in cn 0E. battles. i WHAT WH ¥ . i g CASAL ~ 'RHEUMATISM CURED BY FIG PILLS 'An'absolute guarantee gues with every box of FIG PILLS. y will cure RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY disorder, BLADDER trouble, CONSTIPATION, SLUCCISH LIVER ang all STOM- ACH and BOWEL disorders, /At all dealers, 25 cents per box, or The Pig + Pill Co,, Bt, Thomas, Ont. : 3- Bold and recommenged in Kingston JBM Dr -Pruggiet: 2. IG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US, Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Long Lake Locals. 'Long Lake, Nov. 14.--Hunters report deer very scarce. Rev. Mr. MeMullen, of Yarker, preached a missionary. ser- mon here on Sunday. Jumes Patter. son, Elmdale, st D. W. Cronk's; Mrs. RB. Wagar spent ope dad at home last wi Mry. William Dueshorm is im- proving slowly. Mr.oand Mrs. William Robinson are. st G. M. Drew's; Mr. and Mrs. William Shultz, Watertown, N.Y., at W. Duesharm's, The Ladies' Aid tea at Henry Drew's, on Friday night, was largely attended X ROYAL (CBE CREAM PARLO AND QUICK LUNCH ROOM, All kinds of Lunches and Hot Drinks. kinds of * lee Cream and all Fruit and Candies. M, PAPPASY & CO, 184 Princess Street, THE STOLEN ~~ HORSE An Old Proverb With a New Applica. : tion, The woods are full of remedies for Baldness. You may call anything in creation a remedy but to use them is like locking the stable alter the horse is stolen. Pal'nias and Dandruff are' caused a germ--if you don't kill the germ the germ will kill the hair. Scimitists have labored with problem of a preventative | for ness for many years. Newhro's Herpicide ds the product of a modern sdea, and will' cure Dan- druff and prevent Baldness because germs cannot exist when you amply Herpioide, 1 TTTHer ITE 38 a valoable hair dress: ing and scalp disinfectant as well as a cure for Dandruff, Sold by leading druggists. 10. in stamps for sample te the picide Co., Detroit, Mich. LL. pugrantesd. © J Leod, special agent, Kingst \ Sunbury Items, 1 Sudbury, Nov. 16.--~William More land is happy over the arrival of a young son this week. H. Jackson pur chased the Robert Smith farm a few days ago, and the latter purchased from Andrew Jackson what is known as the homestead farm a day or two after. A number of, the reform elect. held in fhe city on Thursday for the selection of a suitable candidate for the Toronto house. 'Local cheese fuc- tories are still running, but the wma jority of themi will close in & few days . "sa-emiled"' Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, Nov. 15.-W. J. Paul, M.P., ix in Ottawa attending parlia- ment. lHerbert Snith has gone to { hathem to live with his sister, Mrs. Keuneldy Harold aller has moved to Newburgh. John Floyd is ill. Mrs. Henry and 'daughter and -- nephew returned home from Montrenl on Saturday last, Michael Neville has moved to Deseronto. Fletcher Diamond sold his property to Mr. Kennedy and moved to King- ston. Mrs. Kennedy ~ sold out to Michael Fitzgerald. Mr. moved into Michael Neville's bh . the Bald: ouse Mighty One in Exile. Montreal Herald. Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, the president of the bank and understood to have been the inspiring genius of its most da: ing illegalities, wie nol, merely a con- En fe e igri Mail and Em. pire's candidate for the mayoralty of Toronto,. He was able to secure from the provincial treasury a government deposit, at first of ten thousand, bat afterwards of thirty-five thousand dol lars. The Toronto Globe has charged that the additional twenty-five thou. sand was deposited in return for an agreement to loan funds of the bank to a party paper, Part of the gov. ernment deposit was wsed to finanee the purchase of the Keeley mine, which ultimately wrecked the bank and drove Dr. Neshitt into exile. No effort was made to stay the flight of this once eminent conservative or to bring him back when he was gouve. Send Her- One' dol: as, B, Me on, TRAVELLING, * HERE The longest double track in the world under one management. The only double track railway between Moutreal. Terosto, Chicago and principal Capadian Cities. "The International Limited' Leaves Kingston uaily-at 12.25 noon for Toronto, Hamilton, London, De- troit, arriving in Chicago 8 o'clock the following morning. RAalLWaAY SYSTEM. Made a Good Start. Washington Herald, og. 0 "You may joke about women's con ventions, but I think women are pret ty wise Now, my wile's club ap pointed a committee to study econ omy in dress." "Well." "They started out by going musical comedy." - DON'T SAY YOU'RE OLD You Can Feel Younger by Keeping Up Your Strength, It is a mistake for elderly people to let themselves think they are get- ting old. What «f you have had sixty or sev- enty birthdays 7. You can keep your mind young and active, and vou oan also feel younger than your age ii vou guard your bodily strength. Mr. George B. Smith, aged seventy- one, of Smithville, Ont., says that Vinol cured him of a case of stom- ach trouble of long standing. and that he now feels as strong and can do as good a day's work as he did thirty veary which he owes to Vinol. "1 think it is worth its weight in gold for 'any ailment of aged people," says Mr. Smith, his delicious cod liver and iron preparation without oil streng) hens and iavigorates all feeble, run down people, and is the mainstay of thou. sands - of old persons who say it has prolonged their lives. We guar- antee that Vinol 'will do all that we say, and pay your money if it does not. Mahood's drug store, By Sun ay excepted) Kingston, nants COWAN'S si arms | PERFECTION =| COCOA and fy Eni Agent Is good for Growing Girls | and Boys--and they bke . ht BAHAMASEEETE"S New twin screw 85 BRAZOS and Proce, is absslately pure. In - her large ste ahipe in Service cou favor is oluained by the we of the highest RRNA a + % Rea ohn hee from ow of Cone beats, skilfully blended. Interior Points --fsle of Pines, York td ; ng is sdded to impair the health. tor Havana Santiago, ete, : Wiiere northern winters are a Four Express Trains daily to To- ronto and Montreal, J.P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. toa KiNCsToNg [PEMBROKE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Ganadian Pacific Railway TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON 11.45 a.m. Express--For Ottawa, Montreal, Quebeg, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toronato, Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Maris, Duluth, St. 'Paul, Winnipeg, Van. couver, Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. 5.00 pm~~<Local for Sharbot Lake, connecting with C. P. R. Bast and West. 7.456 a.m, Mixed---For Renfrew and intermediate points, Mon., Wed,, and Friday, y Passengers - leaving Kingston at 11.45 a.m, arfive in Ottawa at 5 p.m; Peterboro, 4.38 p.m.; Toronto, 6.56 p.m.; Montreal, , 7.65 p.m. ; Boston, 7.36 a.m.; St. John, 12.00 noon. ; Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Ofiice, Ontario Stree:. F. CONWAY, 'Phone G0. Gen. Pass. Agent -------------- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, z Train leaves Bion Station, Omntaric Congections for A ; Do You Use wonderful Cuban oli Tampice. for Mexico er AbCOmIMIAT IONS. o. Fast River, City WS OF NEIGHBORS The Tidings From Various Points in!' 'Fastern ~ Outario---What People ors will attend the county convention Loreloe has a ~ THE ! GOING HOME TO FIGHT. i CODODOLUITODDBOOONOO0 2 An Importaft Request. ¢ { Over Two Hundred Patriotic Ttaliaks OOO OOOTODOCOFODOCOCTS sailed From Montreal. iy Nox iT Over two bun-{ most of them from the shits +4 4 Neda spapped her fifgers and whist an fled a jew supmOning motes. Privce, Rove! bedming delivhtiully, © hartied" across George: In the party, which cronded, the roous to ber, . 2 J into the steerage were sbout twenty; Of wourse you came," she ssid ex- women and a few children They ex! asperstely. 1 whistled as I do to my pect tor join the colors and engage in! dog, and you, s mam, came." the war with Turkey, and front other! The young msn grinned cheerfully. sources it wus learned that most of "You wanted me, didn't you," he ask- them belooged to the military re ed 1 was 80 glad that you wanted serves, and wo were trained in military -me that I didn't care what means you matters. Their cabins presented ux took to call me," very warlthé aspect, for guns and vifles © I didn't want voll. 1 wished to wee of 'every description and "ealibre were! if vou would come 8¢ a whistle." taken home with them. "Well, I came," affirmed Prince cheerfully, { "Ralph, have you no spirit? You Japanese native, dentists eonduet obey the most ridi commands 1 their business if a mapner which give you. Are you devoid of pride ? would undoubtedly canse any Baresi Can't you show a little w»élf-assor- aean practitioner to open his eyes in tion?" : ' 3 : amazement. The victim is seated om! "Tots of it. I'm a duffer only when the ground. The dentist bends over Fm with you. I cap hold my own him and forops his left hand between with men. but you have reduced me the patient's jaws in such a manner to a jefly like state of submission. 1 that the mouth caoyol possibly be an 40 ately in love' with you closed. Theo he grasps the doomed that when you speak I become a grov- tooth between the thumb and fore- ger Pur if you will marry me, "he finger of the right hand and with ODF guggested hopefully, "T might become deft. wrench removes it awd throws it brave." upon the ground, : "Pll not me! a ¢ A , Segal. inthe all oi These. UALS foe hi Ad you i a ------ dentists $ at many of them are able You would slways be a benpecked 410 remove six or seven teeth per min- mental noe lity a joke 1 i ute. Indeed, their skill is hardly to Trio 8 a TN OF. a ear. be wondered at when--ene' considers On Tok doubtless Gai : the course of preparatory training | ke od if i i enjoys being a they are obliged to undergo. joe. and i were a henpecked bus- A pumber of holes are bored in » band 1 should be perfectly Bappy stout plank, and this is fixed firmly! 1 shall not marry a groveler. Why to the ground. In the holes are drov- YOU have been : successful in business en wooden pegs and the would-be « #0d politics I cannot understand. You dentist has to extract them with his re 2 member of the legislature, and fingers without - dislodging the board. father says you are immensely popu This process is repeated with a board lar, both at home and at the capi- of pine wood and figally with one of, fal. Yet to me you show never a Whit oak, and it ix only when he hag suc OF independence of thought or action." ceeded in extracting the pegs from the "Love has made me a slave." oak plank that the Japanese cousid-! "And you are not asham®d of the ers himself qualified to practice upon féet." You -seem proud of ite' his fellow men. Pearson's Weekly, A few weeks Toter the legislature -- convened. Soon nfter the beginning af Sunken Ships Mark) His Grave. the session a bill 'was introduced thet |" There are many monuments te the brought to' the capital representatives {"father of the British navy,' Sir [0f all the street railways in the state. | Francis Drake, throughout the world, The bill waw one 15 vorpal swhers ot {but his "'tomb" is in the great deep |Street railways to place upon their upon which he made his everlasting, ar satisfactory shelter for the mo- fame. He died January 28th, 1595, jnitofmen and conductors. Nella Car- his ship, the Defiance, near the town |™0lls father owned the street railway of Mombry do Dies, West Indies, and :® Hilton City. Immediately after the in a leaden Toffin "his body was Tower- introduction. of bill he wept to ed into the waves some six miles from | the state capital and Nella went with shore. As a last honor to him twg | im... ; Coad of his ships, with all the prizes that! The bill, owing ta (ha effort of a tive land Xortharn ay reilway steamship Japanese Dentists. i % 3 ] Le fy . ; * T PAR A DAILY DRITSH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 191 ut 1 respect the oath T took © when I became a member of the lemielature oath to wive my best to ery mevitoFious mdégudre." 1. "Will you wole for that bill whe frou indy that ¥ shall never speak 10 ot the services Ryne? a i Neo § sagh. "Wilk you promise to mary Ra" His voiee had? the se a cracked whip, sale, nor do | mise." Before he poitdd Jr TH Let woe tell vou. was beside seller, have learmed that 1 could nay whom 1 can love Fant m§ to' I" "Ia this a scheme to me : The . word was irautfled | a vote ainsi ap vou rooyot buy Woman's ihe 40. glo § A a you i Ll influence GREAT UTILITY OF DATE TREE. It Has Been Called "Poor House" and Asylum for Arabia. * Harper's Weekly. ke = To the Arab mind the date-tres is the perfection of beauty and utility. Every part of this wonderful free has its use to the Arab. The pistils of the date-blossoms contain a.fine curly fibet, which is beaten out and used in all eastern baths as a sponge soaping the body. At the extremity of the trunk is # terminal bud eontain- ing a white substance resembling 'an | almond in consistency and ta it o hundred times as large. This is a great table delicacy. TH There are said to be more than one hondred varieties of date-palm, all distinguished by their 'fruit, and the Arabs say that a good housewife ean furhish her husband with « dish of dates differently prepared every day for a month. Dates. form the staple food of the Arabs in a large part of Arabia and nre served in some form at every meal. Syrup. and vinegar are made from old dates; and by those who disregard the teachings of the Koran, a kind of brand is distilled from them. The date-pit is ground and fed to cows and sheep, so that nothing of the precious fruit may be lost. Whole pits ave used as beads and counters for the Arab children in their games on the desert sand. ~The branches of palms are stripped of their leaves and used like rattan for the making of beds, tables, chairs, cradles, bird-cages, boats and so forth, The leaves are made into baskets' fans and string, and the outer trunk furnishes fiber for rape .of many sizes and quality; The wood of the trask, although light and porous, is much used in were in the fleet at the time, were Powerful loby, sgninst: it. dragged | sunk beside his casket. At the time |slowly on_ite course and Mr. Carroll | of his death the great admiral was in| snd Neila rc mained at the capital, | his fiftieth year and in the prime _oi{ The devotion oi Ralph Prive became ! his physical and intellectual powers, | Moré and more corspiguous, aiid Nel: | Since his death the British navy has! '8'8 exasperation end impatience never been without a ship bearing Lis croased with it, » name. ~-- Exchange. ; A party. of young pegplo Lud rath ered in the Cure suite at } hotel {#3 i the in. i } he easeap er. kpook | the: door end. sshd for Mr. Prince erty | Prince said « fo. Nella. I must 20 s Hol Yelp, the governor had sent Tor woe" being | Send word" to) Lhe governpr that 1 for some Bittle time, {need wa here 'But, Nella, vhe i commande.' The Outlook in Eugland. Moatreal Hepald Yi. Mr. Asquith is through bis programn going 16 be mue opposition leader, { The breaking of the lords' power was | a heavy blows If the maltiplied vot! : ing poterof tthe Mobu also toa Sg. srecmines Fel tha "MEE Arner abolished, and the voting power of [vow Cannot cidee. There the democracy 16 be" increased by ar | portant respon 5 , sxtension of the franchise, there must | gai here be many counties where, over sach do- | Prines took the messenger méstic issues as are now being forced, corridor and in a few x to the frgnt, toryvism must stand to | turned: slope. "5 sont lose heavily, radicalism to gain. To | rovernor that I canl beat the kberale under suth a handi- eap was no task for a leader own party was divided, ily was undermined. BOvernor's able 1 ¢ there about o : 1 } YOvernor'e roatests are ' 1 nn ald re whi int the nutes word © te the d not come, Nella. fell me the important reason why vou Whose wished me to remain : whose author: | "T5- make a Welsh rarebit. Xo one olse can mix a good ope Light the vhafing dish Iwmp and grate the cheese' The day belore the railway bill was ito be voted on in the house, Nella ,#ent for Prince. Daniel and the Lions. And it eame to pass that Daniel was cast into the den of lions by or - der of "King Darius. ; 1) > "Ralph, father told me & sthing Early the next mornjng, King Dari: {to-day which utterly astonishes me. us went to the den, rolled away the He sav: favor. t stone, and called out: 'Do the lions | railway Re myor the passage of Shey bite "T do." 'Not unreasonably,' "But, Ralph, this bill will ca who was well u {company an enormous lar of the day. sary 'axpense.' "Good," ejaculated King Darius ast "The lives and nealth of your' pm: he rolled back the stone. Thereupon |lnvess f more § ¢ he went forth and proclaimed to the | maar of iW Important Than multitude that the lion question had "Our. men. hav been solved.--Puck. lg» p------ "I 'have fifivestigated the bill care filly and. I am. convinced that it js wv duty to support it." "Then change your mind, Ralph. } wish vou to vote agminst it." "1 shall fot." Far a vwmment she stared at him in | Speechless amdzement. "Ralph, you don't mean it--it isn't posable" "T "shall vote for the bill." "The. opponents of the bill lack one to defeat it. Your vote is the one they It will decide the fate of the bill." "F am_ sorry that it will bothet your fa % 4 She misunderstood the anxiety in his face and voices, "You will vote agwinst it, Ralph: You have never refused a request of mine. This is the figf impoFtant one 1 have ever made. © You will grant i, will vou A a i Surprise took the place of pain in his face. '"Ilis is the first time you have asked me to do a thing that 1 believe is wrong. I am not a prig, Time Hyomei Takes to Relieve ig. a Cold or Croup, © At the first sign wf a cold breathe Hyomei (pronounces! High-ome). Wt will.relieve the most stul{pra | cold m the head in five minutes. | 3 i's way is pature's gay. NI ino wellknown fact that we byesthe disuse ' germs snd you éan omly overtake thep: by breathing healing sssance provided. by nature ry licate sie of de irnme- enquired a theatrical manager: of «diately comes into Sopluet with t rent "acquisition to his comping disease germs, Thess ther * adieki. Shiver 17 weldimed the wsweomar. | aversome and desta The work of "Why, Eve played in every: hambat beo- | boa ben commenced. [tween here ard Nimbrava, Nebeasky™ : p replied Daniel, | p in the legal vernacu- 4s gine and unn . " § hove complain- Modern Philosophy. New York Tribune § The soil of the (ireat White Wav is the best, for growing wild oats. A Bair on the head is worth two in the brash. The doctor believes in taking casy. : The reformed lousband, his last: - The grocer can make a little go « great: weigh. Women will forgive and forget, but she won't let you forget that she for. | gives, : life rake makes the best sticking, like a soldier, to A - vote of enough A Nice Point, "Every student of history knows that our Chiristgas customs are a t of the Roman Saturna: lin." . x 0, surely mot all!" { "L think so." "No, #0 ! 'There's no reasdn to sup pose, for instance, that the Romans were All the time being hunched to do their Satatnalian shopping early." Puck. : ' x The Modernized. a First Barnstormer--So vou' plied the country towns of Kansas ? 'I sup- pose the yaps got after vou with pitchiorks and pruning-hooks ¥ Second Barnstormer--Not much ! They chased us with six-cvlinder auto. mobiles and Curtis biplanes, Puck, He Had. "Bid yon every pha in "Hamlets ¥ 7 jertimaind bridge-building and architecture, and i® quite "durable, In short, when « date palm is own' there is not a particle of it that Ibis tree 'poor-house oid wasted has bedn eal the and asylum for y Arabia; without it millions wor 2 L th m pl mo legation in Helghun "hay een red o cently laws in the university here, and therefore fully qualified for the pra ti {ian descent, be mily. lady of Urtiguayan birth to obtair diploma i ne oc "m dther {dod helter, Ong the population of Mesopotamia, Fvolliy " not hve fate-mal THE FOWL'S PRAYER. 2 Few Pointers as to How (0 Feed Hens, A prayer of the domestic fowl to its owner is prieted in the Smallholder, The ToHowing are some ofits For breakfast, on cold days, "1 like ArT with a little mustard; shmé good corn will when it clans v masn 14 * BILIOUSNESS, ALLOW Ww soar, Flint within my At noon sprinkle tween the straws seratehbiog shed I cise, . [have also a wenkness for anything green; give it' to me im plenty. Place a sunken box filled with ashes in my run; this is my bath. Ere the sun sets give me ds muéh corn. as I can eat, so that T may slesp kpeacefully. i and she ping in Boxes | reach | y hittde- « be- | Hr my an fand covered | of exer -------------------- | Sir James Whitney and Taxation. Toronto 'World, ; Sit Jamies Whitney' objects 10 looal option in mumiipal taxation because it will have a checker board effect, one. system in 'one maudicipality, an. other system in the next. - That is ho reason. On the contrary. it i» one reafon why we should have the change. . Probably the most distin. guished writer on English politics thirty years ago or so was Walter Bagehot and one of the wisest things he said was that politieal Progress depended on political experiment and that a wise and. progressive govern: ment wad always making political ex- periments. Sir Toros iit, if he wants to get in the progrodsive line, must permit of experiments in local taxation and in government by com- hintion of municipalities where it is sired by the people Nothing. needs experiment so much as our municipal law. For instance, wo have a systemi of roads in this country that costs millions of. dollars and produces no results: and it is high time that - experiments. were in. troduced to stop this waste and ive the decent roads for the money expended. They don't pet that how. Wo would like 10 mee several experi ments made in this direction. pias Cat's Long Walk to Old Home. London' Chronicle. i The story of a notable joutney of a cat from Kingston, Surrey, to its former home at Glastonbury, in Som: ersetshire, a distance of about 133 miles; is now told by an astonished correspondent. In April last, 'a, cat, mottled gray, and described as half Perdian in breed, was sent from (Has tonbury, where it bad been reared, to the matron of the Kington Nursing Home, It was sent in a packing case, drilled with air holes and obeiewst the animal had - no opportunity ei | marking the points of its knwnes, Sao atte its arnval at Kingston (hs cat was lost, end despisc the ost diligent searebing, no trace of it could be found. » ; The matron of the wursisc hom | toubivy. stating that the rst has ~~ Pathiinder. A Spot of Interest, ; a avant on the left y "is far from heing the lt the on Moatre one in the of {mor oe wad emaciated and footzore snd hay apm received s lobtor Tront ikas | wand ara way back to die old home. ; PAGE NN. a MADAME - NEVADA VAN DER VEER (MRS. BREED MILI ER), W WILL APPEAR AT GRANT HALL, WEDNESDAY. % ro. _ A Woman Diplomat. ondon Times Montivideo.~-Urguay i» we only weuntry in the world ay boast. of having a Indy anal ic srvice A ent Perfect English Harpers Weekly "There's po question about it, Eniplond Exploited. probably that ite di ApDOIY | : { : { deribhleigh, is the place an guthos r dive formal writ perfect as attache: te the Urigulyan | pperels i mer re- | of CORTE : yet ) GG Miss Clotilde Luisi, who vive 'took: her degree as * its prist ce of law. Thi¥ lady, who is of It belotigs to a talen re ballv He elder slater was (h - ordship, right doctor of medicine epsful prs Afi the ax 18 been sweral i ive n VeArs tive ro hard io fol nN « ness are algo i ongl lines SKIN, HEADACHE HO sae joy my the express! > he gree with me old often wig 3 not es SLUGGISH BOWELS-- TAKE CASCARETS. hr I ave a Your eves Hos bing sensation al $15 up You're bilious "vi @ in your mouth is yellow with undey v 3 vi ils 8 a' ur eves, ru ba 0 properly not ¢ ¢ bel ton { 1 ® u your head, s bad dark No wander. you feel ugly, Bil pasted Hr resort to igorae morni 1! and bon des néed Child fle #8 REGULATE. STONACH, LIVER & BOWELS TASTE G000- NEVER GRIPE OR SICKEN, PEARSALL'S MILLINERY the ren rod SPECIAL SALE Felt Bhapes at half price, others at 50c.Each, All 'made Feather Turbans 25 P. C. OFF. COME IN AND SEE THEM. Pearsall's Millinery, 208 princess sr. EE ---------------------- I NO IIS RR SRE SR a LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW wholes of The: letter dexiriber the greival ae 1 Land copresesi | the elie i trvibdy waa through I onn be sured Weld oF To fel & mere shadow ob ie fad | ho For Bale or to Rent. Sales Negotiated Rents Collected Fire Insurance E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT, 1 Conveyancing and Real Estate MARKET SQUARE, -- BEWARE OF A COLD 2 Wear Rubbers. The Best Kinds Rightly priced. "MALTESE CROSS Sold Only By