Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Nov 1911, p. 7

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BY ARMY OF BABOONS Yom Middy, Dragged Throw "Two Days, Rescued Tells of Harrowing + New York, Nov, 8.--Held in captiv- ity by an army of giant baboons for two days, until he had given up all hope of 'ever seeing his home -or ship again, was the amazing experience milol theirs, for George W. Griggs, the youngest wii My ahoard the Bucknell liner Kusenga, in port from Caleutin' und Mombasa. (iriggs owes his escape to Chiel Of ficer BF Mare Wooster, who at the Hear) of a picket of native police and twen- ty Maldy sailors attacked the baboons in the Mambasa jungle and drove them away from their young prison eo, who was lving exhausted and al most dead from fright at the foot of a. giant eactus. "f shudder at the thought of it," said the midly. "Midshipman Horne and I thought 'we would tuke a walk through the--jungle by "moonlight, 6 we left. the ship at nine o'clock. We sang and raised au rare din, when sud- a we heard the combined ehatter- ing of a million monkeys and then some beast put its arms around my neck, J shrieked and Horne ran away. "Then a doen or more baboons pressed wbout me apd dragged me away through the jungle. They did not hurt me, extept when they scratched me in tearisg my uniform. After about a five-mile march they halted in a banana grove and held a coyneil of war, iu "L fell down cold with terror. "To see' those fearful faces in the moon: light and to listen to their infernal chattering almost drove me mad, | must have Jainted for it was daylight when I saw them again. They sqyat- tet about ine and offefed me bananas and pinegpples to est. They seemed to have a kind of camping ground ae nad od president, J. THE 'OFFICERS ELECTED trensarer, A. W. McLean. 1 I BSW ! Honorary directors--11.. W. Richard: = J \. Robe! HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY HELD ANNUAL MERTING. R. E. Kent Was Again the Unani- mous Cholee for President----So- ciety had a Good Year--The Board of Directors Elected--A\ Ladies' Committee Proposed. At the annual meeting of the King. stan Morticaltural Society, held - on Tuesday evening, in the general com- itte room, of the tity hall, R. ¥, Kent, who hus for a numbpr of years | shly. carried out the duties of presi dent, was again chosen for that poss. tion hy a unanimous vote, Mr. Kent thought that the honofs should go the rounds of the members of the so ciety, but the members thought other wise, and thus his election. Mr. Kent has at all times worked hard for the society and the members feel that he i# the right man ¥n the right place. | In addition to electing the ~ other officers the report «df the secretary- treasurer, X. W. Mclean, was received and adopted, and looked upon ns wnst encouraging. ~ Althongh the so- ety had a small overdraft on the year's work this was due to the fact that extra prizes were awarded at the annual show. The secretary-trea- surer, A.W. Mclean, was re-elected, and the members paid a warm tri bute to his work, r. McLean has heen an energetic worker for the so- ciety for several years and is well deserving of all the praise bestowed upon him. The election of officers resulted "as follows : Xi Honorary presidents W, I. Nickle, MP, and Dr. Edwards, M.I., the two members of the Ontario legislature to be elected, and Dr. £. Ryan and * Dr. Flatt, ident, R.' FE. Kent; first vice pr J.B. Walkeni; second vice- 3 ina Faint \ Hh She Atempled to Work, soi ion Rlith: Casphell, dnmiidete Tor «| inembyer-he-large Wis the Nervous Fa? Ra Ad Pestiaied by ---- Pr. Chase's tion is - terrible | Vi Wasted Nerves Were Forest and Held in Captivity . al Giving Up Hope--- . - . and had pdbted sentries some yards away from 'where 1 was lying. ' "They did not leave me all day. perhaps they thought I was a relation one big fellow treated me as though I was his child) 1 found 'a can of pressed meat which they hadn't been able to open, but | wasn't hiingry or thirst, | was seared stiff, How ihe day and lollowing night passed | don't kuow. Ii seemed a vear to me before the chief and the native police found me." Chief Officer Wooster took up story at this point and explaived : "1 thaught Horse was romancing when he came back tothe ship and said that Griggs had been kidnapped by baboons, but finally he convinced me," be said. "All hands were called: on deck, a posse of natives impressed and off we started to trail the mon- keys. 3 "It was the third night since Griggs left the ship when. our guides brought is to the monkey camp. At their) suggestion we had brought "a pile of ship's rockets with us, and after light- ing a fire to 'windward of the camp we threw the rockets in the blaze, piled! on a heap of 'red pepper and started to yell. "As the rockets shot wp one by one, the baboons shrieked in chorus, sight. ed the fire, sneezed at the pepper and tore away through the jungles like so many mad men. Then we advanced and found poor Griggs, almost naked and shivering with fear. A dose of Neotel put him on his pins and away we started for the old Kasenga, and Fil het the lad never loved the old ship as much before, did you, Griggs?' the BR. J Baiden; secretary won, B. W, risen, W. J. MeNeil, M. Fowler, W. J. Blacklock, H. Simp. son, EK. K, Purdy, J. N, Watts and Walter Telfer. Divectors--Messrs. Thomas England, H. W. Snelling, George-Nicol, James Daley, W. H. Macnee, Dr. G. W." Bell, R..J. Bushell, Dr, A. P. Crown and H Parks. Messrs. 1. A. Guild and Oscar Bar- itels 'were re-elected auditors. The report of the sdcrebary-treasurer showed receipts amounting to $478.. 66; government grant, $2405; total, $023.65. . Expenditure--~On prizes, $337.50; oth: ar expenses, $330.53; total, : $665.03, The soviety offered in prizes $473.50; amount awarded, $337.50. There were 617 ewtries at the show. A suglestion given by some of the members, that a ladies' work depart ment be established &n connection ywith the autumn show, was discussed, but it was found that under the con- stitution wo prizes could be offered. It was felt, however, that a Indies' committee would tend towards the betterment of the society and the question was referred to the direc. tors, The annusl meeting of the Historical Society = will be Keld in Toronto' on Nev, 15th and 16th, and the president will arrange to have a delegation present for this meeting. Ontafrio Tipped Out of Boat. A rather amusing story has just lonked out concerning a cold dip la' number of duck hunters had a couple of days ago. They were hunt. ing, on Monday, on Navy bay, while the high wind was blowing. An un- usually heavy gust their boat while they were off guayd. Thé boat filled with 'water and sahk, After divesting themselves of part of their outer clothing they swam to shore and walked to town where they procured dry apparel. They lost part of their equipment, including a nom- her of decoy dugks. Taft Voted for a Woman, Cincinnati,~ Nov. 8.<Yesterday Pre sident Taft cast the first ballot of any president of the United States for a woman seeking office. He voted for of the local school Campbell," cid, "seause I thick women reprusentatives hoards andl as T know % bility and gualifica- MEMBERS OF THE W.C.T.U. i A 1 Discuss Opera House Plays and the : New Hotel, The monthly meeting of yhe W.U, T.. wae held on Tuesday afternoon, in the parlors of the YW.C. A, with a lasge attendance, anxious to. hear reports of the reeent conventions held at Winchester and. Sherbrooke. Mrs. McCallum, president, was in her ac customed © place and 'took charge of the psual devotional exercises. The attention of the members was called 10 the éharacter of some per- formances sometimes presented in the operg house, not being commendable to sither educate or improve the morals of those attending. The ques- tion of how to obtain better condi tions for the elevation of ow young people, oecurtring so framently in our press, we fear is 'mot to be answered by such amusements. As a Christian union we feel rhat_ we would not | be consistent in our profession, ff we did not use onr utmost efforts | to hinder, us fur as we can, whatever we feel is likely to lower rather than raise the standard of worals in our midst. And we have pot the. least doubt that those in authority in the city will use their influence in pre venting pliys that 'are objectionable. Cute a number of members interest- ed in the new hotel scheme were de: sirous 'of information as to whether a leense is essential. UY. so, 'many who ate stronghe--m favor of would not vote because they- could not con- sistenitly violate their temperance prin. ciple. . Mra. Reynolds gave a concise excellent report of the convention, held at Winchesiqr. There was a sadness vading the opening on ac: count' of ithe serious illness of Mrs, Thornley, the esteemed president. For a time her life was despaired of. But later the reports were more en- cournging and i is hoped that the danger is - past. Mrs, Stevens, vice president, filled her place, making a most eapable substitute. Miss Sprosle gave an enthusiastic address on her work among the lumber camps. © The subjects debated were numerous, and many important improvements in the manner of work, Will be brought into use in the many unions represented, during the coming year. A ~ hearty gresting was sent to the Duke of Connaught, who, we understand, does not permit the use of liuor at his table, and his daughter is an ardent temperancesworker. The reception and entertainment of the delegates were nll that could. be desired. --COM. and "GREAT BRITAIN'S TRADE. Board of Trade Returns on Imports and Exports, London, Nov. 0.--The board of trade returns for Uetober, published, to day, show that the imports for the month were £60,915,120, an increase of £2,804,49% over the preceding wonth. The exports for the same period were £43;540,303, an increase of E£5,855,071, The imports" for the ten oaths ending -Oetober 3lst--were £550,230.001. The exports for the same period amounted to £374,732,100, an increase of £03,456,098 over the corresponding period last year. Appointments. Hardly Credible, Canadian Courter, Toronto. toh from Ottawa states that Hon. L. 0. Taillon is to be postmas- ter of Montreal. This is hardly ecredi- ble. Hon. Mr. Taillon is a distin- guished politician, He led the anti nationalist opposition to Hon. Mr, Mercier in the Quebec legislature, wis twice in 8 Quebee cabinet, and #ifally premier. He nftprwards ent the federal arena and beonme Postmaster | general under Sir Charle§ Tupper. But Mr. Taillon ix sevepty-one years of age. It ix a senatdrship he should have; not a pebtmastership. Such purely administrative and technical positions as/ customs collectors and postmasters! in the cities especially, should goto well-trained members . of the I not to outsiders' po, matter' what their experience, nor what their "claim." Ft is impossible to helfove. that either Premier Borden or Postmaster-General Pelletier would be- Zin their. administrative career with of wind Spat such an appointment. . Mrs. McRee Released on Bail. Opelousas, La., Nov. S,--Mrs. Runge MoRee, bell in jail lere sinee saptember 2ist, when she shot and killed yg Allan Garland, was, ves terday, admitted to bad én the sum of 85,000. A jury in the first trial failed to agree, Zee tentiary for picking pockets. The report of the department of In- dign affairs shows that the redmen are increasing in Canada, and their general condition is improving. Hon. Adam Beck endorsed the pro- posal to place the Toronto water: works under the « WydrosFleetrie Com- mission. Makes a Bad Gough Vanish -- You Used. Family Supply for : 60c. Saves You $2. p | society," influence. those of childrea. VICTO LE POST OFFICE BANKS, Amusing Enquiries Addressed" to Officials in England, London Standard, J , The humours of the post office sav- ings bank are pleasanyd' touched up- on by Mr. Edward Mennett in ""The Post Office ' and 1s Story," published volume which is described on the title pags as an 'interesting ac céount of sie. activities of a great goverigréut department, Whatever they may Think, authors are not often so pefily to pronounce judgment ona their work; but in this case the justice of the claim need not be challenged. For the book is unguestionably interest- ing, dod the chapter on the banking branch of the department is a fair sample of the volume. It is difficult, sometimes to account for the . iteér's knowledge of the ecorrespondénce, which passes through the hands of the postmaster-general and his subpedin- ates; bat as no names are metitioned, nobody can complain, Among the let- ters quoted: iv ong froma. depositor who sould not fully grasp the regula. ernment stock. He does not yuite un- derstand - the transaction, he writes, "whether it is for land, corn or silk stuffs." ' Agriewlturists, to whom Vdgtock' 'hak bat one meaning, have tried to buy eattle through the nied: ium of the post office, Friendly and other provident or charitable institu- tions which 'are allowed, under spec The VICTOR VICTROLA can be made to represent much more than merely an amusement---a careful Selection from the Victor repertoire of over 5.000 Records can make a strong educational There are no minds so easy to cult- jvate to an appreciation of the best in music as' ~ VICTOR R RECORDS in- (Hornlees rd DOESN'T NEED GATES GIFT. Victrolas and Horn Gram-o-phones $20. ~ 250. (Easy Payments If Desired) Beware of Imitations NE Hoar It Today At The Neare.: "ston Berliner Dealers ~~ : Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. Limited, Montreal Wien Thinking of Xmas - Gifts REMEMBER THE VIC " clude the music of the great composers, the classics- -the semi- classics ; the dear old melodies that will last forever, etc., as well as the latest popular airs of the day. The greatest singers of the world, including Caruso, Melba, ete. for Victor Records. sing exclusively All these may be brought into your own home through the po ICELANDERS BEAT COLUMBUS? Chicago Banker Who Was Bequeath- | Dr. Nansen Believes Thoy Discovered ed $10,000 is Worth $25,000,000. When John J: Mitchell, president of Landon, America 500 Years Before 1492. | Kav. 8.--~Dr. Nansen, in a the Illinois Trust and 'Savings bauk [lecture to the Royal (leographical Ho: of Chicago, found that he was a bene |ciet ficiary to the extent if $10,000 by the [the } DOWIE Lerma of thie will ol John We Gates Bo land "and founded two setilaments on Elfusive vongratula-{its western coust at the end of was gratified. said it was well known that 'orse Ieelanders diseovéred Green: the tions not ummixed with bumor eume tenth cotury, from his millionaire friends chell iw ; rated as and really didn't need the money. regards it as a token of friendship Outsiders, people unknown to chell, took a different view of the mat teri They thought the bequest wholly superfluous to the immensely wealthy bank president and 'ageordingly » for Mit. gestions as to what money. Most of them -- It mst North i 1 according to a to do with the hy the state health department. suggested that tial was also be regarded. as certain, worth $25,000,000 {he daid, that they discovered the eons He tinent Greenland, about five hundred Mit- (before Cabot and Columbus. Anierica, besides vehrs Deaths in Empire State. Albany, N.Y., Nov. ly kept {10,544 deaths him busy at the telephone with ug | Qaptémt §.-There in 'this state werd dufing statement The 1,000 Joss than those fo he donate it to charity. Several hos feorded in Augudt and 2,000 less than pitals ealled up, use it. "T hope 1 saying said Mr, Mitchell, "We were not in- tions regarding the purchase of gov. inmates in the common acceptance of the term. Four years ngo 1 advised |. Gates to let speculation on the Stock Exchange alone. Gates followed * this counsel. Since the early part of 1907 he had not made a speculative trang. liberals. Aubin, in McGarry, action of "this nature." nominations for ture include Mayor Sioelair, of Osha wa, hy and Robert they could | the total far July. "Typhoid fever has decreased " Tully appreciate the com- {from July and ° there is nb epidemic pliment to me implied by Gates' will," |p revalenes," | fq some says the statement. the legisia South Ontario liberals Smith, of Bolton, by Peul Conservative candidates are : Donovan, in West Nipissing, and 7. W, South Renfrew, sll sit- Brockville; A. A Premier McBride and two of his min- {ting members, isters interviewed Promier Borden at ial conditions, to place their funds in purdled at timed 10 explain their rajs- on d'etre to the official mind, "Our ' the managers of one of them wrote, 'is in éase if a member should have a pig)die with the swine-fexer or any unnatural, death, so as to receive the worth of the pig out of the funds of this' society," Another association which sought the assisténce of the post office savings bank, 'may have thought that all reasonable doubts had been satisfied when it styled itself the "Help one another infectious dis cases club." Persons who claim money deposited by defunct relatives 'oecasion- ally display an artless simplicity. A woman admitted that her dead son's father was still living, but added that he was "insignificant." A claimant to a father's estate as next of kin was delicately informed = that his mother had not' been legally married. He then assumed. the character of a era: itor, including in the account he sub- mitted, "shock to system on learn- {ing this fact, £2, 5." the dafe keeping of the post office are | British Columbia. Ottawa regarding better ind Makes the Hair Grow Long, and Luxurniant and We Can Quickly Prove It terms for | shalting of Cred Stops Falling Hair and n Destroys Dandruff If You Wish to Double the Beauty of Your Hair at Once, Just.Geta 5 Goggine was killed in the the starch mill at Port Ey TROLA CARE Oat, © ane y A and this trade mark Hed Ra. CPRCATFIL SRN Th OUR ORYSTAL BRAND 5 nd found choos tor table ude, Priot Is ron 0 flas been tri preserving and tiways right ANDREW MACLEAN, Ominrio Street. n , sess ssesvessal { THECLUB HOTEL w Wi 8, : Pi the Club ? homelike surroundings. od of city Locat ih centre alose to principal stores theatre, Charges ars moderste. tre Special rates dy the Weak, PF. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, Brrevrssacans WNESTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Lamited) "Highest Education at Lowest Cast' Fwenty-kixth year, Fall Term begins Aulust 50th. Cour in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, ele graphy, Civil Service and Bug Hen, tur graduston get the bast positions. Within a short time Metoalfe, Kingston, Canada. ioctpal BETTER GET Your bins filled with --Qur Coal before the Fall rush comes on P. WALSH ; Birciit St. : rvs ssssssssssassesel Swest Cider New Figs ~ Choice Apples a aa. - eee. Sutely try a Danderine Hair Cleamae 5 sou with 3 of your h ir with jast moisten a 'cloth with a little Danderine and drtw' it carefully your hair, taking que small strand at a time, will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil--In a few moments you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, and abundant and possess an incomparable dustre and luxuriance, the beauty and \ shimmer of true air health. 0000000000000 000POREY the Elmwood temple (Congr Tn oid Ao : Highest be Grades T tional) of this city, and will leave the minis-1. cleanses, parifies and invigorates the try to go int basins stopping itching and falling hair. church has not as vel ) is | ~ ; GASOLINE. COAL OL. " LUBRICATING OIL. "4 FLOOR OAL. GREASE, BYE. PROMPT DELIVENY. W. F. KELLY. and Ontario Toye's Bulldisg. 000000000030 080000000 8 RCHO OF ASTOR WEDDING. Rev. 8. Lambert, Who Performed Ceremony, Gives Up Ministry. Providence, R.1.,-Nov. 9. Because of the eritichssy resulting from his marrying Col. John Jacob Astor and Miss. Madelaing rT Force at Newport, on September 9th, Rev. John 8. Lam hav resigned as Pastor. of i D. COUPER, Phone 76. 841-3 Princess Street. I Prompt Delivery : i ry ~ S0v0000c0 dence cnRRtee S00 rv revo centPOBOR OS

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