Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Nov 1911, p. 6

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PEON TUTTTI C4 0oUTEITINIINT A _ 111 miles, 4 S00800000080 INOW Is the time A THREE WEEKS' TOUR TO BE MADE BY LIBERAL LEAD. ER ROWELL, Who Will be Accompanied by Hos. W. L, Mackenzie King--Some of the Places fu be Visited 'Toronto, Nov. W.~The spirit of en- thusiasm which is dominating the Tb- eral party in the province of Ontario, will shortly fifid its expression in a campaign tour, pow being arranged for N.W Rowell, K. C., the new leader. - Immediately iallning the Yoromto deinonftration, on Tuesday, Noversber, 14th, Mr. Rowell will hold a series of meetings in different parts of the firo- vince. The precise dates will be an nounced later, THe will spend three | weeks out of the city, speaking daily from Monday till Friday. Some fifteen or eighteén meetings will be held. The following places will likely be inchud- ed in Mr. Rowell's itinerary: - Guelph, Lindsay, Bowmanville, Ottawa, Alexan- dria or Stormont, Sudbury, Nerth Baw or Sturgeon Falls, Owen Sound, London, Hainiltén, Chatham, Wood- stock, Stratford, St. Thomas, Napa- nee, Brantford and Pelham. Mr. Rowell plats to divide his time almost evenly between the different to wagin saving Open id Savings Account. with, this Bank to-day and add to it stéadily. Sums of $1.00 and upwards received, and in- paid thereon half-year- "> terest 1y. *% The Bank of Toronto « apital 4,500,000 Reserve Funds ... 55444,000 ER TET KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. lt GEORGE 1B, McKAY, 7 FR Sa IX HIS CASE AGAINST MONTREAL WESLEYAN COLLEGE, dustice Weir Awards Him 83,700=- College Governors Had No Power {to Dismiss Him. Montreal, Nov. 10.--Higher eritician and i's exponents in the Methodist church of Ununada secutsd "a potable legal vigtory this morn fg when Jus tice Weir delivered judgment complete ly sustaining the suit of Rev. Pr. | George Workman for wronginl dis- wiissal from a professorship in Wes Hevan Theological = Uollage, dnd for libel, and gave Ir. Wotkmay dam: ages of 33,700 gpainst the governors of the college. Justice Weir anid the dismissal of | Workman whs illogical, prejudieed, {biased and wnfair, and the governors {of the college being subordinate to the Methadist general conference didn't {have the Power to decide what econ stituted heresy or heretical opimions. It is likely that the case will be appealed. ; " > { ast DYN AMITE TRIAL PROSPECTS. > | fie. MeNamaua Jury May Not be Come pleted This Week, Cal., Nov. 10.--With Los, Angeles, A BIG PART IN'. RICHESON MURDER TRIAL. The Police Will Prese Present a C omplete Story of the Courtship of the Ae- cused Pastor and Miss Linnell. Boston, Nov. M.--The police are' completing the evidence they will pre- sent at the ttlal of Rev. Clarence V. Richeson, on the charge of casing Miss- Avis Libtell's death bv poisom. Their search is in line with their pur: pose to 'place before the jury a com- plete story of - the" acquaintamee and courtship of Hichuon and the youug music st One of the che exhibits at the trial will be a photograph that the police bave in the, possession, It is the picture of the accused clergyman and was highly prized by Avis Linnell. The police got he photograph from the room in the Boston Young Wo- men's Christian Association building, occupied by Miss Linnell whea: she met her death. The gil had it in a small frame, and it shows Richeson standing on u seashore with a lighthouse in the background. An announcement of the engagement of Miss Linnell to Riclieson, written by one of her girl friends, found at Hyannis, is another ofthe exhibits Lanctions. Five..or.. sive mibeli Hho held east of Toronto, "three in the north, and the others will be distrib- uted between the central amd southern parts of the province. Mr. Pbhwell's party Hon. W. 1. Mackenzie King, Mr. Charles M. Bowman, M.P.P., chief liberal whip in the 1dgislature, and Mr. D. 8. McDougal, * essessnseasecaseananantesercrieesrnassensssse eh - WOOO PDONORSSRGISRN,, ee ------------ LET US SHOW® YOU THE of will consist STULENTS PLAYED SOCCER. Sydenham Team Defeated sounders of Queen's, "On Thursday afternoon the student representatives of Owen Sound Colle ginte lustitute and Sydenham High Sehool met on Queen's athletic "held for a friendly game of socter," In the first half; the play was most: Iv in high school territory, bat in the second hall the Sydenham boys came! back strong anil succeeded in storing three goals. The Owen Sound men wade several strong individual rashes whicke, were intereepted 'successfully by Sydenham 's swift back line and. the score ended 3 to 0, in favor of Ryden: ham, The brand of ball played. showed that there is much good material out sit's the Wueen's senior team, and further games of this kind would do much to develop a much stronger re- presentation in soccer at Queen's, Owen Sound--Goal, Gilchrist; backs; Melenzie and Wilkinson; halves, : Me lanes, MeDonald, Huasband; forwands, Raker, Garvie, Matheson, Mcintosh, and Mcleod. vo ® Sydenham--Gioal, B, Rielly; Stonness and T'lakesles; halves, loves, Darling, Connor: W. Shales, W, E. Shales, M. ti. Chown, J. M. Shales. Owen Vacuum Cleaner that will do everything priced cleaner will do, and that everybody can bear. ONLY 86.00, Sold only at W. A. Mitchell 3 AND 87 87 TAN ST. A Wichignn Céntral special train ray from Welland to Windsor, in 1724 minutes, the high- at a price backs, an- Forwards, Guthrie, COAT SALE SATURDAY, 8.30 O'clock A AHN SH NNN, 60 Children's Coats nag good assortment of colors, to fit ages 6. to 12 years, Saturday $1.98. nem 18 LADIES' Early Fall Suits, Blacks, Greys, Colors, ete, Prices $16 to 24.00. To.clear on Saturday : dr 40 MISSES COATS, Tweeds, Serges, etc, to fit ages 16 to 20, Saturday 54 LADIES LONG TWEED COATS, - Greys, Browns, cte. ; | Saturday $6.98 Beavers, 0 * - . ) DOZ. ¥ LANNEL ETTE W RAPPERS, ex- tra wide in skirt and | nicely trimmed, Greys, Blues, 'Browns, ete. Rogular $1.25 and 1.50. Sunday 28a AN the aboveg goods are weil assorted in sizes . and cloths, and all new gels bang forithis ~ Fall's. trade. > MPP, = jerew my | would be begun | has klteen po the state i permanently. 1thke the Bance of having him ley fared Flood 45,000 damage un rithomnre OM operator, passed tor cause by both fides, and ithe state apont ready to Hretvster ten yo; THAT The police will place in the case when it comes-to trial. Up to the present the police have | accept J.B. Sexton, a very wealthy grange 'grower, who had. previcasly | {Deen passed by the defence, the p | pects were good when the McNam: Case was continued, to-day, that nine seats still vacant would ne within the week and (he of peremptory Ihe emptory ara | the | lilled second © ex- ehallbugoes | defence still} challenges and aight. nenyon is alo Host: certs He is an n to Fomaing @ wi ated man, | a former major in the Spanish war! and plaanly: impartial. © He told Dar | row he had no great opinion of Cen. | Otis, nar was he impressed with his worth as a citizen, and he told. the state his pretudice against Otis would | not make him biased against the Slate's case. 2 z Sexton is also a very prominent citizen, but the state is n trifle afraid of him, bedauai-he anys he would net convict on circumstantial evidenee ney less t were absolute. | The case has settled into a routine! and is expectetl to he monotonous un til 'the box is again died, Aflorney, Darrow and his associate are prepay- mg affidavits for a che ange of judge, but are not expected to submit them to the court beiose the middle next week. CREDIT T0 WIVES CANNOT BE GIVEN By Merchants When Husband Makes Her Allowance for Necessaries: Says Judge. Thomas, Oit., Nov. 10.-A deci sicn of considerable interest was. giv: en at the division court in the ease of. Mohan & Regan vs. Walker. This 'fwadvan action brought by Mechan &| Regan. fr boots and shoes sol by them to the defendant's wife for fail, the defendant and his wife Hinz together 'at the time. The de! ferdant had g'ven notice some before tht he woul ble for goolis sold his credit. that the defendant had given his pay chee to his wife each month, und thit the amount drawn by him was more than sufficient to provide ne cessnrivd for the family, Judge Frmatinger, in the action, held that the wife had no at solute right to pledge her hus: band's credit for necessaries, and that where necessaries were supp ied to} the wife the presumption « thevight to pledge his credit could be met by | of ' iia time" d not be responsi | to any one on plied with. vr --ey sufficient to the needs Gf (he family. The judge also held that although notice had been given in this case which 'had come to the attestion of one of the memtvas of the plidntif's firm, that it 8 not necessary ii order that «the defendant might avail him: wolf? of the defence to show that any notice had been given. Merchants who supply goods to the wife with | out direct authority of the huseand dis- is met, | pute their actount demanded. "PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very L ost Culled From Al Over the World. Bertram Rushton, U.T.R. brakeman, was badly crushed at Guelph and may not survive. The. German chaneeilor defended the Moroccan séttlement in a heated de- bate in the reichstag. LA riveter named Lou was se verely" injured at. Belleville by the bar- rel 5 an air, gun blowing off, The executive "thie Toronto Re: form Assotiation decided to nominate a candidate in North Toronto. * Constable Maurer, of Clifiond, was when payment {any bry i | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By At the trial it was Shewant dismissing | showing that the wife had been sup-| | their not found that Miss Linnell had any other admirer or kept company with other man thyn Richeson. Resi- dents of Hyamnis who kuew her well declure that she never was attended any other man. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Our. Reporters. Kodak supplies at Mahood's. Souvenir day at Best's tomorrow. Herbert Dick, of Swift's olfice, was out hunt'ng to-day. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778, Ihe. Canadian Lotomotive = Warks turned out another engine on Friday. Mayor Hugo, Watertown, N.Y. ceived many congratulations on re-election to: office. 4 The heavy vain to-day muses thy outlook bad for a eood field for the | rugby games Saturday. ft. Cunningham, piano tuner, Ring street. Leave orders aw Auley's bookstore. Rov. Dr. Ryckman will preach an niversary sermons in Athens Metho- dist church on November\ 19th Mr. Richards, of Tara, Ont. left the Hotel Dien, on Frday, after beg confined there for the past six weeks. Hudnut's toilet waters, at Mahood's drug store. Several of the Princess street mer- chants _have been installing electric signg lately. Princess street 'is much lizhter at night now. Fresh Fry's chocolates. "Gibson's," The regular imesting of the Ports= mouth school beard had to be ad- jourred last night, owing to the fact |' that there wes no quorum, Edward Kelly, of the Randolph hotel," hus returned. from a hunting trip out on the K. & P. railway. His gun Killed ducks and partridges ga- lore. Souvenir day at Best's tomorrow. Everyone is waiting with much expectancy for Queen's annual rush Saturday night. The students will irush the local play houses . alter their narade. Palmer's "Rose Leaves" Mahood's drug store. . There wad a very short session of4 the police ¢ourt on Friday morning. Two or three sanitary cases were a. gain adjourned in order to give the inepessary time te do the work. Kodaks. Mahood's drug store. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall and winter goods for his | order clothing department, also in {ready-made clothing | and gents' fur- { nishing department; they are all well | assorted with new gonds, obertgen, Nicolle & Co. led $100 rewmd Tor the conviction of the men who robbed store al Smith's Falls, destroy the safe but securing little mon- "Te his an Mec- perfume have offer- arrest and ing: ey. : Brownie cameras, Mahood's. The "Millionaire Club," one of the boys' grougs. at the Y.M.C.A., con: sisting of abot ten boys, with 8. Lilley as advisesy has lagached some- thins pew at the" local "Y." The ex- periment is fo be in the "form of a refreshment counter. Sounenir diy at Best's tomorrow' Sale of fiannellecte night dresses from 50c.; warm corset covers, 20e.; blisek tights, in all sizes. Dutton's, id Vrincess street. James Watt, socal organizer of the Toronto Tailors" Union, is in the dty prosecut ng an enquiry as to the cost of living en behalf of the Household Beonomic League and Toronto Tr and Laber counal. The local tailors will hold u special meeting tonight for the purpose of meeting Mr. Watt, 4 Senses seg: { MUST ATTEND SCHOOL. A Truancy Case Heard by the Magis: trate, 1 Boys who pla: "hookey" from school will opi in trouble, likewise fined #35 at Guelph, for supplying liquor to a man son the Indian list, "Alfred Jarry. was arrested at Web wood, at the ingtanse - the Toronue for deserti waonto bride. Police Toronto ord of 'Education' will ask the provincial government to sare for the defective children in the t - Fran Levetiere, of DPrysom, Ottawa, punih:d out an eye of J Flood, in an elootion EE ney premier, Mr. Aetyuith, at: the anmmal lord may- uét, and made an important Prochucsment on foreign affairs. A mistake was made in 'advertising {267 Prinessn street, but at D. J. Gar- butts, loshumith shop, 149 Sydenham venile court, Frida No. sleven polling place. Tt is not at' their parents. At a session of the ju- morning, a ease was heard, inv the father of the lad was 'aceused of of neglecting to send , him to school. After taking evidence in the ease, the mage: rate enlaiged fthe cae for a wack 'in order to give he pareita a chance to send the boy {to school An eases are being closely pate Ait truumey it. is a very dificult matter for a boy to play the old truancy game, without being esught. Frid AY/SLEW WIFE AND ACTOR HUSBAND OF. THE WOMAN SOUGHT BY POLICE. 15 ¥ J. K. Beatty Shot to Death at Fort Worth, , Texas, When Wilking With Mrs. Carl Robinson. Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 10. ~Hali an hour after he had fallen to the stage of a vaudeville theatre, "Kill-. nd" by his rival in a sketch which he was tfavelling around the country, J. K. Beatty, an actor, was shot to death, Wednesday dight ia the outskirts of tha city while walking with Mrs. Cart Robinson, and a sec ond later the man was slain. The police are seeking Carl Robinson, bus- band of the woman, from whom she separated seversl weeks ago. Beatty's sketch was a dramatic one and had attracted great attention here, week because of the comments of per sons who bad witnessed: it and urged their friends to attend, Soon after coming here, Beatty met Mrs. Robin- son, who had expressed her admira tion for his acting. They were seen to- gether several times after the per- formance. According to witnesses after the |shooting the couple. were --walking slowly along a parkway, near sthe vity limits, when a man rushed up from behind and opened fire. Beatty fell with a bullet wound in his right side. Then the assailant turned the wenp- on on the woman, firing two shots in- to her. heart. She fell dead across the body of the actor. Robinson was seen running 'from the seeno ing, but has eluded the police. GR! AND OPE RA "HOU SE, An English Opinion of an American Comedy. The London Standard says "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary". "was certainly a surprise, pathetie and dra- matic incidents follow, unfolding the story, while May Robson as the New the humor; occasionally little bits of pathos. creep in here and there as a relief from excessive laughter. Per haps the picture of an eccentric old woman 'enjoying for the first time a sumptiacus dinner in a first-élass hotel is funny, but the nsstakes are path- atic and Miss Robson develops and holds interest' as the play progresses. At Terry's theatre last night, there was: almost a continuous ripple of laughter, and yet at the moment "Aunt. Mary" became serious, she compelled absolute silence. Miss Rob- son is certainly a elever woman, and her sense of comedy is enormous, and being supported by a clever company of English actors, all London shonld see this very funny play, under the fun-producine, May Robson." Miss Robeon comes to the Grand for two nights, presenting "The Re juvenation of Aunt Magy," on Tues day, Nov. Mth, and her new comedy, 'A Night Out," on Wedneaday, Nov. 15th. TERRIBLE INJURIES SUSTAINED BY YOUTH Caught in Shafting--Patches of Flesh All Over Body Dug Out. London, (mt, Nov 10, Jarvis, a youth *"@mployed Wingham foundry, was terribly in. jured "while up ciling the shafting, His sleeve caught in a set screw and he swved himweli from heing instant|y killed by 'bracing himse's against the ceiling, 'His clothes" were riphed: off instantly and torm to threads while large patches of fiewh. all over his body were dug out before the ma chivery cool be stopped. He "may recover? William in th ROSEVEAR DEAD, of the Singer. he death occurred at street, on i'riday morning, of Robert Rosevear, in Ms sizty-seventh year. About eight vears ago deceased sul- fered a paralytic stroke, and for the last few years had been affected with dropsy. Deceased was born in Fogland, and came to this when a voung man, setthog in Tweed, (Unt. For vears deceased kept a butcher shop in Belleville, and on coming to Kingston, fourteen years ago, went into the grocery and but. cher business on Earl street. a Pwenty-nine years ago he married Sophia, daughter of Hiram Smith, Westbrooke. Those left to mourn are his wife and two, daughters, Mrs. C. W. Drury, of 'this city, and Mss Ada, at home. Deceased also leaves a brother and sister, William Rosevear, Belleville, and Mrs. J. W. Palmer, Camnifton, Ont. He was a member of frock Street Methodist church. What makes the family tronble doubly sad is the fact that Mrs. Rosevear's brother, Dr. S. Smith, Em- poriam, Penn. is ot a lying in a critical condition. - Wheel Still Missing. Ko trace whatever bas been found of the bicycle stolen frem GO. A. Bateman on Thursday afternoon. It was taken by a boy, so it was al , but-so far it has been my to locate him ahd the police, have no description to work upon, McGill Rugby Team Herve. McGill rugbyists arrived in- the rity afternoon and registered ut the bh hotel. They were exs pected to arrive by an earlier train R. Was Father Well-known 207 Queen Cornwall, country but the mid-afternoon. train suited HOOD'S ILLS The : Painless' = RE Aberin, with | being booked for an additional | of the-shool- 'England spinster, dominates and holds | The man who | Shi he is 'what he Cathartic ] i THREE PAIRS WCMEN'S COMFORTABLE FALL STOCKINGS -Guaranteed for Three Months, $1.00 for 3 Pairs THAT'S WHAT Ou HOLFPROOF HOSIERY IS : BSOLUTE Foot Comfort. They are soft and easy on the foot and perfect fitting. The parts most effected by .wear~~the heels and toes are doubly reinforced, made ex- tra durable, but not heavy. We guarantee the wear ab- solutely. If these 3 pairs need darning in 3 months we will replace them with new stockings. Why Bother or Fuss With Darning ? Direct Importers of French and English Hosiery, and the best from Canadian makers. ASpl Ceveeinneruis; Hundreds of pairs to choose from. a Tans, Patents and Calfskins All Marked Below Cast to Clear. All Odds and "Ends. _ a The Lockett Shoe Sire "an | Gamccmnsneseessesseos seesesessessssssnssne EE a 3 Seas Teseessesssensecs sive

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