Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Nov 1911, p. 4

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EEE: - Douglas Fir and Spruce Lumberis made from .- SELECT LOGS '§ 1S. Anglin & Co. : Cor. Bay & Wallington CEEAACEREEEEEE ton. Ontario, at $6 dg day WEEKLY DRITiSH Wing, and J gomage aq 1 be Added, Re Belleville will, in connection with the municipal election, vote upon the (s) | recommendation .of the council, and to ® |the effect that its membership be re- HAIR HEALTH Take Advantage of This Generous : : Offer. Your money "back upon request at our store if Rexull "98" Hair Tonic doesn't do as we claim, That's pw guarantee. You obligate yourself to nothing - whatever. Could you ask or ¢ould we give your stronger proof of our confidence in the bair restor- ing qualities of this preparation? We could not afford to so strong: iy endorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do, if it did not do all we claim ft will. Should our enthusiasm have carvied us away, and Rexall 98" Hajr Ton- f¢ not give entire satislaction to the users, they would lose faith in us and our statements, and in consequence our business prestige would suffer. Wo assure you that if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out if you have any scalp trouble, Rexall #93" Hair Tonie will promptly eradi- cate dandruff, stimulate hair growth, "Sind prevent premature baldness; or the above guarantee becomes' opera- Bive. Two sizes, BOe. and 81. Sold wl at our stores TH Rex4ll Stoxg. . W. Mahood, Sy Men's Overcoats Made to stand rough usage ana coldest weather. See our splendid qualities at $7.50, $8.30, $10, $12 and $13. wes +. Men's Winter Suits, .. .. $6.50, $8.50, $10, $12, to $15. Underwear, Sox, Sweaters, Gloves, Caps, Boots, Rubbers, all at Targa prices. ISAAC ZACK 271 PRINCESS STREET, STOCK. } A Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A iin Topic, ls Eon whi of sirength Xo. 1 oy eT Se fon ec) cane. ois Adie La Loe THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on it is crowing louder as he goes along. Only 40c per pound. For chewing and #nioking. AT A; MACLEAN'S, Ontario' Street. FHERKPIBNEY bad legs.sores, dischary ay Mod Bavaro: :dvatus, josses, &c. Either No.at ts or Mail $1 from agora 8 Co.. .90 man a ew York City, a on ros, Co, Ltd. Toronto. Hin doubt Not required, send self addressed envelope for free book to Dr. Le Clerc] Med.§ Cn. Haverstock Rd. pstead, London, Eng. Try ne 'asteless) Form of Therapion, rasy to Ad safe, lasting cure. ] } ERY yg, OR in 28 an ER was oo duced to ten. The plea that a smaller number of men can do the city's business as pungctuglly and as well as a larger number, Number is not the only comiderai tion. It does not ence what size the council is so long ad it as members those who are uahtal, aggréssive, active and useful. Ten men "who will attend to business, who will "answer the sum- monses to committee meetings, can give to the affairs of it the -consider- ation which is its due. is A THE WHIG, SEVENTYEIGHTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH. WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street Kings- Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. 18 pages, shed making piles of TAttached Is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap work; mine improved presses THE BANTSH: WG PUBLISHING £1. LED 23 Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church Street, Toronto. H. E. Smaliplece, J.P., reprosentat ye. A SMALLER COUNCIL make much differ- | in parts on Mon- United States. for J. G. Elliott, President. » han 4. Gud: See Tyow - sas one members and a mayor, and vet there were times last summer when committees could not secure guorums, and the accounts had to be passed on the authority of the mayor and chair men of committees, The neglect of duty on' the part of some aldermen has been shameful. But would this neglect be less marked, or would it disappear with a smaller council ? | That is the question. of Dally $3 aud of Weekly $1.60 | ING CARTRIDGES IN FIRE. Awful Explosion Follows----Parts of Bodies Were Hurled in All Direc. tions---Omne Alights in Tree. Roshestet, N.X., Nov. 17.--A boyish ank eis nitro-glycerine git into a bonfire they had but, Airgas resulted in and two companions died later at the general hospital. "The dead are: John MeGuire, aged fourteen; Archi- bald Clark, thirteen; William - Perry, » lotce of the axplosion shattered windows within a radius of 300 feet. It is believed that the bovs threw about 450 of the blasting cartridges ito the fire. The boys took them from the plant of the Rochester Lime company. The ody of Me uire was hurled high in the air over a tall tree and landed in the branches of an apple tree. The head was found on the roof of a back kitchen of a dwelling about 100 feet in an opposite direction, while one leg was carried over several trees and one we duel ling before it landed on the k of a street 200 feet away. The eyes of both the Clark and ery boy were blown out and A Ss a Ean PUT NITRO-GLYCERINE BLAST. BBBYS" iz ONE-PRIC E Fong AND t= $400 and $6.00 an pHi '{explosion that instantly killed qne boy "The government of cities by com- mission has been advocated. In some places in the United States it has been a pronounced -- success. --In other places it has been a failure. It is for the experts to bring to bear upon the situation the study which will effectu- ally establish the merits or demerits "ae Kingston has a council of twenty- of the system. The admirable address of Mr. Row- oll presents many isbues, the merits ol which will be duly considered during the campaign. Only one will be touched upon - here; the temperance. question, and the attitude of the op- position deader towards it, It is not surprising that the temperance men bhave already interviewed Mr. Rowell upon the subject. Ile has co-operated with some of them in the moral move ments of the day, and they feel that if any man take an effective stand against he can. Mr. Rowell's could the drink traflic, / deliverance at Massey hall was candid, forceful and fair. He has realized that public opinien ie divided upon the methods of ridding Canada of 'the drink evils, Among the temperance people thers were con flicting views. Some advised prohi- bitior, complete and immediate; some asked for the abolition of the bars, and a transfer to. the government of the management of the business out- side of the bars; and some want a gradual reduction in the licenses until in the process of time there would be MR. ROWELL AD TEMPERANCE. a complete suspension of the traffic. - Mr. Rowell saw the necessity of Set ting, by careful study, at the most di- rect and effective way of reaching a decisive résult, and he promises before the next general election to work out ~he problem -and to presenta selu- tion which the people can accept. Meanwhile he advocates she aboli- tion of the three-fifths clause of the law, on the ground that it seriously handicaps men in their work, that it has been Ahe means of leaving 120 municipalities with taverns or hotels and 421 licenses which would be un- der option prevail. In addition he is prepared:to move that the liquor business be re- mitted to a commission, for the la- hours of wnich thé government would be held to strict accountability, In this matter there is an emphatic difference between the government and the : opposition. The government is wedded to 'the three-fifths clause--be- catige it favours the liquor interest-- and Sir James has said that he is op- posed to the appointment of any com- mission upon the question. On this point the battle will be fought to a finish by the . liquor and anti-liquor forces, The liberals of the county of Fron- tennc are fortunate in having secured as their candidate for the coming pro- vincial election, such an able cangi- date as the Rev, J. P, Meclnnes, of Harrowsmith, who, in the interests of the party, will, immediately, resign his ministerial position to enter the contest against the conservative can- didate in what is regarded as ove of the strongholds of conservatism in this province. Mri Melones, unknown to many of the libefals of Frontenae, won his way into their favor gt the gathering on Thursday by his practical and comprehensive grasp with regard to the needs of this province, political- iy. He discussed jssues in a clear manner, showing the desirability of progress in many ways and in the ad- ministration of the public affairs of 'the province. He sounded the true note of liberal- ism, progress and advancement and FRONTENAC'S LIBERAL CANDIDATE. ------------ i ---- the well-being of the gon. mass of the i A. W. Wright, -eonservative diy date in West Toronto, is against bi- EDITORIAL L NOTES, * | being told by caneaseers for people. He denounced class and creed distinetion, stood for all that was true and upright in the administra tion of justice and advocated all those educative .and moral forces that will make for the prosperity and progress of the people. Mr. Mclumes steps into the arena with the undoubted purpose to win, and he promises to carry om a cam- paign for the next three weeks that will be distinct in its type; he feels sute. that with the support and good: will of the liberal party in Frontenac such a fight will be put ap, as will result in +his being the next represen: tative in the provincial legislature. Throughout the whole gatheriiig in the court house, on Thursday after noon, much enthusiasm was' shown in the support of. liberalism. The old guard was there ready to enter into such a fight ag they have done on many previous oceasions, and heart: ened by the bright outlook for vie tory. x overt Tinos: $15,000 by the annoy- 'ance and interference of an election in the holiday mouth of the year, The people o Wellington county are law did a majority vote]. | poverished, ik intdad th were terribly Neither recovered consciousness. BIG ROBBERY SCHEME. Arrested While Getting Away With Cash Box. Cleveland, 0., Nov. 17.--Because it was so easy to walk into big depart- ment stores, pose to the cashier as an expert accountant, examining the books and demand the cash box, Mrs, Maude Wilbur, of Syracuse, N. Y., said she hadn't the heart to deny to the police that she had worked her robbery scheme in several big cities in the east, Mrs. Wilbur, known in Syracuse as Mabel Wilson, was caught walking from a department store here with the cash box under her arm. Her case has been continued in the courts, but the only thing that is bothering the young woman is that she faces possibility of ' being re-arrested on charges brought against her in other cities. She has hopes of being releas- box, -------------- THE WHIG'S PUZZLE, Can You Guess What the Picture nts? What musical instrument ? Answer to Thursday's puzzle : ter. : Blot: Capt. Kidd Dead. Duluth, Minn.,, Nov. 17.--Captain Joseph Kidd, a marine surveyor on thé] ed here because she was caught before ||ii! being able to get .away with the cash {ii SALE OF Breasted Styles. wr Agents for Canada's Best Shoemaker. JANDEOLD A Convertible} YCoat, Suitable for our. Winters (racrecizn BY PATENT ) Hartt Shoe, $5.00 KEEN CUT SHOE The Norwood. The Paramount. The Summit. The Greatest $4. 00 ~ Shoe 'in Canada. Ready for Saturday Selling. New Goods. New Models. Bench Made Goods. ' ; hi (recistEnes, Don't pass these Shoes)by , with- i - owt taking notice. Please, OVERCOATS $15. 00 | Saturday morning we place on Sale two hundred Handsome Overcoats. " Classy Coats for Dressy Chaps." The New Senator, The Premier, The Standfold, etc. Fabrics--the very newest Jpatterns in Scotch and English Cheviote-and Tweeds. Two style Collar, Velvet Collars, and Self Colas, « Single and double If you are in need of a new Overcoat, Don't Miss Seeing These ===== $15.00 WONDERS == Patent, Button, Box { Calf and Blucher. i} ents for rows and Dent's Gloves. the Great Lakes, died of heart dis ease last night. He superintended the construction of all the '"'whaleback" ships ever constructed. Many of them are now in Atlantic and Pacific coast service. He was born at Newcastle on the Tyne, England; sixty-four years ago. That Pallid Complexion. In both sexes the blood bhscomes im- the aystem weak and worn out. A pallid, sickly complexion is a sure sign of thin, watery blood. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills add new, rich blood, strengthen the system and make the complexion healthy. Price 25 cents. For sale by Jas. B, Me Leod, druggist. w------------ Girls Shine Shoes For Piano. Princeton, Mo., Nov. 17.--Misy Myr- tle Fair, a student of the Princeton high school, made $17 shining shoes op the streets here. Misses Gay Wilson and Coral Marsler made pearly as much. They were trying to raise en- h to buy a piano for the school. Other girls washed windows of busi- ness houses. 8S. C. Fair, superinten- dent of the 'schools, beat a carpet for $3. ------------ * Ladies' Fur-lined Coats. I you buy one that's made at Campbell Bros', you'll bave one thai is not surpassed in Canada for syle, fit, quality or value. Hn de Oriville Harrold, the téiior. discover for Men Agents for Underwear and SweaterCoats BIBBY 78 80-82 PRINCESS. A ri CHILD MALTREATED. Brain Fever Alleged to Have Ensued as. Result of Punishment, Brockville, Ont., Nov, 16.--A case that attracted some attention came before Police Magistrate Deacon here today, being a charge against Miss Nora 'McCrea, now of Merrickville, ot assaulting with grievous bodily harm Helen' MeCoubrie, a nine-year-old pu- pil of a school near Frankville, of which she was until recently a teach- er. In administering punishment it is alleged that Miss McCrea used a ruler on the head of the child, inflict: ing injuries which produced brain fever. The whipping was repeated when the pupil returned to school after making complaint to her father, who accepted $500 from the teacher to withdraw criminal prosecution. Be- ing a child placed by the Brockville Children's Rid Society, the summoned Mis McCrea to court, and on the evidence submitted the magis- trate committed her for trial, The de- .endant was admitted to bail in the sum of $400. The offences were com- mitted on the 19th and 28rd of Octo- ber last, and the Mctoubrie child is still suffering from the sleets of the assaults. \ Potatoss; the $mest. J. Crawford. And a man's wife loves a cheerful Leaf Milli 'o., ig an ap vwhere. Have you in Ottawa that Dr. de Van's Female Pills reliable French egnlator: never fails. These pills are exceedingl werful in regulating the generative fon A ¢ jemale system. Refuse all | cheap im ations, *s are sold at x,-Or th Bosal] Ber dX. eed to any address. ign sale at Mahood s Drug Store. COBDS SOLD ON TINE All kinds of Dry Goods Men's Boys' and Ladies' Suits, Boots and Shoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings etc, sold on easy payment plan. Come In, see our goods and terms. New Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing just received. It will pay you to call and see it Joseph Abramsky ADVERTISING Has been known to bring people « lot of initial or first orders for som» very inferior goods, and right at this Joint is where a great many mano acturers or dealers fool themsel'e: Any manufacturing _ brodue which does fiot "possess sufficien merit to do at least half the pullin for reorders instead of relying ur on py adver Haing to do It all ar mighty good goods for a man stop 8. Incidentally ,we might modestly mention at this point 2 te a Customer always a &u Cook With Gas. Cheap, Clean, and Convenient Lg, feat and Pover Co. _-- Kid Glove Cleaners. The ki¢ glove season has come again. Let us clean youn kid gloves and make them new again---cleaned inside and out- side. 4 B®: PARKER & CO, Dyers snd Cleaners, "#9 Princess Si. Kingston, Ont. | 4 : : Sohcrtion For Canadian Locomotive Co., 6 Per Cent. Bonds In Denominations of -- $100, $500. and $1000. Price--Par and Interest ~~ Apply To J. 0. Hutton COT CAL DOLLARS WiLL SIENA ALT AW FORD'S ; % L

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