Vi PAGES 9 10 i" A ¥ YEAR 78-NO. 269, KINGSTON: ON ARIO, SATURDAY, N. NOVEMBER 18, ------ 1911. ---- visits \ who nerthe ra Hollund, Peluium if | i The traveller. Lurope, especially und Northern Gormany notices the the dog as a ntrden hearer, Tor in these countries he takes the phe of & { 18 hi haul ng, In such Huymbirg and Prewen parts of Berlin the dog eaniol foil ti work of hove a cies id some | je used for pulling all sorts of light enrts about |r the cities, "Ihe butcher and th baker ard theenddlontick ake all depend on the faithinl dog for the delivery of their snares. hn Holland ton, he is the puilby of nimuherless small vehioles, ard to twenty-five yours agb he ad sie®il 'th drawing the bouts alung the canal. The law, however, freed Jim from this labor; and women and children now assist in the work in his pla The dog a8 a burden bearer is more picturesque in Belgium than in any other part of the werid. an ani mel fe Is not beutiful "mn laute'" and ' husky" of dies he nko peel Long jours the ice and snow, nor is ha drive «9 cruel as the wan who "touches up' the animals when they refuse to "mush" fast enough to please: him over the © vast ice fitlds of Alaska The driver of the Belgiom draft doy is a woman; pi although the Flem- ivh womidn is a hard Avorker and < the "man in many orenpations erueliy to animals is. as far fram, her nature agit iw from the chypositic un of her Apne rican Heber, 1h de the. delser aid cart which make the werk of the dog so interesting in Flanders. The milk vi ove Business is almost entirely in the hands of women in that land, and calthoneh one of the men of the family may sonetimey accompany her on bev © pounds; she isithe proprietor of the outht snd s'we farnishes her customers with a very excellent gual ity of milk, Her outfit is not ex- pensive, but if is a marvel of clean- lines and Sher: cans and measires are so well shingd that thee glitter ia the smi ht, Hie the 1p doing cups in A Broadway jeweller's win dow. Her nentiiss of Pros verbial for there is an nee of that slovenliness which ix comion a "mong the working 'classes of Bouth- always tidy and dren ia all) 80 and how Is thes I -------- a ---- a I The Burden Bearers - Northern Europe hair, which is all her dp in a neat, simple sty not easy but she asant the cares to have passed her by, lenthy tries to find her ¥ t oceupation. fist be own, is le. He has of lile seem and her dane me rk is Ripe sha _evi- jpleasuréd in Her hours 4 1 in, the pub re of Hriig sels with milk cart endy for general inspection by six .m., and often she iz compelled to iravel seven or eight niiles to reach The ¢ity? Her -degs--are as well Kept 18 hersolf and pretty picture ws they stand in the iiig open market j lace acepunt for this animads--fivet, lixcause these fifthful beasts call, and setond Pelginm look v beast of burden of man, ahd these 1m st. the ill atous owners, there is a public wspec the qualty of milk sold, and the fondition of the ani wminls which drag it alyut the streets, Giveat care is token t the straps add gird are not to ti go as to thafe the dogs, The re res that a small piece of carpet he carried with the outiit in or that ths deg may vest on adrs sjot while his driver servis custom ges or porsips with other milk mer chants. A bowl, too, for. drinking water must be provided and the ani mal watgred at stated intervals: The dealt Adgs are strong and healthy, and are mSspecinl breed *soen only An that part of the world. They are about the size of the mastifi of the United States, and are trained to hae: ness when they ave puppies. The milk business in Belgiom is a profitable otie; and the milk women know full well that well-fed, well-hotised dog can do better work than 'one which is neglected and half starved. Besides the food they receive from their own- erg, the customers save the scraps from their tables for the animals bringing the wilk each morning. The dogs are muzzled while in the eity, but this doesnot prevent them from guarding the wapgons should their driver go indoors nor let a stranger apvproseh the tthe series of barks dogs set up. will soon make a Pwo reasons the is fond who obey her every heentise the upon a do, and fellow Boker jaws protect th treatment Eyery day tion as to as to care of she of laws of again of unser taw Tap "er ! nothing has been { caption' The Dob Cusrads Lhe Second Hsnd Clothes Weardon in dmslerdar? the attention of 'the OWner oF a poyieem in Iravelling in the cot try they are allowed considerable froe dom and show fine fettle in making splendid time over. the romds. Their feet are well cared for and sick or lame dog can work under the pen alty of a heavy fine, Very light carte are sometimes pulled by one dog, snd when sueh is the ease the drives usual: ly walks. With the heavier carts, threes, four and five dogs are used, ju the reins uve only attached to one of the apimals-a leader, which the oth ers follow, and it is remarkable low this dog guides the others to the smoothest part of the rond: At night the dogs are so tired that they never disturb the peace with their barking. Lately a sentiment has sprung up among the rich people of Belgium against the use of dogs as draft ani mals, and steps have been taken to have a law made to prevent their use 'in that capacity, but the gov: ernment of that country is slow make such as radical change, and done. With the ex: of England, Europe is cus tom fettered, and changing laws which affect the homely and time-honored customs of the common people" is rarely accomplished wntil A movement in that direction has gained some headway among those directly "won. While the writer has never scen tha slightest cruelty = pieacticed upon these work dogs, there are, of colitse, some instances where the dog ig too. small for the burden he is com- pulled io drag. Fifty years ago Fnp- fand decided that dogs were unfit as draft animals and made a law forbid ding them to be used for sueh pur poses. Recently a Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Animals has been of ganized in Belginm and a pum- ber of English residents are interested in the work. They have succeeded in having a law passed in Antwerp pre venting dogs of a certain size from being worked, and also that weight drawn must be in proportion to the size and strength of the canine! To the Belgian of = the poorer class the dog will always be locked upon as a beast of burden. The pet dog is for the rich alone, although the child he poor man loves his parents' Just as the child of the Am often 'make 0 pet of his attract no ther's horse milk hich. § is based i every day by a 2 hare is time (THe 1Zz aa NNER, Ber Foo: A [Tolls nd [ih Wagon | Zoom, The Dof calis the Castomenrs dy Barking FPR CR RIOR - n A. ---------- --- - . Serp IR & Cus iomenr with MIlk ina Seigrom Tow man, and unlike the Belgiom women; he will sometimes overload his cari, though there is a stringent law spadnst sich methods, for the dog is protected by law in that country as well as in Belginom. Milk is delivered from door to doar in carts drawn hy dogs, and the attention of the mistress of the honse is attracted by the bark ing of the animals. This does away with the hideous milk bell such as is used in the smaller towns of the United States. The milk cans are set ih peculiar - looking wooden buckets which are smaller at the top than at the bottom. In Edam, the home of the popular Edam cheese so much rel ished by Americans, these dog milk earts ave particularly interesting. In Volandam, the pictoresque fish ing. village of Holland, fhe dog is frerjuently the burden bearer of the Hish cart, and it 8 no uncommon sight to see the fisherman himself nding in the cart with his wife in her pic turesipue dress ahd wooden shods walks beside the vehicle. This 1s really no great hardship, for the Dutch woman is fond of wallang, and inks nothing of walking five or ten miles * to the market in Amsterdam twice a week In the Jewish guarter Amster- dam the doy does service for the old clothes man who polies his trade with an aggressiveness not to be found in Amwericz, Amsterdam has a large Jewish © population and the second hand clothing dealer flourishes hero as powehers else in the world. Uvery morning these mea start out with their push carts to which the dog is hitched, - In the eapadity of a puller of the waggon the dog is not worked to a great extent, for his business here is to guard the veliels while his master is doors bargaining. These men sell as well ar hay, and are a little diferent in their methods from the proprietors of the Baxter street shops in New York City. The Dutch boy is quite as mischievous as the Améridan; and were it not for the dog guards the curious looking eart might be upset or its contents carried away. The dogs ate alwavs muzaed, but this does not prevent their barking when a stranger approached the curt, The Hollanders on the average are ever of a happy race of people with a kindly | fooling foward: man and beast, and the dogs "with' few, exeoptions are well ir Owners are as laws make it impossible for a poor man to keep a large pet dog, for the animal is taxediaccording to ils height. A dog under seventeen and one-sevetith inches' is taxed $4.76, while the charge for a canine over the shove named height will cost its owner $0.52 per year, This law ap- plies only to pet dogs and was made § ta do nway wath the big dog us a pet om the ground that he takes up too much room. Rogs 'used as dralt animals for budipess purposes are tuxed 32.8% per vewr in the city and #142 in the rural districts. A failure on the part of (he Owner té secure the tax tag by the end of January of ;egeh year is pauishable "by a fine of $11.90. ~ In Berlin the fax on sll dogs. is the samo, $750 per vear. In where so many dogs are used in bi the tax on' draft animals if only ty-eight cents per annum, while, owner of a pet canine must pay nine~ ty-six cents. per year: The mumici padity of Ghent exempts draft dogs &FL from taxation and charges $1.98 on all others ~~ In all these cities the laws are rigid both as to the payment of the liconse and the care of the dog. Cruelty to the animals in any way is severely punished. One hears little of hydrot phobia in these dountries wnere the work dog is a valuable asset in (he business life of the people. Piles, fissures, sto, sucneasful ly treat- ed without an operation. Write for booklet and references. Dr. Hawke, 21 Wellesley street, Toronte For the time being, so to speak, the mn with momey to barn may Five « hot. time. Thi liar does his worst the public ie one. It's impossible for name a price when he work is minus the knowledge vou or to large mough for me Jour --. honesty . A man never bonnet looks thinks his wife's new like thirty cents. sh COND. PART =| PE-RU-NA PROMPTLY RELIEVES". A Case of Dreadful Suffering Which An Account of a Remarkable Recovery Given By Mr. Alfred We Had Continued For Months. Teacher of a Stunts Sihoel af Laupession, Tasmania, ceston, Tasmania (Australia), bas been a teacher for §7 years under the Educational Department of Taspania, He writes, concerning his wife's case as follows: "My wile was suffering for months from gesiro-enteritis, and was given up by her medical attendant, § "By good fortune I was induced to trix Peruna in her case, and I can truth- fully state that from the first d taking five bottles she is permanently cured."' " ise her dragdful suffering ceased ; and after { OW doe: ordinary cures as above recited ? By simply arousing the forces of | edly destined to become greater than ~~ ""Natdre 10 throw off the diseased action, | that of any othr medicine in theworld, Peruna contains no magiosand does wv A ro. As a remedy for stomach and bo él disease, the fame of Peruna is undoul ts 'eruna make such extra- A great many cages like that above ree mot operate in any mysterious way, but | ferred to havetound Peruana of untold it does help Nature to combat disease, | Y*!10 When no other help seemed of any snd thus many times comes to the resw| *¥2 oue of the patient in some important erisis. There is always a tims in the course | of any disease when a little Lelp goes & great way. Just as the scales aré beginning to de- scend, when one ounce more would de-! termine the fate of the patient, a little 11£% will turn the scales in favor of the | {and after patient, Peruna is a handy medicine to have | in the household. It helps many diseases by impartiog a | matural vigor to the whole As atonic or estarrh remedy, ite rapu- | Pe-ru-na For Indigestion. Mr. Donald Robb, Jr., 16 Wrights | Ave,, Halifax, Nova Bcotis, member | Independent Order of Forrestors;writess "While on a visit to Boston, I muss t have gaten something that did not agree | with my stomach, as a terrible case of | indigestion followed. "Peruna was recommended to me using three botiles | waa | entirely cured, #1 therefore recommend Peruna to any one suffering with stomach trouble." Mr.Chas, Brown, + Rogereville, Penn, { Writes: 'A friend advised me to take Poruns system, tation is well established all over the for indigestion and it cured me in», a. | ) ik short time," v -------------- - ssaesesl SA sessasanassssasess, TLADIES FALL SHOES} : i We have a very com- : 'plete range of Ladies' § Shoes in Button or Laced i Blucher Tan, Gun Metal or Dongola Kid. All Suitable for Fall | Weather. : ' ¢ ¢ ' ~8 2 $3.00 and $3. 50 . Jennings, - King 5t. sassssef] frecssssesescssessseses a restore Steel Celings your building or repairing plans and allow us to show you an array of ceiling styles that includes just what YOU want. Write for it to Metal Shingle & Siding Co., Ltd." ~ Braxcit Orvice Axo Facrory--MONTREAL, QUE. 5 on plus utility Let your own eyes tell you the artistic excellence of Preston Steel Ceilings-----as compared with any plaster ceiling. Write to us today for the handsome book that shows some of our charming desigifs. Read the book and your own judgment will show you why.these fireproof, easily-washed, in- destructible ceilings ought to be your choice for your new home or for any renovation you contemplate in any building. They cost less than plaster! Yet they are worth so much more! So . much safer--so much mere sanitary-- so much more practical = Indicate