How to Prevent. it Growing Larger. an Sage will do thid first of KNfing nnd removing the dan ol gers Ihese little fellows pen: "trate dep into the séalp and hair roots and are the cnuse of all hair troubles and dicsase. Parisian Sage is the best hair tonie and hair grawer in Canada. Curves dandrpli and scalp el It is guar ated to do this by J.B. Mcbeod, who will _refand your money if it fai's to do all that is claimed ior ib Parisian Sage is -a most beneficial Faire dro sicg and hile beautifier, not sticky or greasy and js used by wo- men and men of refinement the eoun- trv | gver. Large bottle, 50¢. Very w he red ~ Bee 'that the girl with the Adburd Hair i= on each package. ri psa THAT TOBACCO With 'the "Rooster" on It is crowing louder as he goes #long. Only 48¢ per pound, For chewing and #iInoKINg.. AT A, MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. - - . i ! Cleaning Kid Gloves. It is only experts who can clean kid gloves properly. We are 'experts 'in this' line. We clean them inside Anfl outside." We give saffsfhetion. 1 ; B, PARKER & GO, "Dyers and Cleaters, ! - Priveess St. Kingston, Oat. o fr sttrcartrecinsntancad f OYSTERS Standard, B0c. a Quart Select, 60c. a Quart DOMINION FISH COMPANY 63 BROCK ST. PRONE 0 " Ld arge | Mis M Fm 0 havi teen te rd nanimons nomindtfon hy ile. Ra tive Party, " have da o offer mys | a the Cringidagd | in hess of t bnest and Progressive Gloves y ernment headed by Sir James Whit. ney; and 1 rospectiully dolicit your votes and influencei' " CA KR RASS] M.D. Loather Port Folios & 3.50 to 12:00 & Leather Opera Bags 9.00 up. A Simellie, of rie Stewart, 4 Phyllis Knight, Miss Mollie Saunders; CARA Gonap re | tin, The first dance of. the séasgu given by the commandant, staff and thes { men cadets, on Friday evening, was a very great success. The gymuoasium; where the dance was held, was fos. ftooned with red and white bunting aod flags. There were on the programme, music was furtiished by the opera house orchéstra. A bufiet supper was served about eleven o'clock, and ihe! bdanee broke up. at one o'clock, Giblonal and Mrs, J. H.V. Crowe received the guests at the entraneé to the hall, Mrs, Crowe' wore a hand of black satin, with ovexdre black wequins, and carried ed white 'roses. Mrs. Hunter grey -satin,wéiled 'in mauve ninon, trimmings of gold. Mrs. J. P. Shine, manve satin veiled in ninon of same shade, touches of 'velvet. 'Mrs, F. Ry Sedgwick, white satin charmense, arl trimmings. Mrs. T. Birchell food, handsome white satin, Mrs, Perveau, black satin, overdress of black net, timmings of jet, lilies of the valley. Mrs. B. Cochrane, black satifl, sequin a De Mrs. Philip Prideaux, black satin, veiled in black ind, "Mrs: John! Waddell, 'prey silk, cut steel trimmings. The other guests included Dr. and Mrs. R. Ki Kilborn, : Misses Nora and Helen Gore don, Misses Helen, and Madge Crowe, Misses Plummer | of Faronto, Misses Phyllis and Chhrlie Shortt; Misses Chrighine and. Sylvie Cochrane, Miss Stare; Miss Ada Petrie of Montreal, Miss Madeline Higgins, Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Irene Swift, Miss May Rogers, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Misses Marjorie aid Gweneth Merrick, Miss Nate ) Migs Madge Dawson, Miss Hilda Kent, Misg Vera Carson, Niss Blossom Valleau of Ottawa, Miss Flor- Miss Lillian Kent, 'Miss and delightiul and gilvie, Misses Eva and Mabel Richardson, Misses ¥dith and Hilda Hague, Miss Lillian Mundell, Miss Garland of Ot tawg, Miss "Aileen Folger, Miss Lucy Waddell, Miss Kathleen Ryan, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Mary Vrooman of Napanee, Mise Louise Brough © of Brockville, Colonel © Hunter Ogilvie, Colonel Birchell Wood, Major J. P. Shine, Major F. R. Sedgwick, Captain Philip Prideawx, Captain Perreau, Professor Iva Martin, Professor J. Wa = Coptain Hammond, Major Hordern, Captain, C. F. Constantine, Captain W. H. Elkins, Captain 'H. E. Boak, Rit David, "Wessre. OF fF. Mackim, Plummer, Hymien, Daci, and Buydam.® nt rine ny takes song'S "hostess. an i 'tb Mrs, ham at : Sn, abo very - sinavt. and witimg bridge in honor of Ker sister, pontlof Mont real. inn ph 3 the gu Sng: Weal 1 Hania, rang ri ugh Macpherson, Mrs. | ne Wh Mrs. Pian, Mra] Phikp Y= Mra, oie . Camp- bell, Mr Lilkiah } Frederic nee, MEE in : ; ha! James al pron, Sh he Vere Hoapar, Mrs, Douglag. Mrs. Wisi 0 'ten th gins, ] Gs / a: You Pierre, Hu hee! Bir 'Kent, Wis. ah Rohe; ) Ne R. Duff, . Carruthers, Nes. Hale, Mrs! 1% C. Stevens, Ses, A: Hamilton, Mrs, Tandy, Mrs, Iva Mar- Mrs. J, BP. Shige, Mrs, Jeremy Taylor, Mrs. W. H. Craig, Miss Mary Hora, Miss Martha Smi h, Miss Elen. nor edonell, Misses Helen and. Lil: Jinn Fraser, Mrs. H Robinson, Mra. Brock Graham and Miss Mabel Brownfield. Thé tea, table was pret- tily arranged with white chrysanthe- mums and aspafagus ferns, Mrs, How- ard Folger | poured tea, Mrs, Higgins poured coffee, a iy the ice cream. The prizes at bridge were hw hf rl Prook Strange; Mire. ooper, *M rsx K Kent up $id flerbet id 4 axa, win lgieks bya lie ary (x [entortaimed ner, Poh Ta i Sra a F eres Plumimen ng guests ONOT; Ble was very prettily daporated The 4a. pink aud hig chirybanthemums, he gupsts inglngded Misses Plummer, | Madge Crowe, Miss Kathleen or "Major tony: Captain Hammond, Messts. Plummer, Hyman and Cox, 5 - The militAry ball given by Lieut.- 'Col, F. H. Laing, and the officers of . » &){the 2st regiment, Essex Fusiliers, nt Windsor, «+ on Friday svéning, is was one of the the 2? brilliant. fund funstions {a | Seen in hat aity. | » Wenring hits te twenty dances) g iL 16th, and: afterwards on ist] To 3 ghest of Mus, nd Mrs. Frank Strange t Noid i : io Bia athe whe, jronto. The able looked very bright 'with salvia and: white carnations. The Quents included * Miss Helen Crowe, Nora Gordon, Miss Dorothy {Browstield, Miss. Lassie Kirkpatrick, and Misnes Phyllis and C barlié Shortt. The vew ai elected to th Badminton Club on Saturday ad Hoag wera: Deitand Mrs. Soetly Mrs. . 8, Ferguson, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Aileen Hen-. im, Major Horden, .M eyman and Plummer. y : os 8 Sellney, 20 Colorse strife, will receive in, honor of her daughter; Mrs, Emerson U5, Cufry, of Singapore, on Thursdey afternooh, November the second and 1 hied® Friday of each month, Miss Muriel Robertson, * daughter of Dr. snd Mrs. Robertson, Ottawa, will be a debutante at the drawing room. She is a piece of Mrs. Jobn Hender- son and Miss Middleton, Clergy street, Mrs. W. Gordon Mylks, Wellington street, will peceive on Friday after noon, and on the second and third Fridays during the winter. The Misses Macpherson, of Kingston, spending some months in the capital, are ear alter Christmas for Wash- ington and Baltimore, » - . 2. - Miss Edith Hogue, University a¥e- nie; ° iss entertaining informally on Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Faith Garland of Ottawa, Mts. E. ¥. Torrance, Brogl / stieét, will entertain at. tea. on Friday in honor of her mother, Mrs. Dennistoun, of: Winnipeg. \ ro. - . A number' of Hoye and girls 'sur- riised Mrs. 'Lindsay Malcolm, Bar! stfeet, on Tuealdy' evering, and lad o very jolly evening . Mes. A.W. Richardson, Wellington street, will receive on the third and fourth Fridays in the month during the winter, Miss Fdith Goodwin, Alice street, will be hostess at the Reading . Club on Thursday, afternoon. Ihe Sketch Club met on Tuesday ovining at Mrs, J, N. -Machar's, Ba- got street, A 'mixed tournament is heii played I thie Badminton club this afternoon. Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Sydenham street," and "Miss Charlie Shortt, of ing s{roet, will leave én Friday for Ottawa, to visit ' Col. and Mrs. Ru- therford. The Misses Plummer artived Alert Torbnto on Monday to' attend danee at the Royal Military While in town \, Shey wene the of Mrs, F, RSedgwick, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gillies Lleavie to-day for Ottawa. after juaining some. weeks with Mr. Men, J o! from the Coll oge. guests will re- and oly McCann, Union street. Miss Mary Vrooman, of Napanee, pa in town on Tumsday for the dauge » the . Royal Mjitary, Collage, and. as the guest of Mrs. Rs Uglow, liar: rie_street, while in town. .. Ais: Scully, of Moutzeal, in the E. Ryan, # "Rockwood Hots, it 4% ji Sev, | 5. Compton will aail Lusitania, from Bevast, Ireland, to reach Kingston on Saturday, ~ Nov. th, and. will spend some time here. Mrs. Clarke Taylor and Master Keith Taylor, of Gananoque, are the guess of Mrs. Wilmot, et street: pail one . Pr. G. A. Young, who has heen vis- iting. Mr. and rs. George Young, University avenue, returned to Ot tawa on Monday. Mrs, Young will not return until later. Mrs. Karl Folger, who has been vis- iting Mrs. Fred. street, dor seme: time, returned Ottawa to-day. well hic Tobhel, il refury Owe 4 Xey on Frida Mr. ian, Hill returned on' Monday from 'T'o° where ih ey. Spent "tHe week< Nise Ali e Hague will leave the end ol he Alice Hague will to spend some time at the Deaconess Hause. Mrs. Charles Abbott will arrive on Thursday from Stratford to visit her atnt, Miss Macanlay, King street. Miss Mildred Jones was a guest at the wedding in Toronto on Tuesday, of Miss Lemnox to ex-Undet. Ryerson. Mri W, H: Craig returned on Mon- day from Ottawa, where he spent the week Mrs, JJ. Farrand. Pringle and her little son, arrived the end of last week from Cornwall and, are the guesty al Canon and Mrs. Cooke, No David Laidlaw went. to Mon- treal on Tuesday to some time, The Bishop of Ontario is spending a few days in Toronto, on... the to from rome, . ive _ | Miss Blossom = Valleau, who has been rn I Mrs. RJ Carson, ose, ™ oF to return i ht and oe we day for Sc ul dey. for i aoe 0S Bae "aptain P. G. €. Camp-| hell, (3eorge leh sod for Ci mop ] "Kim Shidppard, | Folger, Sydenham [le ik : {ir L. §, SIRE PRESENTS MAT ROBSON Funniest Woman on the Stage), IN HER GREATEST SLOUCKESS {The den-2%, 50; The, a, #130. Sy now on Sale. Thursday ay Nov. 16 hin S.45. Tear. v Pv. J. Pawer THE KILTIES ma ate EE CHOIR, PIPERS, i from Crhupphn our around i ig PRICES MATINEE, 25-35-50. EVERING, 25-35-50-75- $l Seats now on sale. REED MILLER AND Croxton Quartette' NEW YORK CITY, Miss Kimball, Soprare. Mrs. Reed Miller, Contraito,' Reed Miller, Tenor. Frank Crextow, Basso. Grant Hall "WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20th, At 8.15. Plan opens at Uglow's Nov. PRICES: «~~ $1.50, $1.00, The, BOe Tickets may be secured by! 'phoning 2 4 0. 881 1024. of Mrs. F. R: Sedgwiek, tary College, for some time, Friday, for Quethec, 3 Royal - Mili« left, on Mr. A. Richardson, of Toronto, is a'tguest in town for a 'few days, Mrs. Frederick Hammond arrived from Toronto, om Tuesday, to visit her parents, Mr. and: Mrs. James Mac- parland, Emily eliget. Mr. and Mrs. T. Alexander, of Lon- don, Ontario, a were: the guests of Mr. and Mrs, James Henderson, Earl street; léft, on Tuesday, to spend a few days in Ottawa before returning to their home. .- . ~ Miss Louise Brough arrived from Broekville, on Monday] to visit Mvs. Henry Merrick, Bagot street. Miss Florénce Cunningham, street, is on A vigit to' 'Mra. wa. | By ph Oe Morrison Ly spent" | "the aa ith "Wrs, Wesley Rell, who has hen ill ined" Fay: Mra, Bell retired 'to her home ih Ottawa' this C.rR. of Ly Far! Walter Ai railway, wnt Sanday at 'the home, of Fe and Mrs, 1. W, Bell, Clarence street," and returned ® We Eapitak on Wordiy. The enguigeming ie Winona "in Oitawa of Miss Florence Mafion; rounirest daughter of Me, Genrpe Spar Bt Erdoddndghtis et] Tie Major Henry 8. Perley, C.E,, to John Harold Stathers, of the a of the interior, only son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Stothers, of Rockeliffe. The marriage - will take place early in February. J - - * * The engagement 8 Anhofinted bn" OF tawa of MisS "Vaughan Avery, seer ond daughter of My. ¥. W. TAvery, to Mr. Gordon B. Johnson, C. E. late of the royal engineers, and a graduate of thie Royal Military: Col ge. ol The marrjuge, pb Miss: Ni daughter of ¥o) sor 8% Knight; (344 Sara of Ypuoouvet RB. B. Wood, i take age 4 the ad of Doce of December. . . » night or" 8 BL. > of tugnese Lorenzo. Md Afrieg, Nowid Nyassgland reports theater A. J. Douglas, the bishiip land, with threa ladies" ed at nanjs, ofthe 0 6f Lake Nyassa, They were Portuguese official, who, altercation, shot Th to Likoma.' Winnipeg, v. "A5.~The ¢omserva- tive couventiofi in dlainy River turned down 'Preston, the former mmber of the legislature, and nominated J. A Mathieu, 4 Raidy River Jum who is Very popular. Preston sdys he ill nl | there are Awenty, in: the dg & : =. Free! Free! Free! 3 Lo. Sach vol ame box, Ze Rexall Hl rn Si0e i hal" a Wekling jeongh red at Gib NIGHT OUT] GA Besa DT an ELY retried | Rams Kutakon is investigating" tae matter. Tories Turned Down Preston, an, uauaio a it ---- [iawa fo attend he opening. of a ant Wee Bar ah WiRIATR pire People' s I orum CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion le a ie a ward Each con one Insertion 2We; three insertions, $067 six, $1; one mouth, $2. HELP WANTED, DINING-ROOW GIRL cogks AND WOMAN CAPDAY at Wiig office. AN EXPERIENC En ply to Mrs. Ogil Street, (18 seu ALD. AP, ye 10 AD. av; A HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO MRS © Cappon, cerner Barrie and O'Kiil Btreets TWO GIRLS TO WORK nN STOR: also girl to dip chocolates, Apply 10 Royal Ice Cream Parlor, FOR NIGHTS ONLY, Wonderiand Theatre; ferred, SINGER FOR male « pre LOST. . a GIRL'S ' SILVER . WRISY * WATLN 3 with mon a an Peek: contain: ing letters F.C i" wl build. i corpes of (Cf and Barrie Str Finder or one giving any Information ing 1a re- covery at the walop will be syd. stantimily rewardsd 'at this, of Tice HOTELS AND RENTAL RANTS. BRUNSW bat Enid ef best or w dquors; Harges a rates we the Cousineau, Prop rs "ers ine # moderate week, Jone ROTEL, 342.344 Har stocked with Ales, Beers; . Wine oholast Brands ph $5c ehh; or special THE GRIMASON Princess Sireet the best of wigusrs and tigars. Meals es hy the week. Stable accommoddtion. " reasonable. Mulville & Driseoil MAID FOR GENERAL work; small family, Apply Tiendarsan. 49 Clergy Street, HOUSE to Mrs BOY FOR MAILING DEPARTMENT; steady position to a smart, bright lad. "Apply, Business Office, the Whig. A GENERAL SERVANT; ing. Apply. in the Thomas Mills, No. Avenue, NO WASH- evening, Mrs 122 University : - YOUNG WOMAN, AL READY EMPLOY. ed, for eom pany nights Hght" work in exchange far and board. Apply a Ore" 7 178 Ordnance Sireet, for room p.m and SMART GIRLS OVER 14 YEARS ov age: exXporiende mol. nedasiary: highe £t wages Ap ply th effits of Kingston fi eE Co, ktd, King Street 'Wes bY earn $160 monthly LOrFeEpond ing, for newspapers, No - ~-canvasal Send for phrticulats, Press' S Syn cate, 3,96% Lockport, N.Y, » CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. tics, carefully selected arviving Oct. 30th, Nov. 12th and 6th. ap. ply now, The Guild, 71 Drummond Street, "Motitreal, 47 Pembroke Bireet, Toronto, y A LINE FOR EVERY HOME) WRITER us for aur chelce list: of agents supplies; we have the greatest agency pgoposition in Canada to- BY no outlay necessary. 'Apply, tal Co; 228 Albert Street, Of- a . CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES Much needed in every home, especially by working men; good salary; pers manent. position; if you are work- ing for small salary 'behind the counter, write . to:d you ean double. your wages . b@# your own bosa. Apply, "BB. CC. 'Whig Difle ¢. yi Ae Box GENERAL - AGENT Frontenae., [County for Hair mie; se for 35¢ mail orders tilled; for. comperent man "or Ray ofte-half the dut Thg Afara 'Company, Sa 5 100 pr WANTED FOR Grasage per bottle Womans we Address, Scranton, Pa GIRLS WANTED highest wages; . steady + employment. Apply. Immediately, D. 8: Per- rin & Company, Ltd. yhondon, @utarjo. yo. ss fk " INTELLIGENT PERSON May good proposition h BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, fxywnene, CAN START a mail order business ut home. No gantassing, Be your own boss Send for free booklet Tilis hoy Heacock, 2968, Loc Kpert, N.Y 'FINANCE AND INSURANON. p= ron INSU Raya KE THAT INSURES Go o W. H. Godwin & Son's Insurance * ¥ DOF over Nortliera Crown Bank, Brock Street, or 'phune 424 tp Mia peter GEN A NCE TY Ne ¥ FF ealth Pollgie eff 1 ovrafito smb. © tony a a a ] shlor REN oi aaatatat ts Sree A CORN CUTTER 2x8 owen, very cheap Slareuce Girne BE y Hay, om. £ ov, X '0 LHL Fem BANER CR SOW . ne eI Prion a Th bent "dire r Tas Ls urK ha ONE chon: Ba S1e See E An Sul att Ww. ec 5 N hiackemiith Street, N s a. hargarn: ie ald ww n Hetiann, i S53 FLACS, AWN camping outfits marine sipplies, Juae English Jhincoats fantas, kets, ever ing 1» Notas: sllk tenys, spray otor Dost supplies ay W * Cook 259 Ont 'Phone $81 or IN ae Cot NTRY 11 Reson Ne Ke, fully stiualed * four miles modious dwelling, water, culbullding frait farm ter hard, suitab Ur county the city; bargain Moar 51 ng AUTH. lake she fro n Ki ABply 1 Brock Str Tue K Ht veal] nine NEw, wll fms (Bo SE, Proves nOnWS, oyeme ts; HOUSE, $3,500.80 1. mn $ roami Couper Proveine £2, BOO 1A ME S«-ROOMED Ariat Btreel: node bn men very. comifi BRADN we PREAM EY, Beverley ; Target NINN Street; impr FINE BUILDING LOTS, Céoper St GEO. A BAT tom Any CUBRAREBNCE STU ap pi pp oe AUTOMOBILES And | af yqur Clarence 38, ud Tr "Phone hus ren @ Street, Kfagsto re-- I. CARROL", Street.--Fire, Life, Health Insurance Employers' Liability Boat Ins rane Real Hsta Ca' gary, 14 MAPKET Accident and Plate and Reeurity TW innipeg, oie Jaw, ele, Bonds Regina eager es. a sie, FRONTENAC LOAN ment Society; AND INVEST. established 1841; president, Sir Richard Cartwright; money. issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county deberntires; mortgages purchased; fenosis SU, and interest als > BC Me Managing : Director 87 « Slaten irae: EL i -- LONDON, CAND: re Insurance Comps A assets, $61,187,215. ha which the pelieyhalders have security the unlimited Habillty all the stoek-holders. arm add city property insuced at lowest possible rates. Beforé renewing ol) or giving new business get rates from Strange & Stombwe, Agents, 'Phone 325 325. fay « YEBAtIORN FINIBENR: PURNITU ni A SPROIALYY, "and gilding, cpanveln ehlobs of musshon work: wor "elven Best attention. , 33 pioyn Stregt.; ae jon rd i Ova evo WANTED GENERAL DROP A CARD TO lagian Road Also ashes A, HOWES, 114 for general carting cleaned out SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERX | geription; first class work; HL leather only used, one trial will suffice. Bring your repafrs to Scott's, 206 Barrie Street, cor, of Clergy West. THOSE HAVING GOOD SECOND- hand furniture see me before any person else; I will pay the highest rices; 1 have a large Pandora ange and all kinds of Stoves and furniture. "J, Thompaon, 35 "Rin. } cess, Street. EXTLENENX 1 TB Cloth and Fhade it it "tha toidite Su Hop de 'and & ship Hupront ced and repalrin ing 3 ce. ING Th hea. up. to [pleases i Prose Mone on the Hémas Oaliivay. neat Bihby's Livery: PERSONALS. Fhontest no in Brock § sty ' -- i WARTS, © BIRTH. growths and akin removed permanently without schr; 27 years » ence Dr. Elmer J Bar oe 4 -Throat Specialis ie Bagot MEDICAL, ¥ J. F, SPARKS, BLA, M Bo THY SID and Surgeon, 100 = Wellington Office hours, 10 to 12 am. 2 and 7 to'9 'Phone 386. Am, | MOLES, marks and al} biemishes Street. ' to 4 p.m. DR, BE. OC. D, MacCALLUIL, PHYSICIAN, and Surgeon, 142 Wellington st Office hours, 10 to am, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. Tolan 1093. TEACHERS WANTED. OF NTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, vant, 230 1-¥ Princess Street. Kingston 'Phone 346. DLS, DENT. tot rest. Telephone SIMPSON, e 18% Princess 2 am DR. ©. © NASH. DENTIOT Wel ker. assletant, 153 'Phone 738 DR, C. RH rincess Bt. S A. AYKROYD, DDS, LDS, ist, over Dominion ness isi Wellington Btreet. DENT. Office, 'Phone { meter Glass, | Motor! Flanders. 3 0 FR v FOR? 'SALE: Cadillac. i Ww 10 Ban pe eXtri 0 EMF , REGAL. NosEL "1° FORD ¥ bv 'oy spring min Ont. - ad will Ss torage ti MObRE'S GARAGE - eS { Linn rau, veal Cd icioey INH ¥ iow he ok B® orth. ET ® AST, 11 ROOM Lot WALES i Ap 5 RR McCann, 51 Brock Kixi pou | IT i ¥ Jag $ Ww thy sh i ww Lhe mon My 3 ys: \ ro : Pp at Whig Mixa sin Felling; J Thor hy Fada da fav focality Ap T Plum Sire oe ED RANA oe Lut EE {ET FOI FURNITURE, ULEAN, Ay, Airy rooms, abolutaly, moth ons 2 oo Bonk 298 prs on. -- HOUSE, © oRNER BROC K AND PRON. tenae 8; facing Victoria Park: rv rie er Improvements; het water heating. Apply to 395 John son Street HITEC OT, ARC HITEC "Phong ARC HENRY 1», SMU, 288 King Street IRTHUR BLLIS, ARC HTC P, i niversity Avenue. , ETC Hb. - isi Telephone #ORNAPP RAL Dentist, Princess office. EDS, DOS, 19 Mau omad Stereos, fen y "Phone 663, Ground floor OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. 8. Kirkpatei rick, Agent, €e 12 " renise, ren; Kingston. *Phong : USI, or - ---- -- a Sr ny "= I' onc MESTRA -- al sap SPriaddress 21 Sixth Firept Haan tn need of an or chestra Tf nce, at howe or ball Rewiehither; the 'phone numbe 4058, Poe ms asotis Wot MeMAHON'S . ORCHESTRA, VIOLIN, elarinet, plano, larger §f required, open for engagements balls dances. receptions, afternoon leas ete "latest music, a trial solicited Appointme nity may be made. at 256 Princess Street, of 'phane 224 OSTEOPATHY, 2 QUALIFIED TEACHER ron S.85 Neo, No rear of Leeds and Lans. _down®, Outlet: duties to commence "ing "atau \ dl i ua cations "ah sala Fy iO Yodey, Sev.-Treas., i v 4th. 191 Apply. Sats] HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS."---R. Asheroft, D.O,, 138 'Wellington St, opposite the Fest Office: chron'e digéanes 'treated by Osteopathic methods gnd Biectrieal Vibration; ems by appointment. "Phone ESTABLISHED 18066 TRANK ATEANTIC LANES, AL L CLASS. | COAL EGG $7.00 per 2,000 pounds.- STOVE $7.00 per 2,000 pounds. + NUT $7.25 pe r 2,000 pounds... PEA $6.00 per 2000 poupds, CAREFULLY SCREENED, NEWLANDS & SON. ARCH thee. , oS Offices, 268 Bagot. Bt. one #. 3 dh % row - SON, ARGIITIUTS, MEN. chants Bank Building, corpser Brack and Wellington Hireots; / ET w M. wi UPHOLSTERY ( HE. Carpet work, Bir speiating: Drop a sang or 6. Bagel RBireets W, J GAVINE badtiug ald eal) 2} © WINDOW CLEANING, Te em ANSON ov FALE cleaning Is now here: kinde, such as wax; 'floors: we 2180. plean a form windows Kingston dow Cleaning Co, 21 antreal Bt, over McLeod's Drug Store wos we do all and oiling REAL ESTATE, nov Gn AND sor 0; RENTS 'Ineney to loan; Victoria ha rdson onion Cod. office, ni Street. Re LEGAL. a ci a ant CUNNINGHAM & MY DIE, BAKRIST- ers and Balicit Law Office, 11 Clarence Btreel Kingston. The BEST Is The Cheapest PROMPTLY DELIVERED ais FE ------ a who Sxhasitad alienate SE Years, uitiva t 3 © irate von ne acres sad erect Ww, iofuiet of MRE, on