Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Nov 1911, p. 8

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; efily double track rallway between HUNTERS" EXCURSIONS ber 14h. : EN SYET EM The loggést double track™ in the world under ome management. The 'Montreal. © Toronto; Chicago and | pHincipsl Canadian Cities. : eT gi % Fda - & . ¥ The international Limited Leaves Kingston wally at' 12.25 noon -for Toronto, Hamilton, Landen, De- troft, arriving in Chicago 8 o'clock the following morning. Four Bipress Trains daily te Te- ronte and Montreal, GAL AEN NEVER ANY FAILURE OR DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN | BAKING POWDER IS USED. CONTAINS NO ALUM. COSTS NO MORE THAN THE for Sharbo! ORDINARY KINDS. with C. P. R. Ras: i ' We "II MADE IN CANADA 'Tickets on sale daily untfl Nev.| | 11th" Good fo return until Docem- | | 4. PF. HANLRWY, Agent, | taro Sts. | | _ Gormer.sehnson and sin i [Or MBROKE an Cal #87734 IN CONWNUTION WITH Gos adian aciisc Raiwa LEAVE KINGSTO! 11.4% a.m. Express--For Ottawa, | 'Montreal, Quebec, 8t. John, N.B.;| Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Van-| | souver, Seattle, Portland and San! Francisco. i 5.00 p.m.--Local Lake, connecting and Wes 7.4% am. Mize uilermediaig Friday. Passengers leaving Kingston at) enfrew an Wed points, Mou REFERRED TO IN SERMON B) : REV. LE ROY RICE. Can We Explain the Miracles on (h Analogy of Modern 'Faith Healiag--Hix Reply to th Cuestion. " 'Faith Healing, and the Miracles or Jesus," 'waa the subject of a very in teresting sermon, delivered in. th. First CongrogatiBnal church, Surda evening, hy she pastor, Rev. LeRo, fice. ihe text chosen' for the di. course was Mark ii, 9, 10, 1): "Whe ther it. is easier Lo say to the sick © the palsy, thy sins forgiven thec or as to say, arise, take up thy be and walk 7 But that ye may kno: that the Son of Man hath power o. earth to forgive sins (he saith to th sick of the palsy). I say unto the arise, and take up thy bed and g thy way into thine house." ~The speaker remarked that what h Wished to say followed logically upo the discourse he gave a week ago. 1 estimating the value of Christian Sci énce in a somewhat general way, w. said that Christian Science was to be commended first, in that it re-empha- vizes the reality of the spiritual, anu lays emphasis upon the divine immin ence, and, in the second place, it is t be commended in that it has helpeu ug to realize the tremendous influenc which the mind has over the body 'the vital force, in Christian Science is not its philosophy, but ite faith i; the power of the mi. to triumph over the flesh. There art many me who feel that Christian Science ha: supplied a real need in their lives There is a side of the teachings ot Jesus that the church has generall, forgotten, or deliberately allowed to be relegated to the background, and we owe a cerfair® debt to Christia Cases' 11.45 a.m. arrive in Ottawa at & Pm; Peterboro, 4.38 p.m.; Toronto, 6.66 p.m; Montreal, 7.05 .p.m.: Boston, 7.30 a.m.; St. John, 12.00 noon. 2 Full partleulars at K. and P. and 70 WILLIAM STRENT. G.P.R. Tieket Oftice, Outarie Stree. | © "Phone 1065. PF. OONWAY, ad 'Phone 50. Gen. Pass. Agent. |®® i Ee 8005 S0LD CIV ID ITER VEX rei : PELTED 2 DUNCAN'S CART STAND & ON TINE Selence, and to other | faith-healin, sults, in that they have helped us t,, senlize that there is a faith that heals. As a result of the large number oi faith-healing cults, or movement. sprung up during the past few years, the church itself hay been compelled to ask if after all, it has been prgach ing the whole of the gospel of Jesus, or just a part of it. ls there .a faith which gives victory over sickness = well as over sin, or have we bew: preaching a maimed...and deformed. en A MUFF AND NE HKWEAR SET OF MINK WITH HAT TO MATCH. When mink is genuine, it is a very handsome fur, but real mink is expensive and a great many skins are required to make- the large Tur pieces 'of to-day... This set of mink is worn over a pretty afternoon frock of taupe colored satin with a slashed tunte apewing over a skirt of olive brown permo fabrice--a crepe like we ive of wool with mohair that is much fancied by the French dressmakers. The olive and brownish gray colors we blended with some rich Oriental embroidery ir reds and browns and the mink is trbpmed-whlr & 76d Velévt 7os¢ and dall gold leaves, { 'good soup Such a little price. > L 2 fa Such a thick, nourishing, strengthening soupis Edwards'; so small is the cost that every- one can well afford it. Ldwards' Soup is prepared from specially selected beef and the finest vegetables that Irish soil can produce. It comes to you all ready for the sauce pan. Just! add water, boil for thirty minutes and your soup is waiting to be " Remember. my fact -- yell li ice me again" Serv ed. The cook will find Edwards' desic cated Soup a great help in the kitchen, It goes with lots of things that aren't as tasty by themselves ; it strengthens he own soups and there's double the vari ety inthe. menu when Edwards' Seup is on the pantry-shelf. Buy a packet to-day. gospel~we{t"18 set forth in the |_All kinds -of---Dry Gowdy. MNEs | Testaineit™ uniguie personality. A dpersonaity in | wonld send for the best doetor and RL A FLAT SEN 5 Wb Eee onal RY RE -amoking. on oh, Ap dally ¢ ox ¥ Bannookbars = ur Ea Bip 3 y 0 Gelade, Rails a ther feu ar « 0.0 w BLA Wa Tr dt Boys' and Ladies' Suits, Boots -and Shoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings ete, sold on easy payment plan. Come In, see our goods and terms.' New Stock of Fall and inte Clothing just received. It will pay you to call and see it i Joseph Abramsky 208 PraadME8 STREET. TWO GRA D CRUISE Nov 102 | FEB. 1013 Prem New York) (From San Franciseo) ry the Balijuial Cruising Steamer *! VICTORIA LUISE i § samo itinerary as 3 CLE PLAN. ond | fneinding 871 necessary ex. wp penses abuard and ashore. SENT, SVL from ! Temcisss Feb os. og | DURA OF EACH ORVISE 11 wn DAYS * « Alte @ ite Ale Bryon ¥ Orient, West Indice, iy and Boypt, ete, ¢ for Illustrated Booklet. AMERICAN LINE a N,.X., or local agent. ™ HITE py ARN \DOMINION/ gtdanl of 1 J.11 7. If your dealer does not carry '"Black Knight Stove Polish, send us his MONTREAL AID avenge ol A 7] 3 SATURDAY. wg IC, 8.5, MEGANTIO 'assengers sey. fn all Clas Blevators. Orchestra. Rate: : oto 1 Soccond, $58.75 wp. o TONIC a8. CANAD Only Oe Clas Gabla (IL) and Thin ase, Teuton op e da, $50 *, up; Canada, up, ird Ulass at low Jates. . only. Prom Tortinud, Me.' ¥ sol Malitax, N.8. we PANTY, TEUTOM Jet. BR + 4 r berths vow wn r-------- fag LP. fianley and © » Diffie, Mont W "Rooster" on It is crowing louler as ha goes oleuyg Only dhe per pound. For chewing and \ 8 +t PHONE 987 A Drop a ccrd to 19 Pine won SRE LE the : rsa new wor alse ood | Floors, of all Finds. it receive mp sttent! sen Street. " mtlon. [Cured by Lydia"E. Pink- ADVISED OPERATI ham'sVegetableCompound Canifton, Ont.--*1 had been a Silteror for five YEAR. ORS deot told me it was ulcers of the ute and another told me it was a fl : No one Rhee 4% Qu Sccesnsvesssnseee ¥ 000000000000 t0000000 The speaker went on to say that iu many quarters there is a feeling tha: there should be a greatér imion be tween medicine and the church, and that many of our prominent physicians had confessed that ong of the great' est faciors in the healing of dibease is faith. Since religion stands' supreme: Iy for .the things of faith, would it not seem that the church of to-day is justified in its new iftereSt in the ing of disease? "Faith has al ways been an essential factor in the practice of medicine," said Dr. Wil liam Osler, a recognized authority. Contihuing, . the speaker said that ii lad been. stated that there were more I patients treated at Ste. Anne de | Basupre last, year, than in all the how ,pitals in Canada. It was only reason: able to suppose that there should have been a certain number of cures. {We have the Immanel Chutch move ment in. the old country, and the limanuel in America, both claiming to have had a large number of cures. While many were, no doubt, greatly exaggerated, yet there is every reasoi to believe that a number of them are genuihe. A prominent physician in this city told the speaker about two very re- imarkable cases which he had suc- ceeded in treating through the mind. (His cures appear quite as wonderful 'as anything the speaker had read of in Christian saience, or as having taken place at St. Anne de Beaupre. And what conclusion must we arrive at from the consideration of all these faith-healing cults? from the time of the aint Egyptians down to the Firat, that the mind has a most profound influence over the body, and that a powerful suggestion of health is very often sufficient to give health, especially in neurotic cases, when there is no organic trouble. It may bo a simple trust in God, who is the div- ine healer. There must be the will to | believe attitude of mind, the mental | receptiveness, in short, there must be faith. The speaker went into the workings of mental suggestive. How is the sug- gestion of health made, and how does prayer become efficacious in mental healing? © Most of us were familia: with the term sub-conscions self, o: subliminal as it is called. It has con- trol over. our body, and it does many {things that our normal intellect is unable to do. There are abundant proofe of the existence of the sub- cotgcious self, and the speaker relate: a few instances. Id his closing remarks the speaker asked the question, "Can we ex lain the miracles of Jesus on the anolo. iv of modern cases of faith healing" dre the cases that Jesiis healed sim. Ely. mearotic cases, nervous rather than drganic disorders ? might "nineat the which were by Jesus were what doe tors commonly unique relationship fagltipd. in ali our stuch's we have ingistr! Al you cannot explain the HE o sinply "on the ground of his lama tty. He wpa God as well as man. Hig miraculous bicth, his power to raise the dead and Fis own tiorr "find no parallel in human Jus tory, and 1 belisve that many of His note of Hea'inr aré to be viseed in the same Light, they are the pughty acts of - wiague personality. While we 'believe in the théraputic value of prayer, while 'we lxlieve that there ma faith that heals to-day, as in all other ngee, (yet neverthelers we feel that the miracles of Jesus cannot te explained safely on .the anology of modern acts fuirh healing. In cOwglusion would say with the Bishop. ¢ findon, "If 1 were ill 1 Jesus SUrtuc a yig30} D0 YOU KNOW -- That when you put a salve onto your childs skin, _ it passes through the pores and enters the blood, just as surely as if you put it into the childs stomach? You would not put a coatsc mags of animal fat, colored by various mineral poisons (such as many crude salves are) into your child's blood by way of the stomach? Then why do . 30 by way of the pores? Take no tisk. Use alway: the herbal essences provided in Buk: Z.o-Buk - contaias 080 trace of any animal oil or fat, and no poisonous mineral color- ing matter, From start {0 finish it 5 pusely fecal, It will heal sores, ulcers, nots: eruptions, varicose ts, bruises get my parish priest to como and tray by my side, believing that the doubly work of Jesus Christ is shared by the two great professions; it: would te bad for either to be ban ished "from the sick room." A SCOTCH TORY -- One of the Strongest Protectionisis in England--5Strong in Statistics -=Not the Equ#k of Mr. Balfour, Nov. 13.--Bonar Law, who succeeds Mr. Dalfbur as leader. of the Jritish conservatives in the cop mons, no doubt owes his preferment to many causes. In the first place he is a Canadian, having been born at New Brunswick--although he has tak- en but 'little interest in the concerns lof the dominion, and, in fact, is re | garded rather as a Scotch than a { Canadian tory--and the tory. viglory fat the last Canadian election has made Canadian conservatism imamense- ly popular in the British tory ranks. Secondly, Walter' Long and Austen | Chamberlain have for some time been jon far from friendly terms, partly be- jcause Mr. Long, although a protect- lionist before the elder Chamberlain os- | pougéd tariff reform, declined to join the Chamberlainite - faction and cov- lertly attack Mr, Balfour. Thus Mr. | Law's appointment is in- the nature jof a compromise. Thirdly, it is wor: thy of note that the old church and slate tory is no longer so much in evi dence in the British house of ~com- mons. He has been replaced to a great extent by the commercial man who elamors for the highest possible tar [if. And Mr. Jaw is the man for his money. For, as a well-known liberal {once said of him, he is "the rankest protectionist in England," with par i ticular stress on protection for cer- tain form of manufacturing industry. ! Mr. Law is not identified in any | way with the agricultural commun: ity. Nor will Mr. Law's appointment | arouse "particular enthusiasm among ichurchmen, who form targe and tory par- Toronto, 80 { iBfluential a portion of the ity. For, rightly or wrongly, he was | suspected of being rather wenk-kneod (in support of Mr. Balfour's education fact of 1902, safeguarding the inter eats of the denominational schools. { dn bis dexterity in handling figures 'and statistics with regard (o tariff re- form. Mr. Law surpasses Mr. Chamber- lain at his best. But his speeches Jack fire, and he himself' lacks impagina- ;tion. He is not Mr. Balfour's equal jon the platform, and in the House of JO uons he is miles behind Him. + And there can be no question bat § (that in their fight against home rule, 'We have the imitation hard 'and soft 1 Fires, just the thing for the parlor or dining room grate; no trouble; no dust; no 'smoke: as cheap as cosl to use, Let give you a price us and set complete. ; i 15. Personal attention W. OLDFIN & CO,» wud Qrdn & . ru, very desirable, "Ifor the C.P\R. much weaker shape under him than Br Bader his' predecessor. By Direct Vote of People. Mexico City, Mex, Nov. 14.--At the suppgestion of President Madero, and sanctioned by all the members of his cabinet, congress will be requested to abolish the office of vice-president and to enact a law providing for the elec- tion of president by direct volts of the people instead of using the elec toral system as js now done. The new double track line of Canadian Pacific railway from Smith's Falis to Glen Tay will bein uso in a couple of days. Rev! John Hay, Renfrew, is ill. and ic his present state rest and quietness at home are considersd Smith's Falls, has travelling auditor Co., with headrpanrtery uite t Newton, been | appeinted at Ottawa, Miss Grace Ross, for wecks x Pa tient in Victoria hospital, Renfrew, suffering from typhoid fever, is ter. CANADIANISM 1S THIN, | | Fai DS DESICCATED SOUP Edwards' desiccated Soup is made in Ireland by Irish labour. There, and in England it is a household word. 5c. per packet. Edwards' desiccated Soup io made in three varietgs--~ Brown, Tomato, White. The Brown variety is a thick, nourishing soup, prepared from best beef and fresh vegetables. The other teeo are purely vegetable - BUSS 45, 1176 W. G. PATRICK & (0., Toronto Representative for the Province of On. tario. . FLORIDA (RANGES. JAMAICA GRAPE FRUIT. JAMAICA ORANGES. MALAGA GRAPES. A. J. REES, 166 PRINCESS ST. Phone 58 FLORIDA CRAPE FRUIT. the tories will 'go into the contest in | @ It Is Worth The Difference costs the dealer more than ordinary sugar, but it Lene FTOUBSE. L worth the difference. St. Lawrence "Crystal Diamonds" are absolutely the perfection of sugar Hg brilliantly clear and sparkling--and an ornam to every table. ' Ask for "St. Lawrence Crysil Duanionds" -- in § pound buxes -- also sold by the pound. The SL Lawrence Sygor Belg Co. Iimited 10 . WMONIRZAL ref rei

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