on rn: 1 re a BAD STOMACH Mrs. 8. Keast, of Clagksburg, Ont., n "A 'bad' stomach trouble that Bed bothered me fox years, baflled and iz nicely ¢ would digest but fermented in my sto a Sawin a gas that gave me un- me and Fyous, un "bo rest. Since weing Mi-oma 1 sn go to bed at night and sleep and wake up in the morning refreshed. 1 cannot spe too highly of Miena." The p nervous or ise, who does not give Hom a trial is an opportun 4 to regain el Mi-ona Te ts are guar- anteed pepsi d all sto- mach db Tr on amie id ny cure dy of , #08 OF ear sickness and h sickness. after excessive All ists, Oc., or RT. Bo Co., Lid. Fort , "Sold and guaranteed by + ston Lave your all kinds of place to stand | ALL INDIGESTION VANISHES. Dyspepsia, Gas, Sourness and Heart | burs Goes ju Five Minutes. Nothing will remsin undigested or é OOCABION . - digestive and vy powerful d : though ae harmless and' pleasant = as candy, will digest and prepare for *ae- |similation into the blood all the food you can eat. Eat 'what your stomach craves, without the slightest fear of Indiges-| tion or that you will 'be bothered , with sour risings, Gas on Stom- opinion fach, Heartbern, eadaches ja becoming general that the chan-|Stomach, Nausea, Bad Dreath, Water cellow comnot remain in office, with Brash of a feeling like you had swal- all the parties, including the conser- lowed a dump of lead, or other dis- vatives, against Dim. The emperor is agreeable miseries. Should you be valiantly supporting the chancellor (suffering mow from any stomach dis- and is ndignant a the use-made by oder you can get relief within five the Faglish * of statements in minutes. ' ; i to Moroeco by op of the | H you will 'get from your pharma: ministry, He is quoted as saying he cist a O0c, case of Pape's Diapepsin invited the chancellor to a dinner you could afiways go to the table with at Potsdam, supposedly to offset the a hearty' appetite, and your meals A HERD HE 1S EAUDED BY THE JINGOES OF 'GERMANY ~~ Who Show Bitter Animosity Against Eugland--The Kaiser Ualled His Son to Account. : Berlin, Nov. 13.<While there have been neo further developments in the erisis produced by Von' Bethmapn- Hollweg's speech on the Morocoan a- greement in the reichstag, the Jeonduet of the crown prinee in the would taste good, beeause you . would 'veichstag. The kaiser is said to have know there would be no Jadigestion declared : : 'or Sleepless nights or Headac or "I would be seriously annoyed to Stomach misery all the next day, and, think that in apy Jrcuwstances the besides, you would not oy taxg: relations of Germany nnd England tives or liver pills to keep your would ¥ again be troubled through stomach and bowels olean and fresh. dlectioneoting manoeuvres in Ger | Pupe's Diapepsin can be obtained many." 4 {rom your druggist and contains more 'There is no doubt, however, that than sufficient to thoroughly cure the the outbreak in the reichstag which worst case- of Indigestion or Dy followed the chancellor's speech is sia. There is nothing better for Gas is indicative of the bitter animesity on the Stomach or sour odors from in Germany against' England, abd tho the stomach of to cure a Stomach crown pritee, on account of his ac {Headachs, tion in the royal box at the reich-| You coulda a handier or more stag, in showing his disapproval of luseful article in house. the chancellor's podey, is now hailed as a popular hero. He attended a TO-NIGHT MAY ROBSON performance of "Orestie' and' received -- i "The Rejuvenation an ovation. - The eat» or fully five min- Mary This is Miss Robson's fifth season as "Aunt aary," under the direct man- In of Aunt gr rose aud cheered for utes. The kaiser is credited with order- from "view of that aty THE LIBERALS ARE ADVOCAT- ING A CHANGE. Whitney and His Friends Have Not Given Any Attention--Labor Should be Made Safe. Toronto Fur Weekly, . Mr. Hall, the liberal candidate in Peterboro for a seat in the legidle- ture, is sharply criticized by the Re fox advocating a change in the 'workmen's compensa tion aet, to provide that the worker who is injured while ut work shall be compensated in' 'all cases, the com- pensation to go to himself if he sur- vive, or to his family in case the in- jury prove fatal. The Review consid- ers Mr. Hall's position an absurd one. in so far.as it would exempt the worker from responsibility for his own injury. It speaks of the negligence of workmen as being sometimes rash and deliberate. It is right here that the cha curs oh past and mn tion gm Peterboro, is not alome iu the stand he has taken. The new platform of i i in Ontario « em Hall's view, Apd-he may have" band in. puiling it there. It is the inciple 'on which the English act is oc In its argument with Mr. Hall, the} or | { er, knowing that, im any event, Preach Review says: "If a 'man were des ately hard up he might consent shove a finger under a buzz saw h to he would get full damages." The new |F form that compensation acts are tak- ing is based on the knowledge that men do mot do such things. But there's many 'a man "despérately hard up' to-day in Ontario because ESE TA Wrinkle Remover From Fashion Reporter. "44 "BD QT 2 In these Hays of cleverly advertised BOILED SUGARS "beautifiers'" of fifty-seven vagiotios and more, it is hard for any jo. wh to believe that she can make a simple home remedy which will do her much more good, and cost her much less than the average maile preparation. All one Price . BATGER'S SUPERFINE EXTRA FLAVORED Orange, Raspberry, Pineapple, Pear, Black Currant, -- Lime Juice, Horehound Drops, Brandy Balls.-- 30¢. Per 1b. Take the subject of wrinkles, for in stance. There is wothing in the world so effective for removing. or preventing wrinkles, baggy cheeks and double ching, as a solution of saxolite and witch hazel. Get an oumee of pure powdered sax- olite from any drug stove, dissolve the full ounce in 'a hall pint of . witch hazel and use the mixture daily as a refreshing lotion. The quick and satisfactory results will surprise vou. Even after the very first appligation there is a marked improvement. The wrinkles are less in evidence .and the erm coors re Phone 141 R. H. TOYE, 02 KING ST. SASL EEORE SIE EEEREEE EE face has a firm, "solid" feeling that is very comforting. egisla- | ° this subject, and Mr. Hall, of | | i j = aH BION ER: ospitals with Success. Cures blood Ala Sores Oh es(erthers x wes kness i r &evitalforce, drains, losses, Se. Eitan No.at or Mail $1 from Fouge: a3 Co. $0 Beekman ew York City, or Fyman ras Co. Lad. Toronto, doubt Noe ired, send self add envelope free book to Dr. Le Clerc Med. Co. restock R London, Eng. Try new Tasteless , easy to take, safe. lasting cure. Telephone as. Form of 77 Princess Street. "HAPPY HOME" RANGE} The "Happy Home" Range is handsome in design, large ventilated oven, made of the 'best material, fullyguaranteed to giveentire satisfaction, and will cook more with less fuel than any cther Range on the market. -- Elliott Bros., ing his, son not to attend the ruich- stag and to bring about a teconcil- jation between the crown prince, nod a it of 1. 8. Sire, who has given he lost a hapd, a foot, bor an arm ac- the play a most elaborate production, cidentally, got no compensateion, and and made "The Rejuvenation of Aunt had to. go into the world, ball a man, A------ - --_-- ---- " " | 841-3 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery, to Relieve Dyspepsia e Fall the Medicine Costs To wnghestionnbl Er pr Prove Ass the that indigestion ¥apepain a Ls id th armanently relieved sn at ja Tablets will bring this, result, wo will furnish the pheolutely free if it fails to satisfaction to anyone using it. le . success of Rexall Tablets is due to the high _soigntific. skill used in def ad well as*to the have d with Carminatives and and rosie by Se EE n he Aredtment of i Tope an Hos) reper a8 In rotten efficiency. Pep- h I'd ¢ apparatus to igestiy, bpra itive "fluid. Without it the and. assimilation of food are jossible. © . Uarniinatives possess properiica 1 ps in oA the distu neces dn enused by undigested food. sin ol these ingredients . linvaluable for the p of indigestion and fe are do certain of this that we you to try Rexall Dyspepsia Ta On our. own personal guaran- #00, sited, wu oénts, BO cente, Remember. "8k » You ean obtain s 5 at our store,-- « the imperial chancellor. , The suspicion about the crown prince's English sym pathies were certainly wiped out by 'tha Thursday's event, and tho jin goes now call him a good fellow and their press contends that tne future emperor is ot the head of a war party. . MANITOBA WANTS PROVINCIAL BUILDINGS. Maxy* one of the most famous plays of the present day. 'lhis was possible with the extraordinary genius of May Robson, for developing eccentiic old wi aud making the character dis-. tinct, impressive, and very, very funny, yet Liman, and not a stage character, and one is apt to forget May Robson aud see only the eccentric old maid, with her smiles and tears. her odd expressions and big hearted- ness. On Weinesday night; Miss will 'appear in. her latest and success, "A Night Out." Government Will Advertise For Plans Open to the World. Winnipeg, Nov. 14.--The provincial government 'will shortly advertisesfor competitive plans, open to the world, or the new parhament buildings for the province of Manitoba, to he erect. od here at an estimated cost of $2, 000,000, Preliminary sketches are roe xticed, and five prizos of $2,000 are offered. local = architects are me: \ iging the government to'confine the competition to the British empire, but that does not seem' to be the in- Robson greatest + lig Royal Commands of Kilties. After having beein in England but a fow woeks the "Kilties" were honored | by a royal command to appear be-' fore his late majesty, King Edward Vil, and their first concert before his majesty was given in Balmoral Castle on September 27th, 1904. His mujesty declared that he had never before enjoyed a band concert 80 thoroughly and hig admiration for the Canadian band was made evident when uhoh «the celebration of his sixty-third birthday, November 9th, he pelected the ""RKilties" to provide the evening's entertainment. This . honor is unprecedented as no other musical amzation has ever entertained Kng- i royalty twice within such a bricl tention. They'll Meet in the Woods. Canadian Freeman: The result of the eluetions last wiek in New York state was 'a telling blow to Bro. Charles Wood, editor of the Cape Vincent Kagle, ono of the best alltound dem- || ocratic weekly papers published in the above state. He ean now follow the same advice as he gave the Freeman after the defeat of the liberals on September 21st, when he told us that "we had taken to the wouds'" in or- der to recuperate. At the conclusion of 'the second con: cert, the bandmastér, who had pre viously redcived the Victarian medal from the king at Balmoral, was agajn | 'congratulated by his majesty unon the | merit of the entertainment and pre sented with a baton, decorated with' : . the king's initials set in diamonds and Royal Canadian' Navy. rubies oa Ottawa, Now, 14.--Notice is given that the king has been pleased to ap- prove of the naval forces of Canada receivingthe style of the "Royal Can- adian Navy," and of the ships of war 'The famous '"Kilties" will arrive in Kingston on their palace Puliman car "Heather" and will appear at * the Grand on 'thursday, November 16th, to try to earn a wan's pay. The fact is, and 'every' town and province tom- tains evidemee to prove it, that any comy Rion amt tuntaifing so d referri to © contributory 'negligence can Bo bande use of to od maimed men away Without compensation of ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR AND QUICK LUNCH ROOM. MArassssssses All kinds of Lunches and Hot Drinks. Ice Cream sand all kinds of Fruit and Candles. M, PAPPAS & CO 184 Princess Street. any kind. The victim of dent is without funds to fight in a of courts a rich company and its stafi of sable lawyers vetained by the year. There is no greater reproach to our civilization at thie moment than the rocession of legless and armless itigantsvJeaving our courts without recompense for the tragic injuries they have suffered while bravely 'engaged in the ranks of our industrial army. If we ave to have labor made us safo as labor can be made we must see to it that an arm or a leg costs the rgilway or the factory more than would the safeguard which eould pre vent the scribe of a human limb. Men will run risks if they must to earn their bread; bug if 'these = risks are to be reduced and all needless ones dome away with, those in need of bread 'must not endure unrelieved the whole birden of a calamity when it comes. In one way or another the using ip snd throwing aside of the damaged hulks of men must be stop- 1. The statistics for Canada and the United States are sorry reading. of mit-------- TRAPPERS - send us your FURS' and we will pay you the Highest Prices REVILLON FRERES 134-136 MeGILL STREET | «MONTREAL, PQ. We will send free to every trap- per who sends us furs, our book "The Trapper's Loyal Gom- N\ Rn : panien". ---- sevssse@@rrresrssssesesvensenl LADIES' FALL SHOES! We have a very com- plete range of Ladies' Shoes in Button or Laced Blucher Tan, Gun Metal or Dongola Kid. All Suitable for Fall Weather, © $3.00 and $3.50 H. Jennings, - King St. L Seerrrrrrrrrrrrerasesel Ferma nansnssssssasssel 4 4 n 1 4 y y ' matineéd and night. xall Store. 6. W. muhood. of that navy bing designated as "His Majesty's Canadian Ships." ¥ } I FEATURE OF QUEEN'S PARADE. | Mrs. William Smith, jr, Lanark, | Wi tripped while lifting a | boiler of boiling water, and thy contents went over her, severely scalding her. g sp \ Was the Electrical Float of Class. '12 of Science. "i Those. who saw the Science '12 a3 float, with its flashing electric lights, , Logan brothers, limited, Renfrew, i ¥ i are to put in now machinery to kop | PURAISE. generator, and put-putting up with their order for blankets, (208% will agred that it was one of land hours steffen from lectures, was satisfadtion and ron without a hitch % The perfect Cooking Buffer ER y . -- \N snd Eng- ® bent the finest ever seen in a Queen's par- ; ade. Few realize how much labor and LN | . wot | Kidney Pains for ag auy . {put on it. Through the kindness of neipsl ithe Kingston Foundry company, a \ in 0 'gplendid iwo-cyligder gasoline "at thought went into its construction, allw ra Pri on Chonda, en- 0 Tl gine was obt nor how much tiie, both spare hours , which gave every WHAT IT DOES Ko-Ko-But makes. your cooking better, , more digestible, more nutriti- ous and more wholesome, because it is a vegetable product. WHAT IT IS Ko-Ko-But 13\a perfectly pure vegetable butter made of meats of selected cocoa- nuts from Ceylon and Cochin. These ~ two countries produce the finest fruits in-the world. ; ; " The cocoanut meats are broken up and dried in bright sunshine. - In the dried state the cocoanut meat is called Copra. he Copra is then crushed, and cocoa- nut butter extracted. The cocoanut butter is sent to us in seal- ed containers. We treat the cocoanut butter by 4 scien- tific process which extracts all 5 aftlr in thiowghout the parade. The generator jwas taken from the electrical 'labore atocy. Then the work begga, and there were ouly three or four final All Doriore Medicis FalledoOure yeu 'SleStiial to St oo a Effected by Use of proper t 3k was next. ventually Shs past wos working tip-top, . and work, was' y Could Not Stand or Even Turn i Bed--Legs Greatly Swollen, For Frying, Ko-Ko-But is excellent, it cooks .the food-to a nicety--and does not spatter in the pan. _Cakes--abakings of all kinds made with Ko-Ko-But keep fresh longer-- : Ko-Ko-But does not make the baking 'SOggy, nor ooze out. Ko-Ko-But does not evaporate, it keeps frésh longer than any animal product-- and never turns rancid. and ali flavor of the cocoanut -- which it is thoroughly sterilize. Thera is nothing added of any nature-- the finished KO-KO-BUT is pure co- coanut butter--clean, sweet and whole- some. Ko-Ko-But saves you 'money--you use . less Ko-Ko-But than you would butter or any other shortening. REMEMBER, Ko-Ko-But is 100% pure. there is no water--no waste, 1 Ib. Ko-Ko-Bat goes as far 23 11 Ibs. of butter or other shortening, (butter _conlains as high as 20% water--Ko-Ko-But none). This is Ko-Ko-But economy. Your cooking is cleaner - and altogether better. This is Ko-Ko-But satisfaction. - "Your grocer sells it."