Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1911, p. 7

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be MAG FVII EN NEW sTy NEVER ANY FAILURE OR DISAPPOINTMENT © WHEN MAGIC| BAKING POWDER 18 USED. CONTAINS NOALUM. || COSTS NO MORE THANTHE _ |i ORDINARY KINDS. | BALLOT, SAYS "MAYOR GAYNOR, OF NEW YORK,' THE Who Addressed Federation of Wo. men's Clabs=--Not Two Per Cent. of Women Anxious for the Fran. chise. New York, Nove 16.--Mayor ( forgot the street cleaners' strike long enough vesterday, he smd, to el come to New York 1.500 members of the state federation of women's clubs at the opeming of their seventeenth ecmvention, and to chide them wpon the gregs haste in working for re form and changes, notably woman suffrage. He told them that he op posed woman saffrage, but conceded that: they would get the bullot when they wanted it. ! . "The men are not going to keep it away from you," he said. "The spuestion is whether you want it. My experience is that there is' wot two per capt: of the women that it. Yo# people of these clubs think vou are the wholes world of woman. fom, but vou are not. There are a vhale Jot who are not here to-day. You want to byeak up the old mation of the unity of man and woman. is a charming notion. Do nol break it: up altogethery leave us a little of t when vou get through. You 1ake + ireat solace out of the world when vou take all that away." A passage of the ible that is good "to fasten inside the crown ot your hat with along stickpin and read it once a day," be said, was the admonition to teach "Line upon line, precept upon precept." He had IBY NOT '| talked with, some people, he said, who wanted to destroy evervthing and ' do it within twenty-four hours. want | It: MAKE DYSPEPSIA VANISH. Indigestion Go in Five Minutes. § family here oughf to keep some Diapepein in the house, as any jone of you may have an attack of In- digestion or Stomach trouble at any ijime, day or might. th This harmless preparation' will di igest anything you eat aud overcome a |distresied, 'out-of-order stomach five minutes afterwards. 'UH your. meals don't tempt you, or what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heart- burn, 'that: is a sign of Indigestion. i Ask your Pharmacist for a bc. cass of Pape's Diapepsin, and take a little just as soon ss you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of un- digested food milxed with acid, wo stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, Nausea, {Debilitating® Headaches, Dizziness or) intestinal griping. This will all go tand, besides, there will he no sour food left over in' the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. . | Pape's Iiapepsin is a certain cure for. oat-of-order stomachs, because it iprevents fermentation and takes hold tof your dood and digests it just the isame as if "Your stomach wasn't | These large 50e. cases of - Pape's | Diapepsin contain more than i Relief in five minutes from all sto- mach misery is at your drug store waiting for you. 3 cient to .cure any case of Dyspepa, {Indigestion or any other Stomach trouble. | GANANOQUE TIDINGS, { { Town to Vote on Future of the Pub- lic Library. ¢ SE THE DAILY suffi-, THURSDAY, 18. 19 -- i} CONSERVATIVES CONDEMN THE © RAILWAY BOARD. *~ Liberals Propose Reorganization of the Board and Enlargement of Its Powers--Should be Effective in Public Interest. tribunal in the public fo "The proposal of the new liberal lead- o-to Bain and enlarge the pow- ers of the Ontario railway #ud muni- cipal board so as to Tender it an in- fluential and effective apngl i the ic interest is i " wi pu} with almost universal endorse ment. The board, as at present con- stituted has manifested its imitations, circumgcribed its usefulness and for- feited its claim upon public confidence. In the session of the legislature of 11986, the creation of a railway and municipal board to regulate public provincial charters and rise municipal contracts and bylaws, was acdorded a favorable reception by both parties. Notwithstanding the high hopes which were then entertain- ed of the boards probuble usefulness, the announcement of its sonnel was réeeived with many ivings. It was at once seen that public inter- est had heen made ubaervieat 0 party exigencies, and the opportunity presented by the necessity of selecting the membership became a means of balancing the political ledger. As a result, the board in operation proved a petty stickler for legal technicali- METROPOLIS OF CANADA. r vVestment in Real Estate property as in the City ¢f sMontreal. Notre Dame Street, Point Aux Trembles, | iy MONT There is no place in Cynada offering as great opportunity for substantial and remunérativé ins The population of Montreal and 'Suburbs is 535,000, 8s shown b> the recent Dominion census. It Is a safe prediction to. place the population at the next census in 1921 at over one nilllion souls. It you decide on investing, select a reliable company from which to buy and the right location. fie Col THE NATIONAL REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENT CO. of REAL | bin sub-divin . Canada, Limited owns THE COLUMBIA and offers the property in building lots from one lot up. 'This sub-divisian is sliuated in the centre (running north) Trembles on the St. Lawrence, and contains 700 choice lots. attractive and up-to-date place on the Island of Montreal. SUBDIVISION of the suburb of Pointe any! Pointe aux Trembles is the most The advantages' this town offers are:-- A delightful location besidé the river; a water supply, sewer connections, electric granolithie walks, (Catholic and Protestant Churches and Schools and Two Colleges, well-known Presbyterian College, possibly the largest Protestant Scheol in the ties, more eoncerned with eourt pro~ lighting, cedure, fuss amd feathers than ' with { Including the Province of Quebec. "That is the worst part of it," he| Gananoque, Nov. 16.~Frnest Royal continved. "It may be a very bad |Chisamore, the seven-year-old son of the desire or the parlor or dining room grate; uo trouble; no dus; no. smoke; os cheap as coal to se t ux give you a price : plped » set complete, Phone 615. Personal attention, ; x W. OLDFIN & CO, Carriage Painting This is the place -lo Lave your Auto repaired to stand all kinds of weather. * E. J. DUMPHY Cor. Montreal and Ordnance Sts. SO0008000000000000000 TAKE IT AWAY Thave what jue patrons say when serv t Belfast nger Ale or English Ginger © A dg na Dear our 'bottled ave no superior it at Ing Botcls o Holaphone 8 for' Thompson Be Co. 00008000000 0000000 goods Seoveeceossone toes Berlin's Latest in Cafes. Berlin, the wity of cafes and music, in shortly to have another palatial es- tablishiient ip which visitors may sip their coffee or light German beer and listen to the musie of well-trained or- chestras apy hour in the twenty-Your. The new popular palace, situated in the Potsdamer Plats, in the heart of the city, in ta he called the Piccadilly, and somé ide' of He gigantic size is afforded. by the fact that the propri- etor will pay a yearly rental of £16.- 000 for his premises. The interior furnishings will be of the most. luxurious depeription. Each single chaiv, of which there will be! hundreds iu the building, will eost £2 10%, and will he modelled "after the furniture of a wellitpown roval cas tle. No fewer than 160,000 electric lamps will- illuminate the great build- ing at night, 'and four orchestras, playing iw relays of six hours each, will render never-eensing music for the enjoyment of patrons. thing even to destroy a bad thing within twenty-four hours, The things of the earth that are good are of gra- dual growth. The reformers tordav men and women, who go around noisely declaiming against everybody and everything, calling themselves radicals, it may be undér the delusion that a radical is one who wants to instantly pull up everything by the roots, are more of a nuisance in this world thai anything else, to my way of thinking, Those who want to ac complish something do it with pati- ence, care, chapidy and gentlenessy, a little hiwe and a little there. A WONDERFUL CASE, i . Months in Hospital and Uncured-- Zam-Buk Cured Him. Frederick Mason, the well-known up- holsterer and mattress manufacturer of St. Andrews, N.B., says: "F had eczema on my knee, which causéd me terrible pain and incon- venience. 'The sore parts would itch and burn and tingle, and then when rubbed or seratéhed, wobld become very painful, 'When the knee got warm, it burned worse, and the itch- ing and burning and smarting were almost unbearable. I tried various re- medies, but got no better, so 1 cided to go to Montreal and special treatment, recéived at- ment at the Montreal (Yemeral "Hos pital for thirteen weeks, but at end of that time I was not oured, and almost gave in. A iriend advised me to give Zam-Buk a trial. "Almost as soon as applied Zam- Buk stopped the itching and the irri- tation, persevered with the balm, and it was soon evident that it would do me good. Each day the pain was reduced, the sore spots began to heal, and by the time | had used a few boxes of Zam-Buk | was quite cured, "Since then Zam-Buk "has enred blood-poison in my finger, and at a time when my finger was in such a terrible (condition = that I feared it would have to be amputated." For eczeina, blood-poisoning, piles, ulcers, sores, a es, varicoseé nl cers, bad log, cold sores, chapped hands, cuts, burns, bruises' and all skin injuries and diseases, Zam Buk is without equal. 50c. box, all druggists and stores or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Tofonto, for price. Refuse imitations. If a mah smokes in the house and his wife is afraid her curtaing will be ruined, he should be obliging and take them down. The egotist always wants vou listen, to A quitter is always a failure as a de Grows hair and we can prove it Hair Becomes Soft, Fluffy, Lus- trous and Beautiful Immediately + | Sh difference how dull, Just inoisten it th a cloth with {Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chisamore, Front of Leeds, and Lansdowne township, passed away, 'on Tuesday, after a short illness. The funeral takes place | to-day, to the Cross cemetery at Halstead Bay. ' In the surrogate court, before Judge {H. 8. McDonald, probate of the last {will testament of Elizabeth Ferguson, late of Gananogue, was {granted to Flizabeth Adams and {Alma de Pencier, the executors named {in the will. | Quite a largely-attended dance was held in the asmusement hall of the { Gananoque Inn, on Tuesday evening. | The weonl schooner Horace Taher { pulted into Gananoque river, yester- Iday, to discharge the balance of her cargo at Robertson's sheds, after which she will be dismantled and lay jup in Gananogue river for the winter. | Mrs. Henry Lyno, Sunbury, is vis- iiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John {Scott, River street. Miss Gertrude | Bamford, nurse-in-training at Brock- {ville general hospital, is enjoying a ! short furlough here with her parents, {Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bamiord, | Pine street. i iIt is very probable that at the {time of the next mumicipal etkctiBns the ¢itizens of the town will be called on to vote as to whether the public {library shall be faken over and run aiuee. library by the town, as, if {the town witholds its grant mext Iyear it will be impossible for the library to continue, and municipal {ownership will be the omly way out of the difficulty. { spinster, SHOCK CAN ALTER COLOR OF THE EYES. 1 London Surgeon is Authority for a New Theory of Pigmentation. The possibility of a man's eye chang- ing color as the result of mental shock or physical ill-treatment, was the subject of sn interesting discus- siotrn by surgeons of the eye ward of one of the great London hospitals, says the London Daily Mail, One of the surgeons said:~""It is common knowledge that great physic al hardship may suddenly turn the hair white. The loss of color here fol- lows on certain chemical changes due to disturbances of nutrition, taking place in the tiny particles of coloring matter whieh give the hair its color,' "All infants at birth have blue eyes. In some babies immediately after birth 'pigment: granules: begin to de velop in the iris. Thus they become brown of black-eyed. In others, how- ever, no such pigment formation takes place, and. the eyes remain blue or gray throughout life. "H this at present blue-eyed former convict is really the missing brown eyed banker, a reasonahle explanation of the discrepancy in the eye coloring would be that under the stress of physical and mental shock the color- ing matter which had in 'early life developed in each iris had atrophied or: disappeared, leaving the eyes the original blue coloring ap birth." : HE IS A GOOD MAN, evidencing either capacity to serve the public interest. Probably the only thing which may be advanced as the board's excuse for existence during its five years 'of life was its initial affirmation of a pro- vincial' enactmént that a two-cent-per- mile rate should prevail on all rail. ways under the jurisdiction of Ont- ario--an administrative rather than a creative act. In other matters when trying grievances have driven various mutiicipalities to the point of exasper- ation, the board's conduct has prov- ed dissppoisting indeed to those who looked for either inclination or abil ity to afford relief. There has been a conspicuous lack of mandatory suth- ority to enforces even such orders as have been made. WH, as Chairman Leitch once decreed 'in a judgment, the beard was called upon to "blaze its way," it is manifest that it is still engaged in circumlocutory process of finding its way. One need only peruse the record of efficient service established - by the domimion railway board to see what possibilities' were within the grasp of the provincial Body and to realize the opportunity that ohas "hen wasted. Instead of "blazing its way" and talking "baldendash," the » minion board from its very inception fet out upon a vigorous, pi ive and purposeful wy of fulfilkng its mission. Chairman Mabee, as the ex- minister of railways awl eanals frequently expressed it, doesn't wait for precedents; he makes them. The course of the provincial board has been remarkably different. © Here inertia has given place to domestic disagreements, and the unseemly spectacle was publicly paraded. So farcical hes the situation become that W. K. McNaught, conservative mem- ber for North "Toronto, of . whose sincerity there can be wo = doubt, speaking at a meeting" of the con: servative club of his riding, an Mon- day, Oct. 16th, said: "Something will bave to be done unless the hoard tures over a new leaf, The hoard was designed to look after the" in terests of the common people just as the railway board at' Ottawa does. That is what she pavement ap- pointed them for, and if they have failed, they have failed to do their duty." The premier, Sir James Whit: ney, was himself compelled by the force of public opinion to take cog nizance' of the matter, and made the tardy admission that "It is evident The influence of A good breakfast Lasts all day. With body and mind in poise Swinging along smoothly, Work becomes a pleasure. Much more on food Than we are apt to suppose When it is easy to digest And contains the right kind Of nourishment, . The healthy brain will {rounty, Va. communication with all parts of Montreal. You cannot make a mistake in buying in this sub-division, a home or for pure investment. the growing values of property, this company offers application, 207-00 St. James St. Be. : dE «yy HONG, A, OUIMET, ROBERT BICKERDIKE, Presi Vice-presidents The Canadian Northern Railway and Electric Railway pass beside the Columbi either for the purpose' of building In order that small as well as large inv tors may be enabled to invest and 'secure a part in very liberal terms of payment. Full 'information with booklet and plan of property showing prices an NATIONAL REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENT CO. of CANADA, Limited JAMES A. SMART, A, aud afford easy d terms will be sent on Montreal, Canada. Managing Director, a there is a screw loose somewhere," adding that "It is possible therefore that a reorgfauvization may be neces- sary." Tt has taken the provincial government, a- long time to ascerimin this fact, and with its customary le- thargy no attention would have been paid to the needs of the public had E it not been for the outcry occasioned ; - by the dvomaly presented in the re cent 'Hlrlesjue minority judgment over an application of the 'Toronto N 1 0 & York 8 ial Railway company ew wer in respect of its Metropolitan divi- & sion, The necessity for the reorganization of the board on lines of progress and efliciency- ou lines whith wit provide for Ontario such an institu tion as Lhe government of Sir Wil frid Laurier provided for Canada in Chairman Mabee and his colleagues on the federal railway hoardv-and for an enlargement of its powers to make it a forceful agency of public service is emphasized in the ' platform of Mr. Rowell.{ To this important re form liberalisgn is committed. 9" Price $1.10 and $1.15. Men's Bulk Rubbers. New Price - - 80c. New Price "JEKYLL AND HYDE" DEFENCE. 70c. New Price Spencer, Whe Shot Springfield Wo man, Make Novel Plea, Springfield, Mass., Nov. 16.-With his attorneys asserting that he is a viotim of insanity of the 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" type, Bertram G. Spencer, a clerk, will be placed on trial here, for the murder of Miss Martha B. Blackstock, a school teacher, March 3lst, 1910. >. Many examinations of the prisoner have been made by alietsts. Those acting for the government pronounce Spencer sane and those for the de ferwe declare him insane. The trial will be a hattle over his mental con- dition. That he shot Miss Blackstone is oo The murder came as a colmination of a series of hueglaries Women's Fine Rubbers, Women's Bulk Rubbers. Misses' Rubbers now 50e¢. instead of 60c. Child's 6 to 10 1-2, now 40c. instead of 55c. All new fresh goods, best brands on the market ET Prices on Rubbers All Men's Fine Caston Rubbers. 01d New Price "$1.00 Old Price $1. : - 85e¢. Old Price : - 95e¢. Old Price » 6 0 C » On JOO I J. H. Sutherland & Bro. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOEMAKING" CUE INRNErE REBEL EERIE PEACE EREY smn EE -- rene BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES. ASBESTIC PLASTER FOR SALE, . ALSO ODAJ: AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD, S. Bennett & Co. extending over a period of twa years. A mysterious man had been rohigng the homes of leading dtizens and large rewards had been offered for his eapture. On the evening of March Blst a masked man answering to the des cription of the prisoner entered the home of Mrs. Sarah J. Dow, eon fronted Mrs. Dow, her two daugh- ters, Misses Harriet and Lucy Dow, and Miss Blackstone with a revolver and demanded money. © One of the ill Mi Eenchntc he bargias firs illing Mi stone and seriously wounding Miss Harriet Dow. Oar BAst and Barrack fits. Private detectives with bloodhounds . were set on the trail of the murderer ; and Spencer's arrest came after the fintling of a locket marked "B.G.5." in the yard of a house where > Sweet Cider New Figs | Choice Apples : Coast Sealed Oysters io D. COUPER, Phone 76. 341-8 Princess Street. : Prompt Delivery, 3 in Forty Years. Briftol, Temm., Nov. T. Rinkle, who wan born in 1811, oni £0 ERS nn, YST Standard, 50c. 8 Quart | Select, 60e. a Quart Jems piesa wat | couraged by dest ---- - STOCK REDUCING SALE of FURNITURE To make room for Christmas Goods, 15 and even 20 : per. cent. off. DINING ROOM SETTS In Golden Oak y Early English Fumed Oak BED. ROOM SETTS In Golden Oak Mahogany Qircasstan Walnut 'All Sizes. PARLOR FURNITURE including all odd upholstered __ Prices.' ; R. J. REID The devil is never the least bit dip * ropeatances, YW Vin ad lyn,

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