7 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1911. Ses Dur New 11 Selig Comforts $5 Ala pete now in $4.50, 36.00, Rulftes In Nir. own up- fa itd in I roverings. HALT H-~All widths and patterns. CARPETS AND RUGS --ANl sizes. fome ay foreign makes. ¢ ce, Siadras, Silk, ete, Reps) 5 {holatering Work prompt ba ell 4 one, Yours, T. TF "HARRISON CO. of Jars Ww Yatent dobiwn B® Some' | Cheap Purchase OF Mohair Mats COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL 1s good Coal and we guarantes prompt delivery. BOOTH & CoO. o | of | possible. THE SPORT REVIEW | CADETS DO NUT GO T0 MONT- KE AL TILL NEXT WEEK, Grounds for Game Could Not be Se- cored for Saturday--Queen's , Soccer Team Has Gone to To. ronto. The Hoyal - Military College inter- mediate roghy team won't go #0 Mon- Stroal to play M.A AA. champions of the yrovinee of Quebec. 'This is due to the fact that the grounds will be vooupied on Saturday and arrange the Kingston boys could get their game in. The boys were prac timing faithfully every day, pending arrangements, but at the last mo ment it was found impossible t- ob tain the grounds. 'They will yo down next, week. Game Was a Tie. The rugby game Thureday after- noon letween two Queen's science teams, years '15 and '13, was d draw, ths final score being fourteen to four- teen. The freshmen were victorious in heir game ainst the sopho- mores, bat the husky bunch that the third year men al out was more than they could trim. The game wes a beautiful exhibition of = the FHT for both factors. end eos AN ec «sr rims Queen's Soccer Team. Kingston will be represented by an- other loam desirous of championship honors, mt the seend will be laid in Toronto on Saturday and the othe leading actor &ill be Toront Hives "il sOooer team Lid the Presi yer ing more than Thy varsity they - will fave the championship. U .they win it's theirs sure.. On the other hand, Toronto must win te get the cham pionship. Conditions of things at the present time look good for the boys from the Limestone City. They are depending on hard ground to help them con siderably and if the cold spell hangs on fur another day they will have their wish. 'Ioronto, while not works ing as well on groufid, depends on long drives to score for them, while Lueen's eap-score in spite of the opposing team on their pretty com bination work. The team left at moon for Toron- to on the G.T.R. flyer. The line-up for Saturday 'against Varsity will be: ig Fisher; backs, McCardel and B. MeKeonzio: halves, Ball, Macdonald and Le ord; forwards, Bissonnette, Masters, Foster, Whitehead and ¥. D McKenzie; spare, MeNoble, Inter-Faculty Rugby. A series of Inter-provincial games have been arranged and will he played off os L hese games luve "with "the view of having material at hand fox next and the scheme is a pavt of the plan of the, rugby club to train the materinl earlier and have more men to pick from. The first game will he hetween arts and medicine, and the winners will play off with science; 'The first game is on Sa turday afternoon and the sceond one Monday afternoon. Basketball Teams Practice. The senior basketball team at Queen's will hold ite first practice Friday afternoon, in the gymnasium, A number of the old players are back and some valuable new ones have been scoured. Soccer on Cricket Field. The Kingston Shipbuilding com- pany will play their first football 'game of the season on Saturday af ternoon, when they will the R. C.H.A. band at the cricket field at three p.-m. A good game may be ex- pected. rugby nt Uhieen's S001 as been HEAR good sSouson, Intermediate O.H.A. Team. The announcement has been made, Sof cially. that instead of a senior A. hockey team from Kingston this year, that an intermediate team will be formed. Owing to the valuable material that has been taken from the dashing Frontenacs of last year, it has been thought advisable by certain hockey men not- to enter a. semior team, but to try conclusions in inter- mediate circles. If Williams comes back, in all prabability he would be goalkeeper; Hyland and Nicholson have been counted on for the defence, while Weicker, Drotise, Gratton, Boyer and 'Shawneg! Reid have heen picked for ihe forward lime. Whether this teani materializes not: cannot be Sariuin, us or - last year's ments were unable to be made where |; real 8, and a large crowd of re RE ERY 1%: Neal 15th, the last day of grace. It him after two years fox the 0.H. aronto to- oad to see sence. Lhe rloction of "uflicery, A. will take nlice mn WOITOW. Kingston fans' sre ite satisfied with Ed Wettlaufler, who was. chosen president by heclaination. In reference to the sriendly . rugby game which is being arrange! 'The tween the Kingston and rigby clubs a sporting man told the Whig that he hoped there would be more friendly games of this Find, hot 'is rughy alone, but in others lines of sport, It cemented Irieudebip) Let vepen cities and towns. CITY AND VICINITY, fon 1 Only One Day More. For the free gold fish, given away with a 25¢. box of the best cold tab- lets known. Only a few aquariums left. Mahood's Drug Store. : Gold Fish Free. They are going fast. Buy a 25e. box of Rexall Cold Tablets and have them handy, The best remedy to eure a cold. With each box we are giving the gold fish free. Mahood's Drug Store. Parkin-Pappa Wedding. .A quiet wedding took place on Fri- day, November 10th, when Miss Haze! Pappa, daughter of the late William Pappa, was united in marriage to Alfred C. Parkin, third son of Mr. and Mew TM. Parkin Brogk sires ceremony Was performer by Enjoyed the Time. The King's Danghters of Sydenham Street Methodist churéh, gave the in mates of the House of Industry » treat on "Wednesday afternoon. These vamen visit this institution «very tat weeks, and tHE time i was 1 ly enjoyed by those why live a the nome. iretieh Special Committee Called. The special commitiee appointed to take up the question of changes in the city hall offices, and to consider if it would be advisable to consolidate some of 'the departments, was called to meet in Mayor Graham's office at the city hall, at four thirty o'clock this afternoon. "Madame X" is Coming. "Madamé X.," the powerfully play of Parisian life that has the reigning dramatic sensation for tho past two vears, with ite massive production on tour after eo record-breaking run of two seasons in Chicago and New York. "Madame X" comes to the Yirand on November 20th. vivid bee: May Extend a Call. Cooke's church may extend a call fo a minigter, in' a week or so, accord- ing to reports. Rev. Mr. Sharpe! who has a charge near London, Ont., will occupy the pulpit on Sunday. Six dif Herent-niimsters ave preached at Cooke's church since the pulpit was declared vacant Received Word From Ottawa. Bandsman TompKing, who reported that he had been robbed of all his belongings, has received word from Ottawa about his pension papers. He was formerly of England and came out and joined the Halifax band and later left for thie city. Om his way here he claims he was robbed at Guebee of £760, The Trades Council. A large number were present at the meeti of the Trades and Labor Council, Thursday evening, the presi- dent, William Buck, in the chair. Mr. , Hamilton, boot and shoe organ- izer, addressed the meeting on ques tions of interest to wage earners. There will be a meeting of the exo. cutive Friday night, to appoint a committees to wait on the board ot health. No Pay for the Soldiers. The men of the permanent forces here are raising a righteous protest over receiving no pay from Ottawa this: month. W. PF. Nickle, M.P., told the men at a concert of the R.C. ILA. that he would see that their pay came along on time, after a long in- terval of 'nothing doing." This is weather when many of the men have to buy coal, ete., and they need thei pay. It is understood that the ofh- cers commanding the varions batteries and corps have advanced the men a little from their private purses. S.A, Staff Band Coming. The local Salvationists are prepac- ing a hearty recoption for the terri torial staff bmod, which will be arrive ing on the 1.40 pm. train from the west Saturday. It has been arrnoped for the local band to march to the ay. station and meet the wisitors h bands will then march to the dade where ey will lunch togeth- program! Brockville The dae 4 [ Sar Ol THE DAY'S EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS ix © GENERAL. @ Ocenrrences in the City and Vieinity | «Other Brief Items of Interest Easily lead and Remembered. The roads are fine jor awtomobiling now, : Potatoes, the finest. J. CPawford. The eouk's best friend-- "Ring's Qual ity" tout, = The Froptense county council meet next Tuesday. Red Cross cough syrup will votr eough. Gitwon's. Parole Officer. Archibald city for a few days. Castile Soap, large two- pound bars, Je, it Best's, Satarday only. Wilham Swaine, piano tuner. + Orders receives at MeAuley's. Phone 778. i Try "Gibson's" Red Cross syrup. Cures any cough. The thermometer thi# morning vegis- tered eighteen degrees above zero. Emulsicns cod. liver oil. Gilson's. " Best pastry and bread flour on the market, "hing's Quality." 'ry it. The next thing suggested for the S. S. AAA to take up is fencing and boxing. New kooks at Try ings Juality' want satisfaction. nts buvs a big two | 'genuine nsii ¢ HOS ap, at will cure is. in the cough "Gibson's" library. flour if you "oul tHERoE'Y. Dutton's music store." Call for cata- logue. Everything in music, from 10¢, X¥4 Princess street. ~ New Tools at "Gibson's" H. Cwsowpimcham, plavo Ling street Lesve orders viulev's hookstore, Chamois vests. ' Gibson's The sow already here seems to ding tenaciously to mother earth. More is expected in a day or so. this is chamois vest wenther. . izes, Gibson's. Good strong hose, 20c.; all Oc, hose, for 35e.; childon's corsted hose, Me. and 25¢. 09 Princess street. Best's short stop syrup and tablets special eold combination, (both for 5c) will cure any heavy eold in the hest and head. Sanitol preparations. "'Gilgon's. C. W. Bishop, Canadian secretary of he YMC. A., was to deliver a lec :ure in Convocation hall, this after- oon, on mission work. Sanitol preparations. *'Gilson's. fhe flour the housewives prefer-- 'King's Quality." Miss Bessie MeGall, who underwent an operation in the Hotel Dieu, is do- | ing as well as can be expected, and will he able to receive visitors next week. "Byagen," large rolls. "King's Qualivy tour' srocer hears most. | See our-extra Stroug -vorset; - ale" of all kinds, $1.56, for >1, ons, 200 Princess street. * Mercotzed wax. - 'Gibson's." ! Master Alexander Potter, Rideau street, won second prize in the puzzie contest conducted by the Internation. al company, of Toronto, and is the winner of a handsonge prize. "Byagen," large rolls. Giuson's Owing to the cold snap, some of the rond work which has been going .on out on _the line of the Kian & Pembroke railway, Lg been abandon. | od, but will he rgsumie| in milder wea | ther. The company still has quite a number of men on various work. Sale of silk ribbon, all colors, 1l0e an yard, 81 motor veils 50e¢, children's waists 20c, bibs 5c. Dutton's, 209 | Princess street. The steamer Dalhousie City, last vear for the Hhrary, tuner, All woul, warm Dutton's, " Gibson's, £ Be Dut- | ¢ © Viale Niagara Naviga- Sreosasasarcsssrsesssens "Kingston's Famous Far Store." SALE OF MILLINERY. i LT BVT VTVTTLATTTVRTETR PTTL OTRS i : Wé never curry over 9 | our Millinery from one §! season to the other, and 'to-Morrow starts the } sacrifice prices. 25 Per Cet. Off TRIMMED HATS, MOUNTS, FEATHERS; SHAPES, WINGS, "WHITE FURS. pind LA a a est', [on company, will go nto dry dock tan be led by attendance is expected. mérnitg, at street, of known grocer of Kingston. leave business a has since been in "a from heart trouble, suffering se verely, and, in spite of he passed away, | his Westbrooke. shoemaker, is what the [OY grocery sen. Scientist tive in polities, mother, his wife, Walter P., of this city: tonto, ton. late residence' on Only When Confirmed validated and confirmed by ario legislature. | money [winking gon" Naughty Marietta, 'Neath the Southern selections, 260 PRINCESS STREET. Lyries by RIDA JOHNSON YOUNG For a limited time only we will carry ig-stock 'the principal numbers of this popular opera. ° I'm Falling in Love With Someounc. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp. It Never, Never Caw be Love If I Were Anybody Vise But Me. Y MARIETTA MUSIC Music by VICTOR HERBERT Moon. Complete Vocal Score. ' OPEN NIGHTS, 4 I's" Pretty Soft For Simeon. Italian Street Song. You Marry a Marionette. % The Dream Melody. "The Sweet Hye and Byes Live For To-day. The College Book Store ' Waltz. 'Phone 919. TER here, when she ends. her trips, for the | parpess of having blige keels paren. 1his.it is expected will increase the speed of the craft. Have vou tried Sold at Gibson's. Order your corset at Dutton's, per t fit, from 33, no city agent. 209 rineess street. : As' our friends whe have ed ~oxolite. Giison's, ihe nmgston branch of the Angh Laymen's Migsionaty Movement wiil hold a meeting of intercession, Friday evening, at eight o'clock, in st. Georges hall. ihe meeting will Dean Bidwell, and a large "mercolized wax ¥'* OF JOSEPH LEMMON, DEATH Well-known Montreal Grocer, on Friday. death occurred on his home on Joseph Lemmon, "he Street The Friday Alfred the wii Forced ted week ago, deceased serious condition that could be done, The late Mr. fifty-fourth Lemmon, who was in year, was born m Years apd he was a and kept a general store it Battersea. He had resided in this for seventeen years, keeping a store on Montreal street. The late Mr Eemmon waz the fourth {of a family of fourteen. Thirty-five | years ago he married Susanna Sieeth, laughter of Witliam Sleeth, of Batter Deceased, who was a Christian in religion and a econserva- is survived by his four sons and one William T., Joseph A., Frank H., 1 and Mrs. W. A. Spriggs, . Pie Fhe funeral takes place from his Monday afternoon, fnughter : BY-LAW IS OPERATIVE by the On- tario Legislature, A perusal of the hotel by law shows that it becomes operative only when the Ount- The passing of the measure by the people and the city council does not make it law, Only the action of the Ontario legislature can do this The Shipbuilding com- pany 'by-law, voted upon in 1910, had to be sanctioned by the legislature It seems that the- Ring Edward hotel company, Toronto, received cer tain exemption by act of the legislat- ure, and it is pretty certain that the same body will recognize a big ma- jority vote of the property owners of Kingston. HAD GOOD FRIEND. Man Supposed to Have Been Robbed | Fpund His Money. The young man who was in puliee court on Thursday, accused of being drunk, ard who reported the loss of 860, which it was supposed had been taken from I'm while he was in his cups, was given quite a surprise to- duy when he secured the mooey It appears that be had on friend who was gol enough to Fake the away from "him while he was believing that he would ose 11. Wile sober, today, the friend handed him back the money. The young fellow called at the po- hice station to tell.the good news to the constables. 'He savs he will keep a firm grip on tne "'water-wag- in the future. November Rod and Gun, For the big game hunting month, Rod and Gun in Canada, still keeps big game stories well to the front in the November isiue. Tuptefs will all welcome the wealth of good stories contained in the latest isswe. Honny- castle Dale opens the number with one of his British Columbia studies, which he kes so fascinating to all lovers of the outdoors. More is heard about the wolves and still more about the moose, a large head having been se cured by Mr. Rankin: A variety from the big game stories is introduced by one relating the adventures of a duck shooting ition in Saskatchewan, trip in Nova Scotia. Malvina Cream, af Mcleod Prag Stoves, A woman's idea of Tight housek@y. | --=----= Another shipment of kodak sippiies at Gibson's. What 's woman likes: aboul a" novel {is the rdent Chait 1. soln ¢ ave hap: pened im real life, gs eu py a A are wed nowadays' without » a. deal of reguid. HE eonnttessnntetes rT and a combined shooting and' hunting {Dich Bulbs Tord 3 Fall Planting mr a, { Importe d Direct. from Holland. Best Bplbs at Best Prices. Hyacinth, Tulips, Narcissus, Daffodils Crocus, Treezia Now is the fime to plant the garden for Spring Blossoming or Indoors for Christmas » SIPISIIEPI SESE VIII IIvIsIv YYwerY Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 183 PRINCESS STREET. ! "Phone 343, ~ » Dd FIFI TITER CER \ Children s I COATS : ..T0 CLEAR SATURDAY-. § Ages 8 and 10 years ¢ Regular Prices $5.00 to $7.50 to clear at $2.95 EACH. Hs LADIES'; a Eee) OOO SCRCRO MS ee @ VeleYe d 2.818)0 Tee (TWEEDS) 500 Yes bie PRET IDIODEE 16.60 to go at $ 381.50 PER SUIT. Our stock Ladies' w and Children's Under- wear is complete, also S Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts « and all 'kinds of wool E goods, ' CaS iy PRE eee we Bre ele) Shop here and save money. A er a a, Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. SEPP EE > OO wp Cleansing and Laying and Furniture dlepalring, 379 KING cr "Phone 1089. Mereolized wax, Stores. \ 1 SA woman selions Seat i, man. on fit mb) od ld Fe ien't Least erpthy : ol | {LET YOUR THOUGHTS 3 CLOTH SUITS: =L Regular $12.80 to & at Meloodt's Brug | on a TIE PIN or PAIR of CUFF ofroll } HIS this condeg 'Xmas. Then associate Tie Pins and Cuff Links with SMITH BROS. store, the uniform reliability of the sell, SMITH BROS., 350 KiNG STREET. Jewellers, Opticians, " present and Goods we Issuers of Marriage Licenses, TV TRTVOTTVRLTTVT VIO BTRBTOBV Oe TEV VTVBONS Pesan assesses ssssel AND RE PAIRING Ww. F GOURDIER - - a . re Ir = on - | SE is * AC IEA 11] Lo Spectacle is no more adapted to your face than any cout to your body. The, fit. of the frame is as important as the fit of the lenses. We make a specialty of both. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED, © KEELEY, Jr. Optometrist, 226 PRINCESS STREET. | STUEBCEN AS A MLL 2 | SHIRTS i Thai - have been laundered ironed out of chape- with hands askance i and humps f§ the bosoms thai F will moi down, didnt come from this LAUNDRY 4 Our shirts are as tractabls yielding and pHan: as a well { trained birddog A Poister for Yom to Follow. Kingston Laundry Cor. Priscrss & Sydenham Sts, J "Phone 22. improper; ~ a ah ee cae BRS oe