PEERAGE INES Fee es WHITE WiLL MORE "FURS BE THAN WORN EVER iis WINTER. White Arctic Fox, . White Tce. land Fox, White Koyal Er- mine, _ Coney, Ete. Were eels IEE eee ® White 'Thibhet, 'White 4 8, Illustration shows White 3 Coney Coat 50 or 52 inches 3 long rolling, Collar, sailor back effect. Deep Cuffs of Iceland Fox, lined through- out with White Satin. PRICE $65.00. Come in and see them. No obligation to buy JOHN McKAY, KINGSTON, °° Pessssrsras sepa 9 | | EXTRAORDINARY | C900 Cheap Purchase OF Mohair Mats : DOOR SIZE oF aL ed COLORS $1.25 Quality for < Tbe. wd ¢ 1 i AS Sa at An TBO VOVUN NN MMII MASAI {R. McEAUL, | $ eanres; i ghilo v seesssssbusibecesves COAL! | : ! Bada The kind you are looking for 1s (he Kind we sell, ~ SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. "BOOTH & CO." Foor WEST STREET. ®) {one of his own men. 'HE FUR HOUSE. Ps t{leged the saijors of the steamer ) right to, The"Prénch sailors of ONTARIO, One $60.00 Brass Bed for $45.00. One $56.00 Brass Bed. for $43.00, One $47.00 Brass Bed for $38.00. _ One $45.00 Brass Bed for $37.00. One $42.00 Brass Bed foy $83.00. Others 'down to $16.00, ~These are snaps. © DESKS.--Over . 20 . new styles, Oak, Mahogany, Walnut, ete., $5.00, $6.60, $7.60 up. Some great values, © RUGS, CARPETS, all grades. CURTAINS Lace, Brussels, Madras, ete, OILCLOTH and LINOLEUM. Repalr and Upholitering Work promptly done. "Phone 90. * Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. HOW AMONG SAILORS. Nett, Many of Them . Fought Over u Truck: A row which lasted about 'minutes, and, which, different times resembled a rugby immage, took place on Swift's wharf, Thursday afternoon, between sailors of the steamers Aletha and Belleville, lying at the wharf at the time. The fight was over a Irbight truck belonging to tho steamer Belleville, which it is al: Al no the the twenty otha were using when they had Telloville, outnunibered 'those of Aletha, and alter ma pushin and choking the others for | s quarter of an hour, sudceeded in at last get- iting their property. An dntusin tacle in connection with "the was when the mate of the fracas, steamer ¥ {Belleville got hold of a man whom he |! thought to be one of the Aletha's crow and commenced 16 maul him, and upon closer investigation found it was t : Souvenir Day. Surely the wise ones will all shop at' Best's tomorrow. Souvenir day has always been a popular feature, but this year it will eclipse any forme one. A useful, complimentary - pack- aga will be given each ésustomer mak. oly shop os - sho! thay. "be not' disappointed. i cienciinn Donsecration of Bihop To aesistants at ton, which will take November Bo Donnell of O'Copnor, * Archbishop Gothier { asked, that he be "relieved | arin eouneetion with the A Mes, ' boro, 825: '| tients attended were: Anglicans, fifty- g | of the township, while ihe subject of Lisl LIST OF THE WOMEN WHO HAVE SUBSCRIBED TO . QUEEN'S RESIDENCE, Over $3,000 Has Already Been Cox-i- tributed, Chiefly by the Alumnnsc "~The Alumni Will be Appealed to Later, The Yollowing is a list of the women who have already subferibed 'to the fund for a women's residence' in con nection with Queen's University. The total is mow over $3,000. With a few exceptions, the subscribers are all graduates or alumnae of the uiver- sity. There are still a great many to be heard from, but it is expected that the canyass of alumnae will be eom- pleted py December Jst, when an ap- peal will be made to the alumni. In the meantime, subseriptions are being received froni® friends of the university and of education generally. Further lists of subseriptions will be published from time to time : Misses Marty, Ottawa and Stratford #500; Miss Muir, Ottawa, $200: Miss McNab, Prince Albert, $100; Mrs, John Macgilliveay, Kingston, $100: Misses Mowat, Kingston, $100: Migs, Shortt, Ottawa, $100; Miss Hawes, California, 8100; Mrs. R. W. Brock, Ottawa, $100: H. H. Horsey, Kin geton, $100 Dr. Mary Bryson, Ottawa, $100: Mis: I, Maclunes, Vancouver, $100: Miss H. Elder, Toronto, $100; Mrs. James Third, Kingston, $100, : Mins Thompson, Almonte, $50; Miss McManus, Ottawa, $30: Mrs. Athol Carr-Harris, Mexico, 850; Miss ©. Mo Farlane, Ottawa, $50: Miss May L. Macdonnell, Kingston, $50; Miss ¥. D. Cattero, Regina, 350° Mrs, Hugh Nickle, Kingston, $50; Miss 8. G. Story, Aylmer, Que., $50; Mrs. Harry Lavell, Smith's Falls, $50: Miss Fihel Tait, Vietoria College, 250; Miss Alice Chown, Kingston, $50; Mise Janet Carswell, Renfrew, $50; Miss Fdna Poole, Toronto, $50; Mrs. Macarow, Ottawa, £50: Miss M. Robertson, Pe térhoro, $40. Miss Williams, Dunnville, $25: E. Goodwin, - Kingston, on tanach, Williamstown, £25 ton, Kingston, $25 Mrs. W. A. Me Hlroy, Ottawa, $25. Miss Helen Walker, Perth, $25; Miss Elsie Saunders, ' Ot tawa, $25; Mrs. James Rollins, Peter Miss Clifford, Picton, $23 'Mps: BD, 1. Calvin, Toronto, ; Re J Hutcheson, Toronto, $25 [£. Henstridge, Kingston, »25 Power, King ston, $25: Mrs. Yeigh, Toronto, Miss Minnie Mac kay, Kemptville, Miss Harkness, Sault Ste. ' Marie, $25; Mrs. [Frost Smith's Falls, $25, Mrs. C. Bryson, Ottawa, $20. Mise Cowan, (ext mural), ~ Ottawa, 820; Mrs. R. Chisholm, Almonte, £20, Mrs. A. P. Knight, Kingston, £20; Miss Florenep Ewing, Carleton Place, $20, Miss W. McKenzie, Calgary, $15; Rise Daisy Chown, Kingston, £10. Miss Margaret Thomas, Cothorne; $10 Miss Polson, sKingston, 210: Mrs. _R. Mira Rin ton, $i; Miss G. Came- ron, Troynois, $6; Dr. Margaret Me Nellar, India, $5; Mes. 12. B. Ather- tom, Nashua, N.H., 85; Mrs. Macdon ald, Waterdown, 85: Miss Mattock, Almonte (extra-mural), $5; Miss kK Michell, Perth, $5; Miss LL. Shaw. ningston, 55; Mrs, R. Maske, Ottawa #05; Mics Mona Knight, Kingston, $5 Miss H. Davidson, Kingston, £3; Mis i. Ang glin, Kingston, $5; Miss Drum mond, Kingston, $5; Miss A. Dawson Cmpah, $1. Mise Miss Cat Mrs. Skel 5 LOCAL VICTORIAN NURSING, The Report of the Nurse on the October Work. The Victorian . Order Of Nurses ox- ecutive met in S¢. George's hall on Wednesday. Fhe nurses' report for Uctoher showed "that" 133 visite had Been made. Phd' demoninations: the pa- Methodists, Salvation- five; Roman Catholic, four; two; Presbyterians, two; iWts, one; Hebrew, one. Donations received were: Mrs. Wright, fruit; Mrs. Smith, clothing: a friend, five dollars; Mrs. Crothers, clothing. The returns received from collections now being made were indeed very en- couraging, Every one reported kind- ly receptions and a growing interest in the work of the order. The Late Mrs. Arthu: Dickey. Mrs. Arthur Dickey, ome of the elderly residents of Rockport, Passe away at her home in that villag: Tuesday morning. She had been in ill-health: and latterly her friends gath ered about her knowing that the end was near. The late Mrs. Dickey was « life-long resident of Fsvott. She was in her weventy-sixth year. Her maid en name was Jane Hollingsworth, Hes husband, who predeceased her five years ago, was one of the leading mer this sketch enjoyed the good-will and esteem of many acquaintances. Three children, all residing at Rockport, sur- vive, namely, ohn and Arthur Dickey and Mrs. oseph Rogers. One broth er, John Hollin gsworth, lives in Mal lorytown, In religion she was a Meth: adist. : By the Author of "The Rosary." All readers of good modern fiction will be delighted with the appearance of a new book Hise Florence 1. Barclay, the w of "The Rosary." The title of the new tory is "The Following of the Star," and is a beau tiful Christmas love story, told with the same depth of feeling, sincerity, | purity apd sweetness: that placed "The Rosary" in the front rank of re ed fiction, acknow a "one of the Pratitent romances!' ever Written, "The Rollowing of the Star" and for sale by R.. Ug : orders delivered Artichokes. + nd efi, ims Savoy cabbsages ogions, at Pate Boston lettiice, looks, woinach, oyster plant, Carnoveky's: ; Wittism Robinsoh Better. William Ttnhinson, av-M.PP, is re 1 to be doing" wioely: 2 caulifiowers, radishes, ery, ete, af] ox IRELAND a) AND IRISH. . Rev. W. Pl FitsGerald Gave Fine Rev, William Frederick FitzGerald delighted a fairly large audience, in the Grange "halk," at Vortgmouth, on Thursday evening, when he dehvered @ lecture on the suvject, 'Ireland And The Irish." The spenker handled his subjeat in 4 masterly way, introducing! wany interesting stories, and every: one was more than plegsed with the eniortainment, The chair was oceu- pied by J. H. Dawson, who made 4 tew hr remarks, in introduc ing ths speaker of the evening, and al the close on motion of Rev. J. O. Crisp, 'a vote of thanks was tendered to Rev. Mr. BitrGeraid. Burin Ee , solos were ren- dered E. Fn itiible, severdl selec. tions by the Pe chorug, 'and ©. also selections by members of the 14th P. W.O.R. band. The musical programme was much enjoyed, and a vole thanks was also tendered to all who contributed to it. Miss Halliday ably curried out the' ution of accompanist. TALK : ABOUT WATER, Aud Prof, Nicol Made it Very Enter. taining. The first of a series of monthly meetings; to be held during the win- ter mbuths, by the Men's (lub of St. James' church, took place Thursday evening, in the siverolugy building at Queen's, when Prof. W. Nichol. give an inte resting lecture on Wa- ter in its Various Forms." The lect- ure was illustrated by lantern slides. Prof. Nichol dealt' with the different forms of water, commencing with the mist at Niagara Falls, the snow- flakes and hail, the glaciers of. the Rockies, and the icebergs of the North Atlantic. At the close a hearty vote of thanks was moved by Francis King, and sec- onded by Albert Shdonon, to Prof. Nichol. The elub = returned to 'St. James' hall, where refreshments were served. Dishes Were Smashed. The smashing of some dishes in the Chinese restaurant, Wellington street, late Thursday afternoon, by a couple |! of young men, éaused excitement. A cgll was sent to the police, and a couple of bluscoats were soon on the scene. It appears that the men who smashed the dishes were quite willing to 'pay' all the damage, but the pro; prietor wanted the men arrested. The names of the ,men_ were secured, but the case will," na doubt, be settled, by the accused paying over the amount to cover the damage. Best's Drag Kist. Cough Cure - Cold Cure Tablets . Cold Cream . Witch Hazel Cr re Toilet Paper, Fn 10¢ rolls Peroxide Tooth Powder .... Castor Oil, 15& bottle Tooth Wash, 25¢ Boxes Perfume, 35s Blaud's Pills, 26e, Queen's Theatre Night. Some of Queen's St, fents are very anxious fo have their 1heatre night on Wednesday" evening ndxt, "when May Robson will appear at the Grand in her new comedy," "A Night Out," and it may be arranged for that night. The new comedy, would form O fine treat for the students. Kodaks. Brownie. cameras, All photographié supplies; Films. developed and pririted, Eastman's agency. Mahood's store. Oscar Cherry, of Oshawa, spent the week-end in the city with friends. drug "Kingston's Famous Fur Soe "WARM "WARM WINTER COATS : ' ' ¢ 3 : t ' + ¢ : : : ' | : Our stogk contains every kind ofa Winter Coat any woman wishes to see, § Cloth Coats $6.50 up $ } Caracul Coats $18 up ¢ Sealette Coats $20 up ! Fur Trimmed Coats $15, § u Fur Lined Coats $35 up i Fur Coats, all kinds, $30 | | 4 Y SALE. § Saturday 'we will sell A everything in the Millinery ut at 20 per cent b discount, " WATCH oun wixbows. GEORGE MILLS & TO 2 bs of§ YI Stantey, near St. AA mearecount of his bad record. » A Niughty Marietta. 'Neath the Southern Selections, 200 PRINCESS STREET. I'm Falling in Love With Semeanc. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp. It Never, Never Can be Love If I Were Anybody Else But Me. rR MARIETTA: MUSIC Lyrics by RIDA JOHNSON YOUNG You Marry The he Cam Moon. Complete Voral Score, The College Book Store OPEN NIGHTS. Music by VICTOR HERBERT " For a limited time only v we will carry in stock the principal numbers of this popular opera. It's Pretty Soft For Simon. ftalinh Street Song. The Sweet Rye and Bye. Live For To-day. a Marionette, Melody. Waltz. 'Thone 91, wire THAN SERVE TEN-YEAR TERM IN PENITENTIARY. Police Kept Close Tab on Frederick Graham, Given Ten Years at St. Thomas for Picking Pockets----He Has & Long Prison Record-----Not- ed Bail Juthper. Sheriff McColl, of St. Thomas, or- rived in' the, city, on the night train irom the west, with a prisoner for the penitentiary, who has a long prison record pale is Frederick Graham, and he wal sentenced at St. Thomas, hy Jystice Teetzel, to ten years for pick- ing pockets. Pevari ing that he would rather hang than go to penitentiary for such a long texg, Lixahen has - been closely» watched, ever since he was sentenced. Sentencd was passed upon him on Tuesday, and he was removed Kingston just as seon as possible. The ' sherifi had a constable with him, to help him keep tab on his man. They arrived on the early morn- ing train, and the prisoner was then placed in a cell, at.the police station, and left there until nine o'clock in i to * jthe morning, when he was removed to the big prison at Portsmouth. Graham" was caught red-handed, picking the pockets of people who were at t Vig Irish picnic at . Port, Thomas; in August last, and he was given a long term The records show that the prisoner has 'served five years in the state pri- son, at Elinira, N.Y.; three years in Momtrenl, and it was also shown that he had jumped his bail in Toronto no less than three times. 'A very close watch was kept on the prisoner, to. seo that he did not escape, or gven attempt to do away with himself, owing to the threat he had made. He 'was regarded as a dangerous man. nd even while in his cell, at the palice station, one 'of the men was close by all the time, watch ing him. * Although found guilty by the court on all the charges against him; Gra. ham still protests his innécence. He is a comparitively young man. / IS.NUNNE WEDDING SOMME! Paul's Church on Wednesday Evening. A preiiy wedding took place in St, Paul's church, on Wednesday evening, November Sth, at 6.30 o'clock, when Miss. Minnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs James Dunne, 22 Elm street, became the bride of Ernest James Summers, of Toronto., Rev. W. F. FitzGerald of ficiating. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked beautiful in a_gown of eream duchess "satin, trimined with crystal and silver. He dark hair whs prettily arranged be neath a wreath of orange blossoms, and tulle veil, and she carrnd a bon gquet of shaggy white chrysanthemums. Her sister, Mias Lily, was bridesmaid and looked lovely in a gown of pale blue duchess silk, tritimed with silk fringe and silk applique. She wore « large picture hat of erecam velvet, and gd abouguet of pink carnations. Harry Bassett, of Toronto, was best wan. After the ceremony 'the bride's moth- er held a reception at her home. The groom's gift to his bride was a beau- tiful dress ring; to the bridesmaid, a In St. Thé bride was the recipient of many costly and beautiful presents from Brandon. Man., England, Ireland, To ronto and Kingston.» The happy con ple leit on the midnight train for their home in Toromin, which the groom has already furnished for His bride. The bride travelled in a grey tweed tailored suit, with white plush hat, faced with black panne velvet and tritmod with ostrich band and pompon. Bouble Strest Car Service. Two cars were put on the belt ling service at' noon, and the speed and easiness with which the crowd was handled at twelve o'dock was aston- ishing. Many favorable comments were heard abou. the efficiency" of the service. The (en-minute service at six o'clock in meh appreciated also. Be Grorge Mills & Co. For new gloves and caps. . Souvenir day at Best's tomorrow. The semi wookly When's Lollege Journal is growing in Sores aml vigor ald its popularity is marked by a Margely increased subscription list. Kodak film: Florda grape fruit. etry large size, fn: flavor and very duicy, at' Car. novsky's. © You cannot afford fo be without n rubber bunion moteciot, all sizes, 8 126-138 PRINCESS STREET. = RATHER HANG; & {PURE LINEN TABLE gold pin; and the best man, euff links, | > { s developed at Mahood's. | | Dutch "Bulbs. For} } Fall Planting Imported Direct from Tolland. © Best Bulbs at Jest. Prices. Hyacinth, Tulips, Narcissus, Daffodils Treezia Now is the time to plant the warden for Spring Blossoming = or Indoors tor Christmas | I I Crocus, CVOTVLLTLBVLRVLLERLLIVVRLCEILRBTERRTRBBRN Dr. A.P. Chown Druggist and Opticiang 183 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone. 348. | } | | - tatdoetttdetestte ctesscieaseste Sob obese SSRI ITER SPI IIII IIIS SII IIS Joo HHI vIr IIIs II IRIE Sees denls i 20 Per Cent. ui : 00 OOOO IODOD OIC {eo} ® ® | BLANKETS ath aha at ean en Un EE SUBSE © : Pure Wool Blankets 9 All sizes, Pink or Blue. 4 ' «borders. Saturday only . them at 20 ¢ y wo offer" per cent, discount off 3 enular prices, EE A oy DAMASK + Al 9 Bleached, 60 inches 5 wide. Saturday's Special 3 price. 39c per yard + Ladies' Ladies' Winter Coats ia Splendid values in new = Winter Coats just placed @ @ in stock and ready for 2 Saturday's business. : Prices $10 and $12.50 Each. | Atom rs pr Newman & Shaw : The Siwags Busy Store. . . . . . " i - |X - TRY POAGHIGS- For Meat and Groceries. Our goods are the best that, can be bought. C.H Pickering! 490 Princess St. cor. University. Phone 530. Special attention given to phoro odders. « | - 1 | ! | on t ¢ The Marquette Pattern § sae sesee IN "Wes TABLE SILVER Have Vey Can you- geen it? It and 8 exceHent modernke 18 plain, h a couply of raised threads running the extreme ~ edge W have A complete of this & y new of quality il a very rice. The bright paitern finish wi around Or" "each piece showing new pattern in Forks and INRD™ "Knives, or fancy Pieces for v tion. SMITH BROS. 350 NG STREET. Jewellers, Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses, a bodes tetbsindvibnaabn iso i ------ 8 BUR VETLVLLLTTLBVLTLRBTVLLLTT LHL BGTROLBOT MADE OVER AND » RE PAIRING W. F GOURDIER Sohool Children's Byes Supply: Their : Intellect * Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED, KEELEY, Jr. Optometrist, 226 PRINCESS STREET. At the sign VIR TAY YOURS FOR ALLE WNT KisGsfos Livspny, Prince: and Sydenham Sits. 'Prine 22. Cor. \