* Ca00S_ SOLON TH BIBBY'S CAB STAND | ENS . vi is. wasting your health. Warner's Safe Nervine quiets the nerves produces pestful sleep---restores health. Pree from narcotics. "It was trouble with nervous dys. pela ned dizzy spells; used one Poktie of Warper's Safe Nervine and received relief at once" ri. W. Weston, Sidux Clty, Ia : + -------- 770% 7) / VL Yl dee Each tor a purpose: 1-=Kidney and Liver Cure. 2~Rheumatic Cure. B--Diabetes Cure, #==Asthma Cure, B~=Nervine. ~ Constipation Pills (Biliousness ) _ ASK YOUR, DRUGGIST, OUpOL} Warner's Safe Cure Co. 293 Tor nto, Ont. Send me Tree of charge a sample of your Remedy No. ...... . Bes Name .... - . Address [0000000000 000CO00COO00S . {Hardwood Flooring A Floor For a Lifetime Hard, 8mooth, Hand- some and Durable, 'We have this floori in MAPLE BIRC and OAK, end matched bored, bundled an polished :S. Anglin & Co. om Bap Wallng | CEERI ROE EEE ® fisheries, » | formal SEVENTYEIGHTH YEAR| HIG, 1 at 306-310 King Street. Kings wr Bide u1 3.30 aad 4 o'clock po : making pifce o stylish, and cheap work; mine Year. is! Ss pr ® Attached Is one of the best Job improved ¥%. TORONTO H. B. Smaliplece, J.P., representat Hon, Mr. Bowser, (who is almost ag much of a joker ns the Bowser the, Detroit Freg Press made famous); ir in Ottawa, the attendant of Premier McBride, of . British Columbia, Mr, Bowser makes great fun of the cruiser Rainbow, 'which is located at the Pacific const, in protection of the "Why," says Mr. Bow- ser, "she does mothing but fire at targets all day, but the targets are not the fisher pirates." The: Whig calls up the time when the McBride government tendered a welcome do the Canadiay training ship Rainbow, and on Tra. Tlalgar day the premier suggested a re- ®) solution in favdur of a Cenadian This resolution declared in navy. Life insurance has not been, and ennnot be, an exact science. But ji is a science that is being. developed in many ways; and life will bé saved or prolonged ac a result of some experiments, : The New York Eguitable company leads &n these. It has a conserva: tion commissioner who is iving All kinds of Dry Goods. Men's, Boys' and Ladies' Suits, Boots and Shoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings. ete, sold on easy payment plan. Come in, see our goods and terms. New Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing just received. It will pay you to call and see it 4 Joseph Abramsky 208 Pia OMSS STREET, -- Pp a -------- a Men's Overcoals Made to stand rough usage ana coldest weather. See our splendid qualities at $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12 and $15. «+ vs Men's Winter Suits, ., .. $6.50, $8.50, $10, $12, to $15. Underwear, Sox, Sweaters, Gloves, Caps, Boots, Rubbers, all at bargain prices. ISAAC ZACK 71 PRINCESS STRERT, y "STOCK. Wood's Carpet Cleaning, Laying and Sewing. Oflelot aid, Bicycles Repair Cleaned and stored for winter, 'Phone 1032, Van's Female Pills Dr, de reliable pile For sale at Mabood's Drug Store. DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 v sau Of. Stoves a] i e Stock of New and Seco Prices na-hand tture. WsveAmAN, 243 Ontario Street. FONG SING 'has removed to 383 Princess Foret het to Y.M.CA. First-class} 'ork guaranteed. 2,000,000 .Jthat the women had not asked for the nch regulator ; never falls. These | ERE | {twenty-five are now paying. But ew his thought to the prevention andy spread of disease. He has before him the report ." on Natiohal 'Vitality, which is published by Yale University, and according to which about forty per cent. of thy mortality of the United States could be saved or postponed by the adop- tion of preventive measures. There are én the republic all the time shout cases of illness, and about fifty per cent. of the ailments are pre ventable, ! The New York Equitable proposes a periodical and regular examination of its insurers, to the end that it THE BRISH WHIG PUBLISHING C2. LIMITED - yi lished in Darts on Mon- "To United tates. charge for of Dally $3 and of Weekly $1.50 Printing Offices iu Canada; rapid, 4. G, Elliott, President. . Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Churen Street, Toronto, ye. : BOWSER'TO THE RESCUE. support of a great navel 'base at Esquimalt, and | the building of cruisers amd other war vessels thersin. It urged, in addition, the government to creale a Canadian fleet unit in the Pacific, the idea being to make the coast "ready for the revolution in sea trade likely to be effected b the completion of the -Panama ca nal." Mr. McBride pledged himself to assist in the movement to have in their own waters a powerful and effi- cient unit as a part of the imperial navy. "This was the Laurier govern- ment's scheme, and seeing that it 80 cordially endorsed by Mr® ser's master, the premier of Columbia, he will do well to his spor upon the subject. is Bow- British cease ' INSURANCE AND DISEASE. and deal with it directly, "Moreover," says a report, "the Equitable will, maintain a staff of sanitary experts wno will be, subject to the call of any community that wants adveee. It will introduce modern. sanitation in small towns and villages which are not fa- miliar with them, and will try wo arouse the national, state, and local heoalth--authqgities to activity in pre- venting what are ksown as non-com- municable diseases," What an offer this is? What an advantage to the municipalities that are willing to lead in sanitary rg forms ¥ How glad Ottawa would have been last winter for the advice of these experts, when typhoid fever was' present in epidemic form ? 5 To be sure the province placed health officers at the call the capital, but the state itself cannot afford to carry a staff the equal of the Equitable's, and if it can pro. long life ever so little the invest its of may detect disease in its incipiency DEMONSTRATE The women will be disapnointed in that néither Sir James Whitney no: Mr. Rowell has deempd it expedient to champion female suffrage. The liber aly, -at- one meeting, in Toronto, which public opinion was freely ex- changed, heard the iden enunciatedy at suffrage, The women claim 'that they have passed resolutions in favour of the franchise, 'that they have - sent peti- tions to the legislature, in its behalf, that they have interviewed the gov- ernment, that they have déne every- Ahing they could to impress their. niind upon the house. Were" they of the militant sort, like. their sisters in Eng- land, the legislators and the candidates for office could not plead that there wat no demand for women's votes: ment will 'be a paying one. THEIR POWER. , a popular issue. Tt is that yet with some people. But it is no longer the -catching thing it was, apd for the roason that it has, imported into mod- ern elections mich of their uncertain- ties. The politicians are: somewhat afraid of the women, of afraid of their votes. These women would exert a potent influence in. an election, if they acted, and those who are so eager for electoral power would surely, use it. The "women have yet a task before them, It is, in municipal life, and so far as they possess the franchise, should use it, and use it well. Let them show how they can vote Without the attention and the Persuasion that now wait upon them, Let them rally to the polls and put ih the council as they can if they co-operate--the men (hat represent them on genera) lines, and. the way will be paved for Manhood franchise was at one time the attainment of their object later on, Eien. It is contended: the city can raise the licenseidnx sufficieutiy high wo that fifteen holders will pay what the city do this? o. --- Champ Clak 'is being sharply criti- pized because he talks of annexation. One ,American paper disposes of the case by remarking, "Champ should let his brains do his talking." It is announced hat another deer ter, believing that be shat a deer, killed two of his party. There is such a similiarity between the heads of thé doer and the heads of the hunts man. g % 5 So % Aw : CR Ra See---- At Talifax - Mr.« Borden intimated that he was going to proceed at with civil service reform in = the + ~.. EDITORIAL NOTES. ---- . The mayor should let the Cataragui bridge go as 'an asset for the new mayor, and for speecinl treatment in | the inaugural address. Like the Mani- toba boundary question the bridge questidn comes up for annual treat- ment. The Tele tam refers to Lord North cliffe as the yellowist of British jour nalists, Why? Me publishes a tariff reform paper in London and free trade Paper in Glasgow. Is that all ? Suey versal ty of talent and service desarves 8 rewand. Tt surely, however, xd not bring knighthood: eh The really striking feature of the socialist mayors. One is for a New: York industrial city, eight "are in Ohio. The shown how it could be brought about. But it realizes question, as it affects {presented such day is (he election of a number of | The Toronto News offers. reasons w- gainst the success of the liberals that {appear to be absurd. First, it al {leges, in seeping seriousness, pending a settlement of the boundary the provinces +4of Ontario and Manitoba, it would never do to have a change of gov- ernment. Had any liberal paper a plea during the years: the Mberals were in -power in Ontafio wd Manitoba, it would have been suspected of mental defects. Next, it is argued that because Mr. Rowell goes into the election with- out the aid or sympathy of the deral government he cammot suecced. There was a day when Sir James Whitney, without title and prestige, was fighting ap appiarent,y hopeless battle, He had not any advanti- tous. gids. There was a time Me. Borden was away' down in the valley of despair, and his party thought so little of him and his ideas that they thought of dismissing him. But Whitney won, and so did Bor du. Theres was a time when Mr." Bal four, the British leader of the union- Hels, appeared to be all-powerful, but the day came when he lost his grip. Through €ailure®he forfeited his popu- larity, Now he resigns, pleading age Bnd *inability to carry the sponsibilities of the day, but really because he cannot stand the taunts « the BM.G. party, and the itials mean "Balfour Must Go." There was a time, dnd only alittle over a year ago, when the republican party of the States seemed to be smashed. It lost in many of its for- mer strongholds. © The democrats gained in several states. ed congress. - Yet in the elections Tuesday the republicans swept before them in some states. Iu York they are supreme. Tammany has again been badly wounded. A further evidence, if it were needed, of the sindden and unexpected tings. timt sometimes happen. History does repeat itsell, and the local government had better not boast of its all-mightiness. Mr. Rowell, a clean man, a man of character capacity, will, in the next few weeks, talk with the electors and thure is no telling with what effect. Mr. Rowell is not exhibiting a vain-glerious spir- it. He does not expect to accqm- plish wonders. alow could he? * simply points to certain &mprovements which are necessary in the administra. tion of 'the public afiairs of Ontario, and is contimt to leave the rest to the electors, ; Sdine day the proud, austere, arro- gant spirit of the premier will receive a 'heck, 'and it will come without any noise or notice, re- It command- of all New and THE WHIG'S PUZZLE. Can You Guess. What the Ficture Represents? What musical instrument? Answer to Thursday's Lattice. puzzle, Bright Eyes, Rosy Cheeks. That ressing "used up" feeling and pallid face can be quickly ex- changed for happiness ng rosy checks & course Wade's Iron Fonic Fills. They build up the constitution, make new, rich blood, strengthen the nerves and improve digestion. Price 25c., at Hong B. Meleod's, drug stores, # : ) . Preserving pears. Crawford's. New York Uress Reform for bras siers bust distenders, hygiené waists, ete. 200 Princess street. A pretty wedding took place at the home of Ar and Mrs. James Hall, Brockville, on Wednesday evening, when their youngest daughter, Louise, was upited in marriage to Alexis Coutlee, Morrisburg. that fey whif' in- problem. At the ores Aireet. THE CASTLE OVERCOAT, Long Overcoat, with small collar, plain or silk velvet. Fabrics are English Meltons, A, beauty, + $20.00. ein. x, TBIBBYS HEAD-TO-TOLC OUTFITTERS FOR MEN AND BOYS, ~Weather Man<-Savs a cold blast due from west about Saturday. We are prepared with a range of Handsome Overcoats A display worth coming miles to see. THE BRYSON OVERCOATS, Two-style Collars, THE COLLEGE OVERCOAT, : Two-style tollar, Tweed 8, English $10.00. We 'advertise Better Clothes " and our New Overcoats show that we have a right to The Best Display of Nobby Over- coats Ever Shown in Kingston. Now ready for your inspection. Bibby's Now Sell FINE SHOES FOR MEN Latest Lasts, New Models, New Styles, all New Goods. See Our Special $4.00 KEEN CUT SHOE THE CHESTERFIELD, Velvet or Plain Collars, "$10, $12 and $18. THE HARVARD OVERCOAT, Little Jim For Men $400 and $5.00 $135.00. THE GORPON OVERCOATR Two-stylé collar, $18.00, sy Two-style collar, $12.50, POPULAR SHOES John Bull Hanley Agents for _.Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men BIBBYS w: 7880-82 PRINCESS. Agents for Penman's : Unde-vrear and SweaterCoats * Canadian Locomotive Co.,.q 6 Per Cent. Bonds In Denominations of -- $100. $500, $1000. Price --Par and Interest Apply To J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market St, Kingston. WOULD BE GOOD TO KNOW How Many Rural People in Cities _ Are Successful Dr. Adam Shortt, loxmerly of Queen's University, when interviewed in Toronto regarding the census, made these statements : rt "One of the most important things shown by the recent census is the the farms to the cities all over country, except in the west. "I is a serious and many-sided present time the tendency is for all the more enterpris- iag people to go to the city, leaving the unenterprising on the farms. That has hurt the country a good deal. "It would be a gped thing to show just bow many of those who go to the city are really successful and also {0 show what can be 'done by enter- prising 'men on the farm who put the same brains and kill into their work that, they would if they went to the 3k 3 rations. "Gibeon's." uk, employed st~Point A Sanitol Ivan Mele fellow-countryoian named Andrew Py Tusk. The accused pleaded. guilty and he Sue Jmposed: and costs amounted to $26. : > Frery worban © should' see' onr eom« ifort 'shoe. No more 0ot icouble if Ithese are worn. Dution's, 2% Prin § Subscriptions For | f PEARSALLS OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY of LADIES FEATHER and FUR HATS and TURBANS COMMENCES TO-MORROW strong movement of population from! the | s Ann, was charged with assaulting af' INDUBITABLY Write for prices. You will see the largest variety in the elty. Fresh on Saturday. > (UO O00OCOO0 COCO OOK the best Babbit general machinory is Bearings Harris Heavy Pressure Russian Hare, Black and White, Grey Squirrel i "First of, Season CREAM PUFFS' CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS. CHARLOTTE RUBSE. Phone 141 R. H. TOYE, 302 KING Metal for all The Canada Metal Co, Ltd. Fraser Avenue Toronto MILLINERY AND ALL THIS WEK. in styles of Feather .Turbans, - Marmet and Battie Seal ALL ARE INVITED TO SEE THEM, Pearsalls Millinery, 228 PRINCESS ST. ETERS SEE Tei evé ? ® § eR oE SE ele Ye FI 8T. sme °@ . ® A 7.4 a USE. 28): RA CoaL.