~% troit, arriving in Chicago 8. o'clock ¥ : leaves Union Station, Ontari Be nl Napanee, Doser rs =" Removal Noe . @vessstsassses 6000S = TRAVELLING. ow » n RAILWAY GRAND TRUN Ed The longest double track in the world under one management. The only double track railway between Montreal Toronto, Chicago and principal Canadian Cities. "The International - Limited' Keavos Kingston wally at.12.25 noon for Terpnto, Hamilton; London, De- the following worning. - Four Jxpress Trains dally to To- ronte and Montreal. ? HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS Tickets on sale dally until Nov. 11th. Good to return. until Decem- ber 14th. | . : J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner sohnson and Ontario Sts. Kincs Tong PEMBROKE RAILWAY 'IN CONNECTION. WITH Canadian Pacific Railway HUNTERS' RETURN TICKETS. AT SINGLE © FARE, Oct. 9th to Nov. 11th to all stations, Petawawa to Port Arthar, Temiskaming Northern Rallway Stations, and points in Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Oct. 19th to Nov. 11th To stations, Sudbury to 8B. 8. Marie, Havelock to Sharbot Lake, Lindsay Branch. Severn to North Bay. - Al tickets rood to return until Dac, 14lh, 1911. Full particulars at K. and P, and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Oniario Stree. ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Ageat - SICK HEADACHE A Symptom of Jrehics Which are Br. Morse's | Pills. are mot merely afflictions to bet -aystem is out of order, and their regular recurrence is' proof positive of serious trouble and a warning that should be heeded promptly. Sick headaches are cansed by Indiges. tion, Biliousness or Constipation, and no amount of * '*headache : poveders' will do more than temporarily relieve them, The only way to get rid of them entirely is to care the Constipation or Indigestion that is catsing them, and nothing will do this quicker or mare effectively than Dr. Morse's indian Root Pills, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are ely vegetable in character, and are free eo pensid drug. For over fifty years they have been in constant use in "Canada, and have proved most effective in regulating the bowels, aiding digestion, banishing sick headaches and restoring vigorous health, * Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills have stood the test for over fifty years. 25¢. at all dealers. W. H. Comstock Co., Led., Brockville, Ont. 7 (COO0DO000 DO000O000OO0C & DUNCAN'S CART STAND © = 70 WILLIAM STREET, ® i 'Phone 1063. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. onto, Bannockburn and all L _Te secure quick despatch nockburn, Maynooth, and pointson Ontario Route your shipments y of Quinte Rallway. For fur arilculars; apply, NH. Ward Agu! J. HB Welen, Puss Agent es No. 3, * Thomas Copley PHONE 987. Drop a card to 19 Plhe Stroet wos wanting anvihing done In the Carpen ter line. Estimates given on ull kinds of repairs and 'new work alse Hardwood Floors of all kinds, All orders will receive prompt attention Shop 40 Queen Bireet, WASHING WITHOUT WATER Is Like Tiying to Get Rid of Dand. ruff Without Herpicide. Lid you ever see any one trying to wash themselves without soap or wa- tir? #4 If you dil what would you say of hiny 7 ; it is every bit as foolish to try to i W. C. Bennett, Tinsmith ana Plumber, has Removed his plice of Dushiem troth 373 King 8t. to 191 . Street, vext door to tha late B. J. Horsey's Hardware Store, where he will be pleased to meet all his old customers and as many} new ofies a8 require firs: class Tinamithing and Plumbing done; also agent for 'he Souveslh Phone 1033 SOLD ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN All kinda of Dry Goods, Collars and Mufis, ies" and Men's - Clothing, Carpbts, Cur- tains, Oiloloths, eto. also all kinds of Household Furnishings ean be had on easy payment plan. Cal! and soe for yourself. 214 Division Street. L. COHEN sesessessessseel | S0000000000b000ts0cs0e - § Highest Grades LUBRICATING O1L. 'W. F. KELL FLOOR OIL. Clarence 'Toye's Building: get rid of Dade aud to proven 1 aldness by feeding the germs which cause it with Canthrarides, Vaseline Glycerine and, similay sshetances which form the pitocipal ingredients of most so-called Hair Growers, Newbro's Herpicide is successiul Lecause it attacks and. kills the para. sitic german which deeds on the - hair roots. 4 It is the original and: only genuine cealp germicide manufaetured. Ould by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for saw lo | the Herpi cide Co., Detroit, Mich, One dollas bottles guaranteed. .J. B. Mcleod, special agent, Ki n. , . The best stove polish on the markst--and the biggest.can for the money. "Diack Knight" isa Paste--~go mixing--uno trouble 80.dirt," Couveylent, economicn} ~shines quick as a wink--and thie shine stays on. Just as good fr pipes, grates and irouwork as for stoves, If your dealer does act earry "Rlack Kuight" Stove Polish, send ughis name and Joc. and we w4]1 sedi a full size tin by réturn me il: Hamilton, Ont. Makers of the famons © "inl Shoe Foltsh, 33 {trom the little .| froto the floor like any other Senator. part | efficiency resulti [0 of the out will take THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMEER 10, wi DUTIES OF SPEAKERS. CUSTOMS CONNECTED WITH IM. PORTANT OFFICES. Choice of Dr. Sproule and Senator Landry Recalls Canadian Rules With Regard to the Men Who Pre- side Over Debates--Sénate's Chair. man Can Enter Discussion -- The Comméns' Head Keeps Out. The new Governor-General has now been installed in office, the new Min. isfers have taken 'up the administra., tion of their Departments, and another important step in the organization of Parliament bas been taken,' viz., the choice of the two Speakers, Dr. proule for the Commons, and Sena- tor Landry for the Senate. A The Speaker of the Senate is ap- inted, the Speaker of the Commons 5 elected; but, as a matter of faet, it is the nominees of the Government ho recgive both positions, for al- though the Commons elect their Bpeaker, it is always the Govern- twent's candidate who is chosen. The Legislative Council of the Par. liament of United Canada correspond. ed to our Senate. That Parliament. in response to the summons of Lord Bydenham, first met in the summer of 1841 in Kingston, and the Vice Chancellor of the Court of Chancery of Upper Canada was appointed Speaker. Since then the separation ¢f the fudiciary from the executive. and also from the Legitlature, has been mdde complete; and to-day the Speaker of the Senate must be a Sena- tor, nor can a judge have a seat in that chamber or in the House of Commons " - The Speaker of the Senate is ap- ointed by a commission undér the reat Seal, but he may be removed a any time by the Governor-General. Such is the formal expression of the rule, which means that the Cabinet appoirits the Speaker of the Senate and can remove him, the Governor- General sanctioning the appointment on the advice of his Ministers. For this dignified, but not exceed. ingly onerous position, the Govern- ment select a Senator of their politi: cal faith, usually a man who has held # scat there for somb time, and who possesses qualities that*fit him for the position ~ "for instance, such- men ave recently oecupied the chair, Sen: ator Kerr, Senator Dandurand, the late Lieutenant-Governor Pelletier, and the Hon. 8ir Alexander Lacoste. In the Benate the Conservatives are now in a small minority, and yet Conservative Senator will be the newt 8peaker; just as the Senate had a Lib. eral Speaker in 1896, although the Libérals were in the minority. Like the Speaker in the Commons, the Speaker of the Senate, when pre-' siding, wears a black silk robe, very similar to that 'worn by a High Court fudge; on his hands are white kid gloves, and, when going to and from the chamber, his head,is covered with a black felt hat--three cornered, as it were, by the brim Being turned up fastened to the crown. The vice-regal throne at the upper end of the chamber, and 'which con- sists of a massive and handsomely carved chair, standing on a dais and having at its back and overhead, a canopy of plush and silk, is used only bn the Governor-General. There ha sits when he reads the brief and very formal speeches with which he opens and 'prorogues a session of - Parlia.: ment. The Speaker's chair is a little below and "in front of the throne, and in this 'chair the Speaker pre. sides over all the deliberations of the Senate, except when the Senate goes into committee of the whole, when hé calls another Senator to the chair. - The Speaker of the Senate can take part in & debate. This is seldom the case, but when it occurs he steps down latform on which his chair stands--like the Lord Chancellor in the 'House of Lords--and speaks In all divisions he has a vote, which is the first recorded on the side on wliizh it is taken, Those in favor of a motion in the Senate are called "Contents"; those against it "NonConténts"; aml «hiould the vole be a fie it is held that the non-contents have it, that is, that the question is decided in the nega- tive, the Speaker not having a casting vote. This practiée is that which for centutigs has been followed jn the British House of Lords. At the rear of the chamber, and on what may be called the ground floor, are the BSpoaker's apartments -- a handsomely and even luxuriously fur. nished suite of rooms in which _he rosides-during session, and where from time fo time he entertaing his fellow- wembers at luncheon or dinner. These are reekoned among the most enjoy-* ahs, social functions of Parliamentary iC. The House of Commons--the body that especiaily and directly represents the people--elects its own Speaker, but inasmuch 'as the Government must of necessity have a majority in that chamber, it follows that the position of Speaker slways falls to the mem- ber seidpied by the Government, Very seldom@is the Govermmont candidate Ppassds 3 Bpeaker holds office during the life od oe Parliament--that is from the time he is chosen at tie opening of the first session after an election ugntil Parliament is dissolved. © * In the British House, a Speaker is often continued through a number of Parliaments without regard to. his affiliations. This insures the from expetience. Here the honor is passed on from Paritament oo Ratlinment a Jars ing on the average the 1 © 'each Spgakers term of office. { = She sy Patliamem meets the t step in work of orfganizing the pew .House of Commens will be the aigning of the Toll and the taking Ly all the members, This o] opening bp in the chamber, whers the Clerk of the House and his assist: ant will be Frestnt with roll and Bible to receive and admin- Isker the to. His Majesty King George." "lion of Candda, until a Speaker of the plage on the forenoon of | Vin wiese words: --"1 do swear that 1 win be faithful and bear true allegiance | On the afternoon on which Parlia- ment is summoned to meet, the mem Lbers assemble in their chamber. There, is no Speaker afd the chait is vacant. The Usher of the Black Rod is ad- mitted, and he announces that the Députy Governor-General desires the es Bh attendance of the members in the Senate chamber. There they are told by the Deputy Governor-Gen. etal (for. His Excellenpgy dees not at tend this preliminary ceremony) that His Excellency "does not see fit to the. present Parliament of the Domin- House of Commons shall have been chosen according to law." The House is, therefore aon to elect a Speaker, and to assemble on the following day and hear the speech {rom the throne, whieh will contain in oulline the Gov- ernment's legislative program for the session. Thereupon the Commons re. turn to their chamber and proceed to elect a Speaker. Btanding at the head of the table and just w the dais on which 1s the Bpeaker's chair, the clerk points to a member who rises to make a nomination, bat he utters not a word. A member proposing another as Speaker doss so in these words; 1 propose. that----lo take the chair of this House as Speaker." A baef speech is usually. made Ly the propos. er in which are painted. aut the fitness of the member proposed for the high and diffiedlt; position. The proposal is seconded, and very seldom 1s it ob- jetted to by the Opposition. The member proposed, was, of course, se- lected - lang in advance by the Gov- ernment, aud. the selection, fio doubt, has already beén made although Par- liament has not yet been summoned. The proposal having been adopted by the House, the clerk declares the member in question duly elected, and his proposer ahd seconder conduct him, arm in arm, 'from his seat on the floor of the House to the dais on which is the Speaker's chair, and thére standing, he returns thanks to the Mouse for the great honor done him, at the same time promising to be diligent in preserving all the ancient rights and privileges of the House. t is the duty of the Speaker to pre. side over all deliberations of the House except when relieved by the" Deputy Speaker, who also presides over all committees of the . whole House. The Bpeakeggreads prayers at the opening of cach day's sitting; he puts to the House all motions that may be proposed by members; he an- nounces the results of votes; he re- ceives messages from the Governor General and the Senate, and an- nounced them to the 'House; he en- forces the obsergance of order and decorum among -sthe 'members for breach of rules when he has received the necessary instructions from the House; he decides questions of order declare 'the causes of his summoning subject to. an appeal to the' House; and he is the "mouthpiece of the | House" on all occasions when an | address is-to be presented to the King | or to the Governor-General.. He can. | not take part in the debates, except; | when the House is in committee, and' | when he is not in the chair. Asva | rule; this right is exercised only when, { the House is. in Committeer of Supply | and votes relating to the inte | economy of the House are under con- | sideration, for the Speaker has charge | 9 tie Sapeulituges a the Spkesp 3 | $ y e building occupi y | the pi and the staff. if The Bpeaker of the Commons votes in case of a tie. "In case of an equal. ity of votes," says the rules of the | ouse, "Mr. Speaker gives a casting | voloe, and any reasons stated by him are énfered in the journal.--Montreal | Standard. ey «Sar Ne Del Gratia Missing. A good deal of comment has been created by the Sidaphearance of "Dei Gratin" from the Canadian coins of this Jour. The peculiarity is shared | by all the copper and silver coins | struck off in the mint this year. | No gold coins have been struck off | so far this year, though the ap tus | for so doing is in a forward state. dies for these coins have the "Dei Gratis" If further is the case | that next year's coins. will have the | ately and reverent old motto re. | stored. | The cause of the omission is an in. | advertence on the part of the authori. | ties of the British mint. The dies | were prépared in England, dnd it was | ther: tht the mistake was made. They arrived early if fhe year. The situa. | tion in which the Department of Fin. | ance found itsell with regard to the | matter was that, for one thing. Can- ! ada was under a substantial obliga: | tion. to the British authorities in the matter; and for anofher, that there was acute need fof currency. Accordingly | the designs were accepted -and ap- proved, ou eo i None the less, the 1912 coins will | revert to the secient usage, so that the 1011 coinage will be distinguished ffom that of other years after as well as before. $ > i 1 Motor. Boat Pafrol,. The mounted police will establish a motor bat patrol on the Mackensgie Rivbr. ty-onie foot boats are be- Ing obtained to patrol the river for Bucdreds of miles, . WS. GOOF WELL Ach Es Vinelsnd, NJ oJ. Allen T. God- frey, who has been in bad health for | world in general, is one of the kind- i was ever mv lot to fall { during his search for valuables. * ie rie re Jeep 1+ "No, sir, he's too slippery he : -------------- du lz my; Hy HE self-conscious period, when a boy begins to notice that he is nearly reddy fg long trousers, may be nicely bridged by shown in the photograph. The fullness of the knickers takes away from the height of the boy, while the coat is snappy " enough in design and tailoring to meet the awakening desires for dress that come at thisage. When you've found th store in yourtown where Sanford Juvenile Clothes are sold, clothes selection fer your boy will, thereafter, be a matter of pleasure instead of a troublesome tack, W, E. SANFORD MANUFACTURING CO., Limited J. 7 li " SNTORD JUVENILE Z " © ACL TIRED HIRL Bill Miner Was Good to His Friends, Says Acquaintance, _ "Jim Anderson; or Bill Miner. as he is more familiarly known to scores of detectives, prison wardens - and the est and most tender hearted men it ! in with," writes E. V. in Toronto World, with reference to the famous jall-breaker and train robber, who is 'again at liberty. « "1 remember years 0, when at Eagle City, B.C., where a practically lived together for nearly eight years, ill secured a job. 1 forget at the moment just what if was, but I know he stuck to it for nearly eight months, and for his industry was rewarded with two months' pay : "One day Bill held up a stage coach, where there happened to be one lady passenger. He went through every one, as clean as a whistle, but after the excitement had died away and Bill was gone, the lady found she was $300 richer for his visit. He had left that amount in her traveling bag 'He would always spend every cent e had immediately he got to town, and if anyohe was knewn to be in want they never had to appeal to Bill for help in vain. Many's the time old ill has helped .me out of financial difficulties when I Lejonged to the *down and out club," and there is no- thing I would not do for him to-day if it were in my power. I - "I hear there is a reward of $300 offered for him. Well, they'll never got him, for Bill has got a bunch of riends 'who would never go back on him not for ten times the money, "He seems to make friends wher- ever he went: If you happened to be classed as his friend and incidentally got mixed up in a little deal he had on hand to get the wherewith to buy / ~ ROVAL cn CREAM PFARLOW AND QUICK LUNCH ROOW, All kinds of Lunches and [lot .. Drinks Ice Cream and all Fruit and Candies M, PAPPAS & CO, 154 Princess Street. Kinds of KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (hdmltod) : "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' Twenty sixth year Fall' Tera begins August Suh Courses in LDuokkeeping Shorthand, Tele. Tuphy, Civil Bervice and Eng fish rg ur graduates get the best, positions Withly a short time TRAPPERS send us your FURS and we will pay you the Highest Prices REVILLON FRERES LIMITED 134-136 McGILL STREET « MONTREAL, P.0. We will send free to every trap- per who sends us furs, our book "The Trapper's Loyal Com- panion", £ Ss over sixty securcd posiilons with ons of the largest raliwa enrs 'porations in Canada Enter any tame, Call or write for Informa- tion H *. Metcalfe, Principal Kingston, Canada ------------------------ i---- 4 { BETTER GET Pm mn mean ! Your bins filled with Our Coal before the Fall rush comes on P. WALSH Barrack -St. t ' ' : ' a few necessaries and have a zood time, your friend Bill went through you the same as the rest, but after fe ! met you alone he usually handed you 'a few bones' extra to make up for the | - trouble and inconvenience he had put | you fo. . i "Yes, sir, Bill is a fine mna. A ltle | too forcible perhaps when he wanted , and with not too grest an nevertheless he is a great ywhere else for Ba Aman that, an 3 Fe Valueable Heir} : "To my other children the followin at ie Wet ave belon to Queen Elizabeth. To Tom, oh sword, belt and scarf of my father, which he wore af the battle of Waites. him to consider . These were ywo interest. will of Mrs. Anna M. tor, who died in Toronto recently. heir receives an object of | | eT RLopeity of the greats , Ww a irloom, rare black lace tau], which for- merly belonged to tgreat- Prancst to grest-grandmother, is the BEWARE OF A COLD . Wear RED & Rubbers. The Best Kinds Rightly priced. | MALTESE CROSS : ; Sold Only By i es F AE CHARLES PS ~iPhote ne for. your Rubbers.