You have pro- bably been in- tending fo try Red 'Rose Tea for some time but from "force of habit", have just kept on using. another tea. Break the Habit and buy Red Rose ¥ JE At Marysville; Tyendifagn.~ Marysville, Tyendinaga, Nov. .17.-- Word was received here Thursday the death in the Hotel Dieu, King- ston, of James Cassidy, a former re- sidetit of this place. Quite a from here attended Mr. Allison's sale at the, second. conces- sion on Wednesday last. The after Scan he is able to be around again his serious illness. Mrs, J. P. Jon und little son, John, of Centre, are visiting her parents, and Mrs. John €. Meagher. Dafon has passed his veterhary amination quite suceessfully. Mr. Mrs. M. Sexsmith, Kingsford, Tuesday with GIR daughter, Joh' Rumell. Restores color to Gray or Faded hair--Removes Dan- Bema ELL Stops its hy hr s not a dye. EEE EEE ies Co., Harfina Sosp is unequaled Sing the Seal € FUs a TITUTES JAS. B. McLEOD, AQERT. the hue > of number Johnathon friends of Johns Topping are pleased to hear Nairn Mr. Arthur ex- and spent Mrs. Told In * @rcrvasssassans (Continued from Page 2.) : A very bright and enjoyable tea wis given on Friday afternoon, by Mrs. 14 Torraucs, at her residence, on | Birwk street, in honor of het other, Ais, Pesnistoun, of Winnipeg. The ten table was centred with wo «. tall] vasen full of huge pink chrysiithe. | muing; surrounded by small vases of (white carnations. Mrs. W. R. Garrett poured the tea, Mrs. A. K. Kirkpat- rick poured coffee, apd Miss Louise hirkpatrick served the jee cream. The girls who assisted Wey Miswés Aileen and. May. Rogers, ) Constance Cooke, Mise Ain a Kath ledn Crisp and" Miss Lassie Kirkpat- rick. Among the guests wese noticed Mrs. Charles' Taylor, Mrs. W. -G. Craig, Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Mrs. John Fairlie, Mrs. James Higgins, Mrs. Rus- sell Stewart, Mrs. James: Cappon, Mrs. J, B. Carruthers, Mes. Frank Strange, "Mra, W. Ritkpatrick, Mrs. J. M. Strange, Mve. Loucks, Mrs. W, B. Carey, Mri. Boyd, Mm. T. G. Smith, Mrs. W. I. Craig, Mrs: Camp- bell Strange, Mrs. Arthur Craig, Mrs. P. G. €. Campbell, Misses Muckleson, Miss Ada Bates, Miss Lillian Mowat, Miss Mabel Gildersiceve, Miss Xunie | Fairlie and Misses Fowler. - FR SS . Mrs. CC, W. Ashby and Miss "Edith Folger are chaperoms = at -a surprise party at "Maitland House" this even- ing, given for Mr. Sherman Will. The guests include Miss Marjorie Camp- bell, Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Kathar- ine Hart, Miss Hazel Browne, Miss Mary Strange, Miss Eleanor Phelam, Miss Helen Duff, Misses Lucy and Gwendoline Waddell, Miss Ruth Ang- lin, Mina Annie Minnes, Miss. Ward Finkle, Messrs Sherman Hill, Harold Brownfield, Hérbert Steacy, "Ted" Rogers, Dick Elmer, Lesslie Smith, Willie Minnes, Jeremy Taylor, 0. Cal- vin, Willie Garrett, Eric Carruthers and C. Ashby, Mrs. A. B. Cunningaam, On-gwa-na- da, etitertained the children's club on Friday evening in honor of her daughters, Misses = Margaret and Elizabeth. A very jolly evening was spent in dancing. Mish Hazel Browne presided at the piano. The guests in. cluded Misses Gwendolyn and Doris a . - 3 '. hl Small, Miss Ethel Kent, Miss Dorie Browne, Miss Sybil Kirkpatrick, Miss Vetg Minues and Miss Helen Strgnge, Messrs. Howard Folger, Gordon Small, ('. Ashley, E. Ryan, Victor Minnes, W. Nickle, Jr., and George Kirkpat- rick, * "X"Very enjoyable Dutch luncheon was given, on Wednesday, at the Country Club. The guests were Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Helen Gordon, Miss Vera Carson, Miss Blossom Valleau of Otta- wa, Miss Mudge Dawson, Miss Louise {Brough and Miss Sylvia Cochrane. Mrs. Fisken, Madison avenue, To- yonta, was hostess, on Tuesday even- ing, at a very delightful dance, in honor of Migs Mildred Jones, and Miss Mamie Garrett, . Miss Lauder Nesbitt, of New York, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mes. Hare, Alived street, will leave for Ottawa, early next week. Mrs. Ward returned on Wednesday to. Napanee after visiting Mrs. H. Finkle, Union street. . : Miss Loretta Swift, King street, is now the guest of *Ladys Maxwell Ait- ken; in London: Miss. Nan Bkinner, King street, who his been visiting in to, is mow in Ottawa to attend the opening of Aparliament, and is "the he of Miss Evans, Bailey avenue. "Miss Skifiner will return to Toromio later on to join her mother, Mrs, Heéhry Skinner, and spend some Sime there. Miss Marjory Brownfield, wirpet, who has York, for , past_few weeks, return- home to V. Captain and Mrs, Hopwood arrived in town from India this week and will reside on King sfreet in the house for- Wellington yisiti ing in New _ IAMAICA ORANGES. JAMAICA GRAPE FRUIT. LA. J. REES, FLORIDA ORANGES. MALAGA GRAPES. Phone 58 Mine Lavoe -S@ borg Miss Sth. Mudbiifiing os root sem : n - -- merly oedapicd Colonel nd Mrs. Bouglas Young. Professor #00, C, street, returbed on' Friday from tawa, where he went fo attend opeding of parliament. . Campbell, George Ot the Miss Nora Macnee and Miss loris Kent, who have been visiting Yrs. S. Clarke, in Detroit, expect: to leave next week for Toronto to spend a few days before returning home. Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, Elmhurst" leit ou Wednesday to spend some time in Flofida. Pr. G. € Workman, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, S. Birch, Hiagot sireet, jor the week-end. Mist Hall, of Napanee, is a guest in town town for the medical dance in virany Halt ob Friday evening: ine Graham Stark, of Gananoque, spent. Wednesday ia town. Mrs. Fane Sewell will arrive on Mon- day from 'Toronto to visit Mrs, I. . Peta, West street. . stem Miss Mattie Wilkins, of. Trenton, who hag. been spending some time in Ottawa, arrived in town today to be the guest of Mrs. James Craig, Jiarl street, to . Pol as Young, ursduy for od: the winter, Mrs. H. W. Casey, who has spent the summer with her daughter, Mrs. R. I, Carson, "Romily House," leit on Friday to visit her son, Mr, O. N, Casey, in Syracuse. Miss Gertrude Lawson, of Sherring- ham, England, who has been visiting in New York and Philadelphia, ~re- turned to Kingston on, Friday to spend some time with Miss Marie Car ruthers, Sydenham Street. Kink street, Toronto, to The Bishop of Ontario and Mrs. Len- nox Mills, Bishopscourt, who have] are expected home on Monday. Mrs, William Gilchriese, of Cape! Vincent, spent a few days' this week with Mrs. W. G. Craig, Barrie street, and returned home on Thursday. Mrs. Frederick Hammond returned to Toronto, to-day, after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Macparland, Emily street, Miss Mamie Garrett, who has been visiting in Winnipeg, is now in To- ronto, the guest of Mrs. J. Kerr Fisken, Madison #&venue, Mrs. W. K. Wormwith, Earl ks left, on Tuesday, for Lachine, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Finnie. Mrs. J. B. McMurchy returned to Gananoque, on Thursday, after spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W ay str WN Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wills, Svden- ham, announces the .engagemefit of their daughter, Georgina Vearl, to Dr. Charles McPherson, of Ottawa, the marriage to take place on Nevom ber 6th, Mrs. Henry Thomas Butler, Strat- ford, Ont., announces the engagement of her daughter, Anna Maud, to Alex ander. Campbell Paterson, the (Ontario inspector. of the Merchants' Bank of Canada," and eldest son of the late J. C. Paterson, of Kingston. The wed- ding will take place on December Sth, in St. Paul's church, Toronto. MR. LANCASTER I$ ON THE WARPATH Gives Notice of Bills That Wil Embarrass the Government. Ottawa, Nov. 17.--A. E. Lancaster, whose cabinet aspirations were rudely squelched by Mr. Borden, has given notice of several bills which will prove embarrassing to the government, He has placed- on the order paper his re solution of last session, providing fer senate reform by the abolition route. Incidentally it may be noted that an- other step towards '"'senate reform" was consummated yesterday, when Messrs. George Taylor and ' Rufus Pope, M.P's, were introduced and took their seats in the upper chamber. r. Lancaster will ask the govern- ment to handle another live wire by introducing a bill to amend" the Mmar- riage act. Premier Borden will ¢onse- quently be asked by 'one of his own followers to choose between his Or auge and nationalist supporters in re- gard to the ne temere debree: Mr. Lancaster is also out again with his hardy annual--the bill for the abolition of level crossings, He also. has a resolution urging immedi- ate action on the deepening of the Welland canal to twenty-five feet. nln -. Farmers Have Profitable Crops, Simooe, | Ont., Nov. L184: R. Saunders, of Acacia, raised a pro- fitable erop of corn this year in a field on hie farm of less than twelve acres, He sold the field for $505.80, besides filling two silos ten feet by twenty-eight feet. Sarnia, Ont., Now, 18.--~John Ford, of the tenth line, Wost Enniskillen, drew to John Bicklels elevator in Petrolia. on Saturday what is un- doubtedly the: most valuagle load of farm produce ever defvered in Pe- troles, 'viz, a Joad of timothy seed that wall net him within a few dollars: of "he threshed - Mr, Ford drew it with a span rey, horses: for which he refused to go home, hut anything ji than the Brockville Cheese Board. Brockville, Nov. 16.--~One thousand, and three hundred and seventy boxes, of which three-quarters were colored, were offered at to-day's cheese board. ged from 13c to 13 3 Hit t3seelir I Sad THE SHADOW. OF been spending a few days in Toronto, | ted their natural eoloF, and ev erybody .jone year for complicity in the attack | corn from the| sae BRITISH -- SATU BDAY, NOVE TT TT _ POOR HEATLH Dispelied Thraagh the Use of Or Williams" Pink Pills. When the shadow of poor health falls on your hfe, when hope begins to fade and friends look serious, then is the time you shovid réfuem- ber that thousands just as hopeless | have been cured and restored to the! sunshine of health by Dr. Williams' i Pink Pills, These pills actually 'make | new, rich blood which brings a hea to angsmiec cheeks, cures ( gestion, headaches and backaches, drives out the stinging pains of "rien matism and neurylyia, strengt hens the | nerves and relieves as no other medi [4 cine can do the aches and which only women folk suffer from. any emergency of poor health ¢ Pr. William's Pink Plls a fair t and they will not disappoint ony Here is a case that to many a weary sufferer. Mrs. I. K. Sanders, St. Thomas, Ont. says: "About four years ago.l took a vere cold which I neglected, that 1 would soon be all right aga. at i { i in| i and run-dewn condition. 1 seemed to | have no ambition to do anything and my heart and nerves became so bad | I was forced to bed. was called in said the trouble was chronic anaemia, but in spite of his | skilled dttendange I was unable to sit up and eat, but"had to be fed with a | spoon. One day a visiting friend sug- gested my - trying Dr. Williams' Pink! Pills, and I sent for a half 'dozen | boxes. In a short while 1 began' to eat better and feel better, and by the time the pills were used I felt alto- gether different; my heart did not bother me, my lips and cheeks regain- | who saw me remarked: on how well 1 was once mare looking. Wishing to bo on tae safe side, 1 took two more box- es of the pills, which made a com- | plete cure, as I have had neither ashe | nor pain since, and I' now weigh 146 pounds: I always recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and 1 hope that | this letter may he the means of sug- | gesting relief to many of my sisters | who suffer as I did." Sold by all medicine dealers or sent | by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine €o., Prockville, Ont. CONFIDED IN MAN. He Now Admits Zaring and Feather ing Girl, Lincoln Center, Kansas, Nov. An admission of guilt in the party" case came yesterday. Ricord, a barber, decoyed Miss ! 18, ~ "tar Edward admitted that be Mary Chamberlain, school teacher, to. a poing Dd Beud, where she was "tarfod' on Aug-| ust. 'seventh. He went before Judge Dallas Glover, and entered a plea of guilty. Sentence was sgspended until | after the trial of the other accused | men. Ricord has been in jail for the last |= three months awaiting action on ap- | peal from a justice court sentence of | on Miss Chamberlain. It is alleged ho | received five dollars for his part in the "tar party.' According to Miss Chamberlain she | accompanied Ricord on the night of | the attack under the impression that he was taking her to a dance. Potatoes, ford. At Cleveland, Ohio, after Mrs. Gertrude Ryan admitted she "kept a good strong woman in her home -to beat her hushblind when he needed it" Judge Vickery decided she wasn't en- titled to alimony. THE GIRL WITH THE AUBURN HAR | The phenomenal" success of Parisian Sage has led to many attempts to substitute and imitaté. We, therefore, ask you to insist on being supplied with the genuine Parisian Sage. Parisian Sage Relieves Itching Scalp A single application of Parisian Sage will relieve itching of the scalp, It goes quickly to the seat of thé trouble and remqgves the cause. Parisian Sage can be obtained from Jas; B. Mcleod, for fifty cents a large bottle. Remember Parisian Sage is guarap- teed to do all that 'we claim and your druggist is authorized to refund your money if it fails. This is why you must make sure that the girl with the auburn hair is on each package. Let Us Help We can help you more P. you know in the troubles and worries of house. cleaning. Let us clean and dye your curtains, furniture coverings and other household articles, white and mealy. J. Craw- Comparison season. glow {ganized and games lof Ottawa. will bring hope | are being angled for. The doctor who [secure the services { Alerts are heavier | Weights. On the back division | tained at | Cleveland and under is a erving farms of the opportunity to the .immigrant the native unemployed. This condition ence Aities, {ing ihe MBER 18. 1911. (THE SPORT REVIEW, _ MeGILL AND MONTRE AL RUGBY TO-DAY. of Toronto Argonauts and Hamilton Alerts--Hockey Will Boom in Buffalo and Cleves land. Brantford will fessional boxing. Hockey will A aly not allow any pro Buffalo this gue has} of- will be plaxed on boom in leag n yutdoor rinks, There will be a Montreal city cham- donship rugby game, after--ab; the Mer sll and M.AA.A, teams having ar anged to play a meteh on . the pains | grounds, of the latter to-day. Regina is: gathering up Eastern {hockey players for an amateur team. { They have secured "Jack" Williams, A couple of Toronto men Hockey games are already being nayed at Cleveland, There wiil be no Hocal league, but Canadian teams will thinking {be taken over for © xhibit won games, schools {The Cleveland high have a But instead I found mysell in a weak | league. The Ottawa hockey club will make an effort at Saturday's meeting of the National Hockey Association, to oi Fred Taylor, from the Montreal Wanderers, At the Varsity rugby €lub expcutive | meeting, a. resolution' was passed, | strongly disapproving of the policy of. | men playing on iater-faculty teams teams. Tating this principle red from playing in university teams. and city university men vio- be Jdebar in In preference future to any will There . is but little difference weights between the Toronto and Hamilton Alerts. On the wing line there is only thirty-four pounds. In {the scrimmage Argos are heavier, but outside wing At middle wing advantage in it in at and at inside wing. Argos have a big is break. international hoekey league mentioned so often is almost com- pleted, unofficially of course, but it { will not be ready and. in working or {der till next season; the 1912 13. The teams as far ascer- present to be taken in are Buffalo, Detroit, Boston, four Canadian teams. Ottawa, Toronto and | about an even The new of as can be one Chicago, | representing Montreal, Jaban cis to bevépresemted by track and field team at the Olympic games next year, and a move is now way to find out the best men for each event. What stirred the Jap anese was the announcement that { China' would send a tenmy.and the for- mer fiation is not going to be outdone in the matter of progress by any of its Oriental neighbors when it comes to something modern. At Paris, France, J. Bonin, the Col | 2b runner, covered nine kilometres metres '(about .six miles, fifty i in half an hour. This beats the world's record, established in 1863 by J. W. White, of England. The nearest { American 'records to that established {by Bonin are the 'indoor and outdoor igix-mile records made by J. G. V. { Bonhag, Irish-American A. C., which are respectively thirty minutes, forty- two seconds and thirty- one minutes five and a hall seconds, COMING TO THE GRAND. "The Great McEwen" on Hand All Week, The management of the Grand takes pleasure in announcing the appearance for one week, commencing Monday next of the Great McEwen and com- pany 4 McEwen is the world's greatest hy pnotist and will present a programme entirely different from anything seen here before. There is nothing the least objectionable about the Great McEwen entertainment, nothing to shock the most sensitive and fasti- dious, or to excite any religious or political animosities, They are sim ply illustrated lectures upon a purely scientific subject of which the masses oi the people know very little. True, they are amusing, they are intention- ally #0, yet the practical, useful and beneficial side of the subject is brought plainly to view and indelibly impressed upon the mind of the audj ence, Nothing is done to startle or in flit mental or bodily injury upon anyone, and no fear need be entertain ed by the nervous regarding any ill: fficete which they may imagine ollow the experiments. Miss Florence Hartly, prima donna, soprano, . in operatic selections, will appear nightly. "Madame X"" Coming. Probably the most important event of the local theatrical season will be the first presentation in this city of Henry W. Savage's production of "Madame X," Alexandre Pisson's cele brated melo-drama, which has proved the dramatic sensation of this genera- tion both in Europe and America. Originally - produced at the = Theatre Porte Ste. Martin in Paris in 1907, with Mme. Jane Hadding in the title role, 'Madame X" tock part by storm, playing for over a year to record-breaking receipts. Its ' Paris tri h wae duplicated in London, Berlin and Vienna, and the excep tional popularity of the play in Ame. rita has since been solidly established in New. York and Chicago, where ca- pacity audience have marked every performance. "Madame X"' tomes to the Grand on Wednesday, November 20th, Labor Scarce on US. Farms, Washington, Dn. Cs Nov. 1B. --Thete for labor on the nited States, offering and state immigra- tion officials here at a joint confer- with the federal immigration auth-} called for the purpose of find- 5 Roh ore Tor the: Den immigrants, settlers and the Argo] or will | means of co-operation between | * only in INDUBITABLY Write for prices. the best general machin ry is Bearings Harris Heavy Pressure "A, RICH, FRAGRANT TEA "SALADA" is fresh from the gardens of Ceylon--the PLAY finest tea-.producing country in the world. Sold sealed lead packets. whith preserve its native ALAD and goodness. Ask your grocer for a package to- day. Youll like it. Babbit Metal for all The Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Fraser Avenue Torontb DOCTOR'S! | PRESCRIP ERG Fhe most this country advanced physicians of an 1 Europe are now pre eribing sh of Wintergreen, Th nol and other soothing and ) ingredients for the cure of moriasis and all other 'forms of rouble. This compound is known he D.D.D. Pre Dr. Holmes, specialist, hat the D.D.D. nuch a specific {mnine for & ion well kr "1 . Prescription for sczema malaria. 1 have the wn ski writes is as as 1s been pre ; For Sale " Sales Negotiated Fire Insurance "Phone 288. | scribing' the ant convinced | ET ---- TON FOR ECZEMA. . years.", absolutes the remedy for or the € and will take away ou apply it. swe and get nedy for eczorha shles, Or write totes, Dept. K. W_, for their will be glad G. WW. Ma- We our mto on posted thrap d "all {the D.D.D 0 | tree 1 olborn sample nd 5 ront bottie immediately, [hey 0 Re ! hood ---- EL LL TY TE AD LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW or to Rent. Rents Collected Conveyancing and Real Estate E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON, ONT. THE PERFECT COOKING BUTTER, KO-KO-BL1 vegetable is just clean, v te. butter which make food more BIGESTIBLE, WHOLESOME and more than any other shortening. Test your und prove own kitchen, "YOUR GROCER SELLS DOMINION COCOA-NUT BUTT MONTREA RO-KO-BUT smm---- = pure yOu more TASTY in ITY ERS, LIMITED, Ly, CANADA, ICanC In order to show beyond all doubt that 1 am in po ion of a m that will cure kidney tr « uble or rheumatism, I i ten thousand dollar ¢, and an diseases can get a All that is necesséry dress, of is to send me your ad x it or all ¢ that I wil absolutely f the Urie Acid su show them where av I will net expect pa cine, nor would 1 You sent it. It is fre the word: For twenty five years--a qt tury~--1 have ben trying to cony Bie that 1 have somethin genuine, better than others have for t born, chronic rheuma tism, ney Sagkache, Hit it © rd to ¢ peor few ng weet) y and give ug and refuse to listen to snyome thes eat Happily, I am in a position now to 4 Strate to sufferers at my cwn expense t have & medicine that cures these Giseas 1 don't ask them to spend any mone out: I don't ask them to believe to take the word of reliable pes 38 that Shey. wliow me to out, ail of it fresh and, will be enough for all sufferers be thousands of them. : needs it can get $ ordér that 1 shall vw that you have a ease for which this mediding is intended, ask you to send me some af you symptoms. If you have any of in the list printed here y and if you will write 1 you a box of it free t : leading | ¢ Franidin Ba The ten thousand the compounding of my part of the money 1 am devoting ¢ te far Eig package of medi ully prepaid at ang ott you view expense or obligation. Jue you know ire suffering whe sent you the medicine that cured' you. 1 am promising to give sway ten thousand | daliars' worth of medicine, and T will do that Tams promising to send aay sufferer who writes me 3 box of this medicine and fui free of charge, and 1 r {os i {tay to date an tl {writ oe | will do that. | I Am Willing To Prove ure You To That End I Am Giving Away $10,000 Worth of Medicine t absolut ety free. | DR. T. FRANK LYnoTT | whe is giving away $10,000 worth of medicine. {1 cans say further that this medicine has ¥ | woue ched for according to law as complying I with all requifements. It isn, ft will stop pain and back v stop tos frequent desire LL, bi in will .beal, soothe and strengthen. nu will be better tu every way for having taxen it. There i6 not an ingredient that can jure; net one but will bemeft. AH that | ask is that a 80 that yeu we number of requests, T eusand more copies of my rinted. This book is new and contains complete descriptions, cures of kid: Bers en n i y He edi © {aymptoms, causes, effets ar biaddef and rhewmatic dincasel. All who write for the free medicine will be' sen? 3 copy of this grand Hustrated medical book- largent ever Written on these diseases for frep general distribution. | If you need medicine such as 1 have, if you are anxious to be tured and don't want spend Say moséy LOOKING A rae eal me hear from you today, These Are the Symptoms: -Pain fn the back. 2 Too frequent desire tn grinste, Se Rurning or obstruction of urine, 4 Pula or soreness in the bladder. Prostate trou 6 Gow or ha +4 tomach. Coner Aprd hy weal Pew, Sixdnem Pain or hen upder -awalfing bs wax + of 1! iy. Comps tipa thon pi var trouble, Paipitation or pain uader the heart. ~Fain in the hip joint. . nu in the nek or ~ Fini ov soreness - the kidneye Pain or ----ine of the joints. oo » of the imuacies, T-Pain and soreness in serves. 18-Acute of chronic rheutns tion. petit wr kk Sn-- EI The man who can talk without sey- | ing anything is the men who shines | i} Lin Society. The more a woman knows the . jer it is for her not fo tell it, = a -- even big Rome rp that tou fall " for mee in thm: The mad who starts out to trouble pever gels hallway,