Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Nov 1911, p. 3

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THREE GAMES WILL BE PLAY. ED IN KINGSTON, Gwynne, Captains of RM.C., L Out of the Game Through' Injuries--It Will be a Great. Day wn the Grid. «fron. : i ; ; Cadots will await wht expeetancy the tesult of tomorrow's contests in which the twe rughy teams which re . present the bewt material and skill at the college will battle with Varvity's representatives for two champion- ships. Cadets do not fear for the ¢on- test, for if they lose it will be: with the satisfaction of knowing that they bave done their best to brisg to their college. The intermediate feam, with a lead of five points over Yarity HH, will make an jnteresti time for the boys from the "Rah, college; and it will need ull the To- ronto trick plays and skill to ever come that lead. It was hoped that Capt. Gwynne would be so far recov- ¢red as to he unble to play, but the team will have to enter the conflict without him. Fry will take big place on the wing. The lineup of the in- termediate team will be: Full buek, Galt; halves, McAuley, Carruthers and Lawson; 'quarter, Blackstock; serim- mage, Greene, Mallory and Greenwood; dutmide wings, Shoenberger and Fry; middle wings, Roberts and Pearce: in side wings, Sweeney and Storms, chatnpionship than the other ope. The line-up be unphanged, and ag follows Full back, Barwie; halves, Huichin- «om, Murphy and Sutherland; quarter, Roms: scrimmage, Matthews, Whitehead and Demuistoun; wings, Fisher, Pat- terson, Latimer, Bishop, - Hay and Gendron, Queen's vs. McGill, Queen's has the last chance of the season to win, at least one rugby game. by defeating MeGill here on Sat- urday, in the finishing game of the Intereollegigie Rugby Union. McGill { had no trouble in overpoming: the Presbyterians in Moutreal by a buge score, and no one is looking for them to do any thing different Bere. on Sat- urday. Queen's had the final practice Thursday afternoon. Soccer Team Has Gowe. (Quieen's soccer feam left for Mont- real to-day, to play the return game with MeGill in the Intercollegiate s soc cer sehedule. The win of last Satur day over Varsity has given "Pete" Pilkey a great desl of confidence in} his team, and he thinks the team cap score a win from the Montrealers, ST ---- Inter-provincial Games. du the Interprovincial Rughy Union Argonauts play in Ottawa, Saturday, and Hamilton in Montreal, Argos win this game it will give them the championship," and if they lose they will be tied with Ottawa Rough Rid- will - probably be a {laghier sgieeze for the team wi TOWN OF GANANOQUE TON, AGED EIGHTY-SIX. eT. Death in Mickigan= of William ©] Henderson, Formerly of Gaaan- oque~\ Benefit Comedy Produce ed. Gananoque, Nov, 10.--Another of Gaoanogue's well known and kighly respected oclogemmrinn residents pass- ed to rest at her homé on Victoria avenue, on Wednesday evening, in: the person of Eliza Charlton, relict of the late Jobn Charlton, in the eighty- sixth year of her age. Deceased, with her family, came here from Kingston {some forty years ago, and had resid- ed here continuously. She enjoyed good health up to a recent date. Out of a lar family, ope som, Ralph, who resided with her, and one daugh- ter, Mrs. John Moore, First street, alone survive her, 'Mr. Charlton hav- ing p sed her many years ago. The fanéral was private and took [place this afternoon, to Willow Bank cemetery, The popular comedy, "All the Coin forts of Home," was reproduced at the opera house last evening, 'as a benefit for Irving Beers, under whose direc tion the play was produced a few weeks ago. The play is to be pro- Huced in Brockville in the near future and those in the leading roles attend: ed the production here last evening. DEATH OF MRS. ¥ ELIZA CHARL- b 1 oP IMA 20508 " Funsiest Woman on the Stage, yy her, Day Presenting : ne Rejavenaton of Aunt Mary WEDNESDAY, A NIGHT OUT 50, Toe, $1.00, $1.50, Seats mow , Sale. . GRAND FOOTBALL - MATCH QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS, : Saturday a ith, at 215 pam. 's vs. McGill Admission, 25¢; Bleacners, i5¢; Grana Stand, 50c; Reserved The, Plan at Uglow's Be Saturasy. 12 noon. Bleacher Tickets for Btudents 325c. Grand Stand Tickets far Lady Stud. ents, 2%¢ If precured at College Lost Citice. a Your last match this season. AUCTION SALE Of Horse, Harness and Buggy, Market Square, Saturday morning, 11 o'clock. WM. MURRAY, Auctioner. chanve to $%e a football Don't miss it. 4 3 one insertion 25¢; three insertions, ¥0e) six, $1; ome mouth, HELP---WANTED, 4.0008 FLAN GUI. arecy vo A GIRL AT ONCE. APPLY TO Grimm's, 102 Princess Street. AN ACTIV . BOY FOR THE GROCERY hustuess ut at A. Maciean's, Ontario tree BOY FOR MAILING DEPARTMENT; steady position to a. smart bry, Bt hie Apply, Business Office, The . ¥ A CAPABLE MAID FOR GENERAL Housework; no: washing or Ironing: referent 'es toauired. Apply to Mrs. A. R. B. Willlamson, 255 Brock St HOYELS AND RESTAURANTS BRUNSWICK Sg. opposite CG. T.R. from CPR: ar su pplied and Tiquors; special rates by Cousineau, oN ARI Ty one Je K Car oi of wines moderats; By Juin TT Tr ----n rs. sens, eho THE GRIM ASON Princess -8¢ the best Idquers and Meals, | Cigars, rates by stable reasonable, R44 reet: Jar STOCKST with Fy POTS, Brands uf Wines, a special Yard and Rates "Tie & Driscoll BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, Send for Heacock, ANYWHERE, a mail order business canvassin wn o-------- CAN SPaART at home. No own Felis how, hoss NY. FINANCE AND INSURANCR, IRR eR res IIIS r SIRI TI ea FissssssssIRsatssITssseseaseree FOR SALE. 3 teste bo re ONE LARGE WALNUT, BOOK for library at Turk's® © AS »N 'Phone 708 Goon BLOOD PUDDINGS AY JosEry "taawo's, 200 --emertn onireal Street A Ccenx very cheap Clarence Stre THE "wiLLow Farm, mile from city Hmits, pAriientars, SRpiy tichardaon, PLACS, AWNINGS, IRNTS, CAN fishing lanch asket v everythin bagw, silk Renin hy supplie arfo @u Sathping Sutine. Rrine suppl Rngtish bh ratnoogr en kit h A motor Frank w 'Phone 581 or 28. COUNTRY RESIDENCE, fully situated on four miles from mbdious water, ete. Apple ard { y coumery elu caving the city; can he 8 argain t 1 p Avoty to b boat Cooke, Ye Ont siitible for CrTrER AND LOWER fay, ONE-HALF For fur her Fichart- 261" Vicieriy Street. : ous, tackle, ne AUT shore owner Bot ugh "i i MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; ote who an do plain Woking pro- ferred. pply to Lockett, tuart Br : $ Barrie: A most desirable Business Pro- Fs perty, 124-126 Clarence Street, § | yx en -- INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn monthly corresponding | GENERAL INSU RAN Fee WIRE, 2 Acelde ent, af alth Policies Jars, for newspapers, No canvassing first-class companies; ers. If 'the Tigers win in Mofnitreal it Word has reached here of the sad will make a three-cornered tie. eath of a doxmer well-known and re spected nl dot ave of the tdwn, whe, for the past seven years, wa# lo- eated in' Michigan, in the person of NEW, iE hae 43,000--804, ID BRI » FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES Go coper Stre ti ON Ho y _-- Pail Godwin «5 mn 8 Insirance > rovemeénts . mn, over Ortliern Crown $3500 iPRAMNE, SRO » Bank, Brock Street, or phone 421 4d Albert Streets pa Heprovea ments; very comfortable, $2400 ~-- FRA . YIN Haveriey The Junior Game, The -jumior CLRF.U. game on which another championship hangs . ' will be an interesting ore, and will be | The old Limestone city 2 : : ulled off in 'the morning. The Cadets presented by six teams in different [William Henderson, son of Bichand ave w lead of one point over Vur- [lines of sport Saturday. Queen's | Hetiderson, a former employee of the Send for ti i» . A 1a Pi - ' WW sity IH, just enough fo give them a |furnishes one rughy ieam for a game [). F. Jones Manufacturing company, care, 3.969 Lockport, pes Syndi po. S90 ySompRaies Standasg PR Aare MAN, © SLARENCE BF win, and that is all. The junior | here, a soccer team for Montreal and iwhe removed to the far west some adian Freeman Office will ellington Strat gent, 15} 6 g 5 3 ; - - a harrier team and a rifle team. for [two years ago, ahd nephew of Robert ! " . { Toronto, while "Royal Military Col- Henderson, Main street. 2 ~ {§ be sold in either one parcel or CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES- - J lege has two rugby teams in econ | Court Thousand Islands, No. 66, . ht rigl ? tics, carefully selected, afriving Dot v OW Can be bought right and : - : tests, C.0.F., held a well-attended smoker Oct. 30th, Nov. 12th and 26th. Ap- Men of ive skin : $ . ER The Guild, 71 Drummond n i dos in their lodge rooms last evening, Montreal, or 47 Pembroke will revel in the fine Didn't Do Much Against Queen's, George Dowsley, Wellington street, v Toronto. silken softness of the Although Queen's rugby team is at] an 'employee of the Gananoque Spring Further particulars froia A. ai fine spun yams in the foot of the list, it nearly 'took! and Axle company, was accidentally Tiger Brand Under- both its games with Ottawa College. struck in the eye with a piece of steel F. Bond, 26 Frontenac Street, A LINE FOR EVERY HOME; WRITE wear with their Fi the first, the Ottawans won in the [which inflicted a painful but + not A a ee le at gents a. smooth pathet last few. minutes by Queen's fumbling, dangerous injury. Mr. Dowsley éx- agency proposition in Canada to- SY " and in the game here two weeks agu, [pects to be able to resume work day; no oullay necessary. Apply ic feel and casy, el- the Ottawas won again on a few fum- fagsin in a few days. BCL Co, 228 Albert Street, Ot. astic adaptability bles by the Presbyterians. Cornellige, | Harmony lodge, No. 15 to the body's moveménts. G N° off .- oy House, Kingston Has Six Teams. will be re- -------- ROOMS, improvements: now occupied by LD J, Hay, Garage and Can- large | £5007 HR BE: FINE BUILDING LOTS, Angrove's 1 TO LET. two, er ATEN CMAN = GARDINER FIRE, fe, Accident Insurance and Cus toms Broker Real Estate and Money to Loan: a share of your [business solloited 67. Clarence Btreet, Kingston. , Phone 336, ~ ' ly now, So treet, Btreet, on easy terms. WELL-SITUATEED OF Sores. Apply to Smythe, Smythe, Ontario Chambers, SEV ER AL fee and hs tet eA ------ K. REOLL, 14 mane] ig Breet i Elfe, "Acoldent anal: LN a5 Rel, Can p Insure ance, Plate Glass 8 © 51 Employers' Liabifiy and Motos . B Insurance, Securi iy Bonds, Ww Jimipe, gE, Regina Moose Jaw, etc Sy, gio, or D.: J. Hay, on premises, Br be Kk le Relwkah, after their regular business : : : 8 Co' sary, wa team, did not do much against | session last evening, held a bangtet Bibby's Want Queen's slow back division, even with |in their amusement hall. : a stromg wind in his favor in two Mrs. Frederick Lloyd, Charles street, TWO YOUNG MEN TO LEARN Clothing and Furnishing Bosi- i quarters, IH Vagsity's halves are [is confined to her home, seriously. itl, 1 3 iy alert, the youthful kicker should not | Miss FiBel Armstrong, spending "the ness, a ¥ dos much damage. It was lack of [past few days in town, guest of Miss spped and poor' catehing that beat Edith Jackson, has returned to her Queen's. If Varsity has both of these {home in Iroquois. gridiron requirements, it should win | The matter of the deed to the tow to-morrow. park with ite numerous Limitations, AEPRESENTATIVE once for work In your locality; will guarantee $2.00 to $2.00 per day; opportunity to advance rapid- ly; will pay liberally for spare conditions and' provisions, providing for wpace for a shating rink at the time; ork not 'difficult; experi- security the unlimited liability of ited, -Rterna all the stock-helders. Farm and castern end, curling rink at the west end, band rooms in the rear, and oronto, . city property insured at lowest poseible rates. Before renew Ing old or Biving new business Bet rat from Strange & Strapge, Agents, CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH Phone 428. A 248 'King Street needed in every home, espesialiy by . working men; - good salary; pér- manent position; if you sre wotk- ing for sma salary behin the ARCHYTECT 181 counter, write to- days ou - can r fee phos double 'vo rw ages sand! be. your ATRey . Aelerhons gwn boss. Apply, Box "BE. B, C.," rn, 'hig office. Si EB ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, , ebonizing and gilding, enameliing | WM. and all colors of mission work. i tects, ete work given :hest attention. "al hone 608 Driscoll, 23 John p i ; drop a card. BIA OA or oft! , Daughters of . tawa. Real Estate jn the mach-talked-of kicker of the Otta- re ---------------- -------- FRONTEN AC: LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society: established 1863; president, Sir' Richard ( Sartwright! money f4sued on city and farm properties, muriicipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al lowed § ©. Mei, Director, 87 Clarence | oman rd STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, dry. alry rooms, absolutely moth proot; Four own lock and key rost's. City Btorage, 199 Queen St 'Phone §36b, " Managing wy Btryet CREAN, NEW YORK €iITy, Miss Kimball, Soprane. Mrs. Reed 'Miller, Contralto. Reed Miller, Tenor. Frank Croxton, Basso. Grant Hall HOUSE, CORNER BROCK AND RON. feaae Btreets, facing Victoria LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLORR Park; modern improvements: hot Fire Insurance ompany. Availab'e water heating. Apply to 495 John assets, $61,187,215. In addition to son Siree whieh the polieyholders have for yg ee WANTED, AT Kingston Players With Ottawa. There will be four former Kingston rugby players on the Ottawa team to WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20th, At 8,15. Plan opens at Uglow"s Nov. 20, ARCHITECTS, | ne NRY I. SMITH, ARCHITEC 'Prone 346 BE SURE FIRSY, 'When: you send your clothes to be cleaned or dyed you want to be sure they will be y done well. Parker's; . with their thirty years' ®xperience, give you this assurafice. They ' glve satisfastion.. . m. PanKER 4 Cb. been placed 'in the hands of a cam- mittee to look into the details of it and endeavor (o arrange it satisfnc- orily to all Spnterned, ts temidich PRICES: A meeting of the gaarterly board of ; Grace oh was held last evening, A $1.50, $1.00, 75¢, 50c. decided that Rev. Dr. || Tickets Montreal The- 'ollege; be invited to preach nn. ergary sermons here. ------ capital on Saturday, "Jack" Wil liams will play full-back: Stuart Rob- ertson will be on the half-back line; "Fd," Elliott will play outside wind, and J. C. Stewart, son of Postmaster Stewart, and who played, with - the R. M.C. the past three years, will be in|when it- was the scrimmage. The « latter is = 187 Smythe, principal of pounds, and is a husky player. The ological & Ottawas got him out this week. With these four Kingston men and "Marty" Walsh; the Kingston will surely. win, ence Bible Tr may be secured by 'phoning . FURNITURE FINISEMR. 887 . LRTHUR ELLIS, University 1013, 1024; ed meet the Toronto Argonauts at the |athletic grounds slo in: the rear, has 'EDNES OV. 2 Tae NEWLAN coach, Ottawas w DS a Offices, federal government, and should the provincial government refuse or neg- Dyers and Clea - Princess st, a Ont, : (Continued from Page 1.) lect to .act.on the decision of the fad OUR ~ORYSTAL ERS Basketball Club Meets, Sub-see. B of section eighty-two of eral houge, the jurisdiction of . that : A Srundned h 1d de the jurisdieti ) Ti WANTRO; -- rowER 8 SON, ARCHITIOTS, mE The first meeting of Queen's Basket: | {ho public s~hools' act of the province | house would supersede the jurisdiction ighest" wages; steady chants Bank 'Building, céorner Be and Found stee! ent tn ball Club will be held Friday after. of Onterio, siys: of 'the province. employment. Apply DENTAL. Brock and Wellington Streets, we, Price immediately, D. 8 Pep. \ / -- . p-- . rin & Company, Lad, UPHOLSTERER, noon, for the purpose of organizing | "It shall be the duty of every THE W HIG'S JUMBLE. London, Ontarle. ongun. Vntarlg 1 inten wireer Eigen W. J. GAVING, UPHOLSTERING, RE. for the season and electing officers, toacher to . . . use the English Th | p i . e students will turn their attention language in instruction and in all & Lot. of News of Interest to Every y pairing and carpet work, halr mat- body: trees renovating. Drop a card or to indoor pons: communications with the pupils in re- Crawford's. i call Street. SON ARCH. 26% Bagot Bu 1S ENGLISH TO BE USED? Ontario Street. gard to 'disgipline and the manage Sweet cider. 216° Bagot fos Arts '14 Rugby Team. COME THY THE If the rain ceases Friday afternoom, ASTOR CAFE| Everything up-te-date. Regular Dinner, 25c¢. Home made Pies and best Coffee in the city. Open Day and Night. -------- arts '14 rugby team will hold ite- first practice for the series of inter-year , which will be pulled off short- if the weather will permit. Teams Went to to Toronto. The barrier and 'rifle teams from Queen's: University went to Toronta at noon, to-day, to compete in the intatcoflegiate pg which are to be Four men -composed the arrier team, while about thirty men were entered for the rifle match. 'Varsity Coming To-night, Varsity IL and IH rugby tenms will arrive in the city Kriday evening, on the loeal train. The Torontonians ave in fine shape and will give the cadets the time of their lives in the two games for the intermediate and junior championships. ment of the school, except where it is impracticable to do so by reason of the pupil not understanding English, but recitations requiring the use of a text book may be conducted in the language of the text book." Further, section fifteen, of the pub- lic 'school regulations of Ontario for O11, says: "Iti school sections where the French or German language prevails, the trus- toes may, in addition to the course of study prescribed for public schools, re- quire instruction to be given in read g, grammar and composition to vach pupils as are directed by parents or. guardians, to study either ©f these languages, and in all such cases the authorized text books in French or German shall be used." The teaching of French then, is to- day recognized by the laws of Ont- ario. Now, supposing it was propos ed to make a change. In that event their | Fresh homehound, *'Gibsoin's," Colgate's toilet waters at Mahood's. }: Athens Joultly- sais will likely be held oun.December Sth. Rubbers for all, Dutton's, 209 Prin- cess street. The old-fashioned horehound candy, souble 'strength, "Gibson's." Arthur Cronkrite, Madoc, is phar ed with stéaling' a" watch from Arthus Hayworth, Fresh hotehound, 20¢ a pound. "Gib- son's." : Men's home-made mitts, extra heavy 40c. All wool sox, 2 pairs, 35¢c, Dut- ton's, 209 Princess street. After a continuous service of near ly thirty-two years in the hack business in Brockville, Sylvester Donahue has retired. Make yourself doubly welqime: Pit a box of MoConkey's or Huyler's cand- ies Jin | your pocket, Only at "Gib- SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY - ocription; first class work: best legther only used; onb trig] will suffice. Bring your repairs to Scott's, 306 Barrie Btreet, cor, of Clergy West. THOSE HAVING GOOD SEQOND- hand furniture see me before any person elsg; 1 will pay the highest Tices; have a large Pandora Range a all kinds of Btovea dnd forniture \ J. Thompson, 233 Prin- cess Stree \ GENTLEMEN > wo BRING THEIR Cloth and have It made up oto up. to-date sulle. Price and workman - ship guaranteed to please. ing and repairin shortest notice. Press- -done on the 'homas Galloway, , LDS. Hee 2% 0 AT 026 Pr ness Stir og Hr dod DR, ©. 0. NASH. DENT) XN olcker, ae BN, ha ne bn 8. A. AYKROYD; ist, over Dein in Wellington st FE KNAPP, Dentist Princess, office J. F. sp LD. ) Str cot, nesy Phone 652, Ground flcor LILS, DENT. 'xpress Office, 'Phone DDS, WINDOW CLEANING. THE SEASON OF cleaning is now kinds, floors: we storm FALL here; windows HOUSE we do all such as waxing sand oiling also clean. and put up Kingsioh Win- dow Cleaning Con, 21 Hontresl St, over McLeod's Drug ore REAL ESTATE. BOLGHT AND le cted And aoney to los No Hm Victoria Richardson SOLD; LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUubDiE, RENTS nn; Biréet, BAKRIST. KS, B.A, M.D PHYSICIAN near Bibby's Livery. and ie iniheg 190 "We ellington Bt Office Rages, 10 to 12 a.m, 2 to 4 and 7 to Sm. "Phone 386, ers and Bolicitors. Law 131 Brock St, Clarence Sireet, Office, 71 the British' North America Act might Kingston Cataraqui Hockey Club Meets; | | appealed to. Sub-ses. three of see- tion nivety-three of that act provides The posi) "necting of the Catia: ru Hockey Club will be held in the as follows: Al Friday evening, when plans for thor welfare of the team will be dis- cussed, beside a officers for the PRINCESS ST|ve-. or. men's sweaters, wool underwear, 75c.; wool 0x, 25¢., Dutipn's, 209 Princess street. ! : . - Red. Cross Cough Syrup. "Gibson! DR. E. ©, MacCALLUTS PHYSMC an, | separate or dissentient schools exists | The telephone line connecting Addi E as, Stevan 142 Wel lHngton Si | "HEALTIE WITHOUT DRUGS. 5. 6G. by law at the union oris thereafter [son and Mallorytown; rural SALSHBURY HROS. ORCHESTRA -- and 7 to 3 50, Ta, wm. eat' Asheroft, DO, 136 Wellington Bt, : i 3 tems will 'be leted iA abpu . Call up 1979 or address 21° Sixth phone 3 | 5 ipesite Hie Post om ; apan . establishod by the legislature of the | sys mp t Street when in need of an ors Algeases treatsd by Qsteapathie proyince, an appeal shall lie to the | two aveeks. chbstra for dance. at home or Ball "methods and ; Elect real y ral lon; governor-general-in-council from any | Fenway "nut cream centers" fresh Remember tite 'phone number treatments by appointment. 'Phone act or decition of any Jrovipsial auth- ge. chocolates, are Helivious. Mahood's. ol10 rity afiécting any right or privilege 2 fow men's a patent shies the Protestant or Roman Catholic than cost. Dutton's, eo Princess [anemia 4 or onset deility, Health minority 'of the queen's subjects in | Street. Wade's a To ae Pn Y ae relation fo education." This .is chamoid ¥rest. weather, Al ar ih mie Pills, whieh vabel tou oe dour of the same section, | izes Yet. Gibutu's ». aaited > gg (still more clearly defines the ultimate Se a -- ng Pi B a5 3 | authority of the federal house over n marisge wh Jerri Rohinec on, my or o "education i in the provinces in unusual a he 10 Aus. Woh uret "Hare, pip tircamstancen. Under this section the Brosh le. Pru OR ¥s. at Doumision government acted in 1896 in i Manitoba. The section reads aé fol ro iro shipment. of lk chp {{lows: 8 and (mond Crawford's. ; See our $1 motor veils, 50c; avia- "In Sase hy Aug. kins Povey uorto-date Boots, Intest] _ ? tor np from Jou Ahrevioeh lk mor ge Fino weil" foe Seon E.] ats IE do. Sto |VXNOFSIS OF CANADIAN NumiM- execu provision treet. . WRST LAND REGULATIONS, Sure sureitor teh, Gibson's: Red Rad | Aly 18 PHE SOLE years She; men's all extra heavy | OSTEOPATHY, Berdos & Pappas|. Basen Proprietors shane © 167 MUSIC, "Where in any province a system of a Wealth, Happiness, Health. @® | A person may baveswealth and wis- dom, yet feel most dejected because of a MOLES, WARTS, Bm. OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. marks and wll growths and akin me let------ ------ blemishes removed permanently without sear: 27 years, £3peri- ence pr. Eimer J. Lake, roat aad: 35s Shi Street. . = The Fire Place If you burn wood we have it, all kinds. If it is coal, try our selec- ted Canaell or soft Lumps. ANY QUANTITY DELIVERED, MeV AHON'S ORC HESTHA: 'VioLaw, farinet, plano, larger required, for engagements balls receptions, afternoon teas, : latest, music; a trial. solicited, Appointments may be made at 256 Princess Street, or "phones 3234. HAI, PRANSATL ANTICO Li INE, ALL CLANS. Kirkpatri ke Agent 42 C TATE Py Birset, Kingston 'P hore #68 oo Ear, No Specialist, » George Milla & Co. IT 13 NONE TOO BARLY TO For newest hats and eaps. DROP IN AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE. TO OFFER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, SiL- VER NOVELTIES, EBONY. : REE, ETC, fo XMAS. Eon ll @e® se Princess street, The Grand Trunk railway has en! this. section is Vt vaude. or in aay d d an appeal - governor-general- | (oe fami or dn fale - 1 0 obtained by Mess Daria [In-coMneil from. any appeal wader (his oh, 2 y or any ror if f Lyn, the sention is is 'not duly executed by the A i hs ; proper provincial authority in that was killed : ol Shon aa pay yu that and as far only as the circumstances of each ease require, the 'parliament 'lot. Canada may makeo rived: of a old = tickling * feeling Shean, try Gibson's Red Cron i Syrup. Nweet cider. Crawlord's. Sale men's extra heavy soled, leather lined boots, $2.75. Boys" Reavy boots, | $l and up. Dutton's, 209 Prigcess yours. ari, ciifirate este Git acres sud exec) W. CORY, obtain Deputy of the odtiister of 'tae En

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