere an stated was in \ustraiin He almost ny fo the tion that Toronto Wingat ton, the hould day should city from two muffs CON ent The college BAYS the Lhe have Years of f Suffering A Desperate Case of Catarrh in the Head. ° -*My father had catarrh In the head for a jong time. It was such a desper- ate case thai he didn't know what to do, but one of Lis friends recommended Hood's Sarsaparilla. He got a bottle immediately, and as soon as he coms menced taking it he felt relief and' ier the ure of two other bottles he wan completely cured He wns ro well picanad he Ras ever since HTM + he ued Hood's Sarsspariiia'™ Delle Mayor Les, of Bamiltan, who re o) e Degin, Levis, P, Hood's Sdrsapariiia today, Seid by eal ob sYerYWhers.

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