[HAMAS | AMRERT MERCHANT | : THOMAS LAMBER sy TAILOR : SATISFACTORY TAILORING ~T HE STORE OF SATISFACTION, ; There in no uncertainty shout our Tailoring. No worry whether the clothes 'will be correct style. Xo worry about the tailoring and trimmings. No worry about the quality of the material. We take all responsibility upon ourselves and guarantee satisfaction. We solicit your orders and in- vile you to ses our Special Indigo Blue Worsted Cloth at $22.00 a suit. Thos. Lambert 157 Princess Street. : INDUBITABLY the best Babbit Metal for all 'géneral machin >ry is Bearings Harris Heavy Pressure Write for prices. The Canada Metal Co,, Ltd. Fraser Avenue Toronto GIVEN AWAY Ten costly prizes to those cus tomers who buy this week at our : SALE Geods oy value, A The "Tokyo" JAPANESE ART DEALERS. 174 Wellington Street. one dollar ' in Overcoating Season'is alan - Here : Come and Talk the Matter Over with Us CRAWFORD & WALSH Leading Tailors, | Princess and Bagot Sts. S00000000000000000000 S000 0C0000OCOOIOIOIOIOOPOIOOS * 0000000500008000000000 occas eee ] - Black, White and Colored Beaver Hats. "Velour, Hatters Plush, Velvet and Felt Hats.. New Velvet and Chenille Flowers, Willow Tips, Feathers, and Mounts. You Will Always Get The Latest At The Leading D. M. SPENCE, Millinery Store. 119 Princess Street. 4 sasesee saseaseseld « DUNCAN'S CART STAND 3! aE 20 WILLIAM STREET. ) #% 'Phone 1085. (®) ROCCO OOOUOOUOO0OC O00 a---- WE SELL ' Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. "Phone 166. 4 North End Ontario Street. Has been knows to bring ple a Tot of initial or first orders for cms very Inferior goods, and right at this Joint 18 where a great many manu- turers or dealers fool themsel res. Any . manufacturing product which does not possess su t merit to do at least half the pellies for re-orders instead of up- of 'the advertising. to do it all are igh good goods for a man to top : © Incidentally . we might. modestly 4" The Roval Military College | yourself from THE SPORT CADETS IN GOOD FORM FOR Capt. "Jack" Gwynne Will Play=-- Cadet Whitehead Played Last Part of Junior Game With a Broken Wrist,' : rugby team, twice in succession intermediate intercollegiate champions; and who won the dominion intermediate 'chan jiopship last jear, which wil jour. ney to Montréal on Friday to defend the trophy against the Montreal A. A.A. team, ao of the Quelle union, will be in the best of con dition, and with the very lastest men right on ths job. Cadet Gwynne, captain of the team, his squad out at practice Wednesday piternogn' and. put them through some fast signal work. The oh is now in tke best physical 'condition and a retouching of the signal work and a few addled brick plays will be the Swntie of attention. the} The trick plays, especially the ony passes, were decidedly risky to work against Varsity, so the team didnot use them but depended om line work and kicking to win. They will adopt the trick plays against she Montreal team if = possible. If not, they "will have to do the same as they did a- gaivst the Torontonians here, trust to their speed and line work. Cadet Gwynne, who was hurt in an exhibi- fion game Thanksgiving Day, and was unaile to play in the champion ship games, will be at his accus- tomed place on the line. He is "still ba trifle still but will work part of the game anyway. There will 'be practically no changes in the team unless injuries occur, and Capt. Gwynne believes that with every man in his position the eadéts Hamil "Jungle they do, it means a trip to ton for thes to play the Kings." Played With Broken Wrist, It has just come out that Cadet Whitehead, ome of the players on the junior K.M.C. team, played in the game against Varsity last Saturday for ten minutes with a broken wrist, and he did wot know of his injury, His wrist was numb but later gave him a - great deal of trouldle. Uncovered a Star Player, Queen's rugby authorities uncover- ed at the-last of the season what they think will be a "star" for next ear's team--a science student named Pilgrim. He never played rughy at all, but in a couple = of inter-year games he was put on the line and mowed evrything down in. front of him. He is a husky man and when line nothing ¢ould stop him. Looks Like Wet Grounds. Queen's soccer team is basing its chances of winning in Toronto on Sa- turday from Varsity on the | that tha grounds will be either d or frozen. 1 the conditkons hold out it looks bad for them. 'The weather man has pro mised colder weather, though. a ry present weather Queen's Defeated R.C.H.A. Queen's and R.C.H.A. soccer teams played an exhilktion game on Queen's lower eimpus Wednesday afternoon, Queen's winning 5 to 0. The game could not le called an exhilfition of soccer, both teams being handicapped on account of the wet Held. The mud was fearful, making running and fast work out of the question. Queen's scored two goals in the first hall and three in the second, the R.C. HA. teain not finding the poles throughout the game. Queen's go to Toronto to play Varsity on Sa. turday and if they. win or even Varsity they championship. The teams lined up as follows : Queen 's--Goal, Gilchrist; backs, Mec: Ardle, McKenzie; halves, Ball, Lang- more, B. McDonald; centre, Foster: wings, Masters, Bissonette, Lock- head, F. D. McDonald. R.C.H.A.--~Goal, Hosking; backs, Harte, Ohrey; halves, Shaw, Sawyer, Obrey; centPe, Harrison: wings, Don- ayhue, Chapman, Sparks, Lafiety. . Referce--J. Peters, : win the intercolleginte Shorter Cross-Country Runs. In future the intercollegiate eross- country © run will be over a course from five to six miles in length, of Piles Quickly Cured At Home Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper, 2 is Many cases - of Piles have been cured by a trial package of Pyramid Pile Remedy wjthout further treat. ment. When it proves its value w you, get more from your druggist at 50¢ a box, and be sure you get coupon below and mail to-day. S : the Surgeon's Kni'e ¥ mention at this' ; J "Once. a Cu always a. Cus MAY entrust to us. . . a ee 3 and its torture, the doc.or and hi bills. - 5 MONTREAL MATCH. A ean win out in Montreal Saturday. It! ha put his head down and bucked the tie | Instant - Relief, Permanent Cure v Te ? ee---- which two mast be cross-country. run has been eight miles, Hut at" anuaal meeting it was decided snorten' the distance, J A 'Goal Amendment. | James T. °Setherland, of Kingston, {suggests the following amentiment 10 {the O.H.A. rule: H the puck strikes the iron cross-bar at the top of the (net and bounds over the bar, the re feree shall not allow a goal to be counted, but if the puck, under such circumstances, bounds back in front i the net, a goal shall be allowed. Did Not Play Wednesday, Years "15 aid "13 in arts did} nos y 2 rT i gimme ua Ploy. 5 ir. vA on sccount of the condition of the but will play 'this afternoon. The freshmen de !feated the sophomores at the ° first 1 but year '13 has a very usky-looking team, and the proha- bilities are that the third year men twill, turn the tables.' i ou Notes on Sports. L. Solman has retired from Tecumseh Lacrosse Club and M 4 the Charles Wuerrie will be in sole charge. | Ivan Romanoff, wrestler, who undertook to throw Dr. BB. F. Roller, of Seattle, twice in an hour {failed to do so in the catch-as-catch- 'can 'match which they had in New { York. The Russian failed to secure Juven ode fall, Ei Hockey in Winnipeg will be played in the future as in the past with seven | men aside. This is the statement ' of | President Pratt, of the Winnipeg Hoc- key League, who cannot see what benefits could he accrue from' the aho- lition of the fourth forward. |* Football fans will bé able to get a line on the coning struggle between { the Argos and. "Varsity by keeping théir eyes turned on Ottawa next Sa- turday. The Rough Riders and Father i Btanton's boys * will pull off a city champignship struggle in Ottawa, at {Lansdowge park, end the score should just about indicate the difference ¥ tween the interprovintial and the in- | tereollegiate, "Jack" Africa, won Donaldson, of South the professional world's championship races at . Melbourye, from A. B. Postle, of Australia. | Poutle won the eighty vards Spring in 7 #¥ seconds, hut Donaldson captured the 100 and 110 yard dashes, the for- mer jn 9 3-5, and the lattq: in 10 4-5 Lesconds, The races webé run on the grass. THE LIBERALS HAD A RALLY. (Continued from Page 1.) The speaker pointed out that Nr. i Rowell wak one of the very best men ' that could have been chosen from the liberal ranks, and he had the warm support of all the workers from ohe end of the province to the other. Loud | cheers followed the close of the prei- dent's remarks. George Mills was called upon by the chairman, and he also paid a warm tribute to the new. ~leader, Mr. Ro- well. He was sure that all thé mem- 'bers would agreé that he was a worthy Successor of one of the most worthy leaders of the past. He was a man that was sure to be premier within a 'very short time. (Loud cheers.) I The speaker was no prophet, but-he felt pure that Mr. Rowell would not remain in opposition very long. The | speaker said that the members would iar rather go down to defeat with such 'a noble leader as Sir Wilfrid «Laurier, and the local candidate. than to be under the leadership of such clap-trap issues. which stole victory in a most unworthy way. * | As regards the selection of the can | didate, the speaker made the sugghs- tion" that a committee be formed, and that the report he received as soon as possible, so as the candidate could get to work. 2 Mr. Mowat's Address, J. McD. Mowat was hext culled up- on, and in his opening remarks, he | refered to the sélection of Mr. Ro- i well, 'ag Jegder. Ie said he kuew the new leader well, and in saying so, paid a warm tribute to his ability. | "I eonsider that the party was ex- i tremely fortunate in getting the ser: vices of such a man," said Mr. Mowat, He pointed out that Mr. Rowell had tnot sought the position, but rather the position had sought him. He was 'a man of high character, great abil lity, a man about whom nothing could {he said either in his private or pro- ! fessional life. He was a mag of broad ' guage, who had strong views on cer- tain questions, but at the same time he was a practical - man, and ' was willing' to meet practical needs, as !they arrived. Mr. Mowat also paid a warm tri bute to the retiring Jeader," Hon. A. {G. MacKay. The liberal party, he said | was under great debt of titude to Mr. Mackay. He had t up the leadership, after Hon. George VP. Graham had beén called to the Ot tuwa house, and had n marked { some things which were said at the | conservative nomination of Dr. A. E. Ross, on Friday last. D.M. Melntyre and Mayor Graham had both secused : of wion doing. Intyre. would accuse t herals | rong-doing, in face of the tat in the gemeral election of 1905, ti never had been more brazen "work than that of the conservative party. lu fet it had been eriticired by the judges as 'most LL." Mr. Me- Intyre had also stated that there | been governments which i the bleh of shame to the li do had "u tol, "personal shame to Mr. Melntyre and | the hig party. . en a WARM FOOTWEAR New Slippers, New Overgaiters and : Leggings, New Felt Boots, New Rub- bers and. Overshoes, in fact all our New Winter Footwear is here for Men Women and Children. Prices right. eee ABERNETHY'S v A He did not say that he wanted to be the liberal candidate for the eity for mayor, and because he could not get , what he wanted from one side, he y went over to the other side. '~ Mayor Graham also told about the liberals switching ballots, but stated that he had taken no part in it. How- ever, as a liberal worker, he said he 'had knowledge of it. Mayor Graham had left his party in 1904. What of the man who had worked confidently with a party dnd then, for reasons of ambition, betrays secrets learned with the party. Such a stand | would be lowering the sense of de cency. If Mayor Grayham knew that there was wrong-doing, what was he doing, as an honest man, in not mak- ing a charge before the magistrate. Nothing of this-sort had been talked of prior to 1904, when Mayor Gra- tham was a member of ranks. He must have found it since joining the conservatives 5 "1 want to say something to the mayor," said- the speaker in conclus: ion. "There is an election taking vlace in the city tomorrow on a by- law for a new hotel. For my 'own rpart I have no hesitancy in saying it 18a good scheme, and 1 hope the el- [octors will pass the by-law. What I | want to say is that the mayor "has the appointment of the scrutineers, and will have 'a chance to see that therb is no ballot switching or wrong- out doing." Bore taking his seat, Mr. Mowat took occasion to thank all who ral- lied around him so nobly in the last contest and put up. such a good. fight for the liberal party, . Other Addresses Given. J. G. Elliott was called upon for an address. He urged the members to rally together for a good stiff fight. Touching on matters political he re- ferred to the fact that the Toronto 'World (conservative), has stated thai the Whitney government was petrified. This was very largely so. Outside of a few ministers, they were standing still or following the policy laid down by the Ross government. They" had nothing new to offer in the last six years. Mr. Elliott referred to the man needs 'for the betterment of ae ture, Ontario was suffering a great deal from depreciation of value of the farms. There were fewer farmers in Ontario at the present time, than there were ten years ago. The reason for this was that the farmers had gone elsewhere, The government had never put up a policy "to retain the farmers in Out ario, or to bring in new settlers, and to continue it as the banner province, which the liberals had mate it. As regards taxation, we were not gei- ting a square deal: There should be more taxetion on the land, and less on the buildings, and values should be nasessed.. The policy of the education department of the present government | Was open to severe criticism. The pro- vince was goiag behind, in many re- spects. The Whitney government seem- Brocks' New Scientific rupture and never slip, chafing of hurting. and costs it holds (he rupture safely and on a wirlet guarantee of sa can buy ft firmly the liberal! ed to have a policy of the "don't care, let things drift" kind. The gov- the upbuilding of the country. Dr. Akroyd spoke briefly, agreeing with Mr, Elliott on the taxation tion. , Ta. Couper suggested the appoint- ing of 4 committee to select the can- didaté, after all the addresses had been delivered, and it was finally de- cided, upon motion of Ald. Tove, sec: onded by J, G. Elliott, that, the chairman select the committee, and the names alveady mentioned, were decided' upon, the said committee to meet at another rally of the workers to be called by the chairman. On motion of Patrick Daley, second- ed bY Ald. Couper, the president, and Jd. G. Eliott, were appo £6 a up a resolution, placing on record, the confidence of the liberals of the city, in the two leaders, Sir Willrid Laurier and N. W. Rowell, K. C, The medting then adjourned, after hearty cheers for the leader and the king. A Marred Face, A beautiful, healthy complexion is a dreasure. A face marred by pimples, otéhies" And carbuncles 18 repellent. the vemplexion is made beautiful by the use of Wade's fron Tonic Pills, which cleanse the system of ippwifties and enrich the: blood. Price 20e. at J. B. McLeod's drug stores, 4 Keen Membership Campaige. The shree teams of boys in the mem- bership campaign of the Y.M.C.A are working With all 'their might. The blue side's flag has been very notice able for the past week, but it was taken in Wednesday and the red flag put on the same pole with it. Both ides 'are now practically oven, and the excitement will now be great to see who "will break the tie. A eet: ing of all the boys connectod with the Leampaign is to be held at the building on Friday evening. Stole. Thermometers. A thief with a passion for thermo- meters purloined a éouple belonging to the Excelsior Life (lnsirance company which were nsilbd to the fronts of F. Smith and * A. E. Huot's barber shops. The agent, H. F, Norman, thfeatens to make trouble unless they arg returned. * Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall" and winter goods for his order clothing department, also in ready-made clothing and gents' fur nighing department; they are all well with: new nt There was an abundance of chickens, ducks, egge, butter, etc, on Thurs day morning's market. Nutter took a drop, prints selling at 27c, and rolls at 26c. Red Cross cough syrup will your cough. Gibson's. Sheldon Joyce, Union street, ro- turned to the city last night after ing a few days with his parents cure Don't Wear Appliance--A - Comfortable Affording Instant Relief After thirty years' experience in curin yet is light, cool and comfortable. less han many common trusses. at Napanee. It conforms to without fain op inconvenience. | maka Or money refunded, and | Wave Put my price go | "PERMANENTLY CURED" Vancouver, B.C, Can, Jan. 19, 1911, trosses years without "any relief ered untold agony Baring] vertise- | ' ernment should ever have a policy for Parlor Suites ~AND-. . Fancy Chairs 161 Three Piece Mahogany {Frame Assorted Silk Parlor Suites. 8 Five Piece Walnut and Mahogany Frame Assort- ed Silk Parlor Suites, to close out -At Manufacturers' Prices. . At JAMES REID'S eo 147. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. DEATH OF A YOUNG NUN. Sister Mary Magdalene (Gowrdier) 'Passes to Rest, A- young life passed away in House of Providence, Kingston, Wednesday evening, when Sistér Mary Magdalene, - daughter of Louis Gour- dier, Queen street, from an illness of some months' duration. Deceased, who was in her twenty-fourth your, is survived by her father, five brothers and two misters: Willism F., of this city; Henry, Watertown, NY: Ak phonse, Philadelphia, Pa.; Chatles, of New York, N.Y., Amos, Chicago, Til; Mrs. F. O'Shea, Niagara Falls, N.Y, and Marion, at home. the on ------------ Will Soon be Out. W. J. Cunningham, wire chief of the ell Telephoy company, "operated on in the Hotel hen recently, is mm improved and expects to return to his duties shortly, Pound tins, Batger's West Indi toffee. Gibson's. oy . The snow at Sharbot Lake is . re ported to be eight inches deep. There is first-class sleighing out there. King ston will be getting something of the same kind of weather now. Just received another shipment of books to Tabard Inu library, Gib. son's. The Kilties band arrived in the oity --Made for Men, Women and Children SENT ON TRIAL. No Risk in ordering--Money will be refunded if not satisfied Tr rupture, 1 have invented an Appliance which will absolutely hold avery movement of There are ny springs or hard, lumpy pads, and yout on the early morning train from Brockville. § a Truss! djustable to Any Size Person--Eass y, the the body without it 1a your measure, and send it ts you low that anybody, rich or poor, ce throw Huenve 1 jent for one, mon work: hard never expect +t wil] Answer all Quest tions régard- ? Is. At very ne, Bo Ce BD Grams 1° have received thousands of eful TIHOROUGHLY CUBED" Ingersoll, Ont, Can, b Feb. 6, 1911 Mr. CO. E. Brooks Dear Sir-~Perhaps you will be ins terested In hearing What your Ap- plignce has done for me. { know without doubt thet my rupture has thoroughly healed after. a term of Sixteen years' suffering, and I at- tribute my restored and healed con. dition to the wearing of your Ap- plignce, which held the bowel tirm- iyt and painlessly during the hea. ing process. 1 have not worn it for months---neittier do 1 feel tn need of iv. With best very truly, regards, 1 am yours ¥. ¢. Roxon E FREE INFORMATION COUPON. C. BE BROOKS, #31 Brooks Bldg. Marshall, Mich: ¥ send me b book and pliance tor the cure of rupture iinstrates mall, In plain wrapper, your all, Information about your Ap.