Ce A -- ---- OUR CRYSTAL BRAND! Standard Granulated Has b been tried and found excellent ao fa and .table use, Price DREW. MACLEAN, _ + Ontario Street. = GAS FIRES, . We hive the imitation hard and soft Coal Fires, just the thing/ for the parlor or dining room grate; no trouble; no dust; a0 smoke: 88 head as comnl to he Let us. give you a price SOME CLASS TO OURS, 7 This is the place to kave your Auto a rupaired to YE J. DUMPHY Cor. Montreal and Ordnance Sts. KINGSTON COLLEGE (Limited) "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' Twenty-sixih all Term ne. August . oer." 'ourses in eorltk, Savion aod Ton i u raduatos get the best . Witt oa short time positions with st rail anada. any Can or "write for informa- Metcalfe, 1 CER Can --SPE CIALS-- Hot Bovril, Hot Chocolate, ) Oysters and Lunches § Pork and Beans, | Geo. Masoud's 100 OREAM PARLOR. 404 PRINCESS NTHERD, 2000000000000 0000000 "oe We = Working Men's and Boys' . Boots; also Wine Shoe Repair- ing done while you walt. 000000000000000060 Sweet Cider New Figs ' Choice Apples Coast Sealed Oysters D. COUPER, Phone 76. $41.8 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery, to stand all kinds of] It's Baker's and t's Deliciou rocess from high , grade cocoa iy scientifically blended, itis of the finest quality, full strength and "J absolutely plire and healthful" Sold in 1/515, 1475, 172 1b. and ' 1 Ib. cans, net weight B of Choice Recipes Sent Free Walter Baker & Co. Limited ' : Established 1780 Montreal, Can. Dorchester, Mass. 1 I. COHEN British~-American High-Class Ladies' Talloring. Has removed from 231 to 267 Princess Street. kg Come and see our Atock and styles before going elsewhere. Lowest pogsible prices. 'Phone _§51. $000000000000000000000 Belf: Ginger bear our for family 6t-the lead. one 00 for a Samble * at wh Fide els 0 rt Thompson Bottling Co. 393 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON. wssevessensesvecese Terese tavess 000000000000 00000000080 Highest 'Grades GASOLINE, COAL OL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. W.F. KELLY. Clarence and On ; Toye's Building 0000000000 ROTNNOIID MARVELOUS; CURES rH ERUPTION Four Children Constantly Scratching. afffoteLinbe Of. + Curedin and Bintan "Tro pis dats daughters and {Wo of my sons 'wee suffering from very bad heads, the doce oeo000000 > | eager to gratily HERDISM o* F THE | HIS MISSION It IS OFTEN A PATRIO- ' TIC ONE. He Must Have Exceptional" Coolness and. Courage and Task Is Treme --- If Caught His Employer Disowns Him-- "Pickle" Is One of the Most Mys- terious Spies In British History. «However interesting to the student may be the records of history as. it appears from the outside, however full of the fascination which clings to the names and doings of great men, there is another side to, all histgry--or al- most all--which has a peculiar charm of its own. It must be, very largely, guess work, containing, as it does, endless mysteries and puzzles; that vast mass of the unwritten inner his- tory of nations, tie machinery. of plots and Snirignes, which has to be pieced together from the scanty evi- dence which has bean Jeft to posterity. And the Jiecing is the more difficult because the very essence of successful ts and intrigues is that they should ¢ carried on with. as little documen- tary evidenee as possible, which might, by accident or treachery, fall into the hands of the o arty, says Manchester Whekly™ mes. The sinister figure. of the spy al- ways turks in Yhe background of these half-revealed political and historical annals--an important, if inglorious, cog. in the complicated machinery of intrigwe. His work may be at Simes rather dirty. work (the title "spy" not, on the whole, a very highly " spected one), but it has been on occa. sion both necessary and patrictic; while more often than not it requires a greater amount of personal cour and certainly of presence of mind, than the more attractive, because more above board methods of hazard- Ing one's life -and liberty. The spy generally carries his life in his hand, with the additional proviso that if he should be found out the person on whose behalf he is working will in all probability disown all responsibility for his doings. Broadly speaking, therefore, it is not wonderful that in many cases the task of amspy has fall én to the lot either of the most des- perate and unscrupulous type of mer- cénary, or of those who care above all things for a Specially risky adventure for its own sa The 'days of the Jacobite plots for, the restoration of the Btuart dynasty, were naturally moted for the energy with whieh spies on both sides carried on their work: and-by far'the most interesting of these darkly mysterious personages was the man who carried on 'the 'work. of betrayal under the name of "Piekle the Spy." The iden- tity of this individual, who, as all are agreed; was a personage of high birth, aud enjoyed a position«of the greatest confidence in the Pretender's egunsels; has been matter for much conjecture and discussion ; but it seems likely eno je conclusion to whieh Mr. Andrew Lang has come, in his in. teresting monograph on the "subject, is the correct one. Mr, Lang deduces that "Pickle" was in reality none pther than young Glengarry, and gives sev- eral reasons for his deduction, which seem perioctis, conclusive, Both "Pickle" garry, hé points gut, were oo iy French service, both were to take yo in the Elibank plat in London in 1752, and both wera intimate with the Earl Marischal in Paris. "Further, the correspondence of the spy mentions the death of his fa. ther at the time of the death of o Glengarry, an' illness when Glengarry was Ml, snd so forth; while, to cons clude, with the death of Alexander MacDonnell, you Glengarry, the figure of "Pickle the Bpy"' seems to Yapish from the es of history. Pickle" re very - important part in the secret history of his day. But for him it is probable that therd would have been another Highland riss ing, certain to fail, $et none the less' on that account -bloody and disas: trous; so that this much good may be said to have come from Glengarry'y hideous treachery to the exiled prince whom he professed to serve. "Pickle," at the time when this rising was in contemplation, was in communication with Honry Pelham, the Minister of George I1.. and forwarded to him & memorial drawn up by his own kins. man, hgarty, givi the names and numbers of the land clang likely to take arms in the Btuart cause. The Elibank plot, which was also abandoned owing to "Pickle"s™ information, 'was to kidnap King George and seize St. James" Palace, and young Glenga rry was to take a leading 'part in this scheme. The reason for Glengarry's treachery, was a rtly neither more nor less than of money, of which, natur. ally, there was more to be had for treachery than for loyalty. It is at the same time almost imeredible that a man of high birth and preud tradition could live a life of such terrible dupli- city, dying, as he did, iscovered, though, a8 contemparary records show, by no means unsuspected. To discover the identity of an in- former during his lifet $time is however, invariably a very difficult business, since death is the almost certain con- sequence of the revealing of his treachery; while the usual destruction of ducumerits from day to day Tenders detect a spy oven lo suffer by discovery. Siar he Sia mystery, ~ example, surrounds the oy AE RQ 'she 'Irish troubles of T708, and to ie by a street ballad of the time, it is not wonderful a ha: the ee not very curiosity: - bunep georsh snd_pasch the May »? 'whith his life was of gold." oh se su os reasops ster, Eel es ut x io ow Lond Bward hig soe R never helivs e Risk of His dna she uw in hao that clatehed | Lg thomas vn a oc of INSECT SENSE OF SMELL Ants Are Said to Recognize Their Dif ferent Species By Oder. . Students of the ior 'of ants are well aware of the that 'they will not tolerate strange ants in hei nests, If a foreign, even though of the same species and fain, sble to human eyes from the inhabitants of the nest, strays in from another nest she is apt to has. fily,ypursued and ettacked by the ants y which be there. + How do they know that she is a foreigner? Bre of: ante. Dota of an fest another ant of exa tly the #ame species abate be A stranger by her r, appearance, English< naturalist {Lord Avebury in his book on "Ants, Bees and W. records some experiments to test the Possibly aT ants may recognize eir pest mates through some move- jiment of the feelers or antennae, with whiéh they sometimes seem greet 'each otheér7when the; poem fio He with ants from different nests and placed them near 'one of the nests. The ants from: that nest came out and carried their help Jess mest mates home, but threw the bodies of their enemies away. Evi. 'dently ! friend and foe were distin Puished by something other than their avior. . A German physiologist, Bathe, soly: ed the EE in the following way: | He suspected that ants fyom: a" for- eign nest might have an odor that excited the warlike instincts of ante 'in _the home nest: Accordingly he tock a number of ants from one nest, killed them and crushed their bodies #0 that the bedy fluids were pressed out. Taking some live ants from a second nest, he first dipped them in water and alcohol and then into the botly riuids of the other ants. He then returned them to their own'nest. Their nest wates fell upon them as if they were driven out and in some instances killed. On the other \band,{ Bethe found that the foreign mest,' odor of which they now Eh bore, would * receive peaceably .the ante which had: undergone the transform. ing treatment. Other observers * have | eonfirmed these results of Bethe's for many spe vies of ants. - The truth, then, seems 'to be that any'ant odor differing from 'their own in, puta ythia ants into a wane like attitude a fois Tt 45g true b that eipintation requi to suppose that a differ. ent belongs to € ant. ness, und oa ied a han elieve, yet ety 4 orf sumashatl things abouts the of ' emall in Smad, ahd-f fh must remembered fhatithe in human, be; is Potions at anil at of { some os de Harb example, .the dog.$ Man em: judge the capacities of other 'animals in the matter of smell by his own poory performances. pe A; Costly! Grudge. {1 The:most ex hatvej act of damage ever ocomunit ar ul ap warker was that of an That 1 émploy- éd on _the a at through one, of the mountaina'in the Black Forest: Jlaving a grudge agai against '| his foreman, he in altering the position of the ita which. marked the course of th RE iThe . excavators were working { upon the itunnel in two sections, one from 'the ¥north *and one from the south, [Owing to She 8 sifting of the stakes the 'sections instead of directed to ithe same point: were found to be 'twenty-six feet apart when they reach- 'ed the middle of the mountain. The northern half of the tunnel had there. 'fore to be entirel jour, $875,000.--] pone a ---------- ¥ w The Matrimonial Game, / # Politics Is like girl, at the end of a season' that had left her further urther oft then ever from the matimonial harbor, looked. sadly sea ard and said: ow hk "Well, marriage Is s lottery! ~~ 5 a fair Joung, widow whose sto a A Tontiry of | fifty. "two ers us an oe SH fair young widow' with 8 toss of the head retorted: " "Don't you believe it. = vs sa game of skill," 2. He n | o LE £ i © g i 2 E i I : FEL 1 = LH g i g : { : EL vi I Es gs FR g 5 E i g i gE » i i § fi : ¢ g i ¥ g L & E i ° K . oii] i 3 5 = 1 iT | i 1 fox or ERs i 37 E : : : i i | : { i : 7 : | i ou i | 5 & i i Ss £ Bg i i E a damental and revolutionizing. Wo- "will shortly Hower is Bbundancs In '| barber cut yomr reconstructed at a day so bruised and dirty that his mod THE FALL FIGURE. ~ Drooping, Lorg-:Necked and Slender Shouldered, it's Truly Feminine. Some people have said 'that there would not be any notable change in the fall styles, but the simple-minded on-looker gets the impression that there will be an alteration quite fun- man's figure is to change. It isn't go- ing to be any simple little alteration, such as sliding from the waist line u or down a few inches from its histo cal position. It is a more disturbing upheaval than that. Jer shoulders, which have been square for upward of ten years, ure now to stopet The Mona Lisa, or the beér bottle figure-- whichevgr concrete image you prefer to call thé present shape tothe mind ~will be the one in'vogue. Woman' is pow to be tall from the shoulders up. After practicing all of her life to stand square, che is now engaged in assiduous practice to let herself droop. Those women who Saanted their natural box shoulders that hav- nu. needad any padding are retirin to the backgroumd of the world o fashion. 'The shoulders will droop, the ' hock will be long, and the hat will be he figure will be soft and rounded, bi it will not comprise hips. All of the figure will be from the waist up. There will be a certain tip or dip or slapt--wait fill you see it, and then ou will understand that the word as not yet been born to name it--in the carriage of the Mona Lisas who the streets of our cities. There will be a careless gase wbout her when later in the day she wanders over vel vet carpets in her dinder dress, her little pointed train sometimes appear. ing to the right, the centre, and, sometimes, to the left of her feet. She who will tread our streets and prepare our dinners and rear our chil. dren will not for the present be a tailor-made type. She will be soft and cocie and ingratiating. For how can the woman who droops, who wears headgear ascending into a pointed crown, who affects the sweet, retiring Sook, keep from modifying her thoughts to harmonize with her bear. ing? Sot a great change in the fall Btyles! Forsooth! Has Buffrage re. ceived such a menace since it firsy be. came popular? The aggressive. woman will not enlist. sympathy when she mounts a platform to defend her in- alienable rights, dressed to look like her great-great-grandmother, with a iquant expression on her face and | er sloping shoulders drooped. Unconventionalities. "You mustn't mind my not asking you to stay to dinner, Mrs. Happen- din. There' 5 just about enough roast beef for our own family." "Yes, that's a beautiful diamond, Jack, dear--if it is a diamond. me see the jeweler's bill for ploase." - "Hawkins, 1, you oughtn't to Jet the hair so short. 1% shows the shape of your head." "You mneedn't have brought book back at all, Mrs. Luxmore; as i spoon. as you borrowed it 1 sent out | and bought another cop "Migglesworth, old BL. talk to me awhile, woa't you? 1'm troubled with insomnia." "Dear sir: In returning these sketches to you we suggest that yon quit trying to break into the maga zines. See if yea can't get a job in & sawmill." L g-- Too 'Wat for Him. Spanish grandees delight in numer- ous pames, even appropriating those that belong to their wives'. families. Oné - of these distinguished dons, wandering too far into the country, t satisfaction i in making beds and bedding of such fine quality as to win compliments like this: "I rested so SE letably the of other night at the ---- Mae, Belleville, that | examined the in the moming and foun your labe! «is Please let me know' whether they are sold in Cuawa. There's great satisfaction, too, in buying and using' beds that are so much better than ordinary, edpecially when they cost no more See that the'EDEAL trade mark is on the bed you buy. Ask us for dealer's name nearest you. Write for Free Book No, 120 «~* IDEAL BEDDING Clues MONTREAL -- TORONTO -- WINNIPEG Let | on oe Good Health is the Target of your aim---=or should be--and est in mpc ortance. good health and you can work with he after nights of "restful sleep-have \ content, If you ait out of heglth, or in poor ¢ condition, see - Get and keep th Hying --=rise what BEECHAM'S PILLS can do for you. Your food will taste ight and nour --your bowels will be reguls i and y us system corrected, Your blood will be purer and you wi I fe heerful, Your whole system will be bencfited-and ven-will- Inde "when any thousands have found that Beccham's Pills hit the target and 'Hit Right Every Time Prepared only by 181 Beecham, St. He er everywhere in Canada and U. 8. Amerie ish you bette? neashire, Engisn . ee ak went astray on a lonely road late at night. He knocked at the door of a an upper window shouted: "Who is there?" "Don Diego" de Mendoza Bilva Ribero Guzman Pimetal Osario Ponce de" Leon Gumaza Accrora Telles. y Giron," replied the grandee. "In that case,' intersupted the | innkeeper, closing the window, "go; | there is pot room here 'for, alt you." a 1 23 nib - Short Story. of | 1 © el A 'all Girt named Bhort who lived rawhere in particular for ong loved a certain big Mr. Little. While Lit tle, little thinking of Bhori, loved a 1 little lass who lived in an equally i healthy place, her name was Well, La make a long story short, Tt s tle propdsed to Long, this made hort long to get even with Little's. | | shortcoming. . 8o 8 horimseling pong. threatened to marry Long. This naturally ovused tay w marry Long before long. Now the question is, Did tall Short love big Little less because Little Jovy, | vd Long? 1 oe it to you. , ---------------- The One He Saved. Harold, aged.nine, came home one! shes was thrown into a state of mark. rturbation. ercy I" she exclaimed in horror. «Hon on earth, my child, did you ges, your clothes ahd face into such ay was taying 10 Jk little bo "I was trying keep a e ' licked," was Harold small inn, the landlord of which from | the | 7 Ordinary " vanilla" ex- tracts are but blends of cheap substitutes. They have not the rich, full savor of hirriffs Made from finest Mexican vanilla beans and aged till the whole strength is in every drop. Good because it is real, Ask the groceryman. Caution © A' smaller quantity required than of any other extract. Other dejeton Shievi flavorings am Katags, Rose, Tamon, Pineapple, Strawberry snd niosty more. EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM The nerves control ail actions af the body 4o that A Ling that debilitates them will weaken ail the system. i y ruined thousands of pro: Drains sap thelr yvigoraad 1 remsin weak ¥. > Howgon feel? pdent and gloomy, es under them, 1 urine, pimpl : able ie orth: rhombi ptt log Po TrisW-the condition sur New Method Treatment js GUARANTEED TO CURE Fa have treated Diseases of Men for almost a Ufo tite. do wot have to experiment. Lamault ual FREE OF CHARCE aml wo wil tell you whether you are curable or not. Ea GS a tee