4 large intestine or descending colon | i { { { | stom SASH HANGERS . Basily hung or re- moved from inside at any time by any person. . Price 15¢. Per Window : ears | Prrsrrensrsnssstensesd A Floor For a Lifetime me sd Bibi ® in 5 and OAK, nd matched ® bored, bundled "and ¢ & po | EELS, Satisfied with the: Medicine We = Recommend. . Gl Fo eliev nat : { Peliponies it v * that We offer Ao furnish the | pense shotld it fail, to. pro. Huda 8 AiBetory" results, hued is worse than tdeleas' th attempt to Sure constipation with cutharife 2 Lagdtives or edtharties do] 8 They cause w reaction; 5 arial, and weaken the howels and tend to make constipation © mere chronic. * Bewides, their ube becomes » habit that 'is dangerous, = ia - Constipation is caused by n° wenk: ness of the nerves and a of the To expect permunent relief Sou must 'therefore tone up: and phen these organs aud. restors 4 tov healthier activity. - We want you to try Rexall' Order- on our recommendation, They are ly -ploasant to take, Hying saten like candy, aud are ideal for children, delieato persons, 'and old folkd, as well an for the robust." They aut directly on the nerves and mosclés of the bowels, They apparently have] | peutral action 'on athor ate gans or glands, They Wo Bodpurgss cauny' excessive looseness, mor any inconvenience * whatever. ne may be taken at aby ap ddy or night, They, will positivel relieve abitual ponstipation, if not of mrgiend" variety, and the my: iriads of assotinte or dependent' chronie ailments, if taken wit rs, fay for a reasonshle nl 12 tablets, 10c; Hl : 580 tablets, Moc." i in ra uly at our storg~The ' Tt Btore. U.W. Mahood : * Litt iiaisle in he Tinek nin. . day - ¢ Phaser vostage had Ea per year, Attached 1s ome of the best J stylish, and cheap work; nine H. BE. Smallplecs, J.P., The props. in the municipal elec , sion tion, will be asked to vote upén the quesfion of whether they are willing to make a contract "with the Hydro Electric Comission for the purchase of power. The -quedtion is a bold one, and is not likely to he understood. {The law could not, of course, he more specifie, as each municipality has - to deal with conditions pealiarly # awn. 4 ' * The enlightenment. or educglion ~ of the people mugt precede the voting, und the council should see that this is done. "The offers of the Seymour som | pany and 'the pate Flacteie Commis- po ATE REY NX . : DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ented at 306-310 King Street. Kings fon. Wines F i per i smn ar. To Usited TE GHTE Bditlo s at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. Bilstied: is parts a8 Mo Dally 33 and of Weekly $1.50 pry | Printing Offices 'in a Consdat rapid, presses. THE SASH NG POBUSHNG C0, LTE ' J, G. Elliott, President. ' « Hemah A. Guild, Sec-Trese. Suite 1 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Churen Street, Toronta, Tepresental ve, . THE. QUESTION OF POWER asp * should be referred to an experi, one in Whose judgment the council apd the people can have the fullest cou fidened, i andihe should be revuired 'to put his analysis of the proposals in writing, Only an expért can figure out the advantages or i advantages of the offers; Only an electrician of standing and experience cap put the schemes (p Contrast so that - they cnn be fairly valued. The Seymour contract uded not be a long. one, but the Hydro Eleotric contract would. continue for | thirty years, and before the city ia 'asked to enter into it all the facts must be known. J - Last ri ht Mr. Rowell the Yoda ol of ; 'the opposition--thie man who haw ben pray hin profession an a lawyer and his duty ss a citizen for twenty vears, and so qualifying for the ex alted 'service he is now called * wpon tq perform made the opening speech of the campaign in a splendicdh = ade drs iti Massey hall. That specéh at' opce stags him as a leader of men. : Plat'orme,s which men issue at times, putt'ng in concrete form their opin- iors on certain public 'ives, are good enougn .so far as they go, Lut they have to be supplemented. Some- timed a second and third manifesto $ | have to be printed in order that the idesd oF certain peFsons nay be fully] & | explaiced: Mr. Borden sent out two in_ the feder,] election, and had to illuminate thém' by many © speciods { arguments. 'THe nationalists hat a tibtform which was. consvently under : change, | and*nt the time of the ol 1 Wis strangely misunderstood, Sir i i Whitney haa spread bis TO Wl tr eam elvction {rogramme beltre the. People: Gy. wi i = ve JURY SYSTEM A FAILURE. ---- ppp, Brooker Washington; n must feel that the witte racy mist he very 'intoller: ant of the. blacks, and that wo in flience edit brink down the partition will that divides thom. . There no min whose life's history is more interim ing than Washiimgloo's." He rapfckinte ell. hist ds Antellestuglly He in} a acholar, a poet, ah orator, 4 mips chanios) genias, with plans for © teh |: niga tesining that have math Ci Tealagee ivettudic ome « the gro tess in the United States. i Bell dveey litile while he is sub miu d to insplt, aml, occasionally to indigo by, because he is a black. The mitird rons attack - that was made of: | upon kim in Now . Yorks a tittls whilg ago his, not been' forgotten. lo ane of tho. shim spols he haltdd one day dr oven'ng and ebtéring & hallway sennn'd tho dobFwivys 'or doot ofgns; |b amd while this on ged wat Jot upon by. a - brutal felfow aud bites ahd pit anmercililly. © oo "ROWELL IN IN THE LIMELIGHT. and already ment. Mr, Rowell bas made clear Points that in a limited space were bound. ta' be 'obscure, and any one Who reads his speech will see hin at his best. or Sdkar-headed, coursgaons, progressise,. independant, Hg 8. ne eringer to any party, any faction, any uligue. He accepted a great respon- sibility "when, it wes pressed upon him, and he has given, in this ip sugural address, some idea of his tlans and purposes. There is wow no doubt of the things for which he stands, He is bound to make his impression tron the people. Nor is that impres- won likely to be affected by. hostila and eynicgl eriticiont. Mr. Rowall wouks nd favours. * He has nothing 6 gain hy heeotning a: leader of the teople. Théi5 however, have much Lt) gin in oder of unimpeathgble | ~ Feharaoter, of eldtuence; of sturdy manhood, with a message that ap J.eals' Ww every lover of fair * pay and bighes ideals, it is subject to alsend- many s Hant would not have been . aroun: ol. The 'women "With whom this meu gonsorted gave him the imppession tht Wachington, ones of the purest mn alive, had, 'evil : désigns towards ker, land. the wonder is that elore Le il into the hands of the: oliy [18 @qn vot Billed Mutter "in "Réw York | 5 8 Gommih doeurrente. The dita, oF' the individual 'who: erolses fd & rated tenih' is in extreme' "Pete, in the tral, Dr. Washington Qi 1d not vecall sume - of the circum: atinccs, He ould not temémdxr the i. 1é of the person' "for whom he whi in search. As a witness in his. own 1 alt - Be was' a 'dignal failure, dnd a white juty bed no hésitation in ad vpting thy evidence Ol others again Lim apd jn' gh aaron, of his i- ver of ace {The jury isystem i dooked whet as the Saloguard of "the people; 'the work of "thie jiry | in New bY ark, sad 'of a grand jury at Uo. t Lotirg, "which Jv Lagehiord missed, refusing...to..agept its 6 | will juke oie think that it is fie was not recoptited a ck tha. venom AL Ah = day, November 16th, be a -| be cognizant of all its pr "places fo! dampen. i by talk of 'the result. : ACuMaReE Tr from Page 1.). ests will he fully safeguarded, a niem- al the meetings of the company and |! bet or official of the council will sit i BIBBYS™ . ONE-PRICE MEN'S AND Fine Shoes ' For Men i $400 and $5.00 | § Which suggests another thought that the aldermen are eutitled to the thanks of the. people for the caution they have "exertised with regard to this; hotel. by-law. They could have oped at conclukiong: when tgid th the "kity wa¥ really not assuming any lusion thet: it was net their duty investigate: 4 ple were 'za tion, But chy did Ale fons correct war proper thing, namely, to "ask ques: tigns, fo _eniquire into. the facts, to weigh "aiatemten(, and then toll give the scheme Sie and unquali- fied ender seen A arene i 'the electord without examination would have been np line fortunate ucy, and great praise should be given © ed dpon it] Es ! There is little more to add, es a {Just 'word, upon this subject. Certain advantages will follow. the opening of the hotel, "and . they ean summarized. details when the peo- g Yo vole upon the Mos Te ewilh »dd to a attractions, the JHIif business: and the revenues of the city. Ome added (a the. cash Jn circulation. It will give the people ample security $210,000 ~and there is granting the eity's credit. benefited by of a, good: hotel) statement. Jihis will not be a summer hotel, but a hotel which 'will meet the contingengies 'of wil the seasons, and The taxes will be paid upon a fixed assessment, of - 350,000, «and school taxes upon the full - value of the building and grounds, Which will be over $200,000. . Land long vacant: wil} he oc upied, and 'other land 'will the "alt upon, for the boom once begun will | grow "and affect al) parts: of the aity. | The. result will he & development in the: bilding Wafé, anil employteent. for the people.' ik Hporgyre The taxes 'of. the 'peaple. wil not be: inereased' by thé erosion: of the aged, ng will dine cesit: bedded by to the 'gemekal #tpenidivave of the: -- Nothing in "mony "YBlirs Was appéal- od sq Seay aud powerfully to the (io /aliould be 'active and expression. in jhe pride of VEY ditiden, when the 'place' of hid fidoption of' activity éalls > fob' aid. Ht is Bis civio spifit' which all over Canada is asset ting iWol "so "strongly Fund which is: making for smuniipal progress. The attempt hiss, heen made in some the pt risk, and cop have bugged the wh the aldermen who insist i be briefly {jill thousand dollars 'n 'day will be ll no risk iain Sipilar liotels in' other places have lil} the presence and service ahi Belleville,' Cobourg fil] and Gananoque, in thie district, afford [iH strikng testimony ia support of this it in an adequate and satisfactory way. I nil the trhdeiinien und all classes of til FRE Wu | hi timp, hid delice ll! auti-bonus Taw, to ne 'purpose. The attempt "has been made here to rouse it by 'attucks upon the knotkery. BOYS" WEAR STORE, R18 po. Herring bone patterns, THE CASTLE, Twd-style Collar, HANDSOME iy We've a feast of Overcoat elegance and luxury. "THE CTTAMBERLAIN, Velvet Collar, THRE BRYSON, Two-style collar, THE GORDON, Two-style THE GROSVENOR, Two-étyle Collar, OUR TOURIST OVERCOAT IS A DANDY. : Ney Two Style Collar, Single and Double Breasted. and Bcotch Chaviots. New Shades of Brown, Grey, Groen. Wales cords, ete. "with fort, ciyle, corvice. Lets SHOE - the shoe of ex " Cavade's Ww Two THIRDS of Jour : life agement: shoes oft, 26 5 Yet thera" Be com- your chdes'be THE HARTY celfence. 3 THE HARTT BOOT AND! SHOE CO, Pek Bc it Skoein solace' Frede etiatcusll 8, ' : EE, Mis I ae ENEER I RELA THE SENATOR, Self Collar, $10.00. £13.00, = Collar, $20.00. $10.00, $18.00. Fabrics are English -- OUR SHOES #~ ARE * UNION: MADE yw. A ind sents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men BIRBYS Li 78 80-82 PRINCESS. on for Penman's Underwoat and BweaterCoats | | ¥ Electors, this is ng time for any- thing save' a .Lemonstfation of the mighty effort men must make to' get things out of a rit" Don't, discourage | those who are Iaboiting heroically in your behalf. Don't let any petty feel: ing restrain you from veling for and supporting hat" whish® is so dearly for the good of the city. Don't' hesi- tate about dischanging a very plaia duty. Don't fail to exercise' your franchise when so mnch depends upon Have faith in your city, in your fellowmen, in. yoursel/, and Jot: Thurs: red letter day in your Jife and in the history of this good old eity. Selections Annonsiced by Chief Whip the eoner ative, 0 appointment. oF A. " for Kcotenay, as ri hi Sa Mesers. Sharpay, Maaliqn nfl pnd" Mid: dlebro doutflews will pe tioms. Roche will be succeedid as the west ern whip hy Mr. Staples (Ma AMadogald), AMr. Hartt, the wewly-elec 1 harlotte, NIL, fle matitine provinces, and the post tion of chief government Cuetec will d Foyetnment, (E'Tslet). CONSERVATIVE WHIPS. Stanfield. 18. Jobo, png, { Trax deve, NM Ottawa, Nov, Stanfield, | on 'their; posi ns whips for Barc, Pr; P. lor will 'be . he -- for, whip: of Paw juefie]' A report from Fredericton, N.© B, Reach Inti {that in opposing itn Tax reform nA great anh ring issue. Sir James Whi : those | | who adVosato it lubatice~that he is offending some of 'hig best friends. 11 the federal: government believes in |, : x | public ownebship "why does it dispose; "Jof its poat business: to the Ch ? The t crown lands el a possible, be THE WRIG'S PUZZLE. Can You Guess Whai the Picture Wl [the Brantford Collegiate Institute, has says that Sir Thomas Tait, interested in the Queen's ecunty coal fields, and also in the branch railway to be con- sthucted from the mines to Frederic ton, has made a contract: with the Canadian Pacific railway to deliver 100,000 tons of coal per year, begin ning next fall. best pustiy aml bend flour on the market, "King's Quality." Try it. PN Thompson, science master af 1 'he asnouncement. HEIRS DRAW SHARES = T0 DIVIDE FORTUNE § mp---------- and Take Out Envelopes wing Parts of : Estate Belonging to Each. Des Monts, Tows, Nov. 15. Five en: velopés, worth $500,000 each, were drawn oft of a hat here in the settle: nent SErSheRstate of 708. Polk ile | deawilig took place at the home: of pire of Meg Polk's sons, sod five beifs in hair durn reached into the hat apd daimed the envelopes whigh contain: al the lists of real estate and otlier mretios, J. 8, Polk was a pioneer street rail: way man in Des Moines. He came here in the early days aod grew up inanecially and otherwise, with the city from the time it was a village. When he died recently, he left a will vhich provided. that his property should be 'divided into five equal arts, the beneficiaries to be his vidow, Harry 8. and - John Polk, ons, and Mrs. George B. Hippee and Urs. A. G: Maish, danghters. The! drawing was way gestad by 'G. 3. Ih the executor, in order that | + Hore . ng somplaints after wards] The deeds to the property are being imade out in aceordaioe with "or sy He re. told hat 01g never too late but a jot of it of until they forget how. people. manage G08 efossings, Subscriptions For Canadian Locomotive Co. 6 Per Cent. Bonds In Denominations 'of $100: $500, -and $1000. "Price Par and Interest Apply To J. O. Hutton 18 Market 8t.. Kingston. TWO NEW SENATORS, They Will Fit Tuto Seats of Deceasei . Legislators. Bpecial to the Whig Ottawa, Nov. ~Jt ds expected that ar. will ve made, to day of the appointment of; Rifus Pope, ex-M.P., for Comyiton to the senate in plage of the late . Senbtor Baker, and 'of George Taylor, ex. M1, as senator sheepeding Fir dohn Can. ing. And many a map who Wy detained downtown ix called down again alles wrenching home, Yo A pessimist bso person who goes around looking for germs in the milk of human Kindness. > TR CA LONG WAY JUST Now |