Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1911, p. 9

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NEEDS LIBERAL POLICY ON QUESTION : A GOOD ONE. Time That Ontario Knew Signific. ance of "Back to the Land" Movement fn Other Countries. The liberal policy on agricul. ture ix to stop the depopulation of sural Ontario, give adequate technical instruction in farming' ayd fruit culture in rural schools, te bring suitable fmmi- Krants into the province, pro- mote good toads; establish de- monsteatlon furms, and in- ungurdte x crusade to stamp out weeds and diseases among trees by 8 system of inspection, to ex- tend the usefulness of the Agricultural College at Guelph, Along with the disappointment whith every Canadian felt over. the Caisuw yetjirne, recently published, there came to everyone interested, in the growth of the province of Ountaric . the significant knowledge that the: rural population of the province was declining; that there were loss people on farms than there were ton yenrs ago; that almost the entire increase i population was confined to the ecitie: and towns of over 4,000 inhabitants that the provinee Was in nowise attra tive to immigrants who wanted = { settle oa the land. 'The department of agriculture ir stead of delving 10 find the cause o this decline, sts about to defend it~ sell, and draws analogies from the L. E. Loyalist movement in Canada n cencugy and a quaries agd; it blames the west, and iL blomesd the cities and towns. It does not fuce the facts. The inerense in 'the population of Ontario during the past decade is "336,955, of which Toronto supplied almost half. Other cities mnt towns of 'over 4,000 (nereased 176,583. The entire urban population has increased 344,753, while there are 7,798 lews peojile ou the lead than there were ten yours aho. Hon. James 8. Doff,' minister of agripulture, seems to he suffering from a guilty congeipnce. in the repo t of the department for 1910 the minis- tor almost admits the coin: "1 desire to, dispel tiie impression, if any sich exists," ho says, "that Ontario agri culture is deondont, and to establish clanely the fact thal, far from being a sourcé of shinvism, there never was a time when agriculture was 80 flo: ing." The veport attempts the assertion that (he "depopulation of rural Opiario has ceased." That view Was expressed uimost u year back, but recent cenigus returns show that = the exodus still continues. ~The Whitney government have not heeded the signs of the times. The late diroetor of eolonization,, Donald Satherland, now meiaber of parliament for {he riding of South Oxford, was continually be moaning Lhe fact that tintario's farms wers g Thandoned "Why should all the young men go to the west 7 his frequently 'asked. le was power- less. Na matter how he endessiored. | to promote 'eolomiration, the people would not stag. Farming in Ontario WAS not attractive, and Wibder = the dreumatances sattlors, were drawn by JAiunet in the west, ores and effective ao tion in regard to the settlement of "Ohitario and the alarming" exodus fram farms had been proviously brought to the attention of the gov- ernment from the outside. Ou June oh, 106, J. WwW, Flavelle, president of the William Davies company, lim. ited, wrote 10 Hon. James 8. Puff, minister of agriculture, a letter out lirtng oa calgon of the hive in the price products, and discussed at onda du h the various rea. sons Awsigned 'for un decrpase in the ulation and output of Ostario's Py This letter 'was published in the News om Jung 18th of last vear. Mr. Flavelle is a well-known conserva- tive, is high in the favor of the gov. ernment, and any pronouncement from him muss be regarded as the advice of a friend. He eviticized the methods employed on - Ontario farms. Those who go on the land, he argued, follow the line of least resistance. He point- od out the new markets which were springing up in Cadads, and deplored a redpeed acreage in barley and ogt¥ "Everything has been reduced which anands labor and i ligent, dis riminating efiort," he declared: More extensive Bom instead of more in tensive fgrming had been adopied. The report of the bureau of indus ries for 1908 showed that for the mast ten years, as compared with the wevious seventeen years, there 'was rom a moderate to an excellent in Tense per acre of the yield of field rope. But mm the last five vears of hat ten-year period development had wpparently' consed, To yemedy this and to promote wmpiy and contented constitnency or he laid, the liberal party: pledge it ff, It r Ontario knew the sig tificagee of the "back to the land" ovement going on. in other countries nd not leave it to anothér genera ion to learn the Jesson do. insistent' nd v0 necessary ----------. Joe Martin Scorned. iontren] Sar "Joe" Martin must be filled with re cret these days that he did not join the unionist party when he went into Pritish politics. Who could he better as a decided change from Balfour ! Change of Programme. Peterboro Examiner, Mr. Borden and the nationalists beve put the Canadian navy on- the] rocks, and now Col, Sam Tlughes pros AND MARRIED HIM WHEN SHE . GREW TO WOMANHOOD, : Lord Stanmore, in his "Life of Sid ney: Herbert," says: "As a ymere child i h' was fascinated by -Sidney's auty and charm, and announced to her family, as children do, that when she grew up she would marry that boy apd no other." As a child of ten yhe made a similar observation fo her 'governess on seeing, Herbert giding in the park. "Phe governess made a uote of it in her diary, and | when the martiage took place she eut out the page and sent it to her for mer pupil, ONTARIO LAGS BEHIND. Leader Rowell Enuncigtes Public Brantford Expositor. Philan Lady Herbert, Dead--The Rast Sus vivor "of Distinguished Group Grand Dames, London, Nov, - 14.~The death af Lady Herbert, of Lea, removes the ins1 survivor of a distinguished group of gravdes domes, which included the Diehess of Leeds, the Dowager Duch tess of Buccleuch snd the Marchioness- es of Lothian snd Londonderry, who ligured conspicuously in society in = bygone geuveration. Fifty years ago Bishop Wilberforce described Lady Her: bert as the most interesting and fas fiusting woman he had ever known, and down to the time of her death, im her eighty-nisth year, she retained the vivid intelligence and charm df mammier which made her a leading fig- are in London society years ago. n : apa Cilirens ion ave jaunc a BE move: . ment to build » hospital in this city Her dewth reculis the great. journal | for the prevention of tubereulosis, and istic scoop of Belane, the famous ed- thoy are doing, it, or seeking to do it itor of the Times, in 1545, when he fby private enterprise nd munificence gave to the world the first intima- Atleast, the assodistion which has tion that the repeal of the corn laws [been forined for this purpose finds was dawipent. Sidney Herbert had |b : dor want of "suifi- fast joined the cabinet, and the story |eieut funds ond it was intimated that 6t shout that in an ungnarded <| the project might be | dosed. - In at he had revealed the great us this conneciicn it might be said that to the Hon. Mrs. Norton, who hat a, government grant towards ' the sromptly passed it on to Delane. | building would 'tide matiers over and George Meredith crystallized the stor R mosidy i uth ere Ppistble Rs in "Diana of the Crossways," but ite Slaton, tly facili- falsity was established long apo. tate the meénns. which ali PrPgressiVe The AEugh as that Rg Loed cipalities abe Sapling lo fight A een who, in order to influence . 3 Atheri hy i i t berculosis are patent by almost overys \merican opinion in a certain direc- one who has given public health any tion, made the 'premature revelation . thowglit. And the medical fraternit to the editor. A few months after ong 8 1 ik > 4 . 0 is pretty well agreed as to the lest this episode Herbert married the lady, ! means of combativg the disease that who died last week. She was the if annually exacting a big toll in daughter of General: A'Court and a poses to put the militia "up in the air." : A NOTABLE TRIBUTE FROM A HIGH SOURCE Says the Christian Guardian in its issue of November Sth : "Probably no event in the recent political life has given a sense of keen satisiaction to more coptance last week by N. W» Rowell, K.C ship of the opposition in Ontario. knowi;--hoth 'in his profession and vice, and so universally esteemed for his that it is felt on all sides that his mean a very distinet au spirit of the province, "Whatever effect Mr, Roweli's assuming of upon the fortunes of the party with which be no doubt help to give at all that his active in these matters we are still a litgl "The countty, and the church as well, is when positively Christian -men feel part in publie affairs and to mingl cal-tife und and immorality of political life is his political responsibility more keen ebt ideals as to what political life hardly exctimed from taking a keen and personal and intelligent inter est and participation in all publio affairs. "The number of men of the carnest religions type who are in poli- ties for the count¥y's good and with the idea' of public service before them is larger to-day than it Men somewhat of the Mr. tits as they once were." has d positive toming-up of the political life and strength and success t6 moral issues, and to raise the tone and temper of political direussions and methods, And, without « maligning anyone or reflecting Wrjustly upon the pofitfent ideals of our' (ine, for which we are all vesponsible, it may be asserted that ¢ themselves in the discussion of the- tiie. outside with ao holier-than-thou attitude Rowell type are not ns uncommon in poli- ¢ this jrovinee. niece of Lord Heviesbury, and she in this connection it is pleasing to bacame the mother of the thirteenth note that the policy of the new lil: eral leader, N. W.. Rowell, includes dealing with the prevention of tu berculcsis, and. giving it the especial attention which it deserves, Mr, Row, ell's promise in conmection therewith is enunciated as follows : "Special investigation and super- vision. by the province of matters alfecting the henlth and well-hing of inlusirial = workars and communities. encournroment of town-planning and {the prevention of the growth of con gested avess the suppression "of tu- berculos's,™>mrl the avoidance of oc- cuputicnal dizeascs." In this connection, Witness says : . . "It is cheering fo sce'the subject of 'the public health mentioned in an election address, and a promise giv. en to do something to promote it; even if the reference 10 it is more or (less incidental. Vital consideration of public health iv generally the last thing "thought of or attended fo by our public wen, or rather our politi- cal public men, whereas it ought to be the first. What is the use of good thads to ihe dead or dying, or the extension of a railway to Hudson's Bay, or the colonization of New On tario, The province of Quebee, in regard to provincial did Jor hie prevention of tuberculosis has shown much more tommendable progress than that shown by Ontario undet the govern- ment of Sir James Whitney. Sir Lo mer Gouin has promised a subsidy of 5,500 for a tuberculosis hospital = iy the city of wuebee. If the Brant Anti Tuberculosis. Association were to re- ceive such a subsidy at the present time from the . provincial government there would be little difficulty in the successful completion of the project to have tight here at home, and at the disposal of all aliected either in an of our doniinion people than the ac . of this city, of the leader- Mr. Rowell is so 'well and widely in 'the tir field of public ser integrity "and character, acceptance of party leadership will the Montreal leadership may have be is identified, there can participation in political "life will | e short of perfection. to be called congratulated upon to take actual politi "Phe day-for such men standing and bemoaning the wickedness tite gone by. * No one should feel y than the one who has the high should be, and no one'ean be as themaelves been at Jeast for some years past. Arrow . 5, ------ f ingipient or advanced stage, a thor oughly modern hospital, which would prove both a 'boon and a blessing to many families. : It is very desirable tat the remain- der of the amount necessary for the building should he contributed. In the meantime let us hope that 'the pro- vince of Ontario will not remain be- hind its sister province, , READY FOR THE FRAY. Prince Fdward Liberals Nominate : Mr. Mastin. Picton, Noy. 18-Prince Edward [liberals are eagei for the coming provincial fight. The town hall was (erowded on turday afternoon when | 8, Edger Mastin was chosen to lead ithe party in this county against LU. tA. Norman, M.P.P. Thers were {were eleven. pominatiors, as fol Hows: Messrs. W, 8. Benson, H. MeMullen, Dr. Currie, ex-M.P., James Clapp, M. Kk. Allison, J. L. Shannon, 4. 6G. Wright, James Purtelle, John W. Hyatt, Levi. Ketchiim and David Stafiord. As ome of the speakers expressed it- { "UM liberalism' was thought to have [been lmeied in the landslide of [September 2st, it is plainly evi jdent 'rom the enthusiasm and at tendance hers to-day. that it is @o very lively corpse that has been rg; surrected." Leader Rowell wus eculogized by several among the delegates who are his personal friends. 14s recently announced platform was praised, sev- eral of the planks being thonght es- Yeo well adapted to the welfare of Prince lidward county. Increased attention ' to immigration whereby Eastern' Ontario might be made benefit in rural population was de claved a necessity, Mt. Mastin _resides in Bloomfield, and 3 i the Farmers' Usnitng factory the merger, is now manager of that branch the Dominion Can- ners at Blo id. likely a man as the is i ii £ (ice. tolsl NEED OF A SPUR. Attitude on Public Matters. The Hamilton Spectator (Conser vative) of November 1st, 19K, said editorially: "While this journal has supported Sir James Whitney and his administration consistently in his gen eral politics, we are not unaware of §- the [act that Sir .James cannot, in the very nature of things, be regards od as the last word. in matters of pro gressive legislation. In fact, with so dominating a personality as SirJames at the head of an administration, it is not difieult to imagine that (hers © oven the greater need for the spup olan wetive aud intelligent opposition to impress upon the strong personality that in a multitude of counsel there is] likely to be found more wisdom than ean ever hope to be located under any individual hat. And in this. connec tion we note with considerable pleas ure that the committee appointed to formulate a policy for the rejuvenated party has already decided upon one very important advatce movement by calling for a .revision of the assess. ment act under which municipalities will_be seeorded the right to exempt mprovements and tax land values. "Premior Whitney does not seem to j like this bit of suggested permissive tha lecislation. With alt due respect to his superior judgment in such mat jters, we beg to suggest that he has jin this business of assessment, still {much to learn; also that he is ill-ad- vised when he ignores the requests of nearly half the municipalities of the provinee that such legislation should be granted. Possibly now that 'the lib eral party, under a new leader has i endorsed the proposal and proposes to make a fight for its adoption, Sir James will take time to conser it and discover it to his advantage to English nows-| Five it something better than the cold TO ASSIST MAN NOW IN THE TOILS. Kingstonian Reccited Letter From Former Noted Russian Banker: Charged With Fraud and' Man * siaughter--Tells of 'a Hidden Docament. To seeeive.. a lettey- from a former St. Petersburg banker, now in jail, on a charge ofdraud, in Russia, and with manslaughter in Spain; appepling for aid, and in return for which a modest fortune. is offered, was the ex: perience of a wellknown Kingston merchant. He received the letter on Saturday, and naturally was very much surprised, ~ J 4 The man in the case, who signs his name "Sadrowsky" is aw known to the Kimgstomian, In th. letter, the writer tells of his troubles 'and . ap- peals for help, at tle same time, en- closing a clipping from an English newspaper, which {ella of his' arrest. He also states that in a secret pocket in ope of his portmanteaus, which have been confiscated by the police, he has hidden a document whith wilf produce suthcient money to defray all the expenses of his trial, and in addi- tion, provide for the fortune for Kingstonian. 2 The letter to the Kingstonian was sent from Madrid, Spain, and reads as follow ax Dear Sir,--Although I know you only from good references of your honesty, my sad situation compels me to re veal vou an important affair, in which yon ean procure a modest fortpne; saving at the same time, that of my darling daughter, ~ : Before being imprisoned here, I was, established as a banker, in Russia, as you will see by the enclosed article about me, of many Sir James Whitney's Unprogressive her hands. m 4 | up the Nervous System: Every Otfrer Treatment Failed But-"Fruit-2-fives" Cures Granpe Lions, QUR, Jan, 2nd, wo. "My wife was tly distressed for three years with nic Yezema onthe bands, and the disease was 80 that it almost prevented her from usi oat via cs sere uw a hE. ye advised her towbar . loves and she wore out three i onl getting guy benefit. Asa B® resort "Frait-a-tives", persuaded her totry and the. efiect : wan marvellous. Not ouly did "Traitas tives' entirely cure the Eczema. But the Astlima, which she suffered from, ap. sompletely caved, . es attribute our present health to" Fruit-a-tives', N. TOURER "Fruita-tives" will always onre Eczema or Salt Rhegm because "Hrgit. a-tives" parifies the" bload, corrects: Indigestion aud Constipation, and tones "Fruit-atives' is the 'only medigine in the world made of frait juices and valuable tonics, and i tle greatest of blood-purifying rembdies. 50¢. a box---6 for $2.50--or trial size, sc. At all dealers or from Fruftae | tives Limited, Ottawa. papers which have published my ar- shoulder it has heretofore received rest in London. {Tem him, I beseech you to help me to obtain 'In the interests a sum of $450,000 1 have in Americag meut in Ontario, th and to come here to raise the seizure |ly of my baggage, paying to the regis- trar of the court-thd expenses of my trial and recover my portmanteau, containing a secret potket, where I have hidden the document indispensa- sable to recover thie said sum. of good govern- ¢ Spectator frank. expresses. gratification at the sults of the liberal vouvention ta Tor onto yesterday. It doesn't matter | much to the people of this province {who gives it to them, or how (hey get it, and we believe with Whitney : C jin power and the fortunes of the lib As a reward 1 will give up to You | gry] party in such cipable hands oof the third part, viz, $160,000 dol a | those of Hon. Mackenzie King and I cannot receive your answer in the M 3 . i A ) i Mr. Rowell, they w » re : prison, but you must send a cable-| - vey will got more of it gram to a person of my conlidence than would otherwise bo' { who will deliver it to me. Awaiting your cable, to intrust you in all my secret, | gen sir, truly; SADROWSKY. 0 case." ee i BOL0000000090000000008 y@urs * . - , +* o. "GOING SOMEY > First of all answer by cable, not by | " 1% LRA oi letter as follows : Segundo Prados, | "arias hid They Alig. ' Dest Briand - sip URS 3 Palle Pasion, 11 Principal, Vafiiadolid |g about harges. 1 had an old The clipping from "an English news Hey aa TROP. ho Snce paper, which was contained in the couple of il pres y YA etter, ready as foHows : || a aspen A 3 0-mile iff to Chicago - "Some nionths ago, a8 our readers [3g "That's nothing," sald the may remember, we referred in these|g Onnadian, "1 was out on the columns to the great scandal caused, |g farm one day, about fifty in - St. Petersburg, and in Russial sg miles from the house, when a generally, by a noted banker who @ frightful storm came up. | absconded, leaving a deficit of overig turned the pony"s head for five milliops of rubles. % home, and, do yon know, he "The i ifussian police "sought for him!#® raced the storm .so close for for a date time in vain for ithe tha last ten miles that I seems he had not left the least trace' # didn't feel a drdp, 'whfle the of his flight and the continued search | & dog, only ten yards behind, over Europe snd America proved un-|# had to wim the whole dist- availing. i%® ance" "Yesterday, however, a Spanish | inspector accompanied by two officers from Scotland Yard, and acting un- der instructions of the Sparish am- | bassador, who had previously inter! viewed the home secretary, arrested Misguided ®oMcy. Calls For him on his way from the hotel wher, ! Adlequate 'System, be was staying, to the steamship of- | St. Thomas Journal It wesms that it was hiv evil The truancy laws of the provinee: of dent. intention: to take passage for (ntavio are a joke. "Dpspite the fact New York. "Irom information receiv. that Ontario is spending annually a ed by the ambasdhddor he had been in Princely sum in the education of its hiding in Spain, where he lived with | Youth, a misgwided policy calls for # woman and with his daugfuter. A [Do adequate system to avoid bruancy. few days before arriving in London hel It 18 true the present government s ut had quarrelled with another Russian, |!t0tion was directed to evils, sspocial who was mortally woanded -- by [Vin ti® rural township, wg revolver shot during the scuffle and! change was made. The change, how who only lived long enough to de 1 "Ver, has ngt resulted by any mea nounce his assnilant. satisfactorily . The townships wer "In an interview with the Russian |&iven the option of appuinting tPgazne ambassador it seems that the namge| 00ers, with the result that a few did he "had "been using in Spain, and | and a great many more did not make which he gave on being arrésted, was such appointments, The great major tot: Mis real one. Manhisssing hoeing ity of Townships make no return to simply an alibi, but after comparing | the educational department as to ths the prisoner with. Photogray in' {forcement of truancy legislation, A his possession] the Russian smbassa- [2% should be stacked muking it ein dor recognized him as Alexander Sa- pulsary for each municipality so hp drowsky, the criminal banker, who Pony Uuancy officers. Only n Lois eloped with five millions of ruphes; | WAY wi a ag ge ua on made up be is a native. of St. Petersonry, iterator tii entage sem widower forty-eight years old, wit 1 1 orate doe ihr . Lomp an only daughter that j oniante al school by every boy Spa Scab; fron b die Bek rir] to the age of fourteen Spain on escaping from tha OUR | should be made a reality and not fry. i byword, his, "however, the "Un being arrested two of Man-1, a reveals a lack of nfsemas or Alexander Sadrowsky | {i iiative by virtue of which it luvs Portmanteaus were spized but al-| lue claim to the tile of the Rip Vag though strictly searched nothing but | ivi. administration. of oe personal effects were fowid in them, |: oe 2 in spite of which the Russian am-1 ; bassader declares that the prisoner | ought to. have several million rubles! somew here, ° | "ithe Russian and Soanish ambos | sadors conferred yesterday evening as : t6 whether the PRsOnar Aoi be! The following from the Detroit oomveyed to Spain or t6 Russia, and jJournal illustrates a poplar miscon after an interview with the home! ception about the principles of taxa secretary, and in. accordance with ition reform, which has been "i OrpoE the extradition treaty of Englund, |ated in Leader Rowell's platiorm Russia and Spain, # woe ater that{ "The more a man lays out the prisoner shemald conveyed to prove the street and "the Spain to stand his trial for man- more be will have to poy slaughter, and that only after his | The workingsnen have been erving out trial ean the Rassian government ask against this aystem for many years, Spain, through d& tie 8, {and the libezals ave' appealing this for his extradition." tithe to the w an. Whether the dt is Supposed that the letter wat : il Abe : classes of the written for the accused by some of eit | #leet 5 party in an jeu hig friends, as it is not likely. that fural. province Yk Ont asic ne to he could have written the letter indbe sfon - : Prisca as he would be too closely Under thie gaxttion seforni it will be watched, : the land valde that is.seseseed. Thy Sr------r------ dsbould be dearly understood, and it Kid gloves may cover soiled hands. }is urtderstood ® great many far mors (dn Om ario, who bays sent peti {iicne, all a. chin, So Niches 16 be granted legidintion give them the 7 { y eo wire, of applying the stngle tax princi- les, ay AE. Péipp; KT, of Mtawa, who wes W weiiber of the Yegislature and fone "of \ Mr Jumed Whithev's ot atinch supporters, had a bill prepared 10 + Bd | No tory of modern TAXATION REFORM. Not the Land, Dut Land Value to be Taxed. to am gity, the in taxes. Dr. Morse's : indian Root Pills are not a néw and But the sEtocn tic premgef ow: out; much fo the disguss of Mr. Fripp snd thousands of petitionsrs. Fea There are two kinds of "husbands, iis but the geod ued are mbncly il dead. Care Common 1 L of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely veg=tible --act surely and vesy, and Indigestion, They do their duty, Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine wus bear Signature See Feet all flavors For Puddings, Cakes, Sauces, Ice Cream, the one flavor that delights every palate and gains praise for the cook, comes in a bottle labelled Shiriffs TRUE VANILLA Made of the finest Mexican Van- illa Beans in a way that retains all their exquisite fragrance and taste. Ask your groceryman. CAUTION : A smaller 'quantity re- quired than of any other extract, Other delicious, Shirsiff flavorings are Lion, Almond, Rose, Pineapple, Strawberry, Ratafia snd ninety more. ny 'Skin All Covered With Eruption N. Bent | Farol, o# , Tried Many Remedies 3 or 4 : Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured. A Quebes man, N. Rend! Tord¥, of Bi. *, Writes jo a Joster dated Mar, 31, 1911: & very bed skin, all covered with t years ago. 1 hdve had ali of : ders covered with i, and the of my sense, and my Tose, but is worst on my shoulders, "Y brid] many YEG 10 cur if, but. nothing was r good. At.Jast 1 wit 10 a8 apothsesry. sadod me HI had ever weed Cuticuta aud Ontment. 1 toid kim wo, and I 2 Ulsiment, bof 1 so pied for Caticuts Bosp and Oluament Ww cured me of my skin eruption. 1 the Cutleurs Otiment on all , #84 1 think that 8 Sash ihe Coflours Soap, It iby, from Békipg and buming. 1 trad reidies durisy thirte or four nticure Boep and Olntaest cured ine." SN. Henri Tardif, alsnra fegn and Olatment em sold ihtpughiont the wufld, Sut to those who have sultered toch, lost hope and ave with. out faith 6 spy frestment, s liberal sample of. pach ith & 3p oti on the skin an scalp wii be walled . an application, Address Potter Prog & Chem. Carp, Columbus Ave, Laten, U. 5 4,

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