they have to go buck to the gym Zn asim Ipfore thes can he rubipd down, QUEEN'S MAY USE NEW. UNION STREET GROUNDS As a Ragby Field and Erect a Grand. stand There --Bobson Will Not be Back to Play Hockey With Queen's There is 8 possibility that next loll, when the righy nus of the eity go to the University athletic field to witness Lhe glighy games, they will Po Not Know Vef that Y y not sit in the old grand stand : has "adorpe yours, |. It was stated vesterday that iJueern's the place for V 3 but will' reclite jn a modiem Eement had won the Intercolleyiate rifle hls up-to-dute ome, with: all convenignens roca tion sliont. This is Hot dori r necessary to the welfare and' somfory|in View of the fact thst all the werk: | of the hundreds of enthusiasts iu |tD sollegen, are Inthe "assodubiun: . too, seen's has piled u this city. In other words, a new Both thee Sill ne bet ? 5 is considered a good stand may be built on the new ath- ¢ Dobson Will Noi be Back. The hope that Dobsoo, the * all round athlete, would be back at eal lege this year, has heen shattered by the latest tidlugs from his howe towh that he will be numbered asmgng the missing omnes. He. would have had to rejistcr to-day to have 'Hen ligt: to play in the Intercoll4fiate hoekey' ugion. ih pn a Sore Haat, as etic field south of Uniop street and average. A that the present ficld may be abun- EA doued as a rugby gridiron. Queen's athletic authorities have vote to the conclusion that the pub lic will not go where they canwat get accommedation and that when they want accommodation they are quite willing to pay for. it. For this reason they arc considering the grection' of a new stand that will be comfortable in every respest, Nothing more uncomfortable cin starcely be imagined than the present grand stand at the athletic field. The sents have no backs to keep nnyone from rubbing their feet against ome's clothes; the back and sides afford no protection from the cold wind and there is no accommodation fore, thoy rugby plave~----tiemsel®s in- the way of hot and cold water 'and a place to rub down, The athletic «authorities attrydute the failure of the tri-color team to win anything in the meets which are held from time to time to the {act that there are no ace' mmodations st thé grounds. Some hug must 'be done' and evidently they are about bo dé something. : : Another point that has come unde their consideration is that inereased numbers of spectators: at times stimu: lates the inte #Int Wes wange if the city and stimwlates interest' in the game and enecournges the players to do their best. Whether. the , project = will bé put through cannot be gid, mt the au- thoritiea at the college are 'giving it their earnest attention, At the present time the track at the athletie field 'is being fixed up somewhat. The meed of a dressing-room for the rugby players is keenly felt. Af ter playing the game until fatigued 1 Inter-Year Schedule, The inter-year basketball schedule has heen drawn up for: Queen's teams and will open Dec" 9th. A double header will te playéd each night. It '8 88 follows : Dec. --~Yeurs "13 ve. "M4; years '19° va, 15, " Dec. 16--Years '12 vs. "14; years'13 ve. '15. Jan. Years ve, "14, Jan, 13--Years '14 ve. "1 12 vs. '13. Jan. 20--Years v8, "15, dang 27-Vagrs "13 ve, ve, '14 12 vs. "1% years 13 5; years "12, vs. "13; vearx'l4 vonrsvi2 # '14; pours '1% 15; = , «Yours '13 vs. . . 10-Years "12 vs. s. '14 Feb, 17--Years "12 vs. "15. . 24--Years va 13. March 2- Years "13 ve '12 va, '14. Y March %--Years i4 va. "15. i "15; years"13 oy 0 "14; vesga'13 HK '15; years '12 xl "14 vs, 15; "x 4 15; yvoars "12 vs. "13; years Balsam and Whiskers. ¢' HB. Good in Toronto News, * Do rugby players now 'in the game use the tacties of years afb in pre paring their hands so that a ball will not bounce out of them?s The "old guard" never thought of going intoa contest without their hands being lib- orally smeared with balsam and resin, which prepara.ion made it difficult for the ball to get away from them. An amusing incident, resulting from a too liberal supply of this, occu g. i ol PO BOE00000000000000000000000000000sPssnEssarn HUNT SH Foi natty Shirts at' $1.00, $1.25,$1.50 Knitted Mufflers at 50 cents to $3.50 See our large assortment of "pepy' 5 Fancy Neckwear, at ..90 cents and Irisn Poplin QT dA nero x HUNTS : - - - Brock Street, i $A soso 000 eye, Sso0cnosvesesne . 2 ® . 6 * ° * ® . . ° ® e o - ° ® ® ® ° ® ® » ® o 3 % a) & 5 is 2 Ge0ebescssscscssssssessrsisnne Tal. for che rred § qat domes «probable that the big f Hw Xow to play against his » | Enank were playi *Calt" at that time was greatest indide win prepared his + one day. considered g in the game had teams came together, dashed h hands : into "Whisker" Bradley's uxuriant beard, the result being that the latter's whiskers out straight from his face like idder on a trolley car. he déliberately amusement, tators. getting the "dope" d never after & "smile." out of his beard, greeted Meotenlfe with : "A Good Ided; Dr. "Jock" Marty's promise ing ia. for intevdaralty- hockey is nef fine teams. In many cased thera.gre who hardly know themselves nen oa not. It would have idea if someone had given a cup for futer-facult rugby this fall, too, 2 8.8, Basketball Schedule. The meeting of the exeentive of the Sunday School A.A A. was held at the Y.M.C.A. parlors on Tuesday evening, lor the purpose of arranging for the basketball season, which Tuesday evening, November 21st. The schedule which was 'drawn up by the committee was not quite satisfactory, on account of the gumes running right up into the menth of May. It was deci not te, have the juniors play at 'hights, but {o' have them play af- ter four o'clock, or ¢lge on Saturday. There will be three games played exch evening, commencing at 7.15 o'clock. The games will be so arranged that there will be two intermediate games jond ope senior game played one week and thrée intermediatd games piayed the next week. The games that will be played on Tpesday evening will be Sydenham vs. St. James', and Brock vi. Cooke's, in the. intermediate, and Sty Va roy + Drocle inythe senior ah fy 79 ne Notes on Sports, The new skating arena at Vancouver is the largest in Canada. Yale is favored to win the big an- nual rugby fisture with. Harvard this year. : - Ottawa College will have this year's rugby team on the field next fall, with the exception of Kennedy and Quilty. Fred Taylor, the former Ottgwa hoe- Iyer; who: has bese awarded™ts the Montreal Wanderers, may not play me? he- nd § the alp on 4 Age Bj Hendry will 'referee {the is font Whar 8 ! "has promiibd" to play} for ArgBnauts against Alrite, but in} the evint of the Odrgiien winning it is al- low ma § mater in the final. Twenty-five high schools in Southern California have adopted Eaglish rugby instead of 'the American intercollegiate code. Redlands University and Whit- tier amie have also" abandoned! the § ik Baker, of thy, Philadelphia 'Am- ericans, smashed his way through the 4wmorld's series, was sold at anection for INDUBITABLY tha best Babbit Motal for all general machin ry is Bearings Harris Heavy Pressure Write for prices. : The Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Fraser Avenuo Toronto o PEARSALL'S MILLINERY. SPECIAL SALE + Belt Bhapbs sf half proce others at S0c.Each, All made, Pesthor Turbans'28' b, C. OFF OOME IN AND SEE THEM, : § Tr : I's Milimery, 2: PRIN J LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW : For Bale or to Rent. : j + Bales Negotiated 'Rents Collected Fire Insurance Conveyancing and Real Estate ~__E. Blake Thompson, | OVER NORTHERV CROWN BANK ~~ MARKET SQUAKE, : KINGSTON, ONT. "Phone 288, Wet - /Our Viscaliz+d Blacher is an absolute W proof Boot: A $600 Boot Tor $5.50. Other lines fiom $3.50 to $5. ater- "GIVEN AWAY | £0 j hon q, i 4 Ontarlo Ti Nop 8,-ut Ontaria' Hall iNo. 12, at No. 83 Colborne 8250, Monday night, in New York, at ~ponefit. ~ feo wi 5" oa Rev. Father Stgntop was anxious to Hlarrange a game 'for Sattvday next bes tween Ottawa College and Hamilton Tigers, runners-up in the Intercollegi- ate and Interprovincial Unions, re- spectively, either 'at' Ottawa or amilton. i PLACES OF POLLING law To-morrow. Sydenham « ward--olling = sub-divi- sion No, 1, at No. 42 Welhngton slreet. . : Sydenbiiin ~~ ward--Tolling' 'sub-divi- at 'Na. 95 William Street. witrd-- Polling sub-division Ontario "wiard=<Pulling 'sub-division 4; .at No. 216 Bagot street. ' St." Lawrence Ward-"Polling sub-divi- sion No®5, at No. $15 King street, St, Lawrende ward-<Polling sub-divi- sioh No. 6, at No. 316 Princess street. N No. 7, at No. 72 Queen street'? Uataraqui ward=TPolling sub-divi jon No. 8, at No. 229 Wellington stieet. Cataraqui ward---Polling * sub-divi: sion No: 9, at No, 43 Bagot street. Cataraqui 'ward--Polling sub-division No. 10, at corner Montreal and John streets. 'rontenac ward--Polling sub-division No, 11, at No. 267 pris street. Frontenac ward--l'olling' sub-aivision street. Frontenae ward--Polling sub-division No. 13,.at No. 41 Colborne strvet: Frontenac ward--Voling = sub-divi sion No. 14, at No. 58 J street. Fr ward--Polling sub-division No. 15, at No. 21 John street. dean ward--Polli sub-division No. 16, at No. 270 Division street. Be sub-divi in Kingston when Osgoode and Quest's tealfe, of Kiggston, 'whe the bands with great care, and when' the whistle sounded and the | ° I~ Such a sight, of 'course,' cansed much the players and spiec- | an awful! time of giv. 1 by Queen's authorities as g ; out new mater i can play or na good opehs on {Kingston : For $pprican (game, - 3 £ bat' ith which" "Home Hon | 1 'THE Progress. none the less struggling to estate has ad bori: for = his labo employment. the new hotel will be a there are magnitude tha ywith its vast and then the Three years rens of Ki Carrathers Macdonald's { now 'asked to $2 Vie i , & second mort {ketable only guarantee is slumbering past. creased, the outlook iy wider, grea will be the watchword will advance beyond other iti the near futur the make safe that which they have hand. Let them secure this new hot penditure of $250,000, ot, monument. not have secured a betier {18 not a better one on this broad con { tinebt. "In: addition: to this they are put wp an additional 0,000. For, these sums they are get Hg not one cent of money, but sim- ply stock Ia' the 'hotel, which takes as and 'will be mar. the city's bond entirely liquidated Satisfied. For this forward step of en. terprive and devotion arg heard some CITY 1S AT THE PARTI OF THE WAys, © Saige If the Hotel ByJaw Passes the Will Begin' to Expand--A Vote For it is a Vote for Kingston is at the parting of the ways. At' one time or Other this mo ment cdme to Sommunities as: well g¢ "to inMlividuals. Slowly it ma surely break Business vanced. in value, man bis a far better returg and a ong constant 1% a ter "stan: dard of living all around. Shalt we march forward or sound r - There by-law t impetus, L wi Let ex) word will 3 go ward" march ! ago, twenty-nine eiti- ton paid $22,500 for the opposite Sir John They could site, "when words of criticism, 'the Freeman holds that the names of these tweutysnine citizens should by ranked with. the immortals, for they city an imperishable service. They have done for this city what no body of men have dome be- fore. They will make of Kingston a new, a modgrn, a beautiful city, for "Kingston, the Queen of the Lakes" 0 owns a "hoiise and t in Kingston will be the richer the hotel by-law passes. Slowly value of have done will make Every 'man' w lo surely the riséh in HIS houses ure weedy, lots Fdences to th dised e city. that fal Jin Hitt ! the n tr the' yecyping.. op: t 4 ,in¢rease A Pleasant, Si this her a new "ity. vacant no 'mor lonely, "disheartening "vacant arp. replacédeby', handsome resi , conpributing a fair revenue to But caré must be. exer- } 4 y © does not [ back, A dew hovel that will attract) dirangers: 'with capital te invest jabeolute | necessity. Once this, hotel mrected Kingston, on secount of her ation, will be a travel centre of rst' importanesih In this way will the. many advantages of Kingston be ade knows. (1a this way will iv at-, he city act capital and secur, industries. In of industries and in ihe] population the value of every foot of real ektate will he' ent CATARRH OF THE STOMACH. . --------ap imple, Bu Effectual: Cure, For It, COSTS NOTHING, TO TRY. Catarrh of the .stomach has n considered the next thing to in- The usual symptoms are a sensation - after dat accompanied sontetimies sour or watery risings, tion of gas, oan haart and jung ing, headaches, In, Connection With the Hotel By-'vousness and a general lanzuid feeling. There is often. a foul taste in mouth, coated tongue and if the curable. in Tull or bloating jing, * | ,bevior of the soon it will condition. | a Pressure s and difficult fickle ch i oma meht which causes the food i readily, digestion is alter ot. Nok Golden , These tablets all dr being with healthy aj tion will follo ter meals. The plan of | a for fume a stores Stuart's Dyspepsia 'a patent het 3 fey ant ite and- thorough diges egular use af- dieting is sim an- evation hive thoroughly digested before it has time to ferment and } the delicate: mueous stomach. To secure a prompe and healthy digestion Cataraqui ward --l'olling Suifdivision SC thing to do, and Shin catarhal condition will bave disappeared. Acgording to Dr. Harlavsom, the safest and. best treatment is to use ter each meal a tablet, astase, Aseptic, surfaces is the one sgonred Seal an can now be J ablets and di re can W ther r Kingston's nay 'be but the city has been away from Wt a retreat ! If is carried there Expansion and property expectation. And enterprises of great ill enfold themselves Tal estate once vacant ¢ Safe and] appetite, ayed could he wa slimy, inflamed | The cure of this sommon and ob- stinale trouble is found in a treat n, a little fruit acids. found at wider the pame of NG City its as Te real the lar el round. . There or They name, if had e. The fall is long with forma- on the Hreath- ner- out, the in- to be irritate of the neces: normal not be used that ans WARM ~~ FOOTWEAR New Slippers, New Overgaiiers and | Leggings, New Felt Boots, Nev Rub- "bers 'and Overshoes, in fact -all our New Winter Footwear is here for Men Women and Children: © Prices right. v J 'ABERNETHY'S hanced a thousand fold. Bvery man or woman should ask himself or her self this guestion : "Will my property be worth more to "me if the by-law carries or if it is defeated ¥* What does defeat mean ? 1A, lose tq alls 5 CITY AND VICINITY. Rally of the Liberals. The liberals will gather in conven tion, to-night, ii the Golden * Liow block, to select a' candidate for ihe Ontario legislature. Every liberal is expected to be on hand. spp -- Masouir Lodge of Instruction: A masonic lode of 'instruetion' Yor 1th district will be held in Na- ance «an the 2nd inst, under the ireeticn «Ff D. A. Nesbitt, D.D.G.M. t is expect that a large number of ingstcn masons will attend. Serious Results Follow, "Cold, clammy hands and feet; and "saing in the back result from impav: erished blood. * Serious consequences follow negheee. -- Wikdé's Iron Tonle Pills make new, rich blood; toné up ihie system, add vitality 'to wasting tissues mod strengthen = weak nerves, truggist., 1Ouite 'a. Heavy. Snow. The, second snow of. the season fell Tuslay evesug, and continued well into the might, Citizens who ven: ddd' put 'during the evenliig had. to! fapea blizdard; the tvét: snow drifting] n all directions. The street cars had 4 very hard time, the snow sticking o thé rails, and they were = uible o make any kind of "timer Pieswees r. was brought out aboot five welock his morving, the drifts in some laces being quite deep: ' Military Conference. | "The military. conférence, called , by iol. Sam 'Hughes, minister of militia, will' open 'on' Thursday * apd will "last autil the end of the week. Thére will be about eighty in attendance, 'includ: ing 'senior officers of the militia from ull parts of Canada, and representat- ives of the universities. Col. 0, Lieut.-Col. R. E. Kent and Major W. S. Hughes are the Kingston represen: tatives, GRAND OPERA HOUSE. The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary" Was Much Enjoyed. May Robson, known as the funniest voman on the stage, made her third sppearance in two years, in King: ston, at the Grand, Tu evening, in ber famous play, "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary." In the large audience there were seni some who had seen the play before, and some to whom. it was new, but all enjoyed last even: ing's production to the fullest. « May Robson again showed her gen- ing in her role of an eccentric old maid, set in her ways, but large hearted. Her nephew and his college, scrapes, caused her many tears, but what" over-shadowed all else way Her great love for the boy. While the thir acter is very impressive, the keen sense of humor appealed to all. Miss Rob. son was supported 'by the original cast. Jack Storey as . Aunt Mary's nephew, and Fay Cusick, as Betty Burnett, as well as all the characters were as pleasing as ever. Wednesday evening, May Robson and company will present her latest suc cess, 'A Night Out." Al should see her in this new play. 2 ' The "Kilties" Are Coming. T. P. J. Power, the general man- ager of the famous Scotéh-Canadian band, was asked by 4 what Price, 25c.. Sold by James B. Mcleod, | | Thurs, 1 Gourse, & And Aid in BUSINESS BADLY CRIPPLED HY Es i JHE SroRNs. Vessels Have Been Able to Make Bug Little - Headway--Steamer Mc- Kinstry Arrived in Port Last : Night--Was Delayed at the Canal. , Everything, is still peactieally A¥ock- ell in marine cirgles. A few vessels have been" able to get €nto port but the "Vessels are having such didays that the transportation companies cannot begin: to handle Lhe easiness, Without doubt, the delays experi ced so far this fall are the worst ocourring in many years. The Mon- treal - I'ransportation compuiey is having its share of trouble. This mory ing the sigamer McKinsirey 1 from' Fort William grain-laden but there" were "Tio "barges on band 6 wi- load and thus the vessel will have to stay um, port: until _bagges arrive, ] ag the elevator is filled to over flowigg. = "lhe tug Hall is due to ierive froin Montreal during the day with three light barges, {he capfain of -the Steamer. Meo Kiunstrey reports hating | delayed uf thy Welland canal rh -edrht Wa said Owing to" the heavy wales it "vhs impossible te get ithvaugh - the. canal. © An attempt was mnde at getting through, buy the situation became so dapgenews that He tikd 6 give it up. Sie "Mis a case of delays nll' along the line," said a marine man to-day. "Vessels which, should get to the clfAl in' Wi¥tedh Fhbufs are taking thirty hours and some as long as forty hours. The weather has been so. bad thet the Yoats have' hed to seck shelter." i. 3 xii n The tug Bronson cleared for Mel- ville, Wowe' Island, again this morn. ing whese the barges went aground, } The steamer Alexandria is expected tb. Arrivé At Folpér's wharf on Sa- turday night, fram - Montgeal, wth frdight, and thig will, be her last trip of the season.' The stealmer Buenn Vista will. take a cargo of freight to. Washburn and will go on to Smith's Falls to be laid np for the winter. + Last night's storm, to use the ver- naculpr of the street, was "some storm all right' and the mariners got the henefit of it toa. The blizzard was a howling ome and the snow made it almost impossilde to see any distance at all, Most of the vessels were in port and those that were not soon sought shelter. The tug Frontenae, of company's fleet, went down to Howe Island Wednéaday mofning to' pull the M.T, company's barges off which went, ashore on Monday. At Swift's wharf : Steamer Dup- durn coaled 4% Swift's, this morning, on her way west; steamer flelloville was due to pass up today; Steamer Metha was due down from bay porty o-day. : mh es y b AT CANADIAN MINING INSTITUTE \nbtlier Khugsfon Boy Wins a Fine Prize. We had pleasure in announcing some two weeks ago that W. L. Uglow, of this city, had wop the gold medal and first prize in the students' com- petition in the Canadian Mining Insti tute; we are now informed that the second prize in the same competition is awarded to N. Bb. Davis B. Se, al- so a Kingston boy. There were nine competitors for these prizes, from Canadian universities, and the win- ning of both the first and second prizes by #tudents trained in the geology and mineralogy departments of the sehool of mining, speaks strong: 1¥; not only for the students them- selves," but.dor. our loeal institution. Mr. Uglow. hes gone to the University of Wj in to take a post-graduate Mr. Davis is assisting in fhe department of mineralogy at the of Mining. LT pe---------- pnt esis GO TO THE POLLS B . the Carrying of the Hotel i TT Bydaw, AH public-spirited citizens, dll those who have thé intetests of Kingston at heart, who wish to see this city take her place in the onward merch of pro- gress, should attend the polls to morrow, and work and ude their in fluence for the by-law. re may be some voters who do not understand the by-law in all ite bearings. It is for those who know to Be on "hand with their knowledge snd ged batt dong his hotel eo e ory, thi ' arrived | the Calvin | Parlor Suites : © , ~AND-. Fancy Chairs. AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES t 161 Three Piece Mahogany Frame Assorted Silk Parlor Suites. 8 Five Piece Walnut and Mahogeny Frame Assort- ed Silk Parlor Suites, to close out At Manufacturers' Prices. S HL] A le JAMES REID'S THE LEADING § UNDERTAKER, 2 HOPES IN GANANOQUE OF A'NEW POST OFFICE BEING E ERECTED, ' i Frederick Ponovan, a High 'School Pupfl, Had His Nose Broken in a Friendly 'Wrestling Bout. Gana , Nov. *15.--Mp, Ewart, chief architect of the department of pubic works, Otiawa, anived in tows yestetdny to consult with Mesors. J, J Skinner, president of the board of trade, and W, N. ,. mayor of the town, regarding the question of whether the old post office - be én. larged and repaired or a new office built, In company with Messy. (. Macdonald, George Taylor, ¥. J, Skinner, W.-N: Rogers and s delegs: tion uf the board of trade, he look «d over the old office thoroughly. Af- t rds an investigation was made of the vacant lot, corner of King Land Stone streets, which is consider: ed an ideal aituation for the = new ov exnpunt to fill wilh a new. up-to- date post office. It is sonfidently ex- {eeted that his report to Hon. I, 1), Monk, minister of public works, will mann something | doing for Gavpgo- dup, The local board of trade and town councillors are working tooth and pail in favor of the project. : Frederiek Domovap, son of Mr, sul Mrs, "Samuel Donovan, Fairfax, a pupil ol the high school, in a iierdly wrestling bout yesterday afternoon, with' another pupil, had "his nose broken. Medical attendance was sum- mgnod and the damaged oryn patel od up, after which he ret wrped to his school "duties, The young ladies' 'mise circle Grace chureh held their sion vestgrday afternoon ture room, whete the sewing part of the circle was conducted till wix o'- clock, when ten was served between igix and seven, after which a fine missionary programme of readings and songs was rendered. Millard Wright, a wellknown and popular young member of Gananeq ie Field Battery, and ome of the tenth of Canadians who competed in Fng- land a short time ago, dt Tast even ing for Winnipeg for a look around with the purpose of loeating in that OW fT represen r, Troyer, of Toronto, t- fog the' Catisdian oolloges nasalon, was in town yesterday 'gave' pn interesting address in the high school assembly room during the afternoon, on the neds dnd work of the mis- gion: y 4 RE Mrs. Benjamin Galway and family left. yesterdny {0 join Mr. Galway in St. Cathppines, he having pecpred i and located Here prot weeks ago. William Dorey left yesterday to for ¥levna to spend the winter with friends, ; . of moathly ses in the lee: An upusudlly severe winter is dicted by a huntér and trapper; says fat is thick on the black snakes baek and this is a good sign. ? a Hood's e==Pills pre- 3