YEAR 78 -NO., 266 reer KINGST ON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, (1911, VOTE FOR THE HOTEL BY-LAW; IT WILL BE FOR KI PEOPLE'S VOICE To Be Taken on Question of Power Supply. THEY WILL BE ASKED IF THEY WANT TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT. With the Hydro-Klectric Commission ~City Solicitor Discovers That Statute Provides for This Course of Action at the Outset, "Are you in favor of obtaining from the Hydro-Flectrie Power Commis sion of Ontarib, a supply oi eloctrid power 7" | This is the question. the ratepayers of the city of Kingston, will he asked to vote upon, at the municipal elec tion, to be held in January, if the re commendation made at the regular meeting of the light, heat and power committee, on Tuesday afternoon, is adopted by the city council, at its ses sion. on Monday next. The question of cheap power bins been before the cotmeil and committee > URGES REGENT Wu Ting-Fang Telegraphs a "Long Address T0 CHINESE REGENT AND URG HIM TO woRk FoR | CHINESE REPUBLIC. Republicanism the Only Thing That Can Secure Peace' and Stop the Shedding of Rlood--Citizens Will Support His Action. Nov, 15.~Wu Ting-Fang, the former Chinese minister to the Usigted States, who recently received the appointment of secretary of for vign affairs under the proposed. form administthtion, has telegraphhd a long address to Pelyin, urging the regent, Prince Chun, 5 abdicate. He points out that sjirce thé em- peror's edict admitting responsibility for present . conditions and promising reforms, there an atrocidus massatre and ten princes have sever ed themselves from the throne without a struggle, Shanghai, » has been for eighteen months. The committee has a proposition from the Seymour Electric company, but--it has no de finite proposition from the Hydro- Electric Commission, Ald. Elliott, the chairman of the light, heat and power commitice, has been. endeavaring to get a proposition from the commission, alee information emperors dicated Wu ting-Fang adds that nothing bat the adoption" of republicanism can ecure peace and stop the shedding of blood. The regent, he says, should erbulate the example of the ancient Yao and Han, who after choosing the available substitute. Pr. Wu promises that if the re ah- best purchaser, as to where the power would a contract with the commission, wp to.the able to get thiy although he | WILL HELP OTHERS, - With tke large first-class hotel proposed Kingston will securd- to which ts position aad at heretofore wo have not been Able th secure hetatsel bf be se- cured; providing the city should make present, he has heen un- desired information; has been in correspond- ence over it almost continuously ™ At their meeting on Tuesday, the the many conventions tractiomsontitle ff, 'but which, gent wake up and work for the re public, the citizens will support him in a style compatible with his bicth, inasmuch as the peace and safety of the "Manchu classe 'are not exguded ATi 94 noi ude from the national abns. Lhe appeal concludes : "Uur voice is hoarse and our tears are exhausted: No more can be said," : Rumors are current that Admiral Sal's Tleet at Hankow has cither sur rendered or Been overcome by the re volutionaries, 8 ¢ Looks Brightér in China. - Pekin, Nov. 15.--Optimism is the prevailing note in government circles. This feeling wig caused by the report that Prince Ching, the acting pre wier, had gpeceived a telegram fiom LATEST TIDINGS Despatches From Near and Senin THE WORLD'S EPISODES GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody-- Everybody Easily Read and Ie. membered. ! The canalg of the state of New York closed Wednesday, Premier Asquith, who hitherto has refused to see delegations of suffrag- ists; has announced that he will see a deputation on November 21st. Representatives of Sir John Milbank of England, are inspecting the Mira- michi pulp mills, on which Sir John as: an option, and is a prospective Constable Shirley, of Hamilton, saw a foreigner coming out of the store of an Italian on Sunday, with twe loaves of bread, and a pound of bol Notes From All Over--Little of 5 bwho is well NOT BELIEVED That Half 'of Canada is at NO ONE IN ENGLAND THINKS SO IS ASSURANCE OF WESTMINSTER GAZETTE. 'A Change is Coming--Unionist Party Will 'Later on Regret Language it Used After Elections, London, Nov, 15.There is a long letter in the Westminster Gazette signed by a Canadian, repudiating the idea that the minority in the Cana dian elections were fighting against tie flag or that our tasifi reformers were influenced by the result. The Gazette editonally assures its readers that the letter was written by one entitied "to speak for Canadians. The editorial continues : "Um the tariff theory that half the LIKELY TO HAPPEN, ogna. He promptly confidéated them,' and had a summons issued. In passing sentence the magistrate said: "That was a very serious offence you / were charged with, Spentiski. I am going to fine you the stupendous sum: of one cent, Samuel and Henry Briggs, brothers, of Salem, Mass., who had lost track of each other for thirty- seven years, met by accident in the corridor of an hotel in Boston on° Mgniduy night. Both were returning ti their old home, where they were horn fifty-nine years ago, stopped in Bos ton for the night, registering quite by accident at the same hotel. i twin REMINDER TO ELECTORS. If you stay at home to-* morrow and don't record your vote in favor of the hotel by- law you will practically be voting aghkinst it, ag under the law two-thirds of the pro- | pondent that The erection of a fine hotel here will wean that some of the tourists, on becoming ac- quainted with the beauties of Kingston and its great educational advantages, will docide to settle here and will buy land and erect fine houses; thus doing for Kings- ton what the Arlington hotel did for Cobourg years ago. Lad $$ Fabbri retro t et oa Carer Perna dominion is disloyal to the empire and to the flag, if that were the amse the oceasion would be one that might ex: cite serious zlarm_ in this country. We ean only assure ¢ur Canadian corres it we don't believe that any large body of tariff reformers here regards half . the popealation of Canada -as traitors or annexationists. When the first feeling evoked by the conservative victory has died down, the unionist party shere will, we foal convinced, regret the Fmguage with which it hailed the defeat of recipro- city. As a matier of inact, events have tion. Ee SEAT SECURED For Hon. George P. Graham in South Renfrew, AGREEMENT _ REACHED FOR HIS ELECTION BY ACCLAMA- TION. The Liberdls Will Not Oppose T. W. McGarry in the Ontario Election Fhe Ex-Minister of Railways to Return to Commons. ' Renfrew, ' Nov. 15.--The liberal ' as- sociation of South Repfrew, in con- vention yesterday afternoon, adopted a resolution permitting T. Low, M.P., toeresign his seat in favor of Hon. George P. Graham, ex-minister of railways and canals, and instructing the executive to make such arrange ments as were necessary to insure his return by acclamation. This - mesns that T. W. McGarry, K. C., M.'P. P. will be returned 'by acclamation at the coming provincial election," - pro: viding Hon. Me. Graham "ds allowed: td go to parlinment without opposi- Leading conservatives here are said to favor the agreement between the parties in connection with finding Hon. Mr. Graham a seat, although there .is practically no doubt of My. McGarry's election in any event. No names were put hefore the convention; ROWELL OPENS The Ontario Liveral Campaign in Toront. AN IMMENSE. AUDIENCE HEARD 4 LIBERAL LEADER ON THE ISSUES. Failures - of Whitney' Government-- Thé Manner in Which Liberal Party Proposes to Recitfy Abuses. Toronto, Nov. 15.-Outario liberal ism took a forward step last' night. The vast audience that throyged Mas- sey hall "acclaimed the new leader, N, W. Rowell, K.C., and endorsed the platform he has promulgated. From first to last it was Mr. Rowell's siont- ing. He was greeted with enthusiasm, and the applause that punctuated his straightforward deliverances on the is- sues before the electorate gave no un- certain sign that the people beljeve there is need for reform in the admin istration of provincial affairs. In his first public utterance wince as- suming the leadership Mr. Rowell gained friends on every hand. His speech throughout was = constructive, positive and convincing. Without equivoeation, without dissembling, he gave wn clear and forcible exposition of the: purposes of the liberal party in the proyiace, and his frank declara- tion regarding bi-lingual schools pro- duced a tumult of applause, the audi- It is not likely that the conservati will eall' a convention to ratify agreement, bit that ' will put it through, Took Place in House of Comm Wednesday, Ottawa, Nov, 15~Sharp on stroke of noon the swearing in of new members of parliament began son, of Halton, present, had the honor of firs ing the beautifully lluminated There was no ceremony abottsit, chamber »was Fairly the time being given over to. a dis- cussion of the proposed arrangement. ves the their executive es SWEARING IN OF MEMBERS ons the the in the pommons chamber. David Hender- the oldest member t sign- roll, all ence riffing almost to a man and cheor- ing to the echo. "English is the lan- guage of this. contivent," ho said.' "Afly child, whether of ¥tench-Cana- dian origin or of any other national: ity, who does ngt gel a good working knowledge of © English in his school days is handicapped for life, and can- not make the same progress and ad- vancement as if he had acquired the English language. So in. tite interest | It will-- Add taxes. Add to school board's in- to city's revenue in -- LAST EDITION NS BEST INTERESTS WEATHER PROBABILITIES Torontth, Ont, Nov. 15th, 10 am. Ot java Valley and Upper St. Lawrence 'resh 10 strong west "to north-west winds; lHght snow falls; coider to- night. Thursday, fair and colder. IMPORTANT CLEARANCE SALE U SILK DRESSES TO-MORROW The lot consists of Shirt. waist Suits and Fancy Dresses. We offer them in colors Brown; Navy and Black. REGULAR PRICES were $15; $18.50, $20 & $25 SALE $1.50 FASHIONS- VOGUE ; Ip all large fashion. centres SEALETTES Are running in the highest favor and at this time very! scarce, so if you intend buying 2 such a fabric for a coat we would advise making a choice at once, : We Otfer 3 Great Qualities ENGLISH SEALETTES Qo Q PRICE : OEP ree eH oe well filled, come, Will help merchants. Give employnrent to many persons, Bring wealthy money- spending tourists to the city, Likely bring people to re ide in Kingston permanent- >" Directly tend to increase the value of all real estate. sen. Liv Yuers Heng, commander of the bbl forces, saying that he was' pre pared to Lreat for peace on- eertaiu term, and by the statement that the army divisions, gme to six inclusive, wotld agree to uphold the monarchi eal! ebnwtitation = and support Yuan Shi Kah, provided the rebel leader's tertile agreed with those of thie army The imperial government promptly | tssued an edict commanding Yuan Shi lack of miffigient -hotgl ace. commodation i 1ho'i "ow OW! » from these conventions atone" will give our existing hotels + a greally Increased business. WM : - § SOOLGELIVVOCOCHIPONO 0 members werg, given pomewhat ol 'a surprire when they learned, fron "a letter submitted BY the city sdlicitor, perty owners on the lst must, vote t vor to carry the by- law. herefore, if you wish "to kill it stay at home, but if you wish to see your pro- perty increase In value, if yon wish to see Kingston advance and prosper, get oit and vote 'and work for the by-law's pasBage. Ly morning, and political feuds and eoemies gripped hands warmly and forgot ancient feuds in the pleasure of meeting again on the green carpet be side the long table. At three o'clock, the ceremony of selecting the speaker was gong through. The commons made the cus- tomary trip 'to the senate chamber and coming back chose dr. Sproule as per arrangement. already been cleared by the speeches oi Furl Grey since he returned home." Full 54 inches wide at $4.50, $5 to $8.50 Great value at the price' BLACK PONY CLOTHS SPECIAL AT $2, $2.75 t0 $4 5 yk ail trades and 4 BURIED WITH HONORS. Fiag as Dog's Shroud Rouses Woe man's Wrath, Washington, Nov, 15.--Beecause sold- iers on duty with the aeronautical $ + * * * * *> + + * + + * FESR PETRLPP EPP FASS PERE eB PER PIO e Ped are re D. M. Melntyre, that in order to take up a proposition with the Hydeos |; Eleotric Commission, it. would first be | vjeeroys and necessary to have the voice of the ratepayers cn Lhe question, as to whe ther power should be secured {rom the commission, The soligitor pointed out "that under a scelion of an act, passed. in 1909, re specting the Hydro-Fleetrie Cominis: sion, the question must ba first suh- mitted to the ratepayers, as to whe ther the latter were in favor of ob- taining a supply of electric power from the commission. The soligitor further pointed 'ont that if the ratepayers voted "ves" on the question, the council Had "the power to enter into negolidlions with the commission, for the 'supply of power, and the council, if ahle to we cure what it regarded as a satisfac tory agredment,- would then have the power to make a final contract with the commission. When the matter was understood, it was the unanimous opinion of the ccotmities; that the question go: to the people, the members feeling at the 7 mame time That it was only right that the people should have the right to voice their opinion on such an hme portant maiter. The members point- ed out, however, that this was the first they knew of 'the fact that the matter had' to be put to"the people in this way. Ii was stated that such a thing was never pointed out in any of the correspondence the committee had; with the commission, When the answer of the ratepavers i8 received, then the committee will be able to take action, providing, of course, that the commission presents ite proposition. The offers of the commission and that of the Sevmour company, or any other company that might see fit to make an offer for the supply of power, can then be consid: ove. The mere fact of the vatepavers voting in fiver' of obtaining power from the commission, does not bind the 'city to's contract. It simply leaves the way open for the city to make a contract,' > The communication of Mayor Gra- - ham, adding the power question was id. The letter, as will he re membéred, was presented to the pity council, at its last session, and in it his worship said "that the matber of ment to prospective industriss has ap. . (Continued ] a on Page 7.) Rufus Pope and been given dwia 3 DAILY MEMORANDA. Cheese Bosrd. 1.30 pm. Thursday. Vote on hotel Thursday, Ruoard of works, +3 mo Thomdey. "Liberet Widen Jaan 'Plork ro a. Jin oBiah fieorge Taylor have Sorehips. output for the hai to accept the premiership for olintry's wellare, and ordering governors of all wovinees to select three or five bresentatives, who shall come okin 'and consult concerning tate of affairs, The edict also appoints delegates to iit the sixteen disturbed provinces ind pacify the people, and announces that the throne donates on¢ tael tnbout seventy-five cents) to each and tll of the soldiers and police of Pekin, irestiimahly in the hope of purchasing heir loyalty. ! Ihe government expresses the opin ion that' the edict will go far toward ostoring peace. The lack of money gs greatly perplexing the government, vorelgn capitalists still hold aloof. the the able to the ONTARIO MINERAL OUTPUT, 'liver Mined to Value of $11,393. 286 in Nine Months, Toronto, Nov, 4.<Ontario's silver nine months ending June 30th, was valued at $11,593,286, and totalled 23,185,860 ounces, accord. ing to a statement given out by 7T. W. Gibson, deputy minister of mines. This is an increase in output over 1910 by $1,799,620. The gold output was 2,276 ounces, worth $42,320, au increase of $13,501. Copper tot 6,769 tons, worth $067,480, a decrease of $64, MT. nickel > ee oh PASS HOTEL BY.LAW, Tt wilt pot--- Increase taxes. Depreciate property. Bé shut up all winter. Cail for city expenditure. Entail loss to corporption. PEEVE ABL PTE totalled 12,711 toms, worth $2,731,- 575, 8 decrease of $258,076; iron ore totalled 172,88 tons, worth $437,660; an increase of $163,744; pig iron tot- alled ass Dns $1,482,835, » decrease of 091; while arsenic to- talled 3,016,385 pounds, worth $45. 335; cobalt and nickel oxides, $277- 766 pounds, worth $80,372. : Silver Sancentrates "shi ped Seo Cobal the period was 6, 8, pie 3 Sor Lom tons for the cor- ponding period of the previedk year. Ballion shipped in the first nine months of 1910 from Cobalt was val ued at $247,263, while in 1911 for the ing period it was worth Ee ; Ist will be 4° the | 0090400004 honor otf" da. 3 Mrs. Harriman Gives $140,000. New York, Nov. 13 Largely through the efforts of Mrs. FE. H. Har- riman, a fund of $40,000 a year for five years, has been provided to main. tainan experimental school for the' study and administration of public corps at College Park, Md., ported Lo have buried a dog wrapped in the American flag, Mrs. Isabel Wor- rell Ball, chairman of the pational committee for the prevention of the desecration of the flag of the Women's Relief 'Corps, has "written a vigorous protest to. secretary of war Stimson. The dog, which was the mascot of the aviation school, was sccorded a business. a 7 | funeral with full military honors, | There is a tide in the affairs of cit- ics, as of individuals, and taken at the full it leads The tide, so far as Kingston is concerned, to. prosperity. has come amd gohe mary a time, and somehow the schemes over which men thought have launched or. floated. Once more it comes in, and the peo- ple who sincerely hope for the city's welfare, who have done what they could,\ sometimes against serious, dis- couragkment, to advance its interests, will be sadly disappointed if they fail again. aL , 'The project which invites the peo- ples support is the. new hotel, a magnificent edifice, as the preliminary plans indicate, and one which gives every assurance of success. It is a pretentious edifice an ornament to the fromt of the city where it: will be located, and provided with the comforts and conveniences which are so much desired. : It is no reflection upon the present hotel men that a new hostalry is ade voeated. What it promises is some- | thing that the city has not bod, and something that the tourists, the tra- vellers of means, the men and women of leistre and with a taste for his- torical research, have hitherto sought in vain. It is not too rich for our blpod, or the blood of the people who will be expected tp paironife it. ° The hotel , enterprise of a couple of yours ago was apparently too expen- sive, too luxurious, for 'a city of the size of Ki on. Its immense propor tions, its seeming extravagance in many ways, damned it in the eyes of so much not been fesssssssssesssasssassaPresscscassssaas careeeal® TORS, DO YOUR DUTY. | on one of the best sites in the eity, opinidng to the contrary potwith- standing, there is all that can be de- sired, but on a seale guile suited to the that prevail. It moreover, an establishment which can be had, which is assured i the rate- payers only do their duty. All honor to the members of the board of trade, who, in an absolutely unselfish spirit, bought the site, car ried it for years, paid interest upon it and now hand it over to the hotel company at what it cost them with taxes, $29,000. They will invest $20, 000 more in the hotel, and take their money scrip which will be real izable.only when the city's bonds have been redeemed. There is a rumour in circulation-- atd the Saints forgive the men who say things = and repeat them without evidence as to their correctness-- that the ¢ity will have to carry the bonds; and pay the interest upon thém while they are out. The bonds will be sold, aud the hotel is expected to pay them off according 'to a well-defined plan, and the hotel business will meet the interest as well as the principal, The city does not incur oue dollar of. indebtedness by the transaction. It gives ite creuit, which is worth a great deal, it will sell the bonds, and pay the money as the city's architect issues his certifiontes. The city will be protected in" two ways. It will have the advice of its expert, on the building, and it will have the advice of its repressmtative on the board of management. A pri- | risks, sad a corporation' that is made conditions is, for 4 oH Contined on Page ay HOW TURKS PUT IT. CLEP PFPPFG EIS EPP Turks Proved Serious to Italians. Constantinople, Nov. 15.---1t is claimed that the fighting last Friday at Tripoli proved & most ' serious cheek to*the Wnlians, whose left wing was 'almost annihilated, there being 200 Italians killed. The Turks are re ported to have lost only eighty men and twenty-two wounded. According to the newspapers, Great Britain, France and Russia have as sured Turkey that they will not allow the Italians. to bombard Smyrna, .Sa- lonika, or Beyreuth, orto blockade the Dardanelles, Check Reduce Number of AMermen. lelleville, Ont, Nov. 15.-At the approaching municipal election a by- law will be submitted to the electors reduce the number of aldermen from twenty-ope to ten; and have the same 'elected by the entire vote of the city, instead of by wards pre sent to as at « | | ANOTHER REMINDER, Remember that the city is to be effectually safeguarded by having its own architect to supervise the building of the new hotel and fo guaran- tee as to the cost. Without his certificate not a cent can be paid out. There will be a further safeguard by the pre- sence on the board of direct 'ors of a city of Kingston re presentative us well as a directo who will represent the stock of citizens. ir Kingston citizens will put in © almost $50,000 should any elector weaken in supporting the project. PEPRPPPRPPEP PRP PIP By Court Martial at Halifax. Halifax, Nov. 15.~At the ceremon- ious court martial and enquiries by the British navy. into the cause of the stranding of H. M. 8. Niobe, off Cape Sable in 'July last Lieutenant Lord Allister Graham, who was of- ficer of watch on the night in qles: tion, was formallly accused of sibility. The cases of Commander Mae- donald + snd - Navigating Lieutenant [White will be taken up later. "English toffee," 2Bc. tin. Giltion's. This afternoon there was no change in the marine situation. The weather was reporied to be still very rough on the lake and several vessels were PHAGE RPPRE PERS rbot 20 '| exts at stake so large, Be the first step in the boom Kingston has so long needed. PEPPER REP PLEO EGO of the children themselves we should see that in every school in the pro vince every child receives a thorough English education. We have no right to say that a child * shall. not speak the language of its mother which it hag. learned to lisp at its mother's knee. All that we have the right to ask is chat they should know aud un- derstand Fnglish and. be able to use it. For my part," Mr. Rowell went on, "I am prepared to state where 1 stand, and to stand or fall by that statement." > i "It takes a man to do that," came from a voice in the gallery, while the crowd roared approval. When Mr. Rowell rase the receplion accorded him was remarkable. From every corner of the auditorium came applause; men stood up and cheered, handkerchiefs "were waved: four or five times the cheering broke our afresh. Mr. Rowell spoke dloquently, as he al- ways does, but with 'deliberation His intense earnestness carried conviction He had not sought the leadership. He regarded it Ax the call of duty, and would give to the responsibilities of the position his best energy, The provineial platform, he declared, was not the Inst word of liberalism, but he hoped 'the party would promate a great influence to help the morgl and material welfare of the people of the province." Mr. Rowell laid empha wis all through upon the planks affoei- ing the betterment of social and in industrial conditions, apd it was evi: dent from the applause which erected this discussion that these planks were exceedingly popular. In 4 happy play on words he laughed Sik James Whit- ney's, "skimpy chicken" caricature out of court, a turned the "'milk-and water" otiticism of the conservative press against the government. On the temperance question Mr, Rowell was definite; 'The multitude of suggestions that had been received re- quired consideration. "The fqrm of legislation is so important, the inter and the result may have such & vital effect upon the wellbeing of the people 'of this pro- vinee that I am sure you will agree with me that the most careful inves tigation and. deliberate considerajion should be given to the solution of so far-reaching and diffieult » problem," he said. "It is our intention to give early 'every consideration to this matter," he went on, "and the decision which we grrive at will be laid before the peuple, not in the form of a referen dum, but as the policy of the party upon which we will stand or fall" (Hear, ] Meanwhile Mr. Rowell reiterated the rh sholition of the Page 8.) + ® CALL AND SEE THEM AT STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE, Vv OOO OC00000000G0000000 BORN. 14th, to Mr. apd Mrs. REID--On 4 78 Durham Strebt, twin of boys, PEARBON---In Kingston, Ont., bn Nov, 13th, ut 360 Bagot Street. to u. M.-Sgt and rs Pearson, a daughter ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 'Phone B77. 280 Princess Street, Nov Reid, TAKE NOTICE, We have the Ageney of the Stoves." a good kin and prives; also a lot of good heaters, so. cond hand, which we will sell at redue- ed prices. Don't walt till they are all gone. © Turk's. Phone 1705. JAMES REID a SE Bien. Rowntree's New Fall Importation has just arrived Jas. Redden & Co P.8.-- New Table Raisins. The McCann' Ne Temere case has paralleled in the County Tyrone, and, where, according to swoen statements, an attempt was made by two priests to separate a Roman Catholic wile from a Protestant hus baad. "Royal modern + Pound tion, ' Batger's West toffee. Gibson's, or Thé laws of supply and demand are inexorable. The 2 would be econ mdered a Deauty sepot if" there were only two or three of them. Batger's English toffee, 25¢. son's, ' The proof of the pudding may be in the eating, but what does it avail ue India Gib- fie when "it is - too ® to correct the a? 2 rnp will curg 5 - . /