Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Nov 1911, p. 5

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THES r * THOMAS LAMBERT, * There is" no uncertginty about our Tailoring. elothes will be correct style. No worry shout the quality of the material. TANDARD BAN OF CANADA - Satisfactory Service assured to all Business Entrusted to this 'Bank. Savings Department st Every Branch a -- ERCHANT TAILOR SATISFACTORY. TAILORING-THE STORE OF SATISFACTION. No worry whether the No worry about" the tailoring and trimmings. We take all responsibility ee -- > upon ourselves and guarantee satisfpetion. We solicit your orders and in- vile you to see our Special Indigo Blue Worsted Cloth at $22.00 a suit. Thos. Lambert 157 Princess Street. ms {ani students welcome. . GIVEN AWAY Ten costly prizes to those cus tomers who buy this week at our SALE one eGeods over dollar in value. : " 1 The "Tokyo JAPANESE ART DEALERS. 174 Wellington Street. 7 >a 2 (ORANGE MEAT IS MADE FROM THE WHOLE WHEAT, "Of all the starches and graiis, Wheat in some form is King in ehtdhood, as in every age of life. because it contains most of the life bullding sitrogen combined with its starch." oe ny " Woods Hutchinson, Am. Md. in Saturday Evening Post. Orange Meat and Mik is a Perfect Food and Arch 'streets--Ven. J. Ker MeMo- Demme ern LEARN TO BE A TRAINED NURSE The Training School for Nurses connected with the Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn, of - 300 beds, offers an opportunity to young women to take up the Profession of nursing. Instruction given in all branches. An ele- gant fireproof home for nurses has just been completed and all the comforts of home are provided. The course is a 21-2 year one. Allowance first year, $8 per month : second year, $12 per month; and: the fast six months, $1 r month. If interested, send for pamphlet of information. Address SUPT. OF NURSES, Jewish Hospital, Brooklyn, > THE Phone DRINK HABIT m GATLIN ree IN THREE DAYS : With no hypodermic injections, Absolutely destroys and removes all craving and desive for liquor. ------------ ALL PATIENTS admittedr TREATMENT under contract that it has to be satisfactory or fee paid is refurided. The Gatlin Treatment for the Liquor Habit is being strongly recommended by the medical profession.' THE HOME TREATMENT is just as ef- fective If simple directions are followed. Call, write or "phone for booklet and copies of contract. Strictly confidential. » GATUN INSTITUTE ' 428 JARVIS ST. TORONTO North 4338, Black, White and Colored Beaver Hats. - --- o ry 4 Velour, Hatters Plush, Velvet and Felt Hats. } New Velvet and Chenille Flowers, Willow Tips, Feathers, ' Ma and Mounts. aa A Sites: pet on. "You Will Always Git The Latest At THE DAILY THE CHURCH SERVICES THE FILLING OF THE PULPITS ON SUNDA). There Will be Interesting Theses Considered in the Palpits--The Gospel Message to All People. St. Andrew's--Services, 11 a.m. and Rev, Prof. John Dall, B.D., preacher 'at both services. Strangers Bethel church~11 a.m., "Sovereign Grace'; 3 p.m., Sunday school for «1, George Mills, superintendent; 7. p.m., "Life on File" A church for musie, meditation and message. Seats free: strangerd welcome. St. Paul's church--Moriing prayer and holy. communion; 11 a.m. Sun day school and Bibles classes, 3 p.m; evening prayer,"7 Preacher both services, Rev. R. C. Blagrave, Ves rector o. Christ church, Belle- ville. Monday, 8 p.m., A.Y.P.A. Cooke's Presbyterian church, Brock Street--Rev. Samuel F, Sharp, B.A, B.D, Exeter, Ont., will preach at both services, Sunday school and Bible class, 3 pon; mid-week service, Wed- nesday, 5 pw, Students . and strangers. made welcome at all ser. vices. \ , Fite Church of) Christ, 'Scientist, ~Ohnson street, between Bagot Wellington stréets-L-Sunday gal, ad 11 a.m., subject "Sonal snd © Body." Wednesday- evening, testimonial' meet- img., Free public. reading ° room, same address, open every iernoon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are eordially invited to the services and the, reading room. First Baptist church--Rey, Douglas Laing, pastor, at both services, 11 a.m., "'Conerete Bvils to be Fought'; 7 p.m.; "Fhe Ethiopian's Seeking and Finding the Saviour"; Bible school, 245 pm; a union service--Baptists and Congregationalists--Wednesday, 8 pm. Strangers and' students eordisl- ly invited & all the services. _ St. Weorge's cathedral Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m., holy communion, 11 am., matinse and communion service: preacher) Rev, Capon" Starr, M.A. 3 pm., Sunday school. 3.15 p.m. Bible - classes chapel: 4.15.p.m., Haptisms; 7 p.m. ovensGng; preacher, the Dean Ontario, Special sermon to deats. Subject, "Demas, the Who Looked Back." St. James' church, corner ny of stu- Man Union rine, M.A. D.I,, tector; Rev..d. W. Savary, B.A., vichr, the parsonage, corner Union and Barrie streets. Twen- ty-third Sunday after Trinity. 11 a. m., morning prayer and holy com- mimion, sermon subject, "The. "T'wo- fold OWligation."" 3 p.m., Sunday school and - Bible classes. p.m.; evening prayer and sermon, 'subject, "Early Bible Characters--Enoch." Chalmers, Preslivterian, Barrie and Earl streets--Rev., M. Macgillivray, D. {)., minister. Services, 11 a.m. Rev: A. W. y.ochead, B.D., of Honan, China, '"The I'roblem of Missions." 7 p.m., the, minister, "In An Age of Much , Sight-Seeing the Greatest Sight Of All" Sunday school, 3 p. m. Bible class, with Prof. Matheson, 2.15 p,m.; special congregational meet- ing, Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. Students and sirangers cordially invited toall the services. Brock street Methadist church, cor: ner of Montreal and Brbek streets-- The pastor will preach morning and evening. 11 a.m., subject, "Restora- tion"; 7 p.m., subject, *'Personality." Morning anthem, "Forward to the Battle." Solo, Miss Davies; even-§ ing anthem, 'Nearer, My God, to Thee'"; solo, 'William Eva. Class meeting, 10.30 a.m.; Sunday school, 3 pam.; Young People's society, Mon- day, 8 pm. General prayer _ and praise meeting, Wednesday, "p.m. Ladies' Aid social evening, Friday, at ths home of Mrs. Wright, 305 Bagot street. Queen street Methodist church-- Rev. S. Sellery, M.A., B.D,, pastor. Anniversary services. Rev. Dr. Work- man, of Toronto, will preach atl] am. and 7 pm. 230 pm.,, young men's. club, - 245 pm. 3 school and Bible classes. Music : An- thems, "The Lord Is My Light" and "A Dream of Paradise." Duett, "Rock of, Ages," Mrs. Evans and Mr. Shea. Solos, "Hear Ye Not, O Is racl," Mrs. Evans; "Abide With le," E. F. Trimble. Swudents and stran- rs cordially énvited. Repos 'Street Methodist church-- 11 'a.m., platform meeting, report of Layman's Missionary Congress, by A. Shaw and T. F. Harrison; 2.45 p.m., Bible school; 7 p.m., preacher, Prof. W. H. Greaves, of Queen's University, All welecome.- Music : Anthems, "Stand Up For Jesus," "Hosanna in «he Highest." Solo, "Fight the Good Fight," Harold Angrove; duet, "More Love to Thee," Mrs. James Small and Harold Angrove. Princess Street Methodist church, corner Princess and Albert streets-- Rev. Frederick G. Robinson, minister. 11 am., subject, "Jesus Admired, but Rejected"; 7 p.m., subject, "A Good Man's Advice to His Son"; League, 10 am.; class meeting at close of morning service; 1 EE Sas am. worth League .E., Mon- Ry re Music : Morning anthem, "L- Will Magnify Thee; evening an- » "0, Tell of His Wight" Solo, "My Savi Just 8f Al" Mr. Bin- month of May last year:--Mr--Doii- city pay, half, of she éost if Mr. Don dredge Sunday leuggeited Uity Awditor Muir, ney. Organist and Shoiy Jesfler, Mu. C. Wilder. Students. and all ou will receive a hearty welcome to i. church. : First Coogmegational--Rev, . E, IL. Rice, B.A., pastor. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, subject, "Demas, the Sen sualist"; evening worship, 7 o'clock, Rev. Hugh, Pedley, of Immanuél Cons gregational church, Montreal, will preach the sermon; Sunday school and Bible classes, 3 p.m.; 'Y People's Bible ' class, - with Dr. McCallum as teacher, 3 p.m. There will be a union prayer meeting this week in the First Baptist church. Students and strang- ers are cordially invited to jhese ser- BILL WAS SETTLED $634 HAD BEEN DE. DUCTED FROM IT. Donnelly Wrecking Co. Will be Paid $1,614.65 for Extras--City Would Have Fought Bill if Evidence Had Been at Hand, ' The conferénce which the sub-com- mittee, appointed by the water works committee, to interview the Bon- nelly Wrecking and Salvage 'com: pany, regarding the settlement of the bill for the work on the intake pipe BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1014. NEWEST STYLES Women's and 2.50, 3.00, Our New Rubbers Are Here. Button Boots Patents, Tans, | IN 9% Gun Metals. | 3.50 to 4.50 ; i laid last spring, will result in a sav ing to the city of over $600; ij other words the bill for extras which John = Donnelly submitted and re quested payment for has been low- ered from the sum of $229.40 to #1,614.65, and upou motion of - Ald. Harrison the report 'of the sub committee recommending the adopt ion of the memorandums of settle ment submitted to the Donnelly Wrecking and Salvage company and agreed to Ly them, was. adopted. Such was the gist of the ness done by the water works com - mittee at ite meeting Friday after noon. 'fhe story of how the settle ment wad effected and the incidents leading up to them reads like a ro mance, Bince the last meeting at which the chairman, Ald. John Carson, the su perintendent, and one of the memtlrs of the committee was appointed as a sub-committee to 'interview Mr. Don nelly and try and effect a settle ment, 'Three meengs were necessary in order to get matters straightencd out satisfactorily. At the last meet- ing those present were City Solisibes McIntyre, Superintegdent Hewitt, John Donnelly, his foreman, and "his lawyer, J. L. Whiting. The bill was finally "cut down tosthe smotint in- dicated or a great de f argu mont, ih chairm uted Mr. Donnelly to ba respon for the cost of the work since the leak was diseovered resulting from his defective work about the Fmiddle of the busi- nelly did not wamt to do this, but was willing to pay half of the cost. r. Carson was willing to have the nelly wouldiloweF thé price of the from "830% 4 day to $10, which - the committee found it could get it for, but he was fiat satisfied with this agreement. 22% ow The evidence of the city employees who were.on the scene of the work on the-Simday when the length of pipe was lowered which was found to have been laid imperfectly, and from which the leak sprung, was tak- en at the meeting * of the opposing forecs, but it was very vague and imperfect. If the evidétice of the city employees had been certain' e- nough the city would have fought the account. As it was the eom- mittee thought it better to close the account the way it had been rendered than to contest it. Those present at the meeting were : Ald. Carson (chairman), Alds. Shaw, Litton, Harrison and Hanley. nn N ADVISE (CO! Nil. TO UNITE. (Continued irom a report Hage 1.) th divived. Tle whe] was conversant with the city's financial doings, as he was in touch with all the departments day by day. Ald. Fair held that a civic servant should not be. asked to make a re port, An independent man should be enraged. : Ald. Hartson also suggested an in- dependent probing. : Ald. Hoag recalled the fact that in 1904 a special committee appoint- ed by the city council had sent City Treasurer Ireland and Ex-City Clerk Shannon to various Canatlian cities, and that these two officials had inangurated the best system that could be fourd at that time. It was finally decided to appoint n sub-committee consisting of the may- or and Alds. Fair and Shaw to in vestigate the system of Look-keeping in the city treasury department, nnd bring back. suggestions to the com- mittee. It was clearly stated that the work of no official was ° heing criticized, but that the aim of (he crguirty was to find out of a micre economical method Of book-keeping could be employed. The committee then dealt with the question of department °amalgama- tion. Ald. Carson said that he und An Instantaneous : Wrinkle From Eastern Styles. The average woman is always = prised to learn, after experimentin, with all sorts of h sur. ther, with the storm pli¥ed J boats will be laid up. A fow mariners have returned home for As pir a--g_-- IN MARINE CIRCLES ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO RAISE BARGE DAVY. Messrs. Hinckley and Sampson Agree to Raise Wreck. Before Close Navigation--Number of Boats Have Been Laid up--Marine Notes Around Harbor, 3 A despatch following : "Capt. A. R. Hinckley, of this city, has just taken a difficult wrecking contract in the St. Lawrence river. He, in partnership with Capt. Samp son, has agreed. to raise the sunken barge Davy, which lies in the narrows near Central Park. This barge was loaded with wheat when she went down last spring, but the hatehes came off and most of the cargo has spilled out. The stern of the wreck lies on a ledge of rock but * bow is in sixty-five foet of water. Messrs. Hinckley and Sampson agree to raise the wreck before the close of naviga- tion and if they are successful will re- epive $7,000 for their work." The awful weather, is stil the sub Jeet of conversation among. the marine men. Yesterday's snow storm made it very bad for the vessels, aw it is very hard to navigate in a snow n t from Oswego has the storm, has been just one thing after an: mariners. The wind poo for a couple of weeks, and new snow Worms threaten to bring about a further debry.- A large amount of grain is still at Fort William, ready to he brought down to Kingston and Montreal, but the weather has been so bad that a great deal of time has been lost. A few of the boats have been up for the season, but it will not very long now, hefore all the aid be amaf! of "the the #ason, but the majority are still out, ind will stay on the job until the end of the season. This is the time of the year when it is not at all pleasant smiling on the lake, a time when the weather is very uncertain, and as a result very long delays are experienc: Reports received here from' Fort Viliam state that all the elevators there are jammed with wheat, and the slevator owners now have the prob- lem before' them of what to do with the wheat. In previous years it is stated that wheat has been going out of Fort William at the rate of a million bushels per day. For the mst week or so, it has been moving it less than that rate, so that the ipproach of the close of navigation all the elevators are filled, with no relief in sight. Season Nearing Close. Several grain carriers are now' on their way to Kingston, but the rush of grain is practically over, as it is Can't Trifle With Nature Sleeplessness, shaky nerves, stomach trouble, weak » heart, headaches, etc, are effects often by. tea and coffee drinking. : caused There can be no relief un- til the cause--if it be tea or voffee--is removed. Then Nature will repair the damage; and the return to health can be hastened by using well-boiled ~the pure Hquid food drink containing the nourishing ele- ments of wheat, Including the 'phosphate of potash (grown in the grain) which Nature requires in rebuilding body and brain. "There's a Reason" And it Is explained in the little book, "The Road to Weil ville," in packages. . osiwn Cereal Co. ABERNE prs Spine asta penton, fiir ETHY'S | National Drug and A New Head In 30 Minutes Exchange that aching. *hrobling, suitering, imsddied heed for a cleat, coul, comfortable one by - NA-DRU-CO Hea 25¢. a box at your druggists' or by mail from Chemical ache Water 28 Co. of Canada, Limited, Montreal We send you the Cards Premium Catalogue, giving You send full Dept D5 50 late that the vessels will not re. turn to Fort William, and come down to Kingston again with another load. I'he steamer Kinmount, one of the last boats to unload, cleared for Fort William, but will load grain for Georg ian Bay, and thus has made her last trip of the season to this port. Movements of Vessels. The ogg tsk Boy, made a trip aver from e Island, with pressed hay, "fer ghe R.C.H.A. The steamer "Dundee; gréin-laden, irom Fort William, lightered her car- go, at Richardson's elevator, and cleared for Montreal. Some of the vessels comprising the local fleet, have arrived at Oswego at last, after waiting around for several days, as a result of bad weather. T. Co's. elevator--Steamer Kin- mount, from Fort William, discharg ed a full cargo of wheat, and cleared for Fort William, to load grain for the Georgian-Bay; Steamer Nevada, from Fort, William, lightered wheat, and will proceed to Montreal; the tug Emerson arrived from Montreal with three light barges, cleared for Montreal with three grain barges. QUEEN'S COLLEGE NOTES. Have the Best Campus. The Queen's Journal says Ww. C Clark, M. A, and J. W. McIntosh will likely represent Queen's in the first inter-collegidte debate, that with Ottawa College, in Ottawa, on Decem ber fifth. Dates Science dinner, Dee. 13th: Fin- al 'year at home, Dec, 1st, and Arts "13s social evening, Dec. lst. Principal Gordon says Queen's auth- orities hope to have the best campus of any in Canadas and it is heir de sire that the students will make the best "use of it. Rev. G. M. Millar, M. A, "90, has been chosen to fill the chair of prac tical theology and English Bible, un der Dr, Dyde in the Presbyterian Col- lege at Strathcona. Registration up to date shows a slight increase over that of the same date last vear. The, steady growth of the last few years is still being wain- taired. Desire to College POLLUTED RURAL WELLS, What Dr. W. T. Connell Say} 'He Found. At the Woman's Institute conven tion 'in Toronto, Dr. W. T. Connell, of Queen's University, divulged some startling facts as to the character of the: water supply in the rural com: munities of Eastern Ontario, in the course of a lecture "on "Water Sup ply." Ont of 1,000 samples of well water which he examined, two thirds were polluted; that is to say, the doctor added, they showed the pre sence of bacterial organisms from the intestinal canals of man or beast. In one village, the doetor said, he found only three wells that gave pure water, in other words, over eighty per cent. of the wells in -that_ village are pol Hated. ~ "It is time that Ontario is waking up to these conditions," said the doc- tor. "It is a fact to-day that there in more typhoid fever in the rural eom munities than in the cities, and four fifths of the typhoid is traceable = to water," * Yes, Quite Active. : Queen's Journal remarks: W_J.0 " Tom' MeAuley in an everpelic eiti- zen, isn't he?) FP. P. Yes, hs quite active for a stationery man." 4 is Elmer Minaker, Point Traverse, 3 i to go through ag coming to | operation for appeadicitis, ages Asthma cigarettes, at Me i's Drag Stores, de soriptions a -------- FREE We give Gold-filled this Genuine Extension Bracelet §4 Cards Free for of, selling worth Christmas us the money when sald Dao not delay, Write for Overland Merchandise Co. TORONTO a WRITING DESKS --AND--- BOOKCASES A nice and useful Present for x good little Boy or Girl. PARLOR SUITES kg 11: AND PANCY CHAIRS ON SALE '™T1S WEEK 4 aw A JAMES REIDS' 'Phone 147; Free to Girls, Beautiful French Dressed Doll, 18 inches tall, with eyes that open and shut; Rolled Gold Locket and Chaln, or Hockey or Spring Skates freeto any girl. Send us -your name and we will send you 30 sets of beautiful Christmas Greeting and other post cards to sell at ten cents a set (6 cards fn each set). When sold send us the money and we will send you whichever prize you choose. We prepay all charges. Address, HOMER-WARREN Dept. 17, Toronto, co, CONFIDENT OF VICTORY, Many Italians Left for Home to Take up Arms. During. the past ten days, it is sia passed through on the Grand Trunk, on their way to Sunny Italy, via New York. They say they will enlist for the Italy Turkish war. It is stated that quite a large number of the Ha- lians hailed from Chicago, and some even came | from points farther west, Many of the men had been engaged | on various, construction on different railways, in the western states, hut at the lirst call to arg, they were ready to drop their pick and shovel, aad take up the rifle. Quite a number of the party who have left, are trained soldiers. They are all confident that Italy will win out in the str aud unre of the belief thut the battle will be over hy the time they reach home. It iy easier to learn bad habits than it is to unlegrn them. Roots have great medicinal power, are raised to their highest efficiency, for . purifying and enriching the blood, 6 Sey pare combined in Hood's Sarse- pari : 40,266 testimonials received by actual count In two years. Be sure to (Ake Hood's Sarsaparilla Get 1 today. Sold Barks Herbs That, 4

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