/ 3 Tm and Salis. | Prem: nag in tea must be dis- tinctive, pleasing and unvarying to merit continuous use. The favor of Red Rose Tea is all its own; and it never fails to win and hold ap- proval because it never fafls in quality. Try it. TIT {i IEF N ART NCE ITIS APARASITE That Causes Hcehing Scalp, Dandruff and Finally Falling Hair. The itching séalp, the falling hair and the dandeuli that annoys wre the work of d parasite hidden in the scalp. and the only prepacs- tion that will do that Newhro's Herpicide. "Destroy -the cause, you remove the effect." CC. H. Reed, of Yictor, "Myself and wife, 'had dandrufi = and falling hair geyeral veard. Two bottles of Newbro's Herpicide completely our- od us, after several other preparations had failed fo do good" Makes hair grow glossy and - soft as silk. Hun- dreds of other testimonials just as trong. « Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps for sample to 'The Her ids Co., Detroit, Mich. Owe dol r bottles guaranteed. Jas. B. Me 1eod, special agent; Kingston. Flooring "A Floor For a Lifetime Hard, Smooth, Hand- some and Durable. We have this floori in MAPLE BIRO and OAK, end matched, bored, bundled and S a & To. Ba & Nelington. one 66. hd -- open PRBVBUTVVTATLLATABCGES' 4. DYEING, CLEANING, CURIL- $ ING FEATHERS. ! No part of our work gives more 'satisfaction than the dyeing, cleaning and curling of feathers, The most delicate and expensive ave safe here. % R. PARKER & CO, "Dyers and Cleavers, 0 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. ¢ sesseresaased Electric Restorer for Men Ph honul gexforin every norve in the body 2 propel tension | restores ature d nets' averted at ence. Phos rd new man, Wailed to led 10 An¥ ask add Ria ay and yd all sexual ol wih agers" Fh Bad or FA for Fog at awn Oak. Brug Store -------- --------_ La STAND DAY OR NIGHT GREAY SALE Of Stoves and Fleaters. Tar New and Speond.h huh oes very low. ¥ We SUG CEA RMAS » ois mins gael 93 ry Work Suatantend. 'That parasite mast be killed to |. © oure dandriii, Idaho, sayse [most of his requirements, and | his eo Stock urniture. Princess First-class SMR oe aA » 164 day .and 'Thursday morning postage had to be added, © per year. : ached ia one of the Best Job TORONTO oi ayer To U THE WHIG, SEVENTYEIGHTH YEAR 5 ------------ 1 RITISH WHIG, rnhisbed at 306-310 King Street. Kings- tom Ontario, at $6 per year. Edita WEEKLY BRITISH at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. 2, published in parts on Moa price of mire ang of of Weekly $1. oe : Printing ST Ottices "In Onan: "rapid, stylish, and cheap work; ine improved presses THE SATIS WAG PORSHNG C0. LIMITED 'J+ G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec. Treas. OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church Street, Toronto. H. E. Smaliplece; J.P., Pepreseita: ye. ---- The French papers, Theral and con- servutive, have taken 'np the bi-lingual school question the iden and protest against these ; prixed achools~ and. mixed as to teaching--shall go. It 'has been pointed out that the growth of bilingualism has been ab- normal. Originally: provision was made foro an "exceptional order of things, for the education of French ail English children by one teacher i that when two were not possible. Originally, too, the iden was care fgr the French scholars found themselves in English districts, and handieapped because they could not speak English and make progress with the English scholars. never surmised that * the field would grow until the situation became as in Let it be understood that no one wants to put the French under disabilities in education ag in other@natters, but it is too much to look for a continuation to tense and grave as it is to-day. of conditions that This is should pass away: an English pro- country, and the people should speak English in com- industrial and in Ontario, English vince, an mercial, professional life. What a time the govertinent of any western province would have that un- dertook to teach the language of all its foreigners to their children! And vet thers is as much senve in demand- ing that French, the language of a conquered people, be made, with Eng- who: But it was BE LINGUALISM NOT WANTED. lish, the official language of the coun- try. that. it. should be recognized in the courts, in parliament, and else where, and taf some extremists like PBouragsa "and Lavergne would make trouble because there is objection. It is unfortungic that in the last election there wus an appeal to race and réligioi. It made by the party 'which now appeals to the peo- ple for calmpess andl consideration, for a toleration of bi-lingualism eed all that it implies. It may be ualor- tupate that some persons regard the demand that bi-lingual teaching | in the. schools be discontinued aus an ap- peal "to prejudice; and that they are raising (he issne in a political way. bat the fact! ib that 'al the of some irritation the bilingual question must be settled, and in the one form possible. Freach teaching for in purely Freneh districts, but not at the expense of the English. Our provinge, at the public expense, should teach only be Only way, was risk may he provided English. French may taught as an accomplishment. the the Kingston that and nothing more. By surprising that school board should it Lis provide accom- modation, at the public expense, for a French teacher whose work is largely a duplieation of that which is prov.d ed in the institate. The principal of the school, a just man, objeeted, but Lhe -work -was--approved. by the\gom- mittee and goers on i circumstances. under surpri¥ing @o Péof. Adam Shortt, of the Civil Service Commission, before the Uana- dian Club, of Woodstock, some of the higher living, discussed causes of and made some statements of special interest, 'The population was shifting {to the cities. Why ? The made mora anil more dependent upon he needed. There was a time when he could make farmer was the city for the things when the needs of the poor contributed to howudsmen. these things he wants he gets, from the men who live Now thie' urban life hy having and using as little help he can. With regard. to othe! higher prices @® | that are paid for the articles meén buy . pnd must have, we quote from the Wooddtock SentindkReview 2 nnd from Mr. Shortt's address | "In the past ten or fiftpoll yours, the increase in the cost of things, which came from outside is about ten while things which made in Canatln have gone up thirty' to one hundred cent. Clothing has gone up, but price of wool in the web has not. increased cost is due to the labor, high rentals, and profits in Wheat grown in the west in delivered as bread on the Brilishers' table at from ten per cent. to thirty less than it is in Ontario. Unless we balance np things and give better conditions to the country peo Drug ole ing to go down, per cent. are from per the The of per cent, cost Canada. per cent. we canpot expect the cost of hu The farmer though prices have gone up does not get Alley o and work in cities, and he makes for BACK TO THE GARDEN, It is he. ses man, the middleman. In the west there thousands of people who help to increase the population, vho do not but inuch wf the difference. condary are produce anything, merely hen the speculators ont buying for themselves, make and selling, their money wly and not for the They build houses on and lady sidewalks "ind sewers: but they do not produce any thing exospt for thémselves, When the ity ends, the builders will have leaves for somewhere ountry people. the prairies, to else. When they leave, rents will go down, the value of ground will go owners will into ground and the eollapse. The middlemen will not be able to see to these peo- plo and they will collapse." It is a philotophie fact that the lie, the prosperity, the comfort of the people depend on the producers, and Mr. Bhortt has an idea shat is worth considering. It is that the men who work fn. cities shall have shorter hours, 'that they shall not live in eqn: gested districts but out of them, that wach shall' have his garden and work it, and. that shali be a producer for himsalt as well as a producer others. prevail he for Time was when this idea did that man, without shorter hours worked his and in that time living as high as it is at present. 'Back to the Seil" slogan with many. It necessarily bask to the farm, hut it does. megan back to the garden, for the exereise; profit i affords. garden, *as now is the does not ue mean the diversion, the "ta be said in favour of the kmd fax, not the single The idea of taxing land values in the large cities is one Tihat grows in favour the more it is st uched there is a great deal tax, mind you. According to George Lynch-Staunton, of Hamiltoh, a eonservative K.U., no fone outside of an asylum is expected to advocate the land tax, The lea tht the lated taxers "are erazy. Well, there seeths to be some very dis- tinguished people in this class. The CPR. has purchased the peat plant of the 'federal government at £10 Alfred, 0m The government = oe tablishes "the practicability of peat fuel, and the CPR. ;gohbles the basi: assortment and prices sh Your roun the Bate te or students boarders. ness, This is. "a demonstration of pub tie ownership. 'wh a vengeance ! A mumicipal and railway = board] which is divided the chairman again®t two other members--ia a spec tale. The Omtario government will surely soe the wisddm of dismissing same one and ending the sandal. What is the use of a hoard i man ons de as he likes combi The crown proseeutor PR -- ins one a EDITORIAL NOTES. ££ 'ones before them, but in interpreting the evidenue that the jury Jone. 15 laid before men should be able to go it The exact offect of the Co Hourg inCident ix not understood. them The assedoment Taw whys amended by the Whitney government so that - the assessor re «to 'make n record of all the soonod" dehildsea {between and fourteen years) when he comes around each year. The voll is fvled with the - cit" efork. For what pur- pose ? Has any "use been made of thivvear's work § The Montreal Star persists in urging its plan of navy--the buying of a matigh ta at least three, in Eng- and, with. English money, borrowed eight " Loreatly add to the desigability for but very few of the summer handle the goods of the east. | but | TO "WET" COLUMN FRONTENAC REBUILDING. Used in the Construction. 5 Clayton, X.Y. Nov. 14.--Now tht it has been decided Clayton -will again enter the "wet column next year, the rebuilding of the Hotel Frontenac tuken for granted, as before election it was given out that. this aristocratic hostalry would only' be rebuilt if Clayton voled for hotel House. Most of the ruios have been cleans ed up, mnd work will probably soon be commencesl for preparation of re building. It is understood that new building will be entirely of fine . red granite from the quarries of the Picton land Rud Grapite company, and which are owned by C. GG. FEméry, who is 'also the principal "it bekhold: er in the Round Island company, which owned the oll Frontenac. The plans, said to have been drawn, are reported to call for 4 four storey building of . absolutely fireproof con- struction, ahd this fart alone will Is- hotel, hotels are of being mostly terial and traps. If the fireproof constriction; of wu flimsy. wooden, ma- nothing more than fire com- all work of rebuilding is menced af onee and pushed with rapidity, a pew siructure cannet completed for use pest season, I'he annex is left yet, and if a temporary kitchen nnd dining-room should be built, this building would accommo: date 100 puests.. This, together which are left, would make a establishment, although it seems significant as compared with the that stood there, Fer the last several vears the of the Hotel Frantenae has closely associated with all mention the Thousand Tslunds noted far and wide an aristoerat among hostelries, and by far surpass ed any other hotel on the St. Law rence, both in size und patronage, It was also noted: for its fine gol grounds and facilities for aquatic sports, and also fronted one of hotel beer ax mver, and dhe Fronténae Yacht has always had the best boat races. THE WHIG'S Pu zi E. ------t Guess What Represents? Can You the S¢en at the country fair Here is a Pointer. Have vou cold hands and feet, chills, pain in the back ? Mf so vour blood. is impoverished and constitution run down. Wade's Iron will positively restore perfect As a blood maker and nerve strength ener: they are unequalled: He; at J... McLeod's drug stores your Tome The Alberta ('oal Mining company, of Edmonton, has applied to: the de board of conciliation to deal with disptite with its employes Smallpox is increasing in the vines of Quebee, aml has already sumed a of epidemic in many places, especially in St. Mavrice dis trict and im 4. Jslet county. At Halifax, N.S., court-martial inf the Niobe st: ancling takes place; Wed nesday, on the Niobe, to last only one day. pro ax state tional Transcontinental has left for Winnipeg, accompanied by Chief KE Eingiticet Grant. / DR. SOPER Plies WN) ele iD 8] Ee spepia Asthma 8 fo Vial Tatity © Diabetes | Emissions | Kane oh Los And Blond, Ns Nerve and Bladder Diseases. Book ov ni Question Blan an furnished in tablet orn. a w) a Tne 2 ait oe. has DRS. SOPER & WHITE, 25 Toronto St, Toronto, Ont. ASSURES At Round Island--The Hotel Will be Ready .in 1913---Red Granite to be is. the | the which is obtained of the he with the power plant and girls dormitory, targe in- name of This hotel was the finest motor Hoat whee cowrses on the Club ire the Picture Answer 10 Monday's puzzle, Moses. Pills health, =e. partment. of trade and comme ree for a and is expected Major leonard, ehairman of the Na- Commission, 'BIBBYS' HEAD-TO-TOE OUTFITTERS - FOR MEN AND BOYS. Led Fine Shoes For Men $400 and $5.00 UNDERWEAR, 75¢ Per Garment, good weight, size 32 value, 7Hc¢ per garment UNDERWEAR, " +At thin ® price we natural wool f of line guaranteed unshrinkzble; weight Penman's Scotch Wool Underwear, to 4% show ~ UNDERWEAR: We call your attention to our lines of Splendid Underwear for Men. We are Belling Agents PENMAN'S HEWSON'S and STANFIELD'S ---- Celebrated Underwear. ---- OUR UNION UNDERWEAR is growing in favor every Season. Balbriggan Suits Penman's Natural Wool - Penman's Elastic Ribbed for Hea Extra per garment 'Penman's make $1.00 per Suit $2.50 $2.50 " " " " UNDERWEAR, $1.00 Pér Garment. ribbed Wool vy Underwear $1.00 Same extra All sizes $1.23 Per Gurment. a {fine Nai Underwear, medium perial value, UNDERWEAR, $1.00 Per Garment, ural Wool Underwear Im crown brand, All sizes. Extra $1.00 ' 29c. 50 dozen Wool 8 » PER qualities. UNDERWEAR SPECIAL GARMENT hirts and Drawers, Scotch Knit, Regular 50c. and 656.. : Sizes 32 to 42. IBBBY'S SPECIAL Tuesday and Wednesday .29c. per Garment. A New Sweater Coats New Kniffed Scarfs New Knitted Gloves MEN'S GLOVES, Fhe finest assortment of @ Meu's Gloves in Kingston. See our $1.00 Mocka Ree our 32.00 Reindeer ents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men n BIBBYS 78 80-82 PRINCESS. Agents for Penman's Underwear and SweaterCoats Lid Subscriptions For Canadian Locomotive Co.,u 6 Per Cent. Bonds In Dénominations of $100., $500. $1000. Price --Par and Interest Apply To J. O. Hutton 18 M: Market 8t., Kingston. New Lamps For Old A ) else in the illuminating line goes into the dark haskground as Fwvervihihg goon as the Tungsten Lamp = intro duced. © hey all pale into by Canada; awd #iven to England: as a Candin 'contribution. The gov: ernment does not seccept the plan. Tie members accepted of Sir agh bam's help iu the election and Sa Hone Lae will be yop lender of «the opposition ad he ira: then shich the Marquis of Lansdowne will fond. The pity is that did pot, wee his 3 Paliofir. « He Tas reached the mons, the spokesmen of the party of} the marquis} ¢ way clear to reign} @ cance. Tungsten | Lamps make dack EASY PAYMENT PLAN All kinds of Dry Goods, Kur Collars sod Mulls, Lahies' snd Ars Clothing, ol G - . ete a kinds qusehotd Furnishings can be easy pivment | Call and see for Youre] 24 Division. Str whieh Ballowr soshed tr avold: L COHEN. G0GDS SOLD ON ness like daylight and. wilt give the greatest . satisfaction at cost-+in every howe We also install these Lamps in stores, tories. A.W. Noman Ect © 79 Princess Street PHONE 144 0 wd cn lant Ao J wisitley, i ontreal Jas k te the sn alios: | ! on No Job Too Small As Practie will coms your home your office ir" store, or your factory and work sii mate may on. any you entrust lo nsignili- offic and fog 66 BROCK STREET, 'Phone 335 Residence 'phone, 9 ~ 08. faery sed ns Lananoiju Faery has Piste street, Atkinson, Pitlsbury. dence Tames of 119 5 No Contract Too Large FOR US TO HANDLE. al Plumbers de David Hall per cent. off. Circassian Walnut BRASS BEDS Al Sizes. pies. R. J. REID {phe 511 ¥ RAW 0]: IR CoAaL. OAL VAY COA STOCK REDUCING SALE of FURNITURE To make room for Christmas Goods, 15 and even 20 DINING ROOM SETS In Golden Oak Mahogany Early English Fumed Oak BED ROOM SETTS In. Golden Oak' Mahogany - PARLOR FURNITURE including all odd upholstered The Leading Dndertaker