Latest Products of the Designer for the Comfort and Adornment of the Automobile User, ""Otie. ol the newest automobile coats for women is of soft moleskin, with collar and cuffs of fox, and the lining is of brocaded satin. It is full length and the collar may be tdrmed up over the ears in cold weather. » ne of the very. fashionable hats is a purple velvet pointed crown and Dutch brim, trimmed with white worsted flowers, It is worn with a while silk mesh veil. One of the warmest things this year in fur Poats is lined with lambs wool lining. It is full sixty inches long snd comes in muskrat, raccoon. and other popular furs, Leather toileite eases made of grain- ed automobile Teather are the newest fad. They are in a number of shapes, some flat, some #yuare and others like little dress suit cases. They are all fitted elaborately, an especially at- tractive one being fitted in ebony that may be silver initialled if desired. There is one handy case for a man's pocket that has. a folding brush, comb, and taoth brush. They fold so futly that they do not bilge the poo- etl. A npewsidea in a dress suit case is one made of automobile leather, which has a tray like a small trunk. When it is lifted out there are three sides fitted with the (toilette outfit, with room for night clothes and slippers besides, and there is an envelope fla on the inside of the cover for skirts and waists, There is a very handy little flask that fits into the drinking cup that comes in a pigekin case. It is not large enough for a long trip, but ix good for a short run, An innovation in the way of knitted hoods is one having long scarf ends that may be wrapped around the neck for extra warmth, The heavy wale overcoats for men come with a lamb's wool lining that snaps into place with catches, and may be removed when the day is too warm and it becomes burdensome, leaving just the satin lining. Thé White or silver grey Angors scarfs with ¢olo¥ed horders seem to be very popular-and arg long enough to wrap twice around the neck. : Miniature toilette cases of "'Vietor- ian," as they are called, are new and very dainty. They are about the size of the ary jowel box and are lin- ed with deliente soloved silks. The fit- tings are of silver or gold. All the articles are of small size and are very attractive, One of the seal coats for automobile use has a very effective hood. Tt is Jointed high above the head and when astened at the neck the vim of fox if and hat seth tapestry edged h séalukin.. . 'The. ) vhas a soft rolling brim of the fur caught back with a green velvet wing and brilli- ant green cabathon. The muff is rath- or smaller than for street use, is fin- ished with the gold galloon ornaments and is lined with green, as is the scarf, which is gathered in at the ends with gold tassels, - Among the reversible coats is one that is especinlly dainty in white, with a heliotrope reverse. Silk loops with big silk crochet Buttbng in contrasting colors, the white en the heliotrope and the heliotrope on the white, finish this pretty garment. Many women keep in the car for the first cool days a pair of the black velvet boots lined with quilted silk ne of the wall, for fall wee is made of wit! The fur about the face js very ie ol The Hamilton Alerts p son, and every effort will be made to over the other shoes. They comfortable, MGR. CANALI NOT CHOSEN are. vory Appointment of Apostolic Delegate to Washington Deferred. Rome, Nov. 17.--Mgr. Canali, 'wnder secretary of state at the vatican, will not be appointed: apostolic delegate ag Washington to succeed Mgr. Faiconio, as haw been reported. It was positive Canali would not be transferred from his present position, nor did the pa- pal secretary of state, Cardinal Merry del Val, wish him to abandon the of- fice he now holds. > the new apostolic delegate will be de layed until after "the comsistory, when Cardinal Faleonio will discuss the matter with the papal sccretary. Amo the candidates mentioned for the office, Mgr. Agios, apostolic dele gate at Manilla, is most favored. The pope has decided to ereate Arch- bishop Farley cardinal under the title of the Church of Sancta Maria Sopra Minerva, the title held by the late Cardinal MeCloskey, the first Ameri aye cardinal. Archbishop Bonnell will be assigned to the titular churdh of St. Callixtus, attached to the Bepe- dictine monastery of that name. Notes on Sport. Wanderers, of Montreal, will seek the services "of Broadbent and Benedict, Ottawa hockey amateurs. ° The Ottawa ice trotting dates are January 4th to January [0th., Hall opens January 18th and closes Janu- ary 24th. There will in all probability, be no professional hockey 'in Berlin this sep. bring the mateur game back to the enthusiasm of the old days. Home runs were plentify! in the Am- erican<- Baseball League last season. Thisty-five four-sackers were made at Detroit, thirty at Washington, and Boston, and twénty homeward-bound boys slid across at Sti Louis. True sportsmanship was shown by Princeton. studimts, who refused to collect wages with Dartmouth men as a result of the Tigers' lucky victory over Dartmouth made possible by a goal from the field which bounded over the cross bar. Fielding honors among pitchers of the American Baseball League went to Chief Bender, of the Philadephia elub, according to the official averages of the 1911 season, anmganced, by. Presi- dent Johnson. BA Philadelphia pitcher played in thirty-one games without an error. The pennant winning Giants of the National Baseball League left yester day for Havana to engage in a series of contests with Cuban teams. The club expects to be home by Christmas, The Giants play in Jacksonville, Mi- ami, and Key West on their way south, Capt. Binkley, of the Argonauts, does pot anticipate any walk-over on will lake some beating he estimates and though the scullers should win, it looks forward 16 a hard argument. He believes. that the OR.F.U. cham- pions are as strong, if not stronger, than the Tigers, No Risk at All, Cuts, brisses, burns, scalds, boils and such mishaps carry no risk of blood poisoning whatever, and causé very little discomfort if you prompy ly apply that sure cure, "Mecca" Ointment, None should be without it. Big 8 oz jar, 26c., at al drug. wists, '08 op 0) uodn paj(vo J pHOM FYI Ww uval IEIIHUNID OY) PWN PIuod JUS uy) PogsSnIuE st uvmiom peruawvm Saag] An ounce of prevention is also worth and edged with fur that slip right on ly asserted at the vatican that Mgr | It is likely that the appointment of {, "securities and effects which were com-{ of the fur over the shofilders. big muff of the same white pelt add now the height of fashion. THE DRAPED HOOD---A NEW TRIMMING FOR FUR COATS, Splendidly warm is this superb wrap of sealskin with its huge cape The cape is shaped to simulate a pointed hood lined with. a contrasting fur and the white contrasts effectively with the dark sealskin. the broad effect across the top dnd the tapering lines toward the feet, of the ermine lining Cuffs of the ermine and a richness to the coat. . This wrap has ftm-- Ee -- n -- CHANGE IN ARCHIVES. Branch May be Placed Under Secre- tary of State. Ottawa, Nov. 17.-1It that the government ganize some of the departments. It is understood that the speoch from the throne will foreshadow, the introduc tion of bills respecting the depart- ment of external afiairs and the arch- ives department of the department of agriculture. The archives will probab- ly be placed under the secretary - of state. - vy : probable reor- is will soon is wi A Word for the Broadbill. The 'Quting Magagine. Many ave the gunners who scoff ut the broadbill, bluebill, blackhead or whatever the Tocil name for the scaup duck happens to be. These hunters are doing the glossy headed, white bellied little bumbiebees of the win ter water aun injustice. There are no gamer little fellows than the broad- bill. They are nearly as sporty as the royal canvasback, as swilt almost as the teal, as beautiful when eoming to decoys #8 any duck. Heavens, how they come ! Glossy black head straight out, bodies as symmetrical as winged bottles, short, crisp wings flashing like lightning, flaring first one white side, thon the other, to the sunlight. They ask no odds of any fowl-and need a pound of regret. ~That Quick and none, - FOREIGN CROP CONDITIONS. Reports From Growing - Countries Generally Favorable. Foreign crop conditions, as cabled by Liverpool Corn Trade News : United Kingdom--There are some complaints being - expressed regarding too much rain for the sown wheat. Early - sown wheat shows a good growth. The weather is still rainy. France--The erop outlook is favor- able, with a larger acreage sown' this year. Offerings of native wheat are increasing, gigs" y Germany--The crop conditions are favorable, with the weather season- able. Offerings of native wheat are, however, Jight. Hungary ~The erop outlook is ex- cellent, but offers, however, are rather scarce, Russin--There is only a small num- ber of vessels londing grain on . the Sen of Avzoff. The weather is favor able, but exporters ave not inclined to put through fresh business. Roumanmia--~The new wown wheat is in need of rain. Arrivals at the ports are small. Crop conditions in corn are improving. Ttaly--The crop outlook is favorable. Supplies of native wheat are held fifioly. Spain--There is a good area seeded to wheat, with conditions favorable. Growers are agitating for an increase in the import duty. Argentina<There are reports being received of ly growing character. Australin--Wheat is more freely offered. India--The erop outlook is very fav- orable. . some private an extreme being rather i -------- STRIKE AT TORREON, MEXICO. Even the Servant Girls Have Joined the Movement. Torreon, Mex., Nov. . 11.--X pe strike has been declared here, others] ing in a seriolis situation, The tba- kers have jcined the movement and a bread famine is threatened. Five thousand workmen are idle, €nclud- ing: a thousand smelter wmplayees. ihe smelting works have been closed and the shippes notified hy the managers to suspend the shippng of material for ten days. Execnt for the are lamps. the city was in darkness last might, striking linemen - interfering with the tion of the electric system. 16 elose its office owing to th that otherwise the Suployom ru be dragged from their posts. Even the servant girla have joined the at, and are quitting their The . market place has been osed, and the street cars are ng longer being operated. | x A thousand federal soldiers 'are on their way here from Monterey. S, fur there has been no destruction of Property, QUEBEC DRY DOCK COMPANY. | ---- Charter Granted to a Number Quelle, Nov. 16.--A charter of in. corporation has been granted British N American' JrEid af fs : opera-|- The Enterprise has been compelled | ; 1911. i DALEY WILL 1S UPHELD. Windsor and Detroit Women, Sisters of Deceased, Disputed Validity. Detroit, Nov. 17.--After a 'hearing in the probate court at Mount Clemens, Mich., which lasted for nearly three| weeks, it took a jury just twenty min- utes yemtiday So, Sonics that will of William J. ey, usp hin, it his $75,000 estate to his i. vs. made without the axercise of undue in- fluence and was, therefore, legal, Two sisters of decgased. Mrs. Fanny Rad- clifie, of Windsor, Ont., and Mrs, Car- oline MeAfee, of Detroit, contested their brother's will on the ground that there was another will 'in existence, and that the docament offered for probate had been obtained by tRe use of undue influence and was, therefore, illegal. The contestants claimed they had cared for their brother when he was young and that they were omtitl- ed to a portion of his estate at his death, ri edb i -- LEOPOLD'S WIDOW WINS, Keeps Money the Late King Put in Trust for Her. Brussels, Nov, 17T.--A al decision was handed down y y against' the Princess Louise, daughter of the late Ning Leopold, in her suit against the Niederfuellback Foundation, and the Belgian State and National Bank for a restitution of certain property, prised in the foundation. : : It is alleged that the late king! made these properties over to the foundation for the benefit of the Bar-| oness Vaughan, his wife, and the! mother of several of his children. FATAL TO HORSES. Sand and Salt-on Tracks Lead to Blood Poisoning. Montreal, Nov. 17. The Montreal Vehicular and Traffic Association have arranged with the board of control for an appointment, whén it will urge uuon the board the necessity for a by-law 'which will prohibit the excess- ive use of sand and salt by the Mont- real street railway to clear their tracks. The association points out that the sand and salt cakes into the space below the horse's fetlock and freezes, blood poison sets in, and the horse dies. From thirty to fost horses are loswvery monk during the win- ter from this cause the assodiation claims, 4 The Head is at Fault. Weekly Sun. The depletion of the rural popula- tion and the allurements of business defer for the present all hope of a teaching profession such as Dr, Pyne and his advisers planned, and practi cal wisdom dictates a return to the old system by which use was bud in the schools of the" young men and women who secured the diploma of the model school. Fine theories must give way to practical necessity. The trouble with the Department of education is its bureaucracy, blind to actual soeial and economic conditions. legislating initiative out of existence and making a system so rigid that it cannot be made to fit the varied con- ditions of the province. No ome out- side of the bureau is assumed to be able to move without direction. The school inspectors are put under in- spection, and péquired to take lect- ures from #ime to time in Toronto. Thhere is one deféct Tn the perfect sym- metry of the system, to wit, that there is not an inspector of the superinten- dent of education, Mr. Seath, For the training of high school teachers a faculty of education has been added to the university, where the young B. A's attend a profes- gional cowmrse. In addition to train- ing in the science of teaching, the uni- versity retrained. and re- examined on the subjects which are taught in the high schools. The as- sumption, unflatteringly both tb the university and graduates, is made that four years in the university have failed to awaken intellectual power to understand the high school work. Mere rote learning is the system's best achievement on ite own confession. That seems grossly absurd. Distress From Indigestion Tried in Vain to Get & Giire--All Medicines Failed. the pF dppb Bhs bowels, it i get these organs health active that you ecsn ever hope > two cases i wd | be y eB B | IN THE THICK OF THINGS OR' THE THIN OF THINGS? It takes the steady nerve, the elastic .. step, the energetic body 'to meet - grasps the fact that body and nerves must be properly nourished. Weak, hesitating, doubting natures are those who lack vitality. Their kingdom is the crust or outer edge-- the thin of things. SCOTT'S EMULSION is the vitalizer for all ages. It feeds whohoo od Fo rit hh pure, stimulate--it nourishes. ALL DRUGG STS HAVE YOU TRIED ORANGE MAIZE THE LATEST IN Toasted 'Corn Flakes? AS DELICIOUS AS ANY CONFECTION Order a Package|to-day. A OF 25¢ per package. 10c per package. - FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT. FLORIDA ORANGES. * IANAICA GRAPE FRU, JAMAICA ORANGES, MALAGA GRAPES, A. J. REES, 166 PRINCESS ST. Phone 58 A ------ BER WEATHER New Lower Prices on Rubbers All Men's Fine Caston Rubbers. Old Price $1.10 and $1.16. New Price - $1.00 Men's Bulk Rubbers. Old Price $1. : New Price .- 85ec¢c. Women's Fine Rubbers. 80c. New Price 75¢c. Women's Bulk Rubbers. Old Price 70c. New Price - 6 0 C. Misses' Rubbers now 50c. instead of 60c. Child's 6 to 10 1-2, now 40c. instead of 56c. All new fresh goods, best brands on the market J. H. Sutharland & Bro, Old Price OOOO000IOCO TC O0C et feb ¥ ie] 5 y ' "THE HOME OF | 00D SHOEMAKING" Vale ela 4 CEERI ERE IIE CEREAL EERIE EE ESEEEE A RE RREEGEGEE NaEFEE ERNE. 1 i ule)